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date Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:04:35 +0000
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2011-04-19.txt:18:35:15: <elliott> <crystal-cola> the poeple in #python nput me off of python
2011-04-19.txt:18:35:19: <elliott> <crystal-cola> annoyed
2011-04-19.txt:18:35:22: <elliott> <crystal-cola> this channel sucks
2011-04-19.txt:18:35:30: <elliott> <crystal-cola> people are naturally horrible to each other
2011-04-20.txt:17:12:26: <crystal-cola> baez interview yudkowski
2011-04-20.txt:17:13:21: <crystal-cola> elliott
2011-04-20.txt:17:13:30: <crystal-cola> did you read it
2011-04-20.txt:17:14:02: <crystal-cola> baez asks some interesting questions and yudkowski says "I'm writing a book"
2011-04-20.txt:17:14:21: <crystal-cola>
2011-04-20.txt:17:15:23: <crystal-cola> two parts so far but more to come
2011-04-20.txt:17:15:55: <crystal-cola> why is there no transhumanism IRC
2011-04-20.txt:17:21:23: <crystal-cola> whats up
2011-04-20.txt:17:22:00: <crystal-cola> say something interesting
2011-04-20.txt:17:23:25: <crystal-cola> HRUPHRG
2011-04-20.txt:17:24:00: <crystal-cola> this isn't internet relay programming
2011-04-20.txt:17:30:49: <crystal-cola> ;/
2011-04-20.txt:17:32:03: <crystal-cola> elliott: what's the right thing to do ?
2011-04-20.txt:17:32:25: <crystal-cola> some people think everyone should have fun
2011-04-20.txt:17:39:05: <crystal-cola> so what is the conclusion
2011-04-20.txt:17:39:19: <crystal-cola> I want answers
2011-04-20.txt:17:41:40: <crystal-cola> science is based on the unjustifiable assumption that the world conforms to logic
2011-04-20.txt:17:42:25: <crystal-cola> what wave
2011-04-20.txt:17:42:39: <crystal-cola> I dont know what you mean
2011-04-20.txt:17:43:27: <crystal-cola> bisexual is sexist
2011-04-20.txt:17:44:51: <crystal-cola> bisexuality = mysogeny
2011-04-20.txt:17:46:21: <Gregor> <crystal-cola> bisexuality = mysogeny // lol, I'd love to hear the logic behind this X-D
2011-04-20.txt:17:47:52: <crystal-cola> oklopol: Nothing is more demeaning to a women than a ``bisexual'' mans distaste and fundamental non-acceptance of her femininity
2011-04-20.txt:17:48:05: <crystal-cola> it is akin to spousal abuse
2011-04-20.txt:17:48:12: <crystal-cola> at a psychosexual level
2011-04-20.txt:17:48:30: <crystal-cola> see here
2011-04-20.txt:17:48:33: <crystal-cola> bisexuality and feminism
2011-04-20.txt:17:49:02: <crystal-cola> of course I didn't use logic
2011-04-20.txt:17:49:40: <crystal-cola> I don't try to force the false ideals of logic onto everythingg
2011-04-20.txt:17:50:01: <crystal-cola> Gregor: yes but if you read it you'd see that she's completely wrong
2011-04-20.txt:17:50:57: <crystal-cola> There is no reason to use logical or rational thought, the only justification for doing so is because you enjoy it
2011-04-20.txt:17:51:54: <crystal-cola> elliott: Assuming logic is true, then since you used logic your argument is false
2011-04-20.txt:17:52:38: <crystal-cola> I have presented a definitive ``illogical'' refutation of your argument
2011-04-20.txt:17:53:17: <crystal-cola> you're assuming that true = false, that's not provable
2011-04-20.txt:17:53:34: <crystal-cola> So you agree with me
2011-04-20.txt:17:55:12: <crystal-cola> As Ayn Rand said,
2011-04-20.txt:17:56:20: <crystal-cola> bbl
2011-04-20.txt:18:06:59: <crystal-cola> elliott: she said that the universe defines order, so there is no such thing as an unordered universe
2011-04-20.txt:18:08:22: <crystal-cola> why is it meaningless?
