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<int-e> learn The password of the month is twenty-six characters long
author HackEso <>
date Tue, 01 Oct 2024 11:58:37 +0100
parents f287bdcbfcd2
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2003-03-07.txt:20:56:09: * SamB is away: fetching sister
2003-07-28.txt:02:15:18: <andreou> For my personal history, over the years I've competed in and taught nightclub type dancing, surfed professionally and owned a surfboard company, competed in and coached both wrestling and tennis, become a real rocket scientist and a computer nerd, gotten five college degrees, acquired a teaching credential, hob-nobbed with many famous people, written several books (most are technical but one is on surfing and one is on Sombo - a form of martial arts), be
2003-07-30.txt:20:37:31: <Taaus> Actually, I'm switching to Mathematics in a few months.
2003-09-25.txt:14:28:58: <fizzie> indeed. heh, they're teaching us how to use mathematica here.
2003-12-12.txt:23:03:01: -!- fizzie has quit ("broken disk; switching to new.").
2004-02-10.txt:23:25:05: <lament> i'm sure the decisions made were extremely far-reaching
2004-05-04.txt:04:27:34: <Toreun> hold on, switching...
2004-05-06.txt:01:48:10: <heatsink> Maybe something is caching the webpage
2004-05-18.txt:22:18:09: <calamari-> I found it by searching for Chris Pressey in google :P
2004-05-27.txt:16:37:24: <fizzie> "1154-1991         IEEE Standard for Programmed Inquiry, Learning, or Teaching (PILOT)"
2004-05-27.txt:22:21:14: <fizzie> there's a row of 16 contacts, and I should attach and solder a wire into all of them, without any pieces of metal touching each other.
2004-05-28.txt:20:59:44: <calamari-> I use the name to emulate a jump (checks each label until it finds the one matching the call)
2004-06-10.txt:20:57:19: <lament> that's because matching [...-] is silly.
2004-06-12.txt:19:43:33: <lament> Also being able to prove that a loop like [...>] will stop after reaching at most cell Y.
2004-06-24.txt:06:53:28: <calamari_> so far everything is matching up great
2004-06-26.txt:19:20:42: <bbls> you need a database and smart algorithms for searching in the database
2004-06-28.txt:02:27:49: <WildHalcyon_> I've tried switching them out
2004-07-09.txt:18:12:45: <tah> Ah, someone alive. I found this channel from a log on the web while searching for Argh!
2004-08-05.txt:05:02:40: -!- JoeyP has quit ("catching sleep").
2004-09-14.txt:21:42:34: <fizzie> "you could try searching for that" :p
2004-10-02.txt:13:49:03: <fizzie> "exercise 5: there's a car (mass m=1000kg) approaching a cliff at speed v=1.0cm/s. calculate the probability of said car reflecting off the cliff border. (hint: treat the cliff as a (gravity) potential wall, and write the schroedinger equation before and after the cliff. the probability of reflection is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the wave component moving backwards."
2004-12-01.txt:22:34:15: <fizzie> Not much, but non-sleeping manifests itself as aching eyes and other symptoms.
2004-12-29.txt:18:50:31: * calamari_ needs to implement some kind of caching on this thing.. reading a sector at a time really slows things down 
2005-03-05.txt:13:30:09: <Keymaker> most probably the printing of that text could be made a lot smaller, but i don't really like searching the shortest ways to print text in bf
2005-03-06.txt:03:07:07: <{^Raven^}> and then issue a dialect switching command to switch specifications.
2005-03-06.txt:08:04:15: <{^Raven^}> it supports EsoAPI at start and will allow bank switching when I add the call,
2005-03-06.txt:08:15:07: <{^Raven^}> EsoAPI will need to be modified to support dialect switching (aka 00h 09h xxh)
2005-03-11.txt:04:46:13: <arke> so I had a pattern matching thing (HELL to do in TI-BASIC, took me several hundreds of lines ;))
2005-03-15.txt:15:55:53: <calamari> since this will require a 2nd pass, I can also check to see that any GOTO's have a matching destination LABEL 
2005-03-17.txt:23:11:24: <calamari> so for all that searching, only one change takes place
2005-04-06.txt:17:28:03: <Keymaker> why does google get me different results if i'm using firefox in windows and opera in linux when searching "#esoteric logs"?
2005-05-04.txt:17:07:53: -!- fizzie has quit ("(switching NICs.)").
2005-05-04.txt:21:41:08: <GregorR-L> I was mentally imagining it the other way.  I was seeing a vertical tape in my head, with values stretching left-right.
2005-05-05.txt:15:16:12: <fizzie> Single-stepping and watching the state transitions helps to see where it goes worng.
2005-05-06.txt:13:29:58: <KnX> i'm searching peoples who wrote funge-98 interpreters , is there anyone here ? ( i'm trying to write mine, and have some questions )
2005-05-06.txt:15:44:25: <Keymaker> well i go searching...... i'm so annoyed.........
