diff share/lua/5.2/luarocks/tools/patch.lua @ 1132:d137f631bad5

<GreyKnight> (cd luabuild/luarocks-2.0.12; make install)
author HackBot
date Fri, 14 Dec 2012 22:24:27 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/tools/patch.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+--- Patch utility to apply unified diffs.
+-- http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaPatch
+-- (c) 2008 David Manura, Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT license).
+-- Code is heavilly based on the Python-based patch.py version 8.06-1
+--   Copyright (c) 2008 rainforce.org, MIT License
+--   Project home: http://code.google.com/p/python-patch/ .
+module("luarocks.tools.patch", package.seeall)
+local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+local version = '0.1'
+local io = io
+local os = os
+local string = string
+local table = table
+local format = string.format
+-- logging
+local debugmode = false
+local function debug(s) end
+local function info(s) end
+local function warning(s) io.stderr:write(s .. '\n') end
+-- Returns boolean whether string s2 starts with string s.
+local function startswith(s, s2)
+  return s:sub(1, #s2) == s2
+-- Returns boolean whether string s2 ends with string s.
+local function endswith(s, s2)
+  return #s >= #s2 and s:sub(#s-#s2+1) == s2
+-- Returns string s after filtering out any new-line characters from end.
+local function endlstrip(s)
+  return s:gsub('[\r\n]+$', '')
+-- Returns shallow copy of table t.
+local function table_copy(t)
+  local t2 = {}
+  for k,v in pairs(t) do t2[k] = v end
+  return t2
+-- Returns boolean whether array t contains value v.
+local function array_contains(t, v)
+  for _,v2 in ipairs(t) do if v == v2 then return true end end
+  return false
+local function exists(filename)
+  local fh = io.open(filename)
+  local result = fh ~= nil
+  if fh then fh:close() end
+  return result
+local function isfile() return true end --FIX?
+local function read_file(filename)
+  local fh, err, oserr = io.open(filename, 'rb')
+  if not fh then return fh, err, oserr end
+  local data, err, oserr = fh:read'*a'
+  fh:close()
+  if not data then return nil, err, oserr end
+  return data
+local function write_file(filename, data)
+  local fh, err, oserr = io.open(filename 'wb')
+  if not fh then return fh, err, oserr end
+  local status, err, oserr = fh:write(data)
+  fh:close()
+  if not status then return nil, err, oserr end
+  return true
+local function file_copy(src, dest)
+  local data, err, oserr = read_file(src)
+  if not data then return data, err, oserr end
+  local status, err, oserr = write_file(dest)
+  if not status then return status, err, oserr end
+  return true
+local function string_as_file(s)
+   return {
+      at = 0,
+      str = s,
+      len = #s,
+      eof = false,
+      read = function(self, n)
+         if self.eof then return nil end
+         local chunk = self.str:sub(self.at, self.at+n)
+         self.at = self.at + n
+         if self.at > self.len then
+            self.eof = true
+         end
+         return chunk
+      end,
+      close = function(self)
+         self.eof = true
+      end,
+   }
+-- file_lines(f) is similar to f:lines() for file f.
+-- The main difference is that read_lines includes
+-- new-line character sequences ("\n", "\r\n", "\r"),
+-- if any, at the end of each line.  Embedded "\0" are also handled.
+-- Caution: The newline behavior can depend on whether f is opened
+-- in binary or ASCII mode.