2011-04-20.txt:18:09:55: <crystal-cola> "The fake philosophical terminology of mathematical logic has misled philosophers into believing that mathematical logic deals with the truth in the philosophical sense. But this is a mistake. Mathematical logic deals not with the truth, but with the game of truth." - Rota
2011-04-20.txt:18:13:48: <crystal-cola> I don't think it's meaningless. The point is that if you exist in some universe then "order" is whatever you perceive
2011-04-20.txt:18:18:38: <crystal-cola> :/
2011-04-20.txt:18:21:27: <crystal-cola> hello
2011-04-20.txt:18:24:54: <crystal-cola> Underwater creatures
2011-04-20.txt:18:25:15: <crystal-cola> elliott: why aren't you more interesting
2011-04-20.txt:18:25:24: <crystal-cola> all you say is what im bored
2011-04-20.txt:18:25:45: <crystal-cola> you star
2011-04-20.txt:18:25:46: <crystal-cola> t
2011-04-20.txt:18:26:01: <crystal-cola> forth is boring
2011-04-20.txt:18:42:05: <crystal-cola> hello
2011-04-20.txt:20:17:25: <crystal-cola> These individuals are just as emotionally driven and biased as the rest of us, but they're able to generate more and better reasons to explain why they're right—and so their minds become harder to change.
2011-04-20.txt:20:18:10: <crystal-cola> what do you want
2011-04-20.txt:20:20:34: <crystal-cola> Top epidemiologist Jim Carrey claims that vaccinations are causing autism
2011-04-20.txt:20:21:40: <Phantom_Hoover> 20:20:34: <crystal-cola> Top epidemiologist Jim Carrey claims that vaccinations are causing autism
2011-04-20.txt:21:28:59: <crystal-cola> uh
2011-04-20.txt:21:29:00: <crystal-cola> how is that J
2011-04-20.txt:21:31:29: <crystal-cola> you can but.... Y would you?
2011-04-20.txt:21:31:50: <crystal-cola> haskell doesn't need Y combinators, U is enough due to lazyness
2011-04-20.txt:21:31:59: <crystal-cola> fixed point combinators other than Y
2011-04-20.txt:21:35:17: <crystal-cola> not the one I learned in SICP
2011-04-20.txt:21:35:28: <crystal-cola> Y NOT?
2011-04-20.txt:21:37:04: <crystal-cola> lol
2011-04-20.txt:21:38:05: <crystal-cola> The sad thing is most programmers are already ultrafinitists
2011-04-20.txt:21:38:25: <crystal-cola> using languages that dont admit infinite lists and such
2011-04-20.txt:21:40:54: <crystal-cola> rapido: it's the same as all the other diagonalization arguments
2011-04-20.txt:21:48:01: <crystal-cola> If e : N -> (N -> N) is an evaluator and for every function f : N -> N suppose there was a code c : N such that e c = f then let f n = e n n + 1 and x be the code for f then f x = e x x + 1 = f x + 1
2011-04-20.txt:21:48:05: <crystal-cola> therefore 0 = 1
2011-04-20.txt:21:48:40: <crystal-cola> this is standard diagonalization argument like Turin
2011-04-20.txt:21:48:42: <crystal-cola> g
2011-04-20.txt:21:50:26: <crystal-cola> I guess mathematical proof is not enough to convince you
2011-04-20.txt:21:51:26: <crystal-cola> exponentiation isn't total
2011-04-20.txt:21:52:12: <crystal-cola> it grows too fast
2011-04-20.txt:21:52:25: <crystal-cola> there is no evidece that numbers bigger than 1000000000000 can be exponentiated
2011-04-20.txt:21:53:04: <crystal-cola> logic is relevant to this actually
2011-04-20.txt:21:53:17: <crystal-cola> using logic one finds evidence that exponentiation is different
2011-04-20.txt:21:53:52: <crystal-cola> There is no reason anything should be justified
2011-04-20.txt:21:56:07: <crystal-cola> yeah
2011-04-21.txt:11:33:15: <crystal-cola> multiparadigm programming has failed.
