view interps/clc-intercal/CLC-INTERCAL-Docs-1.-94.-2/doc/html/syscall.html @ 9302:ee570e73c8d9

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date Mon, 17 Oct 2016 00:03:56 +0000
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	<H1>CLC-INTERCAL Reference</H1>
	<H2>... The system call interface</H2>

	Table of contents:
	    <LI><A HREF="index.html">Parent directory</A>
	    <LI><A HREF="#compiling">Compiling a program with system
		call support</A>
	    <LI><A HREF="#using">Using the system call interface</A>
	    <LI><A HREF="#list">List of available calls</A>

	<H2><A NAME="compiling">Compiling a program with system call support</A></H2>

	Syscall is a standard compiler extension, so programs must include the
	appropriate compile option to use it.
	The command-line compiler tool,
	<I>sick</I>, automatically enables the Syscall extension if the program
	suffix includes the letter &quot;s&quot;.
	Alternatively, if you are not relying on <I>sick</I>'s guesses and
	are specifying a list of preloads yourself, just add <I>-psyscall</I>
	to your command line.

	Using the INTERCAL Calculator, INTERCALC, you can easily add Syscall
	support by selecting &quot;syscall&quot; from the Options menu or by
	adding <I>-osyscall</I> to the command line.

	The <I>syscall</I> compiler object, which implements this extension,
	uses direct access to the runtime's internal state and other undocumented
	methods to extend the runtime as necessary to support its functions.
	If you really want to know, look at the assembler source in
	<CODE>INTERCAL/Include/syscall.iasm</CODE> in the CLC-INTERCAL distribution.

	<H2><A NAME="using">Using the system call interface</A></H2>

	The system call interface adds a hidden &quot;DO NEXT FROM (666)&quot; 
	somewhere in your operating system. This means that when your program
	uses label (666) you do a system call as soon as the corresponding
	statement is executed.

	The system call interface will access your program's registers to
	execute. All registers accessed this way will have the same number,
	for example .1 and ;1 - what number is actually used depends on
	the last assignment you've made just before the system call.
	For example, the fragment:
	DO :6 &lt;- #1
(666)	DO READ OUT .1
	would use registers with number 6 - because the last register being
	assigned to was :6. Since one must always provide a system call
	number in a spot register, it is good practice to assign this number
	in a statement with label (666) - this will have the side effect
	of making sure the last assignment is to the correct register number.
	For example:
(666)	DO .6 &lt;- #2
	executes system call #2 (because .6 contains the system call code),
	which just happens to store its result in ,6 (because it returns a
	tail array, and it would naturally use the tail array with the same
	register number). The second statement would therefore produce
	&quot;CLC-INTERCAL&quot; as output, since system call #2 returns
	the name of the compiler.

	<H2><A NAME="list">List of available calls</A></H2>

	In the following list, we use a cross (&quot;X&quot;) instead of a
	register number, to remind the reader that the actual number used
	depends on the most recent assignment before the system call was
	executed. Also remember that the system call number is in the spot
	register (.X). After the list of calls, a more extensive description,
	or even an example, may follow for some of the calls.

		<TH>Registers modified</TH>
		<TD>No operation</TD>
		<TD>Store version number in ,X</TD>
		<TD>Store compiler name in ,X</TD>
		<TD>Open file using path in ,X and mode in :X</TD>
		<TD>Reset (seek to position 0) file @X</TD>
		<TD>Seek file @X to position :X</TD>
		<TD>Open TCP socket using name in ,X and mode in :X</TD>
		<TD>Toggle newline handling</TD>

	System calls #3 and #6 take their name from ,X - call #3 interprets
	the name as a local file path, while call #6 interprets it as a
	SERVER:PORT string, where SERVER can be a DNS name or IP address,
	and PORT can be a port number or service name. The file access mode
	in :X is one of:
		<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">#97</TD>
		<TD>Appending (like #114, but always at end of file); file is created if it does not exist</TD>
		<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">#114</TD>
		<TD>Reading out (that is, output only); file is created or truncated</TD>
		<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">#117</TD>
		<TD>Updating (that is, reading in and writing out); file is created if it does not exist</TD>
		<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">#119</TD>
		<TD>Writing in (that is, input only); file must already exist</TD>
		<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">#353</TD>
		<TD>Appending (like #97)</TD>
		<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">#370</TD>
		<TD>Reading out, like #114, but the file is not truncated if it already exists</TD>
		<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">#373</TD>
		<TD>Updating; same as #117</TD>
		<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">#375</TD>
		<TD>Updating, same as #117</TD>
	The resemblance of the first four codes with the ASCII codes for the letters &quot;a&quot;,
	&quot;r&quot;, &quot;u&quot; and &quot;w&quot; is purely coincidental and should not be
	construed as having any meaning; likewise, the resemblance of the other four codes with
	the first four plus #256.

	System call #7 affects all alphanumeric READ OUT in <I>sick</I> mode; it is not
	localised to a specific filehandle. Normally, after an alphanumeric READ OUT
	the runtime adds a newline character; executing system call #7 disables this;
	executing the call again re-enables the newline.

