view wisdom/drone sex @ 12508:335a2a849232 draft default tip

<wib_jonas> `` f=/hackenv/bin/dateu; >$f echo $\'#!/bin/bash\\nset -e\\nif (( 1 < $# )); then echo "dateu error: too many command-line arguments. Usage: dateu datetimestring"; exit 2; fi\\nexec date -u ${1:+-d "$1"} "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N %z %Z %B %-e %A %G-W%V-%u"\'; chmod a+x "$f"
author HackEso <>
date Wed, 03 Jul 2024 18:15:24 +0100
parents a65a2dc32a46
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Drone sex has never been observed in the wild; in fact it's rare to see drones in their natural habitat because they are extremely shy. Experiments with drones in captivity have only resulted in broken drones, and a rotor stuck in the ceiling. We are still looking for a biological explanation for the ever increasing drone population.