diff share/lua/5.2/luarocks/deps.lua @ 1132:d137f631bad5

<GreyKnight> (cd luabuild/luarocks-2.0.12; make install)
author HackBot
date Fri, 14 Dec 2012 22:24:27 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/lua/5.2/luarocks/deps.lua	Fri Dec 14 22:24:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+--- Dependency handling functions.
+-- Dependencies are represented in LuaRocks through strings with
+-- a package name followed by a comma-separated list of constraints.
+-- Each constraint consists of an operator and a version number.
+-- In this string format, version numbers are represented as
+-- naturally as possible, like they are used by upstream projects
+-- (e.g. "2.0beta3"). Internally, LuaRocks converts them to a purely
+-- numeric representation, allowing comparison following some
+-- "common sense" heuristics. The precise specification of the
+-- comparison criteria is the source code of this module, but the
+-- test/test_deps.lua file included with LuaRocks provides some
+-- insights on what these criteria are.
+module("luarocks.deps", package.seeall)
+local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
+local manif_core = require("luarocks.manif_core")
+local path = require("luarocks.path")
+local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
+local util = require("luarocks.util")
+local operators = {
+   ["=="] = "==",
+   ["~="] = "~=",
+   [">"] = ">",
+   ["<"] = "<",
+   [">="] = ">=",
+   ["<="] = "<=",
+   ["~>"] = "~>",
+   -- plus some convenience translations
+   [""] = "==",
+   ["="] = "==",
+   ["!="] = "~="
+local deltas = {
+   scm =    1000,
+   cvs =    1000,
+   rc =    -1000,
+   pre =   -10000,
+   beta =  -100000,
+   alpha = -1000000
+local version_mt = {
+   --- Equality comparison for versions.
+   -- All version numbers must be equal.
+   -- If both versions have revision numbers, they must be equal;
+   -- otherwise the revision number is ignored.
+   -- @param v1 table: version table to compare.
+   -- @param v2 table: version table to compare.
+   -- @return boolean: true if they are considered equivalent.
+   __eq = function(v1, v2)
+      if #v1 ~= #v2 then
+         return false
+      end
+      for i = 1, #v1 do
+         if v1[i] ~= v2[i] then
+            return false
+         end
+      end
+      if v1.revision and v2.revision then
+         return (v1.revision == v2.revision)
+      end
+      return true
+   end,
+   --- Size comparison for versions.
+   -- All version numbers are compared.
+   -- If both versions have revision numbers, they are compared;
+   -- otherwise the revision number is ignored.
+   -- @param v1 table: version table to compare.
+   -- @param v2 table: version table to compare.
+   -- @return boolean: true if v1 is considered lower than v2.
+   __lt = function(v1, v2)
+      for i = 1, math.max(#v1, #v2) do
+         local v1i, v2i = v1[i] or 0, v2[i] or 0
+         if v1i ~= v2i then
+            return (v1i < v2i)
+         end
+      end
+      if v1.revision and v2.revision then
+         return (v1.revision < v2.revision)
+      end
+      return false
+   end
+local version_cache = {}
+setmetatable(version_cache, {
+   __mode = "kv"
+--- Parse a version string, converting to table format.
+-- A version table contains all components of the version string
+-- converted to numeric format, stored in the array part of the table.
+-- If the version contains a revision, it is stored numerically
+-- in the 'revision' field. The original string representation of
+-- the string is preserved in the 'string' field.
+-- Returned version tables use a metatable
+-- allowing later comparison through relational operators.
+-- @param vstring string: A version number in string format.
+-- @return table or nil: A version table or nil
+-- if the input string contains invalid characters.
