view paste/paste.10757 @ 4849:ed2e03a3c415

<mroman_> fetch
author HackBot
date Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:04:35 +0000
parents db6b785d3855
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33) <oklopol> i can get an erection out of a plank, you can quote me on that.
35) <oklopol> anyway, torture would be fun to experience, true  <oklopol> should put that on my todo list
37) <oklopol> i'm my dad's unborn sister
49) <oklopol> GregorR: are you talking about ehird's virginity or your soda beer?
60) <oklopol> hmm, this is hard
61) <oklopol> actually just ate some of the dog food because i didn't have any human food... after a while they start tasting like porridge
62) <oklopol> if a girl is that cute, i don't care how many penises she has
69) <oklopol> Warrigal: what do you mean by 21?
90) <fax> oklopol geez what are you doing here  <oklokok> ...i don't know :<  <oklokok> i actually ate until now, although i guess i also did other things...
113) <oklopol> you move on the tape and shit
130) <oklopol> but yeah i'm not exactly comfortable with this stuff, to me it seems like if you can unscrew lightbulbs, why couldn't you see into the future, or through walls as well
153) <oklopol> pigeons are very smart. all the known ways to show a language is not regular are based on pigeons.
175) <oklopol> comex: what?  <oklopol> *vorpal  <oklopol> comex: hi, tab-complete completed c to comex instead of Vorpal, dunno why
184) <oklopol> there's a rather clear separation into the 99% of esolangs that are fun syntax ideas, and the 3% that someone actually put some thought into.
192) <oklopol> well i just ate some stuff and watched family guy  <oklopol> and i own a piano  <oklopol> and i'm not wearing socks
224) <elliott> clue is a language for beauty, not usefulness  <elliott> or ability to run at all  <oklopol> ability to run at all is not even close to a design goal, no
234) <oklopol> oerjan: also actually A(4, 4) is larger than any other integer, i learned this the other day when i was reading about this algo, it had complexity O(n a^-1(n)) = O(n a^-1(4))
235) <oklopol> hey speaking of young, some kinds asked me to buy some tobacco for them and i did, and then they were all likd "wow that guy's coool" when i told them i don't need their money
236) <oklopol> ah yes, indeed, alan turing was gay and stupid
279) <oklopol> zzo38: you missed the point. the point was way stupider than that.
281) <oklopol> actually the first joke i thought elliott was making was that he's so small masturbation is gay pedophilia
284) <oklopol> okay see in my head it went, you send from your other number smth like "i'd certainly like to see you in those pink panties again" and she's like "WHAT?!? Sgeo took a pic?!?!?! that FUCKING PIG"
288) <oklopol> shit would make great currency, because everyone would have it and you could literally be filthy rich
298) <oklopol> quintopia: no i'm not laughing at you, i'm laughing because *you're stupid*  <oklopol> i mean  <oklopol> with you
304) <elliott> ais523: quick, say something funny  <oklopol> something funny hagrea:D  <oklopol> can'tä sopt laughitn
312) [After a long monologue] <oklopol> i think i have to escape this heated discussion before it becomes a flamewar
315) <oklopol> i'm really sleep
319) <oklopol> and then there's the slightly annoying one where suddenly, i start rolling forward and i can't stop  <oklopol> like i can be having some great sex dream or whatever and then suddenly "oh god not this again"  <oklopol> (i go "not this again" but not necessarily realize it's a dream)
322) <oklopol> haha, god made one helluva blunder there :DS  <oklopol> "WHOOPS HE AIN'T DEAD YET!"  <oklopol> "luckily no one will believe him because christians are such annoying retards"
329) <oklopol> i actually do like sucking
331) <oklopol> i understand that people had to use twitter and facebook before irc was invented, but now they just feel like ancient history
334) <oklopol> esperanto is just spanish with a diarrhea
386) <oklopol> yes i use the services of a psychic, but i'm considering getting a live one since stuff like "hello $name, your first name $first_name has |$first_name| letters, so by using numerology we can tell ..." is getting kind of boring
388) <oklopol> but touchscreens should feel like poking a boob
389) <oklopol> are there boobs you wack and squeeze around to move the mouse? [...] <oklopol> like those little nipples in laptop keyboards, but they'd be full-blown boobies
395) <oklopol> anyway i have to get going, first lecture at 9 and i need to do a few iterations on my article, and do some unmentionable things which also take hours  <oklopol> and masturbate as well
397) <oklopol> so about jacuzzis, do they usually have a way to make it it not heat but freeze the water?