+-- (file_lines - version 20080913)
+local function file_lines(f)
+  local CHUNK_SIZE = 1024
+  local buffer = ""
+  local pos_beg = 1
+  return function()
+    local pos, chars
+    while 1 do
+      pos, chars = buffer:match('()([\r\n].)', pos_beg)
+      if pos or not f then
+        break
+      elseif f then
+        local chunk = f:read(CHUNK_SIZE)
+        if chunk then
+          buffer = buffer:sub(pos_beg) .. chunk
+          pos_beg = 1
+        else
+          f = nil
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    if not pos then
+      pos = #buffer
+    elseif chars == '\r\n' then
+      pos = pos + 1
+    end
+    local line = buffer:sub(pos_beg, pos)
+    pos_beg = pos + 1
+    if #line > 0 then
+      return line
+    end    
+  end
+local function match_linerange(line)
+  local m1, m2, m3, m4 =      line:match("^@@ %-(%d+),(%d+) %+(%d+),(%d+)")
+  if not m1 then m1, m3, m4 = line:match("^@@ %-(%d+) %+(%d+),(%d+)") end
+  if not m1 then m1, m2, m3 = line:match("^@@ %-(%d+),(%d+) %+(%d+)") end
+  if not m1 then m1, m3     = line:match("^@@ %-(%d+) %+(%d+)") end
+  return m1, m2, m3, m4
+function read_patch(filename, data)
+  -- define possible file regions that will direct the parser flow
+  local state = 'header'
+    -- 'header'    - comments before the patch body
+    -- 'filenames' - lines starting with --- and +++
+    -- 'hunkhead'  - @@ -R +R @@ sequence
+    -- 'hunkbody'
+    -- 'hunkskip'  - skipping invalid hunk mode
+  local all_ok = true
+  local lineends = {lf=0, crlf=0, cr=0}
+  local files = {source={}, target={}, hunks={}, fileends={}, hunkends={}}
+  local nextfileno = 0
+  local nexthunkno = 0    --: even if index starts with 0 user messages
+                          --  number hunks from 1
+  -- hunkinfo holds parsed values, hunkactual - calculated
+  local hunkinfo = {
+    startsrc=nil, linessrc=nil, starttgt=nil, linestgt=nil,
+    invalid=false, text={}
+  }
+  local hunkactual = {linessrc=nil, linestgt=nil}
+  info(format("reading patch %s", filename))
+  local fp
+  if data then
+    fp = string_as_file(data)
+  else
+    fp = filename == '-' and io.stdin or assert(io.open(filename, "rb"))
+  end
+  local lineno = 0
+  for line in file_lines(fp) do
+    lineno = lineno + 1
+    if state == 'header' then
+      if startswith(line, "--- ") then
+        state = 'filenames'
+      end
+      -- state is 'header' or 'filenames'
+    end
+    if state == 'hunkbody' then
+      -- skip hunkskip and hunkbody code until definition of hunkhead read
+      -- process line first
+      if line:match"^[- +\\]" or line:match"^[\r\n]*$" then
+          -- gather stats about line endings
+          local he = files.hunkends[nextfileno]
+          if endswith(line, "\r\n") then
+            he.crlf = he.crlf + 1
+          elseif endswith(line, "\n") then
+            he.lf = he.lf + 1
+          elseif endswith(line, "\r") then
+            he.cr = he.cr + 1
+          end
+          if startswith(line, "-") then
+            hunkactual.linessrc = hunkactual.linessrc + 1
+          elseif startswith(line, "+") then
+            hunkactual.linestgt = hunkactual.linestgt + 1
+          elseif startswith(line, "\\") then
+            -- nothing
+          else
+            hunkactual.linessrc = hunkactual.linessrc + 1
+            hunkactual.linestgt = hunkactual.linestgt + 1
+          end
+          table.insert(hunkinfo.text, line)
+          -- todo: handle \ No newline cases
+      else
+          warning(format("invalid hunk no.%d at %d for target file %s",
+                         nexthunkno, lineno, files.target[nextfileno]))
+          -- add hunk status node
+          table.insert(files.hunks[nextfileno], table_copy(hunkinfo))
+          files.hunks[nextfileno][nexthunkno].invalid = true
+          all_ok = false
+          state = 'hunkskip'
+      end
+      -- check exit conditions
+      if hunkactual.linessrc > hunkinfo.linessrc or
+         hunkactual.linestgt > hunkinfo.linestgt
+      then
+          warning(format("extra hunk no.%d lines at %d for target %s",
+                         nexthunkno, lineno, files.target[nextfileno]))
+          -- add hunk status node
+          table.insert(files.hunks[nextfileno], table_copy(hunkinfo))
+          files.hunks[nextfileno][nexthunkno].invalid = true
+          state = 'hunkskip'
+      elseif hunkinfo.linessrc == hunkactual.linessrc and
+             hunkinfo.linestgt == hunkactual.linestgt
+      then
+          table.insert(files.hunks[nextfileno], table_copy(hunkinfo))
+          state = 'hunkskip'
+          -- detect mixed window/unix line ends
+          local ends = files.hunkends[nextfileno]
+          if (ends.cr~=0 and 1 or 0) + (ends.crlf~=0 and 1 or 0) +
+             (ends.lf~=0 and 1 or 0) > 1
+          then
+            warning(format("inconsistent line ends in patch hunks for %s",
+                    files.source[nextfileno]))
+          end
+          if debugmode then
+            local debuglines = {crlf=ends.crlf, lf=ends.lf, cr=ends.cr,
+                  file=files.target[nextfileno], hunk=nexthunkno}
+            debug(format("crlf: %(crlf)d  lf: %(lf)d  cr: %(cr)d\t " ..