+function parse_version(vstring)
+   if not vstring then return nil end
+   assert(type(vstring) == "string")
+   local cached = version_cache[vstring]
+   if cached then
+      return cached
+   end
+   local version = {}
+   local i = 1
+   local function add_token(number)
+      version[i] = version[i] and version[i] + number/100000 or number
+      i = i + 1
+   end
+   -- trim leading and trailing spaces
+   vstring = vstring:match("^%s*(.*)%s*$")
+   version.string = vstring
+   -- store revision separately if any
+   local main, revision = vstring:match("(.*)%-(%d+)$")
+   if revision then
+      vstring = main
+      version.revision = tonumber(revision)
+   end
+   while #vstring > 0 do
+      -- extract a number
+      local token, rest = vstring:match("^(%d+)[%.%-%_]*(.*)")
+      if token then
+         add_token(tonumber(token))
+      else
+         -- extract a word
+         token, rest = vstring:match("^(%a+)[%.%-%_]*(.*)")
+         if not token then
+            util.printerr("Warning: version number '"..vstring.."' could not be parsed.")
+            version[i] = 0
+            break
+         end
+         local last = #version
+         version[i] = deltas[token] or (token:byte() / 1000)
+      end
+      vstring = rest
+   end
+   setmetatable(version, version_mt)
+   version_cache[vstring] = version
+   return version
+--- Utility function to compare version numbers given as strings.
+-- @param a string: one version.
+-- @param b string: another version.
+-- @return boolean: True if a > b.
+function compare_versions(a, b)
+   return parse_version(a) > parse_version(b)
+--- Consumes a constraint from a string, converting it to table format.
+-- For example, a string ">= 1.0, > 2.0" is converted to a table in the
+-- format {op = ">=", version={1,0}} and the rest, "> 2.0", is returned
+-- back to the caller.
+-- @param input string: A list of constraints in string format.
+-- @return (table, string) or nil: A table representing the same
+-- constraints and the string with the unused input, or nil if the
+-- input string is invalid.
+local function parse_constraint(input)
+   assert(type(input) == "string")
+   local no_upgrade, op, version, rest = input:match("^(@?)([<>=~!]*)%s*([%w%.%_%-]+)[%s,]*(.*)")
+   op = operators[op]
+   version = parse_version(version)
+   if not op or not version then return nil end
+   return { op = op, version = version, no_upgrade = no_upgrade=="@" and true or nil }, rest
+--- Convert a list of constraints from string to table format.
+-- For example, a string ">= 1.0, < 2.0" is converted to a table in the format
+-- {{op = ">=", version={1,0}}, {op = "<", version={2,0}}}.
+-- Version tables use a metatable allowing later comparison through
+-- relational operators.
+-- @param input string: A list of constraints in string format.
+-- @return table or nil: A table representing the same constraints,
+-- or nil if the input string is invalid.
+function parse_constraints(input)
+   assert(type(input) == "string")
+   local constraints, constraint = {}, nil
+   while #input > 0 do
+      constraint, input = parse_constraint(input)
+      if constraint then
+         table.insert(constraints, constraint)
+      else
+         return nil
+      end
+   end
+   return constraints
+--- Convert a dependency from string to table format.
+-- For example, a string "foo >= 1.0, < 2.0"
+-- is converted to a table in the format
+-- {name = "foo", constraints = {{op = ">=", version={1,0}},
+-- {op = "<", version={2,0}}}}. Version tables use a metatable
+-- allowing later comparison through relational operators.
+-- @param dep string: A dependency in string format
+-- as entered in rockspec files.
+-- @return table or nil: A table representing the same dependency relation,
+-- or nil if the input string is invalid.
+function parse_dep(dep)
+   assert(type(dep) == "string")
+   local name, rest = dep:match("^%s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9%.%-%_]*)%s*(.*)")
+   if not name then return nil end
+   local constraints = parse_constraints(rest)
+   if not constraints then return nil end
+   return { name = name, constraints = constraints }
+--- Convert a version table to a string.
+-- @param v table: The version table
+-- @param internal boolean or nil: Whether to display versions in their
+-- internal representation format or how they were specified.
+-- @return string: The dependency information pretty-printed as a string.
