view paste/paste.25590 @ 12515:df8f62801bed draft default tip

<int-e> learn The password of the month is twenty-six characters long
author HackEso <>
date Tue, 01 Oct 2024 11:58:37 +0100
parents b9fd2a04f3cf
line wrap: on
line source

111) * Phantom_Hoover wonders where the size of the compiled Linux kernel comes from.  <cpressey> To comply with the GFDL, there's a copy of Wikipedia in there.
120) <ais523> cpressey: I have actually done a waterfall-model project that almost worked  <cpressey> That's where you have a flexible kayak that bobs and weaves between the rocks as it plummets off the cliff
125) <Phantom_Hoover> OK, so is conspiring to conspire to commit a crime a crime?  <cpressey> Let's all get together and talk about defacing public property sometime
126) <pikhq> INTERNET  <coppro> YAY  <cpressey> Said like a once-drowning man, rescued, taking a breath.
127) <AnMaster> cpressey, oh go to zzo's website. He is NIH  <Phantom_Hoover> AnMaster, really? I was strongly under the impression that zzo was invented here.
131) <cpressey> Never ever use a quote which contains both the words "aloofness" and "gel" (verb).
139) <cpressey> < ais523> then running repeatedly until you get the right sequence of random numbers < ais523> and just completely ignoring the input <-- some people live their entire lives this way, i reckon
140) <alise> "Europe is the national anthem of the Republic of Kosovo."  <cpressey> alise: I  <cpressey> I was going to say something then your last line floored me
149) <catseye> i like the feeling of freedom you get driving a bus
154) <zzo38> catseye: Please wake up. Not recorded for this timezone. The big spider is not your dream
161) <cpressey> fizzie: I can never tell with OpenBSD!  <cpressey> everything looks like an error anyway
257) <cpressey> addquoting yourself?  isn't that like commenting on your own facebook status?  <Gregor> Yup, but I'm JUST THAT AWESOME.
264) <catseye> wow, thinkgeek really makes me hate being alive
268) <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: parents who put just "Chris" on a birth certificate are... like parents who put just "Bob" on a birth certificate.
269) <Phantom_Hoover> ZOMGMODULES, St. Christopher, saint and werewolf.
317) <cpressey> `quote django  <HackEgo> ​352) <olsner> django is named after a person?  <olsner> thought it would be a giraffe or something  <cpressey> thankfully only one
318) <monqy> `quote django  <HackEgo> ​352) <olsner> django is named after a person?  <olsner> thought it would be a giraffe or something \ 407) <cpressey> `quote django  <HackEgo> ​352) <olsner> django is named after a person?  <olsner> thought it would be a giraffe or something  <cpressey> thankfully only one  <monqy> thankfully only two
321) <ZOMGMODULES> I can trust elliott_ to have an opinion on anything and everything  <elliott_> Yes.  <elliott_> And the best thing is: it is the correct opinion.
322) <ZOMGMODULES> Vorpal: it's actually called Happy  <ZOMGMODULES> Vorpal: Do not use it.  Use Parsec.  This is the wisdom of ZOMGMODULES.
324) <ZOMGMODULES> Felix's home page and Falcon's home page are actually the same page
325) <ZOMGMODULES> scripting language.  whole program analysis.  together at last