view paste/paste.12979 @ 12514:500486b20e41 draft default tip

<int-e> slwd fungot//s/ds/d s/
author HackEso <>
date Fri, 27 Sep 2024 20:43:06 +0100
parents ddc7a3effa9a
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13) <fizzie after embedding some of his department research into fungot> Finally I have found some actually useful purpose for it.
35) <fizzie> Seconds. 30 of them. Did I forget the word?
135) <fizzie> It's like mathematicians, where the next step up from "trivial" is "open research question".  <fizzie> "Nope... No...This problem can't be done AT ALL. This one--maybe, but only with two yaks and a sherpa. ..."
153) <fizzie> I don't trust ducks. They always look like they're planning something. I'm not sure it's a good idea to give them language capabilities.
154) <cpressey> fizzie: I can never tell with OpenBSD!  <cpressey> everything looks like an error anyway
160) <ais523> fizzie: 50kB is quite a lot
178) <fizzie> The Perl script is probably slower than the Befunge code.
186) <fizzie> And to think: if only we wouldn't celebrate birthdays, there would be no birthday paradox, and we could get by with half as long hash functions. (What do you mean it doesn't work that way?)
207) <fizzie> Deewiant: Did you take the course at some point and/or were you taking it now and/or did you actually already graduate and/or are you still in Otaniemi anyway?
218) <ineiros> HELLWORLD!  <fizzie> It's like HELLO WORLD, except not *quite*.  <ineiros> There is more agony.
225) <fizzie> $ perl -e '/? <-- HERE/'     Quantifier follows nothing in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/? <-- HERE  <-- HERE/ at -e line 1.
231) <fizzie> Phantom_Hoover: I have just one tvtropes page open in elinks, but my tvtropes.txt "queue" has 38 URLs waiting for processing.
323) <fizzie> [...] So it'll be a while before the boob will touch you back.
324) <fizzie> You make a fist, shake it at the sky, and shout "why, GNU, why?!" -- that is the standard reportig practice.
384) <fizzie> elliott: You have become the very thing you fought for!
385) <fizzie> Deewiant: Well, I guess you could argue so. But to me a it's not a real clobbering if you can still tell there was something that got clobbered.
391) <fizzie> The zipWith Camel, a famous World War 1 era airplane.
398) <Gregor> I have a WRT120N  <fizzie> Gregor: The WRT160NL has 40 units more of... stuff. Plus an L.
399) <fizzie> There's that saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [...] <Taneb> You've just gave me a different result [...] <fizzie> It's always insane to expect different results, even when it's likely to occur.
405) <fizzie> Deewiant: So you... reverse the byte order manually, but then call ntohl too?  <Deewiant> fizzie: The host might be big-endian!
434) <Taneb> Well, I'm now experimenting with clients  <fizzie> It doesn't sound like good PR to say that out loud.
436) <fungot> fizzie: i, myself, will bring an end to all.
473) <Taneb> I think it's fizzie against everyone atm  <Taneb> AND EVERYONE IS WINNING  <Taneb> EXCEPT FIZZIE
475) <fizzie> That's the stupidest thing I've heard all morning. (Though I did wake up five minutes ago, so I haven't had a chance to hear very much.)  <fizzie> The "Why are you still asleep? I told the cat to wake you up." comment does come pretty close, though.
483) <fizzie> They're (according to current plans/rumours) going to release a grand total of approximately 1.1 MeeGo devices; the N9, plus the N950 "developers only" phone, which I'm counting as 0.1 because (even though it is a MeeGo device) it's not going to actually be released.
490) <fizzie> I tend to debase64 with perl -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print decode_base64("...");', because at least PERL stands for "PERL ein't-no ruddy-poo lol-GNU".
493) <fizzie> "Do a sea monster while whatever."
509) <fizzie> Isn't "strip nomic" just another word for all dating, though?
523) [from 2009] <fizzie> That's confusing. I have been indoctrinated to believe W|A, but on the other hand it's hard to unbelieve a book with such a ridiculously impressive name as "Handbook of physical testing of paper, Volume 2".
532) <fizzie> One reasonable approach for the image->color case could be to take the mean (possibly in the RGB space, it doesn't have the hue discontinuity problem) of the most likely Gaussian distribution to have yielded the image pixels, considering each pixel as an independent sample.  <fizzie> Wait, that'd just be the mean. Never mind.