431) <oklopol> [...] only the hamster's nervous system was tortured. although probably torturing a large logical gate constitutes a horrible thing to do if it comes in a cute container.
433) <Gregor> oklopol: Why do you have so much experience with hoop-and-stick? :P  <oklopol> Gregor: my fetish: learning pointless skills
434) <oklopol> such a famous bisexual  <Phantom_Hoover> Yeah, like Marlon Brando.  <Phantom_Hoover> And Caligula.  <Phantom_Hoover> And... Keeley Hawes?  <Phantom_Hoover> I feel cheated by Ashes to Ashes now.
443) <oklopol> well you know because i could've used my "wtf, you have multiple identity elements smiley" o=oO=O  <oklopol> yeah, i have a smiley for everything.
451) <oklopol> you know that thing in the movies where they put a pillow on someone's face and try to suffocate them  <oklopol> that doesn't work.  <oklopol> we tried that with my ex once, but we just couldn't kill each other that way
455) <oklopol> doctor who. i saw part of one episode of that and it reminded me of buffy the vampire slayer.
457) <itidus20> to assume that someone can be described by a rule without exception... is to assume they are omnipotent  <oklopol> for instance stones are omnipotent, as they don't do anything, without exception
464) <oklopol> interestingly enough, go is a second player win  <oklopol> chess is also first player win  <oklopol> tennis, interestingly enough, is always a draw.
471) <Taneb> So... God has jizzed on everything?  <oklopol> have you even READ the bible?
537) <oklopol> i started running and smoking  <oklopol> i love my lungs the way they are so trying to balance them out
593) <oklopol> king is something women are better at than men
631) <oklopol> but i guess (x + y)^n = (x^2 + 2xy + y^2)(x^2 + 2xy + y^2)...(x^2 + 2xy + y^2) if n is even, (x + y)^n = (x^2 + 2xy + y^2)(x^2 + 2xy + y^2)...(x^2 + 2xy + y^2)(x + y) is as good a fundamental theorem as any
632) <oklopol> so you are doing for compilers what imperative programming did for functional programming
661) <oklopol> i did applied fisheries research when i was little  <oklopol> got some results too but i ate them before i could publish them
662) <oklopol> that's crazy, it almost seems like you have to tell the program how you want it to manipulate the data and not just give it the relevant commands in a random sequence
704) <oklopol> also who it a tome, a small one
707) <oklopol> the point of a university is research and training new researchers. the point of the world is to enable this.
715) <oklopol> i don't lie, i tell stories  <oklopol> there's no difference  <oklopol> *a
721) <kallisti> man, I love pseudo-random decision making  <Gregor> kallisti: Man, I base most of my life on pseudo-random decision making.  <oklopol> i usually just ask my dick and i then rarely even bother to listen
724) <oklopol> why not just give the gays their own state so people could finally pray in peace
741) <oklopol> in one case, someone is hurting themselves, in the other, they are only hurting (all) norwegians (to death)
747) <oklopol> i think i'll just take the usual route and go do post doc research somewhere far away and never come back and become a drug lord and kill myself
766) <oklopol> speaking of math, i watched an episode of numb3rs today  <oklopol> the first episode was more like 57471571c5
836) <oklopol> nortti: fizzie has done some impressive stuff in befunge, which is essentially the two-dimensional version of finnish politics.
841) <elliott> gah  <elliott> this language is of the devil  <elliott> oklopol: you're meant to use your powers for _good_