view paste/paste.31141 @ 12514:500486b20e41 draft default tip

<int-e> slwd fungot//s/ds/d s/
author HackEso <>
date Fri, 27 Sep 2024 20:43:06 +0100
parents e037173e0012
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line source

2006-11-26.txt:00:28:23: <oerjan> >>> for q, a in zip(questions, answers):
2007-02-26.txt:16:01:56: <oerjan> >>>True
2007-02-26.txt:16:11:59: <oerjan> >>>1+2
2007-02-26.txt:16:15:41: <oerjan> >>> 1+2
2007-02-26.txt:16:16:16: <oerjan> >>>test
2007-02-26.txt:16:18:05: <oerjan> >>>1+2
2007-02-26.txt:16:18:27: <oerjan> >>> "Pascal" < "Python"
2007-02-26.txt:16:18:39: <oerjan> >>>"Test"
2007-02-26.txt:16:20:35: <oerjan> >>>"C++" < "Everything"
2007-02-26.txt:18:48:33: <oerjan> >>> "C++" > "Calamari"
2007-03-18.txt:17:47:39: <oerjan> >i don't see any such restriction mentioned for the underlying function:
2007-04-15.txt:20:26:42: <oerjan> > 0 that is
2007-07-21.txt:00:47:39: <oerjan> >> would call the bind method of its left argument.
2007-07-23.txt:22:40:19: <oerjan> > 2
2007-07-25.txt:02:36:49: <oerjan> > (\(_:_) (_:_) -> True) [] undefined
2007-08-12.txt:01:01:22: <oerjan> > I know that for irrational a there are infinitely many integer p and q such
2007-08-12.txt:01:01:22: <oerjan> > that |a - p/q| < q^-2
2007-08-12.txt:01:01:22: <oerjan> > and that in general you cannot do better than the exponent -2.
2007-08-19.txt:21:34:20: <oerjan> >_O
2007-08-27.txt:20:27:56: <oerjan> >>> sch (cons 3 3)
2007-08-27.txt:20:43:24: <oerjan> >>> sch (+ 5 5)
2007-08-27.txt:20:43:41: <oerjan> >>> sch (if (< 0 1) 1 2)
2007-08-27.txt:20:45:54: <oerjan> >>> sch (define fib (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1) (- n 2))))))
2007-08-27.txt:20:46:08: <oerjan> >>> sch (fib 5)
2007-08-27.txt:20:46:52: <oerjan> >>> sch (define fib (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))))
2007-08-27.txt:20:46:57: <oerjan> >>> sch (fib 5)
2007-08-27.txt:20:56:04: <oerjan> >>> sch ((k 1) 2)
2007-08-27.txt:20:57:58: <oerjan> >>> sch (((s (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y)))) (lambda (y) (+ y 1))) 1)
2007-08-27.txt:21:07:43: <oerjan> >>> sch (((s (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y)))) (lambda (y) (+ y 1))) 1)
2007-08-27.txt:21:09:25: <oerjan> >>> sch s
2007-08-27.txt:21:10:00: <oerjan> >>> sch (((s (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y)))) (lambda (y) (+ y 1))) 1)
2007-08-27.txt:21:10:59: <oerjan> >>> sch (define i (lambda (a) a))
2007-08-27.txt:21:12:57: <oerjan> >>> sch (((s i) i) ((s i) i))
2007-08-27.txt:21:15:44: <oerjan> >>> sch (quote quote)
2007-08-27.txt:21:29:08: <oerjan> > liftM2 (,) [1..5] [1..5]
2007-09-04.txt:18:21:52: <oerjan> > mapAccumR (flip divMod) 10000 [60,60]
2007-09-14.txt:00:24:14: <oerjan> > 4 .&. 5
2007-09-21.txt:19:19:03: <oerjan> >_<
2007-10-10.txt:17:47:12: <oerjan> > let x ? y = x+y; infixr 5 ? in 2 ? 3
2007-10-10.txt:21:14:29: <oerjan> > '