+                         "- file: %(file)s hunk: %(hunk)d", debuglines))
+          end
+      end
+      -- state is 'hunkbody' or 'hunkskip'
+    end
+    if state == 'hunkskip' then
+      if match_linerange(line) then
+        state = 'hunkhead'
+      elseif startswith(line, "--- ") then
+        state = 'filenames'
+        if debugmode and #files.source > 0 then
+            debug(format("- %2d hunks for %s", #files.hunks[nextfileno],
+                         files.source[nextfileno]))
+        end
+      end
+      -- state is 'hunkskip', 'hunkhead', or 'filenames'
+    end
+    local advance
+    if state == 'filenames' then
+      if startswith(line, "--- ") then
+        if array_contains(files.source, nextfileno) then
+          all_ok = false
+          warning(format("skipping invalid patch for %s",
+                         files.source[nextfileno+1]))
+          table.remove(files.source, nextfileno+1)
+          -- double source filename line is encountered
+          -- attempt to restart from this second line
+        end
+        -- Accept a space as a terminator, like GNU patch does.
+        -- Breaks patches containing filenames with spaces...
+        -- FIXME Figure out what does GNU patch do in those cases.
+        local match = line:match("^--- ([^\t ]+)")
+        if not match then
+          all_ok = false
+          warning(format("skipping invalid filename at line %d", lineno+1))
+          state = 'header'
+        else
+          table.insert(files.source, match)
+        end
+      elseif not startswith(line, "+++ ") then
+        if array_contains(files.source, nextfileno) then
+          all_ok = false
+          warning(format("skipping invalid patch with no target for %s",
+                         files.source[nextfileno+1]))
+          table.remove(files.source, nextfileno+1)
+        else
+          -- this should be unreachable
+          warning("skipping invalid target patch")
+        end
+        state = 'header'
+      else
+        if array_contains(files.target, nextfileno) then
+          all_ok = false
+          warning(format("skipping invalid patch - double target at line %d",
+                         lineno+1))
+          table.remove(files.source, nextfileno+1)
+          table.remove(files.target, nextfileno+1)
+          nextfileno = nextfileno - 1
+          -- double target filename line is encountered
+          -- switch back to header state
+          state = 'header'
+        else
+          -- Accept a space as a terminator, like GNU patch does.
+          -- Breaks patches containing filenames with spaces...
+          -- FIXME Figure out what does GNU patch do in those cases.
+          local re_filename = "^%+%+%+ ([^ \t]+)"
+          local match = line:match(re_filename)
+          if not match then
+            all_ok = false
+            warning(format(
+              "skipping invalid patch - no target filename at line %d",
+              lineno+1))
+            state = 'header'
+          else
+            table.insert(files.target, match)
+            nextfileno = nextfileno + 1
+            nexthunkno = 0
+            table.insert(files.hunks, {})
+            table.insert(files.hunkends, table_copy(lineends))
+            table.insert(files.fileends, table_copy(lineends))
+            state = 'hunkhead'
+            advance = true
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      -- state is 'filenames', 'header', or ('hunkhead' with advance)
+    end
+    if not advance and state == 'hunkhead' then
+      local m1, m2, m3, m4 = match_linerange(line)
+      if not m1 then
+        if not array_contains(files.hunks, nextfileno-1) then
+          all_ok = false
+          warning(format("skipping invalid patch with no hunks for file %s",
+                         files.target[nextfileno]))
+        end
+        state = 'header'
+      else
+        hunkinfo.startsrc = tonumber(m1)
+        hunkinfo.linessrc = tonumber(m2 or 1)
+        hunkinfo.starttgt = tonumber(m3)
+        hunkinfo.linestgt = tonumber(m4 or 1)
+        hunkinfo.invalid = false
+        hunkinfo.text = {}
+        hunkactual.linessrc = 0
+        hunkactual.linestgt = 0
+        state = 'hunkbody'
+        nexthunkno = nexthunkno + 1
+      end
+      -- state is 'header' or 'hunkbody'
+    end
+  end
+  if state ~= 'hunkskip' then
+    warning(format("patch file incomplete - %s", filename))
+    all_ok = false
+    -- os.exit(?)
