view paste/paste.24544 @ 12511:1c41c70a24da draft default tip

<int-e> mkx ../bin/tio//<<<"$@" sed \'s=.*##==\' | tr @- ++ | base64 -d 2>/dev/null | cat <(printf "\\x1f\\x8b\\x08\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00") - | gzip -dq 2>/dev/null | LC_CTYPE=C sed -zE \'s=.*\\xFF\\xFF(.*)\\xFF\\xFF.*=\\1=\'
author HackEso <>
date Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:18:25 +0100
parents 4fba1a7f67ec
line wrap: on
line source

27) <zzo38> I am not on the moon.
116) <zzo38> Some people are reasonable, some people who are not reasonable insist on changing things so therefore progress depends on not reasonablepeple
150) <zzo38> catseye: Please wake up. Not recorded for this timezone. The big spider is not your dream
174) <pikhq> zzo38: A better definition would probably fix Avogadro's number.  <Sgeo> It's broken?
179) <ais523> I love the way zzo38's comment was cut off after the f of brainfuck  <ais523> that's just the most hilarious place to cut it off in a discussion about censorshi
182) <zzo38> Maybe they should just get rid of Minecraft. If more people want it someone can make using GNU GPL v3 or later version, with different people, might improve slightly.
185) <zzo38> Invent the game called "Sandwich - The Card Game" and "Professional Octopus of the World" (these names are just generated by randomly)
186) <zzo38> I have plans to make the computer and one day I will do it!! (I have access to barter some people might help with these things) It is many difference from other computer.
214) <zzo38> ais523: Maybe it is better, because I don't think the octopus will live very well in the tree. But the difference is that the Internet is lying and you cannot see such things; you could make modified picture, though, in order to lie more clearly, at least.
230) <zzo38> If you want to use TeX formats invented by Christians, use Plain TeX. However, I do not think the religion of its author is a good way to decide what to use. I decide to use Plain TeX for its own reasons.
235) <zzo38> Lymia: I put big spider in my bed already. So if you have no more left you do not have to worry about it anymore. You can just take a cold shower or hot acid or whatever you want to, instead.
238) <oklopol> zzo38: you missed the point. the point was way stupider than that.
241) <zzo38> Why do you want to have sex in everything? I don't want.
244) <zzo38> However is probably better to have both queen/king and government in case one does bad thing, the other side can argue to them
257) <zzo38> Is anyone in here who knows cricket rules and has experience?  <Slereah> What if I told you the baseball rules in a british accent?
258) <zzo38> I also do not like that it should be disallow just because of too weird. They haveto make up more name so that not everyone has the same name!!!
271) <zzo38> elliott: I doubt water memory can last for even one second in a gravitational field (or even outside of a gravitational field), but other people think they can make water memory with telephones.
277) <zzo38> I think I managed to make Stack Overflow work on gopher, now.
285) <zzo38> [...] you cannot always sanity, please. I can sometimes sanity, please.
298) <zzo38>    <elliott>    <quintopia> i know it's unusual, but i agree with you both to some extent
319) <zzo38> I figured out something about C program. If you use ? : a lot then you don't need as much parentheses but it makes it more difficult to understand.
320) <zzo38> Finally I found the wand of electric lightning now we can destroy any large object if it needs to be destroyed and is required to use a such a wand for that purpose.
330) <zzo38> Learn to be Chinese and kill yourself
333) <zzo38> Fiddle. It makes a big difference, you know.
360) <zzo38> Sanity is insufficient by itself. Many other things are also important.
367) <oerjan> as i was filled with zzo38 mystery at the moment i saw  <zzo38> quintopia: I am at Canada.
419) <zzo38> If in some day, I publish some book, that might include some of the programs I have written too, but also some other books, possibly. However I never yet publish any book.
431) <zzo38> elliott_: No it isn't a game, it is a computer game
456) <zzo38> Pythagoras was running away and he reached a field of beans, but he didn't want to step on them so he let those guys chasing him to kill him instead.
458) <itidus20> well, you have bested me  <zzo38> itidus20: Yes.
460) <zzo38> What is miff-muffered moof?  <itidus20> that's a tough question
490) <zzo38> I think Perl is a programming language too. [...]
556) <zzo38> The fighting game I prefer is the card game Yomi
594) <zzo38> I am just saying something that I think I once saw some idea somewhere, I forget, was it on television?
595) <zzo38> Can you file for univorce if you are unmarried and don't like yourself anymore?
644) <itidus20> if only alonzo church would have anticipated the computer terminal...  <zzo38> itidus20: What do you think it would be if he did so?  <itidus20> i just plucked his name at random [...] <oerjan> if only the marquis de sade would have anticipated hospital romance novels
647) <zzo38> Astrological ages don't work. Instead, say what you mean.
