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<alercah> le/rn axiom of choice/The axiom of choice is equivalent to the Free Will Principle and Zeno\'s Lemma.
author HackBot
date Mon, 21 Nov 2016 20:08:24 +0000
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2003-07-31.txt:19:06:42: <andreou> alt.drugs.intercal
2003-07-31.txt:19:07:18: <Taaus> Heh... I imagine Intercal is classified as a depressant, and not as a stimulant... ;)
2003-07-31.txt:19:07:42: <andreou> I think that when I was programming in Intercal I was seeing colors...
2004-04-30.txt:07:45:56: <andreou> heatsink a reference similar to the 'f - not funny' in that intercal paper?
2004-05-25.txt:04:37:04: <lament> I don't think we have ever discussed intercal here
2004-05-25.txt:04:51:38: <lament> Toreun: I found him in #intercal
2004-05-25.txt:04:55:43: <Toreun> intercal? I should get around to playing with that a bit
2004-05-25.txt:07:27:02: <fizzie> imo intercal was a bit too strange when it came to doing IO. although I faintly recall c-intercal providing an extension that made it a bit less silly.
2004-05-27.txt:16:29:31: <fizzie> *real* language that's as perverse and limiting as INTERCAL...
2004-05-27.txt:22:00:50: <mooz-> I was playing around with the idea of a chip for interpreting intercal
2004-05-27.txt:22:01:23: <fizzie> you were supposed to build us befunge processor, not intercal-optimized ones.
2004-06-02.txt:16:39:59: <fizzie> that's like asking a good intercal way of doing arithmetic operations, only worse.
2004-10-05.txt:22:23:01: <ZeroOne> Hipo: like Brainfuck, Befunge, Whitespace, INTERCAL, Unlambda, ...
2005-05-05.txt:12:53:29: <pgimeno> Knuth has an Intercal version in his page
2005-05-21.txt:14:00:32: <kipple> if it is BF, INTERCAL or BeFunge then it can stay
2005-05-21.txt:14:00:34: <pgimeno> there are a few that are universally accepted, like brainfuck and intercal
2005-05-21.txt:14:13:56: <kipple> The main esolang article lists the following as "notable": Befunge, Brainfuck, False, INTERCAL, Malbolge, Shakespeare, Unlambda and Whitespace
2005-05-21.txt:21:35:50: <pgimeno> I agree with all you mention (I miss Intercal)
2005-05-26.txt:23:27:25: <graue> why would we have tarball distributions? most programs in brainfuck, intercal, wierd, snusp, etc are single files
2005-05-29.txt:04:23:51: <graue> the file extension .i seems to be used for both INTERCAL and iag
2005-05-29.txt:18:51:43: <kipple> *sigh* I was in the process of writing an INTERCAL article in the wiki, and the accidently close the wrong tab :(
2005-05-29.txt:18:53:16: <graue> the INTERCAL thing, more than the spelling
2005-06-03.txt:19:21:34: <kipple> anybody familiar with C-INTERCAL here? Chris?
2005-06-03.txt:20:12:17: <pgimeno> kipple: I don't know about C-INTERCAL but that error sounds as if it depends on a file from the distribution that can't be found
2005-06-03.txt:22:21:49: <graue> we need an INTERCAL article at the wiki
2005-06-03.txt:22:27:21: <graue> INTERCAL is one of those classic esoteric programming languages everyone praises and nobody programs in, i guess
2005-06-03.txt:22:32:59: <graue> i made a lame stub for INTERCAL just to have something there
2005-06-03.txt:22:36:41: <pgimeno> I just read partially the spec of INTERCAL, a few years ago
2005-06-03.txt:22:37:28: <jix> wasn't INTERCAL designed to be uninterpretable/compilable?
2005-06-03.txt:22:39:20: <kipple> I was going to try out INTERCAL today, but I can't even manage to compile the example programs :(
2005-06-03.txt:23:31:21: <pgimeno> kipple: I've reproduced the problem; when I do an strace I get this: open("/usr/local/share/intercal-0.24/ick-wrap.c", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
2005-06-03.txt:23:34:44: <pgimeno> there's an intercal package available for Debian, apparently (is it the first esoteric language to be in a Linux distribution?)
2005-06-03.txt:23:35:32: <pgimeno> two, actually; one in perl and the other seems to be c-intercal
2005-06-03.txt:23:59:22: <kipple> Yay! the debian intercal package works!