2005-05-06.txt:21:53:28: <KnX> i'm searching an efficient implementation for an arbitrary-dimentional funge-space in C, if someone has a good idea ...
2005-05-06.txt:23:41:01: <KnX> i feel curious about they searching algorithm / database
2005-05-13.txt:11:46:34: <pgimeno> ORK is half the way towards an usable teaching language
2005-05-13.txt:11:53:27: <pgimeno> well, he agreed that it was halfway usable for object-oriented programming teaching
2005-05-14.txt:23:05:49: <fizzie> Well, you could try to find the longest or shortest matching method name. But I guess it's not necessary.
2005-05-15.txt:08:19:57: <GregorR> The rest of us were watching this guy in his apartment.
2005-05-18.txt:20:33:51: <pgimeno> they'll be teaching ork when there's a virtual machine compiler ready
2005-05-24.txt:18:08:01: <GregorR-L> Cool, cool.  Heard the rumors about Apple switching to Intel?
2005-05-24.txt:18:09:19: <GregorR-L> Seems unlikely to me - though I can definitely see them switching to centrino laptops.  There would be a huge issue with platform compatability if they only half-changed though.
2005-05-25.txt:00:24:26: <pgimeno> anything involving touching that code is risky
2005-05-25.txt:14:57:51: <pgimeno> have you noticed the placement of the disk in the shot? there were two disks together before, but it seems that the lack of ventilation caused the temperature to raise to a point where touching the disk was even prone to causing injury
2005-05-26.txt:14:49:03: <pgimeno> I suppose that even if that happens there's always the option of switching to a different host
2005-05-27.txt:23:00:53: <kipple> glad you liked the new look. just switching from Times to Arial does wonders....
2005-05-28.txt:05:27:51: * GregorR considers switching his projects to Gna.
2005-05-28.txt:18:42:12: <pgimeno> we're approaching three
2005-05-31.txt:18:46:58: <jix> it's objects are stored as xml... a program is an object.. i make havy use of the isNot operator.. (.. searching for m$ patents)
2005-05-31.txt:20:45:52: <fizzie> Also the operator table lists ~ as concatenation, ? as regular-expression-matching, but the description below reads "The regular expression matcher, ~, --"
2005-06-01.txt:15:44:05: <malaprop> Is not so much a conditional as matching. Like how in ML you'll have to write f for the empty list as well as for the full one.
2005-06-01.txt:16:09:33: <CXI> ah, crap, I can't store my function table as a hash because of pattern matching
2005-06-01.txt:18:25:31: <jix> that's not recursive pattern matching
2005-06-01.txt:20:24:02: <jix> GregorR: the specs for FYB need an extension: ;: added on runtime and unmatching ;:,{} and []
2005-06-02.txt:00:55:11: <graue> heh, i just realized you can trick the matcher into matching a literal !
2005-06-02.txt:01:52:05: <GregorR> B) If a jump is to be made, but there is no matching symbol, the jump is ignored.
2005-06-02.txt:04:51:45: <graue> the expression is unchanged, although the results of a regex searching the expression name list may be
2005-06-02.txt:15:33:41: <graue> if it uses perl for the regexp matching, doesn't that tie the language inextricably to perl?
2005-06-02.txt:19:59:50: <graue> then the expressions are evaluated in turn going down, and wrapping around when reaching the bottom
2005-06-02.txt:20:14:16: <pgimeno> well, if there's an stopper like terminate := ".!" "" ? then the only way to do a loop is to insert strings before reaching it
2005-06-04.txt:00:02:09: <jix> automatic downloading+(patching if needed)+compilation of source code
2005-06-04.txt:22:51:23: * cpressey sees an "esoFS" approaching on the horizon :)
2005-06-05.txt:17:25:29: <pgimeno> "The replacement may contain the special character & to refer to that portion of the patter space which matched, and the special escapes \1 through \9 to refer to the corresponding matching sub-expressions in the regexp." (from the sed man page)
2005-06-11.txt:19:13:35: <pgimeno> maybe an apache caching issue or something
2005-06-12.txt:18:28:27: <{^Raven^}> I'll take a peek at the chat logs later, I've got a lot of catching up to do
2005-06-13.txt:01:42:42: <fizzie> It's like watching paint dry, only less interesting.
2005-06-14.txt:01:02:19: <harkeyahh> I am afraid a deity is toching my inappropriately
2005-06-19.txt:19:02:31: <Keymaker> it's surprisingly time-consuming to write that kind of program. the hardest part is to keep switching windows to look at wikipedia article etc..
2005-06-25.txt:00:06:46: <{^Raven^}> I am researching other 2Kb(ish) competitions to gather a common rule set
2005-06-25.txt:19:29:08: * calamari has been having fun researching his game
2005-06-26.txt:23:20:56: <calamari> are you going to handle the caching?
