view paste/paste.27224 @ 12514:500486b20e41 draft default tip

<int-e> slwd fungot//s/ds/d s/
author HackEso <>
date Fri, 27 Sep 2024 20:43:06 +0100
parents 37de0eef2a04
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line source

2010-09-08.txt:04:18:59: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-09-08.txt:04:19:03: <perdito> hi
2010-09-08.txt:04:20:22: <Sgeo> Hi perdito
2010-09-08.txt:04:20:41: <perdito> nope.. hi sgeo
2010-09-08.txt:04:21:41: <perdito> thx
2010-09-08.txt:04:22:16: <perdito> let me check topic infos
2010-09-08.txt:04:22:47: <perdito> oh ok
2010-09-08.txt:04:23:49: <perdito> sounds good
2010-09-08.txt:04:24:02: <perdito> hail eris
2010-09-08.txt:04:24:04: <perdito> hail isis
2010-09-08.txt:04:24:35: <perdito> what are esoteric programming languages?
2010-09-08.txt:04:24:59: <coppro> perdito: Programming languages with little practical use, like INTERCAL
2010-09-08.txt:04:26:08: <perdito> interesting
2010-09-08.txt:04:26:23: <perdito> i guess i like this place
2010-09-08.txt:04:27:45: <perdito> i hope you'll excuse my poor english then.. but i'd like to stay and listen for a while
2010-09-08.txt:04:28:00: <perdito> and maybe learn something
2010-09-08.txt:04:28:25: <pikhq> perdito: Your English doesn't seem poor to me.
2010-09-08.txt:04:29:17: <perdito> thx pikhq, but i think you'll change your mind soon enough
2010-09-08.txt:04:29:18: <perdito> :)
2010-09-08.txt:04:29:23: <coppro> and yours isn't particularly bad, perdito
2010-09-08.txt:04:29:34: <perdito> well thank you
2010-09-08.txt:04:29:38: <pikhq> perdito: Believe me, I've seen worse. From native speakers of English.
2010-09-08.txt:04:31:11: <perdito> k.. so most of you are programmers or sth?
2010-09-08.txt:04:31:26: <pikhq> perdito: Pretty much all programmers here.
2010-09-08.txt:08:10:15: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-11-23.txt:00:49:35: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-23.txt:00:49:54: <perdito> hi
2010-11-23.txt:01:02:52: <Sgeo> Hi perdito
2010-11-23.txt:01:03:15: <Sgeo> perdito, have you been here before?
2010-11-23.txt:01:05:28: <perdito> hi sgeo.. yes i've been here once
2010-11-23.txt:01:05:45: <perdito> hehe
2010-11-23.txt:01:05:58: <perdito> how are things going?
2010-11-23.txt:01:08:34: <perdito> did you manage to find new ways of developing purposeless applications
2010-11-23.txt:01:09:54: <perdito> are you human?
2010-11-23.txt:01:14:45: <perdito> im not very familiar with, and interested in c# programming.. can you give me some hints where to start? a chan or sth
2010-11-23.txt:01:15:32: <perdito> check
2010-11-23.txt:01:18:17: <perdito> is there a .net channel on freenode?
2010-11-23.txt:01:20:50: <perdito> a pity
2010-11-23.txt:01:21:49: <perdito> thanks anyway
2010-11-23.txt:01:24:00: <Sgeo> perdito, try ##csharp
2010-11-23.txt:01:24:41: <perdito> k.. thx sgeo
2010-11-23.txt:22:50:03: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-24.txt:15:20:58: -!- perdito has quit (*.net *.split).
2010-11-24.txt:15:25:01: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-24.txt:15:57:14: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-11-24.txt:16:53:44: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-24.txt:16:53:48: <elliott> hi perdito
2010-11-24.txt:16:53:49: <perdito> hi@all
2010-11-24.txt:16:53:59: <perdito> hoi elliot
2010-11-24.txt:16:54:12: <elliott> perdito: are you thumb mature?
2010-11-24.txt:16:54:28: <perdito> what?
2010-11-24.txt:16:55:41: <perdito> sry..not familiar with..ehm..this kind of expression
2010-11-24.txt:16:56:08: <elliott> perdito: programmer?