2005-06-04.txt:00:01:01: <jix> there is no dp intercal package
2005-06-04.txt:19:20:00: <kipple> INTERCAL (and a lot of other esolangs) isn't really interesting to me for more than humor value, either
2005-06-04.txt:19:44:45: <kipple> INTERCAL
2005-06-04.txt:19:44:53: <lament> well yeah, intercal
2005-06-08.txt:01:37:07: <graue> is INTERCAL a Turing tarpit?
2005-06-08.txt:01:40:12: <kipple> I don't think INTERCAL qualifies either. 
2005-07-21.txt:21:49:47: <fizzie> The idea of conditionally skipping is used in intercal, too. :p
2005-08-16.txt:18:46:14: <WildHalcyon> INTERCAL knows all about DC esolang scandals though, so its not like there's anything new
2005-08-16.txt:22:19:36: <Gs30ng> In the beginning there was INTERCAL...
2005-08-16.txt:22:20:40: <WildHalcyon> *INTERCAL
2005-08-28.txt:21:36:41: <kipple_> btw, does anybody now if INTERCAL is turing complete?
2005-08-28.txt:21:41:39: <int-e> kipple, intercal suffers from finite memory constraints ... 64k arrays with 64k words each.
2005-08-28.txt:21:47:01: <int-e> hrm. intercal has multidimensional arrays? ok, it can access a lot more memory then (still finite for a given program though, so still not TC - although it allows for all practical computations to be done)
2005-09-22.txt:05:08:16: <Wildhalcyon> although, I had "heard" of intercal before, I'd never read up on it
2005-09-22.txt:05:08:36: <kipple> yeah, I think I'd heard about INTERCAL too before
2005-09-23.txt:03:32:37: <GregorR> I will GLADLY add Befunge, INTERCAL, etc.
2005-09-26.txt:22:57:04: <kipple> they have INTERCAL too: :D
2005-10-06.txt:05:06:55: <WildHalcyon_> I stand by my "world ain't ready yet" comment. Then again, was the world ready for brainfuck? or intercal?
2005-10-25.txt:01:00:07: <calamari> intercal
2005-10-25.txt:01:00:42: <kipple> is there an interpreter for INTERCAL? I only have compiler
2005-11-01.txt:00:48:44: <graue> it's funny having INTERCAL be second all of a sudden
2005-11-07.txt:15:14:54: <{^Raven^}> they're probably adding DRM to esolangs so we can't pirate commercial INTERCAL apps anymore
2005-11-18.txt:23:05:35: <calamari> I love the descriptions made for these old languages: "ILLGOL in short: Take three parts Perl, two parts Basic, two parts Fortran. Marinate for six hours in Budweiser and canola oil. Boil until pulped and serve with a side of Intercal."
2005-11-18.txt:23:34:16: <calamari> some of the descriptions are so elaborate it makes it seem like a joke (because of the Intercal-style humor).. but it could still be a real lang
2005-11-22.txt:19:30:46: <kipple> I think it appeared in INTERCAL first
2005-12-15.txt:01:11:23: <Sillyman> Please respond 1 if too lazy to execute a hello, world in INTERCAL
2006-04-24.txt:10:53:16: <SimonRC> "base-4 bit" -> "quart" (to match INTERCAL docs)
2006-04-26.txt:15:27:22: <ihope> Okay. A 32-bit INTERCAL variable can store the value EIGHT SIX SEVEN FIVE THREE OH NINE, correct?
2006-05-18.txt:02:13:50: <ihope> Would y'all kill me if I invented an esoteric programming language called INTERCAL?
2006-05-29.txt:05:00:57: <wildhalcyon> Nothing like learning how to do things right by figuring out what happens when things go very, very wrong *cough* intercal *cough*
2006-05-29.txt:05:03:18: <coder_> D > C > Python > * < Java < Intercal
2006-06-14.txt:17:28:02: <sedimin> try intercal
2006-07-24.txt:21:06:05: <Razor-X> INTERCAL, BF, *Funge, Unlambda, and Maleboge were the ones I was thinking of. (Feel free to add more.)
2006-07-24.txt:21:23:38: <Razor-X> If everyone's willing, I'll post the idea on alt.lang.intercal and on the Esolangs forum.
2006-07-24.txt:21:25:14: <Razor-X> alt.lang.intercal has activity, at least.
2006-07-25.txt:02:29:44: <Razor-X> Mmmm. INTERCAL.
2006-07-25.txt:03:47:55: <Razor-X> Who's gonna shamelessly advertise on alt.lang.intercal?
2006-07-25.txt:04:11:52: <Razor-X> Networking capabilities should be added to INTERCAL.
2006-07-25.txt:04:19:29: <Razor-X> INTERCAL is cleaner.