534) <Gregor> Let us discuss the correct procedure for converting LP -> FLAC  <fizzie> The correct procedure is: you put the LP into a flatbed scanner, scan it as a Windows .bmp file, and then rename that file to .flac.
545) <fungot> fizzie: it doesn't *use* raw cgi. to my deep fnord i'm only fnord of the job description. it's badly fnord also.
546) <fizzie> It's just electricity, how dangerous could it be?
551) <fizzie> I prefer the N64 controller, it's the only one that has place for my third hand.
557) <fizzie> Spacegoat is the network-operations-optimized-for-latency-of-minutes-or-hours-due-to-light-speed-limits variant of scapegoat, to be used when you need to check out some code from the Mars colony.  <fizzie> (I'm pretty sure we'll have established a Mars colony by the time scapegoat rolls out.)
558) <fizzie> [...] It's like the future was already here (in all its headache-inducing flickery glory) in the mid-1990s, and then it just... went away.
559) <fizzie dictionary> An 'ad hobbitem' fallacy is when you try to undermine someone's credibility by referring to how hairy his/her feets are.
567) <fizzie> It's a bit like a regular monowheel, except when you brake too hard, instead of you going around and around inside the wheel, the (1100lb) wheel rolls over you.
570) <elliott> fizzie: It's like a JIT, if JITs were... strings.
577) <fizzie> If you jump a car from a ramp and hit the wall of a building, in midair, you tend to get ejected up and fly to the sky-ceiling, then slowly slide at that height to one corner of the world; then you land, make a complicated spinning-around thing for a while, and then explode.  <fizzie> Also probably works in real life?
588) <fungot> fizzie: these kids today, with their long hair, dope, and silly abbreviations...) and how it works.
624) <fizzie> Do you want me to live dangerously and just stick it in the bot without testing it?  <elliott> fizzie: Yes.  <elliott> There is pretty much no way it won't be amazing.
637) <Phantom_Hoover> Dinner? At two?  <fizzie> It's four here already. See, UTC+2. You need to add a couple of hours. Or was that subtract? I can never get those straight.
642) <fungot> fizzie: is a 98% reduction in the waterpark intensity, right, so i'd imagine!
659) <shachaf> fizzie: What kind of speech recognition do you do?  <shachaf> If you only need to recognize famous speeches, like Churchill or something, it should be pretty easy.
664) [...] <fizzie> So if someone tells you "you're worth your weight in Ethernet", it's likely they think your worth is less than $2k.
666) <fungot> fizzie: it's just so stupid that ' stty erase h' has more bizarre results. it was, that he was overcome with the vastness, profundity, and fnord
667) <fizzie> oerjan: Hey, what's your country code for telephonistic dialling from the outside world?  <oerjan> fizzie: +47  <fizzie> oerjan: Ooh, you're, like, right next to Sweden there.  <fizzie> I... guess you are geographically, too.
673) <oerjan> fizzie: wait the germans burned lapland?  they also burned finnmark.  <fizzie> oerjan: It's a bit of what they do. This was the time when we no longer were such good friends any more, and told them to go away.
678) <ais523> oh right: Frooxius, you wouldn't happen to live in Hexham, would you?  <Frooxius> No, sorry.  <ais523> phew  <Ngevd> How about Finland?  <Frooxius> Why would I live there?  <fizzie> That's a *very* good question.  <fizzie> Why would anyone?
683) * Phantom_Hoover moves 0.5 Phantom_Hoover into the Atlantic, and captures fizzie's upper body with 0.5 Phantom_Hoover.  <fizzie> Glurk.
685) <fizzie> [...] and then you just shuffle the integral signs around a bit and hope no mathematicians notice.
687) <fizzie> I saw a MythBusters show about that. (Or I guess it maybe was a tree.)
690) <fizzie> Stupid W|A doesn't even understand "Vatican papal density". (As far as countries go, they've got a quite high one.)
691) <fizzie> Quinary computers replace the cache with a quiche.
693) <fizzie> fungot: Yeah, "fungott" would [...] remind people of elliott.  <fungot> fizzie: now that could be nice for a simple language can be used
695) <olsner> the allocation is done by the "Dynamic" in DRAM  <olsner> before that we used SRAM where everything was preallocated in the factory  <fizzie> olsner: So what's this SDRAM then?  <olsner> fizzie: synchronized, it's for multithreading
699) <fizzie> elliott: I'm not going to even bother with the recursive "I'm not going to dignify that" stuff. [...] <fizzie> *LAA LAA LAA NOT DIGNIFYING LAA LAA*
700) <fizzie> fungot: Feeling scrambled after all that?  <fungot> fizzie: but it's much like new zealand, in my stone-age country, we still like you even if you're only using the new fnord
733) <oklopol> nortti: fizzie has done some impressive stuff in befunge, which is essentially the two-dimensional version of finnish politics.