2010-11-24.txt:16:56:15: <perdito> yes
2010-11-24.txt:16:56:32: <elliott> perdito: ah. i was just trying to scare off the other type that come here
2010-11-24.txt:16:57:08: <perdito> yess.. but there felt a lil bit spooky
2010-11-24.txt:16:57:17: <perdito> -there+i
2010-11-24.txt:16:57:48: <perdito> u have to know my english is a little bit corroded
2010-11-24.txt:16:58:46: <perdito> need a little more practise.. if u excuse
2010-11-24.txt:17:10:22: <perdito> so you're developing games? :)
2010-11-24.txt:17:10:38: <elliott> perdito: no, we're just addicted to Minecraft :)
2010-11-24.txt:17:10:47: <perdito> k
2010-11-24.txt:17:10:58: <elliott> perdito: we're
2010-11-24.txt:17:11:58: <perdito> yes.. the purpose is kind off abstract
2010-11-24.txt:17:12:02: <perdito> -f
2010-11-24.txt:17:12:13: <perdito> at least for me ;)
2010-11-24.txt:17:16:18: <perdito> i think "erisian programming" would fit better
2010-11-24.txt:17:16:23: <perdito> :)
2010-11-24.txt:17:22:59: <elliott> perdito: heh
2010-11-24.txt:17:39:22: <perdito> wow.. its beautiful!
2010-11-24.txt:17:39:35: <perdito> im fucking impressed
2010-11-24.txt:18:00:04: -!- perdito is now known as perdito|afk.
2010-11-24.txt:19:07:02: <perdito|afk> yes.. where's the joy in life if one cannot die
2010-11-24.txt:19:07:15: -!- perdito|afk is now known as perdito.
2010-11-24.txt:19:10:22: <perdito> Goose124: both suck pretty well
2010-11-24.txt:19:11:41: <Goose124> perdito, does that mean you can give me a better one? :D
2010-11-24.txt:19:12:02: <perdito> no
2010-11-24.txt:19:12:29: <perdito> ;)
2010-11-24.txt:22:05:55: <perdito> well guys..thx for takin me into this minecraft thing.. im really impressed by the work of these 'gang of four'.. this project has everthing.. absolutley innovative and genious gamedesign.. eye-openening technology.. beutiful 8bit loving art, music and last-but-not-least.. spirit
2010-11-24.txt:22:06:30: <Phantom_Hoover> Wait, perdito got into our server?
2010-11-24.txt:22:06:32: <elliott> perdito: haha, good to know a channel about esoteric programming languages can serve a purpose by being wildly offtopic
2010-11-24.txt:22:06:40: <perdito> srfy
2010-11-24.txt:22:06:44: <elliott> perdito: ?
2010-11-24.txt:22:06:46: <perdito> :)
2010-11-24.txt:22:09:43: <perdito> i have to compare its genious to the first days of id-software.. back in those days..names like carmack and romero were heroes in my eyes
2010-11-24.txt:22:09:57: <perdito> beutiful minde
2010-11-24.txt:22:10:01: <perdito> -e+s
2010-11-24.txt:22:10:16: <perdito> very inspirative work
2010-11-24.txt:22:11:58: <perdito> btw.. guess what good ol'carmack does today?
2010-11-24.txt:22:12:41: <perdito> he's developing spacecraft vehicles :D
2010-11-24.txt:22:27:48: <perdito> next, i need to get a closer look at this 'Lightweight Java Game Library' (LWJGL).. seems to be powerful stuff.. anyone having some experience in using it? ..i never used java, but it seems i need to question that in future :)
2010-11-24.txt:22:29:00: <elliott> perdito: i would avoid java like the plague :)
2010-11-24.txt:22:29:46: <perdito> well i did until now (once again please excuse, and feel free to correct my very poor english, but i see no better way to improve it than to use it :P)
2010-11-24.txt:22:30:14: <perdito> hope u get point
2010-11-24.txt:22:30:26: <Phantom_Hoover> perdito, we don't say the J-word in this channel.
2010-11-24.txt:22:32:58: <perdito> k
2010-11-24.txt:22:38:03: <perdito> most of the time i use c#, and as far as i know there is no big difference between java and c#.. had to time to find out sofar
2010-11-24.txt:22:38:13: <elliott> perdito: java has no anonymous functions
2010-11-24.txt:22:38:40: <perdito> and most of them.. its free ;)
2010-11-24.txt:22:39:35: <perdito> we do not need to discuss the differences now
2010-11-24.txt:22:39:52: <perdito> im sure you know them all ;)
2010-11-24.txt:22:42:21: <perdito> lets call it offtopic, but i'm surprised by the speed of this app running in my browser.. its based on  openGL as far as i know
2010-11-24.txt:22:42:39: <elliott> perdito: Oh, are you on Classic?
2010-11-24.txt:22:42:51: <elliott> perdito: I suggest buying Alpha; it's much nicer (and you can run it outside of a browser, too.)
2010-11-24.txt:22:43:31: <perdito> so anyone worked with this lwjg lib mentioned?
2010-11-24.txt:22:44:43: <perdito> my self produced 3D engines sucked so far *g
2010-11-24.txt:22:44:50: <elliott> perdito: well 3D isn't easy :)
2010-11-24.txt:22:44:54: <Phantom_Hoover> perdito, make a non-Euclidean one.
