changeset 1132:d137f631bad5

<GreyKnight> (cd luabuild/luarocks-2.0.12; make install)
author HackBot
date Fri, 14 Dec 2012 22:24:27 +0000
parents ff65dfb63263
children 6518311459ee
files bin/luarocks bin/luarocks-admin share/lua/5.2/luarocks/add.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/admin_remove.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/build.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/build/builtin.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/build/cmake.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/build/command.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/build/make.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/cache.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/cfg.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/command_line.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/deps.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/dir.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/download.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/cvs.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/git.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/git_file.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/hg.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/sscm.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/svn.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs/lua.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs/unix.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs/unix/tools.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs/win32.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs/win32/tools.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/help.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/index.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/install.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/lint.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/list.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/loader.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/make.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/make_manifest.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/manif.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/manif_core.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/new_version.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/pack.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/path.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/persist.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/purge.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/refresh_cache.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/remove.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/repos.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/require.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/search.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/show.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/tools/patch.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/tools/tar.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/tools/zip.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/type_check.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/unpack.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/util.lua share/lua/5.2/luarocks/validate.lua
diffstat 56 files changed, 10181 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bin/luarocks	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package.path = [[/hackenv/share/lua/5.2//?.lua;/hackenv/share/lua/5.2//?/init.lua;]]..package.path
+local command_line = require("luarocks.command_line")
+program_name = "luarocks"
+program_description = "LuaRocks main command-line interface"
+commands = {} = require("")
+commands.pack = require("luarocks.pack")
+commands.unpack = require("luarocks.unpack") = require("")
+commands.install = require("luarocks.install") = require("")
+commands.list = require("luarocks.list")
+commands.remove = require("luarocks.remove")
+commands.make = require("luarocks.make") = require("")
+commands.path = require("luarocks.path") = require("")
+commands.new_version = require("luarocks.new_version")
+commands.lint = require("luarocks.lint")
+commands.purge = require("luarocks.purge")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bin/luarocks-admin	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package.path = [[/hackenv/share/lua/5.2//?.lua;/hackenv/share/lua/5.2//?/init.lua;]]..package.path
+local command_line = require("luarocks.command_line")
+program_name = "luarocks-admin"
+program_description = "LuaRocks repository administration interface"
+commands = {
+ = require("")
+commands.make_manifest = require("luarocks.make_manifest")
+commands.add = require("luarocks.add")
+commands.remove = require("luarocks.admin_remove")
+commands.refresh_cache = require("luarocks.refresh_cache")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/add.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+--- Module implementing the luarocks-admin "add" command.
+-- Adds a rock or rockspec to a rocks server.
+module("luarocks.add", package.seeall)
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local index = require("luarocks.index")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local cache = require("luarocks.cache")
+help_summary = "Add a rock or rockspec to a rocks server."
+help_arguments = "[--server=<server>] [--no-refresh] {<rockspec>|<rock>...}"
+help = [[
+Arguments are local files, which may be rockspecs or rocks.
+The flag --server indicates which server to use.
+If not given, the default server set in the upload_server variable
+from the configuration file is used instead.
+The flag --no-refresh indicates the local cache should not be refreshed
+prior to generation of the updated manifest.
+local function add_files_to_server(refresh, rockfiles, server, upload_server)
+   assert(type(refresh) == "boolean" or not refresh)
+   assert(type(rockfiles) == "table")
+   assert(type(server) == "string")
+   assert(type(upload_server) == "table" or not upload_server)
+   local download_url, login_url = cache.get_server_urls(server, upload_server)
+   local at = fs.current_dir()
+   local refresh_fn = refresh and cache.refresh_local_cache or cache.split_server_url
+   local local_cache, protocol, server_path, user, password = refresh_fn(server, download_url, cfg.upload_user, cfg.upload_password)
+   if not local_cache then
+      return nil, protocol
+   end
+   if protocol == "file" then
+      return nil, "Server "..server.." is not recognized, check your configuration."
+   end
+   if not login_url then
+      login_url = protocol.."://"..server_path
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(at)
+   local files = {}
+   for i, rockfile in ipairs(rockfiles) do
+      if fs.exists(rockfile) then
+         util.printout("Copying file "..rockfile.." to "..local_cache.."...")
+         local absolute = fs.absolute_name(rockfile)
+         fs.copy(absolute, local_cache)
+         table.insert(files, dir.base_name(absolute))
+      else
+         util.printerr("File "..rockfile.." not found")
+      end
+   end
+   if #files == 0 then
+      return nil, "No files found"
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(local_cache)
+   util.printout("Updating manifest...")
+   manif.make_manifest(local_cache, "one")
+   util.printout("Updating index.html...")
+   index.make_index(local_cache)
+   local login_info = ""
+   if user then login_info = " -u "..user end
+   if password then login_info = login_info..":"..password end
+   if not login_url:match("/$") then
+      login_url = login_url .. "/"
+   end
+   -- TODO abstract away explicit 'curl' call
+   local cmd
+   if protocol == "rsync" then
+      local srv, path = server_path:match("([^/]+)(/.+)")
+      cmd = cfg.variables.RSYNC.." --exclude=.git -Oavz -e ssh "..local_cache.."/ "..user.."@"..srv..":"..path.."/"
+   elseif upload_server and upload_server.sftp then
+      local part1, part2 = upload_server.sftp:match("^([^/]*)/(.*)$")
+      cmd = cfg.variables.SCP.." manifest index.html "..table.concat(files, " ").." "..user.."@"..part1..":/"..part2
+   else
+      cmd = cfg.variables.CURL.." "..login_info.." -T '{manifest,index.html,"..table.concat(files, ",").."}' "..login_url
+   end
+   util.printout(cmd)
+   fs.execute(cmd)
+   return true
+function run(...)
+   local files = { util.parse_flags(...) }
+   local flags = table.remove(files, 1)
+   if #files < 1 then
+      return nil, "Argument missing, see help."
+   end
+   local server, server_table = cache.get_upload_server(flags["server"])
+   if not server then return nil, server_table end
+   return add_files_to_server(not flags["no-refresh"], files, server, server_table)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/admin_remove.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+--- Module implementing the luarocks-admin "remove" command.
+-- Removes a rock or rockspec from a rocks server.
+module("luarocks.admin_remove", package.seeall)
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local index = require("luarocks.index")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local cache = require("luarocks.cache")
+help_summary = "Remove a rock or rockspec from a rocks server."
+help_arguments = "[--from=<server>] [--no-refresh] {<rockspec>|<rock>...}"
+help = [[
+Arguments are local files, which may be rockspecs or rocks.
+The flag --from indicates which server to use.
+If not given, the default server set in the upload_server variable
+from the configuration file is used instead.
+The flag --no-refresh indicates the local cache should not be refreshed
+prior to generation of the updated manifest.
+local function remove_files_from_server(refresh, rockfiles, server, upload_server)
+   assert(type(refresh) == "boolean" or not refresh)
+   assert(type(rockfiles) == "table")
+   assert(type(server) == "string")
+   assert(type(upload_server) == "table" or not upload_server)
+   local download_url, login_url = cache.get_server_urls(server, upload_server)
+   local at = fs.current_dir()
+   local refresh_fn = refresh and cache.refresh_local_cache or cache.split_server_url
+   local local_cache, protocol, server_path, user, password = refresh_fn(server, download_url, cfg.upload_user, cfg.upload_password)
+   if not local_cache then
+      return nil, protocol
+   end
+   if protocol ~= "rsync" then
+      return nil, "This command requires 'rsync', check your configuration."
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(at)
+   local nr_files = 0
+   for i, rockfile in ipairs(rockfiles) do
+      local basename = dir.base_name(rockfile)
+      local file = dir.path(local_cache, basename)
+      util.printout("Removing file "..file.."...")
+      if fs.delete(file) then
+         nr_files = nr_files + 1
+      else
+         util.printerr("Failed removing "..file)
+      end
+   end
+   if nr_files == 0 then
+      return nil, "No files removed."
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(local_cache)
+   util.printout("Updating manifest...")
+   manif.make_manifest(local_cache, "one")
+   util.printout("Updating index.html...")
+   index.make_index(local_cache)
+   local srv, path = server_path:match("([^/]+)(/.+)")
+   local cmd = "rsync -Oavz --delete -e ssh "..local_cache.."/ "..user.."@"..srv..":"..path.."/"
+   util.printout(cmd)
+   fs.execute(cmd)
+   return true
+function run(...)
+   local files = { util.parse_flags(...) }
+   local flags = table.remove(files, 1)
+   if #files < 1 then
+      return nil, "Argument missing, see help."
+   end
+   local server, server_table = cache.get_upload_server(flags["server"])
+   if not server then return nil, server_table end
+   return remove_files_from_server(not flags["no-refresh"], files, server, server_table)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/build.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "build" command.
+-- Builds a rock, compiling its C parts if any.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local pack = require("luarocks.pack")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+help_summary = "Build/compile a rock."
+help_arguments = "[--pack-binary-rock] {<rockspec>|<rock>|<name> [<version>]}"
+help = [[
+Build and install a rock, compiling its C parts if any.
+Argument may be a rockspec file, a source rock file
+or the name of a rock to be fetched from a repository.
+If --pack-binary-rock is passed, the rock is not installed;
+instead, a .rock file with the contents of compilation is produced
+in the current directory.
+--- Install files to a given location.
+-- Takes a table where the array part is a list of filenames to be copied.
+-- In the hash part, other keys, if is_module_path is set, are identifiers
+-- in Lua module format, to indicate which subdirectory the file should be
+-- copied to. For example, install_files({[""] = "src/bar.lua"}, "boo")
+-- will copy src/bar.lua to boo/foo.
+-- @param files table or nil: A table containing a list of files to copy in
+-- the format described above. If nil is passed, this function is a no-op.
+-- Directories should be delimited by forward slashes as in internet URLs.
+-- @param location string: The base directory files should be copied to.
+-- @param is_module_path boolean: True if string keys in files should be
+-- interpreted as dotted module paths.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded or 
+-- nil and an error message.
+local function install_files(files, location, is_module_path)
+   assert(type(files) == "table" or not files)
+   assert(type(location) == "string")
+   if files then
+      for k, file in pairs(files) do
+         local dest = location
+         if type(k) == "string" then
+            if is_module_path then
+               dest = dir.path(location, path.module_to_path(k))
+               fs.make_dir(dest)
+            else
+               dest = dir.path(location, dir.dir_name(k))
+               fs.make_dir(dest)
+               dest = dir.path(dest, dir.base_name(k))
+            end
+         else
+            fs.make_dir(dest)
+         end
+         local ok = fs.copy(dir.path(file), dest)
+         if not ok then
+            return nil, "Failed copying "..file
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Write to the current directory the contents of a table,
+-- where each key is a file name and its value is the file content.
+-- @param files table: The table of files to be written.
+local function extract_from_rockspec(files)
+   for name, content in pairs(files) do
+      local fd =, name), "w+")
+      fd:write(content)
+      fd:close()
+   end
+--- Applies patches inlined in the build.patches section
+-- and extracts files inlined in the build.extra_files section
+-- of a rockspec. 
+-- @param rockspec table: A rockspec table.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded or 
+-- nil and an error message.
+function apply_patches(rockspec)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   local build =
+   if build.extra_files then
+      extract_from_rockspec(build.extra_files)
+   end
+   if build.patches then
+      extract_from_rockspec(build.patches)
+      for patch, patchdata in util.sortedpairs(build.patches) do
+         util.printout("Applying patch "..patch.."...")
+         local ok, err = fs.apply_patch(tostring(patch), patchdata)
+         if not ok then
+            return nil, "Failed applying patch "..patch
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Build and install a rock given a rockspec.
+-- @param rockspec_file string: local or remote filename of a rockspec.
+-- @param need_to_fetch boolean: true if sources need to be fetched,
+-- false if the rockspec was obtained from inside a source rock.
+-- @param minimal_mode boolean: true if there's no need to fetch,
+-- unpack or change dir (this is used by "luarocks make"). Implies
+-- need_to_fetch = false.
+-- @param deps_mode: string: Which trees to check dependencies for:
+-- "none", "one", "order" or "all".
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string, [string]): True if succeeded or 
+-- nil and an error message followed by an error code.
+function build_rockspec(rockspec_file, need_to_fetch, minimal_mode, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(rockspec_file) == "string")
+   assert(type(need_to_fetch) == "boolean")
+   local rockspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_file)
+   if err then
+      return nil, err, errcode
+   elseif not then
+      return nil, "Rockspec error: build table not specified"
+   elseif not then
+      return nil, "Rockspec error: build type not specified"
+   end
+   if deps_mode == "none" then
+      util.printerr("Warning: skipping dependency checks.")
+   else
+      local ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, deps_mode)
+      if err then
+         return nil, err, errcode
+      end
+   end
+   ok, err, errcode = deps.check_external_deps(rockspec, "build")
+   if err then
+      return nil, err, errcode
+   end
+   local name, version =, rockspec.version
+   if repos.is_installed(name, version) then
+      repos.delete_version(name, version)
+   end
+   if not minimal_mode then
+      local _, source_dir
+      if need_to_fetch then
+         ok, source_dir, errcode = fetch.fetch_sources(rockspec, true)
+         if not ok then
+            return nil, source_dir, errcode
+         end
+         fs.change_dir(source_dir)
+      elseif rockspec.source.file then
+         local ok, err = fs.unpack_archive(rockspec.source.file)
+         if not ok then
+            return nil, err
+         end
+      end
+      fs.change_dir(rockspec.source.dir)
+   end
+   local dirs = {
+      lua = { name = path.lua_dir(name, version), is_module_path = true },
+      lib = { name = path.lib_dir(name, version), is_module_path = true },
+      conf = { name = path.conf_dir(name, version), is_module_path = false },
+      bin = { name = path.bin_dir(name, version), is_module_path = false },
+   }
+   for _, d in pairs(dirs) do
+      fs.make_dir(
+   end
+   local rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
+      fs.delete(path.install_dir(name, version))
+      fs.remove_dir_if_empty(path.versions_dir(name))
+   end)
+   local build =
+   if not minimal_mode then
+      ok, err = apply_patches(rockspec)
+      if err then
+         return nil, err
+      end
+   end
+   if build.type ~= "none" then
+      -- Temporary compatibility
+      if build.type == "module" then
+         util.printout("Do not use 'module' as a build type. Use 'builtin' instead.")
+         build.type = "builtin"
+      end
+      local build_type
+      ok, build_type = pcall(require, "" .. build.type)
+      if not ok or not type(build_type) == "table" then
+         return nil, "Failed initializing build back-end for build type '""': "..build_type
+      end
+      ok, err =
+      if not ok then
+         return nil, "Build error: " .. err
+      end
+   end
+   if build.install then
+      for id, install_dir in pairs(dirs) do
+         ok, err = install_files(build.install[id],, install_dir.is_module_path)
+         if not ok then 
+            return nil, err
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   local copy_directories = build.copy_directories or {"doc"}
+   for _, copy_dir in pairs(copy_directories) do
+      if fs.is_dir(copy_dir) then
+         local dest = dir.path(path.install_dir(name, version), copy_dir)
+         fs.make_dir(dest)
+         fs.copy_contents(copy_dir, dest)
+      else
+         util.warning("Directory '"..copy_dir.."' not found")
+      end
+   end
+   for _, d in pairs(dirs) do
+      fs.remove_dir_if_empty(
+   end
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   fs.copy(rockspec.local_filename, path.rockspec_file(name, version))
+   if need_to_fetch then
+      fs.pop_dir()
+   end
+   ok, err = manif.make_rock_manifest(name, version)
+   if err then return nil, err end
+   ok, err = repos.deploy_files(name, version, repos.should_wrap_bin_scripts(rockspec))
+   if err then return nil, err end
+   util.remove_scheduled_function(rollback)
+   rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
+      repos.delete_version(name, version)
+   end)
+   ok, err = repos.run_hook(rockspec, "post_install")
+   if err then return nil, err end
+   ok, err = manif.update_manifest(name, version, nil, deps_mode)
+   if err then return nil, err end
+   local license = ""
+   if rockspec.description and rockspec.description.license then
+      license = ("(license: "..rockspec.description.license..")")
+   end
+   local root_dir = path.root_dir(cfg.rocks_dir)
+   util.printout()
+   util.printout(name.." "..version.." is now built and installed in "..root_dir.." "..license)
+   util.remove_scheduled_function(rollback)
+   return true
+--- Build and install a rock.
+-- @param rock_file string: local or remote filename of a rock.
+-- @param need_to_fetch boolean: true if sources need to be fetched,
+-- false if the rockspec was obtained from inside a source rock.
+-- @param deps_mode: string: Which trees to check dependencies for:
+-- "none", "one", "order" or "all".
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string, [string]): True if build was successful,
+-- or false and an error message and an optional error code.
+function build_rock(rock_file, need_to_fetch, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(rock_file) == "string")
+   assert(type(need_to_fetch) == "boolean")
+   local unpack_dir, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file)
+   if not unpack_dir then
+      return nil, err, errcode
+   end
+   local rockspec_file = path.rockspec_name_from_rock(rock_file)
+   fs.change_dir(unpack_dir)
+   local ok, err, errcode = build_rockspec(rockspec_file, need_to_fetch, false, deps_mode)
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   return ok, err, errcode
+local function do_build(name, version, deps_mode)
+   if name:match("%.rockspec$") then
+      return build_rockspec(name, true, false, deps_mode)
+   elseif name:match("%.src%.rock$") then
+      return build_rock(name, false, deps_mode)
+   elseif name:match("%.all%.rock$") then
+      local install = require("luarocks.install")
+      return install.install_binary_rock(name, deps_mode)
+   elseif name:match("%.rock$") then
+      return build_rock(name, true, deps_mode)
+   elseif not name:match(dir.separator) then
+      local search = require("")
+      return search.act_on_src_or_rockspec(run, name:lower(), version, deps.deps_mode_to_flag(deps_mode))
+   end
+   return nil, "Don't know what to do with "
+--- Driver function for "build" command.
+-- @param name string: A local or remote rockspec or rock file.
+-- If a package name is given, forwards the request to "search" and,
+-- if returned a result, installs the matching rock.
+-- @param version string: When passing a package name, a version number may
+-- also be given.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if build was successful; nil and an
+-- error message otherwise.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, name, version = util.parse_flags(...)
+   if type(name) ~= "string" then
+      return nil, "Argument missing, see help."
+   end
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
+   if flags["pack-binary-rock"] then
+      return pack.pack_binary_rock(name, version, do_build, name, version, deps.get_deps_mode(flags))
+   else
+      local ok, err = fs.check_command_permissions(flags)
+      if not ok then return nil, err end
+      return do_build(name, version, deps.get_deps_mode(flags))
+   end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/build/builtin.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+--- A builtin build system: back-end to provide a portable way of building C-based Lua modules.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+--- Run a command displaying its execution on standard output.
+-- @return boolean: true if command succeeds (status code 0), false
+-- otherwise.
+local function execute(...)
+   io.stdout:write(table.concat({...}, " ").."\n")
+   return fs.execute(...)
+--- Makes an RC file with an embedded Lua script, for building .exes on Windows
+-- @return nil if could open files, error otherwise
+local function make_rc(luafilename, rcfilename)
+   local rcfile =, "w")
+   if not rcfile then
+      error("Could not open "..rcfilename.." for writing.")
+   end
+   rcfile:write("STRINGTABLE\r\nBEGIN\r\n")
+   local i = 1
+   for line in io.lines(luafilename) do
+      if not line:match("^#!") then
+         rcfile:write(i .. " \"")
+         line = line:gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub('"', '""'):gsub("[\r\n]+", "")
+         rcfile:write(line .. "\\r\\n\"\r\n")
+         i = i + 1
+      end
+   end
+   rcfile:write("END\r\n")
+   rcfile:close()
+--- Driver function for the builtin build back-end.
+-- @param rockspec table: the loaded rockspec.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if no errors ocurred,
+-- nil and an error message otherwise.
+function run(rockspec)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   local compile_object, compile_library, compile_wrapper_binary
+   local build =
+   local variables = rockspec.variables
+   local function add_flags(extras, flag, flags)
+      if flags then
+         if type(flags) ~= "table" then
+            flags = { tostring(flags) }
+         end
+         util.variable_substitutions(flags, variables)
+         for _, v in ipairs(flags) do
+            table.insert(extras, flag:format(v))
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   if cfg.is_platform("mingw32") then
+      compile_object = function(object, source, defines, incdirs)
+         local extras = {}
+         add_flags(extras, "-D%s", defines)
+         add_flags(extras, "-I%s", incdirs)
+         return execute(variables.CC.." "..variables.CFLAGS, "-c", "-o", object, "-I"..variables.LUA_INCDIR, source, unpack(extras))
+      end
+      compile_library = function(library, objects, libraries, libdirs, name)
+         local extras = { unpack(objects) }
+         add_flags(extras, "-L%s", libdirs)
+         add_flags(extras, "%s.lib", libraries)
+         extras[#extras+1] = dir.path(variables.LUA_LIBDIR, variables.LUALIB)
+         extras[#extras+1] = "-l" .. (variables.MSVCRT or "msvcr80")
+         local ok = execute(variables.LD.." "..variables.LIBFLAG, "-o", library, unpack(extras))
+         return ok
+      end
+      compile_wrapper_binary = function(fullname, name)
+         local fullbasename = fullname:gsub("%.lua$", ""):gsub("/", "\\")
+         local basename = name:gsub("%.lua$", ""):gsub("/", "\\")
+         local rcname = basename..".rc"
+         local resname = basename..".o"
+         local wrapname = basename..".exe"
+         make_rc(fullname, fullbasename..".rc")
+         local ok = execute(variables.RC, "-o", resname, rcname)
+         if not ok then return ok end
+         ok = execute(variables.LD, "-o", wrapname, resname, variables.WRAPPER,
+                      dir.path(variables.LUA_LIBDIR, variables.LUALIB), "-l" .. (variables.MSVCRT or "msvcr80"), "-luser32")
+         return ok, wrapname
+      end
+   elseif cfg.is_platform("win32") then
+      compile_object = function(object, source, defines, incdirs)
+         local extras = {}
+         add_flags(extras, "-D%s", defines)
+         add_flags(extras, "-I%s", incdirs)
+         return execute(variables.CC.." "..variables.CFLAGS, "-c", "-Fo"..object, "-I"..variables.LUA_INCDIR, source, unpack(extras))
+      end
+      compile_library = function(library, objects, libraries, libdirs, name)
+         local extras = { unpack(objects) }
+         add_flags(extras, "-libpath:%s", libdirs)
+         add_flags(extras, "%s.lib", libraries)
+         local basename = dir.base_name(library):gsub(".[^.]*$", "")
+         local deffile = basename .. ".def"
+         local def =, deffile), "w+")
+         def:write("EXPORTS\n")
+         def:write("luaopen_""%.", "_").."\n")
+         def:close()
+         local ok = execute(variables.LD, "-dll", "-def:"..deffile, "-out:"..library, dir.path(variables.LUA_LIBDIR, variables.LUALIB), unpack(extras))
+         local manifestfile = basename..".dll.manifest"
+         if ok and fs.exists(manifestfile) then
+            ok = execute(variables.MT, "-manifest", manifestfile, "-outputresource:"..basename..".dll;2")
+         end
+         return ok
+      end
+      compile_wrapper_binary = function(fullname, name)
+         local fullbasename = fullname:gsub("%.lua$", ""):gsub("/", "\\")
+         local basename = name:gsub("%.lua$", ""):gsub("/", "\\")
+         local rcname = basename..".rc"
+         local resname = basename..".res"
+         local wrapname = basename..".exe"
+         make_rc(fullname, fullbasename..".rc")
+         local ok = execute(variables.RC, "-r", "-fo"..resname, rcname)
+         if not ok then return ok end
+         ok = execute(variables.LD, "-out:"..wrapname, resname, variables.WRAPPER,
+                      dir.path(variables.LUA_LIBDIR, variables.LUALIB), "user32.lib")
+         local manifestfile = wrapname..".manifest"
+         if ok and fs.exists(manifestfile) then
+            ok = execute(variables.MT, "-manifest", manifestfile, "-outputresource:"..wrapname..";1")
+         end
+         return ok, wrapname
+      end
+   else
+      compile_object = function(object, source, defines, incdirs)
+         local extras = {}
+         add_flags(extras, "-D%s", defines)
+         add_flags(extras, "-I%s", incdirs)
+         return execute(variables.CC.." "..variables.CFLAGS, "-I"..variables.LUA_INCDIR, "-c", source, "-o", object, unpack(extras))
+      end
+      compile_library = function (library, objects, libraries, libdirs)
+         local extras = { unpack(objects) }
+         add_flags(extras, "-L%s", libdirs)
+         if cfg.gcc_rpath then
+            add_flags(extras, "-Wl,-rpath,%s:", libdirs)
+         end
+         add_flags(extras, "-l%s", libraries)
+         if cfg.is_platform("cygwin") then
+            add_flags(extras, "-l%s", {"lua"})
+         end
+         return execute(variables.LD.." "..variables.LIBFLAG, "-o", library, "-L"..variables.LUA_LIBDIR, unpack(extras))
+      end
+      compile_wrapper_binary = function(fullname, name) return true, name end
+   end
+   local ok = true
+   local err = "Build error"
+   local built_modules = {}
+   local luadir = path.lua_dir(, rockspec.version)
+   local libdir = path.lib_dir(, rockspec.version)
+   local docdir = path.doc_dir(, rockspec.version)
+   -- On Windows, compiles an .exe for each Lua file in build.install.bin, and
+   -- replaces the filename with the .exe name. Strips the .lua extension if it exists,
+   -- otherwise just appends .exe to the name
+   if build.install and build.install.bin then
+     for i, name in ipairs(build.install.bin) do
+       local fullname = dir.path(fs.current_dir(), name)
+       local match = name:match("%.lua$")
+       local basename = name:gsub("%.lua$", "")
+       local file
+       if not match then
+          file =
+       end
+       if match or (file and file:read():match("#!.*lua.*")) then
+          ok, name = compile_wrapper_binary(fullname, name)
+          if ok then
+             build.install.bin[i] = name
+          else
+             if file then file:close() end
+             return nil, "Build error in wrapper binaries"
+          end
+       end
+       if file then file:close() end
+     end
+   end
+   for name, info in pairs(build.modules) do
+      local moddir = path.module_to_path(name)
+      if type(info) == "string" then
+         local ext = info:match(".([^.]+)$")
+         if ext == "lua" then
+            if info:match("init%.lua$") and not name:match("%.init$") then
+               moddir = path.module_to_path(name..".init")
+            end
+            local dest = dir.path(luadir, moddir)
+            built_modules[info] = dest
+         else
+            info = {info}
+         end
+      end
+      if type(info) == "table" then
+         local objects = {}
+         local sources = info.sources
+         if info[1] then sources = info end
+         if type(sources) == "string" then sources = {sources} end
+         for _, source in ipairs(sources) do
+            local object = source:gsub(".[^.]*$", "."..cfg.obj_extension)
+            if not object then
+               object = source.."."..cfg.obj_extension
+            end
+            ok = compile_object(object, source, info.defines, info.incdirs)
+            if not ok then
+               err = "Failed compiling object "..object
+               break
+            end
+            table.insert(objects, object)
+         end
+         if not ok then break end
+         local module_name = dir.path(moddir, name:match("([^.]*)$").."."..cfg.lib_extension):gsub("//", "/")
+         if moddir ~= "" then
+            fs.make_dir(moddir)
+         end
+         local dest = dir.path(libdir, moddir)
+         built_modules[module_name] = dest
+         ok = compile_library(module_name, objects, info.libraries, info.libdirs, name)
+         if not ok then
+            err = "Failed compiling module "..module_name
+            break
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   for name, dest in pairs(built_modules) do
+      fs.make_dir(dest)
+      ok = fs.copy(name, dest)
+      if not ok then
+         err = "Failed installing "" in "..dest
+         break
+      end
+   end
+   if ok then
+      if fs.is_dir("lua") then
+         ok = fs.copy_contents("lua", luadir)
+         if not ok then err = "Failed copying contents of 'lua' directory." end
+      end
+   end
+   if ok then
+      return true
+   else
+      return nil, err
+   end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/build/cmake.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+--- Build back-end for CMake-based modules.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+--- Driver function for the "cmake" build back-end.
+-- @param rockspec table: the loaded rockspec.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if no errors ocurred,
+-- nil and an error message otherwise.
+function run(rockspec)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   local build =
+   local variables = build.variables or {}
+   -- Pass Env variables
+   variables.CMAKE_MODULE_PATH=os.getenv("CMAKE_MODULE_PATH")
+   variables.CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=os.getenv("CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH")
+   variables.CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=os.getenv("CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH")
+   util.variable_substitutions(variables, rockspec.variables)
+   if not fs.execute_string(fs.quiet(rockspec.variables.CMAKE.." --help")) then
+      return nil, "'"..rockspec.variables.CMAKE.."' program not found. Is cmake installed? You may want to edit variables.CMAKE"
+   end
+   -- If inline cmake is present create CMakeLists.txt from it.
+   if type(build.cmake) == "string" then
+      local cmake = assert("/CMakeLists.txt", "w"))
+      cmake:write(build.cmake)
+      cmake:close()
+   end
+   -- Execute cmake with variables.
+   local args = ""
+   if cfg.cmake_generator then
+      args = args .. ' -G"'..cfg.cmake_generator.. '"'
+   end
+   for k,v in pairs(variables) do
+      args = args .. ' -D' ..k.. '="' ..v.. '"'
+   end
+   if not fs.execute_string(rockspec.variables.CMAKE.." . " ..args) then
+      return nil, "Failed cmake."
+   end
+   if not fs.execute_string(rockspec.variables.MAKE.." -fMakefile") then
+      return nil, "Failed building."
+   end
+   if not fs.execute_string(rockspec.variables.MAKE.." -fMakefile install") then
+      return nil, "Failed installing."
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/build/command.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+--- Build back-end for raw listing of commands in rockspec files.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+--- Driver function for the "command" build back-end.
+-- @param rockspec table: the loaded rockspec.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if no errors ocurred,
+-- nil and an error message otherwise.
+function run(rockspec)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   local build =
+   util.variable_substitutions(build, rockspec.variables)
+   if build.build_command then
+      util.printout(build.build_command)
+      if not fs.execute(build.build_command) then
+         return nil, "Failed building."
+      end
+   end
+   if build.install_command then
+      util.printout(build.install_command)
+      if not fs.execute(build.install_command) then
+         return nil, "Failed installing."
+      end
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/build/make.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+--- Build back-end for using Makefile-based packages.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+--- Call "make" with given target and variables
+-- @param make_cmd string: the make command to be used (typically
+-- configured through variables.MAKE in the config files, or
+-- the appropriate platform-specific default).
+-- @param pass boolean: If true, run make; if false, do nothing.
+-- @param target string: The make target; an empty string indicates 
+-- the default target.
+-- @param variables table: A table containing string-string key-value
+-- pairs representing variable assignments to be passed to make.
+-- @return boolean: false if any errors occurred, true otherwise.
+local function make_pass(make_cmd, pass, target, variables)
+   assert(type(pass) == "boolean")
+   assert(type(target) == "string")
+   assert(type(variables) == "table")
+   local assignments = {}
+   for k,v in pairs(variables) do
+      table.insert(assignments, k.."="..v)
+   end
+   if pass then
+      return fs.execute(make_cmd.." ", unpack(assignments))
+   else
+      return true
+   end
+--- Driver function for the "make" build back-end.
+-- @param rockspec table: the loaded rockspec.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if no errors ocurred,
+-- nil and an error message otherwise.
+function run(rockspec)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   local build =
+   if build.build_pass == nil then build.build_pass = true end
+   if build.install_pass == nil then build.install_pass = true end
+   build.build_variables = build.build_variables or {}
+   build.install_variables = build.install_variables or {}
+   build.build_target = build.build_target or ""
+   build.install_target = build.install_target or "install"
+   local makefile = build.makefile or cfg.makefile
+   if makefile then
+      -- Assumes all make's accept -f. True for POSIX make, GNU make and Microsoft nmake.
+      build.build_target = "-f "..makefile.." "
+      build.install_target = "-f "..makefile.." "
+   end
+   if build.variables then   
+      for var, val in pairs(build.variables) do
+         build.build_variables[var] = val 
+         build.install_variables[var] = val
+      end
+   end
+   util.warn_if_not_used(build.build_variables, { CFLAGS=true }, "variable %s was not passed in build_variables")
+   util.variable_substitutions(build.build_variables, rockspec.variables)
+   util.variable_substitutions(build.install_variables, rockspec.variables)
+   local auto_variables = { "CC" }
+   for _, variable in pairs(auto_variables) do
+      if not build.build_variables[variable] then
+         build.build_variables[variable] = rockspec.variables[variable]
+      end
+      if not build.install_variables[variable] then
+         build.install_variables[variable] = rockspec.variables[variable]
+      end
+   end
+   -- backwards compatibility 
+   local make_cmd = cfg.make or rockspec.variables.MAKE
+   local ok = make_pass(make_cmd, build.build_pass, build.build_target, build.build_variables)
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, "Failed building."
+   end
+   ok = make_pass(make_cmd, build.install_pass, build.install_target, build.install_variables)
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, "Failed installing."
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/cache.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+--- Module handling the LuaRocks local cache.
+-- Adds a rock or rockspec to a rocks server.
+module("luarocks.cache", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+function get_upload_server(server)
+   if not server then server = cfg.upload_server end
+   if not server then
+      return nil, "No server specified and no default configured with upload_server."
+   end
+   return server, cfg.upload_servers and cfg.upload_servers[server]
+function get_server_urls(server, upload_server)
+   local download_url = server
+   local login_url = nil
+   if upload_server then
+      if upload_server.rsync then download_url = "rsync://"..upload_server.rsync
+      elseif upload_server.http then download_url = "http://"..upload_server.http
+      elseif upload_server.ftp then download_url = "ftp://"..upload_server.ftp
+      end
+      if upload_server.ftp then login_url = "ftp://"..upload_server.ftp
+      elseif upload_server.sftp then login_url = "sftp://"..upload_server.sftp
+      end
+   end
+   return download_url, login_url
+function split_server_url(server, url, user, password)
+   local protocol, server_path = dir.split_url(url)
+   if server_path:match("@") then
+      local credentials
+      credentials, server_path = server_path:match("([^@]*)@(.*)")
+      if credentials:match(":") then
+         user, password = credentials:match("([^:]*):(.*)")
+      else
+         user = credentials
+      end
+   end
+   local local_cache
+   if cfg.local_cache then
+      local_cache = cfg.local_cache .. "/" .. server
+   end
+   return local_cache, protocol, server_path, user, password
+function refresh_local_cache(server, url, user, password)
+   local local_cache, protocol, server_path, user, password = split_server_url(server, url, user, password)
+   fs.make_dir(cfg.local_cache)
+   local tmp_cache = false
+   if not local_cache then
+      local_cache = fs.make_temp_dir("local_cache")
+      tmp_cache = true
+   end
+   local ok = fs.make_dir(local_cache)
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, "Failed creating local cache dir."
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(local_cache)
+   util.printout("Refreshing cache "..local_cache.."...")
+   -- TODO abstract away explicit 'wget' call
+   local ok = false
+   if protocol == "rsync" then
+      local srv, path = server_path:match("([^/]+)(/.+)")
+      ok = fs.execute(cfg.variables.RSYNC.." -avz -e ssh "..user.."@"..srv..":"..path.."/ "..local_cache.."/")
+   else 
+      local login_info = ""
+      if user then login_info = " --user="..user end
+      if password then login_info = login_info .. " --password="..password end
+      ok = fs.execute(cfg.variables.WGET.." --no-cache -q -m -np -nd "..protocol.."://"..server_path..login_info)
+   end
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, "Failed downloading cache."
+   end
+   return local_cache, protocol, server_path, user, password
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/cfg.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+--- Configuration for LuaRocks.
+-- Tries to load the user's configuration file and
+-- defines defaults for unset values. See the
+-- <a href="">config
+-- file format documentation</a> for details.
+-- End-users shouldn't edit this file. They can override any defaults
+-- set in this file using their system-wide $LUAROCKS_SYSCONFIG file
+-- (see luarocks.site_config) or their user-specific configuration file
+-- (~/.luarocks/config.lua on Unix or %APPDATA%/luarocks/config.lua on
+-- Windows).
+local rawset, next, table, pairs, require, io, os, setmetatable, pcall, ipairs, package, tonumber, type, assert, _VERSION =
+      rawset, next, table, pairs, require, io, os, setmetatable, pcall, ipairs, package, tonumber, type, assert, _VERSION
+-- Load site-local global configurations
+local ok, site_config = pcall(require, "luarocks.site_config")
+if not ok then
+   io.stderr:write("Site-local luarocks/site_config.lua file not found. Incomplete installation?\n")
+   site_config = {}
+_M.site_config = site_config
+lua_version = _VERSION:sub(5)
+program_version = "2.0.12"
+local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
+local popen_ok, popen_result = pcall(io.popen, "")
+if popen_ok then
+   if popen_result then
+      popen_result:close()
+   end
+   io.stderr:write("Your version of Lua does not support io.popen,\n")
+   io.stderr:write("which is required by LuaRocks. Please check your Lua installation.\n")
+   os.exit(1)
+-- System detection:
+local detected = {}
+local system,proc
+-- A proper installation of LuaRocks will hardcode the system
+-- and proc values with site_config.LUAROCKS_UNAME_S and site_config.LUAROCKS_UNAME_M,
+-- so that this detection does not run every time. When it is
+-- performed, we use the Unix way to identify the system,
+-- even on Windows (assuming UnxUtils or Cygwin).