2006-07-25.txt:14:35:46: <Keymaker> well, i can't do unlambda or malbolge, probably could do intercal but i'm not that interested in it.. however, i guess i could participate with befunge too, but i haven't used it that much, so i chose brainfuck (which is my favourite, anyways)
2006-07-25.txt:19:21:00: <Razor-X> We need expandable arrays in INTERCAL :(.
2006-07-25.txt:19:29:19: <Razor-X> I should get to work on my BF machine, but I'm having so much INTERCAL fun :(.
2006-07-25.txt:22:44:24: <Razor-X> Write in INTERCAL! It's cleaner than Perl!
2006-07-26.txt:00:45:59: <Razor-X> Does someone want the honors of posting in alt.lang.intercal ?
2006-07-26.txt:21:39:04: <Razor-X> alt.lang.intercal.
2006-07-26.txt:21:40:01: <GregorR-W> People who read alt.lang.intercal ought to choose a new communicative medium :P
2006-07-26.txt:21:40:20: <Razor-X> Well, there's no #intercal here, so....
2006-07-26.txt:21:40:33: <Razor-X> Or ##intercal even.
2006-07-27.txt:06:22:27: <Razor-X> Although I was thinking of an INTERCAL version.
2006-07-27.txt:06:23:46: * GregorR doesn't recall whether he even has INTERCAL on the bot ...
2006-07-27.txt:06:23:55: <Razor-X> INTERCAL is pretty large.
2006-07-27.txt:06:24:38: <Razor-X> INTERCAL forces you to think in... interesting ways, so it's fun.
2006-07-27.txt:06:25:13: <Razor-X> I've been meaning to make a BF interpreter in INTERCAL, but I'm too lazy to do it as of now :P.
2006-07-27.txt:06:25:38: <Razor-X> I'm not sure if the INTERCAL compiler dynamically allocates arrays either, because dynamic arrays are a total *pain* in INTERCAL.
2006-07-27.txt:06:27:53: <GregorR> Hm, is there an INTERCAL interpreter?
2006-07-27.txt:06:28:18: <Razor-X> I use the standard C-INTERCAL compiler.
2006-07-27.txt:16:52:50: <ihope> "Quantum INTERCAL" seems quite... well, weird.
2006-07-27.txt:21:37:45: <Razor-X> Hey, I'm writing a BF compiler in INTERCAL.
2006-07-27.txt:21:53:52: <oerjanj> you asked about dynamic arrays in INTERCAL, i made a bit of code for growing arrays in my Unlambda interpreter
2006-07-27.txt:23:24:26: <Razor-X> Wiki page updated for Licensing, specified the preferrable use of C-INTERCAL and Befunge-98, and and requested that the next participants are committee members.
2006-07-27.txt:23:27:56: <Razor-X> The alt.lang.intercal post brought in some new contestants.
2006-07-27.txt:23:29:45: <Razor-X> It seems the languages of choice are INTERCAL, Befunge and Unlambda/LazyK.
2006-07-27.txt:23:56:10: <Razor-X> In the meantime, I'll continue on my INTERCAL->BF interpreter, some QBF programs, my Verilog BF CPU, and writing some documentation for the Esolangs I like.
2006-07-28.txt:00:52:53: <Razor-X> This year marks the first year of the 2006 Esolang Competition!!! If you're not familiar with Esolangs, they're programming languages with specific constraints. Many of them are turing tarpits, meaning they are Turing complete but only contain a minimum amount of operations (BrainFuck). Others use weird logic, operators the like you've never seen (or want to see), and line noise almost as bad as Perl (INTERCAL). Then again, some of them
2006-07-28.txt:00:59:03: <Razor-X> Shh EgoBot, that's what I use in my BF interpreter in INTERCAL.
2006-07-28.txt:01:08:31: <Eidolos> y-held idea about coding (<a href="">Befunge</a>), some have line noise even worse than Perl (, and some are just pure Hell (<a href="">Malbolge</a>). The goal is to write a program in an esoteric language that completes some currently unannounced task. +++++++++++++++[>+++++>+++++++>+++++++>++<<<<-]>----.>++++++..>-----.
2006-07-28.txt:01:10:18: <Razor-X> Here's one line from INTERCAL:
2006-07-28.txt:01:17:24: <Razor-X> But yeah, those are the only two binary operators INTERCAL has.
2006-07-28.txt:01:18:44: <nooga> Razor-X: throw intercal away, create ur own lang
2006-07-28.txt:01:18:54: <Razor-X> I like INTERCAL!
2006-07-28.txt:16:53:25: <Razor-X> INTERCAL is cleaner than Perl.