+function show_version(v, internal)
+   assert(type(v) == "table")
+   assert(type(internal) == "boolean" or not internal)
+   return (internal
+           and table.concat(v, ":")..(v.revision and tostring(v.revision) or "")
+           or v.string)
+--- Convert a dependency in table format to a string.
+-- @param dep table: The dependency in table format
+-- @param internal boolean or nil: Whether to display versions in their
+-- internal representation format or how they were specified.
+-- @return string: The dependency information pretty-printed as a string.
+function show_dep(dep, internal)
+   assert(type(dep) == "table")
+   assert(type(internal) == "boolean" or not internal)
+   local pretty = {}
+   for _, c in ipairs(dep.constraints) do
+      table.insert(pretty, c.op .. " " .. show_version(c.version, internal))
+   end
+   return dep.name.." "..table.concat(pretty, ", ")
+--- A more lenient check for equivalence between versions.
+-- This returns true if the requested components of a version
+-- match and ignore the ones that were not given. For example,
+-- when requesting "2", then "2", "2.1", "2.3.5-9"... all match.
+-- When requesting "2.1", then "2.1", "2.1.3" match, but "2.2"
+-- doesn't.
+-- @param version string or table: Version to be tested; may be
+-- in string format or already parsed into a table.
+-- @param requested string or table: Version requested; may be
+-- in string format or already parsed into a table.
+-- @return boolean: True if the tested version matches the requested
+-- version, false otherwise.
+local function partial_match(version, requested)
+   assert(type(version) == "string" or type(version) == "table")
+   assert(type(requested) == "string" or type(version) == "table")
+   if type(version) ~= "table" then version = parse_version(version) end
+   if type(requested) ~= "table" then requested = parse_version(requested) end
+   if not version or not requested then return false end
+   for i, ri in ipairs(requested) do
+      local vi = version[i] or 0
+      if ri ~= vi then return false end
+   end
+   if requested.revision then
+      return requested.revision == version.revision
+   end
+   return true
+--- Check if a version satisfies a set of constraints.
+-- @param version table: A version in table format
+-- @param constraints table: An array of constraints in table format.
+-- @return boolean: True if version satisfies all constraints,
+-- false otherwise.
+function match_constraints(version, constraints)
+   assert(type(version) == "table")
+   assert(type(constraints) == "table")
+   local ok = true
+   setmetatable(version, version_mt)
+   for _, constr in pairs(constraints) do
+      local constr_version = constr.version
+      setmetatable(constr.version, version_mt)
+      if     constr.op == "==" then ok = version == constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == "~=" then ok = version ~= constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == ">"  then ok = version >  constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == "<"  then ok = version <  constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == ">=" then ok = version >= constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == "<=" then ok = version <= constr_version
+      elseif constr.op == "~>" then ok = partial_match(version, constr_version)
+      end
+      if not ok then break end
+   end
+   return ok
+--- Attempt to match a dependency to an installed rock.
+-- @param dep table: A dependency parsed in table format.
+-- @param blacklist table: Versions that can't be accepted. Table where keys
+-- are program versions and values are 'true'.
+-- @return table or nil: A table containing fields 'name' and 'version'
+-- representing an installed rock which matches the given dependency,
+-- or nil if it could not be matched.
+local function match_dep(dep, blacklist, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(dep) == "table")
+   local versions
+   if dep.name == "lua" then
+      versions = { cfg.lua_version }
+   else
+      versions = manif_core.get_versions(dep.name, deps_mode)
+   end
+   if not versions then
+      return nil
+   end
+   if blacklist then
+      local i = 1
+      while versions[i] do
+         if blacklist[versions[i]] then
+            table.remove(versions, i)
+         else
+            i = i + 1
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   local candidates = {}
+   for _, vstring in ipairs(versions) do
+      local version = parse_version(vstring)
+      if match_constraints(version, dep.constraints) then
+         table.insert(candidates, version)
+      end
+   end
+   if #candidates == 0 then
+      return nil
+   else
+      table.sort(candidates)
+      return {
+         name = dep.name,
+         version = candidates[#candidates].string
+      }
+   end
+--- Attempt to match dependencies of a rockspec to installed rocks.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec loaded as a table.
