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<wib_jonas> `` </hackenv/tmp/cmd.whatis tr -d \\\\r | grep cmd | cat -v >> /hackenv/share/whatis
author HackEso <>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2024 14:42:40 +0100
parents 5894800645d7
line wrap: on
line source

2010-12-04.txt:00:16:25: -!- perdito is now known as hagb4rd.
2010-12-04.txt:00:27:24: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-04.txt:00:27:42: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-04.txt:05:49:26: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-04.txt:18:41:47: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-04.txt:18:42:10: <hagb4rd> hello
2010-12-04.txt:23:31:31: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-04.txt:23:34:09: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-05.txt:05:01:56: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-05.txt:05:28:26: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-05.txt:06:10:16: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-08.txt:12:11:43: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-08.txt:12:12:45: <hagb4rd> hi
2010-12-08.txt:12:13:06: <hagb4rd> nice topic
2010-12-08.txt:14:19:45: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-08.txt:23:59:38: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-08.txt:23:59:51: <hagb4rd> hi
2010-12-09.txt:00:24:44: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds).
2010-12-09.txt:08:59:05: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-09.txt:10:34:52: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-10.txt:13:13:22: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-10.txt:14:06:29: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-11.txt:21:06:02: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-11.txt:21:06:22: <hagb4rd> hi@all
2010-12-11.txt:21:10:37: <Gregor> hagb4rd: "hi@all" isn't likely to elicit much of a reaction, except for elliott mistabbing you :P
2010-12-12.txt:01:08:13: <hagb4rd> adress this: did you know there are more connections in a human brain then stars in in the universe?
2010-12-12.txt:01:10:38: <Gregor> hagb4rd: That sounds like one of those quotable-quotes that turns out to not actually be true.
2010-12-12.txt:01:11:22: <elliott> <hagb4rd> adress this: did you know there are more connections in a human brain then stars in in the universe?
2010-12-12.txt:01:11:25: <elliott> hagb4rd: that's false.
2010-12-12.txt:01:11:30: <elliott> hagb4rd: that's completely and utterly false.
2010-12-12.txt:01:11:50: <Gregor> hagb4rd: Maximally 330 trillion connections in the human brain according to Wikipedia, which is way, WAY less than the number of stars in the universe.
2010-12-12.txt:01:11:56: <elliott> hagb4rd: Where the heck did you get that info?
2010-12-12.txt:01:12:13: <pikhq> hagb4rd: Maybe "stars visible to the human eye at night".
2010-12-12.txt:01:12:32: <hagb4rd> at least i wonder how they know how many stars there are out there
2010-12-12.txt:01:12:41: <elliott> hagb4rd: They just GUESS!!!
2010-12-12.txt:01:12:54: <elliott> hagb4rd: Or, perhaps they measure all their data and extrapolate beyond that...
2010-12-12.txt:01:13:00: <pikhq> hagb4rd: One estimate said 3*10^23.
2010-12-12.txt:01:13:38: <elliott> hagb4rd: See, yer wrong :P
2010-12-12.txt:01:13:45: <hagb4rd> k :)
2010-12-12.txt:01:41:23: <hagb4rd> on the brain-connections-issue:  if there are 10^11 neurons and each one can make 100 connections, then the total possible number of different connections is 10^13 times 10^13, which is about 10^26 ...  there are about 10^80 atoms in the universe.. how many stars did u say? 33x10^13 stars.. so it seems i was right.. elliott :>
2010-12-12.txt:01:41:53: <elliott> hagb4rd: erm wait you know this channel is about programming right
2010-12-12.txt:01:42:01: <hagb4rd> sorry
2010-12-12.txt:01:42:03: <hagb4rd> ;)
2010-12-12.txt:01:42:45: <Gregor> elliott: The pseudomath in hagb4rd's last thing was too mind-bogglingly stupid for me to actually comment on.
2010-12-12.txt:01:43:27: <Sgeo> Gregor, linky, or just what hagb4rd last said?