2005-06-28.txt:21:15:40: <calamari> 1) stack, 2) search for matching [] 3) convert [] to jumps before execution
2005-06-29.txt:22:50:08: <lament> (it's just repetitions of a simple pattern stretching out to infinity)
2005-06-30.txt:22:42:38: <calamari> yeah.. I do research work at the university, and a paper deadline is approaching quickly
2005-06-30.txt:22:44:17: <{^Raven^}> sounds potentially very cool, can I ask the subject you are researching?
2005-07-02.txt:15:36:27: * {^Raven^} is watching Live-8 gig in London-UK
2005-07-09.txt:16:37:25: <tokigun> jix: wait... i'm searching wikipedia article
2005-07-18.txt:20:01:21: <lament> I could probably solve this in a year by attaching it to a virus and infecting 70,000 windows machines.
2005-07-18.txt:22:33:33: <GregorR> Keymaker is scratching his head right now I'll bet 8-D
2005-07-19.txt:22:53:08: <jix> i have to do more useful things.. (like searching an esoteric language for writing an irc bot)
2005-07-20.txt:01:04:00: <jix> expression matching in 2d is slow.. isn't it?
2005-07-23.txt:06:20:42: <GregorR> Now matching loops ...
2005-07-23.txt:18:24:06: <jix> but comparing a int with 7 other ints is always slower than branching/jumping to an computed address
2005-07-26.txt:20:06:26: <Keymaker> oh, what i forgot to say that when searching the nearest trigger, and if there's two triggers, one on left and one on right, then it will be random which one to choose
2005-07-26.txt:22:18:55: * GregorR-W is searching for all the particularly powerful plugins :P
2005-07-27.txt:00:17:31: <GregorR-W> CPU0: Temperature over threshold, switching to a lower frequency
2005-07-27.txt:12:51:20: <int-e> Well, right now the longest matching pattern wins, which has that effect except for the I/O operation.
2005-07-27.txt:17:37:18: <fizzie> Well, there's a already... objdump isn't included in the standard "developer tools" OS X thing, so I'm fetching binutils now. I can also create some ppc-linux-ELF-executables, but I need to reboot the laptop for that.
2005-07-28.txt:00:33:03: <jix> the first thing i did after trying safari was launching it in camino and reading it.. i just wanted to inform you that it doesn't work with safari
2005-07-30.txt:22:41:18: <jix> i'm launching it using the finder... no command line
2005-07-30.txt:23:43:13: <{^Raven^}> calamari: switching to slow mode the memory bar is not scrolling on > or < either
2005-08-06.txt:00:16:35: <lament> searching on p2p networks for a song with "love" in the name is hard.
2005-08-06.txt:00:22:20: <lament> i'm searching for "The man I love", why do i find "Sexy Babe Posing In The Park.wmv"?
2005-08-16.txt:20:42:46: <pgimeno> in Brainfuck the forward/backward loop matching imposes an inherent difficulty
2005-08-17.txt:01:08:16: * jix is searching a spec
2005-08-17.txt:22:48:08: <pgimeno> it's kind of weird... an inconditional jump is not a branching in the flow graph
2005-08-21.txt:08:13:33: <calamari> yeah me too.. searching the web for info
2005-08-24.txt:02:31:30: <nooga> i was swiching to linux
2005-08-24.txt:08:34:39: <nooga> brb -> switching to windows
2005-08-28.txt:01:13:24: <{^Raven^}> i've been teaching someone about UTMs today :)
2005-08-29.txt:13:53:57: <jix> i'm searching my old lz77 variation code
2005-09-06.txt:11:47:23: <kipple> I've tried searching a bit but I get so extremely many results, and no idea which are good
2005-09-09.txt:17:28:38: <jix> i was switching between german and english too fast...
2005-09-09.txt:20:23:30: <grim_> {^Raven^}: it would be lovely but I can't see myself switching back in the near future
2005-09-10.txt:14:16:44: <Aardwolf> I tried windows longhorn beta, and was wondering what was actually changed except a nerf in the file searching system
2005-09-10.txt:22:36:15: <jix> you can do more calculations without stupid branching
2005-09-12.txt:21:02:10: <jix> lol?
2005-09-18.txt:02:10:38: <telemakh0s> yes, in fact you argue that [ and ] are the two most important instructions, as they provide for branching...
2005-09-18.txt:02:12:29: <telemakh0s> or make it so that mutatin one brace causes the matching one to mutate?
2005-09-18.txt:02:19:35: <Wildhalcyon> There's a string-matching idea in the paper too, for dealing with goto-less loops (which is inherantly what a brace-matching mechanism is)
2005-09-18.txt:05:56:14: <Wildhalcyon> These are pretty much entirely artificial tendons though, which makes me think that the stretching business doesnt work that great.
