view paste/paste.12059 @ 3418:d0d4a6a6ad9b

<boily> learn ph\xe1\xbb\x9f l\xc3\xa0 m\xe1\xbb\x99t m\xc3\xb3n \xc4\x83n truy\xe1\xbb\x81n th\xe1\xbb\x91ng c\xe1\xbb\xa7a Vi\xe1\xbb\x87t Nam, c\xc5\xa9ng c\xc3\xb3 th\xe1\xbb\x83 xem l\xc3\xa0 m\xe1\xbb\x99t trong nh\xe1\xbb\xafng m\xc3\xb3n \xc4\x83n \xc4\x91\xe1\xba\xb7c tr\xc6\xb0ng nh\xe1\xba\xa5t cho \xe1\xba\xa9m th\xe1\xbb\xb1c Vi\xe1\xbb\x87t Nam.
author HackBot
date Thu, 15 Aug 2013 19:52:26 +0000
parents 3b22e800418c
line wrap: on
line source

2010-06-10.txt:00:17:52: <oerjan> oh piet?  you're not taneb from that forum by any chance?  (he currently has a piet program avatar)
2010-09-06.txt:20:39:56: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2010-09-06.txt:20:40:51: <Taneb> Hello!
2010-09-06.txt:20:41:03: <Taneb> I'm kinda new to this
2010-09-06.txt:20:41:21: <cpressey> hi Taneb
2010-09-06.txt:20:41:45: <Taneb> What would a Hackiki wiki do?
2010-09-06.txt:20:42:35: <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, it runs arbitrary code.
2010-09-06.txt:20:42:49: <cpressey> Taneb: I suppose the idea is we would run interpreters for esolangs directly on it.
2010-09-06.txt:20:43:03: <Taneb> Ah, thanks
2010-09-06.txt:20:52:21: -!- Taneb has parted #esoteric (?).
2010-09-07.txt:04:24:05: <oerjan> <Taneb> Hello!
2010-11-29.txt:15:36:59: <oerjan> but i was a bit confused because i know there's a guy on the mezzacotta forums who uses a piet avatar (Taneb)
2011-07-11.txt:12:50:31: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-11.txt:12:50:45: <Taneb> Hello!
2011-07-11.txt:12:51:26: <oerjan> hi Taneb!
2011-07-11.txt:13:03:18: <oerjan> Taneb: is noryshorts just replacing nand by nor in the description of nandypants?
2011-07-11.txt:13:03:45: <Taneb> @oerjan yeah
2011-07-11.txt:13:04:03: <oerjan> Taneb: @ is a dangerous prefix in our channel :P
2011-07-11.txt:13:04:26: <Taneb> I'll make sure to note that.
2011-07-11.txt:13:04:55: <oerjan> Taneb: which means they're not _entirely_ dual to each other, because they treat 0 and 1 differently
2011-07-11.txt:13:05:18: <Taneb> No, but I think they're both Turing Complete
2011-07-11.txt:13:05:50: <Taneb> I'm working on translating boolfuck into noryshorts
2011-07-11.txt:13:06:10: <Taneb> It's the input that's the hardest
2011-07-11.txt:13:19:33: <Taneb> I think I've got everything for the Boolfuck to Noryshorts conversion exceppt input
2011-07-11.txt:13:21:09: <Taneb> I want to do input for completion's sake
2011-07-11.txt:13:23:37: <Taneb>
2011-07-11.txt:13:33:21: <Taneb> Right, I've think I've translated input from Boolfuck to Noryshorts
2011-07-11.txt:13:36:36: <Taneb> And I've had an idea for a simpler one for Nandypants
2011-07-11.txt:13:38:35: <Taneb> Invented by me
2011-07-11.txt:13:39:03: <Taneb> Thanks?
2011-07-11.txt:13:41:43: <Taneb> Oh, ooh dear
2011-07-11.txt:13:46:48: <oerjan> Taneb: oh hm i think your nandypants boolfuck has a bug
2011-07-11.txt:13:47:08: <Taneb> Go ahead...