2010-12-12.txt:01:43:40: <Gregor> <hagb4rd> on the brain-connections-issue:  if there are 10^11 neurons and each one can make 100 connections, then the total possible number of different connections is 10^13 times 10^13, which is about 10^26 ...  there are about 10^80 atoms in the universe.. how many stars did u say? 33x10^13 stars.. so it seems i was right.. elliott :>
2010-12-12.txt:01:44:00: <Gregor> hagb4rd: If there are 10^11 neurons and each one can make 100 connections, then the brain can have 10^13 connections. Period.
2010-12-12.txt:01:44:52: <hagb4rd> i mentioned this, because i think there must be an alternative way of addressing.. someway like a neural network
2010-12-12.txt:01:45:39: <hagb4rd> but nevermind
2010-12-12.txt:01:46:25: <oerjan> hagb4rd: <pikhq> hagb4rd: One estimate said 3*10^23.
2010-12-12.txt:01:47:15: <oerjan> hagb4rd: maybe you are right _if_ there were connections between almost every two neurons, but obviously there isn't
2010-12-12.txt:01:47:45: <hagb4rd> thats not really important.. im really not that good in math
2010-12-12.txt:01:47:53: <elliott> hagb4rd: It seems to me that you are not trying to find out whether it's true, you're just trying to find a way to make it true.
2010-12-12.txt:01:47:56: <hagb4rd> just forget it
2010-12-12.txt:01:48:07: <elliott> hagb4rd: Besides, if it was true, what would it mean?
2010-12-12.txt:01:48:08: <Sgeo> What is hagb4rd trying to make true?
2010-12-12.txt:01:49:47: <hagb4rd> hell..i was just wondering about life, cosmos and stuff
2010-12-12.txt:01:50:05: <hagb4rd> excuse me!
2010-12-12.txt:01:50:27: <Gregor> hagb4rd: 42.
2010-12-12.txt:01:50:32: <oerjan> hagb4rd: btw i think they estimate the number of stars by estimating the number and sizes of galaxies (many billions) and estimating the number of stars per galaxy for those nearby enough to count stars (for our own galaxy, also many billions)
2010-12-12.txt:01:50:33: <hagb4rd> :)
2010-12-12.txt:01:50:38: <hagb4rd> yess
2010-12-12.txt:01:52:34: <elliott> <hagb4rd> hell..i was just wondering about life, cosmos and stuff
2010-12-12.txt:01:52:40: <elliott> hagb4rd: I just want to know what you'd conclude from your statement.
2010-12-12.txt:01:53:33: <hagb4rd> [2:44]<hagb4rd>i mentioned this, because i think there must be an alternative way of addressing.. someway like a neural network <--- elliott
2010-12-12.txt:01:53:44: <elliott> hagb4rd: i do not understand
2010-12-12.txt:01:53:57: <hagb4rd> i fold
2010-12-12.txt:01:54:34: <elliott> yes, i am actually asking hagb4rd what he means
2010-12-12.txt:01:55:15: <hagb4rd> yes thanks np sgeo, but im not really intrested, sry ;)
2010-12-12.txt:01:55:53: <elliott> hagb4rd: don't reply to me saying you're right if you're not going to elaborate when i ask sincerely.
2010-12-12.txt:02:22:01: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-12.txt:02:30:00: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-12.txt:03:49:27: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-12.txt:06:31:50: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-12.txt:07:16:05: <hagb4rd>;O=D ?
2010-12-12.txt:07:43:12: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-12.txt:07:56:45: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-12.txt:08:41:34: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-12.txt:13:29:15: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-12.txt:16:11:11: <hagb4rd> lembas overdose
2010-12-12.txt:16:24:37: <hagb4rd> it is unknown yet
2010-12-12.txt:16:41:43: -!- hagb4rd has quit (*.net *.split).
2010-12-12.txt:16:43:48: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-12.txt:16:47:33: -!- hagb4rd has quit (*.net *.split).
2010-12-12.txt:16:47:57: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-12.txt:17:54:52: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-12.txt:18:05:00: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-12.txt:19:34:51: <hagb4rd> hey guys! using the powershell?..question: is there a way to br0wse thr0ugh the namespaces of the attached .net assemblies? i'd like to see which classes, enums exist in specific namespace.. i use get-member  or get-childitem on objects, but it doesn't seem to work with namespaces^^ help please..