2011-04-21.txt:11:33:22: <crystal-cola> Internet chatrooms are virtual meeting places where attitudes are shared, strengthened and validated.  In some channels, hackers of hate can sow misinformation about the plight of programmers elsewhere.  In our communities, groups and organisations led by young, dynamic innovators promote separatism by encouraging programmers to define themselves solely in terms of their language.
2011-04-21.txt:11:35:36: <crystal-cola> So, let me end with this. This terrorism is completely indiscriminate and has been thrust upon us.  It cannot be ignored or contained; we have to confront it with confidence – confront the ideology that drives it by defeating the ideas that warp so many young minds at their root, and confront the issues of identity that sustain it by standing for a much broader and generous vision of programmers in our servers.
2011-04-21.txt:11:36:26: <crystal-cola> Now, none of this will be easy.  We will need stamina, patience and SICP, and it won’t happen at all if we act alone.  This ideology crosses not just our continent but all continents, and we are all in this together.  At stake are not just algorithms, it is our way of expressing algorithms.  That is why this is a challenge we cannot avoid; it is one we must rise to and overcome.  Thank you.
2011-04-21.txt:11:44:33: <crystal-cola> elliott: Une société qui s’écroule, une économie qui régresse, des appels à toujours plus de contrôles politiques pour juguler ce déclin, la situation actuelle a un goût de déjà-vu. Bien sûr on pense à la crise 1929. Mais c’est en fait à un livre - et désormais un film - qu’il est fait référence ici. Il s’agit d’Atlas Shrugged (la révolte d'Atlas) de la philosophe russo-américaine Ayn Rand, publié en 1957. Ce 
2011-04-21.txt:11:52:58: <crystal-cola> Gauss shaves both himself and Bertrand Russell.
2011-04-21.txt:11:53:58: <crystal-cola> For Gauss, correlation implies causation.
2011-04-21.txt:11:54:34: <crystal-cola> Gauss can trisect an angle with a straightedge and compass.
2011-04-21.txt:11:57:38: <crystal-cola> A Malament–Hogarth (M-H) spacetime, named after David B. Malament and Mark Hogarth, is a relativistic spacetime that possesses the following property: there exists a worldline λ and an event p such that all events along λ are a finite interval in the past of p, but the proper time along λ is infinite
2011-04-21.txt:11:57:51: <crystal-cola> The significance of M-H spacetimes is that they allow for the implementation of certain non-Turing computable tasks (hypercomputation). The idea is for an observer at some event in p's past to set a computer (Turing machine) to work on some task and then have the Turing machine travel on λ, computing for all eternity. Since λ lies in p's past, the Turing machine can signal (a solution) to p at any stage of this never-ending task. Meanwhi
2011-04-21.txt:11:57:58: <crystal-cola> The set-up can be used to decide the halting problem
2011-04-21.txt:11:59:39: <crystal-cola> ?
2011-04-21.txt:12:01:57: <crystal-cola> I wonder if you guys are being boring on purpose to make me go away
2011-04-21.txt:12:03:28: <crystal-cola> idk I was trying to raise some topic for discussion
2011-04-21.txt:12:06:11: <crystal-cola> lol
2011-04-21.txt:12:06:21: <crystal-cola> I thought you were really into Ayn Rand
2011-04-21.txt:14:37:03: <crystal-cola> okay I am putting hoover on igonre
2011-04-21.txt:14:37:54: <crystal-cola> the reason people say ayn rand is so rubbish is because they are scared of her ideas taking hold
2011-04-21.txt:14:39:26: <crystal-cola> no
2011-04-21.txt:14:42:58: <crystal-cola> misogeny
2011-04-21.txt:14:43:18: <crystal-cola> that's a sexist spelling
2011-04-21.txt:14:43:37: <crystal-cola> mysogeny
2011-04-21.txt:14:43:46: <crystal-cola> wymen
2011-04-21.txt:14:43:47: <crystal-cola> etc.