+system = site_config.LUAROCKS_UNAME_S or io.popen("uname -s"):read("*l")
+proc = site_config.LUAROCKS_UNAME_M or io.popen("uname -m"):read("*l")
+if proc:match("i[%d]86") then
+   proc = "x86"
+elseif proc:match("amd64") or proc:match("x86_64") then
+   proc = "x86_64"
+elseif proc:match("Power Macintosh") then
+   proc = "powerpc"
+if system == "FreeBSD" then
+   detected.unix = true
+   detected.freebsd = true
+   detected.bsd = true
+elseif system == "OpenBSD" then
+   detected.unix = true
+   detected.openbsd = true
+   detected.bsd = true
+elseif system == "NetBSD" then
+   detected.unix = true
+   detected.netbsd = true
+   detected.bsd = true
+elseif system == "Darwin" then
+   detected.unix = true
+   detected.macosx = true
+   detected.bsd = true
+elseif system == "Linux" then
+   detected.unix = true
+   detected.linux = true
+elseif system == "SunOS" then
+   detected.unix = true
+   detected.solaris = true
+elseif system and system:match("^CYGWIN") then
+   detected.unix = true
+   detected.cygwin = true
+elseif system and system:match("^Windows") then
+ = true
+elseif system and system:match("^MINGW") then
+ = true
+   detected.mingw32 = true
+   detected.unix = true
+   -- Fall back to Unix in unknown systems.
+-- Path configuration:
+local version_suffix = lua_version:gsub ("%.", "_")
+local sys_config_file, home_config_file
+local sys_config_ok, home_config_ok = false, false
+sys_config_file = site_config["LUAROCKS_SYSCONFIG_" .. version_suffix] or site_config.LUAROCKS_SYSCONFIG
+if then
+   home = os.getenv("APPDATA") or "c:"
+   sys_config_file = sys_config_file or "c:/luarocks/config.lua"
+   home_config_file = home.."/luarocks/config.lua"
+   home_tree = home.."/luarocks/"
+   home = os.getenv("HOME") or ""
+   sys_config_file = sys_config_file or "/etc/luarocks/config.lua"
+   home_config_file = home.."/.luarocks/config.lua"
+   home_tree = home.."/.luarocks/"
+variables = {}
+rocks_trees = {}
+local ok, err = persist.load_into_table(sys_config_file, _M)
+if ok then
+   sys_config_ok = true
+else -- nil or false
+   sys_config_ok = ok
+   if err and ok == nil then
+      io.stderr:write(err.."\n")
+   end
+if not site_config.LUAROCKS_FORCE_CONFIG then
+   home_config_file = os.getenv("LUAROCKS_CONFIG_" .. version_suffix) or os.getenv("LUAROCKS_CONFIG") or home_config_file
+   local home_overrides, err = persist.load_into_table(home_config_file, { home = home })
+   if home_overrides then
+      home_config_ok = true
+      local util = require("luarocks.util")
+      if home_overrides.rocks_trees then
+         _M.rocks_trees = nil
+      end
+      if home_overrides.rocks_servers then
+         _M.rocks_servers = nil
+      end
+      util.deep_merge(_M, home_overrides)
+   else -- nil or false
+      home_config_ok = home_overrides
+      if err and home_config_ok == nil then
+         io.stderr:write(err.."\n")
+      end
+   end
+if not next(rocks_trees) then
+   if home_tree then
+      table.insert(rocks_trees, home_tree)
+   end
+   if site_config.LUAROCKS_ROCKS_TREE then
+      table.insert(rocks_trees, site_config.LUAROCKS_ROCKS_TREE)
+   end
+-- Configure defaults:
+local root = rocks_trees[#rocks_trees]
+local defaults = {
+   local_by_default = false,
+   use_extensions = false,
+   accept_unknown_fields = false,
+   fs_use_modules = true,
+   deps_mode = "one",
+   lua_modules_path = "/share/lua/"..lua_version,
+   lib_modules_path = "/lib/lua/"..lua_version,
+   arch = "unknown",
+   lib_extension = "unknown",
+   obj_extension = "unknown",
+   rocks_servers = {
+      {
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+      }
+   },
+   lua_extension = "lua",
+   lua_interpreter = site_config.LUA_INTERPRETER or "lua",
+   downloader = site_config.LUAROCKS_DOWNLOADER or "wget",
+   md5checker = site_config.LUAROCKS_MD5CHECKER or "md5sum",
+   variables = {
+      MAKE = "make",
+      CC = "cc",
+      LD = "ld",
+      CVS = "cvs",
+      GIT = "git",
+      SSCM = "sscm",
+      SVN = "svn",
+      HG = "hg",
+      RSYNC = "rsync",
+      WGET = "wget",
+      SCP = "scp",
+      CURL = "curl",
+      PWD = "pwd",
+      MKDIR = "mkdir",
+      RMDIR = "rmdir",
+      CP = "cp",
+      LS = "ls",
+      RM = "rm",
+      FIND = "find",
+      TEST = "test",
+      CHMOD = "chmod",
+      PATCH = "patch",
+      ZIP = "zip",
+      UNZIP = "unzip",
+      GUNZIP = "gunzip",
+      BUNZIP2 = "bunzip2",
+      TAR = "tar",
+      MD5SUM = "md5sum",
+      OPENSSL = "openssl",
+      MD5 = "md5",
+      STAT = "stat",
+      CMAKE = "cmake",
+      SEVENZ = "7z",
+      STATFLAG = "-c '%a'",
+   },
+   external_deps_subdirs = {
+      bin = "bin",
+      lib = "lib",
+      include = "include"
+   },
+   runtime_external_deps_subdirs = {
+      bin = "bin",
+      lib = "lib",
+      include = "include"
+   },
+if then
+   home_config_file = home_config_file:gsub("\\","/")
+   defaults.fs_use_modules = false
+   defaults.arch = "win32-"..proc
+   defaults.platforms = {"win32", "windows" }
+   defaults.lib_extension = "dll"
+   defaults.external_lib_extension = "dll"
+   defaults.obj_extension = "obj"
+   defaults.external_deps_dirs = { "c:/external/" }
+   defaults.variables.LUA_BINDIR = site_config.LUA_BINDIR and site_config.LUA_BINDIR:gsub("\\", "/") or "c:/lua"..lua_version.."/bin"
+   defaults.variables.LUA_INCDIR = site_config.LUA_INCDIR and site_config.LUA_INCDIR:gsub("\\", "/") or "c:/lua"..lua_version.."/include"
+   defaults.variables.LUA_LIBDIR = site_config.LUA_LIBDIR and site_config.LUA_LIBDIR:gsub("\\", "/") or "c:/lua"..lua_version.."/lib"
+   defaults.cmake_generator = "MinGW Makefiles"
+   defaults.makefile = ""
+   defaults.variables.MAKE = "nmake"
+   defaults.variables.CC = "cl"
+   defaults.variables.RC = "rc"
+   defaults.variables.WRAPPER = site_config.LUAROCKS_PREFIX .. "\\2.0\\rclauncher.obj"
+   defaults.variables.LD = "link"
+   defaults.variables.MT = "mt"
+   defaults.variables.LUALIB = "lua"..lua_version..".lib"
+   defaults.variables.CFLAGS = "/MD /O2"
+   defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "/dll"
+   defaults.variables.LUALIB = "lua"..lua_version..".lib"
+   defaults.external_deps_patterns = {
+      bin = { "?.exe", "?.bat" },
+      lib = { "?.lib", "?.dll", "lib?.dll" },
+      include = { "?.h" }
+   }
+   defaults.runtime_external_deps_patterns = {
+      bin = { "?.exe", "?.bat" },
+      lib = { "?.dll", "lib?.dll" },
+      include = { "?.h" }
+   }
+   defaults.export_path = "SET PATH=%s"
+   defaults.export_path_separator = ";"
+   defaults.export_lua_path = "SET LUA_PATH=%s"
+   defaults.export_lua_cpath = "SET LUA_CPATH=%s"
+   defaults.local_cache = home.."/cache/luarocks"
+if detected.mingw32 then
+   defaults.platforms = { "win32", "mingw32" }
+   defaults.obj_extension = "o"
+   defaults.cmake_generator = "MinGW Makefiles"
+   defaults.variables.MAKE = "mingw32-make"
+   defaults.variables.CC = "mingw32-gcc"
+   defaults.variables.RC = "windres"
+   defaults.variables.WRAPPER = site_config.LUAROCKS_PREFIX .. "\\2.0\\rclauncher.o"
+   defaults.variables.LD = "mingw32-gcc"
+   defaults.variables.CFLAGS = "-O2"
+   defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "-shared"
+if detected.unix then
+   defaults.lib_extension = "so"
+   defaults.external_lib_extension = "so"
+   defaults.obj_extension = "o"
+   defaults.external_deps_dirs = { "/usr/local", "/usr" }
+   defaults.variables.LUA_BINDIR = site_config.LUA_BINDIR or "/usr/local/bin"
+   defaults.variables.LUA_INCDIR = site_config.LUA_INCDIR or "/usr/local/include"
+   defaults.variables.LUA_LIBDIR = site_config.LUA_LIBDIR or "/usr/local/lib"
+   defaults.variables.CFLAGS = "-O2"
+   defaults.cmake_generator = "Unix Makefiles"
+   defaults.platforms = { "unix" }
+   defaults.variables.CC = "gcc"
+   defaults.variables.LD = "gcc"
+   defaults.gcc_rpath = true
+   defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "-shared"
+   defaults.external_deps_patterns = {
+      bin = { "?" },
+      lib = { "lib?.a", "lib?.so", "lib?.so.*" },
+      include = { "?.h" }
+   }
+   defaults.runtime_external_deps_patterns = {
+      bin = { "?" },
+      lib = { "lib?.so", "lib?.so.*" },
+      include = { "?.h" }
+   }
+   defaults.export_path = "export PATH='%s'"
+   defaults.export_path_separator = ":"
+   defaults.export_lua_path = "export LUA_PATH='%s'"
+   defaults.export_lua_cpath = "export LUA_CPATH='%s'"
+   defaults.local_cache = home.."/.cache/luarocks"
+   if not defaults.variables.CFLAGS:match("-fPIC") then
+      defaults.variables.CFLAGS = defaults.variables.CFLAGS.." -fPIC"
+   end
+if detected.cygwin then
+   defaults.lib_extension = "so" -- can be overridden in the config file for mingw builds
+   defaults.arch = "cygwin-"..proc
+   defaults.platforms = {"unix", "cygwin"}
+   defaults.cmake_generator = "Unix Makefiles"
+   defaults.variables.CC = "echo -llua | xargs gcc"
+   defaults.variables.LD = "echo -llua | xargs gcc"
+   defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "-shared"
+if detected.bsd then
+   defaults.variables.MAKE = "gmake"
+   defaults.variables.STATFLAG = "-f '%OLp'"
+if detected.macosx then
+   defaults.external_lib_extension = "dylib"
+   defaults.arch = "macosx-"..proc
+   defaults.platforms = {"unix", "bsd", "macosx"}
+   defaults.variables.LIBFLAG = "-bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -all_load"
+   defaults.variables.STATFLAG = "-f '%A'"
+   local version = io.popen("sw_vers -productVersion"):read("*l")
+   version = tonumber(version and version:match("^[^.]+%.([^.]+)")) or 3
+   if version >= 5 then
+      version = 5
+   else
+      defaults.gcc_rpath = false
+   end
+   defaults.variables.CC = "export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10."..version.."; gcc"
+   defaults.variables.LD = "export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10."..version.."; gcc"
+if detected.linux then
+   defaults.arch = "linux-"..proc
+   defaults.platforms = {"unix", "linux"}
+if detected.freebsd then
+   defaults.arch = "freebsd-"..proc
+   defaults.platforms = {"unix", "bsd", "freebsd"}
+if detected.openbsd then
+   defaults.arch = "openbsd-"..proc
+   defaults.platforms = {"unix", "bsd", "openbsd"}
+if detected.netbsd then
+   defaults.arch = "netbsd-"..proc
+   defaults.platforms = {"unix", "bsd", "netbsd"}
+if detected.solaris then
+   defaults.arch = "solaris-"..proc
+   defaults.platforms = {"unix", "solaris"}
+   defaults.variables.MAKE = "gmake"
+-- Expose some more values detected by LuaRocks for use by rockspec authors.
+defaults.variables.LIB_EXTENSION = defaults.lib_extension
+defaults.variables.OBJ_EXTENSION = defaults.obj_extension
+defaults.variables.LUAROCKS_PREFIX = site_config.LUAROCKS_PREFIX
+defaults.variables.LUA = site_config.LUA_DIR_SET and (defaults.variables.LUA_BINDIR.."/"..defaults.lua_interpreter) or defaults.lua_interpreter
+-- Use defaults:
+-- Populate values from 'defaults.variables' in 'variables' if they were not
+-- already set by user.
+if not _M.variables then
+   _M.variables = {}
+for k,v in pairs(defaults.variables) do
+   if not _M.variables[k] then
+      _M.variables[k] = v
+   end
+-- For values not set in the config file, use values from the 'defaults' table.
+local cfg_mt = {
+   __index = function(t, k)
+      local default = defaults[k]
+      if default then
+         rawset(t, k, default)
+      end
+      return default
+   end
+setmetatable(_M, cfg_mt)
+for _,tree in ipairs(rocks_trees) do
+  if type(tree) == "string" then
+    package.path = tree..lua_modules_path.."/?.lua;"..tree..lua_modules_path.."/?/init.lua;"..package.path
+    package.cpath = tree..lib_modules_path.."/?."..lib_extension..";"..package.cpath
+  else
+    package.path = (tree.lua_dir or tree.root..lua_modules_path).."/?.lua;"..
+                       (tree.lua_dir or tree.root..lua_modules_path).."/?/init.lua;"..package.path
+    package.cpath = (tree.lib_dir or tree.root..lib_modules_path).."/?."..lib_extension..";"..package.cpath
+  end
+function which_config()
+   return sys_config_file, sys_config_ok, home_config_file, home_config_ok
+user_agent = "LuaRocks/"..program_version.." "..arch
+--- Check if platform was detected
+-- @param query string: The platform name to check.
+-- @return boolean: true if LuaRocks is currently running on queried platform.
+function is_platform(query)
+   assert(type(query) == "string")
+   for _, platform in ipairs(platforms) do
+      if platform == query then
+         return true
+      end
+   end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/command_line.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+--- Functions for command-line scripts.
+module("luarocks.command_line", package.seeall)
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+--- Display an error message and exit.
+-- @param message string: The error message.
+local function die(message)
+   assert(type(message) == "string")
+   local ok, err = pcall(util.run_scheduled_functions)
+   if not ok then
+      util.printerr("\nLuaRocks "..cfg.program_version.." internal bug (please report at\n"..err)
+   end
+   util.printerr("\nError: "..message)
+   os.exit(1)
+--- Main command-line processor.
+-- Parses input arguments and calls the appropriate driver function
+-- to execute the action requested on the command-line, forwarding
+-- to it any additional arguments passed by the user.
+-- Uses the global table "commands", which contains
+-- the loaded modules representing commands.
+-- @param ... string: Arguments given on the command-line.
+function run_command(...)
+   local args = {...}
+   local cmdline_vars = {}
+   for i = #args, 1, -1 do
+      local arg = args[i]
+      if arg:match("^[^-][^=]*=") then
+         local var, val = arg:match("^([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)=(.*)")
+         if val then
+            cmdline_vars[var] = val
+            table.remove(args, i)
+         else
+            die("Invalid assignment: "..arg)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   local nonflags = { util.parse_flags(unpack(args)) }
+   local flags = table.remove(nonflags, 1)
+   if flags["from"] then flags["server"] = flags["from"] end
+   if flags["only-from"] then flags["only-server"] = flags["only-from"] end
+   if flags["only-sources-from"] then flags["only-sources"] = flags["only-sources-from"] end
+   if flags["to"] then flags["tree"] = flags["to"] end
+   if flags["nodeps"] then
+      flags["deps-mode"] = "none"
+      table.insert(args, "--deps-mode=none")
+   end
+   cfg.flags = flags
+   local command
+   if flags["version"] then
+      util.printout(program_name.." "..cfg.program_version)
+      util.printout(program_description)
+      util.printout()
+      os.exit(0)
+   elseif flags["help"] or #nonflags == 0 then
+      command = "help"
+      args = nonflags
+   else
+      command = nonflags[1]
+      for i, arg in ipairs(args) do
+         if arg == command then
+            table.remove(args, i)
+            break
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   command = command:gsub("-", "_")
+   if flags["extensions"] then
+      cfg.use_extensions = true
+      local type_check = require("luarocks.type_check")
+      type_check.load_extensions()
+   end
+   if cfg.local_by_default then
+      flags["local"] = true
+   end
+   if flags["deps-mode"] and not deps.check_deps_mode_flag(flags["deps-mode"]) then
+      die("Invalid entry for --deps-mode.")
+   end
+   if flags["tree"] then
+      if flags["tree"] == true or flags["tree"] == "" then
+         die("Argument error: use --tree=<path>")
+      end
+      local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+      local root_dir = fs.absolute_name(flags["tree"])
+      path.use_tree(root_dir)
+   elseif flags["local"] then
+      path.use_tree(cfg.home_tree)
+   else
+      local trees = cfg.rocks_trees
+      path.use_tree(trees[#trees])
+   end
+   if type(cfg.root_dir) == "string" then
+     cfg.root_dir = cfg.root_dir:gsub("/+$", "")
+   else
+     cfg.root_dir.root = cfg.root_dir.root:gsub("/+$", "")
+   end
+   cfg.rocks_dir = cfg.rocks_dir:gsub("/+$", "")
+   cfg.deploy_bin_dir = cfg.deploy_bin_dir:gsub("/+$", "")
+   cfg.deploy_lua_dir = cfg.deploy_lua_dir:gsub("/+$", "")
+   cfg.deploy_lib_dir = cfg.deploy_lib_dir:gsub("/+$", "")
+   cfg.variables.ROCKS_TREE = cfg.rocks_dir
+   cfg.variables.SCRIPTS_DIR = cfg.deploy_bin_dir
+   if flags["server"] then
+      if flags["server"] == true then
+         die("Argument error: use --server=<url>")
+      end
+      local protocol, path = dir.split_url(flags["server"])
+      table.insert(cfg.rocks_servers, 1, protocol.."://"..path)
+   end
+   if flags["only-server"] then
+      if flags["only-server"] == true then
+         die("Argument error: use --only-server=<url>")
+      end
+      cfg.rocks_servers = { flags["only-server"] }
+   end
+   if flags["only-sources"] then
+      cfg.only_sources_from = flags["only-sources"]
+   end
+   if command ~= "help" then
+      for k, v in pairs(cmdline_vars) do
+         cfg.variables[k] = v
+      end
+   end
+   if commands[command] then
+      -- TODO the interface of run should be modified, to receive the
+      -- flags table and the (possibly unpacked) nonflags arguments.
+      -- This would remove redundant parsing of arguments.
+      -- I'm not changing this now to avoid messing with the run()
+      -- interface, which I know some people use (even though
+      -- I never published it as a public API...)
+      local xp, ok, err = xpcall(function() return commands[command].run(unpack(args)) end, function(err)
+         die(debug.traceback("LuaRocks "..cfg.program_version
+            .." bug (please report at\n"
+            ..err, 2))
+      end)
+      if xp and (not ok) then
+         die(err)
+      end
+   else
+      die("Unknown command: "..command)
+   end
+   util.run_scheduled_functions()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/deps.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+--- Dependency handling functions.
+-- Dependencies are represented in LuaRocks through strings with
+-- a package name followed by a comma-separated list of constraints.
+-- Each constraint consists of an operator and a version number.
+-- In this string format, version numbers are represented as
+-- naturally as possible, like they are used by upstream projects
+-- (e.g. "2.0beta3"). Internally, LuaRocks converts them to a purely
+-- numeric representation, allowing comparison following some
+-- "common sense" heuristics. The precise specification of the
+-- comparison criteria is the source code of this module, but the
+-- test/test_deps.lua file included with LuaRocks provides some
+-- insights on what these criteria are.
+module("luarocks.deps", package.seeall)
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local manif_core = require("luarocks.manif_core")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local operators = {
+   ["=="] = "==",
+   ["~="] = "~=",
+   [">"] = ">",
+   ["<"] = "<",
+   [">="] = ">=",
+   ["<="] = "<=",
+   ["~>"] = "~>",
+   -- plus some convenience translations
+   [""] = "==",
+   ["="] = "==",
+   ["!="] = "~="
+local deltas = {
+   scm =    1000,
+   cvs =    1000,
+   rc =    -1000,
+   pre =   -10000,
+   beta =  -100000,
+   alpha = -1000000
+local version_mt = {
+   --- Equality comparison for versions.
+   -- All version numbers must be equal.
+   -- If both versions have revision numbers, they must be equal;
+   -- otherwise the revision number is ignored.
+   -- @param v1 table: version table to compare.
+   -- @param v2 table: version table to compare.
+   -- @return boolean: true if they are considered equivalent.
+   __eq = function(v1, v2)
+      if #v1 ~= #v2 then
+         return false
+      end
+      for i = 1, #v1 do
+         if v1[i] ~= v2[i] then
+            return false
+         end
+      end
+      if v1.revision and v2.revision then
+         return (v1.revision == v2.revision)
+      end
+      return true
+   end,
+   --- Size comparison for versions.
+   -- All version numbers are compared.
+   -- If both versions have revision numbers, they are compared;
+   -- otherwise the revision number is ignored.
+   -- @param v1 table: version table to compare.
+   -- @param v2 table: version table to compare.
+   -- @return boolean: true if v1 is considered lower than v2.
+   __lt = function(v1, v2)
+      for i = 1, math.max(#v1, #v2) do
+         local v1i, v2i = v1[i] or 0, v2[i] or 0
+         if v1i ~= v2i then
+            return (v1i < v2i)
+         end
+      end
+      if v1.revision and v2.revision then
+         return (v1.revision < v2.revision)
+      end
+      return false
+   end
+local version_cache = {}
+setmetatable(version_cache, {
+   __mode = "kv"
+--- Parse a version string, converting to table format.
+-- A version table contains all components of the version string
+-- converted to numeric format, stored in the array part of the table.
+-- If the version contains a revision, it is stored numerically
+-- in the 'revision' field. The original string representation of
+-- the string is preserved in the 'string' field.
+-- Returned version tables use a metatable
+-- allowing later comparison through relational operators.
+-- @param vstring string: A version number in string format.
+-- @return table or nil: A version table or nil
+-- if the input string contains invalid characters.
+function parse_version(vstring)
+   if not vstring then return nil end
+   assert(type(vstring) == "string")
+   local cached = version_cache[vstring]
+   if cached then
+      return cached
+   end
+   local version = {}
+   local i = 1
+   local function add_token(number)
+      version[i] = version[i] and version[i] + number/100000 or number
+      i = i + 1
+   end
+   -- trim leading and trailing spaces
+   vstring = vstring:match("^%s*(.*)%s*$")
+   version.string = vstring
+   -- store revision separately if any
+   local main, revision = vstring:match("(.*)%-(%d+)$")
+   if revision then
+      vstring = main
+      version.revision = tonumber(revision)
+   end
+   while #vstring > 0 do
+      -- extract a number
+      local token, rest = vstring:match("^(%d+)[%.%-%_]*(.*)")
+      if token then
+         add_token(tonumber(token))
+      else
+         -- extract a word
+         token, rest = vstring:match("^(%a+)[%.%-%_]*(.*)")
+         if not token then
+            util.printerr("Warning: version number '"..vstring.."' could not be parsed.")
+            version[i] = 0
+            break
+         end
+         local last = #version
+         version[i] = deltas[token] or (token:byte() / 1000)
+      end
+      vstring = rest
+   end
+   setmetatable(version, version_mt)
+   version_cache[vstring] = version
+   return version
+--- Utility function to compare version numbers given as strings.
+-- @param a string: one version.
+-- @param b string: another version.
+-- @return boolean: True if a > b.
+function compare_versions(a, b)
+   return parse_version(a) > parse_version(b)
+--- Consumes a constraint from a string, converting it to table format.
+-- For example, a string ">= 1.0, > 2.0" is converted to a table in the
+-- format {op = ">=", version={1,0}} and the rest, "> 2.0", is returned
+-- back to the caller.
+-- @param input string: A list of constraints in string format.
+-- @return (table, string) or nil: A table representing the same
+-- constraints and the string with the unused input, or nil if the
+-- input string is invalid.
+local function parse_constraint(input)
+   assert(type(input) == "string")
+   local no_upgrade, op, version, rest = input:match("^(@?)([<>=~!]*)%s*([%w%.%_%-]+)[%s,]*(.*)")
+   op = operators[op]
+   version = parse_version(version)
+   if not op or not version then return nil end
+   return { op = op, version = version, no_upgrade = no_upgrade=="@" and true or nil }, rest
+--- Convert a list of constraints from string to table format.
+-- For example, a string ">= 1.0, < 2.0" is converted to a table in the format
+-- {{op = ">=", version={1,0}}, {op = "<", version={2,0}}}.
+-- Version tables use a metatable allowing later comparison through
+-- relational operators.
+-- @param input string: A list of constraints in string format.
+-- @return table or nil: A table representing the same constraints,
+-- or nil if the input string is invalid.
+function parse_constraints(input)
+   assert(type(input) == "string")
+   local constraints, constraint = {}, nil
+   while #input > 0 do
+      constraint, input = parse_constraint(input)
+      if constraint then
+         table.insert(constraints, constraint)
+      else
+         return nil
+      end
+   end
+   return constraints
+--- Convert a dependency from string to table format.
+-- For example, a string "foo >= 1.0, < 2.0"
+-- is converted to a table in the format
+-- {name = "foo", constraints = {{op = ">=", version={1,0}},
+-- {op = "<", version={2,0}}}}. Version tables use a metatable
+-- allowing later comparison through relational operators.
+-- @param dep string: A dependency in string format
+-- as entered in rockspec files.
+-- @return table or nil: A table representing the same dependency relation,
+-- or nil if the input string is invalid.
+function parse_dep(dep)
+   assert(type(dep) == "string")
+   local name, rest = dep:match("^%s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*)%s*(.*)")
+   if not name then return nil end
+   local constraints = parse_constraints(rest)
+   if not constraints then return nil end
+   return { name = name, constraints = constraints }
+--- Convert a version table to a string.
+-- @param v table: The version table
+-- @param internal boolean or nil: Whether to display versions in their
+-- internal representation format or how they were specified.
+-- @return string: The dependency information pretty-printed as a string.
+function show_version(v, internal)
+   assert(type(v) == "table")
+   assert(type(internal) == "boolean" or not internal)
+   return (internal
+           and table.concat(v, ":")..(v.revision and tostring(v.revision) or "")
+           or v.string)
+--- Convert a dependency in table format to a string.
+-- @param dep table: The dependency in table format
+-- @param internal boolean or nil: Whether to display versions in their
+-- internal representation format or how they were specified.
+-- @return string: The dependency information pretty-printed as a string.
+function show_dep(dep, internal)
+   assert(type(dep) == "table")
+   assert(type(internal) == "boolean" or not internal)
+   local pretty = {}
+   for _, c in ipairs(dep.constraints) do
+      table.insert(pretty, c.op .. " " .. show_version(c.version, internal))
+   end
+   return" "..table.concat(pretty, ", ")
+--- A more lenient check for equivalence between versions.
+-- This returns true if the requested components of a version
+-- match and ignore the ones that were not given. For example,
+-- when requesting "2", then "2", "2.1", "2.3.5-9"... all match.
+-- When requesting "2.1", then "2.1", "2.1.3" match, but "2.2"
+-- doesn't.
+-- @param version string or table: Version to be tested; may be
+-- in string format or already parsed into a table.
+-- @param requested string or table: Version requested; may be
+-- in string format or already parsed into a table.
+-- @return boolean: True if the tested version matches the requested
+-- version, false otherwise.
+local function partial_match(version, requested)
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or type(version) == "table")
+   assert(type(requested) == "string" or type(version) == "table")
+   if type(version) ~= "table" then version = parse_version(version) end
+   if type(requested) ~= "table" then requested = parse_version(requested) end
+   if not version or not requested then return false end
+   for i, ri in ipairs(requested) do
+      local vi = version[i] or 0
+      if ri ~= vi then return false end
+   end
+   if requested.revision then
+      return requested.revision == version.revision
+   end
+   return true
+--- Check if a version satisfies a set of constraints.
+-- @param version table: A version in table format
+-- @param constraints table: An array of constraints in table format.
+-- @return boolean: True if version satisfies all constraints,
+-- false otherwise.
+function match_constraints(version, constraints)
+   assert(type(version) == "table")
+   assert(type(constraints) == "table")
+   local ok = true
+   setmetatable(version, version_mt)
+   for _, constr in pairs(constraints) do
+      local constr_version = constr.version
+      setmetatable(constr.version, version_mt)
+      if     constr.op == "==" then ok = version == constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == "~=" then ok = version ~= constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == ">"  then ok = version >  constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == "<"  then ok = version <  constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == ">=" then ok = version >= constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == "<=" then ok = version <= constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == "~>" then ok = partial_match(version, constr_version)
+      end
+      if not ok then break end
+   end
+   return ok
+--- Attempt to match a dependency to an installed rock.
+-- @param dep table: A dependency parsed in table format.
+-- @param blacklist table: Versions that can't be accepted. Table where keys
+-- are program versions and values are 'true'.
+-- @return table or nil: A table containing fields 'name' and 'version'
+-- representing an installed rock which matches the given dependency,
+-- or nil if it could not be matched.
+local function match_dep(dep, blacklist, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(dep) == "table")
+   local versions
+   if == "lua" then
+      versions = { cfg.lua_version }
+   else
+      versions = manif_core.get_versions(, deps_mode)
+   end
+   if not versions then
+      return nil
+   end
+   if blacklist then
+      local i = 1
+      while versions[i] do
+         if blacklist[versions[i]] then
+            table.remove(versions, i)
+         else
+            i = i + 1
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   local candidates = {}
+   for _, vstring in ipairs(versions) do
+      local version = parse_version(vstring)
+      if match_constraints(version, dep.constraints) then
+         table.insert(candidates, version)
+      end
+   end
+   if #candidates == 0 then
+      return nil
+   else
+      table.sort(candidates)
+      return {
+         name =,
+         version = candidates[#candidates].string
+      }
+   end
+--- Attempt to match dependencies of a rockspec to installed rocks.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec loaded as a table.
+-- @param blacklist table or nil: Program versions to not use as valid matches.
+-- Table where keys are program names and values are tables where keys
+-- are program versions and values are 'true'.
+-- @return table, table: A table where keys are dependencies parsed
+-- in table format and values are tables containing fields 'name' and
+-- version' representing matches, and a table of missing dependencies
+-- parsed as tables.
+function match_deps(rockspec, blacklist, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(blacklist) == "table" or not blacklist)
+   local matched, missing, no_upgrade = {}, {}, {}
+   for _, dep in ipairs(rockspec.dependencies) do
+      local found = match_dep(dep, blacklist and blacklist[] or nil, deps_mode)
+      if found then
+         if ~= "lua" then 
+            matched[dep] = found
+         end
+      else
+         if dep.constraints[1] and dep.constraints[1].no_upgrade then
+            no_upgrade[] = dep
+         else
+            missing[] = dep
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return matched, missing, no_upgrade
+--- Return a set of values of a table.
+-- @param tbl table: The input table.
+-- @return table: The array of keys.
+local function values_set(tbl)
+   local set = {}
+   for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+      set[v] = true
+   end
+   return set
+--- Check dependencies of a rock and attempt to install any missing ones.
+-- Packages are installed using the LuaRocks "install" command.
+-- Aborts the program if a dependency could not be fulfilled.
+-- @param rockspec table: A rockspec in table format.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string, [string]): True if no errors occurred, or
+-- nil and an error message if any test failed, followed by an optional
+-- error code.
+function fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, deps_mode)
+   local search = require("")
+   local install = require("luarocks.install")
+   if rockspec.supported_platforms then
+      if not platforms_set then
+         platforms_set = values_set(cfg.platforms)
+      end
+      local supported = nil
+      for _, plat in pairs(rockspec.supported_platforms) do
+         local neg, plat = plat:match("^(!?)(.*)")
+         if neg == "!" then
+            if platforms_set[plat] then
+               return nil, "This rockspec for "..rockspec.package.." does not support "..plat.." platforms."
+            end
+         else
+            if platforms_set[plat] then
+               supported = true
+            else
+               if supported == nil then
+                  supported = false
+               end
+            end
+         end
+      end
+      if supported == false then
+         local plats = table.concat(cfg.platforms, ", ")
+         return nil, "This rockspec for "..rockspec.package.." does not support "..plats.." platforms."
+      end
+   end
+   local matched, missing, no_upgrade = match_deps(rockspec, nil, deps_mode)
+   if next(no_upgrade) then
+      util.printerr("Missing dependencies for "" "..rockspec.version..":")
+      for _, dep in pairs(no_upgrade) do
+         util.printerr(show_dep(dep))
+      end
+      if next(missing) then
+         for _, dep in pairs(missing) do
+            util.printerr(show_dep(dep))
+         end
+      end
+      util.printerr()
+      for _, dep in pairs(no_upgrade) do
+         util.printerr("This version of "" is designed for use with")
+         util.printerr(show_dep(dep)..", but is configured to avoid upgrading it")
+         util.printerr("automatically. Please upgrade "" with")
+         util.printerr("   luarocks install "
+         util.printerr("or choose an older version of "" with")
+         util.printerr("   luarocks search "
+      end
+      return nil, "Failed matching dependencies."
+   end
+   if next(missing) then
+      util.printerr()
+      util.printerr("Missing dependencies for "":")
+      for _, dep in pairs(missing) do
+         util.printerr(show_dep(dep))
+      end
+      util.printerr()
+      for _, dep in pairs(missing) do
+         -- Double-check in case dependency was filled during recursion.
+         if not match_dep(dep, nil, deps_mode) then
+            local rock = search.find_suitable_rock(dep)
+            if not rock then
+               return nil, "Could not satisfy dependency: "..show_dep(dep)
+            end
+            local ok, err, errcode =
+            if not ok then
+               return nil, "Failed installing dependency: "..rock.." - "..err, errcode
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- If filename matches a pattern, return the capture.
+-- For example, given "" and "lib?.so" is a pattern,
+-- returns "foo" (which can then be used to build names
+-- based on other patterns.
+-- @param file string: a filename
+-- @param pattern string: a pattern, where ? is to be matched by the filename.
+-- @return string The pattern, if found, or nil.
+local function deconstruct_pattern(file, pattern)
+   local depattern = "^"..(pattern:gsub("%.", "%%."):gsub("%*", ".*"):gsub("?", "(.*)")).."$"
+   return (file:match(depattern))
+--- Construct all possible patterns for a name and add to the files array.
+-- Run through the patterns array replacing all occurrences of "?"
+-- with the given file name and store them in the files array.
+-- @param file string A raw name (e.g. "foo")
+-- @param array of string An array of patterns with "?" as the wildcard
+-- (e.g. {"?.so", "lib?.so"})
+-- @param files The array of constructed names
+local function add_all_patterns(file, patterns, files)
+   for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do
+      table.insert(files, (pattern:gsub("?", file)))
+   end
+--- Set up path-related variables for external dependencies.
+-- For each key in the external_dependencies table in the
+-- rockspec file, four variables are created: <key>_DIR, <key>_BINDIR,
+-- <key>_INCDIR and <key>_LIBDIR. These are not overwritten
+-- if already set (e.g. by the LuaRocks config file or through the
+-- command-line). Values in the external_dependencies table
+-- are tables that may contain a "header" or a "library" field,
+-- with filenames to be tested for existence.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table.
+-- @param mode string: if "build" is given, checks all files;
+-- if "install" is given, do not scan for headers.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if no errors occurred, or
+-- nil and an error message if any test failed.
+function check_external_deps(rockspec, mode)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+   local vars = rockspec.variables
+   local patterns = cfg.external_deps_patterns
+   local subdirs = cfg.external_deps_subdirs
+   if mode == "install" then
+      patterns = cfg.runtime_external_deps_patterns
+      subdirs = cfg.runtime_external_deps_subdirs
+   end
+   if rockspec.external_dependencies then
+      for name, files in pairs(rockspec.external_dependencies) do
+         local ok = true
+         local failed_file = nil
+         local failed_dirname = nil
+         for _, extdir in ipairs(cfg.external_deps_dirs) do
+            ok = true
+            local prefix = vars[name.."_DIR"]
+            local dirs = {
+               BINDIR = { subdir = subdirs.bin, testfile = "program", pattern = patterns.bin },
+               INCDIR = { subdir = subdirs.include, testfile = "header", pattern = patterns.include },
+               LIBDIR = { subdir = subdirs.lib, testfile = "library", pattern = patterns.lib }
+            }
+            if mode == "install" then
+               dirs.INCDIR = nil
+            end
+            if not prefix then
+               prefix = extdir
+            end
+            if type(prefix) == "table" then
+               if prefix.bin then
+                  dirs.BINDIR.subdir = prefix.bin
+               end
+               if prefix.include then
+                  if dirs.INCDIR then
+                     dirs.INCDIR.subdir = prefix.include
+                  end
+               end
+               if prefix.lib then
+                  dirs.LIBDIR.subdir = prefix.lib
+               end
+               prefix = prefix.prefix
+            end
+            for dirname, dirdata in pairs(dirs) do
+               dirdata.dir = vars[name.."_"..dirname] or dir.path(prefix, dirdata.subdir)
+               local file = files[dirdata.testfile]
+               if file then
+                  local files = {}
+                  if not file:match("%.") then
+                     add_all_patterns(file, dirdata.pattern, files)
+                  else
+                     for _, pattern in ipairs(dirdata.pattern) do
+                        local matched = deconstruct_pattern(file, pattern)
+                        if matched then
+                           add_all_patterns(matched, dirdata.pattern, files)
+                        end
+                     end
+                     table.insert(files, file)
+                  end
+                  local found = false
+                  failed_file = nil
+                  for _, f in pairs(files) do
+                     -- small convenience hack
+                     if f:match("$") or f:match("%.dylib$") or f:match("%.dll$") then
+                        f = f:gsub("%.[^.]+$", "."..cfg.external_lib_extension)
+                     end
+                     if f:match("%*") then
+                        local replaced = f:gsub("%.", "%%."):gsub("%*", ".*")
+                        for _, entry in ipairs(fs.list_dir(dirdata.dir)) do
+                           if entry:match(replaced) then
+                              found = true
+                              break
+                           end
+                        end
+                     else
+                        found = fs.is_file(dir.path(dirdata.dir, f))
+                     end
+                     if found then
+                        break
+                     else
+                        if failed_file then
+                           failed_file = failed_file .. ", or " .. f
+                        else
+                           failed_file = f
+                        end
+                     end
+                  end
+                  if not found then
+                     ok = false
+                     failed_dirname = dirname
+                     break
+                  end
+               end
+            end
+            if ok then
+               for dirname, dirdata in pairs(dirs) do
+                  vars[name.."_"..dirname] = dirdata.dir
+               end
+               vars[name.."_DIR"] = prefix
+               break
+            end
+         end
+         if not ok then
+            return nil, "Could not find expected file "..failed_file.." for "" -- you may have to install "" in your system and/or pass ""_DIR or ""_"..failed_dirname.." to the luarocks command. Example: luarocks install "" ""_DIR=/usr/local", "dependency"
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Recursively scan dependencies, to build a transitive closure of all
+-- dependent packages.
