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<int-e> slwd fungot//s/ds/d s/
author HackEso <>
date Fri, 27 Sep 2024 20:43:06 +0100
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2004-05-27.txt:21:29:16: <mooz-> and a JIT style intepreter would have to do a lot of processing to deal with self-modification
2004-09-13.txt:11:30:57: <fizzie> the "jit-compiling" one? 
2005-05-07.txt:11:44:08: <fizzie> If you just want to run an interpreter, you could do it with binfmt_misc. JIT-compilation of brainf*ck code to native, in the kernel, would rule, though. :p
2005-06-09.txt:09:47:30: <calamari> cool.. my Java install was broken.. even works in IE6 now.. boy is Sun Java slow compared to the Microsoft JIT.. took about 10 minutes to load the applet in qemu
2005-07-24.txt:20:06:04: <{^Raven^}> what about a JIT interpreter?
2005-07-24.txt:20:10:36: <jix> dynamic recompiling? jit compiling?
2005-07-24.txt:20:10:45: <jix> vm's often jit compile
2005-07-24.txt:20:11:30: <jix> dynamic recompiling is a special form of jit compiling
2005-07-24.txt:22:56:32: <jix> that's like jit compiling
2005-07-24.txt:22:57:46: <jix> if you compile all loops as soon as they get executed it's real jit compiling if you always translate the next n instructions it's dynamic recompiling
2005-07-25.txt:20:56:28: <jix> GregorR: but you could call it jiting interpreter...
2005-07-25.txt:20:56:28: <jix> GregorR: a jit-compiler compiles a routine before it gets executed.. bf code has no subroutines so you may call it jit-compiling ;)
2005-07-27.txt:23:14:34: <jix> creates egobfc2m binaries? or does it "jit" compiling?
2005-07-27.txt:23:14:48: <GregorR> egobfc2m is jit-ish.
2005-07-28.txt:23:49:05: <pgimeno> anyway, GregorR, I was just kidding; I like the idea of having a kind-of-JIT for BF
2005-07-28.txt:23:53:59: <jix> i'd like to combine my optimizations with your jit-a-like interpreter
2005-09-16.txt:05:33:08: <twobitsprite> I know they're working on a JIT, but that's hardly the same...
2005-10-15.txt:14:05:34: <jix> and my interpreter uses cool jit compiling technologies (called eval ;) )
2005-10-19.txt:23:13:55: <GregorR> Mainly the JIT part.
2005-12-01.txt:16:26:12: <nooga> have someone ever tried to write JIT VM ?
2006-01-15.txt:23:58:09: <GregorR-L> EgoBF also has a compiler and a JIT compiler.
2006-01-19.txt:23:27:27: <GregorR-L> It's part of my EgoBF suite, a JIT compiler for BF.
2006-03-02.txt:16:14:08: <SimonRC> qemu basically JITs things
2006-08-24.txt:22:38:24: <Arrogant> It has a JIT compiler.
2006-08-26.txt:22:18:51: <pikhq> You idjit. . .
2006-08-27.txt:20:23:29: <GregorR> JIT = teh rawx
2006-10-23.txt:21:33:41: <GregorR-L> OH, that's not a backronym you idjit >_<
2006-10-25.txt:02:54:37: <twobitsprite> it's sad when a _webpage_ will jitter and sputter on my computer
2006-12-31.txt:03:22:36: <GregorR> The kernel should have interpreters (perhaps JIT) for Glass, BF, etc)
2006-12-31.txt:20:47:33: <GregorR> Of course it's written in C ya' bloody idjits :P
2007-06-22.txt:23:08:54: <Sukoshi> Nah. Lisp is JIT compiled.
2007-06-22.txt:23:09:37: <RodgerTheGreat> JIT is effectively the same as interpreted from a workflow perspective- it's just an abstraction layer that makes things more zippy
2007-07-11.txt:01:30:36: <lament> nice, JIT compilation provided by oklopol :D
2007-09-14.txt:18:46:02: <_D6Gregor1RFeZi>
2007-10-14.txt:00:34:10: <GregorR> I'd like to imagine something that could be implemented in a JIT.
2007-10-27.txt:23:04:28: <ehird`> python is slow, lua's "end"s are ugly (but it is very fast, more so with luajit)...
2007-10-29.txt:20:39:08: <bartw>  hmz, maybe you should try jitting the bf
2007-11-26.txt:20:42:11: <bsmntbombdood> so when i do, i'm all nervous and jittery for the rest of the day
2008-03-07.txt:16:21:41: <AnMaster> possibly you could do some JIT optimization, like say, pre-compile paths or something
2008-03-07.txt:22:19:15: <SimonRC> mmmm, jit
2008-03-07.txt:22:19:25: <oklopol> "jit"?
