comparison share/lua/5.2/luarocks/path.lua @ 1132:d137f631bad5

<GreyKnight> (cd luabuild/luarocks-2.0.12; make install)
author HackBot
date Fri, 14 Dec 2012 22:24:27 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
1131:ff65dfb63263 1132:d137f631bad5
2 --- LuaRocks-specific path handling functions.
3 -- All paths are configured in this module, making it a single
4 -- point where the layout of the local installation is defined in LuaRocks.
5 module("luarocks.path", package.seeall)
7 local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
8 local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
9 local util = require("luarocks.util")
10 local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
12 help_summary = "Return the currently configured package path."
13 help_arguments = ""
14 help = [[
15 Returns the package path currently configured for this installation
16 of LuaRocks, formatted as shell commands to update LUA_PATH and
17 LUA_CPATH. (On Unix systems, you may run: eval `luarocks path`)
18 ]]
20 --- Infer rockspec filename from a rock filename.
21 -- @param rock_name string: Pathname of a rock file.
22 -- @return string: Filename of the rockspec, without path.
23 function rockspec_name_from_rock(rock_name)
24 assert(type(rock_name) == "string")
25 local base_name = dir.base_name(rock_name)
26 return base_name:match("(.*)%.[^.]*.rock") .. ".rockspec"
27 end
29 function rocks_dir(tree)
30 if type(tree) == "string" then
31 return dir.path(tree, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks")
32 else
33 assert(type(tree) == "table")
34 return tree.rocks_dir or dir.path(tree.root, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks")
35 end
36 end
38 function root_dir(rocks_dir)
39 assert(type(rocks_dir) == "string")
41 local suffix = dir.path("lib", "luarocks")
42 return rocks_dir:match("(.*)" .. suffix .. ".*$")
43 end
45 function deploy_bin_dir(tree)
46 if type(tree) == "string" then
47 return dir.path(tree, "bin")
48 else
49 assert(type(tree) == "table")
50 return tree.bin_dir or dir.path(tree.root, "bin")
51 end
52 end
54 function deploy_lua_dir(tree)
55 if type(tree) == "string" then
56 return dir.path(tree, cfg.lua_modules_path)
57 else
58 assert(type(tree) == "table")
59 return tree.lua_dir or dir.path(tree.root, cfg.lua_modules_path)
60 end
61 end
63 function deploy_lib_dir(tree)
64 if type(tree) == "string" then
65 return dir.path(tree, cfg.lib_modules_path)
66 else
67 assert(type(tree) == "table")
68 return tree.lib_dir or dir.path(tree.root, cfg.lib_modules_path)
69 end
70 end
72 function manifest_file(tree)
73 if type(tree) == "string" then
74 return dir.path(tree, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks", "manifest")
75 else
76 assert(type(tree) == "table")
77 return (tree.rocks_dir and dir.path(tree.rocks_dir, "manifest")) or dir.path(tree.root, "lib", "luarocks", "rocks", "manifest")
78 end
79 end
81 --- Get the directory for all versions of a package in a tree.
82 -- @param name string: The package name.
83 -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
84 -- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
85 -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
86 function versions_dir(name, tree)
87 assert(type(name) == "string")
88 tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
89 return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name)
90 end
92 --- Get the local installation directory (prefix) for a package.
93 -- @param name string: The package name.
94 -- @param version string: The package version.
95 -- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
96 -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
97 -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
98 function install_dir(name, version, tree)
99 assert(type(name) == "string")
100 assert(type(version) == "string")
101 tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
102 return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version)
103 end
105 --- Get the local filename of the rockspec of an installed rock.
106 -- @param name string: The package name.
107 -- @param version string: The package version.
108 -- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
109 -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
110 -- the package (and by extension, the file) exists.
111 function rockspec_file(name, version, tree)
112 assert(type(name) == "string")
113 assert(type(version) == "string")
114 tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
115 return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, name.."-"..version..".rockspec")
116 end
118 --- Get the local filename of the rock_manifest file of an installed rock.
119 -- @param name string: The package name.
120 -- @param version string: The package version.
121 -- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
122 -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
123 -- the package (and by extension, the file) exists.
124 function rock_manifest_file(name, version, tree)
125 assert(type(name) == "string")
126 assert(type(version) == "string")
127 tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
128 return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "rock_manifest")
129 end
131 --- Get the local installation directory for C libraries of a package.
132 -- @param name string: The package name.
133 -- @param version string: The package version.
134 -- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
135 -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
136 -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
137 function lib_dir(name, version, tree)
138 assert(type(name) == "string")
139 assert(type(version) == "string")
140 tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
141 return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "lib")
142 end
144 --- Get the local installation directory for Lua modules of a package.