2005-09-18.txt:10:12:11: <calamari_> wasn't really watching..  :)
2005-09-18.txt:17:34:01: <Wildhalcyon> I found a matching integer sequence! 1 2 5 15 50 178... (next three for lenghts 7,8,9 are 663 2553 and 10086)
2005-09-18.txt:22:35:22: <Wildhalcyon> If I change the skip and test instructions to be matching braces (like bf) then its much easier
2005-09-20.txt:05:45:05: <Wildhalcyon> the problem with your language though, is that its too easy to do things without ever touching the underlying code. With enough subroutines you could write code in your language that looked entirely readable
2005-10-06.txt:05:04:27: <WildHalcyon_> Hey gs30, sorry Ive been researching my fraudulent company some more
2005-10-24.txt:03:01:29: <marcan> like have [ include the address of the matching ]
2005-10-24.txt:23:43:56: <jix> some cpus dislike that (caching..)
2005-10-25.txt:04:01:04: <GregorR> !raw QUIT :Switching to a less privileged user
2005-10-25.txt:04:01:04: -!- EgoBot has quit ("Switching to a less privileged user").
2005-10-26.txt:23:21:37: <GregorR-L> I'm switching KB layouts every 5 minutes :-P
2005-10-29.txt:02:59:12: <Robdgreat> I'd say "intelligent" is stretching it.
2005-10-30.txt:01:16:00: <jix> daylight saving time switching?
2005-10-31.txt:23:45:40: <calamari_> okay switching back to the main comp :)
2005-11-04.txt:05:27:35: <calamari> I still can't quite shake the same feeling when watching linux boot up.. too many scripts
2005-11-06.txt:08:11:19: <duerig> An imperfect solution would be to auto-log to a particular file. Then you could just 'less' the file. That would allow searching as well. But much less convenient than just scrollback.
2005-11-06.txt:22:36:32: <calamari> either I'm terrible at searching or the docs for this stuff are nonexistant
2005-11-09.txt:16:15:08: <kipple> yay, europe is catching up with the US on the map :)
2005-11-17.txt:22:38:52: <calamari> and then I started researching language dates again
2005-11-18.txt:21:18:15: <calamari> thanks.. it's kinda fun researching the history of these :)
2005-11-20.txt:20:19:06: <Sgep> Is the sample program for switching at,_oh_my! correct?
2005-11-21.txt:02:38:43: <calamari> get_d_2exp.c:60: warning: matching constraint does not allow a register
2005-11-21.txt:02:38:43: <calamari> get_d_2exp.c:60: warning: matching constraint does not allow a register
2005-11-22.txt:17:12:36: <nooga> brb -> switching to linux
2005-11-25.txt:22:09:43: <jix> i'm just searching the c operator precedence
2005-11-25.txt:22:11:31: <jix> nah.. stupid c standard (me is searching the ruby sources for the ruby operator precedence)
2005-11-26.txt:20:11:46: <jix> but i can't test it with large numbers because of pythons stupid >> i'm searching a workaround atm
2005-12-26.txt:17:20:46: <Sgep> BRB; switching to kwin
2005-12-30.txt:11:05:59: <jix> and regexps won't help as matching parentheses is a context free problem not a regular one
2006-01-06.txt:17:39:48: <Keymaker> aargh.. again i spent long time searching for an error in bf program before noticing i was using a comma in one comment..
2006-01-07.txt:15:30:56: <Keymaker> hi (sorry about late reply, i wasn't watching this window!)
2006-01-09.txt:17:02:51: <fizzie> And it's probably not exactly like a real DVD still, because I don't think a loop-mounted ISO image will support the DVD-specific ioctl(2)s for fetching css decryption keys and such. Not that my disc was encrypted or anything.
2006-01-13.txt:00:56:13: <GregorR> lament: So it would need some method of caching to file.
2006-01-13.txt:07:19:06: <GregorR> lament made a Lambda Calculus interpreter with caching, which is now in EgoBot :)
2006-01-16.txt:00:56:20: <GregorR-L> There is only one branching operation in Glass, the while loop.  It can be used, however, to emulate a conditional.
2006-01-18.txt:02:48:29: <SimonRC> the point of | is to do proper pattern-matching like Haskell has, but it assembles the terms at runtime!
2006-01-31.txt:18:18:31: <Sgeo> Switching over to Ion3 ;-)
2006-02-02.txt:00:22:37: <GregorR> (Caching, caching :P )
2006-02-02.txt:13:51:46: <nooga> many numbers and werid information, i guess i was waching some films abt "hackers"
2006-02-02.txt:14:04:57: <jix>
2006-02-08.txt:07:17:58: <nooga> brb, switching to linux
2006-02-15.txt:13:21:44: <SimonRC> also Unlambda ('" syntax), LISP (cona and nil), and Haskell (pattern-matching).
2006-02-17.txt:08:43:12: <GregorR> Hmm, searching for "edit.php?title=index" brings up a lot of "Wiki!" wikis (Wiki! is the predecessor to Giki)
2006-02-24.txt:21:43:38: <int-e> haskell is good at stuff that python sucks at. and vice versa. both aren't good languages for number-crunching.