+-- @param blacklist table or nil: Program versions to not use as valid matches.
+-- Table where keys are program names and values are tables where keys
+-- are program versions and values are 'true'.
+-- @return table, table: A table where keys are dependencies parsed
+-- in table format and values are tables containing fields 'name' and
+-- version' representing matches, and a table of missing dependencies
+-- parsed as tables.
+function match_deps(rockspec, blacklist, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   assert(type(blacklist) == "table" or not blacklist)
+   local matched, missing, no_upgrade = {}, {}, {}
+   for _, dep in ipairs(rockspec.dependencies) do
+      local found = match_dep(dep, blacklist and blacklist[dep.name] or nil, deps_mode)
+      if found then
+         if dep.name ~= "lua" then 
+            matched[dep] = found
+         end
+      else
+         if dep.constraints[1] and dep.constraints[1].no_upgrade then
+            no_upgrade[dep.name] = dep
+         else
+            missing[dep.name] = dep
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return matched, missing, no_upgrade
+--- Return a set of values of a table.
+-- @param tbl table: The input table.
+-- @return table: The array of keys.
+local function values_set(tbl)
+   local set = {}
+   for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+      set[v] = true
+   end
+   return set
+--- Check dependencies of a rock and attempt to install any missing ones.
+-- Packages are installed using the LuaRocks "install" command.
+-- Aborts the program if a dependency could not be fulfilled.
+-- @param rockspec table: A rockspec in table format.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string, [string]): True if no errors occurred, or
+-- nil and an error message if any test failed, followed by an optional
+-- error code.
+function fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, deps_mode)
+   local search = require("luarocks.search")
+   local install = require("luarocks.install")
+   if rockspec.supported_platforms then
+      if not platforms_set then
+         platforms_set = values_set(cfg.platforms)
+      end
+      local supported = nil
+      for _, plat in pairs(rockspec.supported_platforms) do
+         local neg, plat = plat:match("^(!?)(.*)")
+         if neg == "!" then
+            if platforms_set[plat] then
+               return nil, "This rockspec for "..rockspec.package.." does not support "..plat.." platforms."
+            end
+         else
+            if platforms_set[plat] then
+               supported = true
+            else
+               if supported == nil then
+                  supported = false
+               end
+            end
+         end
+      end
+      if supported == false then
+         local plats = table.concat(cfg.platforms, ", ")
+         return nil, "This rockspec for "..rockspec.package.." does not support "..plats.." platforms."
+      end
+   end
+   local matched, missing, no_upgrade = match_deps(rockspec, nil, deps_mode)
+   if next(no_upgrade) then
+      util.printerr("Missing dependencies for "..rockspec.name.." "..rockspec.version..":")
+      for _, dep in pairs(no_upgrade) do
+         util.printerr(show_dep(dep))
+      end
+      if next(missing) then
+         for _, dep in pairs(missing) do
+            util.printerr(show_dep(dep))
+         end
+      end
+      util.printerr()
+      for _, dep in pairs(no_upgrade) do
+         util.printerr("This version of "..rockspec.name.." is designed for use with")
+         util.printerr(show_dep(dep)..", but is configured to avoid upgrading it")
+         util.printerr("automatically. Please upgrade "..dep.name.." with")
+         util.printerr("   luarocks install "..dep.name)
+         util.printerr("or choose an older version of "..rockspec.name.." with")
+         util.printerr("   luarocks search "..rockspec.name)
+      end
+      return nil, "Failed matching dependencies."
+   end
+   if next(missing) then
+      util.printerr()
+      util.printerr("Missing dependencies for "..rockspec.name..":")
+      for _, dep in pairs(missing) do
+         util.printerr(show_dep(dep))
+      end
+      util.printerr()
+      for _, dep in pairs(missing) do
+         -- Double-check in case dependency was filled during recursion.