2011-04-21.txt:14:45:04: <crystal-cola> See Miller, Casey, Swift - The Handbook of Non-Sexist Language
2011-04-21.txt:14:46:14: <oklopol> "<crystal-cola> oklopol: Nothing is more demeaning to a women than a ``bisexual'' mans distaste and fundamental non-acceptance of her femininity"
2011-04-21.txt:14:47:07: <Sgeo__> 10:30:43 <crystal-cola> see here
2011-04-21.txt:14:48:02: <crystal-cola> lol
2011-04-21.txt:14:48:14: <crystal-cola> elliott: good point
2011-04-21.txt:14:50:39: <crystal-cola> it's subjective
2011-04-21.txt:14:51:01: <crystal-cola> gynder
2011-04-21.txt:14:53:52: <crystal-cola> hitler is a fictional person
2011-04-21.txt:14:53:54: <crystal-cola> he never existed
2011-04-21.txt:14:59:54: <crystal-cola> im wondering if hoover is gonna stop being a dick?
2011-04-21.txt:15:00:28: <crystal-cola> elliott: he was being to me
2011-04-21.txt:15:00:47: <crystal-cola> oh now you are being a dick too
2011-04-21.txt:15:01:16: <crystal-cola> shouldn't have brought it up, ill just put him back on ignore and leave it
2011-04-21.txt:15:01:39: <crystal-cola> you said that being a dick to me is not being a dick
2011-04-21.txt:15:01:48: <crystal-cola> that's how I interpreted it
2011-04-21.txt:15:02:26: <crystal-cola> anyway I've stopped ``trolling''
2011-04-21.txt:15:02:44: <crystal-cola> since apparently you guys don't like me claiming obviously false and absurd claims
2011-04-21.txt:15:03:03: <crystal-cola> answer what?
2011-04-21.txt:15:03:27: <elliott> `addquote <crystal-cola> anyway I've stopped ``trolling''  <crystal-cola> since apparently you guys don't like me claiming obviously false and absurd claims
2011-04-21.txt:15:03:28: <HackEgo> 374) <crystal-cola> anyway I've stopped ``trolling''  <crystal-cola> since apparently you guys don't like me claiming obviously false and absurd claims
2011-04-21.txt:15:03:30: <oklopol> "<crystal-cola> oklopol: Nothing is more demeaning to a women than a ``bisexual'' mans distaste and fundamental non-acceptance of her femininity" <<< can you translate this to a language?
2011-04-21.txt:15:03:53: <crystal-cola> oklopol: it's (blatantly) bullshit
2011-04-21.txt:15:04:52: <crystal-cola> what is what?
2011-04-21.txt:15:05:07: <crystal-cola> the quote oklopol pasted
2011-04-21.txt:15:05:32: <crystal-cola> it's just a bunch of garbage some idiot came up with to try to justify a false viewpoint they were entertaining
2011-04-21.txt:15:06:35: <crystal-cola> what do you mean by "a language?"?
2011-04-21.txt:15:07:09: <crystal-cola> I don't think there's any meaning there
2011-04-21.txt:15:08:00: <crystal-cola> you can obviously try to invent some yourself - that's the main reason people say stuff that doesn't mean anything
2011-04-21.txt:15:11:08: <crystal-cola> A starting point might be to speak in abstract syntax rather than text
2011-04-21.txt:15:15:35: <crystal-cola> so any good projects on the go?
2011-04-21.txt:15:15:54: <crystal-cola> like what
2011-04-21.txt:15:16:02: <crystal-cola> I learned a bit about algebraic topology
2011-04-21.txt:15:16:21: <crystal-cola> what does the number of bytes mean?