2008-03-07.txt:22:19:33: <SimonRC> oops, JIT
2008-03-11.txt:19:24:15: <AnMaster> Deewiant, well JITs does work around it
2008-03-13.txt:18:32:20: <AnMaster> oklopol, JIT should be possible
2008-03-13.txt:18:34:38: <lament> jit
2008-03-13.txt:18:36:07: <lament> that's JIT
2008-03-13.txt:18:38:33: <lament> with befunge you can do either threaded code or JIT
2008-03-14.txt:00:13:48: <lament> or jit
2008-03-14.txt:00:19:31: <oklokok> lament: when the code is modified, it's trivial to fix the stack+goto based form, compilation to python can be done jit then.
2008-03-14.txt:02:44:01: <AnMaster> oklo, so JIT I assume?
2008-03-14.txt:03:13:27: <oklo> - make a befunge compiler without an existing program that needs jit compilation
2008-03-14.txt:03:14:17: <oklo> - make a befunge compiler without an existing program that needs jit compilation
2008-03-14.txt:03:19:25: <AnMaster> oklo, but one without JIT?
2008-03-14.txt:03:20:03: <oklo> AnMaster: well, i don't even have the possibility of jit in my current one
2008-03-14.txt:03:20:04: <AnMaster> oklo, basically it is impossible to design a befunge compiler that does NOT need jit
2008-03-14.txt:03:20:15: <AnMaster> sure for most common cases you can do reparsing/ijit
2008-03-14.txt:03:20:17: <AnMaster> jit*
2008-03-16.txt:14:59:34: <AnMaster> so a JIT wouldn't help much
2008-03-16.txt:18:39:23: <AnMaster> Deewiant, btw I've been thinking of some kind of JIT for some things, but I think they may end up slower, ie. caching the matching ; for a ; and such
2008-03-16.txt:18:46:57: <AnMaster> something that can be JIT compiled or so
2008-03-17.txt:22:20:02: <SimonRC> you could jit stuff
2008-03-17.txt:22:20:45: <SimonRC> if a region is executed a lot with no change, JIT it, but look out for changes to an "dependents" the region has
2008-03-17.txt:22:23:23: <AnMaster> SimonRC, JIT would mean compile to machine code?
2008-03-17.txt:22:24:34: <SimonRC> AnMaster: so how to JVMs do JITting?
2008-03-17.txt:22:26:34: <SimonRC> wait, you want me to do something 1000 JMV and .NET engineers can't and produce a protable JITter?
2008-03-17.txt:22:27:38: <AnMaster> ais523, right, but how would that work for JIT?
2008-03-17.txt:22:28:12: <ais523> hmm... for JIT you'd probably have to precompile some example asm
2008-03-17.txt:22:32:20: <AnMaster> anyway it doesn't make sense for a JIT as far as I can see
2008-04-03.txt:11:09:41: <AnMaster> and JIT
2008-04-04.txt:20:59:34: <RodgerTheGreat> <3 optimistic JIT compilation
2008-04-04.txt:21:04:26: <RodgerTheGreat> GregorR: Did you know that $YOUR_FAVORITE_DYNAMIC_LANGUAGE probably doesn't JIT as fast as HotSpot can?
2008-04-04.txt:21:04:59: <GregorR> $MY_FAVORITE_DYNAMIC_LANGUAGE doesn't have a JIT as-is :P
2008-04-14.txt:19:34:31: <SimonRC> JITted javascript?
2008-04-14.txt:19:36:06: <SimonRC> mmm, partially-precompiled JITted Javascript with big fat libraries
2008-06-16.txt:09:39:38: <GregorR> I wrote a JIT MIPS->JavaScript compiler (in JavaScript) ... does that make me a bad person? D-8
2008-06-16.txt:16:01:20: <tusho> 01:39:38 <GregorR> I wrote a JIT MIPS->JavaScript compiler (in JavaScript) ... does that make me a bad person? D-8
2008-06-16.txt:20:30:52: <GregorR> (But hey, now it has a JIT and read()!)
2008-06-17.txt:16:06:44: <tusho> it even JITs it
2008-06-27.txt:16:30:38: <AnMaster> ais523, what about JITing?
2008-06-27.txt:16:30:48: * AnMaster has pondered JIT of befunge for quite some time
2008-06-27.txt:16:30:58: <AnMaster> but JIT is unportable
2008-06-27.txt:16:37:34: <AnMaster> <AnMaster> ais523, what about JITing?