2006-03-08.txt:21:52:38: <nooga> i was just watching some TV novels in which they were talking portuguese
2006-04-09.txt:01:15:06: <calamari> odds of a concurrency problem are rapidly approaching 1
2006-04-28.txt:18:00:31: <SimonRC> in the interests of being more open-minded, I am watching it all, or listening, at least.
2006-05-02.txt:03:01:16: <ihope> Matching against ()()(()))()(()) means matching against )()(()))()(()), which yields epsilon.
2006-05-13.txt:01:09:42: * SimonRC has been watching a rpogram called _Computer Chronicles_.
2006-05-15.txt:03:19:04: <calamari> my first introduction to programming was watching my grandparents code a song in basic 
2006-05-15.txt:03:20:09: <SimonRC> My dead grandfather was a telephone switching engineer.
2006-05-15.txt:03:20:34: <ihope_> A dead telephone switching engineer?
2006-05-15.txt:03:21:46: <SimonRC> "< ihope_> A dead telephone switching engineer?"
2006-05-27.txt:03:46:57: -!- _ihope has quit ("Enough of this. I'm switching back to ChatZilla.").
2006-05-29.txt:01:28:05: <Arrogant> Of course, I might be stretching things a lol
2006-05-30.txt:20:59:34: * SimonRC discovers a great example of computer mathematic not matching real maths...
2006-05-31.txt:01:45:23: <ihope> Wait... matching every what?
2006-06-07.txt:20:33:29: <jix> "Syntax Error on line 1: brb without matching rtfm or wtf"
2006-06-09.txt:18:36:45: <wildhalcyon> my wife's graduation is being shown on an online telecast, so I've been watching that
2006-06-10.txt:20:15:42: <sedimin_> somebody watching football?
2006-06-10.txt:20:55:56: <sedimin_> it is funny watching like apps like to grow, but don't like to shrink :)
2006-06-10.txt:20:59:39: <kipple> MUHAHA. now we can say whatever we want without big brother watching us :D
2006-06-11.txt:21:44:44: <Keymaker> i just can't figure out a way how to get the end result back to number form and print it out, yet avoid it starting the program again by matching the digits just like when started..
2006-06-12.txt:02:11:23: <ihope_> Okay. So I'm wanting to send an email to my Spanish teacher, thanking him for the teaching, but I have no idea what to say...
2006-06-13.txt:23:00:29: <fizzie>     * S: (n) Google (a widely used search engine that uses text-matching techniques to find web pages that are important and relevant to a user's search)
2006-07-16.txt:06:56:41: <thematrixeatsyou> damn XP switching
2006-07-25.txt:22:03:02: <pikhq> "The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offence." Edsger Dijkstra.
2006-07-25.txt:23:37:17: <pikhq> Razor-X: It's only the bank-switching portion that's not possible. One could just ignore the bank-switching section of the spec.
2006-07-27.txt:01:43:14: <AndrewNP> Pretty much.  Controlled gates change |10> and |11> without touching |00> or |01>.
2006-07-27.txt:02:34:09: <Razor-X> So, if I don't understand something, either I'll spend many of my 22 hours searching for how to understand something, or badger someone to death until they tell me.
2006-07-27.txt:02:36:26: <AndrewNP> Just remember, kids: if they knew anything about the subject, they wouldn't be stuck in a teaching job!  :)
2006-07-28.txt:22:04:26: <Razor-X> Switching back to English (not because I can't continue), I've only been at it for a month or so, you know?
2006-07-30.txt:18:06:10: <ihope> When two squares of the same color are touching in any of four ways, they must remain touching that way.
2006-07-30.txt:18:06:50: <ihope> The four ways are corner-touching-edge, corner-touching-corner, edge-touching-edge-but-not-matching, and edge-touching-edge-and-matching.
2006-07-30.txt:21:07:43: * Sgeo is switching to Micro$oft Windoze. BRB all [possibly not freenod.. err, forget I said that, don't want to seem insulting..]
2006-08-01.txt:17:01:04: * pgimeno stops bitching now, he forgot the asbestos suit
2006-08-01.txt:19:19:36: <asiekierka> For more information about searching Esolang, see Searching Esolang.
2006-08-05.txt:01:27:51: <pgimeno> e.g. a program with an extra ] could be valid if the data area (which is also executable) has been written with a matching [
2006-08-05.txt:01:49:36: <RodgerTheGreat> I always thought a good tool would be a powerful preprocessor for BF that would support things like macros, variable names, etc, (vaguely like BFBASIC, perhaps), that would render out raw BF, and then a matching BF compiler that would transform the raw BF into efficient assembly.
2006-08-05.txt:04:23:12: <pikhq> Along with Nick, for a) giving me the idea and b) trying to convert my scratchings into a proper LaTeX spec.
