view interps/c-intercal/pit/CATALOG @ 12521:1298a4f734a6 draft default tip

<int-e> learn The password of the month is 99.964%
author HackEso <>
date Sun, 02 Feb 2025 02:05:24 +0000
parents 859f9b4339e6
line wrap: on
line source

This is the directory of programs written in INTERCAL.  Most of these
are no doubt full of bugs.  Don't complain, you're lucky if anything
written in INTERCAL works at all.

Some of these programs are explicitly licenced under the GNU GPL, just
like the C-INTERCAL compiler is; therefore, remember to include
COPYING.txt from the main installation directory if you want to
redistribute these separately from that compiler.

The subdirectory lib contains code fragments that are not complete
programs; the programs in explib are expansion libraries written in C,
which serve as examples of the C-INTERCAL to C interface as well as
potentially being useful.


from original manual:
  sample.i		Returns absolute value of a 16-bit 2s-complement number
  lib/syslib.i		Standard library, with bugs fixed
  lib/syslib-orig.i	Standard library (original buggy version)

by Jon Blow <>
  tests/sink.i  Simple test program
  random.i      Random number program
  lib/plus.i    Increment .1

by Hans Olsson <>
  lib/1910.doc  Listing of a random number routine.  Hans said he wrote this
		because he couldn't find (1910) in the system library, but
		it's there in our lib/syslib.i.  We keep this around as an
		example.  (What? Throw away INTERCAL code? Perish the thought!)

by Louis Howell <>
  life.i        Conway's game of Life, standard INTERCAL version
  life2.i       This version uses COME FROM and character output
    gun         Input files for both Life programs
  bubble.i      Bubble sort
  icat.i        Sends input to output
  lib/lib2.i	New library routines: decrement, decrement and branch on 0,
                add bit, 16-bit division with remainder, exponentiation
  pi.i		Calculate pi
  primes.i	Find prime numbers
  pow.i		Prints a list of nth powers using old exponentiation routine
  lib/syslib.i	Corrected version of system library
  iching1.i     Generates I Ching hexagrams
  iching2.i     This version uses a lookup table to find the sequence number
  iching.doc    Description of the two I Ching programs
  change.i      Count up different ways to make change
  change.doc    Description of change.i

by Matt Dimeo <>
  beer.i        Print out the lyrics to "99 Bottles of Beer On The Wall"

by Stinglai Ka'abi <stinglai@bureau.World.GOV>:
  random2.i	Another random-number generator

by Jacob Mandelson <>
  rot13.i	Prints ROT-13 of its input

by Jan-Pieter Cornet <>
  hail_mary.3i	        Print 1,000,000 Hail Marys
  tests/count.3i        Count from 1 to 10 in TriINTERCAL
  tests/iogerunds.i	Demonstrate gerund abstention

by Clemens Meier <>
  rot13b.i      Another ROT-13 program

By Brian Raiter <>
  lib/numio.i	    I/O routines
  lib/numio.doc	    Description of the I/O routines
  lib/syslib.6i     Translations of the standard library to
  lib/syslib.7i     C-INTERCAL's other bases.
  lib/syslib3-7.doc Documentation for same
  hello.i           The traditional hello world program
  ins.i             Intersections & Splats, a Mastermind-style game
  ins.doc           Documentation for I&S
  yapp.i            Prints an INTERCAL program that prints
  yapp.doc          Description of yapp.i
  quine.i           Prints itself
  lib/floatlib.i    Floating-point routines
  lib/floatlib.doc  Documentation for the floating-point routines
  flonck.i          An RPN calculator
  flonck.doc        Documentation for flonck.i
  fft.i             Fast Fourier Transform
  fft.doc           Description of fft.i
    tophat.fft      Sample input for FFT

by Donald Knuth
  tpk.i         Don Knuth's implementation of the TPK algorithm
  tpk.doc       Don's note about the algorithm

by Oerjan Johansen
  unlambda.i    An Unlambda interpreter in INTERCAL
  unlambda.doc  Better-commented version of the above

by Jeffrey Lee
  interfunge.i  A Befunge-93 interpreter in INTERCAL

The subdirectory tests contains some programs written only to test the

by David Moews
  tests/test2.i	Reads in two numbers and multiplies their product

David Moews wrote of the latter (test2.i):

The following program reads in two numbers and then prints their product.
It consists of a trivial calling program followed by a cleaned-up version
of a portion of the INTERCAL subroutine library.  (Only a portion of
the INTERCAL subroutine library is present in the posted manual, and
that portion is full of typos.)

by Alex Smith
  tests/ais1.i	      A very simple test program
  tests/ais2.i        A demonstration of computed ABSTAIN's power
  tests/compucome.i   A program to test computed COME FROM
  tests/onceagain.i   A single-threaded program testing ONCE and AGAIN
  tests/arrtest.i     A program to test some changes I made to the grammar
  tests/arrtest.doc   The history behind those changes
  tests/permute.i     A permutation-printing program to test backtracking
  tests/permute.doc   Information about the permutation-printer
  tests/whileadd.i    Adds two input numbers with a single WHILE statement
  tests/ignorret.i    Testing interactions of IGNORE and RETRIEVE
  tests/ignorret.doc  What ignorret does on several compilers
  tests/normaldist.i  Checking the standard deviation of (1910)
  tests/testcreate.i  A test for the CREATE statement
  tests/iffit1.i      The INTERCAL side of the INTERCAL/Funge-98 test
  tests/iffit2.b98    The Funge side of the INTERCAL/Funge-98 test
  tests/iffit.doc     Documentation for the INTERCAL/Funge-98 test
  explib/syslibc.c    The INTERCAL base 2 syslib, optimised version in C
  explib/compunex.c   An example flow-control routine (computed NEXT)
  explib/ecto_b98.c   A library that links INTERCAL and Funge-98 code
  sort.i              An insertion-sort program testing computed ABSTAIN
  continuation.i      A continuation library and example program
  continuation.doc    About usage and internals of the continuation library

by Malcom Ryan
  tests/testonce.i    A single-threaded program testing ONCE and AGAIN
  pass.i              A multithread program illustrating communications
	              between threads

by Jeffrey Lee
  interfunge.i        A Befunge-93 interpreter written in INTERCAL

The programs test16bit.i, testarray.i, testcf.i, testlib2.i, mult.i,
limits.{i,3i}, testops.{3i,5i}, testsplat.i, were all written by Louis
Howell.  Of these, testcf.i might be considered an interesting
puzzle---try to figure out what it's doing.  The others are pretty
boring, but are included as diagnostics and because so few other
example programs exist.  Not all of these even produce interesting
diagnostic output; it may be necessary to look at the degenerated C
code to determine if the compiler is doing the right thing.

End of file CATALOG