+-- @param results table: The results table being built.
+-- @param missing table: The table of missing dependencies being recursively built.
+-- @param manifest table: The manifest table containing dependencies.
+-- @param name string: Package name.
+-- @param version string: Package version.
+-- @return (table, table): The results and a table of missing dependencies.
+function scan_deps(results, missing, manifest, name, version, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(results) == "table")
+   assert(type(missing) == "table")
+   assert(type(manifest) == "table")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+   local err
+   if results[name] then
+      return results, missing
+   end
+   if not manifest.dependencies then manifest.dependencies = {} end
+   local dependencies = manifest.dependencies
+   if not dependencies[name] then dependencies[name] = {} end
+   local dependencies_name = dependencies[name]
+   local deplist = dependencies_name[version]
+   local rockspec, err
+   if not deplist then
+      rockspec, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version))
+      if err then
+         missing[name.." "..version] = err
+         return results, missing
+      end
+      dependencies_name[version] = rockspec.dependencies
+   else
+      rockspec = { dependencies = deplist }
+   end
+   local matched, failures = match_deps(rockspec, nil, deps_mode)
+   for _, match in pairs(matched) do
+      results, missing = scan_deps(results, missing, manifest,, match.version, deps_mode)
+   end
+   if next(failures) then
+      for _, failure in pairs(failures) do
+         missing[show_dep(failure)] = "failed"
+      end
+   end
+   results[name] = version
+   return results, missing
+local valid_deps_modes = {
+   one = true,
+   order = true,
+   all = true,
+   none = true,
+function check_deps_mode_flag(flag)
+   return valid_deps_modes[flag]
+function get_deps_mode(flags)
+   if flags["deps-mode"] then
+      return flags["deps-mode"]
+   else
+      return cfg.deps_mode
+   end
+function deps_mode_to_flag(deps_mode)
+   return "--deps-mode="..deps_mode
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/dir.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+--- Generic utilities for handling pathnames.
+module("luarocks.dir", package.seeall)
+separator = "/"
+--- Strip the path off a path+filename.
+-- @param pathname string: A path+name, such as "/a/b/c"
+-- or "\a\b\c".
+-- @return string: The filename without its path, such as "c".
+function base_name(pathname)
+   assert(type(pathname) == "string")
+   local base = pathname:gsub("[/\\]*$", ""):match(".*[/\\]([^/\\]*)")
+   return base or pathname
+--- Strip the name off a path+filename.
+-- @param pathname string: A path+name, such as "/a/b/c".
+-- @return string: The filename without its path, such as "/a/b/".
+-- For entries such as "/a/b/", "/a/" is returned. If there are
+-- no directory separators in input, "" is returned.
+function dir_name(pathname)
+   assert(type(pathname) == "string")
+   return (pathname:gsub("/*$", ""):match("(.*/)[^/]*")) or ""
+--- Describe a path in a cross-platform way.
+-- Use this function to avoid platform-specific directory
+-- separators in other modules. Removes trailing slashes from
+-- each component given, to avoid repeated separators.
+-- Separators inside strings are kept, to handle URLs containing
+-- protocols.
+-- @param ... strings representing directories
+-- @return string: a string with a platform-specific representation
+-- of the path.
+function path(...)
+   local items = {...}
+   local i = 1
+   while items[i] do
+      items[i] = items[i]:gsub("(.+)/+$", "%1")
+      if items[i] == "" then
+         table.remove(items, i)
+      else
+         i = i + 1
+      end
+   end
+   return (table.concat(items, "/"):gsub("(.+)/+$", "%1"))
+--- Split protocol and path from an URL or local pathname.
+-- URLs should be in the "protocol://path" format.
+-- For local pathnames, "file" is returned as the protocol.
+-- @param url string: an URL or a local pathname.
+-- @return string, string: the protocol, and the pathname without the protocol.
+function split_url(url)
+   assert(type(url) == "string")
+   local protocol, pathname = url:match("^([^:]*)://(.*)")
+   if not protocol then
+      protocol = "file"
+      pathname = url
+   end
+   return protocol, pathname
+function normalize(name)
+   return name:gsub("\\", "/"):gsub("(.)/*$", "%1")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/download.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+--- Module implementing the luarocks "download" command.
+-- Download a rock from the repository.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local search = require("")
+help_summary = "Download a specific rock file from a rocks server."
+help_arguments = "[--all] [--arch=<arch> | --source | --rockspec] [<name> [<version>]]"
+help = [[
+--all          Download all files if there are multiple matches.
+--source       Download .src.rock if available.
+--rockspec     Download .rockspec if available.
+--arch=<arch>  Download rock for a specific architecture.
+function download(arch, name, version, all)
+   local results, err
+   local query = search.make_query(name, version)
+   if arch then query.arch = arch end
+   if all then
+      if name == "" then query.exact_name = false end
+      results = search.search_repos(query)
+   else
+      results, err = search.find_suitable_rock(query)
+   end
+   if type(results) == "string" then
+      local file = fetch.fetch_url(results)
+      return file
+   elseif type(results) == "table" and next(results) then
+      if all then
+         local all_ok = true
+         local any_err = ""
+         for name, result in pairs(results) do
+            for version, versions in pairs(result) do
+               for _,items in pairs(versions) do
+                  local filename = path.make_url(items.repo, name, version, items.arch)
+                  local ok, err = fetch.fetch_url(filename)
+                  if not ok then
+                     all_ok = false
+                     any_err = any_err .. "\n" .. err
+                  end
+               end
+            end
+         end
+         return all_ok, any_err
+      else
+         util.printerr("Multiple search results were returned.")
+         util.title("Search results:")
+         search.print_results(results)
+         return nil, "Please narrow your query or use --all."
+      end
+   end
+   return nil, "Could not find a result named " and " "..version or "").."."
+--- Driver function for the "download" command.
+-- @param name string: a rock name.
+-- @param version string or nil: if the name of a package is given, a
+-- version may also be passed.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful or nil followed
+-- by an error message.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, name, version = util.parse_flags(...)
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
+   if type(name) ~= "string" and not flags["all"] then
+      return nil, "Argument missing, see help."
+   end
+   if not name then name, version = "", "" end
+   local arch
+   if flags["source"] then
+      arch = "src"
+   elseif flags["rockspec"] then
+      arch = "rockspec"
+   elseif flags["arch"] then
+      arch = flags["arch"]
+   end
+   local dl, err = download(arch, name, version, flags["all"])
+   return dl and true, err
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+--- Functions related to fetching and loading local and remote files.
+module("luarocks.fetch", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local type_check = require("luarocks.type_check")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+--- Fetch a local or remote file.
+-- Make a remote or local URL/pathname local, fetching the file if necessary.
+-- Other "fetch" and "load" functions use this function to obtain files.
+-- If a local pathname is given, it is returned as a result.
+-- @param url string: a local pathname or a remote URL.
+-- @param filename string or nil: this function attempts to detect the
+-- resulting local filename of the remote file as the basename of the URL;
+-- if that is not correct (due to a redirection, for example), the local
+-- filename can be given explicitly as this second argument.
+-- @return string or (nil, string, [string]): the absolute local pathname for the
+-- fetched file, or nil and a message in case of errors, followed by
+-- an optional error code.
+function fetch_url(url, filename)
+   assert(type(url) == "string")
+   assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
+   local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(url)
+   if protocol == "file" then
+      return fs.absolute_name(pathname)
+   elseif protocol == "http" or protocol == "ftp" or protocol == "https" then
+      local ok, err =, filename)
+      if not ok then
+         return nil, "Failed downloading "..url..(err and " - "..err or ""), "network"
+      end
+      return dir.path(fs.current_dir(), filename or dir.base_name(url))
+   else
+      return nil, "Unsupported protocol "..protocol
+   end
+--- For remote URLs, create a temporary directory and download URL inside it.
+-- This temporary directory will be deleted on program termination.
+-- For local URLs, just return the local pathname and its directory.
+-- @param url string: URL to be downloaded
+-- @param tmpname string: name pattern to use for avoiding conflicts
+-- when creating temporary directory.
+-- @param filename string or nil: local filename of URL to be downloaded,
+-- in case it can't be inferred from the URL.
+-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): absolute local pathname of
+-- the fetched file and temporary directory name; or nil and an error message
+-- followed by an optional error code
+function fetch_url_at_temp_dir(url, tmpname, filename)
+   assert(type(url) == "string")
+   assert(type(tmpname) == "string")
+   assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
+   filename = filename or dir.base_name(url)
+   local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(url)
+   if protocol == "file" then
+      if fs.exists(pathname) then
+         return pathname, dir.dir_name(fs.absolute_name(pathname))
+      else
+         return nil, "File not found: "..pathname
+      end
+   else
+      local temp_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(tmpname)
+      if not temp_dir then
+         return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
+      end
+      util.schedule_function(fs.delete, temp_dir)
+      fs.change_dir(temp_dir)
+      local file, err, errcode = fetch_url(url, filename)
+      fs.pop_dir()
+      if not file then
+         return nil, "Error fetching file: "..err, errcode
+      end
+      return file, temp_dir
+   end
+--- Obtain a rock and unpack it.
+-- If a directory is not given, a temporary directory will be created,
+-- which will be deleted on program termination.
+-- @param rock_file string: URL or filename of the rock.
+-- @param dest string or nil: if given, directory will be used as
+-- a permanent destination.
+-- @return string or (nil, string, [string]): the directory containing the contents
+-- of the unpacked rock.
+function fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, dest)
+   assert(type(rock_file) == "string")
+   assert(type(dest) == "string" or not dest)
+   local name = dir.base_name(rock_file):match("(.*)%.[^.]*%.rock")
+   local rock_file, err, errcode = fetch_url_at_temp_dir(rock_file,"luarocks-rock-"
+   if not rock_file then
+      return nil, "Could not fetch rock file: " .. err, errcode
+   end
+   rock_file = fs.absolute_name(rock_file)
+   local unpack_dir
+   if dest then
+      unpack_dir = dest
+      fs.make_dir(unpack_dir)
+   else
+      unpack_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name)
+   end
+   if not dest then
+      util.schedule_function(fs.delete, unpack_dir)
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(unpack_dir)
+   local ok = fs.unzip(rock_file)
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, "Failed unpacking rock file: " .. rock_file
+   end
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   return unpack_dir
+--- Back-end function that actually loads the local rockspec.
+-- Performs some validation and postprocessing of the rockspec contents.
+-- @param filename string: The local filename of the rockspec file.
+-- @return table or (nil, string): A table representing the rockspec
+-- or nil followed by an error message.
+function load_local_rockspec(filename)
+   assert(type(filename) == "string")
+   filename = fs.absolute_name(filename)
+   local rockspec, err = persist.load_into_table(filename)
+   if not rockspec then
+      return nil, "Could not load rockspec file "..filename.." ("..err..")"
+   end
+   local ok, err = type_check.type_check_rockspec(rockspec)
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, filename..": "..err
+   end
+   if rockspec.rockspec_format then
+      if deps.compare_versions(rockspec.rockspec_format, type_check.rockspec_format) then
+         return nil, "Rockspec format "..rockspec.rockspec_format.." is not supported, please upgrade LuaRocks."
+      end
+   end
+   util.platform_overrides(
+   util.platform_overrides(rockspec.dependencies)
+   util.platform_overrides(rockspec.external_dependencies)
+   util.platform_overrides(rockspec.source)
+   util.platform_overrides(rockspec.hooks)
+   local basename = dir.base_name(filename)
+   if basename == "rockspec" then
+ = rockspec.package:lower()
+   else
+ = basename:match("(.*)-[^-]*-[0-9]*")
+      if not then
+         return nil, "Expected filename in format 'name-version-revision.rockspec'."
+      end
+   end
+   local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(rockspec.source.url)
+   if protocol == "http" or protocol == "https" or protocol == "ftp" or protocol == "file" then
+      rockspec.source.file = rockspec.source.file or dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
+   end
+   rockspec.source.protocol, rockspec.source.pathname = protocol, pathname
+   -- Temporary compatibility
+   if rockspec.source.cvs_module then rockspec.source.module = rockspec.source.cvs_module end
+   if rockspec.source.cvs_tag then rockspec.source.tag = rockspec.source.cvs_tag end
+   local name_version = rockspec.package:lower() .. "-" .. rockspec.version
+   if basename ~= "rockspec" and basename ~= name_version .. ".rockspec" then
+      return nil, "Inconsistency between rockspec filename ("..basename..") and its contents ("..name_version..".rockspec)."
+   end
+   rockspec.local_filename = filename
+   local filebase = rockspec.source.file or rockspec.source.url
+   local base = dir.base_name(filebase)
+   base = base:gsub("%.[^.]*$", ""):gsub("%.tar$", "")
+   rockspec.source.dir = rockspec.source.dir
+                      or rockspec.source.module
+                      or ((filebase:match(".lua$") or filebase:match(".c$")) and ".")
+                      or base
+   if rockspec.dependencies then
+      for i = 1, #rockspec.dependencies do
+         local parsed = deps.parse_dep(rockspec.dependencies[i])
+         if not parsed then
+            return nil, "Parse error processing dependency '"..rockspec.dependencies[i].."'"
+         end
+         rockspec.dependencies[i] = parsed
+      end
+   else
+      rockspec.dependencies = {}
+   end
+   local ok, err = path.configure_paths(rockspec)
+   if err then
+      return nil, "Error verifying paths: "..err
+   end
+   return rockspec
+--- Load a local or remote rockspec into a table.
+-- This is the entry point for the LuaRocks tools. 
+-- Only the LuaRocks runtime loader should use
+-- load_local_rockspec directly.
+-- @param filename string: Local or remote filename of a rockspec.
+-- @param location string or nil: Where to download. If not given,
+-- a temporary dir is created.
+-- @return table or (nil, string, [string]): A table representing the rockspec
+-- or nil followed by an error message and optional error code.
+function load_rockspec(filename, location)
+   assert(type(filename) == "string")
+   local name
+   local basename = dir.base_name(filename)
+   if basename == "rockspec" then
+      name = "rockspec"
+   else
+      name = basename:match("(.*)%.rockspec")
+      if not name and not basename == "rockspec" then
+         return nil, "Filename '"..filename.."' does not look like a rockspec."
+      end
+   end
+   local err, errcode
+   if location then
+      fs.change_dir(location)
+      filename, err = fetch_url(filename)
+      fs.pop_dir()
+   else
+      filename, err, errcode = fetch_url_at_temp_dir(filename,"luarocks-rockspec-"
+   end
+   if not filename then
+      return nil, err, errcode
+   end
+   return load_local_rockspec(filename)
+--- Download sources for building a rock using the basic URL downloader.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
+-- @param extract boolean: Whether to extract the sources from
+-- the fetched source tarball or not.
+-- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
+-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): The absolute pathname of
+-- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
+-- store it; or nil and an error message and optional error code.
+function get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(extract) == "boolean")
+   assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
+   local url = rockspec.source.url
+   local name ="-"..rockspec.version
+   local filename = rockspec.source.file
+   local source_file, store_dir, err, errcode
+   if dest_dir then
+      fs.change_dir(dest_dir)
+      source_file, err, errcode = fetch_url(url, filename)
+      fs.pop_dir()
+      store_dir = dest_dir
+   else
+      source_file, store_dir, errcode = fetch_url_at_temp_dir(url, "luarocks-source-", filename)
+   end
+   if not source_file then
+      return nil, err or store_dir, errcode
+   end
+   if rockspec.source.md5 then
+      if not fs.check_md5(source_file, rockspec.source.md5) then
+         return nil, "MD5 check for "..filename.." has failed."
+      end
+   end
+   if extract then
+      fs.change_dir(store_dir)
+      fs.unpack_archive(rockspec.source.file)
+      if not fs.exists(rockspec.source.dir) then
+         return nil, "Directory "..rockspec.source.dir.." not found inside archive "..rockspec.source.file
+      end
+      fs.pop_dir()
+   end
+   return source_file, store_dir
+--- Download sources for building a rock, calling the appropriate protocol method.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
+-- @param extract boolean: When downloading compressed formats, whether to extract
+-- the sources from the fetched archive or not.
+-- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
+-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
+-- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
+-- store it; or nil and an error message.
+function fetch_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(extract) == "boolean")
+   assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
+   local protocol = rockspec.source.protocol
+   local ok, proto
+   if protocol == "http" or protocol == "https" or protocol == "ftp" or protocol == "file" then
+      proto = require("luarocks.fetch")
+   else
+      ok, proto = pcall(require, "luarocks.fetch."..protocol:gsub("[+-]", "_"))
+      if not ok then
+         return nil, "Unknown protocol "..protocol
+      end
+   end
+   if cfg.only_sources_from
+   and rockspec.source.pathname
+   and #rockspec.source.pathname > 0 then
+      if #cfg.only_sources_from == 0 then
+         return nil, "Can't download "..rockspec.source.url.." -- download from remote servers disabled"
+      elseif rockspec.source.pathname:find(cfg.only_sources_from, 1, true) ~= 1 then
+         return nil, "Can't download "..rockspec.source.url.." -- only downloading from "..cfg.only_sources_from
+      end
+   end
+   return proto.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/cvs.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+--- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from CVS.
+module("luarocks.fetch.cvs", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+--- Download sources for building a rock, using CVS.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
+-- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
+-- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
+-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
+-- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
+-- store it; or nil and an error message.
+function get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
+   local name_version = .. "-" .. rockspec.version
+   local module = rockspec.source.module or dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
+   local command = {rockspec.variables.CVS, "-d"..rockspec.source.pathname, "export", module}
+   if rockspec.source.tag then
+      table.insert(command, 4, "-r")
+      table.insert(command, 5, rockspec.source.tag)
+   end
+   local store_dir
+   if not dest_dir then
+      store_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name_version)
+      if not store_dir then
+         return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
+      end
+      util.schedule_function(fs.delete, store_dir)
+   else
+      store_dir = dest_dir
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(store_dir)
+   if not fs.execute(unpack(command)) then
+      return nil, "Failed fetching files from CVS."
+   end
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   return module, store_dir
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/git.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+--- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from GIT.
+module("luarocks.fetch.git", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+--- Git >= 1.7.10 can clone a branch **or tag**, < 1.7.10 by branch only. We
+-- need to know this in order to build the appropriate command; if we can't
+-- clone by tag then we'll have to issue a subsequent command to check out the
+-- given tag.
+-- @return boolean: Whether Git can clone by tag.
+local function git_can_clone_by_tag()
+   local version_string = io.popen('git --version'):read()
+   local major, minor, tiny = version_string:match('(%d-)%.(%d+)%.?(%d*)')
+   major, minor, tiny = tonumber(major), tonumber(minor), tonumber(tiny) or 0
+   local value = major > 1 or (major == 1 and (minor > 7 or (minor == 7 and tiny >= 10)))
+   git_can_clone_by_tag = function() return value end
+   return git_can_clone_by_tag()
+--- Download sources for building a rock, using git.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
+-- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
+-- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
+-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
+-- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
+-- store it; or nil and an error message.
+function get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
+   local git_cmd = rockspec.variables.GIT
+   local name_version = .. "-" .. rockspec.version
+   local module = dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
+   -- Strip off .git from base name if present
+   module = module:gsub("%.git$", "")
+   local store_dir
+   if not dest_dir then
+      store_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name_version)
+      if not store_dir then
+         return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
+      end
+      util.schedule_function(fs.delete, store_dir)
+   else
+      store_dir = dest_dir
+   end
+   store_dir = fs.absolute_name(store_dir)
+   fs.change_dir(store_dir)
+   local command = {git_cmd, "clone", "--depth=1", rockspec.source.url, module}
+   local tag_or_branch = rockspec.source.tag or rockspec.source.branch
+   -- If the tag or branch is explicitly set to "master" in the rockspec, then
+   -- we can avoid passing it to Git since it's the default.
+   if tag_or_branch == "master" then tag_or_branch = nil end
+   if tag_or_branch then
+      if git_can_clone_by_tag() then
+         -- The argument to `--branch` can actually be a branch or a tag as of
+         -- Git 1.7.10.
+         table.insert(command, 4, "--branch=" .. tag_or_branch)
+      end
+   end
+   if not fs.execute(unpack(command)) then
+      return nil, "Failed cloning git repository."
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(module)
+   if tag_or_branch and not git_can_clone_by_tag() then
+      local checkout_command = {git_cmd, "checkout", tag_or_branch}
+      if not fs.execute(unpack(checkout_command)) then
+         return nil, 'Failed to check out the "' .. tag_or_branch ..'" tag or branch.'
+      end
+   end
+   fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, ".git"))
+   fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, ".gitignore"))
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   return module, store_dir
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/git_file.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+--- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from local Git repositories.
+module("luarocks.fetch.git_file", package.seeall)
+local git = require("luarocks.fetch.git")
+--- Fetch sources for building a rock from a local Git repository.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
+-- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
+-- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
+-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
+-- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
+-- store it; or nil and an error message.
+function get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
+   rockspec.source.url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^git.file://", "")
+   return git.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/hg.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+--- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from HG.
+module("luarocks.fetch.hg", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+--- Download sources for building a rock, using hg.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
+-- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
+-- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
+-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
+-- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
+-- store it; or nil and an error message.
+function get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
+   local hg_cmd = rockspec.variables.HG
+   local name_version = .. "-" .. rockspec.version
+   -- Strip off special hg:// protocol type
+   local url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^hg://", "") 
+   local module = dir.base_name(url)
+   local command = {hg_cmd, "clone", url, module}
+   local tag_or_branch = rockspec.source.tag or rockspec.source.branch
+   if tag_or_branch then
+      command = {hg_cmd, "clone", "--rev", url, module}
+   end
+   local store_dir
+   if not dest_dir then
+      store_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name_version)
+      if not store_dir then
+         return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
+      end
+      util.schedule_function(fs.delete, store_dir)
+   else
+      store_dir = dest_dir
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(store_dir)
+   if not fs.execute(unpack(command)) then
+      return nil, "Failed cloning hg repository."
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(module)
+   fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, ".hg"))
+   fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, ".hgignore"))
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   return module, store_dir
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/sscm.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+--- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from Surround SCM Server
+module("luarocks.fetch.sscm", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+--- Download sources via Surround SCM Server for building a rock.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
+-- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
+-- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
+-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
+-- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
+-- store it; or nil and an error message.
+function get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
+   local sscm_cmd = rockspec.variables.SSCM
+   local module = rockspec.source.module or dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
+   local branch, repository = string.match(rockspec.source.pathname, "^([^/]*)/(.*)")
+   if not branch or not repository then
+      return nil, "Error retrieving branch and repository from rockspec."
+   end
+   -- Search for working directory.
+   local working_dir
+   local tmp = io.popen(string.format(sscm_cmd..[[ property "/" -d -b%s -p%s]], branch, repository))
+   for line in tmp:lines() do
+      --%c because a chr(13) comes in the end.
+      working_dir = string.match(line, "Working directory:[%s]*(.*)%c$")
+      if working_dir then break end
+   end
+   tmp:close()
+   if not working_dir then
+      return nil, "Error retrieving working directory from SSCM."
+   end
+   if not fs.execute(sscm_cmd, "get", "*", "-e" , "-r", "-b"..branch, "-p"..repository, "-tmodify", "-wreplace") then
+      return nil, "Failed fetching files from SSCM."
+   end
+   -- FIXME: This function does not honor the dest_dir parameter.
+   return module, working_dir
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/svn.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+--- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from Subversion.
+module("luarocks.fetch.svn", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+--- Download sources for building a rock, using Subversion.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
+-- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
+-- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
+-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
+-- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
+-- store it; or nil and an error message.
+function get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
+   local svn_cmd = rockspec.variables.SVN
+   local name_version = .. "-" .. rockspec.version
+   local module = rockspec.source.module or dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
+   local url = rockspec.source.url:gsub("^svn://", "")
+   local command = {svn_cmd, "checkout", url, module}
+   if rockspec.source.tag then
+      table.insert(command, 5, "-r")
+      table.insert(command, 6, rockspec.source.tag)
+   end
+   local store_dir
+   if not dest_dir then
+      store_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name_version)
+      if not store_dir then
+         return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
+      end
+      util.schedule_function(fs.delete, store_dir)
+   else
+      store_dir = dest_dir
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(store_dir)
+   if not fs.execute(unpack(command)) then
+      return nil, "Failed fetching files from Subversion."
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(module)
+   for _, d in ipairs(fs.find(".")) do
+      if dir.base_name(d) == ".svn" then
+         fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, d))
+      end
+   end
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   return module, store_dir
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+--- Proxy module for filesystem and platform abstractions.
+-- All code using "fs" code should require "luarocks.fs",
+-- and not the various platform-specific implementations.
+-- However, see the documentation of the implementation
+-- for the API reference.
+local pairs = pairs
+module("luarocks.fs", package.seeall)
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local function load_fns(fs_table)
+   for name, fn in pairs(fs_table) do
+      if not _M[name] then
+         _M[name] = fn
+      end
+   end
+-- Load platform-specific functions
+local loaded_platform = nil
+for _, platform in ipairs(cfg.platforms) do
+   local ok, fs_plat = pcall(require, "luarocks.fs."..platform)
+   if ok and fs_plat then
+      loaded_platform = platform
+      load_fns(fs_plat)
+      break
+   end
+-- Load platform-independent pure-Lua functionality
+local fs_lua = require("luarocks.fs.lua")
+-- Load platform-specific fallbacks for missing Lua modules
+local ok, fs_plat_tools = pcall(require, "luarocks.fs."..loaded_platform..".tools")
+if ok and fs_plat_tools then load_fns(fs_plat_tools) end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs/lua.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+--- Native Lua implementation of filesystem and platform abstractions,
+-- using LuaFileSystem, LZLib, MD5 and LuaCurl.
+module("luarocks.fs.lua", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local socket_ok, zip_ok, unzip_ok, lfs_ok, md5_ok, posix_ok, _
+local http, ftp, lrzip, luazip, lfs, md5, posix
+if cfg.fs_use_modules then
+   socket_ok, http = pcall(require, "socket.http")
+   _, ftp = pcall(require, "socket.ftp")
+   zip_ok, lrzip = pcall(require, "")
+   unzip_ok, luazip = pcall(require, "zip"); = nil
+   lfs_ok, lfs = pcall(require, "lfs")
+   md5_ok, md5 = pcall(require, "md5")
+   posix_ok, posix = pcall(require, "posix")
+local patch = require("")
+local dir_stack = {}
+dir_separator = "/"
+--- Quote argument for shell processing.
+-- Adds single quotes and escapes.
+-- @param arg string: Unquoted argument.
+-- @return string: Quoted argument.
+function Q(arg)
+   assert(type(arg) == "string")
+   -- FIXME Unix-specific
+   return "'" .. arg:gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("'", "'\\''") .. "'"
+--- Test is file/dir is writable.
+-- Warning: testing if a file/dir is writable does not guarantee
+-- that it will remain writable and therefore it is no replacement
+-- for checking the result of subsequent operations.
+-- @param file string: filename to test
+-- @return boolean: true if file exists, false otherwise.
+function is_writable(file)
+   assert(file)
+   file = dir.normalize(file)
+   local result
+   if fs.is_dir(file) then
+      local file2 = dir.path(file, '.tmpluarockstestwritable')
+      local fh =, 'wb')
+      result = fh ~= nil
+      if fh then fh:close() end
+      os.remove(file2)
+   else
+      local fh =, 'r+b')
+      result = fh ~= nil
+      if fh then fh:close() end
+   end
+   return result
+--- Create a temporary directory.
+-- @param name string: name pattern to use for avoiding conflicts
+-- when creating temporary directory.
+-- @return string or nil: name of temporary directory or nil on failure.
+function make_temp_dir(name)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   name = dir.normalize(name)
+   local temp_dir = (os.getenv("TMP") or "/tmp") .. "/luarocks_" .. name:gsub(dir.separator, "_") .. "-" .. tostring(math.floor(math.random() * 10000))
+   if fs.make_dir(temp_dir) then
+      return temp_dir
+   else
+      return nil
+   end
+--- Run the given command, quoting its arguments.
+-- The command is executed in the current directory in the dir stack.
+-- @param command string: The command to be executed. No quoting/escaping
+-- is applied.
+-- @param ... Strings containing additional arguments, which are quoted.
+-- @return boolean: true if command succeeds (status code 0), false
+-- otherwise.
+function execute(command, ...)
+   assert(type(command) == "string")
+   for _, arg in ipairs({...}) do
+      assert(type(arg) == "string")
+      command = command .. " " .. fs.Q(arg)
+   end
+   return fs.execute_string(command)
+--- Check the MD5 checksum for a file.
+-- @param file string: The file to be checked.
+-- @param md5sum string: The string with the expected MD5 checksum.
+-- @return boolean: true if the MD5 checksum for 'file' equals 'md5sum', false if not
+-- or if it could not perform the check for any reason.
+function check_md5(file, md5sum)
+   file = dir.normalize(file)
+   local computed = fs.get_md5(file)
+   if not computed then
+      return false
+   end
+   if computed:match("^"..md5sum) then
+      return true
+   else
+      return false
+   end
+-- LuaFileSystem functions
+if lfs_ok then
+--- Run the given command.
+-- The command is executed in the current directory in the dir stack.
+-- @param cmd string: No quoting/escaping is applied to the command.
+-- @return boolean: true if command succeeds (status code 0), false
+-- otherwise.
+function execute_string(cmd)
+   local code = os.execute(cmd)
+   if code == 0 or code == true then
+      return true
+   else
+      return false
+   end
+--- Obtain current directory.
+-- Uses the module's internal dir stack.
+-- @return string: the absolute pathname of the current directory.
+function current_dir()
+   return lfs.currentdir()
+--- Change the current directory.
+-- Uses the module's internal dir stack. This does not have exact
+-- semantics of chdir, as it does not handle errors the same way,
+-- but works well for our purposes for now.
+-- @param d string: The directory to switch to.
+function change_dir(d)
+   table.insert(dir_stack, lfs.currentdir())
+   d = dir.normalize(d)
+   lfs.chdir(d)
+--- Change directory to root.
+-- Allows leaving a directory (e.g. for deleting it) in
+-- a crossplatform way.
+function change_dir_to_root()
+   table.insert(dir_stack, lfs.currentdir())
+   lfs.chdir("/") -- works on Windows too
+--- Change working directory to the previous in the dir stack.
+-- @return true if a pop ocurred, false if the stack was empty.
+function pop_dir()
+   local d = table.remove(dir_stack)
+   if d then
+      lfs.chdir(d)
+      return true
+   else
+      return false
+   end
+--- Create a directory if it does not already exist.
+-- If any of the higher levels in the path name does not exist
+-- too, they are created as well.
+-- @param directory string: pathname of directory to create.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function make_dir(directory)
+   assert(type(directory) == "string")
+   directory = dir.normalize(directory)
+   local path = nil
+   if directory:sub(2, 2) == ":" then
+     path = directory:sub(1, 2)
+     directory = directory:sub(4)
+   else
+     if directory:match("^/") then
+        path = ""
+     end
+   end
+   for d in directory:gmatch("([^"..dir.separator.."]+)"..dir.separator.."*") do
+      path = path and path .. dir.separator .. d or d
+      local mode = lfs.attributes(path, "mode")
+      if not mode then
+         if not lfs.mkdir(path) then
+            return false
+         end
+      elseif mode ~= "directory" then
+         return false
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Remove a directory if it is empty.
+-- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
+-- if already does not exist)
+-- @param d string: pathname of directory to remove.
+function remove_dir_if_empty(d)
+   assert(d)
+   d = dir.normalize(d)
+   lfs.rmdir(d)
+--- Remove a directory if it is empty.
+-- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
+-- if already does not exist)
+-- @param d string: pathname of directory to remove.
+function remove_dir_tree_if_empty(d)
+   assert(d)
+   d = dir.normalize(d)
+   for i=1,10 do
+      lfs.rmdir(d)
+      d = dir.dir_name(d)
+   end
+--- Copy a file.
+-- @param src string: Pathname of source
+-- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
+-- @param perms string or nil: Permissions for destination file,
+-- or nil to use the source filename permissions
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
+-- plus an error message.
+function copy(src, dest, perms)
+   assert(src and dest)
+   src = dir.normalize(src)
+   dest = dir.normalize(dest)
+   local destmode = lfs.attributes(dest, "mode")
+   if destmode == "directory" then
+      dest = dir.path(dest, dir.base_name(src))
+   end
+   if not perms then perms = fs.get_permissions(src) end
+   local src_h, err =, "rb")
+   if not src_h then return nil, err end
+   local dest_h, err =, "w+b")
+   if not dest_h then src_h:close() return nil, err end
+   while true do
+      local block = src_h:read(8192)
+      if not block then break end
+      dest_h:write(block)
+   end
+   src_h:close()
+   dest_h:close()
+   fs.chmod(dest, perms)
+   return true
+--- Implementation function for recursive copy of directory contents.
+-- Assumes paths are normalized.
+-- @param src string: Pathname of source
+-- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure
+local function recursive_copy(src, dest)
+   local srcmode = lfs.attributes(src, "mode")
+   if srcmode == "file" then
+      local ok = fs.copy(src, dest)
+      if not ok then return false end
+   elseif srcmode == "directory" then
+      local subdir = dir.path(dest, dir.base_name(src))
+      fs.make_dir(subdir)
+      for file in lfs.dir(src) do
+         if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
+            local ok = recursive_copy(dir.path(src, file), subdir)
+            if not ok then return false end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Recursively copy the contents of a directory.
+-- @param src string: Pathname of source
+-- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
+-- plus an error message.
+function copy_contents(src, dest)
+   assert(src and dest)
+   src = dir.normalize(src)
+   dest = dir.normalize(dest)
+   assert(lfs.attributes(src, "mode") == "directory")
+   for file in lfs.dir(src) do
+      if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
+         local ok = recursive_copy(dir.path(src, file), dest)
+         if not ok then
+            return false, "Failed copying "..src.." to "..dest
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Implementation function for recursive removal of directories.
+-- Assumes paths are normalized.
+-- @param name string: Pathname of file
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success,
+-- or nil and an error message on failure.
+local function recursive_delete(name)
+   local mode = lfs.attributes(name, "mode")
+   if mode == "file" then
+      return os.remove(name)
+   elseif mode == "directory" then
+      for file in lfs.dir(name) do
+         if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
+            local ok, err = recursive_delete(dir.path(name, file))
+            if not ok then return nil, err end
+         end
+      end
+      local ok, err = lfs.rmdir(name)
+      if not ok then return nil, err end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Delete a file or a directory and all its contents.
+-- @param name string: Pathname of source
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function delete(name)
+   name = dir.normalize(name)
+   return recursive_delete(name) or false
+--- List the contents of a directory.
+-- @param at string or nil: directory to list (will be the current
+-- directory if none is given).
+-- @return table: an array of strings with the filenames representing
+-- the contents of a directory.
+function list_dir(at)
+   assert(type(at) == "string" or not at)
+   if not at then
+      at = fs.current_dir()
+   end
+   at = dir.normalize(at)
+   if not fs.is_dir(at) then
+      return {}
+   end
+   local result = {}
+   for file in lfs.dir(at) do
+      if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
+         table.insert(result, file)
+      end
+   end
+   return result
+--- Implementation function for recursive find.
+-- Assumes paths are normalized.
+-- @param cwd string: Current working directory in recursion.
+-- @param prefix string: Auxiliary prefix string to form pathname.
+-- @param result table: Array of strings where results are collected.
+local function recursive_find(cwd, prefix, result)
+   for file in lfs.dir(cwd) do
+      if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
+         local item = prefix .. file
+         table.insert(result, item)
+         local pathname = dir.path(cwd, file)
+         if lfs.attributes(pathname, "mode") == "directory" then
+            recursive_find(pathname, item..dir_separator, result)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+--- Recursively scan the contents of a directory.
+-- @param at string or nil: directory to scan (will be the current
+-- directory if none is given).
+-- @return table: an array of strings with the filenames representing
+-- the contents of a directory.
+function find(at)
+   assert(type(at) == "string" or not at)
+   if not at then
+      at = fs.current_dir()
+   end
+   at = dir.normalize(at)
+   if not fs.is_dir(at) then
+      return {}
+   end
+   local result = {}
+   recursive_find(at, "", result)
+   return result
+--- Test for existance of a file.
+-- @param file string: filename to test
+-- @return boolean: true if file exists, false otherwise.
+function exists(file)
+   assert(file)
+   file = dir.normalize(file)
+   return type(lfs.attributes(file)) == "table"
+--- Test is pathname is a directory.
+-- @param file string: pathname to test
+-- @return boolean: true if it is a directory, false otherwise.
+function is_dir(file)
+   assert(file)
+   file = dir.normalize(file)
+   return lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "directory"
+--- Test is pathname is a regular file.
+-- @param file string: pathname to test
+-- @return boolean: true if it is a file, false otherwise.
+function is_file(file)
+   assert(file)
+   file = dir.normalize(file)
+   return lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "file"
+function set_time(file, time)
+   file = dir.normalize(file)
+   return lfs.touch(file, time)
+-- LuaZip functions
+if zip_ok then
+function zip(zipfile, ...)
+   return, ...)
+if unzip_ok then
+--- Uncompress files from a .zip archive.
