diff share/lua/5.2/luarocks/search.lua @ 1132:d137f631bad5

<GreyKnight> (cd luabuild/luarocks-2.0.12; make install)
author HackBot
date Fri, 14 Dec 2012 22:24:27 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/search.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "search" command.
+-- Queries LuaRocks servers.
+module("luarocks.search", package.seeall)
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
+local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+help_summary = "Query the LuaRocks servers."
+help_arguments = "[--source] [--binary] { <name> [<version>] | --all }"
+help = [[
+--source  Return only rockspecs and source rocks,
+          to be used with the "build" command.
+--binary  Return only pure Lua and binary rocks (rocks that can be used
+          with the "install" command without requiring a C toolchain).
+--all     List all contents of the server that are suitable to
+          this platform, do not filter by name.
+--- Convert the arch field of a query table to table format.
+-- @param query table: A query table.
+local function query_arch_as_table(query)
+   local format = type(query.arch)
+   if format == "table" then
+      return
+   elseif format == "nil" then
+      local accept = {}
+      accept["src"] = true
+      accept["all"] = true
+      accept["rockspec"] = true
+      accept["installed"] = true
+      accept[cfg.arch] = true
+      query.arch = accept
+   elseif format == "string" then
+      local accept = {}
+      for a in query.arch:gmatch("[%w_-]+") do
+         accept[a] = true
+      end
+      query.arch = accept
+   end
+--- Store a search result (a rock or rockspec) in the results table.
+-- @param results table: The results table, where keys are package names and
+-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
+-- @param name string: Package name.
+-- @param version string: Package version.
+-- @param arch string: Architecture of rock ("all", "src" or platform
+-- identifier), "rockspec" or "installed"
+-- @param repo string: Pathname of a local repository of URL of
+-- rocks server.
+local function store_result(results, name, version, arch, repo)
+   assert(type(results) == "table")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   assert(type(arch) == "string")
+   assert(type(repo) == "string")
+   if not results[name] then results[name] = {} end
+   if not results[name][version] then results[name][version] = {} end
+   table.insert(results[name][version], {
+      arch = arch,
+      repo = repo
+   })
+--- Test the name field of a query.
+-- If query has a boolean field exact_name set to false,
+-- then substring match is performed; otherwise, exact string
+-- comparison is done.
+-- @param query table: A query in dependency table format.
+-- @param name string: A package name.
+-- @return boolean: True if names match, false otherwise.
+local function match_name(query, name)
+   assert(type(query) == "table")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   if query.exact_name == false then
+      return name:find(query.name, 0, true) and true or false
+   else
+      return name == query.name
+   end
+--- Store a match in a results table if version matches query.
+-- Name, version, arch and repository path are stored in a given
+-- table, optionally checking if version and arch (if given) match
+-- a query.
+-- @param results table: The results table, where keys are package names and
+-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
+-- @param repo string: URL or pathname of the repository.
+-- @param name string: The name of the package being tested.
+-- @param version string: The version of the package being tested.
+-- @param arch string: The arch of the package being tested.
+-- @param query table: A table describing the query in dependency
+-- format (for example, {name = "filesystem", exact_name = false,
+-- constraints = {op = "~>", version = {1,0}}}, arch = "rockspec").
+-- If the arch field is omitted, the local architecture (cfg.arch)
+-- is used. The special value "any" is also recognized, returning all
+-- matches regardless of architecture.
+local function store_if_match(results, repo, name, version, arch, query)
+   if match_name(query, name) then
+      if query.arch[arch] or query.arch["any"] then
+         if deps.match_constraints(deps.parse_version(version), query.constraints) then
+            store_result(results, name, version, arch, repo)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+--- Perform search on a local repository.
+-- @param repo string: The pathname of the local repository.
+-- @param query table: A table describing the query in dependency
+-- format (for example, {name = "filesystem", exact_name = false,
+-- constraints = {op = "~>", version = {1,0}}}, arch = "rockspec").
+-- If the arch field is omitted, the local architecture (cfg.arch)
+-- is used. The special value "any" is also recognized, returning all
+-- matches regardless of architecture.
