view bin/wisdom @ 11953:dcbbe7c31186 draft

<kmc> addquote <LKoen> kmc: it\'s 3am and instead of going to bed I just spent a looot of time reading a long article about circadian rythms and melatonin
author HackEso <>
date Thu, 26 Sep 2019 01:03:26 +0000
parents 602a161bac23
children 34478fd0398b
line wrap: on
line source

f=$(find wisdom -ipath "wisdom/*$1*" -type f -print0 | shuf --random-source=/dev/urandom -z -n1); if [ -n "$f" ]; then echo -n "${f#wisdom/}//"; cat "$f"; else echo "That's not wise."; fi | rnooodl