145 -- @param name string: The package name.
146 -- @param version string: The package version.
147 -- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
148 -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
149 -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
150 function lua_dir(name, version, tree)
151 assert(type(name) == "string")
152 assert(type(version) == "string")
153 tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
154 return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "lua")
155 end
157 --- Get the local installation directory for documentation of a package.
158 -- @param name string: The package name.
159 -- @param version string: The package version.
160 -- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
161 -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
162 -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
163 function doc_dir(name, version, tree)
164 assert(type(name) == "string")
165 assert(type(version) == "string")
166 tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
167 return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "doc")
168 end
170 --- Get the local installation directory for configuration files of a package.
171 -- @param name string: The package name.
172 -- @param version string: The package version.
173 -- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
174 -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
175 -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
176 function conf_dir(name, version, tree)
177 assert(type(name) == "string")
178 assert(type(version) == "string")
179 tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
180 return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "conf")
181 end
183 --- Get the local installation directory for command-line scripts
184 -- of a package.
185 -- @param name string: The package name.
186 -- @param version string: The package version.
187 -- @param tree string or nil: If given, specifies the local tree to use.
188 -- @return string: The resulting path -- does not guarantee that
189 -- the package (and by extension, the path) exists.
190 function bin_dir(name, version, tree)
191 assert(type(name) == "string")
192 assert(type(version) == "string")
193 tree = tree or cfg.root_dir
194 return dir.path(rocks_dir(tree), name, version, "bin")
195 end
197 --- Extract name, version and arch of a rock filename,
198 -- or name, version and "rockspec" from a rockspec name.
199 -- @param file_name string: pathname of a rock or rockspec
200 -- @return (string, string, string) or nil: name, version and arch
201 -- or nil if name could not be parsed
202 function parse_name(file_name)
203 assert(type(file_name) == "string")
204 if file_name:match("%.rock$") then
205 return dir.base_name(file_name):match("(.*)-([^-]+-%d+)%.([^.]+)%.rock$")
206 else
207 return dir.base_name(file_name):match("(.*)-([^-]+-%d+)%.(rockspec)")
208 end
209 end
211 --- Make a rockspec or rock URL.
212 -- @param pathname string: Base URL or pathname.
213 -- @param name string: Package name.
214 -- @param version string: Package version.
215 -- @param arch string: Architecture identifier, or "rockspec" or "installed".
216 -- @return string: A URL or pathname following LuaRocks naming conventions.
217 function make_url(pathname, name, version, arch)
218 assert(type(pathname) == "string")
219 assert(type(name) == "string")
220 assert(type(version) == "string")
221 assert(type(arch) == "string")
223 local filename = name.."-"..version
224 if arch == "installed" then
225 filename = dir.path(name, version, filename..".rockspec")
226 elseif arch == "rockspec" then
227 filename = filename..".rockspec"
228 else
229 filename = filename.."."..arch..".rock"
230 end
231 return dir.path(pathname, filename)
232 end
234 --- Convert a pathname to a module identifier.
235 -- In Unix, for example, a path "foo/bar/baz.lua" is converted to
236 -- ""; "bla/init.lua" returns "bla"; "" returns "foo".
237 -- @param file string: Pathname of module
238 -- @return string: The module identifier, or nil if given path is
239 -- not a conformant module path (the function does not check if the
240 -- path actually exists).
241 function path_to_module(file)
242 assert(type(file) == "string")
244 local name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.lua_extension.."$")
245 if name then
246 name = name:gsub(dir.separator, ".")
247 local init = name:match("(.*)%.init$")
248 if init then
249 name = init
250 end
251 else
252 name = file:match("(.*)%."..cfg.lib_extension.."$")
253 if name then
254 name = name:gsub(dir.separator, ".")
255 end
256 end
257 if not name then name = file end
258 name = name:gsub("^%.+", ""):gsub("%.+$", "")
259 return name
260 end
262 --- Obtain the directory name where a module should be stored.
263 -- For example, on Unix, "" will return "foo/bar".
264 -- @param mod string: A module name in Lua dot-separated format.
265 -- @return string: A directory name using the platform's separator.
266 function module_to_path(mod)
267 assert(type(mod) == "string")
268 return (mod:gsub("[^.]*$", ""):gsub("%.", dir.separator))
269 end
271 --- Set up path-related variables for a given rock.
272 -- Create a "variables" table in the rockspec table, containing
273 -- adjusted variables according to the configuration file.
274 -- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table.