2011-07-11.txt:13:48:02: <Taneb> Yeah, fixing that now
2011-07-11.txt:13:48:08: <Taneb> I even have the edit page open
2011-07-11.txt:13:52:53: <Taneb> There
2011-07-11.txt:13:57:19: <Taneb> Phantom_Hoover, does your brainfuck-derivative pledge include humorous animal themed brainfuck-equivaletns?
2011-07-11.txt:13:57:58: <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, yes, except brickbraining those people is pointless because it would just make their brain slightly harder.
2011-07-11.txt:13:58:33: <Taneb> What about the at least one who has otherwise displayed originality in esoterica?
2011-07-11.txt:13:58:54: <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, the only forgiveable one is Ook!
2011-07-11.txt:13:59:04: <Taneb> That was the one I was referring too
2011-07-11.txt:13:59:51: <Taneb> DMM is pretty much the only reason I'm here
2011-07-11.txt:14:01:51: <Taneb> I'm going to vote that the text "Well, not really, but h" to be replaced with "H" in DMM's article on the wiki
2011-07-11.txt:14:05:57: <Taneb> Also, bye everyone
2011-07-11.txt:14:10:19: -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
2011-07-11.txt:15:16:37: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-11.txt:15:16:47: <Taneb> Hello IRC!
2011-07-11.txt:15:18:44: <oerjan> Taneb: hello again.  i fixed your [ ] code, or so i hope.
2011-07-11.txt:15:20:23: <Taneb> Hmm, yeah
2011-07-11.txt:15:21:56: <Taneb> Why oh why did I mentally insert an "out with" into that sentence
2011-07-11.txt:15:22:23: <oerjan> Taneb: well SgeoN1 _was_ abusing it...
2011-07-11.txt:15:23:03: <Taneb> Probably HDD weirdness
2011-07-11.txt:15:24:13: <Taneb> Okay, that's worrying.
2011-07-11.txt:15:25:02: <ais523> Taneb: there's some history here, Sgeo has managed to break one disk already by acting in a completely inappropriate way after a disk head crash
2011-07-11.txt:15:27:10: <Taneb> I may make an esolang based on football (soccer)
2011-07-11.txt:15:28:16: <Taneb> Like "[player] scores!" would be output
2011-07-11.txt:15:29:10: <Taneb> And input would be "The manager is having words with [player]"
2011-07-11.txt:15:29:14: <Taneb> Or something
2011-07-11.txt:15:33:52: <Taneb> And passing would increment the the ball's variable
2011-07-11.txt:15:34:06: <Taneb> SgeoN1: Like backing up your stuff?
2011-07-11.txt:15:35:48: <Taneb> Also, is Deadfish a finite state automaton?
2011-07-11.txt:15:36:28: <Taneb> That may because something very bad is about to happen
2011-07-11.txt:15:37:16: <Taneb> How much is a few?
2011-07-11.txt:15:38:45: <Taneb> It's going up
2011-07-11.txt:15:39:39: <Taneb> I assume it  was zero at some point
2011-07-11.txt:16:31:11: -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
2011-07-11.txt:16:32:25: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-11.txt:16:32:44: <Taneb> Hello
2011-07-11.txt:16:36:33: <quintopia> taneb: why world is like wtf
2011-07-11.txt:16:37:17: <Taneb> Um... what?
2011-07-11.txt:16:43:08: <Taneb> zzo38: no
2011-07-11.txt:17:05:48: -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds).
2011-07-11.txt:17:46:39: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-11.txt:17:47:30: <Taneb> Hello again
2011-07-11.txt:18:02:57: -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
2011-07-11.txt:18:17:21: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-11.txt:18:19:51: <Taneb> Hello
2011-07-11.txt:18:22:17: <Taneb> What's up?
