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author HackEso <>
date Fri, 27 Sep 2024 20:43:06 +0100
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2012-12-07.txt:22:33:21: <Bike> ais523: it's not like i'm interested in fungus reproduction because i get off on it, golly, i just think it's biologically interesting
2013-01-06.txt:06:18:43: <Bike> Nowadays he's busy being insane.  "metabiology"
2013-01-12.txt:06:42:23: <Bike> ugh non-well-founded set theories just remind me of this shitty paper about how they supposedly are needed in biology, though
2013-01-21.txt:20:02:33: <Bike> yeah but biology hates math jokes are dumb
2013-01-22.txt:00:43:25: <Bike> elliott: something about squids that doesn't have nearly enough biology
2013-01-22.txt:00:43:58: <elliott> Bike: biology just gets in the way of squids really
2013-01-22.txt:00:44:25: <Bike> nope squid biology is awesome sorry
2013-01-23.txt:08:23:56: <Bike> How to set the switches on this thing. Dayan, P. (2012). Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 22(6), 1074–1068.
2013-01-25.txt:22:47:22: <Bike> oh there he's talking about biology.  forty goddamn minutes in
2013-01-27.txt:08:19:40: <Bike> you could sound like moronic biologists!!!
2013-02-04.txt:22:03:15: <Bike> hm, no silly conspirabiology for the moths, darn
2013-02-18.txt:00:47:31: <Bike> i remember a guy saying everything was based on vortices once but i thought he was a biologist
2013-02-18.txt:02:49:55: <Bike> That doesn't seem biologically possible.
2013-02-24.txt:01:41:43: <Bike> Laws of Form just reminds me of that biology book except that it is not that biology book
2013-02-24.txt:02:38:35: <Bike> he is kind of bad but not so much in biology
2013-02-24.txt:02:49:12: <Bike> I don't think any evolutionary biologist, including Dawkins, would say it's as simple as genes killing each other
2013-03-03.txt:06:45:31: <Bike> biopsychiatry is just psychiatry from a biological view; you're insane because your neurotransmitters don't bond dopamine the right way, or w/e
2013-03-14.txt:19:39:56: <Phantom_Hoover> Bike, isn't that cop the biology teacher from community
2013-03-15.txt:04:16:30: <Bike> a biologist?
2013-03-18.txt:18:14:14: <Bike> i mean kay was definitely an avid plato reader when he came up with smalltalk but you can't just pretend simula and biology weren't super important
2013-03-18.txt:19:12:08: <Bike> von neumann wrote a few papers about analog, particularly i've read a paper of his that developed a model of making reliable neural networks (in a not-biological sense, but whatever) out of unreliable analog components
2013-03-31.txt:02:56:38: <Bike> "Biological"? That's pretty vague.
2013-04-01.txt:07:04:01: <Bike> I'm still wondering what "biological FPGA" is supposed to mean. Same with "chemical" really.
2013-04-03.txt:19:22:54: <HackEgo> ais523 \ america \ atriq \ atrix \ augur \ banach-tarski \ bicategory \ bienvenue \ bike \ bird \ boily \ bonvenon \ bookwatching \ brain \ brainf**k \ brainfuck \ brick \ burma \ c \ cakeprophet \ california \ category \ category-helpdesk \ certainly \ certainty \ claustrophobia \ coffee \ color \ colour \ comedogenic \ comonad \ conspirabiology \
2013-04-04.txt:00:31:40: <elliott> Bike: also wait aren't you like a biologist. how do you know about this paper. I am suspicious
2013-04-04.txt:00:31:52: <shachaf> Bike is a biologist???????????????????????????????????
2013-04-04.txt:00:32:02: <Bike> a wannabe biologist
2013-04-04.txt:00:33:21: <Bike> but seriously, I think mathematical biology is Pretty Cool and just like math by itself anyway.
2013-04-04.txt:22:04:35: <Bike> So what does this sort of thing look like for CS and maths conferences
2013-04-04.txt:22:25:19: <Bike> Even without having any idea of microbiology, he mentioned the possibility of parasitic worms and fungi evolving, like wow dude.
2013-04-07.txt:03:02:18: <elliott> Bike: also you're, like, a biologist
2013-04-09.txt:00:54:37: <Bike> "Applicants must possess a BSc with a 1st class degree with a background in molecular biology, physiology, biology, zoology, or a related subject." see, how hard is that
2013-04-14.txt:22:12:21: <Bike> i'm shit at neurobiology though
2013-04-15.txt:02:27:18: <Bike> That's weird though, I woulda thought "bike" would come up in that 18th-century Scottish insect biology book i read
2013-04-22.txt:02:54:01: <Bike> honestly i wish there was a better way to be a popular biologist than yelling at creationists
2013-04-22.txt:02:54:37: <Bike> not that they don't deserve it but biology is pretty cool. even the stuff that isn't evolutionary!