2010-11-24.txt:22:45:01: <perdito> i had polygons with 3-4fps
2010-11-24.txt:22:45:13: <perdito> and i was very proud of it
2010-11-24.txt:22:45:25: <perdito> but i guess openGL is good stuff
2010-11-24.txt:22:46:42: <Phantom_Hoover> perdito, were they HYPERBOLIC polygons?
2010-11-24.txt:22:47:25: <perdito> it was just the wire.. not even filled :)
2010-11-24.txt:22:47:51: <perdito> the most primitive matrix-vector-stuff
2010-11-24.txt:22:48:06: <perdito> not even thinking of textures
2010-11-24.txt:22:57:45: <perdito> in best case the game itself has nothing to do with its view.. so viewing the states of the game is done by some sophisticated compiled and hardware-supporting software
2010-11-24.txt:23:09:00: <perdito> <Phantom_Hoover>perdito, make a non-Euclidean one. <-- thx for that hint
2010-11-24.txt:23:09:07: <perdito> sounds interesting ;)
2010-11-24.txt:23:09:13: <perdito> n8 Phantom_Hoover
2010-11-24.txt:23:10:02: <perdito> just reading an interesting article on that
2010-11-24.txt:23:10:03: <perdito> :)
2010-11-24.txt:23:12:13: <perdito> thanks to you, i know that there sth called "non-Euclidean" exists *g
2010-11-24.txt:23:12:20: <perdito> -there
2010-11-24.txt:23:14:39: <perdito> i see
2010-11-24.txt:23:15:07: <perdito> yes.. my math-leaks will never let me go
2010-11-24.txt:23:17:48: <perdito> eureka!
2010-11-24.txt:23:18:00: <perdito> thx anyway :P
2010-11-24.txt:23:18:53: <perdito> maybe tomorrow *g
2010-11-24.txt:23:19:01: <perdito> but i get the idea
2010-11-24.txt:23:20:16: <perdito> cu phantom
2010-11-25.txt:00:48:04: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-11-25.txt:02:20:35: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-25.txt:11:26:03: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2010-11-25.txt:11:53:42: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-25.txt:11:59:20: <perdito> hi kaasen
2010-11-25.txt:12:00:25: <perdito> hehe..always missing oerjan
2010-11-25.txt:12:00:46: <perdito> whoever he gets kinda mystic
2010-11-25.txt:12:29:32: <perdito> magic?
2010-11-25.txt:12:29:46: <perdito> no.. a bad joke
2010-11-25.txt:17:49:18: -!- perdito has quit (Quit: perdito).
2010-11-25.txt:19:06:56: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-25.txt:19:52:14: -!- perdito is now known as perdito|afk.
2010-11-25.txt:22:51:14: <perdito|afk> are different users..different process' in that view?
2010-11-25.txt:22:52:49: <perdito|afk> oh it's big.. *scroll
2010-11-25.txt:22:55:08: <elliott> perdito|afk: hum?
2010-11-25.txt:22:55:59: <perdito|afk> forget that question.. there's enough log to  hand thath oneenoght
2010-11-26.txt:02:49:30: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2010-11-26.txt:05:01:05: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-26.txt:06:13:33: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2010-11-26.txt:09:12:21: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-26.txt:09:14:34: <perdito> hail eris
2010-11-26.txt:09:14:55: * oerjan throws apples at perdito 
2010-11-26.txt:09:15:10: <perdito> kallisti!
2010-11-26.txt:10:10:36: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2010-11-26.txt:10:58:30: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-26.txt:13:52:18: -!- perdito has quit (*.net *.split).
2010-11-26.txt:13:53:34: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-26.txt:14:51:06: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2010-11-30.txt:23:15:06: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-11-30.txt:23:15:28: <perdito> hi folks
2010-12-01.txt:07:56:56: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-01.txt:10:05:53: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-01.txt:16:37:17: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-01.txt:23:29:11: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:03:00:29: -!- perdito has quit (Quit: perdito).
2010-12-02.txt:03:09:06: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:06:59:01: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:08:40:23: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:08:48:21: -!- perdito has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:10:52:31: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:11:12:44: <perdito> i luv this chan
2010-12-02.txt:11:12:49: <perdito> :)
2010-12-02.txt:11:18:54: <perdito> objects need properties to be identified, or even instanced as objets..  regarding to them as objects is the intellectual job, i think.. it's focussing on certain aspects of beeing.. and there is and infinite number of them out there
2010-12-02.txt:11:19:17: <perdito> so its hard work
2010-12-02.txt:11:19:24: <perdito> done while you're awake
2010-12-02.txt:11:20:00: <perdito> we are better artist,then we have thought, as master eckhard says
2010-12-02.txt:11:20:19: <perdito> we construct the world.. on the fly
2010-12-02.txt:11:22:00: <perdito> in our dreams, the doors of perception seem to open a little more
2010-12-02.txt:11:23:38: <oklopol> perdito: dunno about that, the way you think in dreams is the way you think when you're not really concentrated, except that you can send yourself sensory input, methinks.