2006-07-29.txt:21:09:22: <pgimeno> oh, a Perl compiler in Intercal
2006-07-29.txt:21:10:07: <pgimeno> anyway I've just found this:
2006-07-29.txt:21:18:13: <Razor-X> I might make a Perl regexp interpreter in INTERCAL.
2006-08-02.txt:07:54:58: <Razor-X> I need to write a BF interpreter in INTERCAL still.
2006-08-02.txt:07:56:18: <RodgerTheGreat> INTERCAL isn't nearly as beautiful a language as BF.
2006-08-10.txt:02:18:05: <Razor-X> Look at INTERCAL then.
2006-08-10.txt:20:16:10: <lament> Sounds like Intercal.
2006-08-10.txt:20:16:16: <lament> Intercal had the greatest operators ever.
2006-08-10.txt:20:17:09: <ihope> Yeah, INTERCAL...
2006-08-10.txt:20:20:12: <Razor-X> Well, INTERCAL also has very few operators.
2006-08-10.txt:20:21:15: <Razor-X> Maybe some day I'll feel like finishing my BF interpreter in INTERCAL.
2006-08-10.txt:20:24:06: <Razor-X> It's easy to make while loops in INTERCAL if you know how.
2006-08-10.txt:20:27:31: <Razor-X> Yeah, I can do that in INTERCAL with a few (10 or more I'd bet) COME FROM statements.
2006-08-11.txt:17:57:10: <Razor-X> I already advertised it on alt.lang.intercal and that brought in some competitors.
2006-08-15.txt:03:50:50: <Razor-X> Did you present Glass and INTERCAL too?
2006-08-20.txt:01:24:07: <oerjanj> this makes me think of C-intercal's turing tape I/O
2006-08-20.txt:01:34:40: <oerjanj> razor-X: you trying to program INTERCAL?
2006-08-20.txt:01:37:19: <RodgerTheGreat> and preform math, in a vaguely Malbolge/INTERCAL style.
2006-08-20.txt:08:13:11: <Razor-X> Worse than INTERCAL?
2006-08-20.txt:09:29:47: <Razor-X> The Hello World program of INTERCAL is 200+ lines, IIRC (when not using the standard library).
2006-08-20.txt:09:45:51: <pgimeno> that's the very heart of INTERCAL
2006-08-20.txt:09:52:57: <Razor-X> pgimeno: Heh. Lots of INTERCAL inspiration it seems.
2006-08-21.txt:21:18:41: <ihope> Quantum INTERCAL doesn't look right.
2006-08-21.txt:21:19:18: <ihope> So if you have a register that's both 1 and 3 in Quantum INTERCAL, and you output the register, both 1 and 3 are printed?
2006-08-22.txt:02:43:46: <Razor-X> Writing a BF interpreter in INTERCAL is like suicide.
2006-08-22.txt:02:45:50: <Razor-X> My BF interpreter in INTERCAL has been indefinitely postponed, since I have a Japanese novel translation project on the horizon.
2006-08-22.txt:23:38:53: <Razor-X> If you program in INTERCAL, it's impossible not to.
2006-08-28.txt:22:05:07: <GreyKnight> INTERCAL select and mingle? :-)
2006-08-28.txt:22:05:24: <CakeProphet> Dunno intercal.
2006-08-28.txt:22:08:35: <GreyKnight> Last I heard from you was "Dunno intercal."
2006-08-28.txt:23:36:07: <GreyKnight> I think this will be either (a) useless, or (b) the next INTERCAL
2006-09-01.txt:00:59:07: <Razor-X> Although if you want an INTERCAL-esque language, trees are the way to go ;).
2006-09-01.txt:23:59:13: <GreyPaladin> One Unlambda, three INTERCALs, and one "Befunge or TheSquare" (which is based on Befunge)
2006-09-04.txt:02:44:26: <GreyKnight> The word INTERCAL currently compresses pretty poorly
2006-09-04.txt:20:47:18: <Razor-X> Or they write INTERCAL code that compiles to backwards FORTRAN code.
2006-09-22.txt:20:57:34: <SimonRC> (I was talking to him about INTERCAL.)
2006-09-22.txt:20:58:48: <Asztal> sort of. INTERCAL's other restrictions get in the way a bit.
2006-09-22.txt:20:59:55: <Asztal> but, I've yet to see a binary tree in INTERCAL
2006-09-25.txt:16:25:46: <RodgerTheGreat> well, we have BF, Unlambda, Befunge, TheSquare, INTERCAL, and malbolge.
2006-10-17.txt:04:38:53: <oerjan> now _that_ is quite normal. to get my certificate of insanity, i had to write an unlambda interpreter in INTERCAL.