2011-04-21.txt:15:16:49: <crystal-cola> oh that's cool
2011-04-21.txt:15:17:27: <crystal-cola> I don't know the terminology about automatons
2011-04-21.txt:15:19:18: <crystal-cola> it seems like a good idea but the proofs are horrible
2011-04-21.txt:15:19:26: <crystal-cola> I think it's because the book I looked at sucks
2011-04-21.txt:15:19:59: <crystal-cola> I don't know what you mean? I typed out a bunch of shit then deleted it
2011-04-21.txt:15:20:28: <crystal-cola> it's useless
2011-04-21.txt:15:20:39: <crystal-cola> I learned about cones and direct limits though
2011-04-21.txt:15:21:16: <crystal-cola> you should put lots of old code you've written up on the web
2011-04-21.txt:15:23:03: <crystal-cola> oklopol: so there is a characterization for linear ones already?
2011-04-21.txt:15:23:34: <crystal-cola> wwhat sort of description is it?
2011-04-21.txt:15:24:51: <crystal-cola> did you write a paper on it?
2011-04-21.txt:15:26:01: <crystal-cola> okay
2011-04-21.txt:15:27:20: <crystal-cola> wow
2011-04-21.txt:15:28:28: <crystal-cola> Wow a complexity class that isn't mentioned on complexity zoo
2011-04-21.txt:15:29:05: <crystal-cola> What is FNFA?
2011-04-21.txt:15:30:59: <crystal-cola> why are they equivalent?
2011-04-21.txt:15:31:29: <crystal-cola> ok
2011-04-21.txt:15:34:21: <crystal-cola> it must feel good proving a theorem nobody proved before
2011-04-21.txt:15:36:08: <crystal-cola> that reminds me ...  I wonder if Knuths new book is good
2011-04-21.txt:15:36:19: <crystal-cola> it sounded kind of interesting
2011-04-21.txt:15:45:19: <crystal-cola> ###wwww###
2011-04-21.txt:15:45:24: <crystal-cola> #  wwww  #
2011-04-21.txt:15:45:25: <crystal-cola> #  wwww  #
2011-04-21.txt:15:45:27: <crystal-cola> ###wwww###
2011-04-21.txt:15:45:33: <crystal-cola> # is dirt and w is water
2011-04-21.txt:15:45:41: <crystal-cola> oh the last line should have been ##########
2011-04-21.txt:15:45:49: <crystal-cola> you can build a house like that
2011-04-21.txt:15:46:06: <crystal-cola> GUYS
2011-04-21.txt:15:46:08: <crystal-cola> GUYS
2011-04-21.txt:15:46:36: <crystal-cola> you can build an under-lake house
2011-04-21.txt:15:50:41: <crystal-cola> arrows are dangeous
2011-04-21.txt:15:51:14: <crystal-cola> oklopol: listen if you get hit by arrows you can die
2011-04-21.txt:15:52:13: <crystal-cola> raining in minecraft??
2011-04-21.txt:15:52:39: <crystal-cola> I was upset when they stopped wood from burning infinitely
2011-04-21.txt:15:52:49: <crystal-cola> because that was a great party zone for free bacon
2011-04-21.txt:15:53:33: <crystal-cola> u'u
2011-04-21.txt:15:53:34: <crystal-cola> lol
2011-04-21.txt:15:54:36: <crystal-cola> URGH
2011-04-21.txt:15:54:41: <crystal-cola> how do I turn off "Acheivement get!"
2011-04-21.txt:15:55:19: <crystal-cola> I hate it
2011-04-21.txt:15:55:31: <crystal-cola> not me :/
2011-04-21.txt:16:25:29: <crystal-cola> it's true and disappointing
2011-04-21.txt:16:25:57: <crystal-cola> internet had potential to be so good
2011-04-21.txt:16:26:17: <crystal-cola> now it's all just "download transformes II and mean girls" holywood movies
2011-04-21.txt:16:27:54: <crystal-cola> why isn't there a website (or whatever) for people that want to learn stuff?