2008-06-27.txt:16:37:34: <AnMaster> * AnMaster has pondered JIT of befunge for quite some time
2008-06-27.txt:16:37:34: <AnMaster> <AnMaster> but JIT is unportable
2008-06-27.txt:16:38:04: <ais523> and I thought JIT was a compilation technique, so how can it be unportable?
2008-07-05.txt:09:25:37: <AnMaster> I think it could be possible to JIT it though
2008-07-05.txt:09:25:54: <Slereah_> JIT?
2008-07-05.txt:09:26:19: <AnMaster> Slereah_, JIT compile it
2008-07-07.txt:21:55:13: <AnMaster> is it JITTING?!
2008-07-07.txt:21:55:18: <ais523> AnMaster: worse than jitting
2008-07-07.txt:21:55:23: <AnMaster> worse than jitting?
2008-08-07.txt:20:12:49: <olsner> user-space that is, basically just a normal linux kernel, a hardware-specific llvm jit interpreter, and then every binary is just llvm bitcode files
2008-08-08.txt:20:44:52: <AnMaster> tusho, well.. you could probably JIT befunge quite well
2008-08-08.txt:23:08:49: * pikhq wants to make a JITing brainfuck interpreter now... :p
2008-08-24.txt:00:04:00: <AnMaster> ZP02S1sQL6XvaUSK3J6hGb5WKXjIrC4lVweYsYd6G6yQVzVfVzOThzUxOuP9vOJUqVKLhFcTs1smP0OK4Jb54NhWNVB1pWARt1EBsQo4iuGXZ9A3ICozTNeSsTzYznVygfJEwKuJOVd7xbMJItHYZu1vy7pXp87BEIqRyF3SSVk6Utne2SGVrv36VTeqR7ThBeMP45olUtZOapRSDP9BrkWbRuttjjhaTFK13D0dZXl7hT7LRvZ5Koi2zMRqX6s4ewxxXIToTDb0TlgwM5oEdo7fI3WErmOIYo3423n042IfJT87ecR51HySeCUBWOPc4xCliNSyloM6scQrwMMJxtDxK7THJbmBKgrDJKQecFiI1zMtdtZHNLQf1XfaADXHVKTUwNjSCHEg1bNqAoEc
2008-09-01.txt:19:18:21: <AnMaster> oh btw I was thinking of generating code at runtime, using JIT with LLVM, could be rather interesting
2008-09-01.txt:19:18:29: <AnMaster> I think JITing funge would work
2008-09-05.txt:19:57:42: <AnMaster> tusho, my other idea: Befunge: you could probably JIT it
2008-09-05.txt:19:58:34: <AnMaster> tusho, can't find the word JIT there?
2008-09-05.txt:19:59:07: <AnMaster> threaded code != JIT
2008-09-05.txt:20:00:24: <AnMaster> and it is not JIT really for B98
2008-09-05.txt:20:04:00: <AnMaster> tusho, it could use some JIT framework to do it...
2008-09-08.txt:19:38:42: <tusho> you'd all be jittering about quickly while nothing happens
2008-09-17.txt:22:07:30: <AnMaster> I think you could JIT it though
2008-09-22.txt:10:20:45: <AnMaster> you could JIT it
2008-09-22.txt:10:28:18: <AnMaster> there is also a JIT for it iirc
2008-09-22.txt:10:29:31: <AnMaster> llvm byte code is more or less platform independent. You can then either interpret it (it JITs it) or you can compile it into machine code and link it to a binary
2008-09-22.txt:19:01:01: <AnMaster> ais523, yes. Except I have seriously considered adding JIT using llvm or similiar to cfunge
2008-09-23.txt:18:14:48: <ais523> sort of like JIT debugging but even crazier
2008-09-26.txt:23:15:20: <ais523> it's a bit like JIT compilation, just stupider
2008-10-02.txt:21:40:18: <AnMaster> ais523, anyway llvm allows generating native code, or jit byte code
2008-10-06.txt:20:02:43: <ehird> ais523: jit
2008-10-06.txt:20:03:16: <GregorR> (It's not strictly JIT since BF has no functions, so the whole thing is compiled at once, but it's about as close as you can get :P )
2008-10-11.txt:14:10:22: <oerjan> so no JIT?
2008-10-12.txt:01:31:12: <comex> (If only the translator could translate itself... I don't think it's rpython though.  But if the translator can get the JIT to be fast someday, and a fast JITted pypy runs the translator... well then that's pretty amazing)
2008-10-29.txt:21:47:44: <fizzie> If I really wanted to make fungot fast, I'd run it with some JITting system; it doesn't ever do any self-modification, and really only uses cardinal directions, so static code analysis + constant-folding + JIT complication should make it fearsomely fast.