2010-12-12.txt:19:35:00: <elliott> hagb4rd: (1) nobody here uses windows
2010-12-12.txt:19:35:08: <elliott> hagb4rd: (2) "br0wse thr0ugh"? what are you, 14?
2010-12-12.txt:19:35:34: <hagb4rd> thx elliott^^
2010-12-12.txt:19:46:49: <hagb4rd> elliott droog .. im 29! i mentioned and am really sorry about my poor english.. it's a pity, because i really like this chan and conversations here are kind of inspiring.. but with my couple of words i really feel a little like a stupid child in here.. i try to do sth about it.. sry
2010-12-12.txt:19:47:01: <elliott> hagb4rd: it's ok, i'm just an asshole
2010-12-12.txt:19:47:17: <hagb4rd> *g
2010-12-12.txt:22:41:11: -!- hagb4rd2 has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-12.txt:22:43:11: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-12.txt:23:07:16: -!- hagb4rd2 is now known as hagb4rd.
2010-12-13.txt:01:02:56: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
2010-12-13.txt:01:32:55: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-13.txt:02:14:52: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-13.txt:04:07:01: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-13.txt:05:44:52: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-13.txt:06:33:21: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-13.txt:06:48:12: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-13.txt:07:56:15: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-13.txt:10:09:13: -!- hagb4rd is now known as hagb4rd|afk.
2010-12-13.txt:11:22:46: -!- hagb4rd|afk is now known as hagb4rd.
2010-12-13.txt:12:29:10: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-13.txt:13:23:11: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-13.txt:14:46:15: <hagb4rd> its even better when there is no need to tell the others at all
2010-12-13.txt:14:46:24: <hagb4rd> i guess^^
2010-12-13.txt:15:10:52: <ais523> hagb4rd: nah, I could get away with that sort of thing nearly all the time, nobody pays attention to what you're doing
2010-12-13.txt:15:39:37: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-13.txt:15:50:31: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-13.txt:15:59:02: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-16.txt:19:34:50: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-16.txt:19:35:29: <hagb4rd> hi
2010-12-16.txt:20:09:58: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-16.txt:20:12:50: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-16.txt:20:28:39: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-16.txt:20:47:50: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-16.txt:21:25:34: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-16.txt:21:28:30: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-16.txt:21:57:51: -!- hagb4rd has quit (*.net *.split).
2010-12-16.txt:21:58:19: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-17.txt:04:46:06: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-17.txt:06:26:13: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-17.txt:07:24:12: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-17.txt:13:30:24: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-17.txt:13:44:02: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-17.txt:13:48:22: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-18.txt:04:09:47: <hagb4rd> amen
2010-12-18.txt:04:10:28: <hagb4rd> hi elliot.. what time do you have now?
2010-12-18.txt:04:11:50: <hagb4rd> i am
2010-12-18.txt:04:12:18: <elliott> hagb4rd: what time do you have now? i can't parse your sentence >_>
2010-12-18.txt:04:12:28: <hagb4rd> timezone
2010-12-18.txt:04:14:22: <hagb4rd> o'right.. so you're (if i may ask)
2010-12-18.txt:04:15:06: <hagb4rd> k ..*updating statistics*
2010-12-18.txt:04:15:37: <hagb4rd> so y the hell you're awake?
2010-12-18.txt:04:15:39: <hagb4rd> :)
2010-12-18.txt:04:18:02: <hagb4rd> so.. you guys have a public minecraft server?
2010-12-18.txt:04:19:02: <hagb4rd> where do you play?
2010-12-18.txt:04:20:43: <hagb4rd> *last question so far ;)
2010-12-18.txt:04:21:38: <elliott> hagb4rd: we have a server, but it's private :P
2010-12-18.txt:04:25:24: <hagb4rd> ..i'd really like to join you.. let me know if you're interested in having some company then
2010-12-18.txt:04:25:39: <elliott> hagb4rd: ineiros is the admin. being Finnish helps a lot, I gather
2010-12-18.txt:04:25:48: <hagb4rd> k thx
2010-12-18.txt:04:26:09: <elliott> hagb4rd: health is turned off so if you don't like that it's probably not worth it :)
2010-12-18.txt:05:10:38: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-18.txt:05:45:08: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-18.txt:07:00:10: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-18.txt:07:07:18: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-18.txt:16:57:15: -!- hagb4rd is now known as hagb4rd|afk.