2011-04-21.txt:16:28:16: <crystal-cola> if I want to learn quantum mechanics (for example) why can't I find a group of people that also want to? Using the internet
2011-04-21.txt:16:48:02: <crystal-cola> ugh why are people so stupid
2011-04-21.txt:16:48:06: <crystal-cola> everything is extremely simple
2011-04-21.txt:16:48:34: <crystal-cola> this guy is asking how to prove a theorem that he doesn't even know how to state
2011-04-21.txt:16:48:42: <crystal-cola> maybe that's why you can prove it ..?
2011-04-21.txt:18:08:50: <crystal-cola> ##categorytheory - most boring channel ever
2011-04-21.txt:18:14:30: <crystal-cola> im watching this guys videos about how angles and stuff are wrong
2011-04-21.txt:18:14:51: <crystal-cola>
2011-04-21.txt:18:15:55: <crystal-cola> heh
2011-04-21.txt:18:16:18: <crystal-cola> yeah anti-axiomatics is kind of a cool view
2011-04-21.txt:18:17:28: <crystal-cola> every does math based on axioms, or at least they think they are doing so
2011-04-21.txt:18:18:18: <crystal-cola> hehe
2011-04-21.txt:18:19:59: <crystal-cola> he has some good points abuot angles
2011-04-21.txt:18:20:09: <crystal-cola> you can basically do trigonometry without calculus
2011-04-21.txt:18:20:14: <crystal-cola> so why not do that?
2011-04-21.txt:18:21:28: <crystal-cola> I mean normal things like angles and trigonometry can only be rigorously done in terms of calculus
2011-04-21.txt:18:21:41: <crystal-cola> but you usally learn these things before learning enough calculus to justify them
2011-04-21.txt:18:22:00: <crystal-cola> so if you are going to do trigonometry at all why do it in that way? Since there is an easier way
2011-04-21.txt:18:22:12: <crystal-cola> one that isn't founded on more advanced mathematics
2011-04-21.txt:18:22:38: <crystal-cola> both can be made completely rigorous
2011-04-21.txt:18:22:49: <crystal-cola> the only difference is how much work it takes
2011-04-21.txt:18:23:42: <oklopol> "<crystal-cola> you can basically do trigonometry without calculus" <<< because it's no fun
2011-04-21.txt:18:25:17: <crystal-cola> oklopol: ??
2011-04-21.txt:18:26:40: <crystal-cola> what do you mean oklopol
2011-04-21.txt:18:26:56: <crystal-cola> 19:24 < oklopol> crystal-cola: another difference is you're not doing math, eventually you  might disagree with someone.
2011-04-21.txt:18:27:05: <crystal-cola> are you talking about axiom-free mathematics?
2011-04-21.txt:18:27:30: <crystal-cola> people can disagree... if at least one of them is wrong
2011-04-21.txt:18:29:01: <crystal-cola> elliott: why do you always talk about finitism?
2011-04-21.txt:18:29:18: <crystal-cola> you always talk about it
2011-04-21.txt:18:29:26: <crystal-cola> yes you do
2011-04-21.txt:18:29:46: <crystal-cola> check the logs if you don't remember
2011-04-21.txt:18:30:30: <crystal-cola> elliott: You talk about finitism all the time, I wonder why because you're obviously not actually a finitist
2011-04-21.txt:18:30:39: <crystal-cola> elliott: Basically you're trolling. Why do you keep doing it?
2011-04-21.txt:18:31:23: <crystal-cola> 14:19:52 <elliott> I'm starting the Order of Ultrafinitist Programmers, we code exclusively in lookup tables
2011-04-21.txt:18:31:26: <crystal-cola> yesterday
2011-04-21.txt:18:31:34: <crystal-cola> You brought up finitism
2011-04-21.txt:18:31:46: <crystal-cola> elliott: because I proved you wrong? Okay
2011-04-21.txt:18:32:34: <crystal-cola> elliott: People are having a serious discussion about metamathematics. Stop telling me off for not doing anything wrong and trolling about finitism and just generally being an ass.
