view paste/paste.7713 @ 12514:500486b20e41 draft default tip

<int-e> slwd fungot//s/ds/d s/
author HackEso <>
date Fri, 27 Sep 2024 20:43:06 +0100
parents 65b2ec4c4c62
line wrap: on
line source

2011-04-23.txt:21:07:25: -!- Saizan has joined #esoteric.
2011-04-23.txt:21:09:39: <elliott> saizan has been here before.
2011-04-23.txt:21:10:24: <Saizan> i don't think so, anyhow it's just that this channel got mentioned elsewhere, i think
2011-04-23.txt:21:11:26: <elliott> hmm, wait, Saizan is from the haskell channel
2011-04-23.txt:21:19:05: -!- Saizan has parted #esoteric.
2011-07-28.txt:07:33:37: <oerjan> "Saizan: agda is webscale in the sense that you need half of The Cloud to run the typechecker
2011-12-05.txt:22:07:37: <elliott> <Saizan> got patched to be more reliable
2012-02-03.txt:20:34:36: -!- Saizan has joined #esoteric.
2012-02-03.txt:22:30:15: -!- Saizan has parted #esoteric.
2012-04-04.txt:17:26:30: <lambdabot> augur says: <augur> Saizan: theres someone in here named codensity <Saizan> i see <augur> im being stalked by CT concepts i dont understand :( <Saizan> it happens - Saizan is now known as kan_
2012-04-04.txt:17:27:46: <lambdabot> augur says: <augur> Saizan: theres someone in here named codensity <Saizan> i see <augur> im being stalked by CT concepts i dont understand :( <Saizan> it happens - Saizan is now known as kan_
2012-10-17.txt:23:07:34: <shachaf> 16:06 <Saizan> shachaf: btw, logarithms are easy for representable functors
2012-10-21.txt:02:28:45: <shachaf> elliott: So did you know 18:49 <Saizan> Either x y = exists b. if b then x else y; (x,y) = forall b. if b then x else y
2013-04-23.txt:23:44:11: -!- Saizan has joined #esoteric.
2013-04-23.txt:23:47:08: <copumpkin> o/ Saizan 
2013-04-23.txt:23:47:22: <Saizan> hi!
2013-04-24.txt:00:29:33: <shachaf> `relcome Saizan
2013-04-24.txt:00:29:45: <HackEgo> ​12Saizan:06 Welcome t12o the international hu04b for esot02eric progr05amm05ing 14lang09u12age d06esign a05nd depl12oyment!10 For m14ore information, check out ou12r wiki: http:/08/es07o09langs.12org11/w04iki/Main_Page. (For the06 other06 ki14nd o11f esoterica, try #e08sot06eri04c on irc.dal.04net.)
2013-04-24.txt:00:35:51: <Saizan> shachaf: how many make jokes about wanting help with pentacles?
2013-04-24.txt:12:14:23: <shachaf> Saizan: How did you end up in this channel?
2013-04-24.txt:12:18:45: <Saizan> shachaf: i've seen it mentioned here and there, and i was looking for somewhere else to lurk
2013-04-24.txt:20:29:51: -!- Saizan has parted #esoteric.
2013-04-24.txt:20:36:09: <boily> by saizan too?
2013-04-30.txt:04:14:36: <shachaf> `seen Saizan
2013-04-30.txt:04:14:40: <HackEgo> 2013-04-24 12:18:45: <Saizan> shachaf: i've seen it mentioned here and there, and i was looking for somewhere else to lurk
2013-04-30.txt:04:15:02: <shachaf> `pastelogs Saizan