2006-08-06.txt:01:00:52: * oerjanj is watching you. Bwahaha!
2006-08-06.txt:01:17:42: <pikhq> oerjanj: The "switch" is a comment; it's just switching to a different dimension there.
2006-08-06.txt:19:15:12: <RodgerTheGreat> brb- I'll be switching over to my laptop in a moment...
2006-08-09.txt:17:19:30: <Razor-X> I'll be away most of the day, since I'm watching something.
2006-08-11.txt:18:19:24: <Razor-X> I'll make the changes to Wiki page and go back to trying to shoddily translate this book and crunching through horrendous amounts of vocabulary.
2006-08-12.txt:14:00:02: <nooga> well, i've just done watching a movie
2006-08-15.txt:04:03:11: <Razor-X> I spent time and 600 pages researching on all of this so :P.
2006-08-22.txt:01:43:48: <RodgerTheGreat> [ jumps to the matching ] if the current cubbyhole has no cards in it.
2006-08-22.txt:01:44:05: <RodgerTheGreat> ] jumps BACK to the matching [ if the current cubbyhole has any cards in it.
2006-08-23.txt:01:06:43: <ihope> This keyboard feels really weird since I've gotten used to touching that Ziploc bag filled with water.
2006-08-23.txt:01:31:51: <Razor-X> He has just spent 19 minutes teaching me about black boxes.
2006-08-23.txt:01:37:16: <CakeProphet> I hate it when teaching stuff assumes you already know shit about programming..
2006-08-24.txt:18:30:42: <Razor-X> FF6j, Chrono Trigger, Vagrant Story (stretching the RPG definition), and Tales of Symphonia are the best I've played.
2006-08-26.txt:01:52:51: <pikhq> Also, it doesn't help that I'm watching Invader Zim on my big CRT instead of looking at my laptop's LCD.
2006-08-26.txt:05:33:02: <CakeProphet> Hmmm... eventually... creationists will boycott Pokemon for teaching children evolutution.
2006-08-28.txt:23:10:09: <Razor-X> Oh, you mean attaching alternate dimensions to a quantity.
2006-08-29.txt:01:22:14: <Razor-X> Instead of binding head and tail via let, pattern matching is actually pretty nifty.
2006-08-29.txt:01:22:32: <Razor-X> Of course, I can easily create a macro to *create* pattern matching, so my argument is moot.
2006-08-29.txt:01:23:22: <GreyKnight> Razor-X: what's this pattern-matching head/tail of which you speak?
2006-09-02.txt:14:58:55: * GreyKnight starts catching them as they come down and tossing them at Razor-X! Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash!
2006-09-02.txt:19:47:10: <ihope_> Interest is approaching 0. Some quantity can't have approached some other quantity, as far as I know.
2006-09-04.txt:00:31:03: <Razor-X> Gah. I can't believe I haven't bookmarked this... time to do some creative google searching.
2006-09-04.txt:09:58:28: <GreyKnight> Thomas will have me teaching him
2006-09-05.txt:00:08:51: <pikhq> Got the regexp matching things I don't want in my macro engine. . .
2006-09-05.txt:00:42:22: <fizzie> If you're matching end-of-line in the second one, it should probably be something like "s/ $varname$/ \$$varname/", since '$' is the zero-width "matches at end of line" thing.
2006-09-05.txt:00:42:46: <fizzie> Of course if you're not using regexps to do the matching, it doesn't much matter. :p
2006-09-06.txt:01:06:22: <Razor-X> The R5RS has no pattern matching in it, if that's what you mean. But Chicken has an add-in for pattern matching.
2006-09-06.txt:07:37:25: <Razor-X> The AP book also devotes 3 pages to teaching Quicksort (more commonly known as ``bubble sort'').
2006-09-16.txt:01:41:00: <pikhq> I've been itching to reread that for years now.
2006-09-16.txt:21:54:08: <Razor-X> I just started researching on the Open Java stuff like 2-3 days ago.
2006-09-21.txt:17:32:09: <lament> when ( gets executed, it reads off everything until a matching ) and simply discards it.
2006-09-22.txt:23:25:35: <GregorR-W> Challenge: Stare at the goatse picture, unflinching, for ten minutes straight.
2006-10-03.txt:23:50:41: <pikhq> A) Needs a branching operation B) Needs to be free software.
2006-10-03.txt:23:55:30: <pikhq> A branching operation would mean something like a conditional "GOTO" statement (or something similar). . .
2006-10-10.txt:23:15:09: * NPOV is watching scarface
2006-10-11.txt:23:51:00: -!- oerjan has quit ("Shoulders aching").
2006-10-12.txt:21:11:35: <nooga> i need pattern matching in directed graph
2006-10-13.txt:23:29:36: <ihope> <- I don't feel like switching to Firefox to type this in.
