# HG changeset patch # User HackEso # Date 1550414734 0 # Node ID a4a9fc5d1ab96d1154d216d998b877c856571fde # Parent 3583c75644f8c173afa63c1ee7027dc9560c48c2 `` addquote \' Anyway, you know yesterday I had a program which lists primes which ran out of memory before reaching 3?\' #https://esolangs.org/logs/2019-02-17.html#lT diff -r 3583c75644f8 -r a4a9fc5d1ab9 quotes --- a/quotes Fri Feb 15 22:21:25 2019 +0000 +++ b/quotes Sun Feb 17 14:45:34 2019 +0000 @@ -1329,3 +1329,4 @@ Excuse me, I entered the channel without knowing what it was. I just wanted to talk to people 😥 idk if you're likely to have much luck there this channel is mostly full of computer programmers, not people I don't care for the bf backend as long as it doesn't make the rest of ayacc harder to sue ...this is the first prime number finder I've ever written which ran out of memory before finding 3 + Anyway, you know yesterday I had a program which lists primes which ran out of memory before reaching 3?