275 function configure_paths(rockspec)
276 assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
277 local vars = {}
278 for k,v in pairs(cfg.variables) do
279 vars[k] = v
280 end
281 local name, version =, rockspec.version
282 vars.PREFIX = install_dir(name, version)
283 vars.LUADIR = lua_dir(name, version)
284 vars.LIBDIR = lib_dir(name, version)
285 vars.CONFDIR = conf_dir(name, version)
286 vars.BINDIR = bin_dir(name, version)
287 vars.DOCDIR = doc_dir(name, version)
288 rockspec.variables = vars
289 end
291 function versioned_name(file, prefix, name, version)
292 assert(type(file) == "string")
293 assert(type(name) == "string")
294 assert(type(version) == "string")
296 local rest = file:sub(#prefix+1):gsub("^/*", "")
297 local name_version = (name.."_"..version):gsub("%-", "_"):gsub("%.", "_")
298 return dir.path(prefix, name_version.."-"
299 end
301 function use_tree(tree)
302 cfg.root_dir = tree
303 cfg.rocks_dir = rocks_dir(tree)
304 cfg.deploy_bin_dir = deploy_bin_dir(tree)
305 cfg.deploy_lua_dir = deploy_lua_dir(tree)
306 cfg.deploy_lib_dir = deploy_lib_dir(tree)
307 end
309 function map_trees(deps_mode, fn, ...)
310 local result = {}
311 if deps_mode == "one" then
312 table.insert(result, (fn(cfg.root_dir, ...)) or 0)
313 elseif deps_mode == "all" or deps_mode == "order" then
314 local use = false
315 if deps_mode == "all" then
316 use = true
317 end
318 for _, tree in ipairs(cfg.rocks_trees) do
319 if dir.normalize(tree) == dir.normalize(cfg.root_dir) then
320 use = true
321 end
322 if use then
323 table.insert(result, (fn(tree, ...)) or 0)
324 end
325 end
326 end
327 return result
328 end
330 --- Return the pathname of the file that would be loaded for a module, indexed.
331 -- @param module_name string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
332 -- @param name string: name of the package (eg. "luasocket")
333 -- @param version string: version number (eg. "2.0.2-1")
334 -- @param tree string: repository path (eg. "/usr/local")
335 -- @param i number: the index, 1 if version is the current default, > 1 otherwise.
336 -- This is done this way for use by select_module in luarocks.loader.
337 -- @return string: filename of the module (eg. "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/")
338 function which_i(module_name, name, version, tree, i)
339 local deploy_dir
340 if module_name:match("%.lua$") then
341 deploy_dir = deploy_lua_dir(tree)
342 module_name = dir.path(deploy_dir, module_name)
343 else
344 deploy_dir = deploy_lib_dir(tree)
345 module_name = dir.path(deploy_dir, module_name)
346 end
347 if i > 1 then
348 module_name = versioned_name(module_name, deploy_dir, name, version)
349 end
350 return module_name
351 end
353 --- Return the pathname of the file that would be loaded for a module,
354 -- returning the versioned pathname if given version is not the default version
355 -- in the given manifest.
356 -- @param module_name string: module name (eg. "socket.core")
357 -- @param name string: name of the package (eg. "luasocket")
358 -- @param version string: version number (eg. "2.0.2-1")
359 -- @param tree string: repository path (eg. "/usr/local")
360 -- @param manifest table: the manifest table for the tree.
361 -- @return string: filename of the module (eg. "/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket/")
362 function which(module_name, filename, name, version, tree, manifest)
363 local versions = manifest.modules[module_name]
364 assert(versions)
365 for i, name_version in ipairs(versions) do
366 if name_version == name.."/"..version then
367 return which_i(filename, name, version, tree, i):gsub("//", "/")
368 end
369 end
370 assert(false)
371 end
373 --- Driver function for "path" command.
374 -- @return boolean This function always succeeds.
375 function run(...)
376 local flags = util.parse_flags(...)
377 local deps_mode = deps.get_deps_mode(flags)
379 util.printout(cfg.export_lua_path:format(util.remove_path_dupes(package.path, ';')))
380 util.printout(cfg.export_lua_cpath:format(util.remove_path_dupes(package.cpath, ';')))
381 if flags["bin"] then
382 local bin_dirs = map_trees(deps_mode, deploy_bin_dir)
383 table.insert(bin_dirs, 1, os.getenv("PATH"))
384 util.printout(cfg.export_path:format(util.remove_path_dupes(table.concat(bin_dirs, cfg.export_path_separator), cfg.export_path_separator)))
385 end
386 return true
387 end