2008-10-29.txt:22:56:55: <fizzie> Didn't I just say about using JIT with fungot? :p
2008-10-29.txt:22:57:20: <ais523> fizzie: this would be compile-time, not JIT
2008-10-29.txt:23:01:28: <Asztal> a tracing jit might be easier
2008-11-03.txt:12:26:08: <oklon> static typing is basically only an issue when you're jitting the code.
2008-11-05.txt:20:13:38: <fizzie> fis@eris:~/src/jitfunge$ build/jitfunge test.b98
2008-11-05.txt:20:14:20: <AnMaster> fizzie, JIT to native code?
2008-11-05.txt:20:27:17: <AnMaster> ehird, this jit I mean...
2008-11-05.txt:20:31:21: <ehird> it's jit
2008-11-05.txt:20:32:47: <AnMaster> as it is jitting you would probably generate optimised linear code
2008-11-05.txt:20:41:02: <fizzie> There's a tarball at but don't expect anything actually working, or any support whatsoever, or even that it'd work on a non-Linux box; I think there's a mremap call in there, I'm not sure how well-supported that is. (Easy to eliminate, though.)
2008-11-05.txt:20:43:21: <AnMaster> src/ In constructor 'jitfunge::Trace_impl::opargs::opargs()':
2008-11-05.txt:20:52:38: <AnMaster> jitfunge  jittool
2008-11-05.txt:20:52:45: <fizzie> Incidentally, the scons script should generate both jitfunge and jittool; the 'jitfunge' part is the interpreter (such at it is) but the jittool is maybe more interesting.
2008-11-05.txt:20:53:10: <fizzie> The jittool one takes file (plus optional four integers, x y dx dy) and generates + compiles a single trace, then dumps the generated code.
2008-11-05.txt:20:54:52: <AnMaster> #3  0x08054749 in jitfunge::AsmFunction::operator() (this=0x841b058) at src/codegen.hh:274
2008-11-05.txt:21:47:49: <fizzie> fis@eris:~/src/jitfunge$ cat test.b98
2008-11-05.txt:21:47:49: <fizzie> fis@eris:~/src/jitfunge$ build/jitfunge test.b98
2008-11-05.txt:21:51:45: <pikhq> ... Funging JIT?
2008-11-05.txt:21:51:52: <ehird> pikhq: yes, befunge-98 jit
2008-11-05.txt:21:52:17: <fizzie> It's not like jitfunge really does anything very -98y yet, though.
2008-11-05.txt:21:57:29: <ehird> and presumably jitfunge
2008-11-05.txt:22:05:12: <AnMaster> /home/arvid/local/llvm/bin/llvm-g++ -o build/jitfunge -m32 -ggdb build/main.o build/codegen.o build/interp.o build/parser.o build/space.o
2008-11-05.txt:22:22:14: <AnMaster> src/ warning: missing initializer for member 'jitfunge::StackChange::flush'
2008-11-05.txt:22:22:15: <AnMaster> src/ warning: missing initializer for member 'jitfunge::StackChange::in'
2008-11-06.txt:10:39:53: <AnMaster> but for JIT that may not help a lot
2008-11-06.txt:13:09:33: <AnMaster> src/ In constructor 'jitfunge::Stack::Stack()':
2008-11-06.txt:14:12:34: <fizzie> You can run it as "jitfunge file.b98 -d" to make it dump the traces it generates.
2008-11-06.txt:14:13:50: <comex> oh god jitfunge
2008-11-06.txt:14:36:03: <fizzie> (build/jitfunge > life.txt &); sleep 20 ; killall jitfunge ; ls -l life.txt   generates around 8.5 megabytes of output, compared to ~2.7 megs from cfunge (32bit, -O3, no fancy flags), here. I'm not sure jitfunge is in a benchmarkable state yet, though.
2008-11-06.txt:14:42:15: <AnMaster> fizzie, well for me both generates around 5 MB, sometimes slightly more for cfunge, sometimes more for jitfunge
2008-11-06.txt:14:44:49: <AnMaster> 5 mb from jitfunge, around 1.8 from cfunge
2008-11-06.txt:14:45:10: <AnMaster> fizzie, however I don't know how large setup time jitfunge needs. cfunge have quite a bit of setup time
2008-11-06.txt:14:50:36: <fizzie> There's quite a lot of small code snippets generated for, increasing the overhead there. Every time there's a branch or a merging of two code paths, jitfunge splits the code to separate functions there.
2008-11-06.txt:14:51:31: <jix> you try to jit compile befunge?
2008-11-06.txt:14:52:26: <AnMaster> "you to jit compile befunge"?