2011-07-11.txt:18:35:26: <Taneb> Well, NewsCorp is in a tricky situation in the UK
2011-07-11.txt:18:41:38: <Taneb> Not necasohgodIcan'tsppellthatword. That bill for fixed term parliaments never passed
2011-07-11.txt:19:10:15: -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
2011-07-11.txt:19:30:26: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-11.txt:19:32:16: <elliott> hello oerjan, Taneb
2011-07-11.txt:19:32:24: <Taneb> Hello
2011-07-11.txt:19:33:10: <oerjan> <Taneb> Also, is Deadfish a finite state automaton?
2011-07-11.txt:19:33:30: <elliott> Taneb: Deadfish is super turing complete, HTH
2011-07-11.txt:19:37:15: <oerjan> Taneb: deadfish _would_ have been an FSA except that the original implementation horribly broke the check for overflow in the case of squaring.  and that's part of its charm.
2011-07-11.txt:20:43:51: -!- Taneb has quit (Quit: Taneb).
2011-07-11.txt:20:44:02: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-11.txt:22:00:26: -!- Taneb has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
2011-07-12.txt:15:17:01: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-12.txt:15:17:05: <Taneb> Hello!
2011-07-12.txt:15:18:05: <Taneb> Countdown has the letters for Linux
2011-07-12.txt:15:19:27: <Taneb> Signed integers can also have Base -2 inegers
2011-07-12.txt:15:19:31: <Taneb> *integers
2011-07-12.txt:15:19:38: <ais523> Taneb: good point, that's a reasonable representation
2011-07-12.txt:15:22:15: <Taneb> I don't get that XKCD
2011-07-12.txt:15:22:24: <Taneb> Strunk and White?
2011-07-12.txt:15:22:29: <elliott> Taneb: o_O
2011-07-12.txt:15:22:59: <Taneb> I'm British
2011-07-12.txt:15:23:05: <elliott> Taneb: so am I
2011-07-12.txt:15:23:58: <Taneb> I still have no idea who Ron Paul
2011-07-12.txt:15:24:02: <Taneb> is
2011-07-12.txt:15:24:26: <elliott> Taneb: he's the president of australia
2011-07-12.txt:15:24:29: <ais523> Taneb: American politician, tends to be the third most popular (and thus way behind the Democratic and Republican candidates for President)
2011-07-12.txt:15:27:36: <Taneb> There's a penis joke in that?
2011-07-12.txt:15:28:03: <oklopol> Taneb: well penis enough.
2011-07-12.txt:15:28:18: <elliott> Taneb: as you can see, we are always on-topic.
2011-07-12.txt:15:31:59: <Taneb> I invoke Godwin's
2011-07-12.txt:15:32:04: <Taneb> And Poe's
2011-07-12.txt:15:33:05: <Taneb> Poe's was about parodies
2011-07-12.txt:15:35:59: <Taneb> Because a ninja is tickling you?
2011-07-12.txt:15:37:36: <Taneb> Explaining recursion is tricky...
2011-07-12.txt:15:37:44: <elliott> Taneb: try explaining recursion
2011-07-12.txt:15:38:21: <Taneb> Huh
2011-07-12.txt:15:38:46: <Taneb> Turned out he got recursion, he just didn't get the return statement
2011-07-12.txt:15:39:26: <ais523> Taneb: wait, do you teach programming too?
2011-07-12.txt:15:39:41: <Taneb> Not professionaly
2011-07-12.txt:15:40:01: <Taneb> If I  was professional, I wouldn't be on IRC at the same time
2011-07-12.txt:15:40:36: <elliott> `addquote <Taneb> Turned out he got recursion, he just didn't get the return statement
2011-07-12.txt:15:40:37: <HackEgo> 500) <Taneb> Turned out he got recursion, he just didn't get the return statement
2011-07-12.txt:15:43:51: <Taneb> "Kan jeg have en pony?"
