view paste/paste.31198 @ 12511:1c41c70a24da draft default tip

<int-e> mkx ../bin/tio//<<<"$@" sed \'s=.*##==\' | tr @- ++ | base64 -d 2>/dev/null | cat <(printf "\\x1f\\x8b\\x08\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00") - | gzip -dq 2>/dev/null | LC_CTYPE=C sed -zE \'s=.*\\xFF\\xFF(.*)\\xFF\\xFF.*=\\1=\'
author HackEso <>
date Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:18:25 +0100
parents 44da1ecb4a45
line wrap: on
line source

26) <ais523> after all, what are DVD players for?
78) <ais523> so might be self-relative, but always means
79) <ais523> let's put that in the HackEgo quotes files, just to completely mystify anyone who looks back along them in the future
86) <ais523> (still, whatever possessed anyone to invent the N-Gage?)
87) <ais523> theory: some amused deity is making the laws of physics up as they go along
100) <alise> like, just like I'd mark "Bob knob hobs deathly poop violation EXCREMENT unto;" as English <ais523> alise: that's great filler <alise> ais523: well it contains all the important words in the english language...
115) <AnMaster> oerjan, can you ever get any number higher than 3 at the start of "ordinary" [look-and-say sequences]? <ais523> it's not clear from the RFCs
116) <ais523> reading playboy for the articles actually seems plausible nowadays <ais523> after all, there's porn all over the internet, why would you /pay/ for it
119) <fungot> ais523: killer bunnies can be harmed by domesticated canines only.
120) <fungot> ais523: elf corpses are not considered expensive health food. but the most expensive.
122) <ais523> cpressey: I have actually done a waterfall-model project that almost worked   <cpressey> That's where you have a flexible kayak that bobs and weaves between the rocks as it plummets off the cliff
124) <Sgeo> Why shouldn't I just do everything in non-Microsoft-specific C#?  <ais523> it's like trying to write non-IE-specific JavaScript with only Microsoft documentation and only IE to test on
141) <cpressey> < ais523> then running repeatedly until you get the right sequence of random numbers < ais523> and just completely ignoring the input <-- some people live their entire lives this way, i reckon
149) <Vorpal> ais523, what is "MS Publisher"?  <Phantom_Hoover> Vorpal, you don't want to know.  <ais523> Vorpal: be glad that you don't know the answer  <alise> Vorpal: "horrible"
155) <fungot> ais523: my nose feels like a bad heuristic
158) <ais523> syntax is the least important part of a programming language  <ais523> other than Python
169) <ais523> fizzie: 50kB is quite a lot
175) <tswett> That is the mark of Gregor right there. <ais523> tswett: except that Gregor didn't write that <tswett> It's still the mark of Gregor.
185) <ais523> I love the way zzo38's comment was cut off after the f of brainfuck  <ais523> that's just the most hilarious place to cut it off in a discussion about censorshi
204) <elliott> i thought you said it was meant to be more useful in practice :D  <ais523> elliott: well, it /is/, for sufficient values of useful in practice  <ais523> umm, sufficiently small
220) <zzo38> ais523: Maybe it is better, because I don't think the octopus will live very well in the tree. But the difference is that the Internet is lying and you cannot see such things; you could make modified picture, though, in order to lie more clearly, at least.
221) <ais523> gah, why does lose keep winning?
233) <ais523> OK, I give up, logging into Wikia is harder than writing a Firefox extension
240) [on DNA Maze] <ais523> it requires more thought than Vorpal seems to be capable of
244) <ais523> gah, who'd have thought removing concurrency from algol could be so difficult
269) <elliott> ais523: quick, say something funny  <oklopol> something funny hagrea:D  <oklopol> can'tä sopt laughitn
270) <ais523> elliott: hey, thinking's easier than using the Internet
296) <ais523> the big issue with category theory is that pretty much everything forms a category
298) <elliott> ais523: YOU WILL HAVE YOUR QUOTE SOON
347) <ais523> I think I managed something like a one-expression increment that was only a few hundred characters long
356) [on petrol] <ais523> oklofok: it's actually poisonous, so I advise against drinking it  <Phantom_Hoover> ais523, also contains benzene, my carcinogen of choice.
366) <ais523_> meanwhile, I've been running a program for over 24 hours (getting close to 48 now) which is calculating digits of pi, in binary  <ais523_> so far, it has found four digits  <ais523_> I hope it will find the fifth some time this week
383) <ais523> Phantom_Hoover: nope, I removed . from the current directory
424) <monqy> rest in peace lambdabot????  <ais523> monqy: it'll probably be back later  <monqy> nap in peace
425) <Vorpal> ais523, how are we supposed to guess before you tell us unless you give us more hints?
426) <ais523> 99% OF USES OF STRDUP ARE ILLEGAL!
442) <ais523> it actually worked, and faster than using Excel for rendering
459) <ais523> it's probably the same people who were trying to organise gangs of shoplifters as some sort of complex protest against the government's economic policy
461) <ais523> oerjan: I'm not imaginative enough to write truly great slash fiction
472) <itidus20> software patents strike again  <ais523_> that's got to be at least three times, now  <ais523_> are they out yet?
