view interps/c-intercal/doc/THEORY.txt @ 12511:1c41c70a24da draft default tip

<int-e> mkx ../bin/tio//<<<"$@" sed \'s=.*##==\' | tr @- ++ | base64 -d 2>/dev/null | cat <(printf "\\x1f\\x8b\\x08\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00") - | gzip -dq 2>/dev/null | LC_CTYPE=C sed -zE \'s=.*\\xFF\\xFF(.*)\\xFF\\xFF.*=\\1=\'
author HackEso <>
date Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:18:25 +0100
parents 859f9b4339e6
line wrap: on
line source

			by ESR (and AIS where noted)

The C-INTERCAL compiler has a very conventional implementation using YACC and
LEX (latterly, bison and flex).  It generates C, which is then passed to your C

			Lexical issues

Note that the spectacular ugliness of INTERCAL syntax requires that the lexical
analyzer have two levels.  One, embedded in the input() function, handles the
backquote and bang constructs, and stashes the input line away in a buffer for
the splat construct's benefit.  The upper level is generated by lex(1) and does
normal tokenizing for YACC.

In order to splatter erroneous statements correctly, the generated code has to
track both logical and physical lines.  That's the reason for the `lineno'
variable in the generated C, it's actually tracking physical lines.

Numeral tokens for input are defined in a symbol table (numerals.c) that is
directly included in the run-time library module (cesspool.c).  This avoids
having to put the the size of the numerals array in an extern.  To add new
numeral tokens, simply put them in the numerals initializer.

AIS: Now computed COME FROM is in the language, the lexer is called forth to do
     a bit of syntax analysis, by distinguishing it from an ordinary COME FROM
     and passing different symbols to the parser. The lexer is also responsible
     for helping the parser to match sparks and ears in complicated array
     situations, by distinguishing possibly closing sparkears from definitely
     opening sparkears.


The parser builds an array of tuples, one for each INTERCAL statement.  Most
tuples have node trees attached.  Once all tuples have been generated, the
compile-time checker and optimizer phases can do consistency checks and
expression-tree rewrites.  Finally, the tuples are ground out as C code by the
emit() function.

Calculations are fully type-checked at compile time; they have to be because
(as I read the manual) the 16- and 32-bit versions of the unary ops do
different things.  The only potential problem here is that the typechecker has
to assume that :m ~ :n has the type of :n (32-bit) even though the result might
fit in 16 bits.  At run-time everything is calculated in 32 bits.  When
INTERCAL-72 was designed 32 bits was expensive; now it's cheap.  Really, the
only reason for retaining a 16-bit type at all is for the irritation value of
it (yes, C-INTERCAL *does* enforce the 16-bit limit on constants).

Labels are mapped to tuple indices (logical line numbers) in the code checker,
just before optimization.

The optimizer does full recursive folding of all constant expressions at
compile time (evaluating away all the irritating little kluges you have to use
to generate 32-bit constants).  It also checks for known INTERCAL idioms for
`test for equality', `test for nonzeroness', and the C logical operators &, |,
^, and ~.

AIS: The optimizer has now been expanded. See below.

			Code Generation

Each line of INTERCAL is translated into a C if()-then; the guard part is used
to implement abstentions and RESUMES, and the arm part translates the `body' of
the corresponding INTERCAL statement.

The generated C code is plugged into the template file ick-wrap.c inside
main().  It needs to be linked with cesspool.o, fiddle.o and lose.o (these are
in libick.a, with the support for runtime switches, arrgghh.o).  Cesspool.o is
the code that implements the storage manager; fiddle.o implements the INTERCAL
operators; and lose.o is the code that generates INTERCAL's error messages.
The routine arrgghh.o parses the runtime command line arguments.

The abstain[] array in the generated C is used to track line and label
abstentions; if member i is on, the statement on line i is being abstained
from.  If gerund abstentions/reinstatements are present in the code, a second
array recording the type of each statement in generated into the runtime, and
used to ensure that these operations are translated into abstention-guard
changes on all appropriate line numbers.