2011-07-12.txt:15:46:03: <Taneb> Right, I've succeeded in explaining the return function
2011-07-12.txt:15:46:23: <Taneb> Statement, then
2011-07-12.txt:16:17:21: <Taneb> Here's an on-topic idea: Queue data structure with fast track passes
2011-07-12.txt:16:18:41: <oklopol> ben ate taneb
2011-07-12.txt:16:18:52: <Taneb> He did?
2011-07-12.txt:16:28:45: <Taneb> Lion oil!
2011-07-12.txt:16:29:19: <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, the oil of champions!
2011-07-12.txt:16:32:41: <Taneb> Bye
2011-07-12.txt:16:36:27: -!- Taneb has quit (Quit: Taneb).
2011-07-12.txt:16:36:40: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-12.txt:16:36:46: <Taneb> Hello
2011-07-12.txt:16:37:33: <oklopol> hi Taneb, do you wanna do palindromes or math?
2011-07-12.txt:16:37:47: <Taneb> I'm going to do math.
2011-07-12.txt:16:37:57: <Taneb> I'm no good at palindromes
2011-07-12.txt:16:38:15: <Taneb> Better than me
2011-07-12.txt:16:38:56: <Taneb> Not personally.
2011-07-12.txt:16:39:05: <Taneb> I would say "seven a mum"
2011-07-12.txt:16:39:08: <Taneb> British
2011-07-12.txt:16:39:24: <Taneb> Heck, I may even say "seven a mam" 'cos I'm Northern
2011-07-12.txt:16:40:34: <Taneb> No?
2011-07-12.txt:16:40:54: <Taneb> "mu, emphasis"?
2011-07-12.txt:16:42:03: <oklopol> Taneb: thank you, now i just need to fix the small hpm problem
2011-07-12.txt:16:42:50: <Taneb> Oh dear; read ho!
2011-07-12.txt:16:43:05: <oklopol> Taneb: you are a natural
2011-07-12.txt:16:44:07: <Taneb> E, esoteric, ire to see.
2011-07-12.txt:16:44:33: <Taneb> So, is there an annoying esoteric programming language called "E"?
2011-07-12.txt:16:44:45: <oklopol> Taneb: there certainly is a language called that
2011-07-12.txt:16:45:37: <Taneb> But it's conventionaaaaal!
2011-07-12.txt:16:51:09: <Taneb> Flow ebb Malbolge, eg., lob lamb be wolf
2011-07-12.txt:16:52:25: <Taneb> eg. means for example
2011-07-12.txt:16:53:28: <Taneb> Probably
2011-07-12.txt:16:55:47: <Taneb> Yep.
2011-07-12.txt:16:55:55: <Taneb> Or to understand, like the tides
2011-07-12.txt:16:56:27: <Taneb> Lamb has a silent lette
2011-07-12.txt:16:56:30: <Taneb> r
2011-07-12.txt:16:56:40: <Taneb> Sheep is the same in the plural
2011-07-12.txt:16:57:00: <Taneb> So I'm told
2011-07-12.txt:16:58:02: <Taneb> SS eh? Come on, no emo chess.
2011-07-12.txt:16:58:27: <Taneb> SS eh being my lack of understanding is like a ship.
2011-07-12.txt:16:58:54: <Taneb> I have no idea what's going on
2011-07-12.txt:16:58:59: <Taneb> I'm just writing palindromes
2011-07-12.txt:17:00:14: <Taneb> That works too
2011-07-12.txt:17:00:33: <Taneb> I just want to say that  the Nazis killed more people than Jews
2011-07-12.txt:17:01:28: <Taneb> Just everyone only remembers the jews
2011-07-12.txt:17:01:37: <Taneb> Yeah, it was mainly Jews.
2011-07-12.txt:17:02:17: <Taneb> That was the communists
2011-07-12.txt:17:02:27: <Taneb> Who killed that clowwn
2011-07-12.txt:17:03:34: <Taneb> Bye
2011-07-12.txt:17:08:28: -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
2011-07-12.txt:17:40:20: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-12.txt:17:40:35: <Taneb> Hello!