2010-12-18.txt:21:45:54: <hagb4rd|afk> ah inerios! ..would you mind if if i bug u for a second? query?
2010-12-18.txt:21:46:02: -!- hagb4rd|afk is now known as hagb4rd.
2010-12-19.txt:05:28:54: <hagb4rd> vacation?
2010-12-19.txt:05:29:04: <hagb4rd> drugs?
2010-12-19.txt:06:29:34: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-19.txt:06:37:13: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-19.txt:07:44:00: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-19.txt:07:49:25: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-19.txt:11:09:36: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds).
2010-12-19.txt:12:50:33: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-19.txt:19:18:11: <hagb4rd> hell..this awesome footage make one's flesh creep
2010-12-19.txt:19:18:29: <hagb4rd> -->
2010-12-19.txt:19:20:33: <olsner> hagb4rd: koyaanisqatsi is boring
2010-12-19.txt:19:21:06: <hagb4rd> is it? it's the final scene right
2010-12-19.txt:19:21:36: <hagb4rd> guess you have to tune in someway.. or just be in the right mood
2010-12-19.txt:19:25:49: <Phantom_Hoover> hagb4rd, why does the rocket change a short way into that video?
2010-12-19.txt:19:26:24: <hagb4rd> Phantom_Hoover? ..this is the challanger
2010-12-19.txt:19:27:12: <hagb4rd> you're right
2010-12-19.txt:19:27:30: <hagb4rd> it's not even a space shuttle
2010-12-19.txt:19:28:06: <hagb4rd> changes?
2010-12-19.txt:19:28:11: <hagb4rd> it blows up
2010-12-19.txt:19:28:45: <hagb4rd> yes.. changing some states.. you can say indeed
2010-12-19.txt:19:29:07: <hagb4rd> particle transformation matrix
2010-12-19.txt:19:34:39: <hagb4rd> Phantom_Hoover, another question: can you tell me which rocket-part it is, focused by the cam in that epic falling sequence
2010-12-19.txt:19:36:55: <hagb4rd> thats kind of precise :) thx
2010-12-19.txt:19:43:57: <hagb4rd> <elliott>fizzie: Why is, instead of the timezone, it printing :? <-- maybe timezone is not set?
2010-12-19.txt:19:44:04: <elliott> hagb4rd: no, it is
2010-12-19.txt:19:44:08: <hagb4rd> k
2010-12-19.txt:21:20:05: -!- hagb4rd has quit (*.net *.split).
2010-12-19.txt:21:23:02: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-19.txt:21:55:29: <hagb4rd> olé
2010-12-19.txt:21:57:14: * oerjan vaguely suspects hagb4rd of confusing spanish and portuguese
2010-12-19.txt:22:01:47: * oerjan does a whois and now vaguely suspects hagb4rd of being a native spanish speaker
2010-12-19.txt:22:02:04: <hagb4rd> nope.. right you are
2010-12-19.txt:22:04:45: <hagb4rd> i'd like to learn more languages.. i love spanish, and as far as i know at least written are spanish and port. very similar
2010-12-19.txt:22:06:13: <hagb4rd> but it sounds very differently @oerjan
2010-12-19.txt:22:06:31: <oerjan> hagb4rd: yeah it's just that i think olé is very stereotypically just spanish.  however i _did_ have to look it up to check it isn't in portuguese :D
2010-12-19.txt:22:17:14: <hagb4rd> do you guys like electro music?.. in case you
2010-12-19.txt:22:17:30: <hagb4rd> aer in need of a little distraction -->
2010-12-19.txt:22:17:43: <hagb4rd> in case ..sry
2010-12-19.txt:23:50:08: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
2010-12-20.txt:00:44:48: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-20.txt:03:15:26: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-20.txt:03:34:42: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-20.txt:03:43:23: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-20.txt:03:50:58: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-20.txt:04:00:38: -!- hagb4rd2 has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-20.txt:04:02:14: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-20.txt:05:52:38: -!- hagb4rd2 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-20.txt:07:00:53: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-20.txt:07:59:23: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-20.txt:08:02:13: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-20.txt:10:27:50: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-21.txt:15:19:42: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-21.txt:17:49:52: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
2010-12-24.txt:00:22:29: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-24.txt:00:23:57: <hagb4rd> buenas
2010-12-24.txt:01:32:28: -!- hagb4rd has quit (*.net *.split).