661) <zzo38> I have a program to tell you how far away Jupiter is. It is 4.33 units far.
662) <zzo38> Even the Spanish Inquisition is in this game.  <ais523> zzo38: was it unexpected?  <zzo38> Kind of...
666) <zzo38> When you die in Canada, you die in real life.
674) <zzo38> Yes, it is true; I don't really like PHP either.
714) <zzo38> I think we are sort of this insane, and also sort of not as much as insane, and also sort of a bit more insane than that, and also somewhat more various other thing at various times whatever you are discussing at that time
736) <zzo38> A lot of things happened; not only me, but also you
765) <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <zzo38> Stop repeating yourself so much all at once
767) <zzo38> Is mathematics a lifeform?  <itidus20> zzo38: i'm looking into something interesting(debatable) which might be up your alley(debatable). warioware diy ... being a proprietry game about making games i know it's not extremely relevant here(debatable), but it's <insert gibberish term>  <zzo38> itidus20: I don't know.
770) <zzo38> (Some astrologers say all horoscopes that include objects other than the Sun are 3D, but they don't know what 3D means, that is why they are astrologers.)
776) <zzo38> Sleep on the ceiling next Sunday.
781) <zzo38> Do you think " `addquote [with no context] < zzo38> Do you think psychology is worse, or not?" is worse, or not?
786) <zzo38> But I still sign by my pens and use extra dots and shapes and so on so that I can claim I was threatened to sign it and put those dots there to warn you, or whatever
788) <zzo38> There is no rule in poker that says you have to try hard to win.
789) <zzo38> Yes you are correct you must be mad or you wouldn't have come here. No escape either, sorry.
793) <zzo38> Because, if it is all wrong, then I should fix it please
795) <oklopol> zzo38: i only like games whose names start with "mine"
806) <zzo38> Confucius say too much. -- Recent Chinese Proverb
810) <HackEgo> 499) <zzo38> What is miff-muffered moof?  <itidus20> that's a tough question [...] <Sgeo> miff-muffered moof sounds like a setup to something, but itidus screws it up.
811) <zzo38> Can you vote for just the green party or rainbow party instead of both?  <kmc> nope, it is the same party  <zzo38> That is the problem with political parties.
817) <oerjan> `welcome Rawlie  * zzo38 has joined #esoteric  <Rawlie> thank you  <zzo38> You're welcome.
825) <zzo38> The reason it isn't more popular is because I wrote it today.
844) <kmc> i would subscribe to @zzo38_ebooks  <zzo38> kmc: I have no ebooks which can subscribe to
850) <zzo38> If you write in the text using Unicode then how are you supposed to know if you mean seraphim have seven eyes or do they have ten?
852) <zzo38> What is portable way of load/save floating points in files, using a C code?  <kmc> #ifndef __STDC_IEC_559__  #error Here's a nickel, kid.  Buy a real computer.  #endif
859) <zzo38> The winter solstice is in approx. 13 hours from now  <kmc> the mayans warned us  <zzo38> Warned you of what? The solstice?  <kmc> yes
860) <zzo38> Yes I am native English speaker, but it is Canadian English, not British English.
861) <zzo38> Did you agree with what my idea was?  <elliott> absolutely  <monqy> what was your idea ?  <elliott> that was my next question
864) <zzo38> There is Haskell program "pandoc" to convert formats, so I make "panchess" which is the similar thing but for chess.
875) <fizzie> fungot: Are you the previous version of zzo38?  <fungot> fizzie: i run some interactive tex programs
892) <zzo38> What is your opinion on the Catholic doctrine and tradition and so on?  <Bike> i give it 7/10.
907) <zzo38> Eat people who are in the "food jail".
913) <zzo38> I do study philosophy of much.
959) <zzo38> I happen to have bash even on this computer
960) <zzo38> I have no problem if you want to use these drugs and make yourself dead and whatever, but making them legal might ruin the economy.
968) <zzo38> Two eggs costs less than one egg, but if you buy two eggs, you must eat both. Does linear logic do this?
974) <zzo38> Papal infallibility means that the pope is allowed to be infallible by himself if he wants to, without requiring a council.
975) <zzo38> I don't think there are any pope with fractional numbers (except something I made up for the Dungeons&Dragons game)
976) <zzo38> If you cannot type, then you should learn to type if you want to operate your computer
983) <zzo38> In this timezone is Good Friday today.  <zzo38> (It is good because you don't have to go to work)
998) <zzo38> It appears magenta in my computer only because it is programmed to display bold text as magenta.
1000) <zzo38> My opinion is that you are all wrong, as far as I can tell.
1066) <shachaf> Hmm, is an Electronic Signature in a PDF file a thing?  <shachaf> How do they work?  <zzo38> [1] Yes. [2] It doesn't.
1075) <zzo38> TeX is a bit unusual when doing things other than typesetting