2013-04-27.txt:20:27:35: <Bike> elliott: a biologist reading classic texts
2013-04-28.txt:04:33:18: <Bike> wow i bet that would be hard to describe without some biological research
2013-04-29.txt:02:05:02: <Bike> how could anyone not like biology, i ask you
2013-04-29.txt:18:38:25: <oerjan> <Bike> how could anyone not like biology, i ask you <-- well clearly biology is killing birds, here
2013-05-04.txt:19:24:46: <elliott> Bike: it's a fancy name for bad breath like biologists have
2013-05-04.txt:20:26:19: <elliott> Bike: yeah but this one is also in #esoteric while not simultaneously being a biologist or a bicycle, and hence cool.
2013-05-06.txt:03:45:19: <elliott> wow Bike don't you want to be a biologist
2013-05-06.txt:03:45:32: <Bike> as a biologist i sit around in grass watching bugs
2013-05-06.txt:03:45:37: <Bike> that's what biologists do!
2013-05-06.txt:03:48:58: <elliott> Bike: imo your biologist story has major inconsistencie
2013-05-17.txt:20:29:44: <shachaf> Bike: Do you have /hilight biolog?
2013-05-17.txt:20:32:32: <elliott> Bike: you're such a biologist
2013-05-17.txt:20:44:04: <Bike> how... biological **glances at elliott**
2013-05-17.txt:20:47:43: * Bike knows nothing about life despite supposedly being a biologist
2013-05-20.txt:20:25:27: <shachaf> hey Bike tell us a biologist jokes
2013-05-20.txt:20:25:30: <Bike> biologists don't have jokes, we just spray each other with owl shit
2013-05-22.txt:20:01:54: <Bike> what you're saying has in fact been a focus of biology for over a century.
2013-05-22.txt:20:16:15: <boily> bikes are biological. they have fluids and bones and go around.
2013-05-22.txt:20:16:16: <Bike> the study of making people insult biology
2013-05-22.txt:20:17:11: <Bike> kmc: biologists tend to shy away from anything that makes out evolution to be a directed, teleological process. except when they don't
2013-05-25.txt:18:31:55: <Bike> i wonder why physics and stuff is more preprinty than biology
2013-05-25.txt:18:33:33: <Bike> "Although some physicists may attribute this to biologists' secretive and competitive personalities," is this you elliott 
2013-05-25.txt:21:43:17: <Bike> i should find a biologist chatroom and see what it's like
2013-05-28.txt:01:59:16: <Bike> i mostly follow twitters because it's taken me forever to find good biology blogs
2013-05-28.txt:01:59:29: <Bike> btw did you know that turing's most cited paper is the biology one
2013-06-12.txt:22:20:08: <Bike> `thanks biology
2013-06-18.txt:22:16:09: <Bike> the coolest class i could probably take is biomechanics: "Methods for analysis of rigid body and deformable mechanics; application to biological tissue, especially bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendon and muscle. "
2013-06-18.txt:23:24:58: <Bike> oh man school has an intro to xenobiology, though they don't call it that
2013-06-18.txt:23:25:21: <Bike> er, was it called "xenobiology" or "astrobiology", i forget
2013-06-19.txt:03:24:43: <Bike> US ICE doesn't list straight biology as STEM, looks like
2013-06-19.txt:03:32:18: <Bike> ... one of just seven schools in the U.S. that offer a degree in packaging science. Our program is unique as it blends together biology, chemistry and physics so when you graduate you can fill a need within industry. Since this is a very hands-on major, you’ll get to work with package design and graphics, food and health care packaging and advanced materials.
2013-06-19.txt:03:33:36: <Bike> i wonder what the hell biology has to do with it though.
2013-06-19.txt:22:19:30: <elliott> Bike: what about biologists
2013-06-19.txt:22:25:13: <elliott> Bike: and throw out the biologist crap
2013-06-19.txt:22:25:22: <Bike> plot twist: it's all biologist crap
2013-06-20.txt:03:08:48: <elliott> bike: biologist, linguist, bicycle.
2013-06-21.txt:01:37:31: <elliott> btw when did Bike turn from a biologist into a neuroscientist
2013-06-21.txt:01:43:12: <Bike> btw how did the "bike is a biologist" thing even start because i'm pretty sure i never described myself that way
2013-06-21.txt:01:44:00: <elliott> `pastelogs bike.*biolog