comparison share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch.lua @ 1132:d137f631bad5

<GreyKnight> (cd luabuild/luarocks-2.0.12; make install)
author HackBot
date Fri, 14 Dec 2012 22:24:27 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
1131:ff65dfb63263 1132:d137f631bad5
2 --- Functions related to fetching and loading local and remote files.
3 module("luarocks.fetch", package.seeall)
5 local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
6 local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
7 local type_check = require("luarocks.type_check")
8 local path = require("luarocks.path")
9 local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
10 local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
11 local util = require("luarocks.util")
12 local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
14 --- Fetch a local or remote file.
15 -- Make a remote or local URL/pathname local, fetching the file if necessary.
16 -- Other "fetch" and "load" functions use this function to obtain files.
17 -- If a local pathname is given, it is returned as a result.
18 -- @param url string: a local pathname or a remote URL.
19 -- @param filename string or nil: this function attempts to detect the
20 -- resulting local filename of the remote file as the basename of the URL;
21 -- if that is not correct (due to a redirection, for example), the local
22 -- filename can be given explicitly as this second argument.
23 -- @return string or (nil, string, [string]): the absolute local pathname for the
24 -- fetched file, or nil and a message in case of errors, followed by
25 -- an optional error code.
26 function fetch_url(url, filename)
27 assert(type(url) == "string")
28 assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
30 local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(url)
31 if protocol == "file" then
32 return fs.absolute_name(pathname)
33 elseif protocol == "http" or protocol == "ftp" or protocol == "https" then
34 local ok, err =, filename)
35 if not ok then
36 return nil, "Failed downloading "..url..(err and " - "..err or ""), "network"
37 end
38 return dir.path(fs.current_dir(), filename or dir.base_name(url))
39 else
40 return nil, "Unsupported protocol "..protocol
41 end
42 end
44 --- For remote URLs, create a temporary directory and download URL inside it.
45 -- This temporary directory will be deleted on program termination.
46 -- For local URLs, just return the local pathname and its directory.
47 -- @param url string: URL to be downloaded
48 -- @param tmpname string: name pattern to use for avoiding conflicts
49 -- when creating temporary directory.
50 -- @param filename string or nil: local filename of URL to be downloaded,
51 -- in case it can't be inferred from the URL.
52 -- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): absolute local pathname of
53 -- the fetched file and temporary directory name; or nil and an error message
54 -- followed by an optional error code
55 function fetch_url_at_temp_dir(url, tmpname, filename)
56 assert(type(url) == "string")
57 assert(type(tmpname) == "string")
58 assert(type(filename) == "string" or not filename)
59 filename = filename or dir.base_name(url)
61 local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(url)
62 if protocol == "file" then
63 if fs.exists(pathname) then
64 return pathname, dir.dir_name(fs.absolute_name(pathname))
65 else
66 return nil, "File not found: "..pathname
67 end
68 else
69 local temp_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(tmpname)
70 if not temp_dir then
71 return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
72 end
73 util.schedule_function(fs.delete, temp_dir)
74 fs.change_dir(temp_dir)
75 local file, err, errcode = fetch_url(url, filename)
76 fs.pop_dir()
77 if not file then
78 return nil, "Error fetching file: "..err, errcode
79 end
80 return file, temp_dir
81 end
82 end
84 --- Obtain a rock and unpack it.
85 -- If a directory is not given, a temporary directory will be created,
86 -- which will be deleted on program termination.
87 -- @param rock_file string: URL or filename of the rock.
88 -- @param dest string or nil: if given, directory will be used as
89 -- a permanent destination.
90 -- @return string or (nil, string, [string]): the directory containing the contents
91 -- of the unpacked rock.