2006-10-19.txt:14:18:14: * SimonRC contemplates adding AOP to INTERCAL...
2006-10-21.txt:20:35:10: <jix> btw i got this idea while reading through the intercal specs
2006-10-23.txt:04:01:40: <Razor-X> Ah. INTERCAL is fun :D.
2006-11-04.txt:20:46:58: * SimonRC point out that FORTRAN and INTERCAL don't need whitespace at all.
2006-11-05.txt:00:31:59: <ihope> But it has the "select" instruction from INTERCAL!
2006-11-05.txt:00:44:32: <Asztal> one of my favourite quotes from the intercal manual involves balanced ternary
2006-11-29.txt:06:26:32: <Razor-X> Well, I got somewhat started on a BF interpreter in INTERCAL some time ago.
2006-12-06.txt:09:31:46: <Razor-X> INTERCAL is fun.
2006-12-06.txt:09:32:38: <oklopol> never done intercal :\
2006-12-20.txt:22:09:06: <SimonRC> I recommend checking out Brainfuck, INTERCAL, befunge, and Malbolge for some examples.
2006-12-29.txt:01:28:32: <Sukoshi> Hey, if I can make expanding arrays in INTERCAL.....
2006-12-30.txt:17:16:37: * SimonRC indicates the INTERCAL microprocessor.
2006-12-30.txt:18:49:39: <oerjan> and Malcolm Ryan declared me insane for my Unlambda interpreter in Intercal, which I took as a great compliment.
2006-12-30.txt:18:50:37: <oklopol> if i hear of intercal one more time, i'm gonna learn it
2006-12-30.txt:21:35:57: <oklopol> is there a nice intercal reference?
2006-12-31.txt:04:59:30: <CakeProphet> INTERCAL?
2007-01-02.txt:02:45:28: <Sukoshi> The INTERCAL stdlib has random number generation in it.
2007-01-02.txt:21:59:50: <RodgerTheGreat> it'd be like the opposite of INTERCAL
2007-01-03.txt:02:53:33: <oklopol> i don't know perl, lisp, pascal, cobol, intercal or smalltalk, i hate it when i know the name but not the language
2007-01-14.txt:03:44:49: * pikhq also wonders if that language is called INTERCAL
2007-01-16.txt:12:33:57: <ais523_> both techniques have been used to implement Threaded INTERCAL
2007-01-16.txt:12:41:02: <ais523_> my Threaded INTERCAL code is at (along with the rest of the INTERCAL implementation), in unravel.c
2007-01-27.txt:00:15:27: <oerjan> INTERCAL and Malbolge probably qualify.
2007-02-08.txt:23:18:12: <fruitbag> You people should code in Intercal
2007-02-08.txt:23:18:18: <fruitbag> Intercal!
2007-02-08.txt:23:19:07: <oerjan> I have coded in Intercal. An Unlambda interpreter :D
2007-02-08.txt:23:20:22: <oerjan>
2007-02-22.txt:16:40:02: <oerjan> I realized (and I think INTERCAL may use it) that alternating " and ' also allows for arbitrary deep nesting
2007-02-22.txt:16:40:22: <ais523> INTERCAL can do it even without alternating in most cases
2007-02-22.txt:16:41:05: <ais523> strangely enough, the C-INTERCAL compiler had a bug in this regard through most of its history (it was the main bug I fixed for the most recent version)
2007-02-22.txt:16:42:14: <oklopol> ..translates c to intercal?
2007-02-22.txt:16:42:21: <ais523> translates INTERCAL to C
2007-02-22.txt:16:42:42: <ais523> or to be precise, it translates a dialect of INTERCAL commonly also called C-INTERCAL to C
2007-02-22.txt:16:44:44: <ais523>
2007-02-22.txt:16:50:56: <ais523> there's actually a sentence in the manual specifically banning examples like this one, which leads me to believe they must have hit the same problem implementing INTERCAL-72
2007-02-22.txt:18:09:26: <ais523> Composition in Fugue would be like the CREATE operator in CLC-INTERCAL, though
2007-03-04.txt:01:01:15: <oerjan> in INTERCAL, but that is for program flow.
2007-03-04.txt:01:01:15: <SimonRC> bsmntbombdood: INTERCAL
2007-03-12.txt:18:36:27: <ais523> that's like saying "no need to make any more esolangs, INTERCAL is Turing-complete"
2007-03-22.txt:11:46:45: <ais523> That could actually be useful. I'd like to see the symmetric difference between C-INTERCAL versions 0.24 and 0.25
2007-03-22.txt:13:34:04: <ais523> (It's also the only language other than INTERCAL I know of that uses NEXT for flow control; but it doesn't seem to have a FORGET statement or RESUME for values >1)
2007-03-22.txt:13:36:56: <ais523> yes, BASIC uses NEXT as a punctuation mark (like } in C or cis in Perligata). A 'NEXT statement' to me would always imply the INTERCAL version
2007-03-22.txt:19:33:29: <ais523> and it has a "don't" keyword, just like INTERCAL. Wow, it's almost esoteric!