2010-12-24.txt:01:58:53: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-24.txt:10:19:50: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-24.txt:22:40:33: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-24.txt:22:50:04: <hagb4rd> unbelievable.. just made a bet with a friend that the incredible machine of elliott is online, keepin the synapses of the rest well heated
2010-12-24.txt:22:50:16: <hagb4rd> merry xmas folks ;)
2010-12-24.txt:22:50:20: <elliott> hagb4rd: wat./
2010-12-24.txt:22:50:32: <Vorpal> hagb4rd, same!
2010-12-24.txt:22:50:52: <hagb4rd> np.. it's good to have you here
2010-12-24.txt:22:51:06: <Vorpal> elliott, maybe you misread: <hagb4rd> merry xmas folks ;) <Vorpal> hagb4rd, same!
2010-12-24.txt:22:52:22: * hagb4rd giggles
2010-12-25.txt:01:14:31: <hagb4rd> i luv them
2010-12-25.txt:01:15:16: <hagb4rd> for 5: where is the fuel for the chainsaw?
2010-12-25.txt:01:23:37: <hagb4rd> painted with deluxe paint.. btw ;)
2010-12-25.txt:01:24:15: <hagb4rd> brushguy
2010-12-25.txt:01:25:10: <hagb4rd> it did
2010-12-25.txt:01:26:04: <hagb4rd> one of the first apps using thi terminology, as far as i know
2010-12-25.txt:01:26:20: <hagb4rd> wanna buy a map? *g
2010-12-25.txt:01:37:34: <hagb4rd> elliot: "Brushes can be cut from the background by using the box, freehand, or polygon selection tools. They can then be used in the same manner as any other brush or pen. This functionality is simpler to use than the "stamp" tool of Photoshop or Alpha Channels as provided in later programs. Brushes can also be rotated and scaled, even in 3D. After a brush is selected, it appears attached to the mouse cursor,
2010-12-25.txt:01:37:34: <hagb4rd>  providing an exact preview of what will be drawn. This allows precise pixel positioning of brushes, unlike brushes in Photoshop CS3 and lower, which only show an outline." --wikipedia, on the amiga version of deluxe paint (1985!) [appendix]
2010-12-25.txt:01:38:28: <hagb4rd> i loved it *sigh
2010-12-25.txt:01:38:36: <Vorpal> hagb4rd, loved what?
2010-12-25.txt:01:38:50: <hagb4rd> deluxe paint
2010-12-25.txt:01:38:56: <Vorpal> hagb4rd, never heard of it
2010-12-25.txt:01:39:35: <Vorpal> hagb4rd, I see an issue here
2010-12-25.txt:01:39:58: <Vorpal> hagb4rd, mostly in that it won't 1) do blending very well 2) follow where you drag the mouse
2010-12-25.txt:01:40:18: <hagb4rd> vorpal: a painting app, i remember from the amiga, with quite innovative, and impressing func.
2010-12-25.txt:01:40:33: <Vorpal> hagb4rd, ah, so not for retouching photos then
2010-12-25.txt:01:41:03: <hagb4rd> it
2010-12-25.txt:01:41:08: <hagb4rd> sry
2010-12-25.txt:01:41:21: <hagb4rd> vorpal
2010-12-25.txt:01:43:29: <hagb4rd> aye :)
2010-12-25.txt:07:38:14: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-25.txt:10:14:59: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-25.txt:11:04:38: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-25.txt:15:32:24: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-26.txt:02:10:14: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-29.txt:21:51:56: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-29.txt:22:37:30: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds).