2011-07-12.txt:18:00:51: <Taneb> Hello?
2011-07-12.txt:18:29:47: -!- Taneb has parted #esoteric.
2011-07-12.txt:19:19:33: <HackEgo> 500) <Taneb> Turned out he got recursion, he just didn't get the return statement
2011-07-12.txt:19:39:59: <oerjan> <Taneb> I invoke Godwin's
2011-07-12.txt:19:52:58: <oerjan> <Taneb> Heck, I may even say "seven a mam" 'cos I'm Northern
2011-07-12.txt:19:53:16: <oerjan> by some freak coincidence taneb is elliott's next door neighbor
2011-07-12.txt:20:00:42: <olsner> well, *coincidence* would be "... it just so happens that taneb's selected target coordinates made him elliott's neighbor"
2011-07-12.txt:21:03:31: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-12.txt:21:03:41: <Taneb> Hello!
2011-07-12.txt:22:08:28: <Taneb> Hello
2011-07-12.txt:22:12:47: <Taneb> I've just had an awful idea for an esoteric programming language
2011-07-12.txt:22:13:37: <zzo38> Taneb: What idea?
2011-07-12.txt:22:14:14: <Taneb> The program is a lambda calculus thing
2011-07-12.txt:22:14:20: <Taneb> Just one.
2011-07-12.txt:22:14:31: <Taneb> It is then run as a church  numeral
2011-07-12.txt:22:14:53: <Taneb> And the result is taken as a base 256 number and converted into ASCII and outputted
2011-07-12.txt:22:15:04: <Taneb> If any of that makes sense
2011-07-12.txt:22:15:27: <elliott> Taneb: see lazy k
2011-07-12.txt:22:16:34: <Taneb> Not quite what I was going for
2011-07-12.txt:22:17:12: <Taneb> I have no idea what SKI is about
2011-07-12.txt:22:19:49: <elliott> Taneb: just predefined combinators:
2011-07-12.txt:22:23:05: <Taneb> So, it's equivalent to Lambda Calculus?
2011-07-12.txt:22:29:17: <oerjan> Taneb: unlambda is the first and most famous SKI esolang
2011-07-12.txt:22:29:52: <Taneb> Okay
2011-07-12.txt:22:44:33: <Taneb> Good evening, my further East than me addresser
2011-07-12.txt:23:02:21: -!- Taneb has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
2011-07-12.txt:23:57:17: <oklopol> "<oerjan> by some freak coincidence taneb is elliott's next door neighbor" <<< a neighbor of mine was on #proglangdesign some years ago, a channel of about 6 people at that time
2011-07-13.txt:00:06:58: <oklopol> "<Taneb> So, it's equivalent to Lambda Calculus?" <<< yep but the usual conversion algo from lc to ski has an exponential blowup
2011-07-13.txt:12:58:38: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-13.txt:12:58:42: <Taneb> Hello!
2011-07-13.txt:12:59:57: <Taneb> Hello?
2011-07-13.txt:13:09:21: <Taneb> What's up?
2011-07-13.txt:13:11:09: <Taneb> Yeah, CakeProphet, deal with it.
2011-07-13.txt:13:12:37: <Taneb> In other news, I think Egypt's having its October Revolution
2011-07-13.txt:13:12:47: <Taneb> JUST AS I PREDICTED IT WOULD
2011-07-13.txt:13:33:53: <cheater__> Taneb, october revolution in july? nice
2011-07-13.txt:13:45:32: -!- Taneb has parted #esoteric.
2011-07-13.txt:14:30:25: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-13.txt:14:30:47: <Taneb> I've just had an idea
2011-07-13.txt:14:31:01: <Taneb> An esoteric programming language based on Numberwang
2011-07-13.txt:14:31:12: <Taneb> From That Mitchell and Webb Look
2011-07-13.txt:14:31:29: <Taneb> And also Wang B-Machines
2011-07-13.txt:14:31:44: <Taneb> And a bit of Malbolge for extra measure
2011-07-13.txt:14:33:20: <Taneb> Instructions will be, GO RIGHT, GO LEFT, FLIP, IF ON GOTO, and NUMBERWANG.
