changeset 1320:d949e6cf6a79

<GreyKnight> cat $(which words) | paste
author HackBot
date Wed, 09 Jan 2013 15:10:41 +0000
parents da29044dfa01
children 9352af6ab2bc
files paste/paste.17694
diffstat 1 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/paste/paste.17694	Wed Jan 09 15:10:41 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+use strict; use warnings;
+use v5.10;
+use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std);
+use File::Basename 'dirname';
+use Storable 'retrieve';
+use List::Util qw(sum min);
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt);
+    eval {
+        require Math::Random::MT::Perl; Math::Random::MT::Perl->import('rand');
+    };
+#warn "Optional module Math::Random::MT::Perl not found.\n" if $@;
+my @options = qw(eng-1M eng-all eng-fiction eng-gb eng-us french german hebrew russian spanish irish german-medical bulgarian catalan swedish brazilian canadian-english-insane manx italian ogerman portuguese polish gaelic finnish norwegian esolangs);
+my $n = 4;
+my $default_opt     = "--eng-1M";
+(my $default_dataset = $default_opt) =~ s/(^|-+)([^-])/\u$2/g;
+#help info
+my $help_text = <<END
+Usage: words [-dhNo] [DATASETS...] [NUMBER_OF_WORDS]
+  -l, --list             list valid datasets
+  -d, --debug            debugging output
+  -N, --dont-normalize   don't normalize frequencies when combining
+                         multiple Markov models; this has the effect
+                         of making larger datasets more influential
+  -o, --target-offset    change the target length offset used in the
+                         word generation algorithm; use negative integers
+                         for best results
+my $list_text = <<END
+valid datasets: --@{[join ' --', @options]}
+default: $default_opt
+#data from loaded files
+my @loaded_data;
+#data after normalizing and combining datasets
+my $grams;
+my $freqs;
+#some command line options
+my $debug_mode;
+my $target_offset = -4; #needs testing;
+my $dont_normalize;
+sub pick(%) {
+    my ($f) = @_;
+    my @c = keys %$f;
+    my @w = map { $f->{$_} } @c;
+    my $r = rand(sum(@w));
+    for(0..$#c) {
+        return $c[$_] if $r < $w[$_];
+        $r -= $w[$_];
+    }
+    print "end of pick loop reached. returned $c[$#w]\n" if $debug_mode;
+    return $c[$#w];
+sub get_gram {
+    my ($key) = @_;
+    ##Lazily interpolate the gram table on the fly
+    ##then cache the results
+    unless (defined $grams->{$key}) {
+        for(@loaded_data) {
+            my $data = $_->[0];
+            my $g = $data->{$key} or next;
+            my $sum = $dont_normalize || sum(values %$g);
+            while( my ($c, $v) = each %$g ) {
+                $grams->{$key}->{$c} += $v/$sum;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $grams->{$key};
+sub generate {
+    my $target = pick($freqs) + $target_offset;
+    my $word = ' ' x ($n-1);
+    my $c;
+    do {
+        my $len = (length $word) - ($n-1);
+        my %ftable = %{get_gram substr($word, -$n+1, $n-1)};
+        ($ftable{' '} //= 0) *= 2**($len-$target);
+        $c = pick \%ftable;
+        $word .= $c;
+    } while $c ne ' ';
+    $word =~ s/\s//g;
+    $word = "$word (L-T: @{[length($word) - $target]})" if $debug_mode;
+    return $word;
+sub load_dataset {
+    my ($mod) = @_;
+    push @loaded_data, retrieve ("share/WordData/$mod") or die "Unable to load $mod";
+sub main {
+    #if (my $d = dirname $0) { chdir $d }
+    ##Option handling
+    my ($help_mode, $list_mode);
+    @ARGV = split /\s+/, $ARGV[0] if @ARGV == 1;
+    GetOptions (
+                'd|debug'            => \$debug_mode,
+                'h|help'             => \$help_mode,
+                'l|list'             => \$list_mode,
+                'N|dont-normalize'   => \$dont_normalize,
+                'o|target-offset=s'  => \$target_offset,
+                map {
+                    my $mod=$_;
+                    $mod =~ s/(^|-)(.)/\u$2/g;
+                    $_, sub { load_dataset $mod };
+                } @options
+               ) or exit 1;
+    return print $help_text if $help_mode;
+    return print $list_text if $list_mode;
+    ##Use the default dataset if no others were specified
+    load_dataset $default_dataset unless @loaded_data;
+    ##In the case of 1 dataset, skip normalization by copying everything
+    ##into the tables
+    if (@loaded_data == 1) {
+        ($grams, $freqs) = @{$loaded_data[0]};
+    }
+    ##Otherwise, normalize and combine the length histograms.
+    ##The gram tables will be normalized lazily as needed (see: get_gram)
+    else {
+        for (@loaded_data) {
+            my $fdata = $_->[1];
+            my $sum = $dont_normalize || sum(values %$fdata);
+            while ( my ($len, $f) = each %$fdata ) {
+                $freqs->{$len} += $f/$sum;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ##Run word generator and print results
+    {
+        local $\ = ' ';
+        print generate for 1..min(25, int($ARGV[0]||1));
+    }
+    print "\n";
+    return 0;
+exit main unless caller;