1 ::= The 1 is just for disambiguation. applicative functor ::= Applicative functors are just monoids in the category of endofunctors. arrow ::= Arrows are just strong monads in the category of profunctors. Time flies are attracted to them. automatic squirrel feeder ::= Automatic squirrel feeders are just feeders in the category of automatic squirrels. Taneb invented them. bicategory ::= Bicategories are just categories where composition is only associative up to an isomorphism. brain ::= Brains are just receptacles for bricks. character ::= A character is just a homomorphism to the group of complex numbers of modulus 1. chu space ::= A Chu space is just a matrix. Taneb invented them, then Chu stole his invention. codensity ::= Codensity is just mass per volume with all the arrows reversed. comonad ::= Comonads are just monads in the dual category. They are hard to get into. complete heyting algebra ::= A complete Heyting algebra is just a cartesian closed complete lattice. d-module ::= D-modules are just modules over the ring of differential operators. Taneb invented them. danish ::= In Danish, the word for "island" is just "ø" for øfficiency reasons. diagram ::= A diagram is just a functor. doodad ::= Doodads are just duoids in the category of endofunctors. dynamic-unwind ::= dynamic-unwind is just like dynamic-wind except that it's a different sort of weather. endofunctor ::= Endofunctors are just endomorphisms in the category of categories. endomorphism ::= Endomorphisms are just final morphisms. epimorphism ::= An epimorphism is just a monomorphism in the opposite category. equal temperament ::= Equal temperament is just intonation that's evenly spaced. frame ::= A frame is just a complete Heyting algebra. Frame homomorphisms don't preserve implication, if you know what I mean. frozen water ::= Frozen water is just ice. grammar ::= Grammar is just the evil subset of syntax. group ::= Groups are just loops with the property of associativity. hallucination ::= You are just imagining this wisdom entry. hms pinafore ::= HMS Pinafore is just some infernal nonsense, according to general majority opinion. hom-set ::= Hom-sets are just sets of morphisms between two objects. indexed monad ::= Indexed monads are just monads on an indexed category. indexed monad ::= Indexed monads are just categories enriched over the monoidal category of endofunctors. insanity ::= Unless you are boily, you are just imagining this wisdom entry. isjust ::= isJust is just a Haskell function to check if a value is Just a. jargon ::= jargon is just a really grandiose opaque gobbledygook. jit ::= JIT is just in time. just ::= Just is just a just adverb. justice ::= Justice is just behavior or treatment. justices ::= Justices are just members of the Supreme Court. kittegory ::= A kittegory is just a small category. ladder ::= A ladder is just a directed vertical bridge in the positive orientation. lens ::= A lens is just a store comonad coalgebra. locale ::= Locales are just frames, which are just complete Heyting algebras. Taneb accidentally invented them by asking about lattices. The only locale available in #esoteric is en_NZ.UTF-8. logic ::= Logic is just another way the true Scotsman is keeping you down. matrix ::= A matrix is just a matrix. People use them to communicate. Taneb invented them. mdude ::= MDude is just a dude, with an M's courage. monad ::= Monads are just monoids in the category of endofunctors. monads ::= Monads are just free monad monad monad algebras. monoidal category ::= Monoidal categories are just 2-categories with a single object. monoids ::= Monoids are just categories with single objects. monomorphism ::= A monomorphism is just an epimorphism in the opposite category. morphism ::= A morphism is just a natural transformation between two diagrams of shape 1. mustard watch ::= A mustard watch is just a classical watch extended with a certain amount of mustard in the mechanism. ngram model ::= An ngram model is just a Markov model with a sliding window state. object ::= An object is just something in a category. partial order ::= A partial order is just a small thin skeletal category. preorder ::= A preorder is just a small thin category. quote ::= Quotes are just elements of the quantum dilapidated bogosphere. See qdb. segmentation fault ::= The Segmentation Fault is just of the Silicon Valley and is known to produce various hiccups at the most inconvienent times. static-wind ::= static-wind is just air. syntax ::= Syntax is just a subset of grammar. the torus ::= Topologically, a torus is just a torus. Taneb invented it so he'd have something to drink his preferred beverage out of. this sentence ::= This sentence is just. Taneb invented it. torus ::= Topologically, a torus is just a torus. Taneb invented it so he'd have something to drink his coffee out of. vector space ::= A vector space is just a module over a field. xor ::= Xor is just addition of nimbers. you ::= You are just a second person pronoun.