RESUMES are implemented with a branch to a generated switch statement that
executes a goto to the appropriate label.  If there are no RESUMES, no such
switch is generated.

The compiler places a simple label at the location of each COME FROM in the
program, while all of the machinery for checking for abstention and conditional
execution and actually performing the jump is placed immediately after the code
for the target statement.


I wrote the first version of this compiler over a weekend using a pre-ANSI C
compiler.  It worked, but it wasn't pretty.  Louis Howell added the array
support later; he also torture-tested the COME FROM implementation by actually
using it for the life2.i program included in this distribution, and fixed some
bugs.  Brian Raiter did a much-needed delinting while porting it for ANSI C,
flex and Linux. He also improved the lexical analyzer's line tracking.

                        Code Generation 2 (by AIS)

The recent additions to the language have made code generation potentially more
complicated, depending on which switches are on. Each INTERCAL command is still
translated into an if()-then, but with extra guards around it. COME FROM is
still handled the same way, but only in singlethreaded programs with no
computed COME FROMs. For anything more complicated than that, a general COMING
FROM mechanism is invoked. C's most confusing control-flow identifiers, setjmp
and longjmp, are used. When computed COME FROMs are involved, after every
labeled statement, a set of gotos are done to check each in turn. A jmp_buf,
cjb, is used to store the point in the program where the check started. Each
COME FROM leading to that line and computed COME FROM anywhere in the program
is checked, and modifies cjb to aim for its suckpoint if neccesary. In the case
of a multithreaded program, one cjb will be stored in a linked ring of threads,
and the other will be the one in the main program.  Extra guards are also added
for ONCE/AGAIN; the position of this guard depends on whether the command is a
NEXT or something else. ONCE/AGAIN are quite legal even in singlethreaded
programs. Computed ABSTAIN is dealt with by allowing the abstain[] array to
hold values other than 0 or 1.  Multithreading is supported by a new library,
libickmt.a, to hold the multithread versions of libick.a functions. See
unravel.c for an explanation of the full gory details of the multithread
implementation (it has many comments explaining the implementation at the top).

                        Optimisation (by AIS)

When I got my C-INTERCAL distribution, it only had a rudimentary
optimiser. Constant folding had already been done, and the following
optimisations. The following is mixed INTERCAL and C, sometimes in the same
statement. It should be clear from context and whether I have used INTERCAL
spark-ears or C brackets which language is which, although in some places I've
mixed them. Note that the optimizer is only run in binary.

Optimizations available with -O

Optimisations that had already been done

Constant folding
'Vx$y'~"#0x55555555" into (x | y)
'?x$y'~"#0x55555555" into (x ^ y)
'&x$y'~"#0x55555555" into (x & y)
(x ^ 0xFFFF) or (x ^ 0xFFFFFFFF) into ~x

I added:

[This list has been removed as it got out of date; see src/idiotism.oil for the
new list. Most of the idioms are due to me, a few are by Joris Huizer.]

Optimizations available with -f (I wrote all these)

Guard removal (if a line can't be abstained, the if(!abstained[x]) line is
removed when possible)

Ignorance checks (if a variable can't be ignored and it can't overflow,
assignment is done with C's = rather than a function)

Recognition of NEXT...NEXT...computed RESUME as an idiom for if() (currently
disabled because the rest of the optimiser can't handle it)

Optimizations available with -F (I wrote this one)

This optimization should mean that INTERCAL suddenly becomes the best language
for various benchmark programs. Basically, the file is analysed to try to
determine whether it takes no input and always produces the same output. If
that is the case, the output is simply a shell-script (with executable
permissions set and a #! line) that outputs the correct output! Therefore, the
time required for one run of the program is taken up during compilation, and
whenever the program is executed, it just copies out the predetermined
output. This means (for instance) that primes.i runs in only a fraction of a
second when optimized with -F. Of course, this tends to slow down the compiler
and often produces a large object file, which is why it has a command-line
option of its own.