changeset 2798:3d049a78e6df

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author HackBot
date Fri, 26 Apr 2013 16:53:14 +0000
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children abbdba0968a5
files index.html.3
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+<p style="font-size: 1.25em">This wiki is dedicated to the fostering and documentation of programming languages designed to be unique, difficult to program in, or just plain weird.</p>
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+<p><b><a href="/wiki/Deadfish" title="Deadfish">Deadfish</a></b> is a very odd interpreted programming language created by Jonathan Todd Skinner. Deadfish has a way to output things but it has no way to input them! It has only a few commands, only four in total. It is also case-sensitive, and can deal only with integer values when adding or subtracting, however once squared this number increases greatly! As you've probably assumed deadfish was created in less then a hour, and can be very useful in creating highly interactive programs[sic]. Deadfish was originally going to be called fishheads as programming in this language is like eating raw fish heads. However, due to the limiting features of the language, programming in this language became like eating (and having to smell) dead, rotting fish heads, an experience not often generally considered pleasurable. <i>(<b><a href="/wiki/Deadfish" title="Deadfish">more…</a></b>)</i>
+<p style="text-align: right">Previously featured: <a href="/wiki/Emmental" title="Emmental">Emmental</a> • <a href="/wiki/Malbolge" title="Malbolge">Malbolge</a> • <a href="/wiki/Glass" title="Glass">Glass</a> • <a href="/wiki////" title="///">///</a> &#183; <a href="/wiki/Esolang:Featured_languages" title="Esolang:Featured languages"><i>more…</i></a></p>
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