2011-07-13.txt:14:33:31: <Taneb> Except these will be encrypted as numbers
2011-07-13.txt:14:35:13: <Taneb> In Soviet Russia, The State has no undefined information: action actually is needed
2011-07-13.txt:14:37:11: <Taneb> Numberwang will be the halt instruction
2011-07-13.txt:14:50:57: -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
2011-07-13.txt:20:07:59: -!- Taneb has joined #esoteric.
2011-07-13.txt:20:15:06: <Taneb> I've been thinking about my next esolang, Numberwang
2011-07-13.txt:20:16:41: <Taneb> It's got elements of a Wang-B machine, Malbolge, and Numberwang from That Mitchell and Webb Look
2011-07-13.txt:20:16:51: <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, lemme guess, it'll consist entirely of enterprisey buzzwords designed to make it look like there's a language somewhere which will mysteriously evaporate if any attempt is made to implement it?
2011-07-13.txt:20:17:16: <Taneb> Wow, that's a good idea.
2011-07-13.txt:20:17:21: <Taneb> But it's not Numberwang
2011-07-13.txt:20:17:53: <Taneb> The programs are lists of numbers
2011-07-13.txt:20:18:20: <Sgeo> Taneb, you're going to re-create BancSTAR?
2011-07-13.txt:20:18:38: <Taneb> Closer to FRACTRAN
2011-07-13.txt:20:18:53: <Taneb> But it's completely different
2011-07-13.txt:20:20:36: <Taneb> I need a way to convert any terminating decimal into an integer 1 to 4
2011-07-13.txt:20:21:19: <Sgeo> Taneb, round it to the nearest of 1,2,3, or 4
2011-07-13.txt:20:21:34: <Taneb> Nah, needs to be crazier
2011-07-13.txt:20:21:45: <Phantom_Hoover> <Taneb> I need a way to convert any terminating decimal into an integer 1 to 4
2011-07-13.txt:20:22:01: <Taneb> Like, not recurring
2011-07-13.txt:20:22:07: <Taneb> Yeah
2011-07-13.txt:20:22:32: <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, take the hash, and find its value modulo 4.
2011-07-13.txt:20:24:23: <Taneb> What do swords have to do with anything?
2011-07-13.txt:20:24:54: <Taneb> Maybe someone blue-nosed bowdlerised it?
2011-07-13.txt:21:36:45: <Taneb> "All fnord fnord always fnord"?
2011-07-13.txt:21:37:12: <oerjan> Taneb: words of wisdom by fungot
2011-07-13.txt:21:39:52: <Taneb> Should I define the Numberwang operation in Numberwang, or keep it vague?
2011-07-13.txt:21:40:40: <oerjan> Taneb: you should define it with a program in numberwang.
2011-07-13.txt:21:40:49: <Taneb> I reckon Numberwang is Turing Complete without it
2011-07-13.txt:21:42:04: <Taneb> I have it print "It's Numberwang!
2011-07-13.txt:21:42:53: <Taneb> *may
2011-07-13.txt:21:43:58: <Taneb> Or run the Numberwang program "12! 4.4! 92! 10! 49.8! 2! 2! 2!" with the current tape and everything
2011-07-13.txt:21:45:12: <Taneb> Except I have no idea if Numberwang can do loops
2011-07-13.txt:21:45:26: <Taneb> It probably can.
2011-07-13.txt:21:45:31: <Taneb> It has a GOTO command
2011-07-13.txt:21:47:00: <Taneb> No
2011-07-13.txt:21:49:15: <Taneb> I may write an interpreter and release it closed-source
2011-07-13.txt:21:49:32: <Taneb> Just to watch everyone not bother to do anything about it
2011-07-13.txt:21:52:56: <Taneb> So, may I move the existing Numberwang?
