view paste/paste.31796 @ 4849:ed2e03a3c415

<mroman_> fetch
author HackBot
date Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:04:35 +0000
parents ab66e8c86992
line wrap: on
line source

2009-10-23.txt:07:34:22: <zzo38> (I just so happened to already have the espernet open)
2006-08-02.txt:21:40:39: <ihope_> RodgerTheGreat: you know that if you mention a language idea in here, I'll steal it and make it into my own language, right? ;-)
2003-11-06.txt:20:36:30: -!- dx has joined #esoteric.
2005-07-24.txt:16:57:24: <jix>
2013-05-31.txt:16:56:47: <ais523> also, they need around 400 kilobytes of free disk space to work correctly, over the amount needed for the actual packages
2012-04-03.txt:23:40:54: <kmc> i have no idea
2003-12-10.txt:23:20:24: -!- fizzie has quit (Remote closed the connection).
2012-05-23.txt:13:48:52: <elliott> (Also apply_area_within_radius.)
2010-05-03.txt:19:26:05: <alise> fax was yelling at us to use this instead because it's soooo trivial
2009-01-12.txt:00:17:56: <flexo> sarcasm operator?
2013-01-18.txt:04:48:46: <oerjan> OKAY
2012-05-11.txt:14:05:42: <cheater_> yeah it was amazing
2005-11-17.txt:07:37:58: <puzzlet> sometimes
2005-07-26.txt:16:13:09: <Gs30ng> that's the way to terminate the program
2011-09-27.txt:17:50:31: <ais523> no, I don't
2010-09-09.txt:23:29:50: <pikhq> The whole thing with "random slowdowns" on my phone was apparently because Palm stuck an overzealous logging daemon on there.
2007-06-25.txt:05:24:35: <immibis> ~exec exec "i=0\nwhile 1:\nsys.stdout(i+" "+(i+1)+" "+(i+2))\ni=i+3"
2009-02-18.txt:17:59:59: <ehird> Finally, I want to remind you of the importance for you to keep this business very secret and confidential until this fund is transferred into your account, bearing in mind the nature of what we are doing. If you think we should proceed  and agree with the terms then reconfirm your name and address ,telephone and fax number for me to prepare the agreement.I want you to bear it in mind that this is 100% risk free and legal.
2013-09-05.txt:23:07:46: <Koen_> I just saw just-in-time in the context of compiling befunge programs
2004-06-10.txt:08:38:03: -!- kosmikus has quit (
2013-11-27.txt:14:01:05: <boily> `relcome L8D 
2013-09-18.txt:03:02:04: <kmc> CADD: if you want to branch out mycologically speaking, you could use oyster mushrooms or shitake
2012-04-14.txt:05:26:15: <elliott> > ok
2005-05-30.txt:20:29:26: <GregorR>   [x] simplething.fyb
2008-11-02.txt:15:51:29: <oklopol> ```cool
2007-04-14.txt:06:09:35: <oerjan> oh wait, it was a function
2005-03-06.txt:03:03:28: <cpressey> and if a particular implementation doesn't support a particular dialect, well, that's ok.  but it needs to notify the program of that.
2009-07-09.txt:02:05:15: <ehird> e
2004-06-15.txt:21:46:16: <lament> unhi
2009-01-28.txt:14:31:22: <ehird> for me:
2009-06-08.txt:22:30:55: <Slereah> fungot, are you a jew
2009-03-06.txt:14:53:07: <zzo38> I'm trying to think if there is a better way to throw back
2007-12-04.txt:14:25:29: <oerjan> well there are undecidable type systems for one thing
2011-09-23.txt:17:20:53: <Ngevd> ais523, read out and write in are actually weirdly logical seeming to me
2011-09-11.txt:09:32:35: <monqy> duplicates?
2010-10-13.txt:20:12:52: <Vorpal> s/9/)/
2013-01-22.txt:14:16:31: <elliott> yes
2004-12-31.txt:07:07:31: -!- puzzlet has joined #esoteric.
2008-11-13.txt:17:04:10: <Deewiant> it doesn't use that algorithm, I assure you :-P
2004-01-27.txt:20:08:14: -!- mooz- has joined #esoteric.