2008-11-06.txt:15:00:19: <fizzie> Given that it's JIT, I should probably be collecting some statistics and doing branch prediction that way.
2008-11-06.txt:15:14:04: <AnMaster> fizzie, if you discard some jitted code, and the jitted code is placed in a mmaped region, how do you allocate new ones, try to find the first hole large enough?
2008-11-06.txt:19:01:26: <fizzie> Meh, sensiblized the code generated by jitfunge, and managed to cut performance into 4 % (variant 1) or 30 % (variant 2) of what it used to be; the new system does generate longer pieces of code, but it ends up recompiling something all the time. I need a figure out a less complicated test case for the issue, though.
2008-11-06.txt:20:25:34: <fizzie> The jitfunge stack grows up, but that's pretty arbitrary.
2008-11-06.txt:20:41:03: <fizzie> This week I've been mostly writing jitfunge. :p
2008-11-07.txt:06:48:35: <fizzie> Oh, wow... added -O3 to the build arguments in jitfunge just to see if the compiler affects the speed at all. speed jumped from 10 megs / 20 seconds -> 37 megs / 20 seconds. Even though it doesn't really change the generated code at all. Should profile the beast a bit, I guess.
2008-11-07.txt:13:30:25: <fizzie> fis@eris:~/src/jitfunge$ cat test.b98
2008-11-07.txt:13:30:25: <fizzie> fis@eris:~/src/jitfunge$ build/jitfunge test.b98
2008-11-08.txt:00:51:18: <fizzie> I don't think I'm in any condition to work on jitfunge right now.
2008-11-09.txt:17:18:18: <AnMaster> fizzie, question: does jitfunge handle x?
2008-11-09.txt:19:19:15: <ehird> jit
2008-11-09.txt:19:19:52: * SimonRC doesn't know anything about jitting
2008-11-09.txt:19:34:27: <fizzie> ("function" here meaning I JIT-compile things into callable functions; of course there's no functions in the Befunge code.)
2008-11-09.txt:21:29:14: <fizzie> I sort of do a "stack-language to registery machine" thing with jitfunge, given that the input is Befunge and the output is x86 code.
2008-11-10.txt:11:52:27: <fizzie> Incidentally, jitfunge seems to be able to run underload.b98 now; still woefully incomplete, and don't really have free time to work on it, though.
2008-11-10.txt:15:11:39: <AnMaster> fizzie, any updates to jitfunge?
2008-11-10.txt:17:25:35: <ehird> ais523: it's a befunge-98 JIT
2008-11-11.txt:14:12:01: <fizzie> Tried to compile jitfunge on OS X, but I get a "no return statement in function returning non-void" error (-Werror) from the C++ system header <tr1/hashtable>. Not nice.
2008-11-12.txt:17:53:40: <fizzie> I should fix jitfunge's mycology regression.
2008-11-12.txt:17:53:56: <ais523> how far through mycology does jitfunge get?
2008-11-12.txt:18:03:28: <fizzie> It's still already 384 lines of output with jitfunge's "-d" flag; I'd like something that generates only one or two compiled sort-of-functions so I can just disassemble them and see what goes wrong.
2008-11-12.txt:18:48:01: <Deewiant> jitfunge is, I think, C, if that's what you meant
2008-11-12.txt:19:18:25: <fizzie> Hah, that was a funny jitfunge bug; when adding the 'IF' operation it didn't clear the constant-folding-stack, so something like 1#$_ would add "push 1" to the op list, then "if", then see the $ (since it branch-predicts true always) and remove the "push 1" because it thought it was discarding a constant.
2008-11-12.txt:19:34:01: <fizzie> Substituting the -O3 flag with -ggdb did nothing, but it's funny how I get different output from "build/jitfunge mycology.b98" than "build/jitfunge mycology.b98 | cat".
2008-11-12.txt:19:57:34: <fizzie> Somehow I'm not too surprised jitfunge doesn't play nice with valgrind.
2008-11-15.txt:21:09:57: <Asztal> GregorR: apparently you found a way to break Firefox 3.1's JIT, well done :D
2008-11-17.txt:21:21:44: <AnMaster> why not JIT it into pure perl
2008-11-17.txt:21:24:23: <ais523> I'm not entirely sure JITting it into pure Perl makes a whole lot of sense
2008-11-17.txt:21:26:08: <AnMaster> then JIT the perl into C which you JIT into native code?
2008-11-17.txt:21:26:28: <ais523> does Perl JIT into C?
2008-11-18.txt:19:15:05: <fizzie> I do that in jitfunge.