92 function fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, dest)
93 assert(type(rock_file) == "string")
94 assert(type(dest) == "string" or not dest)
96 local name = dir.base_name(rock_file):match("(.*)%.[^.]*%.rock")
98 local rock_file, err, errcode = fetch_url_at_temp_dir(rock_file,"luarocks-rock-"
99 if not rock_file then
100 return nil, "Could not fetch rock file: " .. err, errcode
101 end
103 rock_file = fs.absolute_name(rock_file)
104 local unpack_dir
105 if dest then
106 unpack_dir = dest
107 fs.make_dir(unpack_dir)
108 else
109 unpack_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name)
110 end
111 if not dest then
112 util.schedule_function(fs.delete, unpack_dir)
113 end
114 fs.change_dir(unpack_dir)
115 local ok = fs.unzip(rock_file)
116 if not ok then
117 return nil, "Failed unpacking rock file: " .. rock_file
118 end
119 fs.pop_dir()
120 return unpack_dir
121 end
123 --- Back-end function that actually loads the local rockspec.
124 -- Performs some validation and postprocessing of the rockspec contents.
125 -- @param filename string: The local filename of the rockspec file.
126 -- @return table or (nil, string): A table representing the rockspec
127 -- or nil followed by an error message.
128 function load_local_rockspec(filename)
129 assert(type(filename) == "string")
130 filename = fs.absolute_name(filename)
131 local rockspec, err = persist.load_into_table(filename)
132 if not rockspec then
133 return nil, "Could not load rockspec file "..filename.." ("..err..")"
134 end
136 local ok, err = type_check.type_check_rockspec(rockspec)
137 if not ok then
138 return nil, filename..": "..err
139 end
141 if rockspec.rockspec_format then
142 if deps.compare_versions(rockspec.rockspec_format, type_check.rockspec_format) then
143 return nil, "Rockspec format "..rockspec.rockspec_format.." is not supported, please upgrade LuaRocks."
144 end
145 end
147 util.platform_overrides(
148 util.platform_overrides(rockspec.dependencies)
149 util.platform_overrides(rockspec.external_dependencies)
150 util.platform_overrides(rockspec.source)
151 util.platform_overrides(rockspec.hooks)
153 local basename = dir.base_name(filename)
154 if basename == "rockspec" then
155 = rockspec.package:lower()
156 else
157 = basename:match("(.*)-[^-]*-[0-9]*")
158 if not then
159 return nil, "Expected filename in format 'name-version-revision.rockspec'."
160 end
161 end
163 local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(rockspec.source.url)
164 if protocol == "http" or protocol == "https" or protocol == "ftp" or protocol == "file" then
165 rockspec.source.file = rockspec.source.file or dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
166 end
167 rockspec.source.protocol, rockspec.source.pathname = protocol, pathname
169 -- Temporary compatibility
170 if rockspec.source.cvs_module then rockspec.source.module = rockspec.source.cvs_module end
171 if rockspec.source.cvs_tag then rockspec.source.tag = rockspec.source.cvs_tag end
173 local name_version = rockspec.package:lower() .. "-" .. rockspec.version
174 if basename ~= "rockspec" and basename ~= name_version .. ".rockspec" then
175 return nil, "Inconsistency between rockspec filename ("..basename..") and its contents ("..name_version..".rockspec)."
176 end
178 rockspec.local_filename = filename
179 local filebase = rockspec.source.file or rockspec.source.url
180 local base = dir.base_name(filebase)
181 base = base:gsub("%.[^.]*$", ""):gsub("%.tar$", "")
182 rockspec.source.dir = rockspec.source.dir
183 or rockspec.source.module
184 or ((filebase:match(".lua$") or filebase:match(".c$")) and ".")
185 or base
186 if rockspec.dependencies then
187 for i = 1, #rockspec.dependencies do
188 local parsed = deps.parse_dep(rockspec.dependencies[i])
189 if not parsed then
190 return nil, "Parse error processing dependency '"..rockspec.dependencies[i].."'"
191 end
192 rockspec.dependencies[i] = parsed
193 end
194 else
195 rockspec.dependencies = {}
196 end
197 local ok, err = path.configure_paths(rockspec)
198 if err then
199 return nil, "Error verifying paths: "..err
200 end
202 return rockspec
203 end
205 --- Load a local or remote rockspec into a table.
