log wisdom/𝕈 @ 12262:6908a7095bcd draft

age author description
Tue, 08 Mar 2016 04:10:12 +0000 HackBot <oerjan> ` sed -i "s\'unicode consortium\'Unicode Consortium\'" wisdom/\xf0\x9d\x95\x88
Tue, 08 Mar 2016 03:55:26 +0000 HackBot <\oren\> learn \xf0\x9d\x95\x88 would be the set of rational numbers, if the unicode consortium weren\'t idiots who put it as \xe2\x84\x9a.
Tue, 08 Mar 2016 03:26:00 +0000 HackBot <\oren\> learn \xf0\x9d\x95\x88 is the set of rational numbers.