2011-04-21.txt:18:35:13: <crystal-cola> elliott: wrong
2011-04-21.txt:18:36:58: <crystal-cola> what
2011-04-21.txt:18:37:15: <crystal-cola> okay I'll /ignore you too
2011-04-21.txt:18:37:24: <crystal-cola> stops us arguing as a bonus
2011-04-21.txt:18:53:57: <crystal-cola> I never got introduced to anything rigorous in my math courses
2011-04-21.txt:18:54:19: <crystal-cola> which is fine, I am able to supply my own rigor
2011-04-21.txt:18:54:32: <crystal-cola> but I do think "normal" students cannot
2011-04-21.txt:18:56:00: <crystal-cola> oklopol: Nobody ever taught me what a function was
2011-04-21.txt:18:56:22: <crystal-cola> oklopol: I think you are very lucky to have been taught things properly - I am a sample of 1 but I don't think it's normal
2011-04-21.txt:19:01:56: <crystal-cola> that was weird
2011-04-21.txt:19:02:03: <crystal-cola> someone disagreed with me in #haskell and I didn't get banned
2011-04-21.txt:19:03:16: <crystal-cola> oklopol: yeah seriously I think you just go to an exceptionally good university
2011-04-21.txt:19:03:26: <crystal-cola> normally none of this stuff gets talked about
2011-04-21.txt:19:06:32: <crystal-cola> it doesn't really matter how math is taught
2011-04-21.txt:19:06:43: <crystal-cola> if you're smart you'll probably prove good theorems no matter what
2011-04-21.txt:19:13:34: <crystal-cola> category of finite sets
2011-04-21.txt:19:14:10: <crystal-cola> that definition of infinite set works without choice
2011-04-21.txt:19:15:56: <crystal-cola> anyway axiom-free mathematics is to just brush aside since axiomatization is "solved". Look at Eulers papers
2011-04-21.txt:19:20:01: <crystal-cola> "subsets of N" is a difficult notionn
2011-04-21.txt:19:20:27: <crystal-cola> consider permutations of N, is a subset of N just the first n elements of a permutation?
2011-04-21.txt:19:21:35: <crystal-cola> well even in the finite case it's awkward becuase of "wild" permutations
2011-04-21.txt:19:23:16: <crystal-cola>
2011-04-21.txt:19:27:17: <crystal-cola> I guess one of the difficulties is, let S be a subset of N then consider the obvious bijection 1 -> first element of S, 2 -> second element, ...
2011-04-21.txt:19:27:32: <crystal-cola> almost all infinite sets S lead to functions that grow so fast...
2011-04-21.txt:19:27:44: <crystal-cola> much faster than busy beaver
2011-04-21.txt:19:28:16: <crystal-cola> fast growing functions are a bitch, ever studied logic?
2011-04-21.txt:19:28:52: <crystal-cola> they're just really difficult
2011-04-21.txt:19:29:09: <crystal-cola> the rate of growth of a function is the sort of thing you need stronger and stronger axioms to deal tih
2011-04-21.txt:19:29:12: <crystal-cola> with
2011-04-21.txt:19:29:43: <crystal-cola> like you can't prove ackermann terminates in weak logics.. you need something extra
2011-04-21.txt:19:29:52: <crystal-cola> and the same phenomenon happens all the time throughout
2011-04-21.txt:19:30:34: <crystal-cola> yeah that's true
2011-04-21.txt:19:30:50: <crystal-cola> I'm not saying I can prove false with this, I know it all works out fine in ZFC
2011-04-21.txt:19:33:05: <crystal-cola> hehe
2011-04-21.txt:19:34:11: <crystal-cola> it's non-trivial that they are independent
2011-04-21.txt:19:34:13: <crystal-cola> for a star
2011-04-21.txt:19:34:14: <crystal-cola> t
2011-04-21.txt:19:34:23: <crystal-cola> and their proof theoretic strength is also quite high
2011-04-21.txt:19:34:38: <crystal-cola> there is a lot up with them
2011-04-21.txt:19:35:55: <crystal-cola> well personally I ahve no trouble using them
2011-04-21.txt:19:36:16: <crystal-cola> I don't know about others, I wouldn't claim everyone else finds them hard but I wouldn't be surprised
2011-04-21.txt:19:36:23: <crystal-cola> people have trouble learning the axioms of group theory...
