
age author description
Sun, 19 May 2013 05:17:17 +0000 HackBot <Jafet> mv bin/zalgo{2,}
Sun, 19 May 2013 05:16:36 +0000 HackBot <Jafet> echo $\'#!/usr/bin/python\\nimport codecs,sys,random\\nstdin=codecs.getreader("utf-8")(sys.stdin)\\nstdout=codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout)\\nx=[unichr(0x300+i) for i in range(0,112)+[393,2887]]\\ndef z(n,c):\\n if c in ["\\\\n"]+x:\\n n=0\\n return u"".join(x[random.randrange(0,len(x))] for i in range(n))\\nstdout.write(u"".join(c+z(2,c) for c in stdin.read()) + u"\\\\n")\' > bin/zalgo2 && chmod +x bin/zalgo2 && echo HE COMES | zalgo2
Sun, 19 May 2013 05:15:13 +0000 HackBot <Jafet> echo $\'#!python\\nimport codecs,sys,random\\nstdin=codecs.getreader("utf-8")(sys.stdin)\\nstdout=codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout)\\nx=[unichr(0x300+i) for i in range(0,112)+[393,2887]]\\ndef z(n,c):\\n if c in ["\\\\n"]+x:\\n n=0\\n return u"".join(x[random.randrange(0,len(x))] for i in range(n))\\nstdout.write(u"".join(c+z(2,c) for c in stdin.read()) + u"\\\\n")\' > bin/zalgo2 && chmod +x bin/zalgo2 && echo HE COMES | zalgo2
Sat, 18 May 2013 21:04:48 +0000 HackBot <Bike> pastequotes Bike
Sat, 18 May 2013 20:59:08 +0000 HackBot <oerjan> addquote <Bike> i think we need more clever well-recognized idioms based on nematodes
Sat, 18 May 2013 01:00:17 +0000 HackBot <elliott> pastequotes @
Fri, 17 May 2013 19:38:24 +0000 HackBot <oerjan> learn Eurovision is the European way of looking at the world. For some reason it involves a lot of cheesy singing.