+  else
+    -- duplicated message when an eof is reached
+    if debugmode and #files.source > 0 then
+      debug(format("- %2d hunks for %s", #files.hunks[nextfileno],
+                   files.source[nextfileno]))
+    end
+  end
+  local sum = 0; for _,hset in ipairs(files.hunks) do sum = sum + #hset end
+  info(format("total files: %d  total hunks: %d", #files.source, sum))
+  fp:close()
+  return files, all_ok
+local function find_hunk(file, h, hno)
+  for fuzz=0,2 do
+    local lineno = h.startsrc
+    for i=0,#file do
+      local found = true
+      local location = lineno
+      local total = #h.text - fuzz
+      for l, hline in ipairs(h.text) do
+        if l > fuzz then
+          -- todo: \ No newline at the end of file
+          if startswith(hline, " ") or startswith(hline, "-") then
+            local line = file[lineno]
+            lineno = lineno + 1
+            if not line or #line == 0 then
+              found = false
+              break
+            end
+            if endlstrip(line) ~= endlstrip(hline:sub(2)) then
+              found = false
+              break
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      if found then
+        local offset = location - h.startsrc - fuzz
+        if offset ~= 0 then
+          warning(format("Hunk %d found at offset %d%s...", hno, offset, fuzz == 0 and "" or format(" (fuzz %d)", fuzz)))
+        end
+        h.startsrc = location
+        h.starttgt = h.starttgt + offset
+        for i=1,fuzz do
+           table.remove(h.text, 1)
+           table.remove(h.text, #h.text)
+        end
+        return true
+      end
+      lineno = i
+    end
+  end
+  return false
+local function load_file(filename)
+  local fp = assert(io.open(filename))
+  local file = {}
+  local readline = file_lines(fp)
+  while true do
+    local line = readline()
+    if not line then break end
+    table.insert(file, line)
+  end
+  fp:close()
+  return file
+local function find_hunks(file, hunks)
+  local matched = true
+  local lineno = 1
+  local hno = nil
+  for hno, h in ipairs(hunks) do
+    find_hunk(file, h, hno)
+  end
+local function check_patched(file, hunks)
+  local matched = true
+  local lineno = 1
+  local hno = nil
+  local ok, err = pcall(function()
+    if #file == 0 then
+      error 'nomatch'
+    end
+    for hno, h in ipairs(hunks) do
+      -- skip to line just before hunk starts
+      if #file < h.starttgt then
+         error 'nomatch'
+      end
+      lineno = h.starttgt
+      for _, hline in ipairs(h.text) do
+        -- todo: \ No newline at the end of file
+        if not startswith(hline, "-") and not startswith(hline, "\\") then
+          local line = file[lineno]
+          lineno = lineno + 1
+          if #line == 0 then
+            error 'nomatch'
+          end
+          if endlstrip(line) ~= endlstrip(hline:sub(2)) then
+            warning(format("file is not patched - failed hunk: %d", hno))
+            error 'nomatch'
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end)
+  if err == 'nomatch' then
+    matched = false
+  end
+    -- todo: display failed hunk, i.e. expected/found
+  return matched
+local function patch_hunks(srcname, tgtname, hunks)
+  local src = assert(io.open(srcname, "rb"))
+  local tgt = assert(io.open(tgtname, "wb"))
+  local src_readline = file_lines(src)
+  -- todo: detect linefeeds early - in apply_files routine
+  --       to handle cases when patch starts right from the first
+  --       line and no lines are processed. At the moment substituted
+  --       lineends may not be the same at the start and at the end
+  --       of patching. Also issue a warning about mixed lineends
+  local srclineno = 1
+  local lineends = {['\n']=0, ['\r\n']=0, ['\r']=0}
+  for hno, h in ipairs(hunks) do
+    debug(format("processing hunk %d for file %s", hno, tgtname))
+    -- skip to line just before hunk starts
+    while srclineno < h.startsrc do
+      local line = src_readline()
+      -- Python 'U' mode works only with text files
+      if endswith(line, "\r\n") then
+        lineends["\r\n"] = lineends["\r\n"] + 1
+      elseif endswith(line, "\n") then
+        lineends["\n"] = lineends["\n"] + 1
+      elseif endswith(line, "\r") then
+        lineends["\r"] = lineends["\r"] + 1
+      end
+      tgt:write(line)
+      srclineno = srclineno + 1
+    end
+    for _,hline in ipairs(h.text) do
+      -- todo: check \ No newline at the end of file
+      if startswith(hline, "-") or startswith(hline, "\\") then
+        src_readline()
+        srclineno = srclineno + 1
+      else
+        if not startswith(hline, "+") then
+          src_readline()
+          srclineno = srclineno + 1
+        end
+        local line2write = hline:sub(2)
+        -- detect if line ends are consistent in source file
+        local sum = 0
+        for k,v in pairs(lineends) do if v > 0 then sum=sum+1 end end
+        if sum == 1 then
+          local newline
+          for k,v in pairs(lineends) do if v ~= 0 then newline = k end end