+         if not match_dep(dep, nil, deps_mode) then
+            local rock = search.find_suitable_rock(dep)
+            if not rock then
+               return nil, "Could not satisfy dependency: "..show_dep(dep)
+            end
+            local ok, err, errcode = install.run(rock)
+            if not ok then
+               return nil, "Failed installing dependency: "..rock.." - "..err, errcode
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- If filename matches a pattern, return the capture.
+-- For example, given "libfoo.so" and "lib?.so" is a pattern,
+-- returns "foo" (which can then be used to build names
+-- based on other patterns.
+-- @param file string: a filename
+-- @param pattern string: a pattern, where ? is to be matched by the filename.
+-- @return string The pattern, if found, or nil.
+local function deconstruct_pattern(file, pattern)
+   local depattern = "^"..(pattern:gsub("%.", "%%."):gsub("%*", ".*"):gsub("?", "(.*)")).."$"
+   return (file:match(depattern))
+--- Construct all possible patterns for a name and add to the files array.
+-- Run through the patterns array replacing all occurrences of "?"
+-- with the given file name and store them in the files array.
+-- @param file string A raw name (e.g. "foo")
+-- @param array of string An array of patterns with "?" as the wildcard
+-- (e.g. {"?.so", "lib?.so"})
+-- @param files The array of constructed names
+local function add_all_patterns(file, patterns, files)
+   for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do
+      table.insert(files, (pattern:gsub("?", file)))
+   end
+--- Set up path-related variables for external dependencies.
+-- For each key in the external_dependencies table in the
+-- rockspec file, four variables are created: <key>_DIR, <key>_BINDIR,
+-- <key>_INCDIR and <key>_LIBDIR. These are not overwritten
+-- if already set (e.g. by the LuaRocks config file or through the
+-- command-line). Values in the external_dependencies table
+-- are tables that may contain a "header" or a "library" field,
+-- with filenames to be tested for existence.
+-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table.
+-- @param mode string: if "build" is given, checks all files;
+-- if "install" is given, do not scan for headers.
+-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if no errors occurred, or
+-- nil and an error message if any test failed.
+function check_external_deps(rockspec, mode)
+   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
+   local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
+   local vars = rockspec.variables
+   local patterns = cfg.external_deps_patterns
+   local subdirs = cfg.external_deps_subdirs
+   if mode == "install" then
+      patterns = cfg.runtime_external_deps_patterns
+      subdirs = cfg.runtime_external_deps_subdirs
+   end
+   if rockspec.external_dependencies then
+      for name, files in pairs(rockspec.external_dependencies) do
+         local ok = true
+         local failed_file = nil
+         local failed_dirname = nil
+         for _, extdir in ipairs(cfg.external_deps_dirs) do
+            ok = true
+            local prefix = vars[name.."_DIR"]
+            local dirs = {
+               BINDIR = { subdir = subdirs.bin, testfile = "program", pattern = patterns.bin },
+               INCDIR = { subdir = subdirs.include, testfile = "header", pattern = patterns.include },
+               LIBDIR = { subdir = subdirs.lib, testfile = "library", pattern = patterns.lib }
+            }
+            if mode == "install" then
+               dirs.INCDIR = nil
+            end
+            if not prefix then
+               prefix = extdir
+            end
+            if type(prefix) == "table" then
+               if prefix.bin then
+                  dirs.BINDIR.subdir = prefix.bin
+               end
+               if prefix.include then
+                  if dirs.INCDIR then
+                     dirs.INCDIR.subdir = prefix.include
+                  end
+               end
+               if prefix.lib then
+                  dirs.LIBDIR.subdir = prefix.lib
+               end
+               prefix = prefix.prefix
+            end
+            for dirname, dirdata in pairs(dirs) do
+               dirdata.dir = vars[name.."_"..dirname] or dir.path(prefix, dirdata.subdir)
+               local file = files[dirdata.testfile]
+               if file then
+                  local files = {}
+                  if not file:match("%.") then
+                     add_all_patterns(file, dirdata.pattern, files)
+                  else
+                     for _, pattern in ipairs(dirdata.pattern) do
+                        local matched = deconstruct_pattern(file, pattern)