+-- @param results table or nil: If given, this table will store the
+-- results; if not given, a new table will be created.
+-- @param table: The results table, where keys are package names and
+-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
+-- If a table was given in the "results" parameter, that is the result value.
+function disk_search(repo, query, results)
+   assert(type(repo) == "string")
+   assert(type(query) == "table")
+   assert(type(results) == "table" or not results)
+   local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+   if not results then
+      results = {}
+   end
+   query_arch_as_table(query)
+   for _, name in pairs(fs.list_dir(repo)) do
+      local pathname = dir.path(repo, name)
+      local rname, rversion, rarch = path.parse_name(name)
+      if fs.is_dir(pathname) then
+         for _, version in pairs(fs.list_dir(pathname)) do
+            if version:match("-%d+$") then
+               store_if_match(results, repo, name, version, "installed", query)
+            end
+         end
+      elseif rname then
+         store_if_match(results, repo, rname, rversion, rarch, query)
+      end
+   end
+   return results
+--- Perform search on a rocks server.
+-- @param results table: The results table, where keys are package names and
+-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
+-- @param repo string: The URL of the rocks server.
+-- @param query table: A table describing the query in dependency
+-- format (for example, {name = "filesystem", exact_name = false,
+-- constraints = {op = "~>", version = {1,0}}}, arch = "rockspec").
+-- If the arch field is omitted, the local architecture (cfg.arch)
+-- is used. The special value "any" is also recognized, returning all
+-- matches regardless of architecture.
+-- @return true or, in case of errors, nil and an error message.
+function manifest_search(results, repo, query)
+   assert(type(results) == "table")
+   assert(type(repo) == "string")
+   assert(type(query) == "table")
+   query_arch_as_table(query)
+   local manifest, err = manif.load_manifest(repo)
+   if not manifest then
+      return nil, "Failed loading manifest: "..err
+   end
+   for name, versions in pairs(manifest.repository) do
+      for version, items in pairs(versions) do
+         for _, item in ipairs(items) do
+            store_if_match(results, repo, name, version, item.arch, query)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Search on all configured rocks servers.
+-- @param query table: A dependency query.
+-- @return table: A table where keys are package names
+-- and values are tables matching version strings to an array of
+-- rocks servers; if no results are found, an empty table is returned.
+function search_repos(query)
+   assert(type(query) == "table")
+   local results = {}
+   for _, repo in ipairs(cfg.rocks_servers) do
+      if type(repo) == "string" then
+         repo = { repo }
+      end
+      for _, mirror in ipairs(repo) do
+         local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(mirror)
+         if protocol == "file" then
+            mirror = pathname
+         end
+         local ok, err = manifest_search(results, mirror, query)
+         if ok then
+            break
+         else
+            util.warning("Failed searching manifest: "..err)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return results
+--- Prepare a query in dependency table format.
+-- @param name string: The query name.
+-- @param version string or nil: 
+-- @return table: A query in table format
+function make_query(name, version)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
+   local query = {
+      name = name,
+      constraints = {}
+   }
+   if version then
+      table.insert(query.constraints, { op = "==", version = deps.parse_version(version)})
+   end
+   return query
+--- Get the URL for the latest in a set of versions.
+-- @param name string: The package name to be used in the URL.
+-- @param versions table: An array of version informations, as stored
+-- in search results tables.
+-- @return string or nil: the URL for the latest version if one could
+-- be picked, or nil.
+local function pick_latest_version(name, versions)
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(versions) == "table")
+   local vtables = {}
+   for v, _ in pairs(versions) do
+      table.insert(vtables, deps.parse_version(v))
+   end
+   table.sort(vtables)
+   local version = vtables[#vtables].string
+   local items = versions[version]
+   if items then
+      local pick = 1
+      for i, item in ipairs(items) do
+         if (item.arch == 'src' and items[pick].arch == 'rockspec')
+         or (item.arch ~= 'src' and item.arch ~= 'rockspec') then
+            pick = i
+         end
+      end
+      return path.make_url(items[pick].repo, name, version, items[pick].arch)
+   end
+   return nil
+--- Attempt to get a single URL for a given search.