2010-12-02.txt:11:23:50: <perdito> indeed!
2010-12-02.txt:11:24:23: <perdito> concentration = closing the doors of perception.. focusing.. filter the rest.. or even just identify and matter no more!
2010-12-02.txt:11:26:38: <oklopol> perdito: i find it a bit hard to follow your train of thought, and my meaningless poetry sensor starts beeping, no offense, i'm really trying :D
2010-12-02.txt:11:28:02: <perdito> sry.. my english prevents me to express myself clearer
2010-12-02.txt:11:28:13: <perdito> yes!!
2010-12-02.txt:11:28:23: <perdito> you got it :)
2010-12-02.txt:11:30:57: <perdito> concentration is not required to percept the world around us! ..even worse! it makes us filter out all the "useless" information out there.. the infinity
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:02: <perdito> amazing
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:03: <perdito> :)
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:17: <oklopol> "<perdito> concentration is not required to percept the world around us! ..even worse! it makes us filter out all the "useless" information out there.. the infinity" <<< i don't know what the infinity is, but yeah, this may be true, although i think it's a side-effect, not in any way inherently necessary for concentration
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:52: <perdito> as huxley said, we need both:
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:53: <perdito> work
2010-12-02.txt:11:34:56: <perdito> & love
2010-12-02.txt:11:35:19: <perdito> another analogy
2010-12-02.txt:11:35:35: <perdito> body & soul
2010-12-02.txt:11:35:42: <perdito> function & percept
2010-12-02.txt:11:37:12: <perdito> <-- interesting article
2010-12-02.txt:11:48:24: <perdito> remember good ol' operation mindfuck?
2010-12-02.txt:11:48:43: <perdito> wilsons theories on metaprogramming our minds
2010-12-02.txt:11:49:38: <perdito> cosmic trigger.. illuminatus.. schroedingers cat and so on.. a lotta beatiful and funny books to read
2010-12-02.txt:11:51:54: <perdito> dunn wheter there ever will be a way to create sth like artficial intuition,  but im sure we wont without channels as this
2010-12-02.txt:11:52:19: <perdito> and lucid dreaming programmers like you oklopol :)
2010-12-02.txt:11:55:21: <perdito> but first i really need to do sth bout this english-leaks
2010-12-02.txt:11:59:50: <perdito> softwaredev. needs it all.. maths, physics, pschycholgy, philosphy ..and ..uh..even martial arts *g
2010-12-02.txt:12:00:45: <perdito> thanks 2 walls u can at least smash things on themt if they do not work as intended
2010-12-02.txt:12:00:50: <perdito> -->love
2010-12-02.txt:12:00:56: <perdito> remember
2010-12-02.txt:12:23:44: <perdito> awareness
2010-12-02.txt:12:34:06: <perdito> rofl
2010-12-02.txt:12:34:12: -!- perdito is now known as perdito|afk.
2010-12-02.txt:12:43:41: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Quit: perdito|afk).
2010-12-02.txt:13:19:22: <elliott> 03:59:50 <perdito> softwaredev. needs it all.. maths, physics, pschycholgy, philosphy ..and ..uh..even martial arts *g
2010-12-02.txt:13:22:27: <oerjan> elliott: shush, clearly perdito intends to start a new and glorious age of software development
2010-12-02.txt:13:49:11: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:13:57:46: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:14:09:41: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:14:16:10: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Quit: perdito|afk).
2010-12-02.txt:14:24:41: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:14:26:35: -!- perdito|afk is now known as perdito.
2010-12-02.txt:14:28:29: -!- perdito is now known as perdito|afk.
2010-12-02.txt:14:32:47: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:15:01:47: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:16:06:31: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:16:17:07: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:22:03:36: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-02.txt:23:26:29: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-02.txt:23:27:21: -!- perdito|afk is now known as perdito.
2010-12-03.txt:07:00:17: -!- perdito is now known as perdito|afk.
2010-12-03.txt:11:02:46: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-03.txt:11:35:14: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-03.txt:12:40:22: -!- perdito|afk has quit (Quit: perdito|afk).
2010-12-03.txt:12:40:42: -!- perdito|afk has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-03.txt:13:18:31: -!- perdito|afk is now known as perdito.
2010-12-03.txt:20:03:12: -!- perdito has quit (Quit: perdito).
2010-12-03.txt:22:22:59: -!- perdito has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-04.txt:00:16:25: -!- perdito is now known as hagb4rd.
2013-02-20.txt:21:19:23: <shachaf> `pastelogs perdito
2013-02-20.txt:21:25:37: <Sgeo> o.O at hagb4rd=perdito