206 -- This is the entry point for the LuaRocks tools.
207 -- Only the LuaRocks runtime loader should use
208 -- load_local_rockspec directly.
209 -- @param filename string: Local or remote filename of a rockspec.
210 -- @param location string or nil: Where to download. If not given,
211 -- a temporary dir is created.
212 -- @return table or (nil, string, [string]): A table representing the rockspec
213 -- or nil followed by an error message and optional error code.
214 function load_rockspec(filename, location)
215 assert(type(filename) == "string")
217 local name
218 local basename = dir.base_name(filename)
219 if basename == "rockspec" then
220 name = "rockspec"
221 else
222 name = basename:match("(.*)%.rockspec")
223 if not name and not basename == "rockspec" then
224 return nil, "Filename '"..filename.."' does not look like a rockspec."
225 end
226 end
228 local err, errcode
229 if location then
230 fs.change_dir(location)
231 filename, err = fetch_url(filename)
232 fs.pop_dir()
233 else
234 filename, err, errcode = fetch_url_at_temp_dir(filename,"luarocks-rockspec-"
235 end
236 if not filename then
237 return nil, err, errcode
238 end
240 return load_local_rockspec(filename)
241 end
243 --- Download sources for building a rock using the basic URL downloader.
244 -- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
245 -- @param extract boolean: Whether to extract the sources from
246 -- the fetched source tarball or not.
247 -- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
248 -- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): The absolute pathname of
249 -- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
250 -- store it; or nil and an error message and optional error code.
251 function get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
252 assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
253 assert(type(extract) == "boolean")
254 assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
256 local url = rockspec.source.url
257 local name ="-"..rockspec.version
258 local filename = rockspec.source.file
259 local source_file, store_dir, err, errcode
260 if dest_dir then
261 fs.change_dir(dest_dir)
262 source_file, err, errcode = fetch_url(url, filename)
263 fs.pop_dir()
264 store_dir = dest_dir
265 else
266 source_file, store_dir, errcode = fetch_url_at_temp_dir(url, "luarocks-source-", filename)
267 end
268 if not source_file then
269 return nil, err or store_dir, errcode
270 end
271 if rockspec.source.md5 then
272 if not fs.check_md5(source_file, rockspec.source.md5) then
273 return nil, "MD5 check for "..filename.." has failed."
274 end
275 end
276 if extract then
277 fs.change_dir(store_dir)
278 fs.unpack_archive(rockspec.source.file)
279 if not fs.exists(rockspec.source.dir) then
280 return nil, "Directory "..rockspec.source.dir.." not found inside archive "..rockspec.source.file
281 end
282 fs.pop_dir()
283 end
284 return source_file, store_dir
285 end
287 --- Download sources for building a rock, calling the appropriate protocol method.
288 -- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
289 -- @param extract boolean: When downloading compressed formats, whether to extract
290 -- the sources from the fetched archive or not.
291 -- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
292 -- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
293 -- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
294 -- store it; or nil and an error message.
295 function fetch_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
296 assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
297 assert(type(extract) == "boolean")
298 assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)
300 local protocol = rockspec.source.protocol
301 local ok, proto
302 if protocol == "http" or protocol == "https" or protocol == "ftp" or protocol == "file" then
303 proto = require("luarocks.fetch")
304 else
305 ok, proto = pcall(require, "luarocks.fetch."..protocol:gsub("[+-]", "_"))
306 if not ok then
307 return nil, "Unknown protocol "..protocol
308 end
309 end
311 if cfg.only_sources_from
312 and rockspec.source.pathname
313 and #rockspec.source.pathname > 0 then
314 if #cfg.only_sources_from == 0 then
315 return nil, "Can't download "..rockspec.source.url.." -- download from remote servers disabled"
316 elseif rockspec.source.pathname:find(cfg.only_sources_from, 1, true) ~= 1 then
317 return nil, "Can't download "..rockspec.source.url.." -- only downloading from "..cfg.only_sources_from
318 end
319 end
320 return proto.get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
321 end