+-- @param query table: A dependency query.
+-- @return string or table or (nil, string): URL for matching rock if
+-- a single one was found, a table of candidates if it could not narrow to
+-- a single result, or nil followed by an error message.
+function find_suitable_rock(query)
+   assert(type(query) == "table")
+   local results = search_repos(query)
+   local first = next(results)
+   if not first then
+      return nil, "No results matching query were found."
+   elseif not next(results, first) then
+      return pick_latest_version(query.name, results[first])
+   else
+      return results
+   end
+--- Print a list of rocks/rockspecs on standard output.
+-- @param results table: A table where keys are package names and versions
+-- are tables matching version strings to an array of rocks servers.
+-- @param porcelain boolean or nil: A flag to force machine-friendly output.
+function print_results(results, porcelain)
+   assert(type(results) == "table")
+   assert(type(porcelain) == "boolean" or not porcelain)
+   for package, versions in util.sortedpairs(results) do
+      if not porcelain then
+         util.printout(package)
+      end
+      for version, repos in util.sortedpairs(versions, deps.compare_versions) do
+         for _, repo in ipairs(repos) do
+            if porcelain then
+               util.printout(package, version, repo.arch, repo.repo)
+            else
+               util.printout("   "..version.." ("..repo.arch..") - "..repo.repo)
+            end
+         end
+      end
+      if not porcelain then
+         util.printout()
+      end
+   end
+--- Splits a list of search results into two lists, one for "source" results
+-- to be used with the "build" command, and one for "binary" results to be
+-- used with the "install" command.
+-- @param results table: A search results table.
+-- @return (table, table): Two tables, one for source and one for binary
+-- results.
+local function split_source_and_binary_results(results)
+   local sources, binaries = {}, {}
+   for name, versions in pairs(results) do
+      for version, repositories in pairs(versions) do
+         for _, repo in ipairs(repositories) do
+            local where = sources
+            if repo.arch == "all" or repo.arch == cfg.arch then
+               where = binaries
+            end
+            store_result(where, name, version, repo.arch, repo.repo)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return sources, binaries
+--- Given a name and optionally a version, try to find in the rocks
+-- servers a single .src.rock or .rockspec file that satisfies
+-- the request, and run the given function on it; or display to the
+-- user possibilities if it couldn't narrow down a single match.
+-- @param action function: A function that takes a .src.rock or
+-- .rockspec URL as a parameter.
+-- @param name string: A rock name
+-- @param version string or nil: A version number may also be given.
+-- @return The result of the action function, or nil and an error message. 
+function act_on_src_or_rockspec(action, name, version, ...)
+   assert(type(action) == "function")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
+   local query = make_query(name, version)
+   query.arch = "src|rockspec"
+   local results, err = find_suitable_rock(query)
+   if type(results) == "string" then
+      return action(results, ...)
+   else
+      return nil, "Could not find a result named "..name..(version and " "..version or "").."."
+   end
+--- Driver function for "search" command.
+-- @param name string: A substring of a rock name to search.
+-- @param version string or nil: a version may also be passed.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if build was successful; nil and an
+-- error message otherwise.
+function run(...)
+   local flags, name, version = util.parse_flags(...)
+   if flags["all"] then
+      name, version = "", nil
+   end
+   if type(name) ~= "string" and not flags["all"] then
+      return nil, "Enter name and version or use --all; see help."
+   end
+   local query = make_query(name:lower(), version)
+   query.exact_name = false
+   local results, err = search_repos(query)
+   local porcelain = flags["porcelain"]
+   util.title("Search results:", porcelain, "=")
+   local sources, binaries = split_source_and_binary_results(results)
+   if next(sources) and not flags["binary"] then
+      util.title("Rockspecs and source rocks:", porcelain)
+      print_results(sources, porcelain)
+   end
+   if next(binaries) and not flags["source"] then    
+      util.title("Binary and pure-Lua rocks:", porcelain)
+      print_results(binaries, porcelain)
+   end
+   return true