+-- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be extracted.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function unzip(zipfile)
+   local zipfile, err =
+   if not zipfile then return nil, err end
+   local files = zipfile:files()
+   local file = files()
+   repeat
+      if file.filename:sub(#file.filename) == "/" then
+         fs.make_dir(dir.path(fs.current_dir(), file.filename))
+      else
+         local rf, err = zipfile:open(file.filename)
+         if not rf then zipfile:close(); return nil, err end
+         local contents = rf:read("*a")
+         rf:close()
+         local wf, err =, file.filename), "wb")
+         if not wf then zipfile:close(); return nil, err end
+         wf:write(contents)
+         wf:close()
+      end
+      file = files()
+   until not file
+   zipfile:close()
+   return true
+-- LuaSocket functions
+if socket_ok then
+local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
+local luasec_ok, https = pcall(require, "ssl.https")
+local redirect_protocols = {
+   http = http,
+   https = luasec_ok and https,
+local function http_request(url, http, loop_control)
+   local result = {}
+   local proxy = cfg.proxy
+   if type(proxy) ~= "string" then proxy = nil end
+   -- LuaSocket's http.request crashes when given URLs missing the scheme part.
+   if proxy and not proxy:find("://") then
+      proxy = "http://" .. proxy
+   end
+   local res, status, headers, err = http.request {
+      url = url,
+      proxy = proxy,
+      redirect = false,
+      sink = ltn12.sink.table(result),
+      headers = {
+         ["user-agent"] = cfg.user_agent.." via LuaSocket"
+      },
+   }
+   if not res then
+      return nil, status
+   elseif status == 301 or status == 302 then
+      local location = headers.location
+      if location then
+         local protocol, rest = dir.split_url(location)
+         if redirect_protocols[protocol] then
+            if not loop_control then
+               loop_control = {}
+            elseif loop_control[location] then
+               return nil, "Redirection loop -- broken URL?"
+            end
+            loop_control[url] = true
+            return http_request(location, redirect_protocols[protocol], loop_control)
+         else
+            return nil, "URL redirected to unsupported protocol - install luasec to get HTTPS support."
+         end
+      end
+      return nil, err
+   elseif status ~= 200 then
+      return nil, err
+   else
+      return table.concat(result)
+   end
+--- Download a remote file.
+-- @param url string: URL to be fetched.
+-- @param filename string or nil: this function attempts to detect the
+-- resulting local filename of the remote file as the basename of the URL;
+-- if that is not correct (due to a redirection, for example), the local
+-- filename can be given explicitly as this second argument.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function download(url, filename)
+   assert(type(url) == "string")
+   assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
+   filename = dir.path(fs.current_dir(), filename or dir.base_name(url))
+   local content, err
+   if util.starts_with(url, "http:") then
+      content, err = http_request(url, http)
+   elseif util.starts_with(url, "ftp:") then
+      content, err = ftp.get(url)
+   elseif util.starts_with(url, "https:") then
+      if luasec_ok then
+         content, err = http_request(url, https)
+      else
+         err = "Unsupported protocol - install luasec to get HTTPS support."
+      end
+   else
+      err = "Unsupported protocol"
+   end
+   if not content then
+      return false, tostring(err)
+   end
+   local file =, "wb")
+   if not file then return false end
+   file:write(content)
+   file:close()
+   return true
+-- MD5 functions
+if md5_ok then
+--- Get the MD5 checksum for a file.
+-- @param file string: The file to be computed.
+-- @return string: The MD5 checksum
+function get_md5(file)
+   file = fs.absolute_name(file)
+   local file =, "rb")
+   if not file then return false end
+   local computed = md5.sumhexa(file:read("*a"))
+   file:close()
+   return computed
+-- POSIX functions
+if posix_ok then
+local octal_to_rwx = {
+   ["0"] = "---",
+   ["1"] = "--x",
+   ["2"] = "-w-",
+   ["3"] = "-wx",
+   ["4"] = "r--",
+   ["5"] = "r-x",
+   ["6"] = "rw-",
+   ["7"] = "rwx",
+function chmod(file, mode)
+   -- LuaPosix (as of 5.1.15) does not support octal notation...
+   if mode:sub(1,1) == "0" then
+      local new_mode = {}
+      for c in mode:sub(2):gmatch(".") do
+         table.insert(new_mode, octal_to_rwx[c])
+      end
+      mode = table.concat(new_mode)
+   end
+   local err = posix.chmod(file, mode)
+   return err == 0
+function get_permissions(file)
+   return posix.stat(file, "mode")
+-- Other functions
+--- Apply a patch.
+-- @param patchname string: The filename of the patch.
+-- @param patchdata string or nil: The actual patch as a string.
+function apply_patch(patchname, patchdata)
+   local p, all_ok = patch.read_patch(patchname, patchdata)
+   if not all_ok then
+      return nil, "Failed reading patch "..patchname
+   end
+   if p then
+      return patch.apply_patch(p, 1)
+   end
+--- Move a file.
+-- @param src string: Pathname of source
+-- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
+-- plus an error message.
+function move(src, dest)
+   assert(src and dest)
+   if fs.exists(dest) and not fs.is_dir(dest) then
+      return false, "File already exists: "..dest
+   end
+   local ok, err = fs.copy(src, dest)
+   if not ok then
+      return false, err
+   end
+   ok = fs.delete(src)
+   if not ok then
+      return false, "Failed move: could not delete "..src.." after copy."
+   end
+   return true
+--- Check if user has write permissions for the command.
+-- Assumes the configuration variables under cfg have been previously set up.
+-- @param flags table: the flags table passed to run() drivers.
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
+-- plus an error message.
+function check_command_permissions(flags)
+   local root_dir = path.root_dir(cfg.rocks_dir)
+   local ok = true
+   local err = ""
+   for _, dir in ipairs { cfg.rocks_dir, root_dir } do
+      if fs.exists(dir) and not fs.is_writable(dir) then
+         ok = false
+         err = "Your user does not have write permissions in " .. dir
+         break
+      end
+   end
+   local root_parent = dir.dir_name(root_dir)
+   if ok and not fs.exists(root_dir) and not fs.is_writable(root_parent) then
+      ok = false
+      err = root_dir.." does not exist and your user does not have write permissions in " .. root_parent
+   end
+   if ok then
+      return true
+   else
+      if flags["local"] then
+         err = err .. " \n-- please check your permissions."
+      else
+         err = err .. " \n-- you may want to run as a privileged user or use your local tree with --local."
+      end
+      return nil, err
+   end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs/unix.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+--- Unix implementation of filesystem and platform abstractions.
+local assert, type, table, io, package, math, os, ipairs =
+      assert, type, table, io, package, math, os, ipairs
+module("luarocks.fs.unix", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+--- Annotate command string for quiet execution.
+-- @param cmd string: A command-line string.
+-- @return string: The command-line, with silencing annotation.
+function quiet(cmd)
+   return cmd.." 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null"
+--- Return an absolute pathname from a potentially relative one.
+-- @param pathname string: pathname to convert.
+-- @param relative_to string or nil: path to prepend when making
+-- pathname absolute, or the current dir in the dir stack if
+-- not given.
+-- @return string: The pathname converted to absolute.
+function absolute_name(pathname, relative_to)
+   assert(type(pathname) == "string")
+   assert(type(relative_to) == "string" or not relative_to)
+   relative_to = relative_to or fs.current_dir()
+   if pathname:sub(1,1) == "/" then
+      return pathname
+   else
+      return relative_to .. "/" .. pathname
+   end
+--- Create a wrapper to make a script executable from the command-line.
+-- @param file string: Pathname of script to be made executable.
+-- @param dest string: Directory where to put the wrapper.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded, or nil and
+-- an error message.
+function wrap_script(file, dest)
+   assert(type(file) == "string")
+   assert(type(dest) == "string")
+   local base = dir.base_name(file)
+   local wrapname = fs.is_dir(dest) and dest.."/"..base or dest
+   local wrapper =, "w")
+   if not wrapper then
+      return nil, "Could not open "..wrapname.." for writing."
+   end
+   wrapper:write("#!/bin/sh\n\n")
+   wrapper:write('LUA_PATH="'..package.path..';$LUA_PATH"\n')
+   wrapper:write('LUA_CPATH="'..package.cpath..';$LUA_CPATH"\n')
+   wrapper:write('export LUA_PATH LUA_CPATH\n')
+   wrapper:write('exec "'..dir.path(cfg.variables["LUA_BINDIR"], cfg.lua_interpreter)..'" -lluarocks.loader "'..file..'" "$@"\n')
+   wrapper:close()
+   if fs.chmod(wrapname, "0755") then
+      return true
+   else
+      return nil, "Could not make "..wrapname.." executable."
+   end
+--- Check if a file (typically inside path.bin_dir) is an actual binary
+-- or a Lua wrapper.
+-- @param filename string: the file name with full path.
+-- @return boolean: returns true if file is an actual binary
+-- (or if it couldn't check) or false if it is a Lua wrapper.
+function is_actual_binary(filename)
+   if filename:match("%.lua$") then
+      return false
+   end
+   local file =
+   if not file then
+      return true
+   end
+   local first = file:read(2)
+   file:close()
+   if not first then
+      util.printerr("Warning: could not read "..filename)
+      return true
+   end
+   return first ~= "#!"
+function copy_binary(filename, dest) 
+   return fs.copy(filename, dest, "0755")
+--- Move a file on top of the other.
+-- The new file ceases to exist under its original name,
+-- and takes over the name of the old file.
+-- On Unix this is done through a single rename operation.
+-- @param old_file The name of the original file,
+-- which will be the new name of new_file.
+-- @param new_file The name of the new file,
+-- which will replace old_file.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded, or nil and
+-- an error message.
+function replace_file(old_file, new_file)
+   return os.rename(new_file, old_file)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs/unix/tools.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+--- fs operations implemented with third-party tools for Unix platform abstractions.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local dir_stack = {}
+local vars = cfg.variables
+local function command_at(directory, cmd)
+   return "cd " .. fs.Q(directory) .. " && " .. cmd
+--- Obtain current directory.
+-- Uses the module's internal directory stack.
+-- @return string: the absolute pathname of the current directory.
+function current_dir()
+   local pipe = io.popen(vars.PWD)
+   local current = pipe:read("*l")
+   pipe:close()
+   for _, directory in ipairs(dir_stack) do
+      current = fs.absolute_name(directory, current)
+   end
+   return current
+--- Run the given command.
+-- The command is executed in the current directory in the directory stack.
+-- @param cmd string: No quoting/escaping is applied to the command.
+-- @return boolean: true if command succeeds (status code 0), false
+-- otherwise.
+function execute_string(cmd)
+   local code = os.execute(command_at(fs.current_dir(), cmd))
+   if code == 0 or code == true then
+      return true
+   else
+      return false
+   end
+--- Change the current directory.
+-- Uses the module's internal directory stack. This does not have exact
+-- semantics of chdir, as it does not handle errors the same way,
+-- but works well for our purposes for now.
+-- @param directory string: The directory to switch to.
+function change_dir(directory)
+   assert(type(directory) == "string")
+   table.insert(dir_stack, directory)
+--- Change directory to root.
+-- Allows leaving a directory (e.g. for deleting it) in
+-- a crossplatform way.
+function change_dir_to_root()
+   table.insert(dir_stack, "/")
+--- Change working directory to the previous in the directory stack.
+function pop_dir()
+   local directory = table.remove(dir_stack)
+   return directory ~= nil
+--- Create a directory if it does not already exist.
+-- If any of the higher levels in the path name does not exist
+-- too, they are created as well.
+-- @param directory string: pathname of directory to create.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function make_dir(directory)
+   assert(directory)
+   return fs.execute(vars.MKDIR.." -p", directory)
+--- Remove a directory if it is empty.
+-- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
+-- if already does not exist)
+-- @param directory string: pathname of directory to remove.
+function remove_dir_if_empty(directory)
+   assert(directory)
+   fs.execute_string(fs.quiet(vars.RMDIR.." "..fs.Q(directory)))
+--- Remove a directory if it is empty.
+-- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
+-- if already does not exist)
+-- @param directory string: pathname of directory to remove.
+function remove_dir_tree_if_empty(directory)
+   assert(directory)
+   fs.execute_string(fs.quiet(vars.RMDIR.." -p "..fs.Q(directory)))
+--- Copy a file.
+-- @param src string: Pathname of source
+-- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
+-- @param perm string or nil: Permissions for destination file,
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
+-- plus an error message.
+function copy(src, dest, perm)
+   assert(src and dest)
+   if fs.execute(vars.CP, src, dest) then
+      if perm then
+         if fs.is_dir(dest) then
+            dest = dir.path(dest, dir.base_name(src))
+         end
+         if fs.chmod(dest, perm) then
+            return true
+         else
+            return false, "Failed setting permissions of "..dest
+         end
+      end
+      return true
+   else
+      return false, "Failed copying "..src.." to "..dest
+   end
+--- Recursively copy the contents of a directory.
+-- @param src string: Pathname of source
+-- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
+-- plus an error message.
+function copy_contents(src, dest)
+   assert(src and dest)
+   if fs.execute_string(fs.quiet(vars.CP.." -pPR "..fs.Q(src).."/* "..fs.Q(dest))) then
+      return true
+   else
+      return false, "Failed copying "..src.." to "..dest
+   end
+--- Delete a file or a directory and all its contents.
+-- For safety, this only accepts absolute paths.
+-- @param arg string: Pathname of source
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function delete(arg)
+   assert(arg)
+   assert(arg:sub(1,1) == "/")
+   return fs.execute_string(fs.quiet(vars.RM.." -rf " .. fs.Q(arg)))
+--- List the contents of a directory.
+-- @param at string or nil: directory to list (will be the current
+-- directory if none is given).
+-- @return table: an array of strings with the filenames representing
+-- the contents of a directory.
+function list_dir(at)
+   assert(type(at) == "string" or not at)
+   if not at then
+      at = fs.current_dir()
+   end
+   if not fs.is_dir(at) then
+      return {}
+   end
+   local result = {}
+   local pipe = io.popen(command_at(at, vars.LS))
+   for file in pipe:lines() do
+      table.insert(result, file)
+   end
+   pipe:close()
+   return result
+--- Recursively scan the contents of a directory.
+-- @param at string or nil: directory to scan (will be the current
+-- directory if none is given).
+-- @return table: an array of strings with the filenames representing
+-- the contents of a directory.
+function find(at)
+   assert(type(at) == "string" or not at)
+   if not at then
+      at = fs.current_dir()
+   end
+   if not fs.is_dir(at) then
+      return {}
+   end
+   local result = {}
+   local pipe = io.popen(command_at(at, vars.FIND.." * 2>/dev/null"))
+   for file in pipe:lines() do
+      table.insert(result, file)
+   end
+   pipe:close()
+   return result
+--- Compress files in a .zip archive.
+-- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be created.
+-- @param ... Filenames to be stored in the archive are given as
+-- additional arguments.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function zip(zipfile, ...)
+   return fs.execute(vars.ZIP.." -r", zipfile, ...)
+--- Uncompress files from a .zip archive.
+-- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be extracted.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function unzip(zipfile)
+   assert(zipfile)
+   return fs.execute(vars.UNZIP, zipfile)
+--- Test is file/directory exists
+-- @param file string: filename to test
+-- @return boolean: true if file exists, false otherwise.
+function exists(file)
+   assert(file)
+   return fs.execute(vars.TEST, "-e", file)
+--- Test is pathname is a directory.
+-- @param file string: pathname to test
+-- @return boolean: true if it is a directory, false otherwise.
+function is_dir(file)
+   assert(file)
+   return fs.execute(vars.TEST, "-d", file)
+--- Test is pathname is a regular file.
+-- @param file string: pathname to test
+-- @return boolean: true if it is a regular file, false otherwise.
+function is_file(file)
+   assert(file)
+   return fs.execute(vars.TEST, "-f", file)
+--- Download a remote file.
+-- @param url string: URL to be fetched.
+-- @param filename string or nil: this function attempts to detect the
+-- resulting local filename of the remote file as the basename of the URL;
+-- if that is not correct (due to a redirection, for example), the local
+-- filename can be given explicitly as this second argument.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function download(url, filename)
+   assert(type(url) == "string")
+   assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
+   if cfg.downloader == "wget" then
+      local wget_cmd = vars.WGET.." --no-check-certificate --no-cache --user-agent='"..cfg.user_agent.." via wget' --quiet --continue "
+      if filename then
+         return fs.execute(wget_cmd.." --output-document ", filename, url)
+      else
+         return fs.execute(wget_cmd, url)
+      end
+   elseif cfg.downloader == "curl" then
+      filename = filename or dir.base_name(url)
+      return fs.execute_string(vars.CURL.." -L --user-agent '"..cfg.user_agent.." via curl' "..fs.Q(url).." 2> /dev/null 1> "..fs.Q(filename))
+   end
+function chmod(pathname, mode)
+   if mode then 
+      return fs.execute(vars.CHMOD, mode, pathname)
+   else
+      return false
+   end
+--- Apply a patch.
+-- @param patchname string: The filename of the patch.
+function apply_patch(patchname)
+   return fs.execute(vars.PATCH.." -p1 -f -i ", patchname)
+--- Unpack an archive.
+-- Extract the contents of an archive, detecting its format by
+-- filename extension.
+-- @param archive string: Filename of archive.
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false and an error message on failure.
+function unpack_archive(archive)
+   assert(type(archive) == "string")
+   local ok
+   if archive:match("%.tar%.gz$") or archive:match("%.tgz$") then
+         ok = fs.execute_string(vars.GUNZIP.." -c "..archive.."|"..vars.TAR.." -xf -")
+   elseif archive:match("%.tar%.bz2$") then
+         ok = fs.execute_string(vars.BUNZIP2.." -c "..archive.."|tar -xf -")
+   elseif archive:match("$") then
+      ok = fs.execute(vars.UNZIP, archive)
+   elseif archive:match("%.lua$") or archive:match("%.c$") then
+      -- Ignore .lua and .c files; they don't need to be extracted.
+      return true
+   else
+      local ext = archive:match(".*(%..*)")
+      return false, "Unrecognized filename extension "..(ext or "")
+   end
+   if not ok then
+      return false, "Failed extracting "..archive
+   end
+   return true
+local md5_cmd = {
+   md5sum = vars.MD5SUM,
+   openssl = vars.OPENSSL.." md5",
+   md5 = vars.MD5,
+--- Get the MD5 checksum for a file.
+-- @param file string: The file to be computed.
+-- @return string: The MD5 checksum
+function get_md5(file)
+   local cmd = md5_cmd[cfg.md5checker]
+   if not cmd then return nil end
+   local pipe = io.popen(cmd.." "..fs.absolute_name(file))
+   local computed = pipe:read("*a")
+   pipe:close()
+   if not computed then return nil end
+   return computed:match("("..("%x"):rep(32)..")")
+function get_permissions(filename)
+   local pipe = io.popen(vars.STAT.." "..vars.STATFLAG.." "..fs.Q(filename))
+   local ret = pipe:read("*l")
+   pipe:close()
+   return ret
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs/win32.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+--- Windows implementation of filesystem and platform abstractions.
+-- Download for Windows GNU utilities
+-- used by this module.
+module("luarocks.fs.win32", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+--- Annotate command string for quiet execution.
+-- @param cmd string: A command-line string.
+-- @return string: The command-line, with silencing annotation.
+function quiet(cmd)
+   return cmd.." 2> NUL 1> NUL"
+--- Quote argument for shell processing. Fixes paths on Windows.
+-- Adds single quotes and escapes.
+-- @param arg string: Unquoted argument.
+-- @return string: Quoted argument.
+function Q(arg)
+   assert(type(arg) == "string")
+   -- Quote DIR for Windows
+    if arg:match("^[%.a-zA-Z]?:?[\\/]")  then
+        return '"' .. arg:gsub("/", "\\"):gsub('"', '\\"') .. '"'
+    end
+    -- URLs and anything else
+   return '"' .. arg:gsub('"', '\\"') .. '"'
+--- Return an absolute pathname from a potentially relative one.
+-- @param pathname string: pathname to convert.
+-- @param relative_to string or nil: path to prepend when making
+-- pathname absolute, or the current dir in the dir stack if
+-- not given.
+-- @return string: The pathname converted to absolute.
+function absolute_name(pathname, relative_to)
+   assert(type(pathname) == "string")
+   assert(type(relative_to) == "string" or not relative_to)
+   relative_to = relative_to or fs.current_dir()
+   -- FIXME I'm not sure this first \\ should be there at all.
+   -- What are the Windows rules for drive letters?
+   if pathname:match("^[\\.a-zA-Z]?:?[\\/]") then
+      return pathname
+   else
+      return relative_to .. "/" .. pathname
+   end
+--- Create a wrapper to make a script executable from the command-line.
+-- @param file string: Pathname of script to be made executable.
+-- @param dest string: Directory where to put the wrapper.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded, or nil and
+-- an error message.
+function wrap_script(file, dest)
+   assert(type(file) == "string")
+   assert(type(dest) == "string")
+   local base = dir.base_name(file)
+   local wrapname = fs.is_dir(dest) and dest.."/"..base or dest
+   wrapname = wrapname..".bat"
+   local wrapper =, "w")
+   if not wrapper then
+      return nil, "Could not open "..wrapname.." for writing."
+   end
+   wrapper:write("@echo off\n")
+   wrapper:write("setlocal\n")
+   wrapper:write('set LUA_PATH='..package.path..";%LUA_PATH%\n")
+   wrapper:write('set LUA_CPATH='..package.cpath..";%LUA_CPATH%\n")
+   wrapper:write('"'..dir.path(cfg.variables["LUA_BINDIR"], cfg.lua_interpreter)..'" -lluarocks.loader "'..file..'" %*\n')
+   wrapper:write("endlocal\n")
+   wrapper:close()
+   return true
+function is_actual_binary(name)
+   name = name:lower()
+   if name:match("%.bat$") or name:match("%.exe$") then
+      return true
+   end
+   return false
+function copy_binary(filename, dest) 
+   local ok, err = fs.copy(filename, dest)
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, err
+   end
+   local exe_pattern = "%.[Ee][Xx][Ee]$"
+   local base = dir.base_name(filename)
+   local dest = dir.dir_name(dest)
+   if base:match(exe_pattern) then
+      base = base:gsub(exe_pattern, ".lua")
+      local helpname = dest.."/"..base
+      local helper =, "w")
+      if not helper then
+         return nil, "Could not open "..helpname.." for writing."
+      end
+      helper:write('package.path=\"'..package.path:gsub("\\","\\\\")..';\"..package.path\n')
+      helper:write('package.cpath=\"'..package.path:gsub("\\","\\\\")..';\"..package.cpath\n')
+      helper:close()
+   end
+   return true
+function chmod(filename, mode)
+   return true
+function get_permissions(filename)
+   return ""
+--- Move a file on top of the other.
+-- The new file ceases to exist under its original name,
+-- and takes over the name of the old file.
+-- On Windows this is done by removing the original file and
+-- renaming the new file to its original name.
+-- @param old_file The name of the original file,
+-- which will be the new name of new_file.
+-- @param new_file The name of the new file,
+-- which will replace old_file.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if succeeded, or nil and
+-- an error message.
+function replace_file(old_file, new_file)
+   os.remove(old_file)
+   return os.rename(new_file, old_file)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fs/win32/tools.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+--- fs operations implemented with third-party tools for Windows platform abstractions.
+-- Download for Windows GNU utilities
+-- used by this module.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local dir_stack = {}
+local vars = cfg.variables
+--- Strip the last extension of a filename.
+-- Example: "foo.tar.gz" becomes "foo.tar".
+-- If filename has no dots, returns it unchanged.
+-- @param filename string: The file name to strip.
+-- @return string: The stripped name.
+local function strip_extension(filename)
+   assert(type(filename) == "string")
+   return (filename:gsub("%.[^.]+$", "")) or filename
+local function command_at(directory, cmd)
+   local drive = directory:match("^([A-Za-z]:)")
+   cmd = "cd " .. fs.Q(directory) .. " & " .. cmd
+   if drive then
+      cmd = drive .. " & " .. cmd
+   end
+   return cmd
+--- Obtain current directory.
+-- Uses the module's internal directory stack.
+-- @return string: the absolute pathname of the current directory.
+function current_dir()
+   local pipe = io.popen(vars.PWD)
+   local current = pipe:read("*l")
+   pipe:close()
+   for _, directory in ipairs(dir_stack) do
+      current = fs.absolute_name(directory, current)
+   end
+   return current
+--- Run the given command.
+-- The command is executed in the current directory in the directory stack.
+-- @param cmd string: No quoting/escaping is applied to the command.
+-- @return boolean: true if command succeeds (status code 0), false
+-- otherwise.
+function execute_string(cmd)
+   local code = os.execute(command_at(fs.current_dir(), cmd))
+   if code == 0 or code == true then
+      return true
+   else
+      return false
+   end
+--- Change the current directory.
+-- Uses the module's internal directory stack. This does not have exact
+-- semantics of chdir, as it does not handle errors the same way,
+-- but works well for our purposes for now.
+-- @param directory string: The directory to switch to.
+function change_dir(directory)
+   assert(type(directory) == "string")
+   table.insert(dir_stack, directory)
+--- Change directory to root.
+-- Allows leaving a directory (e.g. for deleting it) in
+-- a crossplatform way.
+function change_dir_to_root()
+   table.insert(dir_stack, "/")
+--- Change working directory to the previous in the directory stack.
+function pop_dir()
+   local directory = table.remove(dir_stack)
+   return directory ~= nil
+--- Create a directory if it does not already exist.
+-- If any of the higher levels in the path name does not exist
+-- too, they are created as well.
+-- @param directory string: pathname of directory to create.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function make_dir(directory)
+   assert(directory)
+   fs.execute(fs.quiet(vars.MKDIR.." "..fs.Q(directory)))
+   return 1
+--- Remove a directory if it is empty.
+-- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
+-- if already does not exist)
+-- @param directory string: pathname of directory to remove.
+function remove_dir_if_empty(directory)
+   assert(directory)
+   fs.execute_string(fs.quiet(vars.RMDIR.." "..fs.Q(directory)))
+--- Remove a directory if it is empty.
+-- Does not return errors (for example, if directory is not empty or
+-- if already does not exist)
+-- @param directory string: pathname of directory to remove.
+function remove_dir_tree_if_empty(directory)
+   assert(directory)
+   fs.execute_string(fs.quiet(vars.RMDIR.." "..fs.Q(directory)))
+--- Copy a file.
+-- @param src string: Pathname of source
+-- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
+-- plus an error message.
+function copy(src, dest)
+   assert(src and dest)
+   if dest:match("[/\\]$") then dest = dest:sub(1, -2) end
+   if fs.execute(vars.CP, src, dest) then
+      return true
+   else
+      return false, "Failed copying "..src.." to "..dest
+   end
+--- Recursively copy the contents of a directory.
+-- @param src string: Pathname of source
+-- @param dest string: Pathname of destination
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
+-- plus an error message.
+function copy_contents(src, dest)
+   assert(src and dest)
+   if fs.execute_string(fs.quiet(vars.CP.." -a "..src.."\\*.* "..fs.Q(dest))) then
+      return true
+   else
+      return false, "Failed copying "..src.." to "..dest
+   end
+--- Delete a file or a directory and all its contents.
+-- For safety, this only accepts absolute paths.
+-- @param arg string: Pathname of source
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function delete(arg)
+   assert(arg)
+   assert(arg:match("^[\a-zA-Z]?:?[\\/]"))
+   fs.execute(vars.CHMOD.." a+rw -R ", arg)
+   return fs.execute_string(fs.quiet(vars.RM.." -rf " .. fs.Q(arg)))
+--- List the contents of a directory.
+-- @param at string or nil: directory to list (will be the current
+-- directory if none is given).
+-- @return table: an array of strings with the filenames representing
+-- the contents of a directory.
+function list_dir(at)
+   assert(type(at) == "string" or not at)
+   if not at then
+      at = fs.current_dir()
+   end
+   if not fs.is_dir(at) then
+      return {}
+   end
+   local result = {}
+   local pipe = io.popen(command_at(at, vars.LS))
+   for file in pipe:lines() do
+      table.insert(result, file)
+   end
+   pipe:close()
+   return result
+--- Recursively scan the contents of a directory.
+-- @param at string or nil: directory to scan (will be the current
+-- directory if none is given).
+-- @return table: an array of strings with the filenames representing
+-- the contents of a directory. Paths are returned with forward slashes.
+function find(at)
+   assert(type(at) == "string" or not at)
+   if not at then
+      at = fs.current_dir()
+   end
+   if not fs.is_dir(at) then
+      return {}
+   end
+   local result = {}
+   local pipe = io.popen(command_at(at, vars.FIND.." 2> NUL"))
+   for file in pipe:lines() do
+      -- Windows find is a bit different
+      local first_two = file:sub(1,2)
+      if first_two == ".\\" or first_two == "./" then file=file:sub(3) end
+      if file ~= "." then
+         table.insert(result, (file:gsub("\\", "/")))
+      end
+   end
+   pipe:close()
+   return result
+--- Compress files in a .zip archive.
+-- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be created.
+-- @param ... Filenames to be stored in the archive are given as
+-- additional arguments.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function zip(zipfile, ...)
+   return fs.execute(vars.SEVENZ.." a -tzip", zipfile, ...)
+--- Uncompress files from a .zip archive.
+-- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be extracted.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function unzip(zipfile)
+   assert(zipfile)
+   return fs.execute(vars.SEVENZ.." x", zipfile)
+--- Test is pathname is a directory.
+-- @param file string: pathname to test
+-- @return boolean: true if it is a directory, false otherwise.
+function is_dir(file)
+   assert(file)
+   return fs.execute(fs.quiet(vars.TEST.." -d " .. fs.Q(file)))
+--- Test is pathname is a regular file.
+-- @param file string: pathname to test
+-- @return boolean: true if it is a regular file, false otherwise.
+function is_file(file)
+   assert(file)
+   return fs.execute(vars.TEST.." -f", file)
+--- Download a remote file.
+-- @param url string: URL to be fetched.
+-- @param filename string or nil: this function attempts to detect the
+-- resulting local filename of the remote file as the basename of the URL;
+-- if that is not correct (due to a redirection, for example), the local
+-- filename can be given explicitly as this second argument.
+-- @return boolean: true on success, false on failure.
+function download(url, filename)
+   assert(type(url) == "string")
+   assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
+   if cfg.downloader == "wget" then
+      local wget_cmd = vars.WGET.." --no-check-certificate --no-cache --user-agent=\""..cfg.user_agent.." via wget\" --quiet --continue "
+      if filename then
+         return fs.execute(wget_cmd.." --output-document ", filename, url)
+      else
+         return fs.execute(wget_cmd, url)
+      end
+   elseif cfg.downloader == "curl" then
+      filename = filename or dir.base_name(url)
+      return fs.execute_string(vars.CURL.." -L --user-agent \""..cfg.user_agent.." via curl\" "..fs.Q(url).." 2> NUL 1> "..fs.Q(filename))
+   end
+--- Uncompress gzip file.
+-- @param archive string: Filename of archive.
+-- @return boolean : success status
+local function gunzip(archive)
+  return fs.execute(vars.SEVENZ.." x", archive)
+--- Unpack an archive.
+-- Extract the contents of an archive, detecting its format by
+-- filename extension.
+-- @param archive string: Filename of archive.
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false and an error message on failure.
+function unpack_archive(archive)
+   assert(type(archive) == "string")
+   local ok
+   local sevenzx = vars.SEVENZ.." x"
+   if archive:match("%.tar%.gz$") then
+      ok = gunzip(archive)
+      if ok then
+         ok = fs.execute(sevenzx, strip_extension(archive))
+      end
+   elseif archive:match("%.tgz$") then
+      ok = gunzip(archive)
+      if ok then
+         ok = fs.execute(sevenzx, strip_extension(archive)..".tar")
+      end
+   elseif archive:match("%.tar%.bz2$") then
+      ok = fs.execute(sevenzx, archive)
+      if ok then
+         ok = fs.execute(sevenzx, strip_extension(archive))
+      end
+   elseif archive:match("$") then
+      ok = fs.execute(sevenzx, archive)
+   elseif archive:match("%.lua$") or archive:match("%.c$") then
+      -- Ignore .lua and .c files; they don't need to be extracted.
+      return true
+   else
+      local ext = archive:match(".*(%..*)")
+      return false, "Unrecognized filename extension "..(ext or "")
+   end
+   if not ok then
+      return false, "Failed extracting "..archive
+   end
+   return true
+local md5_cmd = {
+   md5sum = vars.MD5SUM,
+   openssl = vars.OPENSSL.." md5",
+   md5 = vars.MD5,
+--- Get the MD5 checksum for a file.
+-- @param file string: The file to be computed.
+-- @return string: The MD5 checksum
+function get_md5(file)
+   local cmd = md5_cmd[cfg.md5checker]
+   if not cmd then return nil end
+   local pipe = io.popen(cmd.." "..fs.absolute_name(file))
+   local computed = pipe:read("*a")
+   pipe:close()
+   if not computed then return nil end
+   return computed:match("("..("%x"):rep(32)..")")
+--- Test for existance of a file.
+-- @param file string: filename to test
+-- @return boolean: true if file exists, false otherwise.
+function exists(file)
+   assert(file)
+   return fs.execute(fs.quiet("if not exist " .. fs.Q(file) .. " invalidcommandname"))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/help.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "help" command.
+-- This is a generic help display module, which
+-- uses a global table called "commands" to find commands
+-- to show help for; each command should be represented by a
+-- table containing "help" and "help_summary" fields.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+help_summary = "Help on commands. Type '"..program_name.." help <command>' for more."
+help_arguments = "[<command>]"
+help = [[
+<command> is the command to show help for.
+local function print_banner()
+   util.printout("\nLuaRocks "..cfg.program_version..", a module deployment system for Lua")
+local function print_section(section)
+   util.printout("\n"..section)
+local function get_status(status)
+   if status then
+      return "ok"
+   elseif status == false then
+      return "not found"
+   else
+      return "failed"
+   end
+--- Driver function for the "help" command.
+-- @param command string or nil: command to show help for; if not
+-- given, help summaries for all commands are shown.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if there were no errors
+-- or nil and an error message if an invalid command was requested.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, command = util.parse_flags(...)
+   if not command then
+      local sys_file, sys_ok, home_file, home_ok = cfg.which_config()
+      print_banner()
+      print_section("NAME")
+      util.printout("\t"..program_name..[[ - ]]..program_description)
+      print_section("SYNOPSIS")
+      util.printout("\t"..program_name..[[ [--from=<server> | --only-from=<server>] [--to=<tree>] [VAR=VALUE]... <command> [<argument>] ]])
+      print_section("GENERAL OPTIONS")
+      util.printout([[
+	These apply to all commands, as appropriate:
+	--server=<server>      Fetch rocks/rockspecs from this server
+	                       (takes priority over config file)
+	--only-server=<server> Fetch rocks/rockspecs from this server only
+	                       (overrides any entries in the config file)
+	--only-sources=<url>   Restrict downloads to paths matching the
+	                       given URL.
+	--tree=<tree>          Which tree to operate on.
+	--local                Use the tree in the user's home directory.]])
+      print_section("VARIABLES")
+      util.printout([[
+	Variables from the "variables" table of the configuration file
+	can be overriden with VAR=VALUE assignments.]])
+      print_section("COMMANDS")
+      local names = {}
+      for name, command in pairs(commands) do
+         table.insert(names, name)
+      end
+      table.sort(names)
+      for _, name in ipairs(names) do
+         local command = commands[name]
+         util.printout("", name)
+         util.printout("\t", command.help_summary)
+      end
+      print_section("CONFIGURATION")
+      util.printout([[
+	System configuration file: ]]..sys_file .. " (" .. get_status(sys_ok) ..[[)
+	User configuration file: ]]..home_file .. " (" .. get_status(home_ok) ..")\n")
+   else
+      command = command:gsub("-", "_")
+      if commands[command] then
+         local arguments = commands[command].help_arguments or "<argument>"
+         print_banner()
+         print_section("NAME")
+         util.printout("\t"..program_name.." "..command.." - "..commands[command].help_summary)
+         print_section("SYNOPSIS")
+         util.printout("\t"..program_name.." "..command.." "..arguments)
+         print_section("DESCRIPTION")
+         util.printout("",(commands[command].help:gsub("\n","\n\t"):gsub("\n\t$","")))
+         print_section("SEE ALSO")
+         util.printout("","'luarocks help' for general options and configuration.\n")
+      else
+         return nil, "Unknown command '"..command.."'"
+      end
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/index.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+--- Module which builds the index.html page to be used in rocks servers.
+module("luarocks.index", package.seeall)
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local ext_url_target = ' target="_blank"'
+local index_header = [[
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<title>Available rocks</title>
+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+body {
+   background-color: white;
+   font-family: "bitstream vera sans", "verdana", "sans";
+   font-size: 14px;
+a {
+   color: #0000c0;
+   text-decoration: none;
+a:hover {
+   text-decoration: underline;
+td.main {
+   border-style: none;
+blockquote {
+   font-size: 12px;
+td.package {
+   background-color: #f0f0f0;
+   vertical-align: top;
+td.spacer {
+   height: 5px;
+td.version {
+   background-color: #d0d0d0;
+   vertical-align: top;
+   text-align: left;
+   padding: 5px;
+   width: 100px;
+p.manifest {
+   font-size: 8px;
+<h1>Available rocks</h1>
+Lua modules available from this location for use with <a href="">LuaRocks</a>:
+<table class="main">
+local index_package_start = [[
+<td class="package">
+<p><a name="$anchor"></a><b>$package</b> - $summary<br/>
+<font size="-1"><a href="$original">latest sources</a> $homepage | License: $license</font></p>
+<td class="version">
+local index_package_end = [[
+<tr><td colspan="2" class="spacer"></td></tr>
+local index_footer = [[
+<p class="manifest">
+<a href="manifest">manifest file</a>
+function format_external_dependencies(rockspec)
+   if rockspec.external_dependencies then
+      local deplist = {}
+      local listed_set = {}
+      local plats = nil
+      for name, desc in util.sortedpairs(rockspec.external_dependencies) do
+         if name ~= "platforms" then
+            table.insert(deplist, name:lower())
+            listed_set[name] = true
+         else
+            plats = desc
+         end
+      end
+      if plats then
+         for plat, entries in util.sortedpairs(plats) do
+            for name, desc in util.sortedpairs(entries) do
+               if not listed_set[name] then
+                  table.insert(deplist, name:lower() .. " (on "..plat..")")
