view interps/clc-intercal/CLC-INTERCAL-Base-1.-94.-2/INTERCAL/ @ 12511:1c41c70a24da draft default tip

<int-e> mkx ../bin/tio//<<<"$@" sed \'s=.*##==\' | tr @- ++ | base64 -d 2>/dev/null | cat <(printf "\\x1f\\x8b\\x08\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00") - | gzip -dq 2>/dev/null | LC_CTYPE=C sed -zE \'s=.*\\xFF\\xFF(.*)\\xFF\\xFF.*=\\1=\'
author HackEso <>
date Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:18:25 +0100
parents 859f9b4339e6
line wrap: on
line source

package Language::INTERCAL::SymbolTable;

# Symbol table; it is separate from the parser because we have one symbol
# table per object, which can have many parsers.

# This file is part of CLC-INTERCAL

# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Claudio Calvelli, all rights reserved.

# CLC-INTERCAL is copyrighted software. However, permission to use, modify,
# and distribute it is granted provided that the conditions set out in the
# licence agreement are met. See files README and COPYING in the distribution.

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $PERVERSION);
($VERSION) = ($PERVERSION = "CLC-INTERCAL/Base INTERCAL/ 1.-94.-2") =~ /\s(\S+)$/;

use Carp;
use Language::INTERCAL::Exporter '1.-94.-2';

sub new {
    @_ == 1 or croak "Usage: new Language::INTERCAL::SymbolTable";
    my ($class) = @_;
    bless {
	symbols => [''],
	symbolindex => {},
    }, $class;

sub find {
    @_ == 2 || @_ == 3
	or croak "Usage: SYMBOLTABLE->find(STRING[, SKIP_CREATION])";
    my ($table, $symbol, $skip) = @_;
    $symbol = uc $symbol;
    if (! exists $table->{symbolindex}{$symbol}) {
	return 0 if $skip;
	$table->{symbolindex}{$symbol} = @{$table->{symbols}};
	push @{$table->{symbols}}, $symbol;

sub symbol {
    @_ == 2 or croak "Usage: SYMBOLTABLE->symbol(NUMBER)";
    my ($table, $symbol) = @_;
    return '' if $symbol !~ /^\d+$/ || $symbol >= @{$table->{symbols}};

sub max {
    @_ == 1 or croak "Usage: SYMBOLTABLE->max";
    my ($table) = @_;
    scalar @{$table->{symbols}} - 1;

sub read {
    @_ == 2 or croak "Usage: SYMBOLTABLE->read(FILEHANDLE)";
    my ($table, $fh) = @_;

    my $slist = $table->{symbols};
    $fh->read_binary(pack('v', scalar @$slist));
    for (my $symbol = 1; $symbol < @$slist; $symbol++) {
	my $sym = $slist->[$symbol];
	$fh->read_binary(pack('v/a*', $sym));


sub write {
    @_ == 2 or croak "Usage: write Language::INTERCAL::SymbolTable(FILEHANDLE)";
    my ($class, $fh) = @_;

    my $nsymbols = unpack('v', $fh->write_binary(2)) || 0;
    my @symbols = ('');
    my %symbolindex = ();
    for (my $symbol = 1; $symbol < $nsymbols; $symbol++) {
	my $nlen = unpack('v', $fh->write_binary(2));
	my $name = $fh->write_binary($nlen);
	$symbolindex{$name} = @symbols;
	push @symbols, $name;

    bless {
	symbols => \@symbols,
	symbolindex => \%symbolindex,
    }, $class;