+          tgt:write(endlstrip(line2write) .. newline)
+        else -- newlines are mixed or unknown
+          tgt:write(line2write)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  for line in src_readline do
+    tgt:write(line)
+  end
+  tgt:close()
+  src:close()
+  return true
+local function strip_dirs(filename, strip)
+  if strip == nil then return filename end
+  for i=1,strip do
+    filename=filename:gsub("^[^/]*/", "")
+  end
+  return filename
+function apply_patch(patch, strip)
+  local all_ok = true
+  local total = #patch.source
+  for fileno, filename in ipairs(patch.source) do
+    filename = strip_dirs(filename, strip)
+    local continue
+    local f2patch = filename
+    if not exists(f2patch) then
+      f2patch = strip_dirs(patch.target[fileno], strip)
+      f2patch = fs.absolute_name(f2patch)
+      if not exists(f2patch) then  --FIX:if f2patch nil
+        warning(format("source/target file does not exist\n--- %s\n+++ %s",
+                filename, f2patch))
+        all_ok = false
+        continue = true
+      end
+    end
+    if not continue and not isfile(f2patch) then
+      warning(format("not a file - %s", f2patch))
+      all_ok = false
+      continue = true
+    end
+    if not continue then
+    filename = f2patch
+    info(format("processing %d/%d:\t %s", fileno, total, filename))
+    -- validate before patching
+    local hunks = patch.hunks[fileno]
+    local file = load_file(filename)
+    local hunkno = 1
+    local hunk = hunks[hunkno]
+    local hunkfind = {}
+    local hunkreplace = {}
+    local validhunks = 0
+    local canpatch = false
+    local hunklineno
+    local isbreak
+    local lineno = 0
+    find_hunks(file, hunks)
+    for _, line in ipairs(file) do
+      lineno = lineno + 1
+      local continue
+      if not hunk or lineno < hunk.startsrc then
+        continue = true
+      elseif lineno == hunk.startsrc then
+        hunkfind = {}
+        for _,x in ipairs(hunk.text) do
+        if x:sub(1,1) == ' ' or x:sub(1,1) == '-' then
+          hunkfind[#hunkfind+1] = endlstrip(x:sub(2))
+        end end
+        hunkreplace = {}
+        for _,x in ipairs(hunk.text) do
+        if x:sub(1,1) == ' ' or x:sub(1,1) == '+' then
+          hunkreplace[#hunkreplace+1] = endlstrip(x:sub(2))
+        end end
+        --pprint(hunkreplace)
+        hunklineno = 1
+        -- todo \ No newline at end of file
+      end
+      -- check hunks in source file
+      if not continue and lineno < hunk.startsrc + #hunkfind - 1 then
+        if endlstrip(line) == hunkfind[hunklineno] then
+          hunklineno = hunklineno + 1
+        else
+          debug(format("hunk no.%d doesn't match source file %s",
+                       hunkno, filename))
+          -- file may be already patched, but check other hunks anyway
+          hunkno = hunkno + 1
+          if hunkno <= #hunks then
+            hunk = hunks[hunkno]
+            continue = true
+          else
+            isbreak = true; break
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      -- check if processed line is the last line
+      if not continue and lineno == hunk.startsrc + #hunkfind - 1 then
+        debug(format("file %s hunk no.%d -- is ready to be patched",
+                     filename, hunkno))
+        hunkno = hunkno + 1
+        validhunks = validhunks + 1
+        if hunkno <= #hunks then
+          hunk = hunks[hunkno]
+        else
+          if validhunks == #hunks then
+            -- patch file
+            canpatch = true
+            isbreak = true; break
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    if not isbreak then
+      if hunkno <= #hunks then
+        warning(format("premature end of source file %s at hunk %d",
+                       filename, hunkno))
+        all_ok = false
+      end
+    end
+    if validhunks < #hunks then
+      if check_patched(file, hunks) then
+        warning(format("already patched  %s", filename))
+      else
+        warning(format("source file is different - %s", filename))
+        all_ok = false
+      end
+    end
+    if canpatch then
+      local backupname = filename .. ".orig"
+      if exists(backupname) then
+        warning(format("can't backup original file to %s - aborting",
+                       backupname))
+        all_ok = false
+      else
+        assert(os.rename(filename, backupname))
+        if patch_hunks(backupname, filename, hunks) then
+          warning(format("successfully patched %s", filename))
+          assert(os.remove(backupname))
+        else
+          warning(format("error patching file %s", filename))
+          assert(file_copy(filename, filename .. ".invalid"))
+          warning(format("invalid version is saved to %s",
+                         filename .. ".invalid"))
+          -- todo: proper rejects
+          assert(os.rename(backupname, filename))
+          all_ok = false
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    end -- if not continue
+  end -- for
+  -- todo: check for premature eof
+  return all_ok