2011-04-21.txt:19:38:11: <crystal-cola> why is that confusing?
2011-04-21.txt:19:40:03: <crystal-cola> impomatic: int main(int argc, char** argv)
2011-04-21.txt:19:40:10: <crystal-cola> impomatic: and return EXIT_SUCCESS;
2011-04-21.txt:19:42:20: <crystal-cola> impomatic: I think you need to check if scanf worked
2011-04-21.txt:19:52:50: <crystal-cola> oklopol: that bit is weird, it's trivial to show that stuff corrrect... you just need a single non-constructive step (checking if a real number is zero or not)
2011-04-21.txt:19:53:02: <crystal-cola> for division
2011-04-21.txt:19:53:21: <crystal-cola> oklopol: so not sure what is meant by that paragraph..
2011-04-21.txt:19:57:58: <crystal-cola> that's a subtle one
2011-04-21.txt:19:58:18: <crystal-cola> The computable reals are countable if you consider them as computter programs
2011-04-21.txt:19:58:26: <crystal-cola> but cantors diagonalization still works
2011-04-21.txt:19:58:37: <crystal-cola> so it all depends if you're "inside" or "outside" the theory
2011-04-21.txt:19:59:34: <crystal-cola> heh
2011-04-22.txt:12:48:48: <crystal-cola> marsh mallows are sugar and egg white
2011-04-22.txt:12:48:52: <crystal-cola> well
2011-04-22.txt:12:49:02: <crystal-cola> the stuff you buy in shops is probably synthesized from cow brains
2011-04-22.txt:12:49:10: <crystal-cola> but you can make them from sugar and egg white
2011-04-22.txt:13:50:45: <crystal-cola> show that x^15 + y^3 = 34^34 has no integer solutions
2011-04-22.txt:14:00:29: <crystal-cola> :D
2011-04-22.txt:14:01:01: <crystal-cola> wnat do you think of diophantine ?
2011-04-22.txt:14:12:20: <crystal-cola> Find all m,n such that 3^m - 2^n = +/- 1
2011-04-22.txt:14:16:31: <crystal-cola> diophantine equations with unsigned chars
2011-04-22.txt:14:16:36: <crystal-cola>  you can check every case
2011-04-22.txt:14:17:45: <crystal-cola> Sgeo: ...
2011-04-22.txt:14:19:02: <crystal-cola> Sgeo: I don't think that can be solved by elementry methods
2011-04-22.txt:14:20:31: <crystal-cola> x^n + y^n = z^n => xyz = 0
2011-04-22.txt:14:22:06: <crystal-cola> haha that's clever
2011-04-22.txt:14:22:11: <crystal-cola> is is true for the negative n?
2011-04-22.txt:14:22:14: <crystal-cola> I don't konw about that
2011-04-22.txt:14:22:54: <crystal-cola> (yz)^n + (xz)^n = (xy)^n
2011-04-22.txt:14:23:17: <crystal-cola> okay what about n = -2
2011-04-22.txt:14:23:20: <crystal-cola> and -1
2011-04-22.txt:14:23:28: <crystal-cola> 1/x + 1/y = 1/z
2011-04-22.txt:14:23:33: <crystal-cola> 1/x^2 + 1/y^2 = 1/z^2
2011-04-22.txt:14:23:47: <crystal-cola> I will ask the egyptians
2011-04-22.txt:14:27:54: <crystal-cola> How do you find all solutions?
2011-04-22.txt:14:49:34: <crystal-cola> hey check this out
2011-04-22.txt:14:49:52: <crystal-cola> a(1)=1;a(n+1)=2n+1-a(a(n-1))
[too many lines; stopping]