view paste/paste.29102 @ 8001:faebf4569ba3

<b_jonas> `` echo $\'#!/bin/sh\\nexec perl -e\\\'\'\'open$I,"<","share/mtg/allsets.txt"or die$!;$/=""; @c=grep{/(?i:$ARGV[0])/}<$I>; print $c[rand($c)];\'\\\'\' "$1"\' > bin/random-card && chmod -v a+x bin/random-card
author HackBot
date Mon, 09 May 2016 08:32:52 +0000
parents f56796b872cd
line wrap: on
line source

<GreyKnight> fungot, sing me to sleep  <fungot> GreyKnight: 53. file://localhost/ mnt/ space/ media/ books/ 1000+sci-fi%20books/%5bebooks%5d%201000+%20sciencefiction%20%26%20fantasy%20novels%20%28.lit%20forma/ pratchett%2c%20terry/ text/ 14/ fnord  <GreyKnight> This is not a very good song
<GreyKnight> headache + train with screeching brakes = headache^2  <hagb4rd> hm..headache + train with no screeching brakes = no head  <GreyKnight> On the plus side, no headache anymore
[after discussing lens] <hagb4rd> they seem to be the fashion of this winter  <GreyKnight> hagb4rd is wearing this season's Lens, a stunning little ensemble with functor trim
<sgeo> GreyKnight, shachaf is like a high-level Forth
<GreyKnight> also if a GNU tar feature doesn't make you feel superior to others then you should file a bug report, it was probably unintentional
<GreyKnight> Taneb: The other day on the channel I came up with BRAINLISPCODE, a LOLCODE-style LISP with an embedded bf derivative.  I thought you should know. :-I
<GreyKnight> This might be the lack of sleep talking, but coproduct injections are pretty funny
<fizzie> GreyKnight: And Gregor itself is kind of a probability distribution spread all over the globe.
<coppro> GreyKnight: for instance, you can form a poset category from a bunch of tiles <GreyKnight> oh, that's why somebody was conflating category theory with bathroom interior design the other day :-D