2008-11-18.txt:19:17:21: <fizzie> I have a very preliminary tarball of jitfunge in the web, but that's really not a pleasant thing to read.
2008-11-18.txt:19:17:22: <ais523> fizzie: doesn't jitfunge do something like that?
2008-11-18.txt:19:19:03: <fizzie> if I recall the URL correctly.
2008-11-18.txt:19:23:14: <fizzie> It's there in the "AsmFunction" class if you want to look at how jitfunge does it.
2008-11-23.txt:22:29:52: <AnMaster> fizzie, how goes jitfunge?
2008-11-23.txt:22:38:06: <fizzie> AnMaster: Well, feel free to, but that's what I've been doing instead of jitfunge.
2008-11-29.txt:00:24:54: <GregorR> nooga: It's slowish ... but I have a JIT >: )
2008-11-29.txt:06:58:22: * GregorR just improved the JIT ... it's a bit faster now.
2008-12-03.txt:14:36:15: <AnMaster> fizzie, any progress on jitfunge?
2008-12-28.txt:17:21:12: <AnMaster> as far as I know I currently beat all except jitfunge
2008-12-28.txt:17:21:24: <AnMaster> and last I heard jitfunge wasn't complete
2008-12-30.txt:20:50:05: <AnMaster> fizzie, there? Any progress on jitfunge?
2009-01-04.txt:19:34:54: <AnMaster> ais523, sure, what about proving a jit compiler!
2009-01-05.txt:10:16:46: <AnMaster> fizzie, progress on jitfunge?
2009-01-07.txt:09:58:29: <AnMaster> something for jitfunge rather
2009-01-07.txt:20:48:27: <AnMaster> ehird, I don't know if jitfunge works on os x
2009-01-07.txt:20:49:06: <ehird> I'd hardly expect a jit to be portable :P
2009-01-07.txt:20:49:42: <fizzie> jitfunge doesn't, at the moment; although it might with some tweaking.
2009-01-07.txt:20:50:25: <fizzie> We did some speed-benchmarking with something like   (build/jitfunge > life.txt &); sleep 20 ; killall jitfunge ; ls -l life.txt   and then comparing the life.txt output size. Silly but... silly.
2009-01-07.txt:21:03:44: <fizzie> "originally designed and programmed by Alexey Pajitnov in June 1985, while working for the Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Academy of Science of the USSR in Moscow."
2009-01-08.txt:16:51:43: <fizzie> jitfunge uses a fixed-address mmap.
2009-01-09.txt:17:28:34: <AnMaster> if you want to JIT stuff you probably need to use the API
2009-01-09.txt:17:38:21: <ehird> Also has a JIT
2009-01-09.txt:17:38:40: <AnMaster> so it uses a custom written JIT for x86 and x86_64 (it says so in README)
2009-01-09.txt:17:39:16: <AnMaster> and the JIT actually works?
2009-01-09.txt:17:39:40: <AnMaster> writing a good JIT takes time, lots of time
2009-01-09.txt:17:41:26: <ehird> so he's developed a prototype with a working jit in less than a month.
2009-01-09.txt:17:42:05: <AnMaster> ehird, well I can believe someone managed to write a well working JIT in less than a month if he was dedicated, and a OO lang... But both? No way
2009-01-09.txt:17:58:18: <AnMaster> ehird, writing your own JIT?
2009-01-11.txt:18:26:54: <AnMaster> flexo, iirc fizzie traps segfault in jitfunge
2009-01-13.txt:18:58:10: <AnMaster> ehird, also I admit jitfunge is faster
2009-01-13.txt:19:03:18: <AnMaster> I admit that jit compilers like jitfunge are faster
2009-01-13.txt:19:27:31: <AnMaster> ehird, also if you decide to jit I'm not going to care, I don't have the time to add jitting to cfunge currently, no idea about later
2009-01-13.txt:19:28:26: <oerjan> it's the jitterbug
2009-01-14.txt:15:21:50: <ais523> (and then fizzie went and invented jitfunge, just for even more crazy-speed funge fun)
2009-01-14.txt:15:45:15: <AnMaster> hm, this would be one thing that is easier in a JIT I believe
2009-01-14.txt:15:45:32: <ais523> well, JITs need to do that anyway
2009-01-14.txt:15:46:08: <ais523> doesn't mean you can't do it in a non-JIT
2009-01-18.txt:14:28:27: <ehird> then I think I'll make it a compiler/jit and write it totally in scheme and stuff
2009-01-18.txt:14:54:23: <ehird> second version - compiler & JIT
2009-01-18.txt:14:57:30: <AnMaster> ehird, you said compiler/jit?