2010-12-30.txt:09:27:26: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-30.txt:09:27:58: <hagb4rd> hi
2010-12-30.txt:10:04:56: -!- hagb4rd is now known as hagb4rd|afk.
2010-12-30.txt:10:39:36: -!- hagb4rd|afk is now known as hagb4rd.
2010-12-30.txt:11:46:50: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-30.txt:21:59:27: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2010-12-30.txt:22:07:35: <hagb4rd> i notified sgeo very often having problems with the very basic sustainment functions :)
2010-12-30.txt:22:08:44: <hagb4rd> so breathing works fine..last but not least
2010-12-30.txt:22:08:49: <hagb4rd> so far
2010-12-31.txt:00:16:50: <hagb4rd> not impossible but improbable
2010-12-31.txt:00:18:43: <hagb4rd> due to leak of motivation
2010-12-31.txt:00:19:19: <elliott_> hagb4rd: No.
2010-12-31.txt:00:19:23: <elliott_> hagb4rd: Impossible.
2010-12-31.txt:00:19:30: <hagb4rd> okay okay
2010-12-31.txt:00:20:27: <hagb4rd> no need to argue
2010-12-31.txt:00:20:51: <hagb4rd> want some cookies?
2010-12-31.txt:00:20:58: * hagb4rd offers
2010-12-31.txt:05:46:38: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2010-12-31.txt:13:34:18: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2011-01-01.txt:05:28:14: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2011-01-01.txt:06:29:33: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2011-01-01.txt:06:30:05: <hagb4rd> happy new decade @ all
2011-01-01.txt:10:50:58: <hagb4rd>
2011-01-01.txt:13:48:25: <hagb4rd> it`s really quiet in here today.. even elliott is off *g
2011-01-01.txt:17:52:41: <hagb4rd> what the heck are you talking about
2011-01-01.txt:17:53:05: <hagb4rd> i love it, but dont understand anything :)
2011-01-01.txt:17:53:19: * oerjan invades neutral hagb4rd just for the lulz
2011-01-01.txt:17:53:58: <hagb4rd> go for it
2011-01-01.txt:17:54:32: <hagb4rd> this channel is unique, indeed
2011-01-01.txt:17:56:55: * hagb4rd goes get some popcorn
2011-01-02.txt:06:15:26: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2011-01-08.txt:01:24:30: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2011-01-08.txt:01:25:00: <hagb4rd> hi folks
2011-01-08.txt:01:25:21: <hagb4rd> yes
2011-01-08.txt:01:25:33: <hagb4rd> i came to listen
2011-01-08.txt:01:25:59: <hagb4rd> thx anyway oklopol
2011-01-08.txt:01:27:38: <hagb4rd> nor to divide
2011-01-08.txt:01:28:37: <hagb4rd> at least to anything but zero
2011-01-08.txt:01:28:51: <hagb4rd> is it?
2011-01-08.txt:01:34:21: <hagb4rd> feed buridans mules
2011-01-08.txt:01:38:11: <hagb4rd> nice article on that topic
2011-01-08.txt:01:39:48: <hagb4rd> "A discrete decision based upon an input having a continuous range of values cannot be made within a bounded length of time."
2011-01-08.txt:01:42:21: <hagb4rd> no rapes it
2011-01-08.txt:01:42:41: <oklopol> hagb4rd: my code, elliott is just reading
2011-01-08.txt:02:14:41: -!- hagb4rd has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
2011-01-08.txt:02:21:50: -!- hagb4rd has joined #esoteric.
2011-01-08.txt:02:33:08: <hagb4rd> ~<>?
2011-01-08.txt:02:34:13: <hagb4rd> lol
2011-01-08.txt:02:36:16: <hagb4rd> sgeo *g
2011-01-08.txt:02:42:25: <hagb4rd> have you written a doc or sth oklopol?
2011-01-08.txt:02:42:43: <oklopol> hagb4rd: you're not a regular are ya? :P
[too many lines; stopping]