2007-03-22.txt:19:34:01: <ais523> (I suspect it's don't is more practically useful than INTERCAL's (which is redundant except for comments), though).
2007-03-26.txt:16:46:04: <ais523> CLC-INTERCAL had an operation for dynamically extending its own syntax, I think
2007-03-26.txt:19:12:53: <sirKIIdB> what do you think about intercal?
2007-03-26.txt:19:13:08: <ais523>  I released the most recent version of the C-INTERCAL compiler
2007-03-26.txt:19:13:55: <ais523> well, the C-INTERCAL compiler's written in C, as the name would suggest
2007-03-26.txt:19:16:22: <lament> intercal is older than pascal, isn't it.
2007-03-26.txt:19:16:30: <ais523> INTERCAL was 1972
2007-03-26.txt:19:17:22: <ais523> Pascal was 1970 it seems, so INTERCAL's two years younger
2007-03-28.txt:18:23:18: * ais523 is busy trying to implement CLC-INTERCAL features in C-INTERCAL
2007-04-01.txt:16:15:21: * ais523 was trying to release the latest version of INTERCAL
2007-04-01.txt:16:16:43: <ais523> I still sent a slightly modified version of my prepared message to alt.lang.intercal anyway though, letting people know why they couldn't obtain it
2007-04-01.txt:16:17:35: <Pikhq> How's about posting it in alt.lang.intercal?
2007-04-01.txt:16:41:00: <ais523> the original INTERCAL manual suggests that INTERCAL may be useful for maintaining job security
2007-04-01.txt:18:19:41: <ais523> anyway, my INTERCAL distribution finally found a host:
2007-04-01.txt:19:28:59: <Sukoshi> INTERCAL!
2007-04-08.txt:17:02:22: <ais523> In the C-INTERCAL distribution there were notes about making a microprocessor that ran INTERCAL natively
2007-04-25.txt:21:47:50: * oerjan wants to be a mix of the Scheme, Intercal and Epigram guy
2007-05-15.txt:19:12:31: * ehird` wonders what INTERCAL++ would be called
2007-05-15.txt:19:12:47: * ehird` honestly has no idea how to add one to a number and assign the var to it in intercal
2007-05-15.txt:19:13:15: <oerjan> that's in the INTERCAL standard library.
2007-06-06.txt:21:07:34: <ehird`> I wonder... if we all banded together, would it be possible to make a language that's so massively massive and convoluted (like intercal *= googolplex intercals or something) that we need an entire Hello World Development Sub-Comittee deciding which output function we should use?
2007-06-11.txt:19:19:01: <oklopol> my friend has never heard of _brainfuck or intercal_, and he knows lolcode
2007-06-11.txt:19:24:31: <RodgerTheGreat> let's face it- whitespace is a far less innovative or important esolang than INTERCAL, malbolge, BF, Befunge, etc
2007-08-26.txt:14:54:47: <SimonRC> though an intercal-corrector would be better for that title
2007-08-26.txt:14:55:07: <Figs> intercal-corrector?
2007-08-26.txt:14:55:29: <SimonRC> you know that an INTERCAL requires the correct level of politeness to compile, right?
2007-08-26.txt:14:55:45: <SimonRC> *INTERCAL program
2007-09-04.txt:17:25:58: <oerjan> consider original INTERCAL, for example.
2007-09-06.txt:21:09:29: <tombom> what's the latest intercal version
2007-09-06.txt:21:12:52: <oerjan> C-INTERCAL and CLC-INTERCAL
2007-09-06.txt:21:13:06: <ihope__> What's next? CLCLC-INTERCAL?
2007-09-06.txt:21:15:52: <tombom> is clc-intercal written in perl
2007-09-07.txt:14:47:07: <tombom>
2007-10-24.txt:21:08:15: -!- INTERCAL has joined #esoteric.
2007-10-24.txt:22:14:04: -!- INTERCAL has quit ().
2007-10-25.txt:14:34:39: -!- INTERCAL has joined #esoteric.
2007-10-25.txt:14:35:00: <INTERCAL> foreach (user in channel) do print("Hi!");
2007-10-25.txt:14:49:32: <INTERCAL> This program seems bugged. a = 3 + 5; print(a);
2007-10-25.txt:14:53:37: -!- INTERCAL has quit ().