+               end
+            end
+         end
+      end
+      return '<p><b>External dependencies:</b> ' .. table.concat(deplist, ',&nbsp;').. '</p>'
+   else
+      return ""
+   end
+function make_index(repo)
+   if not fs.is_dir(repo) then
+      return nil, "Cannot access repository at "..repo
+   end
+   local manifest = manif.load_manifest(repo)
+   local out =, "index.html"), "w")
+   out:write(index_header)
+   for package, version_list in util.sortedpairs(manifest.repository) do
+      local latest_rockspec = nil
+      local output = index_package_start
+      for version, data in util.sortedpairs(version_list, deps.compare_versions) do
+         local versions = {}
+         output = output..version..':&nbsp;'
+         table.sort(data, function(a,b) return a.arch < b.arch end)
+         for _, item in ipairs(data) do
+            local link = '<a href="$url">'..item.arch..'</a>'
+            if item.arch == 'rockspec' then
+               local rs = ("%s-%s.rockspec"):format(package, version)
+               if not latest_rockspec then latest_rockspec = rs end
+               link = link:gsub("$url", rs)
+            else
+               link = link:gsub("$url", ("%s-%s.%s.rock"):format(package, version, item.arch))
+            end
+            table.insert(versions, link)
+         end
+         output = output .. table.concat(versions, ',&nbsp;') .. '<br/>'
+      end
+      output = output .. index_package_end
+      if latest_rockspec then
+         local rockspec = persist.load_into_table(dir.path(repo, latest_rockspec))
+         local descript = rockspec.description or {}
+         local vars = {
+            anchor = package,
+            package = rockspec.package,
+            original = rockspec.source.url,
+            summary = descript.summary or "",
+            detailed = descript.detailed or "",
+            license = descript.license or "N/A",
+            homepage = descript.homepage and ('| <a href="'..descript.homepage..'"'..ext_url_target..'>project homepage</a>') or "",
+            externaldependencies = format_external_dependencies(rockspec)
+         }
+         vars.detailed = vars.detailed:gsub("\n\n", "</p><p>"):gsub("%s+", " ")
+         vars.detailed = vars.detailed:gsub("(https?://[a-zA-Z0-9%.%%-_%+%[%]=%?&/$@;:]+)", '<a href="%1"'..ext_url_target..'>%1</a>')
+         output = output:gsub("$(%w+)", vars)
+      else
+         output = output:gsub("$anchor", package)
+         output = output:gsub("$package", package)
+         output = output:gsub("$(%w+)", "")
+      end
+      out:write(output)
+   end
+   out:write(index_footer)
+   out:close()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/install.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "install" command.
+-- Installs binary rocks.
+module("luarocks.install", package.seeall)
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+help_summary = "Install a rock."
+help_arguments = "{<rock>|<name> [<version>]}"
+help = [[
+Argument may be the name of a rock to be fetched from a repository
+or a filename of a locally available rock.
+--- Install a binary rock.
+-- @param rock_file string: local or remote filename of a rock.
+-- @param deps_mode: string: Which trees to check dependencies for:
+-- "none", "one", "order" or "all". 
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string, [string]): True if succeeded or 
+-- nil and an error message and an optional error code.
+function install_binary_rock(rock_file, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(rock_file) == "string")
+   local name, version, arch = path.parse_name(rock_file)
+   if not name then
+      return nil, "Filename "..rock_file.." does not match format 'name-version-revision.arch.rock'."
+   end
+   if arch ~= "all" and arch ~= cfg.arch then
+      return nil, "Incompatible architecture "..arch, "arch"
+   end
+   if repos.is_installed(name, version) then
+      repos.delete_version(name, version)
+   end
+   local rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
+      fs.delete(path.install_dir(name, version))
+      fs.remove_dir_if_empty(path.versions_dir(name))
+   end)
+   local ok, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, path.install_dir(name, version))
+   if not ok then return nil, err, errcode end
+   local rockspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version))
+   if err then
+      return nil, "Failed loading rockspec for installed package: "..err, errcode
+   end
+   if deps_mode == "none" then
+      util.printerr("Warning: skipping dependency checks.")
+   else
+      ok, err, errcode = deps.check_external_deps(rockspec, "install")
+      if err then return nil, err, errcode end
+   end
+   -- For compatibility with .rock files built with LuaRocks 1
+   if not fs.exists(path.rock_manifest_file(name, version)) then
+      ok, err = manif.make_rock_manifest(name, version)
+      if err then return nil, err end
+   end
+   if deps_mode ~= "none" then
+      ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, deps_mode)
+      if err then return nil, err, errcode end
+   end
+   local wrap_bin_scripts = true
+   if rockspec.deploy and rockspec.deploy.wrap_bin_scripts == false then
+      wrap_bin_scripts = false
+   end
+   ok, err = repos.deploy_files(name, version, repos.should_wrap_bin_scripts(rockspec))
+   if err then return nil, err end
+   util.remove_scheduled_function(rollback)
+   rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
+      repos.delete_version(name, version)
+   end)
+   ok, err = repos.run_hook(rockspec, "post_install")
+   if err then return nil, err end
+   ok, err = manif.update_manifest(name, version, nil, deps_mode)
+   if err then return nil, err end
+   local license = ""
+   if rockspec.description.license then
+      license = ("(license: "..rockspec.description.license..")")
+   end
+   local root_dir = path.root_dir(cfg.rocks_dir)
+   util.printout()
+   util.printout(name.." "..version.." is now installed in "..root_dir.." "..license)
+   util.remove_scheduled_function(rollback)
+   return true
+--- Driver function for the "install" command.
+-- @param name string: name of a binary rock. If an URL or pathname
+-- to a binary rock is given, fetches and installs it. If a rockspec or a
+-- source rock is given, forwards the request to the "build" command.
+-- If a package name is given, forwards the request to "search" and,
+-- if returned a result, installs the matching rock.
+-- @param version string: When passing a package name, a version number
+-- may also be given.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if installation was
+-- successful, nil and an error message otherwise.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, name, version = util.parse_flags(...)
+   if type(name) ~= "string" then
+      return nil, "Argument missing, see help."
+   end
+   local ok, err = fs.check_command_permissions(flags)
+   if not ok then return nil, err end
+   if name:match("%.rockspec$") or name:match("%.src%.rock$") then
+      util.printout("Using ""... switching to 'build' mode")
+      local build = require("")
+      return, deps.get_deps_mode(flags), flags["local"] and "--local")
+   elseif name:match("%.rock$") then
+      return install_binary_rock(name, deps.get_deps_mode(flags))
+   else
+      local search = require("")
+      local results, err = search.find_suitable_rock(search.make_query(name:lower(), version))
+      if err then
+         return nil, err
+      elseif type(results) == "string" then
+         local url = results
+         util.printout("Installing "..url.."...")
+         return run(url)
+      else
+         util.printout()
+         util.printerr("Could not determine which rock to install.")
+         util.title("Search results:")
+         search.print_results(results)
+         return nil, (next(results) and "Please narrow your query." or "No results found.")
+      end
+   end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/lint.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "lint" command.
+-- Utility function that checks syntax of the rockspec.
+module("luarocks.lint", package.seeall)
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local download = require("")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+help_summary = "Check syntax of a rockspec."
+help_arguments = "<rockspec>"
+help = [[
+This is a utility function that checks the syntax of a rockspec.
+It returns success or failure if the text of a rockspec is
+syntactically correct.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, input = util.parse_flags(...)
+   if not input then
+      return nil, "Argument missing, see help."
+   end
+   local filename = input
+   if not input:match(".rockspec$") then
+      local err
+      filename, err ="rockspec", input)
+      if not filename then
+         return nil, err
+      end
+   end
+   local rs, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(filename)
+   if not rs then
+      return nil, "Failed loading rockspec: "..err
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/list.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "list" command.
+-- Lists currently installed rocks.
+module("luarocks.list", package.seeall)
+local search = require("")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+help_summary = "Lists currently installed rocks."
+help_arguments = "[--porcelain] <filter>"
+help = [[
+<filter> is a substring of a rock name to filter by.
+--porcelain   Produce machine-friendly output.
+--- Driver function for "list" command.
+-- @param filter string or nil: A substring of a rock name to filter by.
+-- @param version string or nil: a version may also be passed.
+-- @return boolean: True if succeeded, nil on errors.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, filter, version = util.parse_flags(...)
+   local results = {}
+   local query = search.make_query(filter and filter:lower() or "", version)
+   query.exact_name = false
+   local trees = cfg.rocks_trees
+   if flags["tree"] then
+      trees = { flags["tree"] }
+   end
+   for _, tree in ipairs(trees) do
+      search.manifest_search(results, path.rocks_dir(tree), query)
+   end
+   util.title("Installed rocks:", flags["porcelain"])
+   search.print_results(results, flags["porcelain"])
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/loader.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+--- A module which installs a Lua package loader that is LuaRocks-aware.
+-- This loader uses dependency information from the LuaRocks tree to load
+-- correct versions of modules. It does this by constructing a "context"
+-- table in the environment, which records which versions of packages were
+-- used to load previous modules, so that the loader chooses versions
+-- that are declared to be compatible with the ones loaded earlier.
+local global_env = _G
+local package, require, ipairs, pairs, table, type, next, unpack =
+      package, require, ipairs, pairs, table, type, next, unpack
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local manif_core = require("luarocks.manif_core")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+context = {}
+-- Contains a table when rocks trees are loaded,
+-- or 'false' to indicate rocks trees failed to load.
+-- 'nil' indicates rocks trees were not attempted to be loaded yet.
+rocks_trees = nil
+local function load_rocks_trees() 
+   local any_ok = false
+   local trees = {}
+   for _, tree in ipairs(cfg.rocks_trees) do
+      local manifest, err = manif_core.load_local_manifest(path.rocks_dir(tree))
+      if manifest then
+         any_ok = true
+         table.insert(trees, {tree=tree, manifest=manifest})
+      end
+   end
+   if not any_ok then
+      rocks_trees = false
+      return false
+   end
+   rocks_trees = trees
+   return true
+--- Process the dependencies of a package to determine its dependency
+-- chain for loading modules.
+-- @param name string: The name of an installed rock.
+-- @param version string: The version of the rock, in string format
+function add_context(name, version)
+   -- assert(type(name) == "string")
+   -- assert(type(version) == "string")
+   if context[name] then
+      return
+   end
+   context[name] = version
+   if not rocks_trees and not load_rocks_trees() then
+      return nil
+   end
+   local providers = {}
+   for _, tree in ipairs(rocks_trees) do
+      local manifest = tree.manifest
+      local pkgdeps
+      if manifest.dependencies and manifest.dependencies[name] then
+         pkgdeps = manifest.dependencies[name][version]
+      end
+      if not pkgdeps then
+         return nil
+      end
+      for _, dep in ipairs(pkgdeps) do
+         local pkg, constraints =, dep.constraints
+         for _, tree in ipairs(rocks_trees) do
+            local entries = tree.manifest.repository[pkg]
+            if entries then
+               for version, pkgs in pairs(entries) do
+                  if (not constraints) or deps.match_constraints(deps.parse_version(version), constraints) then
+                     add_context(pkg, version)
+                  end
+               end
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+--- Internal sorting function.
+-- @param a table: A provider table.
+-- @param b table: Another provider table.
+-- @return boolean: True if the version of a is greater than that of b.
+local function sort_versions(a,b)
+   return a.version > b.version
+--- Request module to be loaded through other loaders,
+-- once the proper name of the module has been determined.
+-- For example, in case the module "socket.core" has been requested
+-- to the LuaRocks loader and it determined based on context that
+-- the version 2.0.2 needs to be loaded and it is not the current
+-- version, the module requested for the other loaders will be
+-- "socket.core_2_0_2".
+-- @param module The module name requested by the user, such as "socket.core"
+-- @param name The rock name, such as "luasocket"
+-- @param version The rock version, such as "2.0.2-1"
+-- @param module_name The actual module name, such as "socket.core" or "socket.core_2_0_2".
+-- @return table or (nil, string): The module table as returned by some other loader,
+-- or nil followed by an error message if no other loader managed to load the module.
+local function call_other_loaders(module, name, version, module_name)
+   for i, loader in pairs(package.loaders) do
+      if loader ~= luarocks_loader then
+         local results = { loader(module_name) }
+         if type(results[1]) == "function" then
+            return unpack(results)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return "Failed loading module "..module.." in LuaRocks rock "" "..version
+--- Search for a module in the rocks trees
+-- @param module string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
+-- @param filter_module_name function(string, string, string, string, number):
+-- a function that takes the module name (eg "socket.core"), the rock name
+-- (eg "luasocket"), the version (eg "2.0.2-1"), the path of the rocks tree
+-- (eg "/usr/local"), and the numeric index of the matching entry, so the
+-- filter function can know if the matching module was the first entry or not.
+-- @return string, string, string: name of the rock containing the module
+-- (eg. "luasocket"), version of the rock (eg. "2.0.2-1"),
+-- name of the module (eg. "socket.core", or "socket.core_2_0_2" if file is
+-- stored versioned).
+local function select_module(module, filter_module_name)
+   --assert(type(module) == "string")
+   --assert(type(filter_module_name) == "function")
+   if not rocks_trees and not load_rocks_trees() then
+      return nil
+   end
+   local providers = {}
+   for _, tree in ipairs(rocks_trees) do
+      local entries = tree.manifest.modules[module]
+      if entries then
+         for i, entry in ipairs(entries) do
+            local name, version = entry:match("^([^/]*)/(.*)$")
+            local module_name = tree.manifest.repository[name][version][1].modules[module]
+            if type(module_name) ~= "string" then
+               error("Invalid format in manifest file (invalid data for "..tostring(name).." "..tostring(version)..")")
+            end
+            module_name = filter_module_name(module_name, name, version, tree.tree, i)
+            if context[name] == version then
+               return name, version, module_name
+            end
+            version = deps.parse_version(version)
+            table.insert(providers, {name = name, version = version, module_name = module_name})
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   if next(providers) then
+      table.sort(providers, sort_versions)
+      local first = providers[1]
+      return, first.version.string, first.module_name
+   end
+--- Search for a module
+-- @param module string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
+-- @return string, string, string: name of the rock containing the module
+-- (eg. "luasocket"), version of the rock (eg. "2.0.2-1"),
+-- name of the module (eg. "socket.core", or "socket.core_2_0_2" if file is
+-- stored versioned).
+local function pick_module(module)
+   return
+      select_module(module, function(module_name, name, version, tree, i)
+         if i > 1 then
+            module_name = path.versioned_name(module_name, "", name, version)
+         end
+         module_name = path.path_to_module(module_name)
+         return module_name
+      end)
+--- Return the pathname of the file that would be loaded for a module.
+-- @param module string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
+-- @return string: filename of the module (eg. "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/")
+function which(module)
+   local name, version, module_name = select_module(module, path.which_i)
+   return module_name
+--- Package loader for LuaRocks support.
+-- A module is searched in installed rocks that match the
+-- current LuaRocks context. If module is not part of the
+-- context, or if a context has not yet been set, the module
+-- in the package with the highest version is used.
+-- @param module string: The module name, like in plain require().
+-- @return table: The module table (typically), like in plain
+-- require(). See <a href="">require()</a>
+-- in the Lua reference manual for details.
+function luarocks_loader(module)
+   local name, version, module_name = pick_module(module)
+   if not name then
+      return "No LuaRocks module found for "..module
+   else
+      add_context(name, version)
+      return call_other_loaders(module, name, version, module_name)
+   end
+table.insert(global_env.package.loaders, 1, luarocks_loader)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/make.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "make" command.
+-- Builds sources in the current directory, but unlike "build",
+-- it does not fetch sources, etc., assuming everything is 
+-- available in the current directory.
+module("luarocks.make", package.seeall)
+local build = require("")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local pack = require("luarocks.pack")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+help_summary = "Compile package in current directory using a rockspec."
+help_arguments = "[--pack-binary-rock] [<rockspec>]"
+help = [[
+Builds sources in the current directory, but unlike "build",
+it does not fetch sources, etc., assuming everything is 
+available in the current directory. If no argument is given,
+look for a rockspec in the current directory. If more than one
+is found, you must specify which to use, through the command-line.
+This command is useful as a tool for debugging rockspecs. 
+To install rocks, you'll normally want to use the "install" and
+"build" commands. See the help on those for details.
+If --pack-binary-rock is passed, the rock is not installed;
+instead, a .rock file with the contents of compilation is produced
+in the current directory.
+--- Driver function for "make" command.
+-- @param name string: A local rockspec.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if build was successful; nil and an
+-- error message otherwise.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, rockspec = util.parse_flags(...)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "string" or not rockspec)
+   if not rockspec then
+      local files = fs.list_dir(fs.current_dir())
+      for _, file in pairs(files) do
+         if file:match("rockspec$") then
+            if rockspec then
+               return nil, "Please specify which rockspec file to use."
+            else
+               rockspec = file
+            end
+         end
+      end
+      if not rockspec then
+         return nil, "Argument missing: please specify a rockspec to use on current directory."
+      end
+   end
+   if not rockspec:match("rockspec$") then
+      return nil, "Invalid argument: 'make' takes a rockspec as a parameter. See help."
+   end
+   if flags["pack-binary-rock"] then
+      local rspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec)
+      if not rspec then
+         return nil, err
+      end
+      return pack.pack_binary_rock(, rspec.version, build.build_rockspec, rockspec, false, true, deps.get_deps_mode(flags))
+   else
+      local ok, err = fs.check_command_permissions(flags)
+      if not ok then return nil, err end
+      return build.build_rockspec(rockspec, false, true, deps.get_deps_mode(flags))
+   end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/make_manifest.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+--- Module implementing the luarocks-admin "make_manifest" command.
+-- Compile a manifest file for a repository.
+module("luarocks.make_manifest", package.seeall)
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local index = require("luarocks.index")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+help_summary = "Compile a manifest file for a repository."
+help = [[
+<argument>, if given, is a local repository pathname.
+--- Driver function for "make_manifest" command.
+-- @param repo string or nil: Pathname of a local repository. If not given,
+-- the default local repository configured as cfg.rocks_dir is used.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if manifest was generated,
+-- or nil and an error message.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, repo = util.parse_flags(...)
+   assert(type(repo) == "string" or not repo)
+   repo = repo or cfg.rocks_dir
+   util.printout("Making manifest for "..repo)
+   local ok, err = manif.make_manifest(repo, deps.get_deps_mode(flags))
+   if ok then
+      util.printout("Generating index.html for "..repo)
+      index.make_index(repo)
+   end
+   return ok, err
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/manif.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+--- Module for handling manifest files and tables.
+-- Manifest files describe the contents of a LuaRocks tree or server.
+-- They are loaded into manifest tables, which are then used for
+-- performing searches, matching dependencies, etc.
+module("luarocks.manif", package.seeall)
+local manif_core = require("luarocks.manif_core")
+local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local search = require("")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+rock_manifest_cache = {}
+--- Commit a table to disk in given local path.
+-- @param where string: The directory where the table should be saved.
+-- @param name string: The filename.
+-- @param tbl table: The table to be saved.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful, or nil and a
+-- message in case of errors.
+local function save_table(where, name, tbl)
+   assert(type(where) == "string")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(tbl) == "table")
+   local filename = dir.path(where, name)
+   local ok, err = persist.save_from_table(filename..".tmp", tbl)
+   if ok then
+      ok, err = fs.replace_file(filename, filename..".tmp")
+   end
+   return ok, err
+function load_rock_manifest(name, version, root)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local name_version = name.."/"..version
+   if rock_manifest_cache[name_version] then
+      return rock_manifest_cache[name_version].rock_manifest
+   end
+   local pathname = path.rock_manifest_file(name, version, root)
+   local rock_manifest = persist.load_into_table(pathname)
+   if not rock_manifest then return nil end
+   rock_manifest_cache[name_version] = rock_manifest
+   return rock_manifest.rock_manifest
+function make_rock_manifest(name, version)
+   local install_dir = path.install_dir(name, version)
+   local rock_manifest = path.rock_manifest_file(name, version)
+   local tree = {}
+   for _, file in ipairs(fs.find(install_dir)) do
+      local full_path = dir.path(install_dir, file)
+      local walk = tree
+      local last
+      local last_name
+      for name in file:gmatch("[^/]+") do
+         local next = walk[name]
+         if not next then
+            next = {}
+            walk[name] = next
+         end
+         last = walk
+         last_name = name
+         walk = next
+      end
+      if fs.is_file(full_path) then
+         last[last_name] = fs.get_md5(full_path)
+      end
+   end
+   local rock_manifest = { rock_manifest=tree }
+   rock_manifest_cache[name.."/"..version] = rock_manifest
+   save_table(install_dir, "rock_manifest", rock_manifest )
+--- Load a local or remote manifest describing a repository.
+-- All functions that use manifest tables assume they were obtained
+-- through either this function or load_local_manifest.
+-- @param repo_url string: URL or pathname for the repository.
+-- @return table or (nil, string, [string]): A table representing the manifest,
+-- or nil followed by an error message and an optional error code.
+function load_manifest(repo_url)
+   assert(type(repo_url) == "string")
+   if manif_core.manifest_cache[repo_url] then
+      return manif_core.manifest_cache[repo_url]
+   end
+   local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(repo_url)
+   if protocol == "file" then
+      pathname = dir.path(pathname, "manifest")
+   else
+      local url = dir.path(repo_url, "manifest")
+      local name = repo_url:gsub("[/:]","_")
+      local file, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_url_at_temp_dir(url, "luarocks-manifest-"
+      if not file then
+         return nil, "Failed fetching manifest for "..repo_url..(err and " - "..err or ""), errcode
+      end
+      pathname = file
+   end
+   return manif_core.manifest_loader(pathname, repo_url)
+--- Output a table listing items of a package.
+-- @param itemsfn function: a function for obtaining items of a package.
+-- pkg and version will be passed to it; it should return a table with
+-- items as keys.
+-- @param pkg string: package name
+-- @param version string: package version
+-- @param tbl table: the package matching table: keys should be item names
+-- and values arrays of strings with packages names in "name/version" format.
+local function store_package_items(itemsfn, pkg, version, tbl)
+   assert(type(itemsfn) == "function")
+   assert(type(pkg) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   assert(type(tbl) == "table")
+   local pkg_version = pkg.."/"..version
+   local result = {}
+   for item, path in pairs(itemsfn(pkg, version)) do
+      result[item] = path
+      if not tbl[item] then
+         tbl[item] = {}
+      end
+      table.insert(tbl[item], pkg_version)
+   end
+   return result
+--- Sort function for ordering rock identifiers in a manifest's
+-- modules table. Rocks are ordered alphabetically by name, and then
+-- by version which greater first.
+-- @param a string: Version to compare.
+-- @param b string: Version to compare.
+-- @return boolean: The comparison result, according to the
+-- rule outlined above.
+local function sort_pkgs(a, b)
+   assert(type(a) == "string")
+   assert(type(b) == "string")
+   local na, va = a:match("(.*)/(.*)$")
+   local nb, vb = b:match("(.*)/(.*)$")
+   return (na == nb) and deps.compare_versions(va, vb) or na < nb
+--- Sort items of a package matching table by version number (higher versions first).
+-- @param tbl table: the package matching table: keys should be strings
+-- and values arrays of strings with packages names in "name/version" format.
+local function sort_package_matching_table(tbl)
+   assert(type(tbl) == "table")
+   if next(tbl) then
+      for item, pkgs in pairs(tbl) do
+         if #pkgs > 1 then
+            table.sort(pkgs, sort_pkgs)
+            -- Remove duplicates from the sorted array.
+            local prev = nil
+            local i = 1
+            while pkgs[i] do
+               local curr = pkgs[i]
+               if curr == prev then
+                  table.remove(pkgs, i)
+               else
+                  prev = curr
+                  i = i + 1
+               end
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+--- Process the dependencies of a manifest table to determine its dependency
+-- chains for loading modules. The manifest dependencies information is filled
+-- and any dependency inconsistencies or missing dependencies are reported to
+-- standard error.
+-- @param manifest table: a manifest table.
+local function update_dependencies(manifest, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(manifest) == "table")
+   assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
+   for pkg, versions in pairs(manifest.repository) do
+      for version, repositories in pairs(versions) do
+         local current = pkg.." "..version
+         for _, repo in ipairs(repositories) do
+            if repo.arch == "installed" then
+               local missing
+               repo.dependencies, missing = deps.scan_deps({}, {}, manifest, pkg, version, deps_mode)
+               repo.dependencies[pkg] = nil
+               if missing then
+                  for miss, err in pairs(missing) do
+                     if miss == current then
+                        util.printerr("Tree inconsistency detected: "..current.." has no rockspec. "..err)
+                     else
+                        util.printerr("Missing dependency for "..pkg.." "..version..": "..miss)
+                     end
+                  end
+               end
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+--- Store search results in a manifest table.
+-- @param results table: The search results as returned by search.disk_search.
+-- @param manifest table: A manifest table (must contain repository, modules, commands tables).
+-- It will be altered to include the search results.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true in case of success, or nil followed by an error message.
+local function store_results(results, manifest, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(results) == "table")
+   assert(type(manifest) == "table")
+   assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
+   for name, versions in pairs(results) do
+      local pkgtable = manifest.repository[name] or {}
+      for version, entries in pairs(versions) do
+         local versiontable = {}
+         for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do
+            local entrytable = {}
+            entrytable.arch = entry.arch
+            if entry.arch == "installed" then
+               local rock_manifest = load_rock_manifest(name, version)
+               if not rock_manifest then
+                  return nil, "rock_manifest file not found for "" "..version.." - not a LuaRocks 2 tree?"
+               end
+               entrytable.modules = store_package_items(repos.package_modules, name, version, manifest.modules)
+               entrytable.commands = store_package_items(repos.package_commands, name, version, manifest.commands)
+            end
+            table.insert(versiontable, entrytable)
+         end
+         pkgtable[version] = versiontable
+      end
+      manifest.repository[name] = pkgtable
+   end
+   update_dependencies(manifest, deps_mode)
+   sort_package_matching_table(manifest.modules)
+   sort_package_matching_table(manifest.commands)
+   return true
+--- Scan a LuaRocks repository and output a manifest file.
+-- A file called 'manifest' will be written in the root of the given
+-- repository directory.
+-- @param repo A local repository directory.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if manifest was generated,
+-- or nil and an error message.
+function make_manifest(repo, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(repo) == "string")
+   assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
+   if deps_mode == "none" then deps_mode = cfg.deps_mode end
+   if not fs.is_dir(repo) then
+      return nil, "Cannot access repository at "..repo
+   end
+   local query = search.make_query("")
+   query.exact_name = false
+   query.arch = "any"
+   local results = search.disk_search(repo, query)
+   local manifest = { repository = {}, modules = {}, commands = {} }
+   manif_core.manifest_cache[repo] = manifest
+   local ok, err = store_results(results, manifest, deps_mode)
+   if not ok then return nil, err end
+   return save_table(repo, "manifest", manifest)
+--- Load a manifest file from a local repository and add to the repository
+-- information with regard to the given name and version.
+-- A file called 'manifest' will be written in the root of the given
+-- repository directory.
+-- @param name string: Name of a package from the repository.
+-- @param version string: Version of a package from the repository.
+-- @param repo string or nil: Pathname of a local repository. If not given,
+-- the default local repository configured as cfg.rocks_dir is used.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if manifest was generated,
+-- or nil and an error message.
+function update_manifest(name, version, repo, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   repo = path.rocks_dir(repo or cfg.root_dir)
+   assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
+   if deps_mode == "none" then deps_mode = cfg.deps_mode end
+   util.printout("Updating manifest for "..repo)
+   local manifest, err = load_manifest(repo)
+   if not manifest then
+      util.printerr("No existing manifest. Attempting to rebuild...")
+      local ok, err = make_manifest(repo, deps_mode)
+      if not ok then
+         return nil, err
+      end
+      manifest, err = load_manifest(repo)
+      if not manifest then
+         return nil, err
+      end
+   end
+   local results = {[name] = {[version] = {{arch = "installed", repo = repo}}}}
+   local ok, err = store_results(results, manifest, deps_mode)
+   if not ok then return nil, err end
+   return save_table(repo, "manifest", manifest)
+local function find_providers(file, root)
+   assert(type(file) == "string")
+   root = root or cfg.root_dir
+   local manifest, err = manif_core.load_local_manifest(path.rocks_dir(root))
+   if not manifest then
+      return nil, err .. " -- corrupted local rocks tree?"
+   end
+   local deploy_bin = path.deploy_bin_dir(root)
+   local deploy_lua = path.deploy_lua_dir(root)
+   local deploy_lib = path.deploy_lib_dir(root)
+   local key, manifest_tbl
+   if util.starts_with(file, deploy_lua) then
+      manifest_tbl = manifest.modules
+      key = path.path_to_module(file:sub(#deploy_lua+1):gsub("\\", "/"))
+   elseif util.starts_with(file, deploy_lib) then
+      manifest_tbl = manifest.modules
+      key = path.path_to_module(file:sub(#deploy_lib+1):gsub("\\", "/"))
+   elseif util.starts_with(file, deploy_bin) then
+      manifest_tbl = manifest.commands
+      key = file:sub(#deploy_bin+1):gsub("^[\\/]*", "")
+   else
+      assert(false, "Assertion failed: '"..file.."' is not a deployed file.")
+   end
+   local providers = manifest_tbl[key]
+   if not providers then
+      return nil, "untracked"
+   end
+   return providers
+--- Given a path of a deployed file, figure out which rock name and version
+-- correspond to it in the tree manifest.
+-- @param file string: The full path of a deployed file.
+-- @param root string or nil: A local root dir for a rocks tree. If not given, the default is used.
+-- @return string, string: name and version of the provider rock.
+function find_current_provider(file, root)
+   local providers, err = find_providers(file, root)
+   if not providers then return nil, err end
+   return providers[1]:match("([^/]*)/([^/]*)")
+function find_next_provider(file, root)
+   local providers, err = find_providers(file, root)
+   if not providers then return nil, err end
+   if providers[2] then
+      return providers[2]:match("([^/]*)/([^/]*)")
+   else
+      return nil
+   end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/manif_core.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+--- Core functions for querying manifest files.
+-- This module requires no specific 'fs' functionality.
+module("luarocks.manif_core", package.seeall)
+local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
+local type_check = require("luarocks.type_check")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+manifest_cache = {}
+--- Back-end function that actually loads the manifest
+-- and stores it in the manifest cache.
+-- @param file string: The local filename of the manifest file.
+-- @param repo_url string: The repository identifier.
+-- @param quick boolean: If given, skips type checking.
+function manifest_loader(file, repo_url, quick)
+   local manifest, err = persist.load_into_table(file)
+   if not manifest then
+      return nil, "Failed loading manifest for "..repo_url..": "..err
+   end
+   if not quick then
+      local ok, err = type_check.type_check_manifest(manifest)
+      if not ok then
+         return nil, "Error checking manifest: "..err
+      end
+   end
+   manifest_cache[repo_url] = manifest
+   return manifest
+--- Load a local manifest describing a repository.
+-- All functions that use manifest tables assume they were obtained
+-- through either this function or load_manifest.
+-- @param repo_url string: URL or pathname for the repository.
+-- @return table or (nil, string): A table representing the manifest,
+-- or nil followed by an error message.
+function load_local_manifest(repo_url)
+   assert(type(repo_url) == "string")
+   if manifest_cache[repo_url] then
+      return manifest_cache[repo_url]
+   end
+   local pathname = dir.path(repo_url, "manifest")
+   return manifest_loader(pathname, repo_url, true)
+--- Get all versions of a package listed in a manifest file.
+-- @param name string: a package name.
+-- @param deps_mode string: "one", to use only the currently
+-- configured tree; "order" to select trees based on order
+-- (use the current tree and all trees below it on the list)
+-- or "all", to use all trees.
+-- @return table: An array of strings listing installed
+-- versions of a package.
+function get_versions(name, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
+   local manifest = {}
+   path.map_trees(deps_mode, function(tree)
+      local loaded = load_local_manifest(path.rocks_dir(tree))
+      if loaded then
+         util.deep_merge(manifest, loaded)
+      end
+   end)
+   local item = next(manifest) and manifest.repository[name]
+   if item then
+      return util.keys(item)
+   end
+   return {}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/new_version.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "new_version" command.
+-- Utility function that writes a new rockspec, updating data from a previous one.
+module("luarocks.new_version", package.seeall)
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local download = require("")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+help_summary = "Auto-write a rockspec for a new version of a rock."
+help_arguments = "{<package>|<rockspec>} [<new_version>] [<new_url>]"
+help = [[
+This is a utility function that writes a new rockspec, updating data
+from a previous one.
+If a package name is given, it downloads the latest rockspec from the
+default server. If a rockspec is given, it uses it instead.
+If the version number is not given, it only increments the revision
+number of the given (or downloaded) rockspec.
+If a URL is given, it replaces the one from the old rockspec with the
+given URL. If a URL is not given and a new version is given, it tries
+to guess the new URL by replacing occurrences of the version number
+in the URL or tag. It also tries to download the new URL to determine
+the new MD5 checksum.
+WARNING: it writes the new rockspec to the current directory,
+overwriting the file if it already exists.
+local order = {"rockspec_format", "package", "version", 
+   { "source", { "url", "tag", "branch", "md5" } },
+   { "description", {"summary", "detailed", "homepage", "license" } },
+   "supported_platforms", "dependencies", "external_dependencies",
+   { "build", {"type", "modules", "copy_directories", "platforms"} },
+   "hooks"}
+local function try_replace(tbl, field, old, new)
+   if not tbl[field] then
+      return false
+   end
+   local old_field = tbl[field]
+   local new_field = tbl[field]:gsub(old, new)
+   if new_field ~= old_field then
+      util.printout("Guessing new '"..field.."' field as "..new_field)
+      tbl[field] = new_field
+      return true      
+   end
+   return false
+local function check_url_and_update_md5(out_rs, out_name)
+   out_rs.source.md5 = nil
+   local file, temp_dir = fetch.fetch_url_at_temp_dir(out_rs.source.url, "luarocks-new-version-"..out_name)
+   if file then
+      util.printout("File successfully downloaded. Updating MD5 checksum...")
+      out_rs.source.md5 = fs.get_md5(file)
+   else
+      util.printerr("Warning: invalid URL - "..temp_dir)
+   end
+function run(...)
+   local flags, input, version, url = util.parse_flags(...)
+   if not input then
+      return nil, "Missing arguments: expected program or rockspec. See help."
+   end
+   assert(type(input) == "string")
+   local filename = input
+   if not input:match(".rockspec$") then
+      local err
+      filename, err ="rockspec", input)
+      if not filename then
+         return nil, err
+      end
+   end
+   local valid_rs, err = fetch.load_rockspec(filename)
+   if not valid_rs then
+      return nil, err
+   end
+   local old_ver, old_rev = valid_rs.version:match("(.*)%-(%d+)$")
+   local new_ver, new_rev
+   if version then
+      new_ver, new_rev = version:match("(.*)%-(%d+)$")
+      new_rev = tonumber(new_rev)
+      if not new_rev then
+         new_ver = version
+         new_rev = 1
+      end
+   else
+      new_ver = old_ver
+      new_rev = tonumber(old_rev) + 1
+   end
+   local out_rs = persist.load_into_table(filename)
+   local out_name = out_rs.package:lower()
+   out_rs.version = new_ver.."-"..new_rev
+   if url then
+      out_rs.source.url = url
+      check_url_and_update_md5(out_rs, out_name)
+   else
+      if new_ver ~= old_ver then
+         local ok = try_replace(out_rs.source, "url", old_ver, new_ver)
+         if ok then
+            check_url_and_update_md5(out_rs, out_name)
+         else
+            ok = try_replace(out_rs.source, "tag", old_ver, new_ver)
+            if not ok then
+               return nil, "Failed to determine the location of the new version."
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   if and == "module" then
+ = "builtin"
+   end
+   local out_filename = out_name.."-"..new_ver.."-"..new_rev..".rockspec"
+   persist.save_from_table(out_filename, out_rs, order)
+   util.printout("Wrote "..out_filename)
+   local valid_out_rs, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(out_filename)
+   if not valid_out_rs then
+      return nil, "Failed loading generated rockspec: "..err
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/pack.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "pack" command.
+-- Creates a rock, packing sources or binaries.
+module("luarocks.pack", package.seeall)
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local search = require("")
+help_summary = "Create a rock, packing sources or binaries."
+help_arguments = "{<rockspec>|<name> [<version>]}"
+help = [[
+Argument may be a rockspec file, for creating a source rock,
+or the name of an installed package, for creating a binary rock.
+In the latter case, the app version may be given as a second
+--- Create a source rock.
+-- Packages a rockspec and its required source files in a rock
+-- file with the .src.rock extension, which can later be built and
+-- installed with the "build" command.
+-- @param rockspec_file string: An URL or pathname for a rockspec file.
+-- @return string or (nil, string): The filename of the resulting
+-- .src.rock file; or nil and an error message.
+local function pack_source_rock(rockspec_file)
+   assert(type(rockspec_file) == "string")
+   local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_file)
+   if err then
+      return nil, "Error loading rockspec: "..err
+   end
+   rockspec_file = rockspec.local_filename
+   local name_version = .. "-" .. rockspec.version
+   local rock_file = fs.absolute_name(name_version .. ".src.rock")
+   local source_file, source_dir = fetch.fetch_sources(rockspec, false)
+   if not source_file then
+      return nil, source_dir
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(source_dir)
+   fs.delete(rock_file)
+   fs.copy(rockspec_file, source_dir)
+   if not, dir.base_name(rockspec_file), dir.base_name(source_file)) then
+      return nil, "Failed packing "..rock_file
+   end
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   return rock_file
+local function copy_back_files(name, version, file_tree, deploy_dir, pack_dir)
+   fs.make_dir(pack_dir)
+   for file, sub in pairs(file_tree) do
+      local source = dir.path(deploy_dir, file)
+      local target = dir.path(pack_dir, file)
+      if type(sub) == "table" then
+         local ok, err = copy_back_files(name, version, sub, source, target)
+      else
+         local versioned = path.versioned_name(source, deploy_dir, name, version)
+         if fs.exists(versioned) then
+            fs.copy(versioned, target)
+         else
+            fs.copy(source, target)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+-- @param name string: Name of package to pack.