2011-07-13.txt:21:53:18: <Taneb> Which is: a) Orphaned
2011-07-13.txt:21:53:24: <Taneb> b) uncategorized
2011-07-13.txt:21:53:39: <Taneb> c) a brainfuck derivative
2011-07-13.txt:21:54:01: <Taneb> d) not actually uncategorized
2011-07-13.txt:21:58:35: <Taneb> Is there a proper way to link to Wikipedia, or do I just use the external links?
2011-07-13.txt:21:59:25: <Taneb> Thanks
2011-07-13.txt:22:06:44: <Taneb> What do you call it, when you've got the list, the text between the items?
2011-07-13.txt:22:08:12: <Taneb> Like, if I wanted to have Numberwang programs as 13! 42! 2! 7! 9!, it would be "!"
2011-07-13.txt:22:08:21: <Taneb> Thanks
2011-07-13.txt:22:09:15: <Taneb> Also, is moduloed a word?
2011-07-13.txt:22:09:20: <Taneb> As in, moduloed by four
2011-07-13.txt:22:14:00: <Taneb> If I said "modulo 4", etc, the sentence would be ambiguous.
2011-07-13.txt:22:14:04: <Taneb> I've worked around it
2011-07-13.txt:22:21:45: <Taneb>
2011-07-13.txt:22:32:13: <Taneb> What was your idea?
2011-07-13.txt:22:40:09: <Taneb> It is a club, that is for gentelmen
2011-07-13.txt:22:40:15: <Taneb> As in, men who are gentle
2011-07-13.txt:22:40:39: <Taneb> Where they can sit quietly and read, or play bridge if they desire
2011-07-13.txt:22:41:25: <Taneb> Don't know how to play
2011-07-13.txt:22:43:07: <Taneb> On a bridge?
2011-07-13.txt:22:43:21: <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, yes.
2011-07-13.txt:22:44:14: <Taneb> You don't know what gender I am
2011-07-13.txt:22:44:33: <Taneb> But yeah, I'm male
2011-07-13.txt:22:44:59: <Taneb> Isn't it rich?
2011-07-13.txt:22:45:02: <Taneb> Aren't we a pair?
2011-07-13.txt:22:45:07: <Taneb> Me finally here on the ground,
2011-07-13.txt:22:45:11: <Taneb> You in mid-air
2011-07-13.txt:22:45:16: <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, ah, but are you 40 years old?
2011-07-13.txt:22:46:13: <Taneb> Phantom_Hoover: I'm not going to be 40 for a while
2011-07-13.txt:22:46:19: <Taneb> 24 years
2011-07-13.txt:22:47:39: <Taneb> I am regretting joining this chat
2011-07-13.txt:22:47:51: <Taneb> It's too...
2011-07-13.txt:22:47:58: <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, gay?
2011-07-13.txt:22:47:59: <Taneb> Wrong-gentlemen's-club-y
2011-07-13.txt:22:48:12: <Taneb> Nah, too sexual
2011-07-13.txt:22:48:32: <Taneb> Now, that just sounds like a woodwind instrument
2011-07-13.txt:22:49:56: <Taneb> Which part?
2011-07-13.txt:22:50:12: <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, well, that'd be telling.
2011-07-13.txt:22:52:34: <oerjan> <Taneb> I am regretting joining this chat <-- you know, there used to much more of this stuff a few years ago :P
2011-07-13.txt:22:52:56: <Taneb> I'm sincerely glad I'm a newb, then
2011-07-13.txt:22:57:15: <Taneb> Okay, I've created three esoteric programming languages this year, and they all begin with N
2011-07-13.txt:22:57:18: <oerjan> Taneb: although funnily i can only recall two people on the channel who are openly gay.  (augur being one, of course.)
2011-07-13.txt:22:58:10: <Taneb> I'm not homophobic, I just don't like talking about sex or nakedness
2011-07-13.txt:22:58:34: <Taneb> agda.