773) <fizzie> Also, UCS-4096 has the advantage that each codepoint handily matches the page size of many architectures, so you can deal with them in memory easily.
798) <fizzie> Backups are so like one of those circus guys walking on a wire except with a safety rope.
817) <fizzie> I am a train. There's a wireless network in the train!
818) <fizzie> I was hoping I could be like other people and listen to signals while in a public transport vehicle.
860) <fizzie> Have you eaten in one of the restaurants of the PECTOPAH chain? Those are like EVERYWHERE there.
870) <fizzie> fungot: Are you the previous version of zzo38?  <fungot> fizzie: i run some interactive tex programs
878) <fizzie> GreyKnight: And Gregor itself is kind of a probability distribution spread all over the globe.
879) <hagb4rd> what is this set? sounds like shakespear  <fizzie> Yes, that's what people often say about Chrono Trigger.
884) <Bike> the idea is that you can get the information you need from reading the other players, isn't it [...] <Bike> and of course, reading isn't limited to facial expressions [...] <fizzie> That's true, you can read e.g. books.
888) <fizzie> What I learned on the Prolog course is that it's a good language if you need a thing that can say "No" a lot.
904) <evincar> okay so like  <evincar> do  <fizzie> Or do not?  <evincar> no no  <evincar> do  <evincar> There is no do not.  
937) <fizzie> The other day (well, the other week) my wife was annoyed with me because she had a dream where I had gotten us plane tickets into a #esoteric meet somewhere in the middle of Greenland in the winter, without asking her first. Plus she wasn't really interested in a #esoteric meet at all, let alone one in Greenland, let alone one in Greenland in wintertime. (I think it's kind of cold there?)
975) <boily> symbian still exists?  <fizzie> boily: That is not dead which can eternal lie.  <boily> fizzie: and with strange aeons symbian will have >50% market share on mobile devices.
1003) <fizzie> "May you live in INVISIBLE TIMES." --Old Chinese proverb. (It can look confusing when written with the proper Unicode.)
1010) <fizzie> "Compact fluorescent light bulbs are often criticized for being dim --"  that's kind of rude!
1015) <fizzie> ...  <fizzie> I was thinking maybe octave's fact() function is the factorial.  <fizzie> octave:1> fact(20)  <fizzie> Richad Stallman's pinky finger is really a USB memory stick.  <fizzie> I don't think that's 20!.
1070) [on the name "Watson"] <fizzie> And not the IBM "AI"?  <Bike> scare quotes eh  <fizzie> I don't think it counts as a proper AI until it kills people.
1090) <fizzie> Possible business plan: data storage on the moon?  <fizzie> Getting at it after the collapse of civilization here might be an issue.  <boily> who cares about civilization? you have backups!
1100) <fizzie> "Conan, what's best in life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and n different mutually incompatible macro systems available as separate modules." I think that's from a movie.
1105) <fizzie> You can't spell "rectangle" without having an erection. Wait, that's not how it goes.
1118) -!- Bike has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds). [...] <fizzie> @tell Bike Quitting won't save you from MATLAB. [...]
1124) <shachaf> sometimes i think fizzie twiddling fungot's knobs behind the scenes  <fungot> shachaf: because he is in the way of eventual development of ai on par with e.g. ( sqrt square double), and the
1132) <fizzie> Every time I end up on an audiophile web-crawl I get this feeling maybe we should just get rid of ears in general.
1151) <fizzie> "Emoticons are dropped when crafting trading cards and are tradable."
1162) <fizzie> 15:21 .. 15:41  <fizzie> I've got to stop using the IRC input line for short-term notes.  <ais523> fizzie: I tend to just send them to the channel  <ais523> that way if I need them in the future, I can find them in the log
1170) <fizzie> fungot: Can you write your own page?  <fungot> fizzie: what is how? i assume, at least one snake?
1176) <elliott_> you win this round.  <elliott_> your prize is hosting the wiki  <fizzie> I don't like this game show.