+-- @param version string or nil: A version number may also be passed.
+-- @return string or (nil, string): The filename of the resulting
+-- .src.rock file; or nil and an error message.
+local function do_pack_binary_rock(name, version)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
+   local query = search.make_query(name, version)
+   query.exact_name = true
+   local results = {}
+   search.manifest_search(results, cfg.rocks_dir, query)
+   if not next(results) then
+      return nil, "'""' does not seem to be an installed rock."
+   end
+   local versions = results[name]
+   if not version then
+      local first = next(versions)
+      if next(versions, first) then
+         return nil, "Please specify which version of '""' to pack."
+      end
+      version = first
+   end
+   if not version:match("[^-]+%-%d+") then
+      return nil, "Expected version "..version.." in version-revision format."
+   end
+   local info = versions[version][1]
+   local root = path.root_dir(info.repo)
+   local prefix = path.install_dir(name, version, root)
+   if not fs.exists(prefix) then
+      return nil, "'"" "..version.."' does not seem to be an installed rock."
+   end
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version, root)
+   if not rock_manifest then
+      return nil, "rock_manifest file not found for "" "..version.." - not a LuaRocks 2 tree?"
+   end
+   local name_version = name .. "-" .. version
+   local rock_file = fs.absolute_name(name_version .. "."..cfg.arch..".rock")
+   local temp_dir = fs.make_temp_dir("pack")
+   fs.copy_contents(prefix, temp_dir)
+   local is_binary = false
+   if rock_manifest.lib then
+      copy_back_files(name, version, rock_manifest.lib, path.deploy_lib_dir(root), dir.path(temp_dir, "lib"))
+      is_binary = true
+   end
+   if rock_manifest.lua then
+      copy_back_files(name, version, rock_manifest.lua, path.deploy_lua_dir(root), dir.path(temp_dir, "lua"))
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(temp_dir)
+   if not is_binary and not repos.has_binaries(name, version) then
+      rock_file = rock_file:gsub("%."..cfg.arch:gsub("%-","%%-").."%.", ".all.")
+   end
+   fs.delete(rock_file)
+   if not, unpack(fs.list_dir())) then
+      return nil, "Failed packing "..rock_file
+   end
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   fs.delete(temp_dir)
+   return rock_file
+function pack_binary_rock(name, version, cmd, ...)
+   -- The --pack-binary-rock option for "luarocks build" basically performs
+   -- "luarocks build" on a temporary tree and then "luarocks pack". The
+   -- alternative would require refactoring parts of and
+   -- luarocks.pack, which would save a few file operations: the idea would be
+   -- to shave off the final deploy steps from the build phase and the initial
+   -- collect steps from the pack phase.
+   local temp_dir = fs.make_temp_dir("luarocks-build-pack-"..dir.base_name(name))
+   if not temp_dir then
+      return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
+   end
+   util.schedule_function(fs.delete, temp_dir)
+   path.use_tree(temp_dir)
+   local ok, err = cmd(...)
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, err
+   end
+   local rname, rversion = path.parse_name(name)
+   if not rname then
+      rname, rversion = name, version
+   end
+   return do_pack_binary_rock(rname, rversion)
+--- Driver function for the "pack" command.
+-- @param arg string:  may be a rockspec file, for creating a source rock,
+-- or the name of an installed package, for creating a binary rock.
+-- @param version string or nil: if the name of a package is given, a
+-- version may also be passed.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful or nil followed
+-- by an error message.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, arg, version = util.parse_flags(...)
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
+   if type(arg) ~= "string" then
+      return nil, "Argument missing, see help."
+   end
+   local file, err
+   if arg:match(".*%.rockspec") then
+      file, err = pack_source_rock(arg)
+   else
+      file, err = do_pack_binary_rock(arg, version)
+   end
+   if err then
+      return nil, err
+   else
+      util.printout("Packed: "..file)
+      return true
+   end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/path.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+--- LuaRocks-specific path handling functions.
+-- All paths are configured in this module, making it a single
+-- point where the layout of the local installation is defined in LuaRocks.
+module("luarocks.path", package.seeall)
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+help_summary = "Return the currently configured package path."
+help_arguments = ""
+help = [[
+Returns the package path currently configured for this installation
+of LuaRocks, formatted as shell commands to update LUA_PATH and
+LUA_CPATH. (On Unix systems, you may run: eval `luarocks path`)
+--- Infer rockspec filename from a rock filename.
+-- @param rock_name string: Pathname of a rock file.
+-- @return string: Filename of the rockspec, without path.
+function rockspec_name_from_rock(rock_name)
+   assert(type(rock_name) == "string")
+   local base_name = dir.base_name(rock_name)
+   return base_name:match("(.*)%.[^.]*.rock") .. ".rockspec"
+function rocks_dir(tree)
+   if type(tree) == "string" then
+      return dir.path(tree, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks")
+   else
+      assert(type(tree) == "table")
+      return tree.rocks_dir or dir.path(tree.root, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks")
+   end
+function root_dir(rocks_dir)
+   assert(type(rocks_dir) == "string")
+   local suffix = dir.path("lib", "luarocks")
+   return rocks_dir:match("(.*)" .. suffix .. ".*$")
+function deploy_bin_dir(tree)
+   if type(tree) == "string" then
+      return dir.path(tree, "bin")
+   else
+      assert(type(tree) == "table")
+      return tree.bin_dir or dir.path(tree.root, "bin")
+   end
+function deploy_lua_dir(tree)
+   if type(tree) == "string" then
+      return dir.path(tree, cfg.lua_modules_path)
+   else
+      assert(type(tree) == "table")
+      return tree.lua_dir or dir.path(tree.root, cfg.lua_modules_path)
+   end
+function deploy_lib_dir(tree)
+   if type(tree) == "string" then
+      return dir.path(tree, cfg.lib_modules_path)
+   else
+      assert(type(tree) == "table")
+      return tree.lib_dir or dir.path(tree.root, cfg.lib_modules_path)
+   end
+function manifest_file(tree)
+   if type(tree) == "string" then
+      return dir.path(tree, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks", "manifest")
+   else
+      assert(type(tree) == "table")
+      return (tree.rocks_dir and dir.path(tree.rocks_dir, "manifest")) or dir.path(tree.root, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks", "manifest")
+   end
+--- Get the directory for all versions of a package in a tree.
+-- @param name string: The package name. 
+-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
+-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
+-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
+function versions_dir(name, tree)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
+   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name)
+--- Get the local installation directory (prefix) for a package.
+-- @param name string: The package name. 
+-- @param version string: The package version.
+-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
+-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
+-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
+function install_dir(name, version, tree)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
+   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version)
+--- Get the local filename of the rockspec of an installed rock.
+-- @param name string: The package name. 
+-- @param version string: The package version.
+-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
+-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
+-- the package (and by extension, the file) exists.
+function rockspec_file(name, version, tree)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
+   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, name.."-"..version..".rockspec")
+--- Get the local filename of the rock_manifest file of an installed rock.
+-- @param name string: The package name. 
+-- @param version string: The package version.
+-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
+-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
+-- the package (and by extension, the file) exists.
+function rock_manifest_file(name, version, tree)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
+   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "rock_manifest")
+--- Get the local installation directory for C libraries of a package.
+-- @param name string: The package name. 
+-- @param version string: The package version.
+-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
+-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
+-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
+function lib_dir(name, version, tree)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
+   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "lib")
+--- Get the local installation directory for Lua modules of a package.
+-- @param name string: The package name. 
+-- @param version string: The package version.
+-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
+-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
+-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
+function lua_dir(name, version, tree)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
+   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "lua")
+--- Get the local installation directory for documentation of a package.
+-- @param name string: The package name. 
+-- @param version string: The package version.
+-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
+-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
+-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
+function doc_dir(name, version, tree)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
+   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "doc")
+--- Get the local installation directory for configuration files of a package.
+-- @param name string: The package name. 
+-- @param version string: The package version.
+-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
+-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
+-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
+function conf_dir(name, version, tree)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
+   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "conf")
+--- Get the local installation directory for command-line scripts
+-- of a package.
+-- @param name string: The package name. 
+-- @param version string: The package version.
+-- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
+-- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
+-- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
+function bin_dir(name, version, tree)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
+   return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "bin")
+--- Extract name, version and arch of a rock filename,
+-- or name, version and "rockspec" from a rockspec name.
+-- @param file_name string: pathname of a rock or rockspec
+-- @return (string, string, string) or nil: name, version and arch
+-- or nil if name could not be parsed
+function parse_name(file_name)
+   assert(type(file_name) == "string")
+   if file_name:match("%.rock$") then
+      return dir.base_name(file_name):match("(.*)-([^-]+-%d+)%.([^.]+)%.rock$")
+   else
+      return dir.base_name(file_name):match("(.*)-([^-]+-%d+)%.(rockspec)")
+   end
+--- Make a rockspec or rock URL.
+-- @param pathname string: Base URL or pathname.
+-- @param name string: Package name.
+-- @param version string: Package version.
+-- @param arch string: Architecture identifier, or "rockspec" or "installed".
+-- @return string: A URL or pathname following LuaRocks naming conventions.
+function make_url(pathname, name, version, arch)
+   assert(type(pathname) == "string")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   assert(type(arch) == "string")
+   local filename = name.."-"..version
+   if arch == "installed" then
+      filename = dir.path(name, version, filename..".rockspec")
+   elseif arch == "rockspec" then
+      filename = filename..".rockspec"
+   else
+      filename = filename.."."..arch..".rock"
+   end
+   return dir.path(pathname, filename)
+--- Convert a pathname to a module identifier.
+-- In Unix, for example, a path "foo/bar/baz.lua" is converted to
+-- ""; "bla/init.lua" returns "bla"; "" returns "foo".
+-- @param file string: Pathname of module
+-- @return string: The module identifier, or nil if given path is
+-- not a conformant module path (the function does not check if the
+-- path actually exists).
+function path_to_module(file)
+   assert(type(file) == "string")
+   local name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.lua_extension.."$")
+   if name then
+      name = name:gsub(dir.separator, ".")
+      local init = name:match("(.*)%.init$")
+      if init then
+         name = init
+      end
+   else
+      name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.lib_extension.."$")
+      if name then
+         name = name:gsub(dir.separator, ".")
+      end
+   end
+   if not name then name = file end
+   name = name:gsub("^%.+", ""):gsub("%.+$", "")
+   return name
+--- Obtain the directory name where a module should be stored.
+-- For example, on Unix, "" will return "foo/bar".
+-- @param mod string: A module name in Lua dot-separated format.
+-- @return string: A directory name using the platform's separator.
+function module_to_path(mod)
+   assert(type(mod) == "string")
+   return (mod:gsub("[^.]*$", ""):gsub("%.", dir.separator))
+--- Set up path-related variables for a given rock.
+-- Create a "variables" table in the rockspec table, containing
+-- adjusted variables according to the configuration file.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table.
+function configure_paths(rockspec)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   local vars = {}
+   for k,v in pairs(cfg.variables) do
+      vars[k] = v
+   end
+   local name, version =, rockspec.version
+   vars.PREFIX = install_dir(name, version)
+   vars.LUADIR = lua_dir(name, version)
+   vars.LIBDIR = lib_dir(name, version)
+   vars.CONFDIR = conf_dir(name, version)
+   vars.BINDIR = bin_dir(name, version)
+   vars.DOCDIR = doc_dir(name, version)
+   rockspec.variables = vars
+function versioned_name(file, prefix, name, version)
+   assert(type(file) == "string")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local rest = file:sub(#prefix+1):gsub("^/*", "")
+   local name_version = (name.."_"..version):gsub("%-", "_"):gsub("%.", "_")
+   return dir.path(prefix, name_version.."-"
+function use_tree(tree)
+   cfg.root_dir = tree
+   cfg.rocks_dir = rocks_dir(tree)
+   cfg.deploy_bin_dir = deploy_bin_dir(tree)
+   cfg.deploy_lua_dir = deploy_lua_dir(tree)
+   cfg.deploy_lib_dir = deploy_lib_dir(tree)
+function map_trees(deps_mode, fn, ...)
+   local result = {}
+   if deps_mode == "one" then
+      table.insert(result, (fn(cfg.root_dir, ...)) or 0)
+   elseif deps_mode == "all" or deps_mode == "order" then
+      local use = false
+      if deps_mode == "all" then
+         use = true
+      end
+      for _, tree in ipairs(cfg.rocks_trees) do
+         if dir.normalize(tree) == dir.normalize(cfg.root_dir) then
+            use = true
+         end
+         if use then
+            table.insert(result, (fn(tree, ...)) or 0)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return result
+--- Return the pathname of the file that would be loaded for a module, indexed.
+-- @param module_name string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
+-- @param name string: name of the package (eg. "luasocket")
+-- @param version string: version number (eg. "2.0.2-1")
+-- @param tree string: repository path (eg. "/usr/local")
+-- @param i number: the index, 1 if version is the current default, > 1 otherwise.
+-- This is done this way for use by select_module in luarocks.loader.
+-- @return string: filename of the module (eg. "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/")
+function which_i(module_name, name, version, tree, i)
+   local deploy_dir
+   if module_name:match("%.lua$") then
+      deploy_dir = deploy_lua_dir(tree)
+      module_name = dir.path(deploy_dir, module_name)
+   else
+      deploy_dir = deploy_lib_dir(tree)
+      module_name = dir.path(deploy_dir, module_name)
+   end
+   if i > 1 then
+      module_name = versioned_name(module_name, deploy_dir, name, version)
+   end
+   return module_name
+--- Return the pathname of the file that would be loaded for a module, 
+-- returning the versioned pathname if given version is not the default version
+-- in the given manifest.
+-- @param module_name string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
+-- @param name string: name of the package (eg. "luasocket")
+-- @param version string: version number (eg. "2.0.2-1")
+-- @param tree string: repository path (eg. "/usr/local")
+-- @param manifest table: the manifest table for the tree.
+-- @return string: filename of the module (eg. "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/")
+function which(module_name, filename, name, version, tree, manifest)
+   local versions = manifest.modules[module_name]
+   assert(versions)
+   for i, name_version in ipairs(versions) do
+      if name_version == name.."/"..version then
+         return which_i(filename, name, version, tree, i):gsub("//", "/")
+      end
+   end
+   assert(false)
+--- Driver function for "path" command.
+-- @return boolean This function always succeeds.
+function run(...)
+   local flags = util.parse_flags(...)
+   local deps_mode = deps.get_deps_mode(flags)
+   util.printout(cfg.export_lua_path:format(util.remove_path_dupes(package.path, ';')))
+   util.printout(cfg.export_lua_cpath:format(util.remove_path_dupes(package.cpath, ';')))
+   if flags["bin"] then
+      local bin_dirs = map_trees(deps_mode, deploy_bin_dir)
+      table.insert(bin_dirs, 1, os.getenv("PATH"))
+      util.printout(cfg.export_path:format(util.remove_path_dupes(table.concat(bin_dirs, cfg.export_path_separator), cfg.export_path_separator)))
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/persist.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+--- Utility module for loading files into tables and
+-- saving tables into files.
+-- Implemented separately to avoid interdependencies,
+-- as it is used in the bootstrapping stage of the cfg module.
+module("luarocks.persist", package.seeall)
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+--- Load a Lua file containing assignments, storing them in a table.
+-- The global environment is not propagated to the loaded file.
+-- @param filename string: the name of the file.
+-- @param tbl table or nil: if given, this table is used to store
+-- loaded values.
+-- @return table or (nil, string): a table with the file's assignments
+-- as fields, or nil and a message in case of errors.
+function load_into_table(filename, tbl)
+   assert(type(filename) == "string")
+   assert(type(tbl) == "table" or not tbl)
+   local result, chunk, ran, err
+   local result = tbl or {}
+   if setfenv then -- Lua 5.1
+      chunk, err = loadfile(filename)
+      if chunk then
+         setfenv(chunk, result)
+         ran, err = pcall(chunk)
+      end
+   else -- Lua 5.2
+      chunk, err = loadfile(filename, "t", result)
+      if chunk then
+         ran, err = pcall(chunk)
+      end
+   end
+   if not chunk then
+      if err:sub(1,5) ~= filename:sub(1,5) then
+         return false, err
+      end
+      return nil, "Error loading file: "..err
+   end
+   if not ran then
+      return nil, "Error running file: "..err
+   end
+   return result
+local write_table
+--- Write a value as Lua code, invoking write_table.
+-- This function handles only numbers, strings and tables
+-- are keys (tables are handled recursively).
+-- @param out userdata: a file object, open for writing.
+-- @param v: the value to be written.
+-- @param level number: the indentation level
+-- @param sub_order table: optional prioritization table
+-- @see write_table
+local function write_value(out, v, level, sub_order)
+   if type(v) == "table" then
+      write_table(out, v, level + 1, sub_order)
+   elseif type(v) == "string" then
+      if v:match("\n") then
+         local open, close = "[[", "]]"
+         local equals = 0
+         while v:find(open,1,true) or v:find(close,1,true) do
+            equals = equals + 1
+            local eqs = ("="):rep(equals)
+            open, close = "["..eqs.."[", "]"..eqs.."]"
+         end
+         out:write(open.."\n"..v..close)
+      else
+         out:write("\""..v:gsub("\"", "\\\"").."\"")
+      end
+   else
+      out:write(tostring(v))
+   end
+--- Write a table as Lua code representing a table to disk
+-- (that is, in curly brackets notation).
+-- This function handles only numbers, strings and tables
+-- are keys (tables are handled recursively).
+-- @param out userdata: a file object, open for writing.
+-- @param tbl table: the table to be written.
+-- @param level number: the indentation level
+-- @param field_order table: optional prioritization table
+write_table = function(out, tbl, level, field_order)
+   out:write("{")
+   local sep = "\n"
+   local indentation = "   "
+   local indent = true
+   local i = 1
+   for k, v, sub_order in util.sortedpairs(tbl, field_order) do
+      out:write(sep)
+      if indent then
+         for n = 1,level do out:write(indentation) end
+      end
+      sep = ",\n"
+      indent = true
+      if type(k) == "number" then
+         if k ~= i then
+            out:write("["..tostring(k).."]=")
+         else
+            i = i + 1
+         end
+         indent = false
+         sep = ", "
+      elseif type(k) == "table" then
+         out:write("[")
+         write_table(out, k, level + 1)
+         out:write("] = ")
+      else
+         if k:match("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$") then
+            out:write(k.." = ")
+         else
+            out:write("['"..k:gsub("'", "\\'").."'] = ") 
+         end
+      end
+      write_value(out, v, level, sub_order)
+   end
+   if sep ~= "\n" then
+      out:write("\n")
+      for n = 1,level-1 do out:write(indentation) end
+   end
+   out:write("}")
+--- Writes a table to an io-like object.
+-- @param out userdata: a file object, open for writing.
+-- @param tbl table: the table to be written.
+-- @param field_order table: optional prioritization table
+-- @return userdata The file object originally passed in as the `out` parameter.
+local function write_table(out, tbl, field_order)
+   for k, v, sub_order in util.sortedpairs(tbl, field_order) do
+      out:write(k.." = ")
+      write_value(out, v, 0, sub_order)
+      out:write("\n")
+   end
+   return out
+--- Save the contents of a table to a string.
+-- Each element of the table is saved as a global assignment.
+-- Only numbers, strings and tables (containing numbers, strings
+-- or other recursively processed tables) are supported.
+-- @param tbl table: the table containing the data to be written
+-- @param field_order table: an optional array indicating the order of top-level fields.
+-- @return string
+function save_from_table_to_string(tbl, field_order)
+   local out = {buffer = {}}
+   function out:write(data) table.insert(self.buffer, data) end
+   write_table(out, tbl, field_order)
+   return table.concat(out.buffer)
+--- Save the contents of a table in a file.
+-- Each element of the table is saved as a global assignment.
+-- Only numbers, strings and tables (containing numbers, strings
+-- or other recursively processed tables) are supported.
+-- @param filename string: the output filename
+-- @param tbl table: the table containing the data to be written
+-- @param field_order table: an optional array indicating the order of top-level fields.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful, or nil and a
+-- message in case of errors.
+function save_from_table(filename, tbl, field_order)
+   local out =, "w")
+   if not out then
+      return nil, "Cannot create file at "..filename
+   end
+   write_table(out, tbl, field_order)
+   out:close()
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/purge.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "purge" command.
+-- Remove all rocks from a given tree.
+module("luarocks.purge", package.seeall)
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local search = require("")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+help_summary = "Remove all installed rocks from a tree."
+help_arguments = "--tree=<tree>"
+help = [[
+This command removes all rocks from a given tree. 
+The --tree argument is mandatory: luarocks purge does not
+assume a default tree.
+function run(...)
+   local flags = util.parse_flags(...)
+   local tree = flags["tree"]
+   if type(tree) ~= "string" then
+      return nil, "The --tree argument is mandatory, see help."
+   end
+   local results = {}
+   local query = search.make_query("")
+   query.exact_name = false
+   search.manifest_search(results, path.rocks_dir(tree), query)
+   for package, versions in util.sortedpairs(results) do
+      for version, repositories in util.sortedpairs(versions, function(a,b) return deps.compare_versions(b,a) end) do
+         util.printout("Removing "..package.." "..version.."...")
+         local ok, err = repos.delete_version(package, version, true)
+         if not ok then
+            util.printerr(err) 
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return manif.make_manifest(cfg.rocks_dir, "one")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/refresh_cache.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+--- Module implementing the luarocks-admin "refresh_cache" command.
+module("luarocks.refresh_cache", package.seeall)
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local cache = require("luarocks.cache")
+help_summary = "Refresh local cache of a remote rocks server."
+help_arguments = "[--from=<server>]"
+help = [[
+The flag --from indicates which server to use.
+If not given, the default server set in the upload_server variable
+from the configuration file is used instead.
+function run(...)
+   local flags = util.parse_flags(...)
+   local server, upload_server = cache.get_upload_server(flags["server"])
+   if not server then return nil, upload_server end
+   local download_url = cache.get_server_urls(server, upload_server)
+   local ok, err = cache.refresh_local_cache(server, download_url, cfg.upload_user, cfg.upload_password)
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, err
+   else
+      return true
+   end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/remove.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "remove" command.
+-- Uninstalls rocks.
+module("luarocks.remove", package.seeall)
+local search = require("")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+help_summary = "Uninstall a rock."
+help_arguments = "[--force] <name> [<version>]"
+help = [[
+Argument is the name of a rock to be uninstalled.
+If a version is not given, try to remove all versions at once.
+Will only perform the removal if it does not break dependencies.
+To override this check and force the removal, use --force.
+--- Obtain a list of packages that depend on the given set of packages
+-- (where all packages of the set are versions of one program).
+-- @param name string: the name of a program
+-- @param versions array of string: the versions to be deleted.
+-- @return array of string: an empty table if no packages depend on any
+-- of the given list, or an array of strings in "name/version" format.
+local function check_dependents(name, versions, deps_mode)
+   local dependents = {}
+   local blacklist = {}
+   blacklist[name] = {}
+   for version, _ in pairs(versions) do
+      blacklist[name][version] = true
+   end
+   local local_rocks = {}
+   local query_all = search.make_query("")
+   query_all.exact_name = false
+   search.manifest_search(local_rocks, cfg.rocks_dir, query_all)
+   local_rocks[name] = nil
+   for rock_name, rock_versions in pairs(local_rocks) do
+      for rock_version, _ in pairs(rock_versions) do
+         local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(rock_name, rock_version))
+         if rockspec then
+            local _, missing = deps.match_deps(rockspec, blacklist, deps_mode)
+            if missing[name] then
+               table.insert(dependents, { name = rock_name, version = rock_version })
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return dependents
+--- Delete given versions of a program.
+-- @param name string: the name of a program
+-- @param versions array of string: the versions to be deleted.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true on success or nil and an error message.
+local function delete_versions(name, versions) 
+   for version, _ in pairs(versions) do
+      util.printout("Removing "" "..version.."...")
+      local ok, err = repos.delete_version(name, version)
+      if not ok then return nil, err end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Driver function for the "remove" command.
+-- @param name string: name of a rock. If a version is given, refer to
+-- a specific version; otherwise, try to remove all versions.
+-- @param version string: When passing a package name, a version number
+-- may also be given.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if removal was
+-- successful, nil and an error message otherwise.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, name, version = util.parse_flags(...)
+   if type(name) ~= "string" then
+      return nil, "Argument missing, see help."
+   end
+   local deps_mode = flags["deps-mode"] or cfg.deps_mode
+   local ok, err = fs.check_command_permissions(flags)
+   if not ok then return nil, err end
+   local results = {}
+   search.manifest_search(results, cfg.rocks_dir, search.make_query(name, version))
+   local versions = results[name]
+   if not versions then
+      return nil, "Could not find rock '" and " "..version or "").."' in local tree."
+   else
+      local version = next(versions)
+      local second = next(versions, version)
+      util.printout("Checking stability of dependencies on the absence of")
+      util.printout(name.." "..table.concat(util.keys(versions), ", ").."...")
+      util.printout()
+      local dependents = check_dependents(name, versions, deps_mode)
+      if #dependents == 0 or flags["force"] then
+         if #dependents > 0 then
+            util.printerr("The following packages may be broken by this forced removal:")
+            for _, dependent in ipairs(dependents) do
+               util.printerr(" "..dependent.version)
+            end
+            util.printerr()
+         end
+         local ok, err = delete_versions(name, versions)
+         if not ok then return nil, err end
+         ok, err = manif.make_manifest(cfg.rocks_dir, deps_mode)
+         if not ok then return nil, err end
+      else
+         if not second then
+            util.printerr("Will not remove "" "..version..".")
+            util.printerr("Removing it would break dependencies for: ")
+         else
+            util.printerr("Will not remove all versions of "".")
+            util.printerr("Removing them would break dependencies for: ")
+         end
+         for _, dependent in ipairs(dependents) do
+            util.printerr(" "..dependent.version)
+         end
+         util.printerr()
+         util.printerr("Use --force to force removal (warning: this may break modules).")
+         return nil, "Failed removing."
+      end
+   end
+   util.printout("Removal successful.")
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/repos.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+--- Functions for managing the repository on disk.
+module("luarocks.repos", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+--- Get all installed versions of a package.
+-- @param name string: a package name.
+-- @return table or nil: An array of strings listing installed
+-- versions of a package, or nil if none is available.
+local function get_installed_versions(name)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   local dirs = fs.list_dir(path.versions_dir(name))
+   return (dirs and #dirs > 0) and dirs or nil
+--- Check if a package exists in a local repository.
+-- Version numbers are compared as exact string comparison.
+-- @param name string: name of package
+-- @param version string: package version in string format
+-- @return boolean: true if a package is installed,
+-- false otherwise.
+function is_installed(name, version)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   return fs.is_dir(path.install_dir(name, version))
+local function recurse_rock_manifest_tree(file_tree, action) 
+   assert(type(file_tree) == "table")
+   assert(type(action) == "function")
+   local function do_recurse_rock_manifest_tree(tree, parent_path, parent_module)
+      for file, sub in pairs(tree) do
+         if type(sub) == "table" then
+            local ok, err = do_recurse_rock_manifest_tree(sub, parent_path..file.."/", parent_module..file..".")
+            if not ok then return nil, err end
+         else
+            local ok, err = action(parent_path, parent_module, file)
+            if not ok then return nil, err end
+         end
+      end
+      return true
+   end
+   return do_recurse_rock_manifest_tree(file_tree, "", "")
+local function store_package_data(result, name, file_tree)
+   if not file_tree then return end
+   return recurse_rock_manifest_tree(file_tree, 
+      function(parent_path, parent_module, file)
+         local pathname = parent_path..file
+         result[path.path_to_module(pathname)] = pathname
+         return true
+      end
+   )
+--- Obtain a list of modules within an installed package.
+-- @param package string: The package name; for example "luasocket"
+-- @param version string: The exact version number including revision;
+-- for example "2.0.1-1".
+-- @return table: A table of modules where keys are module identifiers
+-- in "" format and values are pathnames in architecture-dependent
+-- "foo/" format. If no modules are found or if package or version
+-- are invalid, an empty table is returned.
+function package_modules(package, version)
+   assert(type(package) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local result = {}
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(package, version)
+   store_package_data(result, package, rock_manifest.lib)
+   store_package_data(result, package, rock_manifest.lua)
+   return result
+--- Obtain a list of command-line scripts within an installed package.
+-- @param package string: The package name; for example "luasocket"
+-- @param version string: The exact version number including revision;
+-- for example "2.0.1-1".
+-- @return table: A table of items where keys are command names
+-- as strings and values are pathnames in architecture-dependent
+-- ".../bin/foo" format. If no modules are found or if package or version
+-- are invalid, an empty table is returned.
+function package_commands(package, version)
+   assert(type(package) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local result = {}
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(package, version)
+   store_package_data(result, package, rock_manifest.bin)
+   return result
+--- Check if a rock contains binary executables.
+-- @param name string: name of an installed rock
+-- @param version string: version of an installed rock
+-- @return boolean: returns true if rock contains platform-specific
+-- binary executables, or false if it is a pure-Lua rock.
+function has_binaries(name, version)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
+   if rock_manifest.bin then
+      for name, md5 in pairs(rock_manifest.bin) do
+         -- TODO verify that it is the same file. If it isn't, find the actual command.
+         if fs.is_actual_binary(dir.path(cfg.deploy_bin_dir, name)) then
+            return true
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return false
+function run_hook(rockspec, hook_name)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(hook_name) == "string")
+   local hooks = rockspec.hooks
+   if not hooks then
+      return true
+   end
+   if not hooks.substituted_variables then
+      util.variable_substitutions(hooks, rockspec.variables)
+      hooks.substituted_variables = true
+   end
+   local hook = hooks[hook_name]
+   if hook then
+      util.printout(hook)
+      if not fs.execute(hook) then
+         return nil, "Failed running "..hook_name.." hook."
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+local function install_binary(source, target)
+   assert(type(source) == "string")
+   assert(type(target) == "string")
+   local match = source:match("%.lua$")
+   local file, ok, err
+   if not match then
+      file =
+   end
+   if match or (file and file:read():match("^#!.*lua.*")) then
+      ok, err = fs.wrap_script(source, target)
+   else
+      ok, err = fs.copy_binary(source, target)
+   end
+   if file then file:close() end
+   return ok, err
+local function resolve_conflict(target, deploy_dir, name, version)
+   local cname, cversion = manif.find_current_provider(target)
+   if not cname then
+      return nil, cversion
+   end
+   if name ~= cname or deps.compare_versions(version, cversion) then
+      local versioned = path.versioned_name(target, deploy_dir, cname, cversion)
+      fs.make_dir(dir.dir_name(versioned))
+      fs.move(target, versioned)
+      return target
+   else
+      return path.versioned_name(target, deploy_dir, name, version)
+   end
+function should_wrap_bin_scripts(rockspec)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   if cfg.wrap_bin_scripts ~= nil then
+      return cfg.wrap_bin_scripts
+   end
+   if rockspec.deploy and rockspec.deploy.wrap_bin_scripts == false then
+      return false
+   end
+   return true
+function deploy_files(name, version, wrap_bin_scripts)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   assert(type(wrap_bin_scripts) == "boolean")
+   local function deploy_file_tree(file_tree, source_dir, deploy_dir, move_fn)
+      if not move_fn then
+         move_fn = fs.move
+      end
+      return recurse_rock_manifest_tree(file_tree, 
+         function(parent_path, parent_module, file)
+            local source = dir.path(source_dir, parent_path, file)
+            local target = dir.path(deploy_dir, parent_path, file)
+            local ok, err
+            if fs.exists(target) then
+               local new_target, err = resolve_conflict(target, deploy_dir, name, version)
+               if err == "untracked" then
+                  fs.delete(target)
+               elseif err then
+                  return nil, err.." Cannot install new version."
+               else
+                  target = new_target
+               end
+            end
+            fs.make_dir(dir.dir_name(target))
+            ok, err = move_fn(source, target)
+            fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(dir.dir_name(source))
+            if not ok then return nil, err end
+            return true
+         end
+      )
+   end
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
+   local ok, err = true
+   if rock_manifest.bin then
+      local move_bin_fn = wrap_bin_scripts and install_binary or fs.copy_binary
+      ok, err = deploy_file_tree(rock_manifest.bin, path.bin_dir(name, version), cfg.deploy_bin_dir, move_bin_fn)
+   end
+   if ok and rock_manifest.lua then
+      ok, err = deploy_file_tree(rock_manifest.lua, path.lua_dir(name, version), cfg.deploy_lua_dir)
+   end
+   if ok and rock_manifest.lib then
+      ok, err = deploy_file_tree(rock_manifest.lib, path.lib_dir(name, version), cfg.deploy_lib_dir)
+   end
+   return ok, err
+--- Delete a package from the local repository.
+-- Version numbers are compared as exact string comparison.
+-- @param name string: name of package
+-- @param version string: package version in string format
+-- @param quick boolean: do not try to fix the versioned name
+-- of another version that provides the same module that
+-- was deleted. This is used during 'purge', as every module
+-- will be eventually deleted.
+function delete_version(name, version, quick)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local function delete_deployed_file_tree(file_tree, deploy_dir)
+      return recurse_rock_manifest_tree(file_tree, 
+         function(parent_path, parent_module, file)
+            local target = dir.path(deploy_dir, parent_path, file)
+            local versioned = path.versioned_name(target, deploy_dir, name, version)
+            if fs.exists(versioned) then
+               local ok = fs.delete(versioned)
+               fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(dir.dir_name(versioned))
+               if not ok then return nil, "Failed deleting "..versioned end
+            else
+               local ok = fs.delete(target)
+               if not quick then
+                  local next_name, next_version = manif.find_next_provider(target)
+                  if next_name then
+                     local versioned = path.versioned_name(target, deploy_dir, next_name, next_version)
+                     fs.move(versioned, target)
+                     fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(dir.dir_name(versioned))
+                  end
+               end
+               fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(dir.dir_name(target))
+               if not ok then return nil, "Failed deleting " end
+            end
+            return true
+         end
+      )
+   end
+   local rock_manifest = manif.load_rock_manifest(name, version)
+   if not rock_manifest then
+      return nil, "rock_manifest file not found for "" "..version.." - not a LuaRocks 2 tree?"
+   end
+   local ok, err = true
+   if rock_manifest.bin then
+      ok, err = delete_deployed_file_tree(rock_manifest.bin, cfg.deploy_bin_dir)
+   end
+   if ok and rock_manifest.lua then
+      ok, err = delete_deployed_file_tree(rock_manifest.lua, cfg.deploy_lua_dir)
+   end
+   if ok and rock_manifest.lib then
+      ok, err = delete_deployed_file_tree(rock_manifest.lib, cfg.deploy_lib_dir)
+   end
+   if err then return nil, err end
+   fs.delete(path.install_dir(name, version))
+   if not get_installed_versions(name) then
+      fs.delete(dir.path(cfg.rocks_dir, name))
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/require.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+--- Retained for compatibility reasons only. Use luarocks.loader instead.
+local require, pairs = require, pairs
+for k,v in pairs(require("luarocks.loader")) do
+   _M[k] = v
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/search.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "search" command.
+-- Queries LuaRocks servers.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+help_summary = "Query the LuaRocks servers."
+help_arguments = "[--source] [--binary] { <name> [<version>] | --all }"
+help = [[
+--source  Return only rockspecs and source rocks,
+          to be used with the "build" command.
+--binary  Return only pure Lua and binary rocks (rocks that can be used
+          with the "install" command without requiring a C toolchain).
+--all     List all contents of the server that are suitable to
+          this platform, do not filter by name.
+--- Convert the arch field of a query table to table format.
+-- @param query table: A query table.
+local function query_arch_as_table(query)
+   local format = type(query.arch)
+   if format == "table" then
+      return
+   elseif format == "nil" then
+      local accept = {}
+      accept["src"] = true
+      accept["all"] = true
+      accept["rockspec"] = true
+      accept["installed"] = true
+      accept[cfg.arch] = true
+      query.arch = accept
+   elseif format == "string" then
+      local accept = {}
+      for a in query.arch:gmatch("[%w_-]+") do
+         accept[a] = true
+      end
+      query.arch = accept
+   end
+--- Store a search result (a rock or rockspec) in the results table.
+-- @param results table: The results table, where keys are package names and
+-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
+-- @param name string: Package name.
+-- @param version string: Package version.
+-- @param arch string: Architecture of rock ("all", "src" or platform
+-- identifier), "rockspec" or "installed"
+-- @param repo string: Pathname of a local repository of URL of
+-- rocks server.
+local function store_result(results, name, version, arch, repo)
+   assert(type(results) == "table")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   assert(type(arch) == "string")
+   assert(type(repo) == "string")
+   if not results[name] then results[name] = {} end
+   if not results[name][version] then results[name][version] = {} end
+   table.insert(results[name][version], {
+      arch = arch,
+      repo = repo
+   })
+--- Test the name field of a query.
+-- If query has a boolean field exact_name set to false,
+-- then substring match is performed; otherwise, exact string
+-- comparison is done.
+-- @param query table: A query in dependency table format.
+-- @param name string: A package name.
+-- @return boolean: True if names match, false otherwise.
+local function match_name(query, name)
+   assert(type(query) == "table")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   if query.exact_name == false then
+      return name:find(, 0, true) and true or false
+   else
+      return name ==
+   end
+--- Store a match in a results table if version matches query.
+-- Name, version, arch and repository path are stored in a given
+-- table, optionally checking if version and arch (if given) match
+-- a query.
+-- @param results table: The results table, where keys are package names and
+-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
+-- @param repo string: URL or pathname of the repository.
+-- @param name string: The name of the package being tested.
+-- @param version string: The version of the package being tested.