2006-10-14.txt:01:04:30: <GregorR-L> pikhq: If you are an expert at POSIX, you have everything necessary to implement PESOIX without even touching a language interpreter.  Otherwise, g'luck :P
2006-10-18.txt:00:09:22: <RodgerTheGreat> the point of java is not to be powerful, it's to enforce strict object-oriented design, which is why it's a good language for teaching algorithms and so on with.
2006-10-18.txt:00:09:54: <pikhq> RodgerTheGreat: Lisp is a better language for teaching algorithms.
2006-10-18.txt:00:10:10: <GregorR-L> Lisp is a better language for teaching /particular/ algorithms.
2006-10-18.txt:00:10:29: <RodgerTheGreat> true, but it isn't a very good language for teaching OOP (even though YES, you can use it for that purpose)
2006-10-18.txt:00:10:57: <pikhq> GregorR-L: His point was teaching *algorithms* with Java was a good use of it (which it isn't particularly good for). . .
2006-10-22.txt:02:52:28: <RodgerTheGreat> you could join my "classic game crunching" competition in ##Nonlogic.
2006-10-23.txt:00:53:58: <RodgerTheGreat> "The result shown in this paper seems counterintuitive, until we realize that operations like multiplication and division are iterative computations in which branching decisions are taken by the hardware."
2006-10-23.txt:00:54:04: <RodgerTheGreat> "The conditional branchings we need are embedded in these arithmetical operations and the whole purpose of the transformations used is to lift the branches up from the hardware in which they are buried to the software level, so that we can control the program flow. The whole magic of the transformation consists in making the hardware branchings visible to the programmer."
2006-10-23.txt:23:54:14: <oerjan> WARNING: SWITCHING TO MOD 1 ARITHMETIC
2006-10-23.txt:23:56:02: <oerjan> WARNING: SWITCHING TO PARACONSISTENT LOGIC
2006-10-29.txt:18:40:26: * ihope continues patching up the interpreter
2006-11-02.txt:03:18:03: <Razor-X> Thank you for switching to your browser which I will not.
2006-11-07.txt:15:59:05: <SimonRC> Now, instead of watching people sit around doing nothing useful all day, you can watch people's online avatars sit around doing nothing useful all day!
2006-11-16.txt:23:36:49: <lament> linux crashed on me all the time, after switching to windows i never have problems
2006-11-18.txt:20:31:58: <SimonRC> RodgerTheGreat: Regular expressions aren't Turing complete.  Regular expression matching is decidable (it is in NP) but Turing machines are not genarally decidable.  Regexes, OTOH...
2006-11-18.txt:20:35:50: <GregorR-L> However a regular expression engine can have any range of powers, and a "regular expression" is just a pattern matching thing, so substitution has nothing to do with "regular expessions," it's just a power of the regex engine.
2006-11-18.txt:20:43:19: <SimonRC> "... generally having to do with what we call "regular expressions", which are only marginally related to real regular expressions. Nevertheless, the term has grown with the capabilities of our pattern matching engines, so I'm not going to try to fight linguistic necessity here. I will, however, generally call them "regexes" (or "regexen", when I'm in an Anglo-Saxon mood)."
2006-11-19.txt:21:30:15: <SimonRC> Searching for one of the function names I have adapted resolves something I had always wondered; it turns up one of the pages in this manual:
2006-11-22.txt:01:30:06: <Razor-X> What's scary is that he's teaching an AP class.
2006-11-22.txt:02:14:41: <RodgerTheGreat> argh. fucking public schools. My first experience with programming was in 6th grade when I found a macintosh version of QBASIC and tried punching in code from the back of my math book.
2006-11-22.txt:02:15:31: <RodgerTheGreat> they really *need* to be teaching kids languages like LOGO or BASIC in elementary school.
2006-11-22.txt:03:47:03: <SimonRC> You also get algebraic data type pattern-matching for free.  You just take in multiple functions to apply to the contents of the datastructure, rather than just one.
2006-11-22.txt:05:03:46: <SimonRC> well, I was definitely not teaching you church numerals
2006-11-22.txt:05:04:39: <SimonRC> I was teching you some other kind of numerals
2006-11-22.txt:17:57:09: <oerjan> from what the book says about the \read macro it might be hard to read input without matching brackets.
2006-11-26.txt:00:32:50: <oerjan> i suspect you can do similar things in Scala, too, since Scala has pattern matching and higher order functions.
2006-12-02.txt:04:36:57: <Razor-X> I, frankly, don't like reaching the 30 cm over to my trackball.
2006-12-02.txt:06:15:43: <pikhq> (optimization is approaching perfection, and BFM is being split into multiple passes of compilation for clarity's sake)
2006-12-02.txt:11:00:36: <wooby> well i was researching his stuff
2006-12-03.txt:04:37:53: <bsmntbombdood> Teaching kids to program is broken by defualt
2006-12-10.txt:21:04:54: <Razor-X> Switching between multiple threads of control within a process.