+                        if matched then
+                           add_all_patterns(matched, dirdata.pattern, files)
+                        end
+                     end
+                     table.insert(files, file)
+                  end
+                  local found = false
+                  failed_file = nil
+                  for _, f in pairs(files) do
+                     -- small convenience hack
+                     if f:match("%.so$") or f:match("%.dylib$") or f:match("%.dll$") then
+                        f = f:gsub("%.[^.]+$", "."..cfg.external_lib_extension)
+                     end
+                     if f:match("%*") then
+                        local replaced = f:gsub("%.", "%%."):gsub("%*", ".*")
+                        for _, entry in ipairs(fs.list_dir(dirdata.dir)) do
+                           if entry:match(replaced) then
+                              found = true
+                              break
+                           end
+                        end
+                     else
+                        found = fs.is_file(dir.path(dirdata.dir, f))
+                     end
+                     if found then
+                        break
+                     else
+                        if failed_file then
+                           failed_file = failed_file .. ", or " .. f
+                        else
+                           failed_file = f
+                        end
+                     end
+                  end
+                  if not found then
+                     ok = false
+                     failed_dirname = dirname
+                     break
+                  end
+               end
+            end
+            if ok then
+               for dirname, dirdata in pairs(dirs) do
+                  vars[name.."_"..dirname] = dirdata.dir
+               end
+               vars[name.."_DIR"] = prefix
+               break
+            end
+         end
+         if not ok then
+            return nil, "Could not find expected file "..failed_file.." for "..name.." -- you may have to install "..name.." in your system and/or pass "..name.."_DIR or "..name.."_"..failed_dirname.." to the luarocks command. Example: luarocks install "..rockspec.name.." "..name.."_DIR=/usr/local", "dependency"
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return true
+--- Recursively scan dependencies, to build a transitive closure of all
+-- dependent packages.
+-- @param results table: The results table being built.
+-- @param missing table: The table of missing dependencies being recursively built.
+-- @param manifest table: The manifest table containing dependencies.
+-- @param name string: Package name.
+-- @param version string: Package version.
+-- @return (table, table): The results and a table of missing dependencies.
+function scan_deps(results, missing, manifest, name, version, deps_mode)
+   assert(type(results) == "table")
+   assert(type(missing) == "table")
+   assert(type(manifest) == "table")
+   assert(type(name) == "string")
+   assert(type(version) == "string")
+   local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
+   local err
+   if results[name] then
+      return results, missing
+   end
+   if not manifest.dependencies then manifest.dependencies = {} end
+   local dependencies = manifest.dependencies
+   if not dependencies[name] then dependencies[name] = {} end
+   local dependencies_name = dependencies[name]
+   local deplist = dependencies_name[version]
+   local rockspec, err
+   if not deplist then
+      rockspec, err = fetch.load_local_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version))
+      if err then
+         missing[name.." "..version] = err
+         return results, missing
+      end
+      dependencies_name[version] = rockspec.dependencies
+   else
+      rockspec = { dependencies = deplist }
+   end
+   local matched, failures = match_deps(rockspec, nil, deps_mode)
+   for _, match in pairs(matched) do
+      results, missing = scan_deps(results, missing, manifest, match.name, match.version, deps_mode)
+   end
+   if next(failures) then
+      for _, failure in pairs(failures) do
+         missing[show_dep(failure)] = "failed"
+      end
+   end
+   results[name] = version
+   return results, missing
+local valid_deps_modes = {
+   one = true,
+   order = true,
+   all = true,
+   none = true,
+function check_deps_mode_flag(flag)
+   return valid_deps_modes[flag]
+function get_deps_mode(flags)
+   if flags["deps-mode"] then
+      return flags["deps-mode"]
+   else
+      return cfg.deps_mode
+   end
+function deps_mode_to_flag(deps_mode)
+   return "--deps-mode="..deps_mode