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author HackEso <>
date Fri, 27 Sep 2024 20:43:06 +0100
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2006-09-02.txt:03:31:36: <GreyPaladin> If it can do Unicode, they've already merged about a bajillion kanji into unicode, as well as all the katakana and hiragana
2007-04-11.txt:03:30:49: <Bigcheesegs> Pikhq: whats the hiragana for that kanji?
2007-05-25.txt:16:39:19: <Pikhq> Sometimes, you don't even need to know more Japanese than what it takes to tell the difference between hiragana, katakana, and kanji to be effective.
2007-05-25.txt:16:41:35: <Pikhq> (katakana should be used for onomatopeia, foreign words, and occasionally for emphasis. Hiragana and kanji are normal for native words)
2007-06-17.txt:02:21:30: <ihope> The hiragana?
2007-06-17.txt:02:24:23: <ihope> Is it all "ban" in hiragana?
2007-11-17.txt:20:24:32: <pikhq> They are hiragana.
2008-07-24.txt:00:13:34: <psygnisfive> even better if it has to be in hiragana
2008-08-08.txt:20:07:38: <dogface> Clearly, it's hiragana.
2009-08-11.txt:17:10:40: <pikhq> ehird: Particles and some Japanese words are written in hiragana, foreign loanwords are written in katakana, and most words of Japanese/Chinese origin are written in kanji.
2010-05-28.txt:22:22:35: <cheater99> i know most hiragana and katakana and know the 'desu' form
2010-06-25.txt:22:22:19: <zzo38> I also have my own romaji format with is also an encoding of kana, the city Tokyo is named "To.uKiyo.u" which is the encoding of the hiragana for the city name
2010-06-26.txt:17:35:58: <pikhq> That's hiragana "o".
2010-07-16.txt:21:26:16: <pikhq> A long vowel is encoded as in kana if the word is hiragana, or using - if the word is katakana.
2010-07-16.txt:21:35:49: <cheater99> pikhq: way to go encoding english as hiragana
2010-07-16.txt:21:40:05: <pikhq> (also, *that* is English in hiragana.)
2010-07-16.txt:21:41:33: <pikhq> cheater99: "Aruso, zlissu izzu ingurisshi en hiragana", using mostly-Hepburn.
2010-07-16.txt:21:41:33: <zzo38> pikhq: Yes it is English in hiragana. Not generally the best thing to do, and it doesn't work well, but I can see what it is
2010-07-16.txt:21:41:44: <pikhq> cheater99: Or, to clean it up, "Also, this is English in hiragana."
2010-08-30.txt:21:41:48: <zzo38> Although when writing Japanese texts out by hand, I usually use katakana since I can write it more easily, but I sometimes use hiragana or kanji, too, sometimes.
2010-08-30.txt:21:43:13: <zzo38> pikhq: When typing on computer I use hiragana and katakana and kanji, but when writing by hand I find it easier to just write mostly in katakana.
2010-09-05.txt:04:43:29: <oklofok> i don't know any katakana or kanji, memorized all hiragana tho
2010-09-05.txt:04:50:23: <pikhq> In hiragana, that's ろーまじ.
2010-09-05.txt:04:54:00: <oklofok> i wish i knew how to make hiragana
2010-09-05.txt:05:18:35: <oklofok> is kana the same as hiragana
2010-09-05.txt:05:18:45: <pikhq> Hiragana is one of two forms of kana.
2010-09-05.txt:05:19:12: <pikhq> Here, lemme just stick that in Hiragana.
2010-09-05.txt:05:21:22: <oklofok> also those are rather different-looking hiragana than the ones i've seen, so i'm even slower
2010-09-05.txt:16:44:20: <pikhq> oklopol: BTW: good work on learning hiragana before the class starts. That alone gets rid of most of the egregious pronunciation errors.
2010-09-12.txt:22:20:24: <oklofok> well let's see, we've learned 30 hiragana and some greetings, i know all hiragana, all katakana, some 20 kanji, about 150 words, numbers, months, days of month
2010-10-12.txt:03:27:30: <zzo38> I don't think there is a need for Japanese romanisation scheme with strange marks, since if unicode is available, you can just write using hiragana/katakana, anyways.
2010-10-26.txt:20:23:09: <pikhq> Vorpal: This came to be known as "hiragana".
2010-10-26.txt:20:23:09: <pikhq> Vorpal: For a long time, katakana + kanji was the normal script, with just hiragana used in some contexts (most notably poetry).
2010-10-26.txt:20:23:09: <pikhq> Vorpal: Then, with Western contact came a lot of loan words. They started to use katakana for the loan words and hiragana for the native words.
2010-10-26.txt:20:25:11: <pikhq> Vorpal: Oh, wait, not quite accurate. Hiragana was used for most *literature*, and katakana was used for most other things.
2010-10-26.txt:20:25:38: <pikhq> Vorpal: And then linguistic reform in the 50s changed the standard to default to hiragana and katakana for loanwords.