2009-01-18.txt:14:58:22: <AnMaster> instead of jit
2009-01-18.txt:14:59:06: <AnMaster> ehird, basically: will it jit or be able to compile stand alone binaries?
2009-01-24.txt:22:15:29: <ktne> i don't feel like wanting to implement a JIT :)
2009-01-28.txt:14:23:55: <AnMaster> ehird, also I wonder how fast it would run game of life? as fast as jitfunge?
2009-02-10.txt:15:00:45: <ktne> i plan to run it using a llvm jit
2009-02-21.txt:20:42:41: <comex> jit
2009-02-21.txt:23:40:50: <ehird> but it's more jit-style
2009-02-26.txt:12:10:54: <AnMaster> fizzie, in jitfunge, which way does the stack grow?
2009-02-26.txt:12:21:18: <fizzie> Actually, heh, I don't think current jitfunge even grows the stack at all. Haven't touched that code in a while, but all I'm seeing here are the underflow checks.
2009-02-27.txt:16:17:41: <ais523> ehird: JIT?
2009-02-27.txt:16:17:52: <AnMaster> well JIT is a solution of course
2009-02-27.txt:16:17:58: <ehird> ais523: it is JIT, kind of
2009-02-27.txt:16:18:00: <ais523> I would certainly suggest JITted constant folding
2009-02-27.txt:16:18:17: <ehird> kind of like JIT
2009-02-27.txt:16:18:30: <AnMaster> ais523, that is AOT not JIT right?
2009-02-27.txt:16:19:54: <AnMaster> ehird, I think JIT with constant fold, and if +- and such are redefined invalidate all JIT compiled code using it
2009-02-27.txt:16:21:50: <ais523> maybe you could use some sort of JIT constant unfolding?
2009-02-27.txt:16:22:16: <AnMaster> you wouldn't JIT it again directly
2009-02-27.txt:16:22:28: <ehird> I just told you I'm not JITting
2009-02-27.txt:16:22:44: <AnMaster> JITing is probably better for this though...
2009-02-27.txt:16:23:13: <AnMaster> but the Java JIT can do inlining and such
2009-02-27.txt:16:23:44: <AnMaster> ehird, well mark a unit as "need to be-rejitted on next use" then
2009-02-27.txt:16:24:06: <AnMaster> fizzie, there? Will jitfunge implement IMAP? :D
2009-03-06.txt:14:54:09: <AnMaster> fizzie, will jitfunge implement IMAP?
2009-03-06.txt:14:54:51: <fizzie> I don't think so, no. I'm currently again in the hibernationary "collecting motivation" stage re jitfunge.
2009-03-08.txt:13:47:22: <AnMaster> Deewiant, it is a bad idea to make sarcastic comments about cfunge. You won't have anything left to say for jitfunge then
2009-03-08.txt:14:01:16: <AnMaster> Deewiant, anyway I think fizzie isn't working on jitfunge currently
2009-03-10.txt:14:53:58: <AnMaster> ehird, well it all depends on what you are using it for. fungot running a slow underload interpreter? cfunge or in the future jitfunge
2009-03-10.txt:14:58:32: <AnMaster> Deewiant, no, jitfunge is more optimised
2009-03-10.txt:14:58:40: <ehird> uh, jitfunge doesn't optimize.
2009-03-10.txt:14:59:29: <AnMaster> ehird, well depending on what you mean, nor does cfunge. jitfunge could potentially. Just in cfunge I tried to write all the C code fast. But I don't try to constant fold code. Like jitfunge does
2009-03-10.txt:14:59:38: <AnMaster> so I'd say jitfunge is more optimising
2009-03-10.txt:14:59:55: <fizzie> jitfunge is broken, though; that's a disadvantage.
2009-03-11.txt:14:21:19: -!- rabideejit has joined #esoteric.
2009-03-11.txt:14:21:46: <rabideejit> Greeting.
2009-03-11.txt:14:23:02: <rabideejit> I have a new language for you.
2009-03-11.txt:14:23:02: <rabideejit> Consider deciphering the contents of and
2009-03-11.txt:14:25:14: <rabideejit> yes
2009-03-11.txt:14:25:29: <rabideejit> Aaah!  It's you.  You inspired me.
2009-03-11.txt:14:25:40: <ais523> greetings, rabideejit
2009-03-11.txt:14:26:01: <rabideejit> indeed you did.
2009-03-11.txt:14:26:22: <rabideejit> Greetings ais.
2009-03-11.txt:14:27:12: <rabideejit> Yes.  The andrei machine is much closer to what Kolmogorov had in mind, I'd say.