2007-10-25.txt:16:00:36: <ais523> it's a strange feeling, sitting at a computer trying to stop an INTERCAL compiler while you know at any second a journalist might phone and ask questions ranging from informed to inane
2007-10-25.txt:16:35:34: <ais523> bsmntbom1dood: my current working version of the C-INTERCAL compiler contains a compiler for a language designed specifically for writing INTERCAL optimizer idioms
2007-11-12.txt:07:37:46: <oklofok> typed in apt-get install intercal for fun, there was one :O
2007-11-20.txt:20:40:28: <Slereah> So you're the one writing the unlambda in INTERCAL too?
2007-11-21.txt:17:09:44: <ais523> it's a real problem, though. I know because the INTERCAL compiler I maintain now targets both Linux/UNIX systems and DOS via DJGPP, and everything has to be written for both
2007-11-21.txt:17:56:45: <ais523> I'm even thinking about implementing them as a new I/O format for INTERCAL
2007-11-21.txt:18:04:45: <ais523> the idea is that INTERCAL would only accept minimum-length representations
2007-11-21.txt:18:06:42: <ais523> and the lowercase letters that INTERCAL uses for times-1000
2007-11-30.txt:07:27:45: <oerjan> will the size 2^16 (i think) field i hid in my INTERCAL Unlambda interpreter do?
2007-11-30.txt:07:28:37: <oerjan> i discovered in INTERCAL it was easier to do a multiplication over that field than actually incrementing a variable :)
2007-11-30.txt:07:29:12: <oklopol> on a side note, i should learn intercal
2007-12-08.txt:16:19:46: <MonkeyofDoom> has anyone here ever gotten INTERCAL to work on a windows pc?
2007-12-08.txt:16:24:00: <oerjan> he's the C-INTERCAL maintainer
2007-12-12.txt:19:53:46: <ais523> They were asking for C-INTERCAL help a while ago, but I wasn't online at the time
2007-12-12.txt:19:59:04: <ais523> the most recent is currently 1.26, obtainable from
2007-12-20.txt:17:27:09: * ais523 is busy writing INTERCAL documentation
2007-12-20.txt:17:28:01: <ais523> although I was pretty shocked when I tried apt-cache search intercal halfway through a sentence and got 2 results
2007-12-20.txt:17:28:24: <ais523> one was CLC-INTERCAL (Debian package clc-intercal), and the other was C-INTERCAL (Debian package intercal)
2007-12-27.txt:17:58:59: <oerjan> probably INTERCAL, long ago
2007-12-27.txt:18:00:03: <Slereah> Although... No, it was Intercal.
2008-01-04.txt:19:18:17: * ais523 is busy handling the fallout from the recent release of C-INTERCAL 0.27
2008-01-04.txt:19:20:23: <ais523> I actually had a crazy idea for functional INTERCAL
2008-01-06.txt:21:04:02: <ehird`> unpronouncable acronym rips on INTERCAL (Language With No Pronouncable Acronym)
2008-01-07.txt:23:29:34: <ehird`> i wonder what the opposite of intercal is
2008-01-07.txt:23:29:41: <ehird`> ~INTERCAL = ?
2008-01-10.txt:17:02:38: <ehird`> is there any native-code INTERCAL compiler?
2008-01-11.txt:15:51:32: <ais523> bsmntbombdood: it is a little known fact that Knuth once worked on INTERCAL
2008-01-11.txt:15:59:16: <ais523> and oerjan: your Unlambda program is now in the official distribution as an example program (see for instance
2008-01-11.txt:16:06:29: <ais523> it was kind of tricky in INTERCAL, as might be expected
2008-01-11.txt:16:08:45: <ais523> see for the program in many other languages (unfortunately, that list doesn't include the INTERCAL version)
2008-01-11.txt:16:25:32: <ais523> SimonRC: assigning to constants is possible in modern versions of INTERCAL too
2008-01-11.txt:16:25:44: <ais523> although C-INTERCAL protects you from that unless you turn on a command-line option in the compiler
2008-01-15.txt:18:39:57: <ehird`> ais523: you are an INTERCAL programmer, right?
2008-01-15.txt:18:40:20: <ais523> I'm the current C-INTERCAL upstream maintainer
2008-01-15.txt:18:40:21: <ehird`> ais523: how feasable would you say an INTERCAL self-compiler would be? :-)
2008-01-15.txt:18:40:53: <ais523> the CLC-INTERCAL compiler is written in a set of extensions that are added to the language itself
2008-01-15.txt:18:41:09: <ehird`> ais523: hm, definition being something basically like C-INTERCAL. But written in INTERCAL, of course... well, it could compile to anything 'real' (C, native code, asm, ...)