2010-10-26.txt:20:28:05: <pikhq> (aside from the actual glyph forms, the rules for writing hiragana and katakana are *precisely* the same.)
2010-12-15.txt:04:43:38: <myndzi> apparently love hotel is only hiragana
2011-02-20.txt:04:21:02: <Lymia> pikhq, dosn't Japanese input mode have a Fsomething button to go hiragana->katakana anyways?
2011-02-20.txt:04:21:16: <zzo38> I invented a bit different system. Function keys are to the left. ALT keys are now like ALTGR (but still labeled ALT). When SCROLL LOCK (now labeled KANA LOCK) is pushed, it enters kana mode, and CAPS LOCK (now labeled CASE LOCK) in kana mode switches hiragana/katakana. There is no half-pitch/full-pitch.
2011-02-24.txt:00:56:54: <elliott_> Romaji Translator at is a free Japanese to Romaji transliteration tool. You can translate japanese text (Kanji,Hiragana,Katakana) into Romaji or Hiragana.
2011-02-24.txt:22:10:05: <pikhq_> Oh, and after RTK the hiragana and katakana will probably come really, really easily.
2011-02-24.txt:23:17:02: <tswett> It's katakana, that's why it wasn't in the hiragana table.
2011-03-10.txt:03:15:04: <elliott> "Hiragana are sometimes used to write words which would normally written with katakana to make them appear more "feminine", particularly in comic books and cartoons for young girls."
2011-03-10.txt:03:15:43: <pikhq> Writing in all-hiragana just seems a bit childish.
2011-05-07.txt:22:28:58: <zzo38> I read katakana and also hiragana
2011-05-07.txt:22:31:03: <cheater53> pikhq, what are those? my hiragana and akatakana are rusty
2011-05-07.txt:22:31:19: <pikhq> cheater53: "wi" and "we", in hiragana.
2011-07-16.txt:05:52:20: <zzo38> I do know reading numbers with kanji, and also some words with hiragana and katakana, a bit.
2011-09-07.txt:04:43:31: <Lymee> elliott, small hiragana i please.
2011-11-01.txt:02:55:29: <evincar> Especially if you're using a hiragana keyboard.
2011-11-01.txt:02:55:46: <pikhq_> I dislike hiragana keyboard layouts rather strongly.
2011-12-26.txt:07:39:07: <zzo38> However, I can offer some suggestions for Japanese: Some small letters only come after certain other letters, and some words have kanji. Compound words are sometimes written combination kanji/kana or combination hiragana/katakana.
2012-02-19.txt:07:28:59: <zzo38> I can understand some kanji, as well as knowing the hiragana and katakana entirely. Mixing kana with kanji does actually make it to read fast and better even though some people say it isn't. I know this because of my own experience
2012-02-19.txt:07:35:44: <myndzi> i just can't write hiragana or whatever
2012-02-19.txt:07:45:01: <zzo38> When writing Japanese texts by hand I will use katakana because I find hiragana more difficult to write
2012-02-19.txt:07:45:22: <zzo38> (Although I can read hiragana OK)
2012-04-16.txt:05:12:57: <shachaf> I can sort of read hiragana but not katakana.
2012-04-16.txt:05:14:11: <zzo38> shachaf: I can read both hiragana and katakana fully; but I don't know all the words
2012-04-16.txt:05:15:04: <zzo38> shachaf: If you want to read Japanese, then yes, you should learn hiragana, katakana, and kanji.
2012-04-16.txt:05:25:23: <pikhq_> shachaf: Basically. It's no worse than hiragana, just different glyphs.
2012-04-16.txt:05:28:26: <pikhq_> (before ~1940, katakana was used for normal Japanese writing more than hiragana)
2012-08-15.txt:01:22:24: <zzo38> Because it a shorter encoding than the full hiragana+katakana and Unicode and ShiftJIS and whatever else.
2012-08-20.txt:03:47:29: <zzo38> shachaf: I am not wearing it right now; I was just wearing at anime convention. Also, it is written using hiragana.
2012-08-20.txt:03:48:02: <shachaf> I'm not very good at reading Hiragana. :-(
2012-08-20.txt:04:02:30: <zzo38> Yes it is sound effect. And yes I know, sound effect generally written by katakana, in this case it is hiragana as Fukumoto has written. There is also ... after it like they have written too
2013-01-23.txt:12:15:46: <shachaf> I only know the hiragana, sort of.
2013-02-16.txt:05:54:18: <tswett> I guess that "ri" is, in fact, in hiragana, not katakana.
2013-02-16.txt:05:54:52: <tswett> Right, but it's actually a hiragana "ri" which I mistook for a katakana "ri".
2013-06-06.txt:22:23:58: <nooodl> "HIRAGANA LETTER YA"
2013-06-06.txt:22:25:53: -!- nooodl changed the topic of #esoteric to: MAHJONG TILE AUTUMN / HIRAGANA LETTER YA / SNOWMAN WITHOUT SNOW | | |