2009-03-11.txt:14:30:21: <rabideejit> Ah, thankyou!  I was looking for that.  My source was Uri Gurevich's on Kolmogorov Machines and Related issues.
2009-03-11.txt:14:37:03: <rabideejit> Ah, the Andrei machine has an easy-to-reach register.  The challenger of the Kolmogorov language is all your data is all pointing to each other and you get lost.  Hence the 500 line 99 bottles of beer.
2009-03-11.txt:14:37:11: <rabideejit> *challenge
2009-03-11.txt:14:37:24: <rabideejit> Freudian there.
2009-03-11.txt:14:37:54: <rabideejit> Ah but I guess the Andrei register is a bit hard to reach, as you have to run through the graph to get it.
2009-03-11.txt:14:38:24: <rabideejit> Indeed.
2009-03-11.txt:14:38:52: <rabideejit> It would be crazy.
2009-03-11.txt:14:39:48: <rabideejit> Yes, it seems a very complex problem.
2009-03-11.txt:14:40:23: <rabideejit> Hmmmmm!
2009-03-11.txt:14:44:02: <rabideejit> hum, ho.
2009-03-11.txt:14:45:58: <rabideejit> I must take your leave, I need to eat some yogurt. Nice to meet you Slereah.
2009-03-11.txt:14:46:19: -!- rabideejit has quit ("Leaving.").
2009-03-11.txt:18:08:55: <ehird> our JIT is about 20x faster than CPython. ]]
2009-03-12.txt:11:54:53: <fizzie> I'm eagerly waiting for the next C++ sprint, I could actually work on jitfunge a bit at that point.
2009-03-12.txt:11:54:56: <AnMaster> jitfunge was in C++ right?
2009-03-12.txt:12:09:43: <fizzie> I would like to work on jitfunge more if there wasn't that damned self-modification going on. I can't even compile a constant-argument p into a simple memory store, without worrying that later the jitter is going to create a compiled trace at that location, and it will then be invalidated if this particular p instruction is ever executed.
2009-03-12.txt:12:15:17: <AnMaster> fizzie, also if there wasn't self modification you could just compile it normally without needing JIT
2009-03-12.txt:12:16:00: <fizzie> Given the funky Befunge code-flow, that's not completely trivial either; I'd still suspect a tracing JIT could be the way to go. It'd just be a lot easier.
2009-03-12.txt:12:16:56: <fizzie> Currently jitfunge has a "solution" which basically boils down recording in funge-space all the cells where any compiled-to-memory-store-puts refer to, and later if we end up executing code in such a place, invalidating the referring code.
2009-03-12.txt:14:59:34: <fizzie> Fujitsu Siemens is partially German (the Siemens side, surprisingly) and they manufacture computers.
2009-03-12.txt:16:01:54: <ehird> 10:54 fizzie: I'm eagerly waiting for the next C++ sprint, I could actually work on jitfunge a bit at that point.
2009-03-12.txt:16:01:55: <ehird> 10:54 AnMaster: jitfunge was in C++ right?
2009-03-13.txt:22:39:14: <AnMaster> Deewiant, well, I like NX. It is actually useful. Only JITs need to disable it really.
2009-03-13.txt:22:41:14: <AnMaster> Deewiant, any non-esoteric examples of self modifying code? Apart from JITs that is.
2009-03-15.txt:19:41:59: <AnMaster> ehird, unknown. It depends on what you do. If fizzie finishes his jitfunge he will beat cfunge at single-threaded apps
2009-03-15.txt:19:42:55: <AnMaster> fizzie, how do you plan to implement t in jitfunge?
2009-03-15.txt:19:44:09: <fizzie> I don't really have a plan there; I don't see any sensible way of doing synchronous threads with jitfunge without it being completely brainless.
2009-03-15.txt:21:52:42: <AnMaster> I just found something useful for you in jitfunge
2009-03-15.txt:22:02:39: <fizzie> The instructions they mention are SSE-only, though. And it'll be a while before I get to the optimizationary stage with jitfunge, you may need to remind me about that later.
2009-03-15.txt:22:05:22: <fizzie> The code generated by jitfunge is pretty sucky.
2009-03-15.txt:22:11:32: <fizzie> I'll have to think about the llvm thing. Currently the jitfunge code is pretty convoluted; maybe if I cleaned it up a bit so that there'd be a clean-ish-er interface between code generation and the rest of the code, I could even experiment better.
2009-03-15.txt:22:23:59: <AnMaster> fizzie, Concurrent JIT
2009-03-15.txt:22:42:15: <fizzie> I know a precious little about x86 low-level details for a JIT-writer.
2009-03-24.txt:22:15:24: <AnMaster> well JIT then
[too many lines; stopping]