	Here is a simple example of using system calls #1, #2 and #7 to print the
	name and version number of the compiler:
(666)	DO .1 &lt;- #2
	DO ,2 &lt;- #3
	DO ,2 SUB #1 &lt;- #91
	DO ,2 SUB #2 &lt;- #95
	DO ,2 SUB #3 &lt;- #68
(666)	DO .3 &lt;- #1
	DO ,4 &lt;- #3
	DO ,4 SUB #1 &lt;- #91
	DO ,4 SUB #2 &lt;- #95
	DO ,4 SUB #3 &lt;- #66
(666)   DO .1 &lt;- #7
	PLEASE READ OUT ,1 + ,2 + ,3 + ,4
	The first line uses system call #2 to get the compiler name into ,1; the
	next four lines prepare ,2 to contain a single space; after that, system
	call #1 provides the compiler version number; then ,4 is prepared to
	contain a newline; system call #7 disables the automatic newline.
	finally, the four arrays are READ OUT, producing something like
	&quot;<I>compiler-name</I> <I>version</I>&quot;, or, at the time of writing,
	&quot;CLC-INTERCAL 1.-94.-3&quot; - the source for this example can be
	found in <CODE>examples/</CODE> in the distribution.

	A more interesting example (from <CODE>examples/</CODE>) shows
	how to use system call #6 to obtain a network socket, send a request to it
	and print the results. Compile it with:
	sick -lObject
	then run it with (for example)
	or provide your own input: a SERVER:PORT in the first line, and a path
	within the server in the second line.

	Here follows the source code for this example:
	DO ,1 &lt;- #1024

	DO ,2 &lt;- #1024

	DO :1 &lt;- #117
(666)	DO .1 &lt;- #6

	PLEASE DO ;1 &lt;- #4
	DO ;1 SUB #1 &lt;- #18
	DO ;1 SUB #2 &lt;- #247
	DO ;1 SUB #3 &lt;- #365
	DO ;1 SUB #4 &lt;- #277
	PLEASE DO ,3 &lt;- #14
	DO ,3 SUB #1 &lt;- #91
	DO ,3 SUB #2 &lt;- #95
	DO ,3 SUB #3 &lt;- #68
	DO ,3 SUB #4 &lt;- #84
	DO ,3 SUB #5 &lt;- #80
	DO ,3 SUB #6 &lt;- #80
	DO ,3 SUB #7 &lt;- #86
	PLEASE DO ,3 SUB #8 &lt;- #91
	DO ,3 SUB #9 &lt;- #93
	DO ,3 SUB #10 &lt;- #87
	DO ,3 SUB #11 &lt;- #92
	DO ,3 SUB #12 &lt;- #86
	DO ,3 SUB #13 &lt;- #72
	DO ,3 SUB #14 &lt;- #66
(666)	DO .1 &lt;- #7
	DO READ OUT @1 + ;1 + ,2 + ,3
	PLEASE DO ,3 &lt;- #4
	DO ,3 SUB #1 &lt;- #91
	DO ,3 SUB #2 &lt;- #95
	DO ,3 SUB #3 &lt;- #72
	DO ,3 SUB #4 &lt;- #66
	PLEASE DO ;1 &lt;- #6
	DO ;1 SUB #1 &lt;- #29
	DO ;1 SUB #2 &lt;- #1098
	DO ;1 SUB #3 &lt;- #2574
	DO ;1 SUB #4 &lt;- #692
	DO ;1 SUB #5 &lt;- #105
	DO ;1 SUB #6 &lt;- #213
	DO READ OUT @1 + ;1 + ,1 + ,3
	DO READ OUT @1 + ,3

	PLEASE DO ;1 &lt;- #1024
	PLEASE DO .1 &lt;- #0
	DO WRITE IN @1 + ;1
	DO READ OUT @2 + ;1
(1)	DO .1 &lt;- ';1 SUB #1 ~ ;1 SUB #1' ~ #1

	The program is mostly self explanatory, but we'll explain it anyway. The
	first few lines get the two lines you type; then system call #6 is
	used to open a TCP socket; note that the last assignment is to .1, so
	that the access mode is taken from :1 (#117 - reading out and writing in)
	and the network address from ,1 (whatever you typed).
	The next block
	creates the string &quot;GET&nbsp;&quot; in ;1 and &quot;&nbsp;HTTP/1.0\r\n&quot;
	in ,3 (\r\n represents a carriage return, line feed sequence). A call to
	system call #7 disables the automatic newline, which we must do because
	network servers expect a carriage return, line feed instead. We are now
	ready to send out ;1 + ,2 + ,3 or in other words &quot;GET <I>path</I> HTTP/1.0&quot;
	to the server (note that @1 has been connected to the network socket).

	Following, the carriage return, line feed sequence is stored in ,3 and
	the string &quot;Host:&nbsp;&quot; is stored in ;1 - this means that
	the next READ OUT sends &quot;Host: <I>server</I>:<I>port</I>&quot; to
	the HTTP server, just as it expects to be able to resolve the virtual
	host name, if necessary; the READ OUT ,3 just produces a blank line,
	to indicate the end of the request.

	The last block of the program writes the reply from the server in
	and reads it out to the user; this is done by dimensioning ;1 to
	hold 1024 characters (you can increase the buffer size, of course),
	writing that in using the TCP socket filehandle, and reading it
	out again using the standard read filehandle (@2); the runtime signals
	that a block is less than 1024 characters by filling all unused elements
	of ;1 with #0 - at end of file, no elements will be used, so ;1 SUB #1
	will be #0 (the runtime guarantees that this element will be nonzero if
	there has been any data received from the server). Therefore the
	assignment to .1 results in the computed COME FROM a few lines earlier
	to execute if there is more data, or to do nothing at end of file.

	More system calls may be planned for future versions of CLC-INTERCAL,
	but we aren't telling at the moment