+-- @param arch string: The arch of the package being tested.
+-- @param query table: A table describing the query in dependency
+-- format (for example, {name = "filesystem", exact_name = false,
+-- constraints = {op = "~>", version = {1,0}}}, arch = "rockspec").
+-- If the arch field is omitted, the local architecture (cfg.arch)
+-- is used. The special value "any" is also recognized, returning all
+-- matches regardless of architecture.
+local function store_if_match(results, repo, name, version, arch, query)
+   if match_name(query, name) then
+      if query.arch[arch] or query.arch["any"] then
+         if deps.match_constraints(deps.parse_version(version), query.constraints) then
+            store_result(results, name, version, arch, repo)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+--- Perform search on a local repository.
+-- @param repo string: The pathname of the local repository.
+-- @param query table: A table describing the query in dependency
+-- format (for example, {name = "filesystem", exact_name = false,
+-- constraints = {op = "~>", version = {1,0}}}, arch = "rockspec").
+-- If the arch field is omitted, the local architecture (cfg.arch)
+-- is used. The special value "any" is also recognized, returning all
+-- matches regardless of architecture.
+-- @param results table or nil: If given, this table will store the
+-- results; if not given, a new table will be created.
+-- @param table: The results table, where keys are package names and
+-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
+-- If a table was given in the "results" parameter, that is the result value.
+function disk_search(repo, query, results)
+   assert(type(repo) == "string")
+   assert(type(query) == "table")
+   assert(type(results) == "table" or not results)
+   local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+   if not results then
+      results = {}
+   end
+   query_arch_as_table(query)
+   for _, name in pairs(fs.list_dir(repo)) do
+      local pathname = dir.path(repo, name)
+      local rname, rversion, rarch = path.parse_name(name)
+      if fs.is_dir(pathname) then
+         for _, version in pairs(fs.list_dir(pathname)) do
+            if version:match("-%d+$") then
+               store_if_match(results, repo, name, version, "installed", query)
+            end
+         end
+      elseif rname then
+         store_if_match(results, repo, rname, rversion, rarch, query)
+      end
+   end
+   return results
+--- Perform search on a rocks server.
+-- @param results table: The results table, where keys are package names and
+-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
+-- @param repo string: The URL of the rocks server.
+-- @param query table: A table describing the query in dependency
+-- format (for example, {name = "filesystem", exact_name = false,
+-- constraints = {op = "~>", version = {1,0}}}, arch = "rockspec").
+-- If the arch field is omitted, the local architecture (cfg.arch)
+-- is used. The special value "any" is also recognized, returning all
+-- matches regardless of architecture.
+-- @return true or, in case of errors, nil and an error message.
+function manifest_search(results, repo, query)
+   assert(type(results) == "table")
+   assert(type(repo) == "string")
+   assert(type(query) == "table")
+   query_arch_as_table(query)
+   local manifest, err = manif.load_manifest(repo)
+   if not manifest then
+      return nil, "Failed loading manifest: "..err
+   end
+   for name, versions in pairs(manifest.repository) do
+      for version, items in pairs(versions) do
+         for _, item in ipairs(items) do
+            store_if_match(results, repo, name, version, item.arch, query)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Search on all configured rocks servers.
+-- @param query table: A dependency query.
+-- @return table: A table where keys are package names
+-- and values are tables matching version strings to an array of
+-- rocks servers; if no results are found, an empty table is returned.
+function search_repos(query)
+   assert(type(query) == "table")
+   local results = {}
+   for _, repo in ipairs(cfg.rocks_servers) do
+      if type(repo) == "string" then
+         repo = { repo }
+      end
+      for _, mirror in ipairs(repo) do
+         local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(mirror)
+         if protocol == "file" then
+            mirror = pathname
+         end
+         local ok, err = manifest_search(results, mirror, query)
+         if ok then
+            break
+         else
+            util.warning("Failed searching manifest: "..err)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return results
+--- Prepare a query in dependency table format.
+-- @param name string: The query name.
+-- @param version string or nil: 
+-- @return table: A query in table format
+function make_query(name, version)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
+   local query = {
+      name = name,
+      constraints = {}
+   }
+   if version then
+      table.insert(query.constraints, { op = "==", version = deps.parse_version(version)})
+   end
+   return query
+--- Get the URL for the latest in a set of versions.
+-- @param name string: The package name to be used in the URL.
+-- @param versions table: An array of version informations, as stored
+-- in search results tables.
+-- @return string or nil: the URL for the latest version if one could
+-- be picked, or nil.
+local function pick_latest_version(name, versions)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(versions) == "table")
+   local vtables = {}
+   for v, _ in pairs(versions) do
+      table.insert(vtables, deps.parse_version(v))
+   end
+   table.sort(vtables)
+   local version = vtables[#vtables].string
+   local items = versions[version]
+   if items then
+      local pick = 1
+      for i, item in ipairs(items) do
+         if (item.arch == 'src' and items[pick].arch == 'rockspec')
+         or (item.arch ~= 'src' and item.arch ~= 'rockspec') then
+            pick = i
+         end
+      end
+      return path.make_url(items[pick].repo, name, version, items[pick].arch)
+   end
+   return nil
+--- Attempt to get a single URL for a given search.
+-- @param query table: A dependency query.
+-- @return string or table or (nil, string): URL for matching rock if
+-- a single one was found, a table of candidates if it could not narrow to
+-- a single result, or nil followed by an error message.
+function find_suitable_rock(query)
+   assert(type(query) == "table")
+   local results = search_repos(query)
+   local first = next(results)
+   if not first then
+      return nil, "No results matching query were found."
+   elseif not next(results, first) then
+      return pick_latest_version(, results[first])
+   else
+      return results
+   end
+--- Print a list of rocks/rockspecs on standard output.
+-- @param results table: A table where keys are package names and versions
+-- are tables matching version strings to an array of rocks servers.
+-- @param porcelain boolean or nil: A flag to force machine-friendly output.
+function print_results(results, porcelain)
+   assert(type(results) == "table")
+   assert(type(porcelain) == "boolean" or not porcelain)
+   for package, versions in util.sortedpairs(results) do
+      if not porcelain then
+         util.printout(package)
+      end
+      for version, repos in util.sortedpairs(versions, deps.compare_versions) do
+         for _, repo in ipairs(repos) do
+            if porcelain then
+               util.printout(package, version, repo.arch, repo.repo)
+            else
+               util.printout("   "..version.." ("..repo.arch..") - "..repo.repo)
+            end
+         end
+      end
+      if not porcelain then
+         util.printout()
+      end
+   end
+--- Splits a list of search results into two lists, one for "source" results
+-- to be used with the "build" command, and one for "binary" results to be
+-- used with the "install" command.
+-- @param results table: A search results table.
+-- @return (table, table): Two tables, one for source and one for binary
+-- results.
+local function split_source_and_binary_results(results)
+   local sources, binaries = {}, {}
+   for name, versions in pairs(results) do
+      for version, repositories in pairs(versions) do
+         for _, repo in ipairs(repositories) do
+            local where = sources
+            if repo.arch == "all" or repo.arch == cfg.arch then
+               where = binaries
+            end
+            store_result(where, name, version, repo.arch, repo.repo)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return sources, binaries
+--- Given a name and optionally a version, try to find in the rocks
+-- servers a single .src.rock or .rockspec file that satisfies
+-- the request, and run the given function on it; or display to the
+-- user possibilities if it couldn't narrow down a single match.
+-- @param action function: A function that takes a .src.rock or
+-- .rockspec URL as a parameter.
+-- @param name string: A rock name
+-- @param version string or nil: A version number may also be given.
+-- @return The result of the action function, or nil and an error message. 
+function act_on_src_or_rockspec(action, name, version, ...)
+   assert(type(action) == "function")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
+   local query = make_query(name, version)
+   query.arch = "src|rockspec"
+   local results, err = find_suitable_rock(query)
+   if type(results) == "string" then
+      return action(results, ...)
+   else
+      return nil, "Could not find a result named " and " "..version or "").."."
+   end
+--- Driver function for "search" command.
+-- @param name string: A substring of a rock name to search.
+-- @param version string or nil: a version may also be passed.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if build was successful; nil and an
+-- error message otherwise.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, name, version = util.parse_flags(...)
+   if flags["all"] then
+      name, version = "", nil
+   end
+   if type(name) ~= "string" and not flags["all"] then
+      return nil, "Enter name and version or use --all; see help."
+   end
+   local query = make_query(name:lower(), version)
+   query.exact_name = false
+   local results, err = search_repos(query)
+   local porcelain = flags["porcelain"]
+   util.title("Search results:", porcelain, "=")
+   local sources, binaries = split_source_and_binary_results(results)
+   if next(sources) and not flags["binary"] then
+      util.title("Rockspecs and source rocks:", porcelain)
+      print_results(sources, porcelain)
+   end
+   if next(binaries) and not flags["source"] then    
+      util.title("Binary and pure-Lua rocks:", porcelain)
+      print_results(binaries, porcelain)
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/show.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "show" command.
+-- Shows information about an installed rock.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local search = require("")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+help_summary = "Shows information about an installed rock."
+help = [[
+<argument> is an existing package name.
+Without any flags, show all module information.
+With these flags, return only the desired information:
+--home      home page of project
+--modules   all modules provided by this package as used by require()
+--deps      packages this package depends on
+--rockspec  the full path of the rockspec file
+--mversion  the package version
+--rock-tree local tree where rock is installed
+--rock-dir  data directory of the installed rock
+local function keys_as_string(t, sep)
+    return table.concat(util.keys(t), sep or " ")
+local function word_wrap(line) 
+   local width = tonumber(os.getenv("COLUMNS")) or 80
+   if width > 80 then width = 80 end
+   if #line > width then
+      local brk = width
+      while brk > 0 and line:sub(brk, brk) ~= " " do
+         brk = brk - 1
+      end
+      if brk > 0 then
+         return line:sub(1, brk-1) .. "\n" .. word_wrap(line:sub(brk+1))
+      end
+   end
+   return line
+local function format_text(text)
+   text = text:gsub("^%s*",""):gsub("%s$", ""):gsub("\n[ \t]+","\n"):gsub("([^\n])\n([^\n])","%1 %2")
+   local paragraphs = util.split_string(text, "\n\n")
+   for n, line in ipairs(paragraphs) do
+      paragraphs[n] = word_wrap(line)
+   end
+   return (table.concat(paragraphs, "\n\n"):gsub("%s$", ""))
+local function module_name(mod, filename, name, version, repo, manifest)
+   local base_dir
+   if filename:match("%.lua$") then
+      base_dir = path.deploy_lua_dir(repo)
+   else
+      base_dir = path.deploy_lib_dir(repo)
+   end
+   return dir.path(base_dir, filename)
+--- Driver function for "show" command.
+-- @param name or nil: an existing package name.
+-- @param version string or nil: a version may also be passed.
+-- @return boolean: True if succeeded, nil on errors.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, name, version = util.parse_flags(...)
+   if not name then
+      return nil, "Argument missing, see help."
+   end
+   local results = {}
+   local query = search.make_query(name, version)
+   query.exact_name = true
+   local tree_map = {}
+   local trees = cfg.rocks_trees
+   if flags["tree"] then
+      trees = { flags["tree"] }
+   end
+   for _, tree in ipairs(trees) do
+      local rocks_dir = path.rocks_dir(tree)
+      tree_map[rocks_dir] = tree
+      search.manifest_search(results, rocks_dir, query)
+   end
+   if not next(results) then --
+      return nil,"cannot find package "" "..(version or "").."\nUse 'list' to find installed rocks."
+   end
+   version = nil
+   local repo_url
+   local package, versions = util.sortedpairs(results)()
+   --question: what do we do about multiple versions? This should
+   --give us the latest version on the last repo (which is usually the global one)
+   for vs, repositories in util.sortedpairs(versions, deps.compare_versions) do
+      if not version then version = vs end
+      for _, rp in ipairs(repositories) do repo_url = rp.repo end
+   end
+   local repo = tree_map[repo_url]
+   local directory = path.install_dir(name,version,repo)
+   local rockspec_file = path.rockspec_file(name, version, repo)
+   local rockspec, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(rockspec_file)
+   if not rockspec then return nil,err end
+   local descript = rockspec.description or {}
+   local manifest, err = manif.load_manifest(repo_url)
+   if not manifest then return nil,err end
+   local minfo = manifest.repository[name][version][1]
+   if flags["rock-tree"] then util.printout(repo)
+   elseif flags["rock-dir"] then util.printout(directory)
+   elseif flags["home"] then util.printout(descript.homepage)
+   elseif flags["modules"] then util.printout(keys_as_string(minfo.modules))
+   elseif flags["deps"] then util.printout(keys_as_string(minfo.dependencies))
+   elseif flags["rockspec"] then util.printout(rockspec_file)
+   elseif flags["mversion"] then util.printout(version)
+   else
+      util.printout()
+      util.printout(rockspec.package.." "..rockspec.version.." - "..(descript.summary or ""))
+      util.printout()
+      if descript.detailed then
+         util.printout(format_text(descript.detailed))
+         util.printout()
+      end
+      if descript.license then
+         util.printout("License: ", descript.license)
+      end
+      if descript.homepage then
+         util.printout("Homepage: ", descript.homepage)
+      end
+      util.printout("Installed in: ", repo)
+      if next(minfo.modules) then
+         util.printout()
+         util.printout("Modules:")
+         for mod, filename in util.sortedpairs(minfo.modules) do
+            util.printout("\t"..mod.." ("..path.which(mod, filename, name, version, repo, manifest)..")")
+         end
+      end
+      if next(minfo.dependencies) then
+         util.printout()
+         util.printout("Depends on:")
+         util.printout("\t"..keys_as_string(minfo.dependencies, "\n\t"))
+      end
+      util.printout()
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/tools/patch.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+--- Patch utility to apply unified diffs.
+-- (c) 2008 David Manura, Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT license).
+-- Code is heavilly based on the Python-based version 8.06-1
+--   Copyright (c) 2008, MIT License
+--   Project home: .
+module("", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local version = '0.1'
+local io = io
+local os = os
+local string = string
+local table = table
+local format = string.format
+-- logging
+local debugmode = false
+local function debug(s) end
+local function info(s) end
+local function warning(s) io.stderr:write(s .. '\n') end
+-- Returns boolean whether string s2 starts with string s.
+local function startswith(s, s2)
+  return s:sub(1, #s2) == s2
+-- Returns boolean whether string s2 ends with string s.
+local function endswith(s, s2)
+  return #s >= #s2 and s:sub(#s-#s2+1) == s2
+-- Returns string s after filtering out any new-line characters from end.
+local function endlstrip(s)
+  return s:gsub('[\r\n]+$', '')
+-- Returns shallow copy of table t.
+local function table_copy(t)
+  local t2 = {}
+  for k,v in pairs(t) do t2[k] = v end
+  return t2
+-- Returns boolean whether array t contains value v.
+local function array_contains(t, v)
+  for _,v2 in ipairs(t) do if v == v2 then return true end end
+  return false
+local function exists(filename)
+  local fh =
+  local result = fh ~= nil
+  if fh then fh:close() end
+  return result
+local function isfile() return true end --FIX?
+local function read_file(filename)
+  local fh, err, oserr =, 'rb')
+  if not fh then return fh, err, oserr end
+  local data, err, oserr = fh:read'*a'
+  fh:close()
+  if not data then return nil, err, oserr end
+  return data
+local function write_file(filename, data)
+  local fh, err, oserr = 'wb')
+  if not fh then return fh, err, oserr end
+  local status, err, oserr = fh:write(data)
+  fh:close()
+  if not status then return nil, err, oserr end
+  return true
+local function file_copy(src, dest)
+  local data, err, oserr = read_file(src)
+  if not data then return data, err, oserr end
+  local status, err, oserr = write_file(dest)
+  if not status then return status, err, oserr end
+  return true
+local function string_as_file(s)
+   return {
+      at = 0,
+      str = s,
+      len = #s,
+      eof = false,
+      read = function(self, n)
+         if self.eof then return nil end
+         local chunk = self.str:sub(,
+ = + n
+         if > self.len then
+            self.eof = true
+         end
+         return chunk
+      end,
+      close = function(self)
+         self.eof = true
+      end,
+   }
+-- file_lines(f) is similar to f:lines() for file f.
+-- The main difference is that read_lines includes
+-- new-line character sequences ("\n", "\r\n", "\r"),
+-- if any, at the end of each line.  Embedded "\0" are also handled.
+-- Caution: The newline behavior can depend on whether f is opened
+-- in binary or ASCII mode.
+-- (file_lines - version 20080913)
+local function file_lines(f)
+  local CHUNK_SIZE = 1024
+  local buffer = ""
+  local pos_beg = 1
+  return function()
+    local pos, chars
+    while 1 do
+      pos, chars = buffer:match('()([\r\n].)', pos_beg)
+      if pos or not f then
+        break
+      elseif f then
+        local chunk = f:read(CHUNK_SIZE)
+        if chunk then
+          buffer = buffer:sub(pos_beg) .. chunk
+          pos_beg = 1
+        else
+          f = nil
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    if not pos then
+      pos = #buffer
+    elseif chars == '\r\n' then
+      pos = pos + 1
+    end
+    local line = buffer:sub(pos_beg, pos)
+    pos_beg = pos + 1
+    if #line > 0 then
+      return line
+    end    
+  end
+local function match_linerange(line)
+  local m1, m2, m3, m4 =      line:match("^@@ %-(%d+),(%d+) %+(%d+),(%d+)")
+  if not m1 then m1, m3, m4 = line:match("^@@ %-(%d+) %+(%d+),(%d+)") end
+  if not m1 then m1, m2, m3 = line:match("^@@ %-(%d+),(%d+) %+(%d+)") end
+  if not m1 then m1, m3     = line:match("^@@ %-(%d+) %+(%d+)") end
+  return m1, m2, m3, m4
+function read_patch(filename, data)
+  -- define possible file regions that will direct the parser flow
+  local state = 'header'
+    -- 'header'    - comments before the patch body
+    -- 'filenames' - lines starting with --- and +++
+    -- 'hunkhead'  - @@ -R +R @@ sequence
+    -- 'hunkbody'
+    -- 'hunkskip'  - skipping invalid hunk mode
+  local all_ok = true
+  local lineends = {lf=0, crlf=0, cr=0}
+  local files = {source={}, target={}, hunks={}, fileends={}, hunkends={}}
+  local nextfileno = 0
+  local nexthunkno = 0    --: even if index starts with 0 user messages
+                          --  number hunks from 1
+  -- hunkinfo holds parsed values, hunkactual - calculated
+  local hunkinfo = {
+    startsrc=nil, linessrc=nil, starttgt=nil, linestgt=nil,
+    invalid=false, text={}
+  }
+  local hunkactual = {linessrc=nil, linestgt=nil}
+  info(format("reading patch %s", filename))
+  local fp
+  if data then
+    fp = string_as_file(data)
+  else
+    fp = filename == '-' and io.stdin or assert(, "rb"))
+  end
+  local lineno = 0
+  for line in file_lines(fp) do
+    lineno = lineno + 1
+    if state == 'header' then
+      if startswith(line, "--- ") then
+        state = 'filenames'
+      end
+      -- state is 'header' or 'filenames'
+    end
+    if state == 'hunkbody' then
+      -- skip hunkskip and hunkbody code until definition of hunkhead read
+      -- process line first
+      if line:match"^[- +\\]" or line:match"^[\r\n]*$" then
+          -- gather stats about line endings
+          local he = files.hunkends[nextfileno]
+          if endswith(line, "\r\n") then
+            he.crlf = he.crlf + 1
+          elseif endswith(line, "\n") then
+            he.lf = he.lf + 1
+          elseif endswith(line, "\r") then
+   = + 1
+          end
+          if startswith(line, "-") then
+            hunkactual.linessrc = hunkactual.linessrc + 1
+          elseif startswith(line, "+") then
+            hunkactual.linestgt = hunkactual.linestgt + 1
+          elseif startswith(line, "\\") then
+            -- nothing
+          else
+            hunkactual.linessrc = hunkactual.linessrc + 1
+            hunkactual.linestgt = hunkactual.linestgt + 1
+          end
+          table.insert(hunkinfo.text, line)
+          -- todo: handle \ No newline cases
+      else
+          warning(format("invalid hunk no.%d at %d for target file %s",
+                         nexthunkno, lineno,[nextfileno]))
+          -- add hunk status node
+          table.insert(files.hunks[nextfileno], table_copy(hunkinfo))
+          files.hunks[nextfileno][nexthunkno].invalid = true
+          all_ok = false
+          state = 'hunkskip'
+      end
+      -- check exit conditions
+      if hunkactual.linessrc > hunkinfo.linessrc or
+         hunkactual.linestgt > hunkinfo.linestgt
+      then
+          warning(format("extra hunk no.%d lines at %d for target %s",
+                         nexthunkno, lineno,[nextfileno]))
+          -- add hunk status node
+          table.insert(files.hunks[nextfileno], table_copy(hunkinfo))
+          files.hunks[nextfileno][nexthunkno].invalid = true
+          state = 'hunkskip'
+      elseif hunkinfo.linessrc == hunkactual.linessrc and
+             hunkinfo.linestgt == hunkactual.linestgt
+      then
+          table.insert(files.hunks[nextfileno], table_copy(hunkinfo))
+          state = 'hunkskip'
+          -- detect mixed window/unix line ends
+          local ends = files.hunkends[nextfileno]
+          if ( and 1 or 0) + (ends.crlf~=0 and 1 or 0) +
+             (ends.lf~=0 and 1 or 0) > 1
+          then
+            warning(format("inconsistent line ends in patch hunks for %s",
+                    files.source[nextfileno]))
+          end
+          if debugmode then
+            local debuglines = {crlf=ends.crlf, lf=ends.lf,,
+        [nextfileno], hunk=nexthunkno}
+            debug(format("crlf: %(crlf)d  lf: %(lf)d  cr: %(cr)d\t " ..
+                         "- file: %(file)s hunk: %(hunk)d", debuglines))
+          end
+      end
+      -- state is 'hunkbody' or 'hunkskip'
+    end
+    if state == 'hunkskip' then
+      if match_linerange(line) then
+        state = 'hunkhead'
+      elseif startswith(line, "--- ") then
+        state = 'filenames'
+        if debugmode and #files.source > 0 then
+            debug(format("- %2d hunks for %s", #files.hunks[nextfileno],
+                         files.source[nextfileno]))
+        end
+      end
+      -- state is 'hunkskip', 'hunkhead', or 'filenames'
+    end
+    local advance
+    if state == 'filenames' then
+      if startswith(line, "--- ") then
+        if array_contains(files.source, nextfileno) then
+          all_ok = false
+          warning(format("skipping invalid patch for %s",
+                         files.source[nextfileno+1]))
+          table.remove(files.source, nextfileno+1)
+          -- double source filename line is encountered
+          -- attempt to restart from this second line
+        end
+        -- Accept a space as a terminator, like GNU patch does.
+        -- Breaks patches containing filenames with spaces...
+        -- FIXME Figure out what does GNU patch do in those cases.
+        local match = line:match("^--- ([^\t ]+)")
+        if not match then
+          all_ok = false
+          warning(format("skipping invalid filename at line %d", lineno+1))
+          state = 'header'
+        else
+          table.insert(files.source, match)
+        end
+      elseif not startswith(line, "+++ ") then
+        if array_contains(files.source, nextfileno) then
+          all_ok = false
+          warning(format("skipping invalid patch with no target for %s",
+                         files.source[nextfileno+1]))
+          table.remove(files.source, nextfileno+1)
+        else
+          -- this should be unreachable
+          warning("skipping invalid target patch")
+        end
+        state = 'header'
+      else
+        if array_contains(, nextfileno) then
+          all_ok = false
+          warning(format("skipping invalid patch - double target at line %d",
+                         lineno+1))
+          table.remove(files.source, nextfileno+1)
+          table.remove(, nextfileno+1)
+          nextfileno = nextfileno - 1
+          -- double target filename line is encountered
+          -- switch back to header state
+          state = 'header'
+        else
+          -- Accept a space as a terminator, like GNU patch does.
+          -- Breaks patches containing filenames with spaces...
+          -- FIXME Figure out what does GNU patch do in those cases.
+          local re_filename = "^%+%+%+ ([^ \t]+)"
+          local match = line:match(re_filename)
+          if not match then
+            all_ok = false
+            warning(format(
+              "skipping invalid patch - no target filename at line %d",
+              lineno+1))
+            state = 'header'
+          else
+            table.insert(, match)
+            nextfileno = nextfileno + 1
+            nexthunkno = 0
+            table.insert(files.hunks, {})
+            table.insert(files.hunkends, table_copy(lineends))
+            table.insert(files.fileends, table_copy(lineends))
+            state = 'hunkhead'
+            advance = true
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      -- state is 'filenames', 'header', or ('hunkhead' with advance)
+    end
+    if not advance and state == 'hunkhead' then
+      local m1, m2, m3, m4 = match_linerange(line)
+      if not m1 then
+        if not array_contains(files.hunks, nextfileno-1) then
+          all_ok = false
+          warning(format("skipping invalid patch with no hunks for file %s",
+               [nextfileno]))
+        end
+        state = 'header'
+      else
+        hunkinfo.startsrc = tonumber(m1)
+        hunkinfo.linessrc = tonumber(m2 or 1)
+        hunkinfo.starttgt = tonumber(m3)
+        hunkinfo.linestgt = tonumber(m4 or 1)
+        hunkinfo.invalid = false
+        hunkinfo.text = {}
+        hunkactual.linessrc = 0
+        hunkactual.linestgt = 0
+        state = 'hunkbody'
+        nexthunkno = nexthunkno + 1
+      end
+      -- state is 'header' or 'hunkbody'
+    end
+  end
+  if state ~= 'hunkskip' then
+    warning(format("patch file incomplete - %s", filename))
+    all_ok = false
+    -- os.exit(?)
+  else
+    -- duplicated message when an eof is reached
+    if debugmode and #files.source > 0 then
+      debug(format("- %2d hunks for %s", #files.hunks[nextfileno],
+                   files.source[nextfileno]))
+    end
+  end
+  local sum = 0; for _,hset in ipairs(files.hunks) do sum = sum + #hset end
+  info(format("total files: %d  total hunks: %d", #files.source, sum))
+  fp:close()
+  return files, all_ok
+local function find_hunk(file, h, hno)
+  for fuzz=0,2 do
+    local lineno = h.startsrc
+    for i=0,#file do
+      local found = true
+      local location = lineno
+      local total = #h.text - fuzz
+      for l, hline in ipairs(h.text) do
+        if l > fuzz then
+          -- todo: \ No newline at the end of file
+          if startswith(hline, " ") or startswith(hline, "-") then
+            local line = file[lineno]
+            lineno = lineno + 1
+            if not line or #line == 0 then
+              found = false
+              break
+            end
+            if endlstrip(line) ~= endlstrip(hline:sub(2)) then
+              found = false
+              break
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      if found then
+        local offset = location - h.startsrc - fuzz
+        if offset ~= 0 then
+          warning(format("Hunk %d found at offset %d%s...", hno, offset, fuzz == 0 and "" or format(" (fuzz %d)", fuzz)))
+        end
+        h.startsrc = location
+        h.starttgt = h.starttgt + offset
+        for i=1,fuzz do
+           table.remove(h.text, 1)
+           table.remove(h.text, #h.text)
+        end
+        return true
+      end
+      lineno = i
+    end
+  end
+  return false
+local function load_file(filename)
+  local fp = assert(
+  local file = {}
+  local readline = file_lines(fp)
+  while true do
+    local line = readline()
+    if not line then break end
+    table.insert(file, line)
+  end
+  fp:close()
+  return file
+local function find_hunks(file, hunks)
+  local matched = true
+  local lineno = 1
+  local hno = nil
+  for hno, h in ipairs(hunks) do
+    find_hunk(file, h, hno)
+  end
+local function check_patched(file, hunks)
+  local matched = true
+  local lineno = 1
+  local hno = nil
+  local ok, err = pcall(function()
+    if #file == 0 then
+      error 'nomatch'
+    end
+    for hno, h in ipairs(hunks) do
+      -- skip to line just before hunk starts
+      if #file < h.starttgt then
+         error 'nomatch'
+      end
+      lineno = h.starttgt
+      for _, hline in ipairs(h.text) do
+        -- todo: \ No newline at the end of file
+        if not startswith(hline, "-") and not startswith(hline, "\\") then
+          local line = file[lineno]
+          lineno = lineno + 1
+          if #line == 0 then
+            error 'nomatch'
+          end
+          if endlstrip(line) ~= endlstrip(hline:sub(2)) then
+            warning(format("file is not patched - failed hunk: %d", hno))
+            error 'nomatch'
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end)
+  if err == 'nomatch' then
+    matched = false
+  end
+    -- todo: display failed hunk, i.e. expected/found
+  return matched
+local function patch_hunks(srcname, tgtname, hunks)
+  local src = assert(, "rb"))
+  local tgt = assert(, "wb"))
+  local src_readline = file_lines(src)
+  -- todo: detect linefeeds early - in apply_files routine
+  --       to handle cases when patch starts right from the first
+  --       line and no lines are processed. At the moment substituted
+  --       lineends may not be the same at the start and at the end
+  --       of patching. Also issue a warning about mixed lineends
+  local srclineno = 1
+  local lineends = {['\n']=0, ['\r\n']=0, ['\r']=0}
+  for hno, h in ipairs(hunks) do
+    debug(format("processing hunk %d for file %s", hno, tgtname))
+    -- skip to line just before hunk starts
+    while srclineno < h.startsrc do
+      local line = src_readline()
+      -- Python 'U' mode works only with text files
+      if endswith(line, "\r\n") then
+        lineends["\r\n"] = lineends["\r\n"] + 1
+      elseif endswith(line, "\n") then
+        lineends["\n"] = lineends["\n"] + 1
+      elseif endswith(line, "\r") then
+        lineends["\r"] = lineends["\r"] + 1
+      end
+      tgt:write(line)
+      srclineno = srclineno + 1
+    end
+    for _,hline in ipairs(h.text) do
+      -- todo: check \ No newline at the end of file
+      if startswith(hline, "-") or startswith(hline, "\\") then
+        src_readline()
+        srclineno = srclineno + 1
+      else
+        if not startswith(hline, "+") then
+          src_readline()
+          srclineno = srclineno + 1
+        end
+        local line2write = hline:sub(2)
+        -- detect if line ends are consistent in source file
+        local sum = 0
+        for k,v in pairs(lineends) do if v > 0 then sum=sum+1 end end
+        if sum == 1 then
+          local newline
+          for k,v in pairs(lineends) do if v ~= 0 then newline = k end end
+          tgt:write(endlstrip(line2write) .. newline)
+        else -- newlines are mixed or unknown
+          tgt:write(line2write)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  for line in src_readline do
+    tgt:write(line)
+  end
+  tgt:close()
+  src:close()
+  return true
+local function strip_dirs(filename, strip)
+  if strip == nil then return filename end
+  for i=1,strip do
+    filename=filename:gsub("^[^/]*/", "")
+  end
+  return filename
+function apply_patch(patch, strip)
+  local all_ok = true
+  local total = #patch.source
+  for fileno, filename in ipairs(patch.source) do
+    filename = strip_dirs(filename, strip)
+    local continue
+    local f2patch = filename
+    if not exists(f2patch) then
+      f2patch = strip_dirs([fileno], strip)
+      f2patch = fs.absolute_name(f2patch)
+      if not exists(f2patch) then  --FIX:if f2patch nil
+        warning(format("source/target file does not exist\n--- %s\n+++ %s",
+                filename, f2patch))
+        all_ok = false
+        continue = true
+      end
+    end
+    if not continue and not isfile(f2patch) then
+      warning(format("not a file - %s", f2patch))
+      all_ok = false
+      continue = true
+    end
+    if not continue then
+    filename = f2patch
+    info(format("processing %d/%d:\t %s", fileno, total, filename))
+    -- validate before patching
+    local hunks = patch.hunks[fileno]
+    local file = load_file(filename)
+    local hunkno = 1
+    local hunk = hunks[hunkno]
+    local hunkfind = {}
+    local hunkreplace = {}
+    local validhunks = 0
+    local canpatch = false
+    local hunklineno
+    local isbreak
+    local lineno = 0
+    find_hunks(file, hunks)
+    for _, line in ipairs(file) do
+      lineno = lineno + 1
+      local continue
+      if not hunk or lineno < hunk.startsrc then
+        continue = true
+      elseif lineno == hunk.startsrc then
+        hunkfind = {}
+        for _,x in ipairs(hunk.text) do
+        if x:sub(1,1) == ' ' or x:sub(1,1) == '-' then
+          hunkfind[#hunkfind+1] = endlstrip(x:sub(2))
+        end end
+        hunkreplace = {}
+        for _,x in ipairs(hunk.text) do
+        if x:sub(1,1) == ' ' or x:sub(1,1) == '+' then
+          hunkreplace[#hunkreplace+1] = endlstrip(x:sub(2))
+        end end
+        --pprint(hunkreplace)
+        hunklineno = 1
+        -- todo \ No newline at end of file
+      end
+      -- check hunks in source file
+      if not continue and lineno < hunk.startsrc + #hunkfind - 1 then
+        if endlstrip(line) == hunkfind[hunklineno] then
+          hunklineno = hunklineno + 1
+        else
+          debug(format("hunk no.%d doesn't match source file %s",
+                       hunkno, filename))
+          -- file may be already patched, but check other hunks anyway
+          hunkno = hunkno + 1
+          if hunkno <= #hunks then
+            hunk = hunks[hunkno]
+            continue = true
+          else
+            isbreak = true; break
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      -- check if processed line is the last line
+      if not continue and lineno == hunk.startsrc + #hunkfind - 1 then
+        debug(format("file %s hunk no.%d -- is ready to be patched",
+                     filename, hunkno))
+        hunkno = hunkno + 1
+        validhunks = validhunks + 1
+        if hunkno <= #hunks then
+          hunk = hunks[hunkno]
+        else
+          if validhunks == #hunks then
+            -- patch file
+            canpatch = true
+            isbreak = true; break
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    if not isbreak then
+      if hunkno <= #hunks then
+        warning(format("premature end of source file %s at hunk %d",
+                       filename, hunkno))
+        all_ok = false
+      end
+    end
+    if validhunks < #hunks then
+      if check_patched(file, hunks) then
+        warning(format("already patched  %s", filename))
+      else
+        warning(format("source file is different - %s", filename))
+        all_ok = false
+      end
+    end
+    if canpatch then
+      local backupname = filename .. ".orig"
+      if exists(backupname) then
+        warning(format("can't backup original file to %s - aborting",
+                       backupname))
+        all_ok = false
+      else
+        assert(os.rename(filename, backupname))
+        if patch_hunks(backupname, filename, hunks) then
+          warning(format("successfully patched %s", filename))
+          assert(os.remove(backupname))
+        else
+          warning(format("error patching file %s", filename))
+          assert(file_copy(filename, filename .. ".invalid"))
+          warning(format("invalid version is saved to %s",
+                         filename .. ".invalid"))
+          -- todo: proper rejects
+          assert(os.rename(backupname, filename))
+          all_ok = false
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    end -- if not continue
+  end -- for
+  -- todo: check for premature eof
+  return all_ok
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/tools/tar.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+--- A pure-Lua implementation of untar (unpacking .tar archives)
+module("", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local blocksize = 512
+local function get_typeflag(flag)
+   if flag == "0" or flag == "\0" then return "file"
+   elseif flag == "1" then return "link"
+   elseif flag == "2" then return "symlink" -- "reserved" in POSIX, "symlink" in GNU
+   elseif flag == "3" then return "character"
+   elseif flag == "4" then return "block"
+   elseif flag == "5" then return "directory"
+   elseif flag == "6" then return "fifo"
+   elseif flag == "7" then return "contiguous" -- "reserved" in POSIX, "contiguous" in GNU
+   elseif flag == "x" then return "next file"
+   elseif flag == "g" then return "global extended header"
+   elseif flag == "L" then return "long name"
+   elseif flag == "K" then return "long link name"
+   end
+   return "unknown"
+local function octal_to_number(octal)
+   local exp = 0
+   local number = 0
+   for i = #octal,1,-1 do
+      local digit = tonumber(octal:sub(i,i)) 
+      if not digit then break end
+      number = number + (digit * 8^exp)
+      exp = exp + 1
+   end
+   return number
+local function checksum_header(block)
+   local sum = 256
+   for i = 1,148 do
+      sum = sum + block:byte(i)
+   end
+   for i = 157,500 do
+      sum = sum + block:byte(i)
+   end
+   return sum
+local function nullterm(s)
+   return s:match("^[^%z]*")
+local function read_header_block(block)
+   local header = {}
+ = nullterm(block:sub(1,100))
+   header.mode = nullterm(block:sub(101,108))
+   header.uid = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(109,116)))
+   header.gid = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(117,124)))
+   header.size = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(125,136)))
+   header.mtime = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(137,148)))
+   header.chksum = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(149,156)))
+   header.typeflag = get_typeflag(block:sub(157,157))
+   header.linkname = nullterm(block:sub(158,257))
+   header.magic = block:sub(258,263)
+   header.version = block:sub(264,265)
+   header.uname = nullterm(block:sub(266,297))
+   header.gname = nullterm(block:sub(298,329))
+   header.devmajor = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(330,337)))
+   header.devminor = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(338,345)))
+   header.prefix = block:sub(346,500)
+   if header.magic ~= "ustar " and header.magic ~= "ustar\0" then
+      return false, "Invalid header magic "..header.magic
+   end
+   if header.version ~= "00" and header.version ~= " \0" then
+      return false, "Unknown version "..header.version
+   end
+   if not checksum_header(block) == header.chksum then
+      return false, "Failed header checksum"
+   end
+   return header
+function untar(filename, destdir)
+   assert(type(filename) == "string")
+   assert(type(destdir) == "string")
+   local tar_handle =, "r")
+   if not tar_handle then return nil, "Error opening file "..filename end
+   local long_name, long_link_name
+   while true do
+      local block
+      repeat 
+         block = tar_handle:read(blocksize)
+      until (not block) or checksum_header(block) > 256
+      if not block then break end
+      local header, err = read_header_block(block)
+      if not header then
+         util.printerr(err)
+      end
+      local file_data = tar_handle:read(math.ceil(header.size / blocksize) * blocksize):sub(1,header.size)
+      if header.typeflag == "long name" then
+         long_name = nullterm(file_data)
+      elseif header.typeflag == "long link name" then
+         long_link_name = nullterm(file_data)
+      else
+         if long_name then
+   = long_name
+            long_name = nil
+         end
+         if long_link_name then
+   = long_link_name
+            long_link_name = nil
+         end
+      end
+      local pathname = dir.path(destdir,
+      if header.typeflag == "directory" then
+         fs.make_dir(pathname)
+      elseif header.typeflag == "file" then
+         local dirname = dir.dir_name(pathname)
+         if dirname ~= "" then
+            fs.make_dir(dirname)
+         end
+         local file_handle =, "wb")
+         file_handle:write(file_data)
+         file_handle:close()
+         fs.set_time(pathname, header.mtime)
+         if fs.chmod then
+            fs.chmod(pathname, header.mode)
+         end
+      end
+      --[[
+      for k,v in pairs(header) do
+         util.printout("[\""..tostring(k).."\"] = "..(type(v)=="number" and v or "\""..v:gsub("%z", "\\0").."\""))
+      end
+      util.printout()
+      --]]
+   end
+   return true
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/tools/zip.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+--- A Lua implementation of .zip file archiving (used for creating .rock files),
+-- using only lua-zlib.