2006-12-10.txt:23:53:46: <oerjan> one idea is to encode the label in binary and use a branching tree for the case statement
2006-12-20.txt:22:07:12: <SimonRC> After all, enzyes basically work my pattern-matching and simple transformations, a bit like sed does.
2006-12-20.txt:23:26:59: <bsmntbombdood> GreaseMonkey: Anyone matching the regex "^:bsmntbombdood!\S*gavin@\S* PRIVMSG \S* :!exec"
2006-12-23.txt:19:10:28: <ihope> I think it's often just catching reading and writing to certain addresses, yeah.
2006-12-24.txt:03:40:06: <oerjan> perhaps. but then the one instruction merges three concepts: subtraction, comparison and branching.
2006-12-24.txt:23:50:04: <jix_> bsmntbombdood: i love her.... i'm not searching porn or something..... there is a BIG difference
2006-12-26.txt:21:01:43: <pikhq> [: Go to matching ] if cell=0, otherwise go to next instruction. ]: Go to matching [ if cell!=0, otherwise go to next instruction.
2006-12-26.txt:23:12:02: <oerjan> makes it minimal length, but that doesn't matter for pure matching (except efficiency)
2006-12-28.txt:21:11:48: <CakeProphet> Switching to dvorak makes a lot of brackets no longer work.
2006-12-30.txt:05:05:13: <RodgerTheGreat> CakeProphet: well, I've been slowly working on a project to try to build an operating system, and that's pretty much what I thought, so I'm researching modern compiler design. Hopefully, I can come up with something that combines the positive aspects of C with the design of better structured languages.
2006-12-30.txt:08:55:18: <CakeProphet> Either way... you're going to need to do some text searching to get the AST
2006-12-30.txt:08:55:43: <oerjan> well, i meant back-and-forth searching.
2006-12-30.txt:08:59:40: <oerjan> instead of a whole AST, use an initial parse to build a lookup table between matching []'s.
2006-12-31.txt:03:16:35: <CakeProphet> fuck your userless usermode switching language.
2007-01-03.txt:02:57:37: <pikhq> oklopol: The use of COBOL cripples the mind, therefore, it's teaching should be considered criminal.
2007-01-03.txt:03:26:58: <oklopol> both simple, i just meant the pattern-matching for the var- and cuntnames
2007-01-07.txt:02:01:19: <fizzie> (Although the conditional branch is funky; it's "branch if there has been a single matching s/// expression after the last jump".)
2007-01-07.txt:02:01:56: <oklopol> i don't have branching, just functional and a lot of list support
2007-01-07.txt:02:02:26: <oklopol> branching... i mean loops :)
2007-01-07.txt:22:24:56: <bsmntbombdood> (watching debug messages on stdout)
2007-01-09.txt:03:23:32: <pikhq> I don't always *do* it, but I can (and will if anyone else is going to risk touching it)
2007-01-10.txt:21:30:29: <bsmntbombdood> a language were the only construct is raising and catching exceptions
2007-01-12.txt:04:28:29: <oerjan> esoteric languages just run the string directly, searching forward or backward.  At least I _think_ I saw someone trying to do this the other day ;)
2007-01-12.txt:20:45:47: <fizzie> Right, the hd-switching it was. It was the sparc I had to net-boot, it did only "rarp and tftp to the answering rarpd", and it was OpenBSD I was installing. Got confused.
2007-01-14.txt:06:25:17: <oklopol> This might actually be a very good language for teaching structures for example :)
2007-01-15.txt:22:33:48: <pikhq> I'm watching the thing spit out a string, wait a few seconds, spit out a number and a string, and so on and so forth.
2007-01-18.txt:02:52:32: <oklopol> i already saw simpsons, futurama and friends, after fg i'll have nothing unless i start watching anime :\
2007-01-18.txt:03:01:40: <oklopol> i love watching that
2007-01-19.txt:21:59:33: <lament> possibly you could do that to the entire program and don't need the matching > and < restriction
2007-01-24.txt:01:47:19: <SimonRC> oerjan:
2007-01-24.txt:23:40:16: <oklopol> i'm pretty sure i'm not supposed to be this fascinated about watching little ascii men pee :\
2007-01-24.txt:23:53:24: <GregorR> Watching them find their way to a urinal in a maze = hilarity :P
2007-01-25.txt:14:48:53: <oklopol> actually, now that i think of it i found this channel when i found logs searching your name i saw in a brainfuck program :O
2007-02-06.txt:00:52:25: <SimonRC> slight bitching there methinks
2007-02-09.txt:22:58:31: <SimonRC> oerjan: or equivalents, like ifs, guards, or any pattern-matching
2007-02-14.txt:21:04:40: <oerjan> although it does a more proper parsing of the brainfuck, so it doesn't have to search through the program for matching loops
2007-02-16.txt:06:17:56: <oerjan> heh, searching for lambdaI gives an article with the title "Proving PSN after ruining a perfectly good calculus"
[too many lines; stopping]