2008-01-15.txt:18:41:20: <ehird`> language extensions: I guess C-INTERCAL, since it's the most common afaik
2008-01-15.txt:18:41:35: <ais523> C-INTERCAL: 33 users. CLC-INTERCAL: 5 users.
2008-01-15.txt:18:41:42: <ais523> C-INTERCAL: 33 users. CLC-INTERCAL: 21 users, sorry
2008-01-15.txt:18:41:47: <SimonRC> self-compiling INTERCAL would instantly wreck the passtime of proposing new INTERCAL extensions
2008-01-15.txt:18:42:06: <ehird`> C-INTERCAL is incompatible with CLC-INTERCAL, right?
2008-01-15.txt:18:42:12: <ais523> the same source says that 5 people actually use C-INTERCAL and 3 people use CLC-INTERCAL every now and then
2008-01-15.txt:18:42:14: <ehird`> i have seen 2 clc-intercal only programs, though, so...
2008-01-15.txt:18:42:36: <ais523> but it is possible to write C-INTERCAL or CLC-INTERCAL-only programs
2008-01-15.txt:18:43:25: <ais523> see the C-INTERCAL documentation at
2008-01-15.txt:18:43:33: <ais523> it lists portability for all the constructs in C-INTERCAL
2008-01-15.txt:18:43:49: <ais523> the pseudo standard is likely just INTERCAL-72 + noncomputed COME FROM
2008-01-15.txt:18:43:58: <ais523> because most of the other features only exist in C- and CLC-INTERCAL
2008-01-15.txt:18:44:05: <ais523> not J-INTERCAL
2008-01-15.txt:18:44:52: <ais523> it just wasn't added to INTERCAL until later
2008-01-15.txt:18:44:55: <ehird`> ais523: ok, to start with: a self-compiling, no-extensions INTERCAL compiler
2008-01-15.txt:18:46:11: <ehird`> C-intercal presumably has a char IO extension
2008-01-15.txt:18:46:25: <ehird`> wait, ESR maintained C-intercal at one point, didn't he?
2008-01-15.txt:18:46:28: <ais523> character I/O is different in C-INTERCAL and CLC-INTERCAL, but both have command-line switches to use the other's semantics
2008-01-15.txt:18:46:29: <ehird`> OK, CLC-Intercal! :P
2008-01-15.txt:18:46:39: <ais523> it was C-INTERCAL
2008-01-15.txt:18:46:58: <ehird`> => OK, let's take the char I/O for CLC-Intercal then ;)
2008-01-15.txt:18:48:21: <ais523> well, you could use one of CLC-INTERCAL's multithreading extensions to trap the error
2008-01-15.txt:18:48:36: <ais523> I'm planning to implement much the same error-trapping method in C-INTERCAL at some point, by the way
2008-01-15.txt:18:49:33: <ehird`> ais523: OK, assuming C-INTERCAL binary IO etc extensions, feasability=
2008-01-15.txt:18:49:51: <ehird`> not all the cintercal extensions presumably though
2008-01-15.txt:18:50:28: <ais523> incidentally, I recently discovered an easy way for an INTERCAL program to tell which interpreter it's running under
2008-01-15.txt:18:51:26: <ais523> J-INTERCAL ignores the read-only flag on STASH or RETRIEVE, so the value STASHED is viewed twice
2008-01-15.txt:18:52:30: <ais523> so J-INTERCAL reads out the original value twice
2008-01-15.txt:18:52:37: <ais523> C-INTERCAL reads out the new value twice
2008-01-15.txt:18:52:58: <ais523> and CLC-INTERCAL reads out the new value, but the non-IGNOREd status is stashed along with the variable, so you get two different answers
2008-01-15.txt:18:53:14: <ehird`> ooooh, there's a unlambda-in-intercal...
2008-01-15.txt:18:53:18: <ehird`> INTERCAL IN UNLAMBDA
2008-01-15.txt:18:54:04: <ais523> one of which is specifically disallowed both by the INTERCAL-72 and C-INTERCAL documentation because it's such a pain to parse
2008-01-15.txt:18:54:15: <ais523> and therefore can be said to not be legal INTERCAL
2008-01-15.txt:19:59:27: * ais523 has had similar problems trying to deal with the C-INTERCAL multithreader
2008-01-15.txt:20:23:55: <ais523> that's the same technique C-INTERCAL uses, pretty much
[too many lines; stopping]