479) <ais523> (Enigma is two games; one is solving Enigma puzzles, the other is working out how to represent things as Enigma puzzles, preferably with the minimal amount of lua and player-hidden information possible)
495) <Vorpal> ais523, how can TAEB take too long? It is turn based. As long as it isn't taking like several minutes per move it is acceptable!  <ais523> Vorpal: it gets boring waiting for it
525) <ais523> this strikes me as probably better than a singularity, because you can't trust a random AI, but you can probably trust olsner
527) <ais523> oh no, I think we've managed to mix three metaphors in a way that actually makes sense
556) <ais523> if all my Facebook friends were to visit a page, it wouldn't make any difference at all
560) <ais523> isn't a neutrino detector just a large vat of washing-up liquid with a bit of machinery attached?
564) <ais523> elliott: so what are the two issues with xfce?  <elliott> they're very unlikely to fuck up Xfce, and it can be made to work basically exactly like gnome two
592) <elliott> ais523: those suck  <elliott> hmm, those are all pretty good
599) <ais523> it's not a list of /all/ interesting esolangs, btw; otherwise you can take the first command from the first esolang, the second from the second, the third from the third, etc, then add 1 to all of them  <ais523> and you get a new interesting esolang  <ais523> diagonal principle…
610) <ais523\unfoog> Vorpal: your ability to randomly make obvious comments in IRC as if they were profound is not a particularly useful one
613) <ais523> Vorpal: I was paying too much attention to elliott and not enough to my HP
616) <ais523> Just about all females often feel that exactly why all Hollywood stars common maintain its brightness as Tom in spite of frantic operate routine and large operate pressure from the skin. What do you think that they have got sufficient time to observe all attractiveness strategies and tips that his grandmother utilized to abide by?
627) <ais523> also, why isn't monqy from Hexham? his name sounds like he should be
629) <elliott> ais523: You might want to downgrade to a sock to be safe
630) <elliott> ais523: I pronounce "xor" by punching myself in the face and then "or"
632) <ais523> the parser would be even simpler if I didn't try to do type inference in it
645) <ais523\unfoog> Phantom__Hoover: is the processor hot?  <ais523\unfoog> also, does it smell of burnt silicon? [...] <ais523\unfoog> you can figure out if the processor is hot by touching it
676) <zzo38> Even the Spanish Inquisition is in this game.  <ais523> zzo38: was it unexpected?  <zzo38> Kind of...
681) <ais523> is there any evidence that Jesus knew the rules of tic-tac-toe?
683) <ais523> `delquote 419  * HackEgo has quit (Remote host closed the connection)  * EgoBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)  * glogbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
693) <Phantom_Hoover> "Category 4 ("professional") fireworks are for sale only to fireworks professionals. They have no restrictions,"  <Phantom_Hoover> OK I need to become a pyrotechnician.  <ais523> Phantom_Hoover: that's like wanting to become a locksmith  <ais523> so that you can legally own lockpicks  <Phantom_Hoover> Did I mention when I wanted to become a locksmith?
694) <Vorpal> <ais523> northern ireland is quite a way to drag someone from scotland <-- not really. I just checked in google earth  <ais523> Vorpal: but dragging people across water's a bit tricky
697) <ais523> oh right: Frooxius, you wouldn't happen to live in Hexham, would you?  <Frooxius> No, sorry.  <ais523> phew  <Ngevd> How about Finland?  <Frooxius> Why would I live there?  <fizzie> That's a *very* good question.  <fizzie> Why would anyone?
726) <ais523> bleh, why doesn't tab-complete work in mkdir for the name of the new directory
742) <ais523> and then I spent much of the rest of the time trying to work out how to implement 3D Hashlife efficiently when at least one of the colors has free will
748) <tswett> ais523: well, Dylan said "hahaha, Lawlabee is running windows", and then Lawlabee said "'cuz it's pretty awesome."  <tswett> Except that by "it", Lawlabee was referring to something entirely different.  <tswett> So when I added that quote, Lawlabee emotifrowned.
750) <itidus21> ais523: thats very zen really  <ais523> no, it's more or less the opposite of zen
770) <ais523> coppro: I'm researching compiling high-level languages to hardware, which involves inventing new ones  <ais523> because there were no modern variants of algol specialised for hardware, oddly enough
802) <ais523> rogues using maces is traditional [...] <ais523> not D&D tradition, people coshing people in back alleys tradition
835) <HackEgo> 88) <ais523> (still, whatever possessed anyone to invent the N-Gage?) [...] <Sgeo_> Is there supposed to be a joke in 88?  <Sgeo_> Unless "N-Gage" is some pseudoscientific spiritual mumbo-jumbo, I don't get it.  <Sgeo_> Oh, it's a cell phone gaming thing apparently
846) <ais523> OK, I'll use roman numerals to reduce confusion
848) [after a quote deletion session] <fungot> ais523: i just checked, and the whole purpose of this is not necessary....
849) <monqy> what does it mean for a pencil to be turing complete....  <ais523> monqy: it's the same concept as USB sushi, really