+module("", package.seeall)
+local zlib = require("zlib")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local function number_to_bytestring(number, nbytes)
+   local out = {}
+   for i = 1, nbytes do
+      local byte = number % 256
+      table.insert(out, string.char(byte))
+      number = (number - byte) / 256
+   end
+   return table.concat(out)
+--- Begin a new file to be stored inside the zipfile.
+-- @param self handle of the zipfile being written.
+-- @param filename filenome of the file to be added to the zipfile.
+-- @return true if succeeded, nil in case of failure.
+local function zipwriter_open_new_file_in_zip(self, filename)
+   if self.in_open_file then
+      self:close_file_in_zip()
+      return nil
+   end
+   local lfh = {}
+   self.local_file_header = lfh
+   lfh.last_mod_file_time = 0 -- TODO
+   lfh.last_mod_file_date = 0 -- TODO
+   lfh.crc32 = 0 -- initial value
+   lfh.compressed_size = 0 -- unknown yet
+   lfh.uncompressed_size = 0 -- unknown yet
+   lfh.file_name_length = #filename
+   lfh.extra_field_length = 0
+   lfh.file_name = filename:gsub("\\", "/")
+   lfh.external_attr = 0 -- TODO properly store permissions
+   self.in_open_file = true
+ = {}
+   return true
+--- Write data to the file currently being stored in the zipfile.
+-- @param self handle of the zipfile being written.
+-- @param buf string containing data to be written.
+-- @return true if succeeded, nil in case of failure.
+local function zipwriter_write_file_in_zip(self, buf)
+   if not self.in_open_file then
+      return nil
+   end
+   local lfh = self.local_file_header
+   local cbuf = zlib.compress(buf):sub(3, -5)
+   lfh.crc32 = zlib.crc32(lfh.crc32, buf)
+   lfh.compressed_size = lfh.compressed_size + #cbuf
+   lfh.uncompressed_size = lfh.uncompressed_size + #buf
+   table.insert(, cbuf)
+   return true
+--- Complete the writing of a file stored in the zipfile.
+-- @param self handle of the zipfile being written.
+-- @return true if succeeded, nil in case of failure.
+local function zipwriter_close_file_in_zip(self)
+   local zh = self.ziphandle
+   if not self.in_open_file then
+      return nil
+   end
+   -- Local file header
+   local lfh = self.local_file_header
+   lfh.offset = zh:seek()
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0x04034b50, 4)) -- signature
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(20, 2)) -- version needed to extract: 2.0
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0, 2)) -- general purpose bit flag
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(8, 2)) -- compression method: deflate
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.last_mod_file_time, 2))
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.last_mod_file_date, 2))
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.crc32, 4))
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.compressed_size, 4))
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.uncompressed_size, 4))
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.file_name_length, 2))
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.extra_field_length, 2))
+   zh:write(lfh.file_name)
+   -- File data   
+   for _, cbuf in ipairs( do
+      zh:write(cbuf)
+   end
+   -- Data descriptor
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.crc32, 4))
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.compressed_size, 4))
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.uncompressed_size, 4))
+   table.insert(self.files, lfh)
+   self.in_open_file = false
+   return true
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success,
+-- false and an error message on failure.
+local function zipwriter_add(self, file)
+   local fin
+   local ok, err = self:open_new_file_in_zip(file)
+   if not ok then
+      err = "error in opening "..file.." in zipfile"
+   else
+      fin =, "rb")
+      if not fin then
+         ok = false
+         err = "error opening "..file.." for reading"
+      end
+   end
+   if ok then
+      local buf = fin:read("*a")
+      if not buf then
+         err = "error reading "..file
+         ok = false
+      else
+         ok = self:write_file_in_zip(buf)
+         if not ok then
+            err = "error in writing "..file.." in the zipfile"
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   if fin then
+      fin:close()
+   end
+   if ok then
+      ok = self:close_file_in_zip()
+      if not ok then
+         err = "error in writing "..file.." in the zipfile"
+      end
+   end
+   return ok == true, err
+--- Complete the writing of the zipfile.
+-- @param self handle of the zipfile being written.
+-- @return true if succeeded, nil in case of failure.
+local function zipwriter_close(self)
+   local zh = self.ziphandle
+   local central_directory_offset = zh:seek()
+   local size_of_central_directory = 0
+   -- Central directory structure
+   for _, lfh in ipairs(self.files) do
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0x02014b50, 4)) -- signature
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(3, 2)) -- version made by: UNIX
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(20, 2)) -- version needed to extract: 2.0
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0, 2)) -- general purpose bit flag
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(8, 2)) -- compression method: deflate
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.last_mod_file_time, 2))
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.last_mod_file_date, 2))
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.crc32, 4))
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.compressed_size, 4))
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.uncompressed_size, 4))
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.file_name_length, 2))
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.extra_field_length, 2))
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0, 2)) -- file comment length
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0, 2)) -- disk number start
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0, 2)) -- internal file attributes
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.external_attr, 4)) -- external file attributes
+      zh:write(number_to_bytestring(lfh.offset, 4)) -- relative offset of local header
+      zh:write(lfh.file_name)
+      size_of_central_directory = size_of_central_directory + 46 + lfh.file_name_length
+   end
+   -- End of central directory record
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0x06054b50, 4)) -- signature
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0, 2)) -- number of this disk
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0, 2)) -- number of disk with start of central directory
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(#self.files, 2)) -- total number of entries in the central dir on this disk
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(#self.files, 2)) -- total number of entries in the central dir
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(size_of_central_directory, 4))
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(central_directory_offset, 4))
+   zh:write(number_to_bytestring(0, 2)) -- zip file comment length
+   zh:close()
+   return true
+--- Return a zip handle open for writing.
+-- @param name filename of the zipfile to be created.
+-- @return a zip handle, or nil in case of error.
+function new_zipwriter(name)
+   local zw = {}
+   zw.ziphandle =, "wb")
+   if not zw.ziphandle then
+      return nil
+   end
+   zw.files = {}
+   zw.in_open_file = false
+   zw.add = zipwriter_add
+   zw.close = zipwriter_close
+   zw.open_new_file_in_zip = zipwriter_open_new_file_in_zip
+   zw.write_file_in_zip = zipwriter_write_file_in_zip
+   zw.close_file_in_zip = zipwriter_close_file_in_zip
+   return zw
+--- Compress files in a .zip archive.
+-- @param zipfile string: pathname of .zip archive to be created.
+-- @param ... Filenames to be stored in the archive are given as
+-- additional arguments.
+-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success,
+-- false and an error message on failure.
+function zip(zipfile, ...)
+   local zw = new_zipwriter(zipfile)
+   if not zw then
+      return nil, "error opening "..zipfile
+   end
+   local ok, err
+   for _, file in pairs({...}) do
+      if fs.is_dir(file) then
+         for _, entry in pairs(fs.find(file)) do
+            local fullname = dir.path(file, entry)
+            if fs.is_file(fullname) then
+               ok, err = zw:add(fullname)
+               if not ok then break end
+            end
+         end
+      else
+         ok, err = zw:add(file)
+         if not ok then break end
+      end
+   end
+   local ok = zw:close()
+   if not ok then
+      return false, "error closing "..zipfile
+   end
+   return ok, err
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/type_check.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+--- Type-checking functions.
+-- Functions and definitions for doing a basic lint check on files
+-- loaded by LuaRocks.
+module("luarocks.type_check", package.seeall)
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+rockspec_format = "1.0"
+rockspec_types = {
+   rockspec_format = "string",
+   MUST_package = "string",
+   MUST_version = "[%w.]+-[%d]+",
+   description = {
+      summary = "string",
+      detailed = "string",
+      homepage = "string",
+      license = "string",
+      maintainer = "string"
+   },
+   dependencies = {
+      platforms = {},
+      ANY = "string"
+   },
+   supported_platforms = {
+      ANY = "string"
+   },
+   external_dependencies = {
+      platforms = {},
+      ANY = {
+         program = "string",
+         header = "string",
+         library = "string"
+      }
+   },
+   MUST_source = {
+      platforms = {},
+      MUST_url = "string",
+      md5 = "string",
+      file = "string",
+      dir = "string",
+      tag = "string",
+      branch = "string",
+      module = "string",
+      cvs_tag = "string",
+      cvs_module = "string"
+   },
+   build = {
+      platforms = {},
+      type = "string",
+      install = {
+         lua = {
+            MORE = true
+         },
+         lib = {
+            MORE = true
+         },
+         conf = {
+            MORE = true
+         },
+         bin = {
+            MORE = true
+         }
+      },
+      copy_directories = {
+         ANY = "string"
+      },
+      MORE = true
+   },
+   hooks = {
+      platforms = {},
+      post_install = "string"
+   }
+function load_extensions()
+   rockspec_format = "1.1"
+   rockspec_types.deploy = {
+      wrap_bin_scripts = true,
+   }
+if cfg.use_extensions then
+   load_extensions()
+ =
+rockspec_types.dependencies.platforms.ANY = rockspec_types.dependencies
+rockspec_types.external_dependencies.platforms.ANY = rockspec_types.external_dependencies
+rockspec_types.MUST_source.platforms.ANY = rockspec_types.MUST_source
+rockspec_types.hooks.platforms.ANY = rockspec_types.hooks
+manifest_types = {
+   MUST_repository = {
+      -- packages
+      ANY = {
+         -- versions
+         ANY = {
+            -- items
+            ANY = {
+               MUST_arch = "string",
+               modules = { ANY = "string" },
+               commands = { ANY = "string" },
+               dependencies = { ANY = "string" },
+               -- TODO: to be extended with more metadata.
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   },
+   MUST_modules = {
+      -- modules
+      ANY = {
+         -- providers
+         ANY = "string"
+      }
+   },
+   MUST_commands = {
+      -- modules
+      ANY = {
+         -- commands
+         ANY = "string"
+      }
+   },
+   dependencies = {
+      -- each module
+      ANY = {
+         -- each version
+         ANY = {
+            -- each dependency
+            ANY = {
+               name = "string",
+               constraints = {
+                  ANY = {
+                     no_upgrade = "boolean",
+                     op = "string",
+                     version = {
+                        string = "string",
+                        ANY = 0,
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+local type_check_table
+--- Type check an object.
+-- The object is compared against an archetypical value
+-- matching the expected type -- the actual values don't matter,
+-- only their types. Tables are type checked recursively.
+-- @param name any: The object name (for error messages).
+-- @param item any: The object being checked.
+-- @param expected any: The reference object. In case of a table,
+-- its is structured as a type reference table.
+-- @param context string: A string indicating the "context" where the
+-- error occurred (such as the name of the table the item is a part of),
+-- to be used by error messages.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if type checking
+-- succeeded, or nil and an error message if it failed.
+-- @see type_check_table
+local function type_check_item(name, item, expected, context)
+   name = tostring(name)
+   local item_type = type(item)
+   local expected_type = type(expected)
+   if expected_type == "number" then
+      if not tonumber(item) then
+         return nil, "Type mismatch on field "": expected a number"
+      end
+   elseif expected_type == "string" then
+      if type(item) ~= "string" then
+         return nil, "Type mismatch on field "": expected a string"
+      end
+      if expected ~= "string" then
+         if not item:match("^"..expected.."$") then
+            return nil, "Type mismatch on field "": invalid value "..item
+         end
+      end
+   elseif expected_type == "table" then
+      if item_type ~= expected_type then
+         return nil, "Type mismatch on field "": expected a table"
+      else
+         return type_check_table(item, expected,".")
+      end
+   elseif item_type ~= expected_type then
+      return nil, "Type mismatch on field "": expected a "..expected_type
+   end
+   return true
+--- Type check the contents of a table.
+-- The table's contents are compared against a reference table,
+-- which contains the recognized fields, with archetypical values
+-- matching the expected types -- the actual values of items in the
+-- reference table don't matter, only their types (ie, for field x
+-- in tbl that is correctly typed, type(tbl.x) == type(types.x)).
+-- If the reference table contains a field called MORE, then
+-- unknown fields in the checked table are accepted.
+-- If it contains a field called ANY, then its type will be 
+-- used to check any unknown fields. If a field is prefixed
+-- with MUST_, it is mandatory; its absence from the table is
+-- a type error.
+-- Tables are type checked recursively.
+-- @param tbl table: The table to be type checked.
+-- @param types table: The reference table, containing
+-- values for recognized fields in the checked table.
+-- @param context string: A string indicating the "context" where the
+-- error occurred (such as the name of the table the item is a part of),
+-- to be used by error messages.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if type checking
+-- succeeded, or nil and an error message if it failed.
+type_check_table = function(tbl, types, context)
+   assert(type(tbl) == "table")
+   assert(type(types) == "table")
+   for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+      local t = types[k] or (type(k) == "string" and types["MUST_"..k]) or types.ANY
+      if t then 
+         local ok, err = type_check_item(k, v, t, context)
+         if not ok then return nil, err end
+      elseif types.MORE then
+         -- Accept unknown field
+      else
+         if not cfg.accept_unknown_fields then
+            return nil, "Unknown field "..k
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   for k, v in pairs(types) do
+      local mandatory_key = k:match("^MUST_(.+)")
+      if mandatory_key then
+         if not tbl[mandatory_key] then
+            return nil, "Mandatory field "..context..mandatory_key.." is missing."
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Type check a rockspec table.
+-- Verify the correctness of elements from a 
+-- rockspec table, reporting on unknown fields and type
+-- mismatches.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if type checking
+-- succeeded, or nil and an error message if it failed.
+function type_check_rockspec(rockspec)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   if rockspec.rockspec_format then
+      -- relies on global state
+      load_extensions()
+   end
+   return type_check_table(rockspec, rockspec_types, "")
+--- Type check a manifest table.
+-- Verify the correctness of elements from a 
+-- manifest table, reporting on unknown fields and type
+-- mismatches.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if type checking
+-- succeeded, or nil and an error message if it failed.
+function type_check_manifest(manifest)
+   assert(type(manifest) == "table")
+   return type_check_table(manifest, manifest_types, "")
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/unpack.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "unpack" command.
+-- Unpack the contents of a rock.
+module("luarocks.unpack", package.seeall)
+local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local build = require("")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+help_summary = "Unpack the contents of a rock."
+help_arguments = "{<rock>|<name> [<version>]}"
+help = [[
+Unpacks the contents of a rock in a newly created directory.
+Argument may be a rock file, or the name of a rock in a rocks server.
+In the latter case, the app version may be given as a second argument.
+--- Load a rockspec file to the given directory, fetches the source
+-- files specified in the rockspec, and unpack them inside the directory.
+-- @param rockspec_file string: The URL for a rockspec file.
+-- @param dir_name string: The directory where to store and unpack files.
+-- @return table or (nil, string): the loaded rockspec table or 
+-- nil and an error message.
+local function unpack_rockspec(rockspec_file, dir_name)
+   assert(type(rockspec_file) == "string")
+   assert(type(dir_name) == "string")
+   local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_file)
+   if not rockspec then
+      return nil, "Failed loading rockspec "..rockspec_file..": "..err
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(dir_name)
+   local ok, sources_dir = fetch.fetch_sources(rockspec, true, ".")
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, sources_dir
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(dir_name)
+   build.apply_patches(rockspec)
+   fs.pop_dir()
+   return rockspec
+--- Load a .rock file to the given directory and unpack it inside it.
+-- @param rock_file string: The URL for a .rock file.
+-- @param dir_name string: The directory where to unpack.
+-- @param kind string: the kind of rock file, as in the second-level
+-- extension in the rock filename (eg. "src", "all", "linux-x86")
+-- @return table or (nil, string): the loaded rockspec table or 
+-- nil and an error message.
+local function unpack_rock(rock_file, dir_name, kind)
+   assert(type(rock_file) == "string")
+   assert(type(dir_name) == "string")
+   local ok, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, dir_name)
+   if not ok then
+      return nil, "Failed unzipping rock "..rock_file, errcode
+   end
+   fs.change_dir(dir_name)
+   local rockspec_file = dir_name..".rockspec"
+   local rockspec, err = fetch.load_rockspec(rockspec_file)
+   if not rockspec then
+      return nil, "Failed loading rockspec "..rockspec_file..": "..err
+   end
+   if kind == "src" then
+      if rockspec.source.file then
+         local ok, err = fs.unpack_archive(rockspec.source.file)
+         if not ok then
+            return nil, err
+         end
+         fs.change_dir(rockspec.source.dir)
+         build.apply_patches(rockspec)
+         fs.pop_dir()
+      end
+   end
+   return rockspec
+--- Create a directory and perform the necessary actions so that
+-- the sources for the rock and its rockspec are unpacked inside it,
+-- laid out properly so that the 'make' command is able to build the module.
+-- @param file string: A rockspec or .rock URL.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful or nil followed
+-- by an error message.
+local function run_unpacker(file)
+   assert(type(file) == "string")
+   local base_name = dir.base_name(file)
+   local dir_name, kind, extension = base_name:match("(.*)%.([^.]+)%.(rock)$")
+   if not extension then
+      dir_name, extension = base_name:match("(.*)%.(rockspec)$")
+      kind = "rockspec"
+   end
+   if not extension then
+      return nil, file.." does not seem to be a valid filename."
+   end
+   if (fs.exists(dir_name)) then
+      return nil, "Directory "..dir_name.." already exists."
+   end
+   fs.make_dir(dir_name)
+   local rollback = util.schedule_function(fs.delete, fs.absolute_name(dir_name))
+   local rockspec, err
+   if extension == "rock" then
+      rockspec, err = unpack_rock(file, dir_name, kind)
+   elseif extension == "rockspec" then
+      rockspec, err = unpack_rockspec(file, dir_name)
+   end
+   if not rockspec then
+      return nil, err
+   end
+   if kind == "src" or kind == "rockspec" then
+      if rockspec.source.dir ~= "." then
+         local ok = fs.copy(rockspec.local_filename, rockspec.source.dir)
+         if not ok then
+            return nil, "Failed copying unpacked rockspec into unpacked source directory."
+         end
+      end
+      util.printout()   
+      util.printout("Done. You may now enter directory ")
+      util.printout(dir.path(dir_name, rockspec.source.dir))
+      util.printout("and type 'luarocks make' to build.")
+   end
+   util.remove_scheduled_function(rollback)
+   return true
+--- Driver function for the "unpack" command.
+-- @param name string: may be a rock filename, for unpacking a 
+-- rock file or the name of a rock to be fetched and unpacked.
+-- @param version string or nil: if the name of a package is given, a
+-- version may also be passed.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful or nil followed
+-- by an error message.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, name, version = util.parse_flags(...)
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
+   if type(name) ~= "string" then
+      return nil, "Argument missing, see help."
+   end
+   if name:match(".*%.rock") or name:match(".*%.rockspec") then
+      return run_unpacker(name)
+   else
+      local search = require("")
+      return search.act_on_src_or_rockspec(run_unpacker, name, version)
+   end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/util.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+--- Assorted utilities for managing tables, plus a scheduler for rollback functions.
+-- Does not requires modules directly (only as locals
+-- inside specific functions) to avoid interdependencies,
+-- as this is used in the bootstrapping stage of luarocks.cfg.
+local global_env = _G
+module("luarocks.util", package.seeall)
+local scheduled_functions = {}
+--- Schedule a function to be executed upon program termination.
+-- This is useful for actions such as deleting temporary directories
+-- or failure rollbacks.
+-- @param f function: Function to be executed.
+-- @param ... arguments to be passed to function.
+-- @return table: A token representing the scheduled execution,
+-- which can be used to remove the item later from the list.
+function schedule_function(f, ...)
+   assert(type(f) == "function")
+   local item = { fn = f, args = {...} }
+   table.insert(scheduled_functions, item)
+   return item
+--- Unschedule a function.
+-- This is useful for cancelling a rollback of a completed operation.
+-- @param item table: The token representing the scheduled function that was
+-- returned from the schedule_function call.
+function remove_scheduled_function(item)
+   for k, v in pairs(scheduled_functions) do
+      if v == item then
+         table.remove(scheduled_functions, k)
+         return
+      end
+   end
+--- Execute scheduled functions.
+-- Some calls create temporary files and/or directories and register
+-- corresponding cleanup functions. Calling this function will run
+-- these function, erasing temporaries.
+-- Functions are executed in the inverse order they were scheduled.
+function run_scheduled_functions()
+   local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+   fs.change_dir_to_root()
+   for i = #scheduled_functions, 1, -1 do
+      local item = scheduled_functions[i]
+      item.fn(unpack(item.args))
+   end
+--- Extract flags from an arguments list.
+-- Given string arguments, extract flag arguments into a flags set.
+-- For example, given "foo", "--tux=beep", "--bla", "bar", "--baz",
+-- it would return the following:
+-- {["bla"] = true, ["tux"] = "beep", ["baz"] = true}, "foo", "bar".
+function parse_flags(...)
+   local args = {...}
+   local flags = {}
+   for i = #args, 1, -1 do
+      local flag = args[i]:match("^%-%-(.*)")
+      if flag then
+         local var,val = flag:match("([a-z_%-]*)=(.*)")
+         if val then
+            flags[var] = val
+         else
+            flags[flag] = true
+         end
+         table.remove(args, i)
+      end
+   end
+   return flags, unpack(args)
+--- Merges contents of src on top of dst's contents.
+-- @param dst Destination table, which will receive src's contents.
+-- @param src Table which provides new contents to dst.
+-- @see platform_overrides
+function deep_merge(dst, src)
+   for k, v in pairs(src) do
+      if type(v) == "table" then
+         if not dst[k] then
+            dst[k] = {}
+         end
+         if type(dst[k]) == "table" then
+            deep_merge(dst[k], v)
+         else
+            dst[k] = v
+         end
+      else
+         dst[k] = v
+      end
+   end
+--- Perform platform-specific overrides on a table.
+-- Overrides values of table with the contents of the appropriate
+-- subset of its "platforms" field. The "platforms" field should
+-- be a table containing subtables keyed with strings representing
+-- platform names. Names that match the contents of the global
+-- cfg.platforms setting are used. For example, if
+-- cfg.platforms= {"foo"}, then the fields of
+-- will overwrite those of tbl with the same
+-- names. For table values, the operation is performed recursively
+-- ( overrides tbl.x.y.z; other contents of
+-- tbl.x are preserved).
+-- @param tbl table or nil: Table which may contain a "platforms" field;
+-- if it doesn't (or if nil is passed), this function does nothing.
+function platform_overrides(tbl)
+   assert(type(tbl) == "table" or not tbl)
+   local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+   if not tbl then return end
+   if tbl.platforms then
+      for _, platform in ipairs(cfg.platforms) do
+         local platform_tbl = tbl.platforms[platform]
+         if platform_tbl then
+            deep_merge(tbl, platform_tbl)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   tbl.platforms = nil
+local var_format_pattern = "%$%((%a[%a%d_]+)%)"
+--- Create a new shallow copy of a table: a new table with
+-- the same keys and values. Keys point to the same objects as
+-- the original table (ie, does not copy recursively).
+-- @param tbl table: the input table
+-- @return table: a new table with the same contents.
+local function make_shallow_copy(tbl)
+   local copy = {}
+   for k,v in pairs(tbl) do
+      copy[k] = v
+   end
+   return copy
+-- Check if a set of needed variables are referenced
+-- somewhere in a list of definitions, warning the user
+-- about any unused ones. Each key in needed_set should
+-- appear as a $(XYZ) variable at least once as a
+-- substring of some value of var_defs.
+-- @param var_defs: a table with string keys and string
+-- values, containing variable definitions.
+-- @param needed_set: a set where keys are the names of
+-- needed variables.
+-- @param msg string: the warning message to display.
+function warn_if_not_used(var_defs, needed_set, msg)
+   needed_set = make_shallow_copy(needed_set)
+   for var,val in pairs(var_defs) do
+      for used in val:gmatch(var_format_pattern) do
+         needed_set[used] = nil
+      end
+   end
+   for var,_ in pairs(needed_set) do
+      warning(msg:format(var))
+   end
+-- Output any entries that might remain in $(XYZ) format,
+-- warning the user that substitutions have failed.
+-- @param line string: the input string
+local function warn_failed_matches(line)
+   local any_failed = false
+   if line:match(var_format_pattern) then
+      for unmatched in line:gmatch(var_format_pattern) do
+         warning("unmatched variable " .. unmatched)
+         any_failed = true
+      end
+   end
+   return any_failed
+--- Perform make-style variable substitutions on string values of a table.
+-- For every string value tbl.x which contains a substring of the format
+-- "$(XYZ)" will have this substring replaced by vars["XYZ"], if that field
+-- exists in vars. Only string values are processed; this function
+-- does not scan subtables recursively.
+-- @param tbl table: Table to have its string values modified.
+-- @param vars table: Table containing string-string key-value pairs 
+-- representing variables to replace in the strings values of tbl.
+function variable_substitutions(tbl, vars)
+   assert(type(tbl) == "table")
+   assert(type(vars) == "table")
+   local updated = {}
+   for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+      if type(v) == "string" then
+         updated[k] = v:gsub(var_format_pattern, vars)
+         if warn_failed_matches(updated[k]) then
+            updated[k] = updated[k]:gsub(var_format_pattern, "")
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   for k, v in pairs(updated) do
+      tbl[k] = v
+   end
+--- Return an array of keys of a table.
+-- @param tbl table: The input table.
+-- @return table: The array of keys.
+function keys(tbl)
+   local ks = {}
+   for k,_ in pairs(tbl) do
+      table.insert(ks, k)
+   end
+   return ks
+local function default_sort(a, b)
+   local ta = type(a)
+   local tb = type(b)
+   if ta == "number" and tb == "number" then
+      return a < b
+   elseif ta == "number" then
+      return true
+   elseif tb == "number" then
+      return false
+   else
+      return tostring(a) < tostring(b)
+   end
+-- The iterator function used internally by util.sortedpairs.
+-- @param tbl table: The table to be iterated.
+-- @param sort_function function or nil: An optional comparison function
+-- to be used by table.sort when sorting keys.
+-- @see sortedpairs
+local function sortedpairs_iterator(tbl, sort_function)
+   local ks = keys(tbl)
+   if not sort_function or type(sort_function) == "function" then
+      table.sort(ks, sort_function or default_sort)
+      for _, k in ipairs(ks) do
+         coroutine.yield(k, tbl[k])
+      end
+   else
+      local order = sort_function
+      local done = {}
+      for _, k in ipairs(order) do
+         local sub_order
+         if type(k) == "table" then
+            sub_order = k[2]
+            k = k[1]
+         end
+         if tbl[k] then
+            done[k] = true
+            coroutine.yield(k, tbl[k], sub_order)
+         end
+      end
+      table.sort(ks, default_sort)
+      for _, k in ipairs(ks) do
+         if not done[k] then
+            coroutine.yield(k, tbl[k])
+         end
+      end
+   end
+--- A table iterator generator that returns elements sorted by key,
+-- to be used in "for" loops.
+-- @param tbl table: The table to be iterated.
+-- @param sort_function function or table or nil: An optional comparison function
+-- to be used by table.sort when sorting keys, or an array listing an explicit order
+-- for keys. If a value itself is an array, it is taken so that the first element
+-- is a string representing the field name, and the second element is a priority table
+-- for that key.
+-- @return function: the iterator function.
+function sortedpairs(tbl, sort_function)
+   return coroutine.wrap(function() sortedpairs_iterator(tbl, sort_function) end)
+function starts_with(s, prefix)
+   return s:sub(1,#prefix) == prefix
+--- Print a line to standard output
+function printout(...)
+   io.stdout:write(table.concat({...},"\t"))
+   io.stdout:write("\n")
+--- Print a line to standard error
+function printerr(...)
+   io.stderr:write(table.concat({...},"\t"))
+   io.stderr:write("\n")
+--- Display a warning message.
+-- @param msg string: the warning message
+function warning(msg)
+   printerr("Warning: "..msg)
+function title(msg, porcelain, underline)
+   if porcelain then return end
+   printout()
+   printout(msg)
+   printout((underline or "-"):rep(#msg))
+   printout()
+-- from
+-- by PhilippeLhoste
+function split_string(str, delim, maxNb)
+   -- Eliminate bad cases...
+   if string.find(str, delim) == nil then
+      return { str }
+   end
+   if maxNb == nil or maxNb < 1 then
+      maxNb = 0    -- No limit
+   end
+   local result = {}
+   local pat = "(.-)" .. delim .. "()"
+   local nb = 0
+   local lastPos
+   for part, pos in string.gmatch(str, pat) do
+      nb = nb + 1
+      result[nb] = part
+      lastPos = pos
+      if nb == maxNb then break end
+   end
+   -- Handle the last field
+   if nb ~= maxNb then
+      result[nb + 1] = string.sub(str, lastPos)
+   end
+   return result
+--- Remove repeated entries from a path-style string.
+-- Example: given ("a;b;c;a;b;d", ";"), returns "a;b;c;d".
+-- @param list string: A path string (from $PATH or package.path)
+-- @param sep string: The separator
+function remove_path_dupes(list, sep)
+   assert(type(list) == "string")
+   assert(type(sep) == "string")
+   local parts = split_string(list, sep)
+   local final, entries = {}, {}
+   for _, part in ipairs(parts) do
+      if not entries[part] then
+         table.insert(final, part)
+         entries[part] = true
+      end
+   end
+   return table.concat(final, sep)
+-- Formats tables with cycles recursively to any depth.
+-- References to other tables are shown as values.
+-- Self references are indicated.
+-- The string returned is "Lua code", which can be procesed
+-- (in the case in which indent is composed by spaces or "--").
+-- Userdata and function keys and values are shown as strings,
+-- which logically are exactly not equivalent to the original code.
+-- This routine can serve for pretty formating tables with
+-- proper indentations, apart from printing them:
+-- io.write(, "t"))   -- a typical use
+-- Written by Julio Manuel Fernandez-Diaz,
+-- Heavily based on "Saving tables with cycles", PIL2, p. 113.
+-- @param t table: is the table.
+-- @param name string: is the name of the table (optional)
+-- @param indent string: is a first indentation (optional).
+-- @return string: the pretty-printed table
+function show_table(t, name, indent)
+   local cart     -- a container
+   local autoref  -- for self references
+   local function isemptytable(t) return next(t) == nil end
+   local function basicSerialize (o)
+      local so = tostring(o)
+      if type(o) == "function" then
+         local info = debug.getinfo(o, "S")
+         -- is nil because o is not a calling level
+         if info.what == "C" then
+            return ("%q"):format(so .. ", C function")
+         else 
+            -- the information is defined through lines
+            return ("%q"):format(so .. ", defined in (" .. info.linedefined .. "-" .. info.lastlinedefined .. ")" .. info.source)
+         end
+      elseif type(o) == "number" then
+         return so
+      else
+         return ("%q"):format(so)
+      end
+   end
+   local function addtocart (value, name, indent, saved, field)
+      indent = indent or ""
+      saved = saved or {}
+      field = field or name
+      cart = cart .. indent .. field
+      if type(value) ~= "table" then
+         cart = cart .. " = " .. basicSerialize(value) .. ";\n"
+      else
+         if saved[value] then
+            cart = cart .. " = {}; -- " .. saved[value] .. " (self reference)\n"
+            autoref = autoref ..  name .. " = " .. saved[value] .. ";\n"
+         else
+            saved[value] = name
+            --if tablecount(value) == 0 then
+            if isemptytable(value) then
+               cart = cart .. " = {};\n"
+            else
+               cart = cart .. " = {\n"
+               for k, v in pairs(value) do
+                  k = basicSerialize(k)
+                  local fname = ("%s[%s]"):format(name, k)
+                  field = ("[%s]"):format(k)
+                  -- three spaces between levels
+                  addtocart(v, fname, indent .. "   ", saved, field)
+               end
+               cart = cart .. indent .. "};\n"
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   name = name or "__unnamed__"
+   if type(t) ~= "table" then
+      return name .. " = " .. basicSerialize(t)
+   end
+   cart, autoref = "", ""
+   addtocart(t, name, indent)
+   return cart .. autoref
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/validate.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+--- Sandboxed test of build/install of all packages in a repository (unfinished and disabled).
+module("luarocks.validate", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local build = require("")
+local install = require("luarocks.install")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+help_summary = "Sandboxed test of build/install of all packages in a repository."
+help = [[
+<argument>, if given, is a local repository pathname.
+local function save_settings(repo)
+   local protocol, path = dir.split_url(repo)
+   table.insert(cfg.rocks_servers, 1, protocol.."://"..path)
+   return {
+      root_dir = cfg.root_dir,
+      rocks_dir = cfg.rocks_dir,
+      deploy_bin_dir = cfg.deploy_bin_dir,
+      deploy_lua_dir = cfg.deploy_lua_dir,
+      deploy_lib_dir = cfg.deploy_lib_dir,
+   }
+local function restore_settings(settings)
+   cfg.root_dir = settings.root_dir
+   cfg.rocks_dir = settings.rocks_dir
+   cfg.deploy_bin_dir = settings.deploy_bin_dir
+   cfg.deploy_lua_dir = settings.deploy_lua_dir
+   cfg.deploy_lib_dir = settings.deploy_lib_dir
+   cfg.variables.ROCKS_TREE = settings.rocks_dir
+   cfg.variables.SCRIPTS_DIR = settings.deploy_bin_dir
+   table.remove(cfg.rocks_servers, 1)
+local function prepare_sandbox(file)
+   local root_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(file):gsub("/+$", "")
+   cfg.root_dir = root_dir
+   cfg.rocks_dir = path.rocks_dir(root_dir)
+   cfg.deploy_bin_dir = path.deploy_bin_dir(root_dir)
+   cfg.variables.ROCKS_TREE = cfg.rocks_dir
+   cfg.variables.SCRIPTS_DIR = cfg.deploy_bin_dir
+   return root_dir
+local function validate_rockspec(file)
+   local ok, err, errcode = build.build_rockspec(file, true, "one")
+   if not ok then
+      util.printerr(err)
+   end
+   return ok, err, errcode
+local function validate_src_rock(file)
+   local ok, err, errcode = build.build_rock(file, false, "one")
+   if not ok then
+      util.printerr(err)
+   end
+   return ok, err, errcode
+local function validate_rock(file)
+   local ok, err, errcode = install.install_binary_rock(file, "one")
+   if not ok then
+      util.printerr(err)
+   end
+   return ok, err, errcode
+local function validate(repo, flags)
+   local results = {
+      ok = {}
+   }
+   local settings = save_settings(repo)
+   local sandbox
+   if flags["quick"] then
+      sandbox = prepare_sandbox("luarocks_validate")
+   end
+   if not fs.exists(repo) then
+      return nil, repo.." is not a local repository."
+   end
+   for _, file in pairs(fs.list_dir(repo)) do for _=1,1 do
+      if file == "manifest" or file == "index.html" then
+         break -- continue for
+      end
+      local pathname = fs.absolute_name(dir.path(repo, file))
+      if not flags["quick"] then
+         sandbox = prepare_sandbox(file)
+      end
+      local ok, err, errcode
+      util.printout()
+      util.printout("Verifying "..pathname)
+      if file:match("%.rockspec$") then
+         ok, err, errcode = validate_rockspec(pathname, "one")
+      elseif file:match("%.src%.rock$") then
+         ok, err, errcode = validate_src_rock(pathname)
+      elseif file:match("%.rock$") then
+         ok, err, errcode = validate_rock(pathname)
+      end
+      if ok then
+         table.insert(results.ok, {file=file} )
+      else
+         if not errcode then
+            errcode = "misc"
+         end
+         if not results[errcode] then
+            results[errcode] = {}
+         end
+         table.insert(results[errcode], {file=file, err=err} )
+      end
+      util.run_scheduled_functions()
+      if not flags["quick"] then
+         fs.delete(sandbox)
+      end
+      repeat until not fs.pop_dir()
+   end end
+   if flags["quick"] then
+      fs.delete(sandbox)
+   end
+   restore_settings(settings)
+   util.title("Results:")
+   util.printout("OK: "..tostring(#results.ok))
+   for _, entry in ipairs(results.ok) do
+      util.printout(entry.file)
+   end
+   for errcode, errors in pairs(results) do
+      if errcode ~= "ok" then
+         util.printout()
+         util.printout(errcode.." errors: "..tostring(#errors))
+         for _, entry in ipairs(errors) do
+            util.printout(entry.file, entry.err)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   util.title("Summary:")
+   local total = 0
+   for errcode, errors in pairs(results) do
+      util.printout(errcode..": "..tostring(#errors))
+      total = total + #errors
+   end
+   util.printout("Total: "
+   return true
+function run(...)
+   local flags, repo = util.parse_flags(...)
+   repo = repo or cfg.rocks_dir
+   util.printout("Verifying contents of "..repo)
+   return validate(repo, flags)