view paste/paste.30032 @ 33:ca8a37b32518

<ais523> delquote 111
author HackBot
date Wed, 29 Feb 2012 22:48:10 +0000
parents e037173e0012
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2004-06-04.txt:16:20:44: <Keymaker> i'm probably never be one, since there are those bandwidth-monsters..
2005-05-10.txt:17:55:01: <GregorR-L> Every monster is an op...
2005-09-10.txt:22:45:51: <calamari> for some reason that reminds me of monsters inc.. 23-19!! :)
2005-09-22.txt:07:21:21: <GregorR> I'M A MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!
2005-10-05.txt:22:53:15: <Arrogant> Flying spaghetti monster
2005-10-05.txt:22:54:21: * WildHalcyon eats a flying spaghetti monster. My current state is: Awake and Slightly Full
2005-10-25.txt:02:27:33: <GregorR> The lag monster XD
2005-11-01.txt:18:50:28: <GregorR> Also, OMG FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER >>> JESUS LOL!
2005-12-21.txt:00:07:36: <Gs30ng> i'm not gonna say something which can hurt you who believe in noodly apprendage of Flying Spaghetti Monster
2006-05-28.txt:00:43:56: <ihope_> Hmm... I isn't actually a monster class, is it?
2006-05-28.txt:00:46:19: <fizzie> Isn't it "I" when there's a monster you can't see.
2006-05-28.txt:00:49:39: <ihope_> Those are all the monsters that still exist in my NetHack game.
2006-08-29.txt:00:16:13: * GreyKnight reads a blessed scroll of genocide. What class of monsters do you wish to genocide? ,  Wiped out all newbies. Wiped out all lusers. Wiped out all script kiddies. Wiped out lament.
2006-11-04.txt:19:38:04: <SevenInchBread> Maybe he uses a Lisp-Forth hybrid monster.
2006-11-05.txt:00:01:09: * oerjan regrets participating in the creation of a monster.
2006-12-21.txt:03:51:51: <bsmntbombdood> zany other monster guts
2006-12-22.txt:18:48:51: <GregorR> Yes - I have created a monster.
2006-12-22.txt:18:49:51: <GregorR> It's Frankenstein's monster.
2006-12-23.txt:01:50:54: <ihope> Pudding rust monster invisible monster vampire mummy snake gnome!
2006-12-31.txt:20:39:28: * CakeProphet immediately conjures up images of an evil C monster stabbing him with sharp pointers.
2007-01-01.txt:22:00:39: <oerjan> and of course there would be _some_ monsters.
2007-01-23.txt:00:23:55: <oerjan> oh no, the frankincense monster
2007-03-16.txt:23:31:43: <oerjan> HE WAS EATEN BY THE COOKIE MONSTER
2007-04-30.txt:09:18:56: -!- Feuermonster has joined #esoteric.
2007-04-30.txt:09:25:55: -!- Untotes_Monster has joined #esoteric.
2007-04-30.txt:09:39:36: -!- Feuermonster has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2007-04-30.txt:10:14:41: -!- Untotes_Monster has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2007-05-10.txt:23:12:30: * oerjan smiles at the monster he has created.
2007-05-14.txt:15:34:31: -!- Feuermonster has joined #esoteric.
2007-05-14.txt:16:50:44: <Feuermonster> o_O
2007-05-14.txt:16:51:22: <Feuermonster> Which language is that written in?
2007-05-14.txt:16:52:03: <Feuermonster> I mean, in which language do you write the source-code?
2007-05-14.txt:16:52:20: <Feuermonster> Php,Python,Ruby,BASIC whatever?
2007-05-14.txt:16:53:54: <Feuermonster> I guess index : 50 means index / 50?
2007-05-14.txt:19:45:01: -!- Feuermonster has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2007-05-15.txt:17:20:01: -!- Feuermonster has joined #esoteric.
2007-05-15.txt:18:29:03: -!- Feuermonster has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2007-05-19.txt:16:32:16: -!- Feuermonster has joined #esoteric.
2007-05-19.txt:16:42:57: <Feuermonster> I made a new esoteric language with only one instruction: 0
2007-05-19.txt:16:43:23: <Feuermonster> It may print hello, world. But It may do something else.
2007-05-19.txt:17:17:35: <SimonRC> Feuermonster: ahh
2007-05-19.txt:17:20:02: <Feuermonster> <- Interpreter for windows.
2007-05-19.txt:17:20:21: <Feuermonster> You can write some 0 in the TexBox and click NULL it.
2007-05-19.txt:17:20:31: <Feuermonster> You can write more than one 0.
2007-05-19.txt:17:27:35: <Feuermonster>
2007-05-19.txt:17:39:00: <Feuermonster> Each 0 is a random operationen.
2007-05-19.txt:18:07:28: <Feuermonster> Its VisualBasic.
2007-05-19.txt:18:07:54: <Feuermonster>
2007-05-19.txt:18:08:02: <Feuermonster> Now it is pasted as VB
2007-05-19.txt:18:53:24: <Pikhq> Feuermonster: Why VB?
2007-05-19.txt:18:57:02: <Feuermonster> VB is the easiest language.
2007-05-19.txt:18:57:06: <Feuermonster> And has RAID:
2007-05-19.txt:18:57:10: <Feuermonster> -: +.
2007-05-19.txt:18:57:33: <Feuermonster> So I can make a GUI.
2007-05-19.txt:18:57:59: <Feuermonster> I cant even read a C++ Programm.
2007-05-19.txt:19:00:27: <Feuermonster> Nearly every esoteric language is easier to learn than C++.
2007-05-19.txt:19:02:13: <Feuermonster> No. It's because, you need to include headers.
2007-05-19.txt:19:02:49: <Feuermonster> And you cant write if(foo.Find("foo"))
2007-05-19.txt:19:03:10: <Feuermonster> you need something like if (!(foo.Find("foo") = std::npos))
2007-05-19.txt:19:06:36: <Feuermonster> You need a lot of lines just to make  if(foo.Contain("foo")) Then foo = foo.Replace("foo","fooo) in C++
2007-05-19.txt:19:06:53: <Feuermonster> +s
2007-05-19.txt:19:06:59: <Feuermonster> +"
2007-05-19.txt:19:17:18: <Feuermonster> Anyway, I wouldnt know, how to write OIIEFAVGEL in C++
2007-05-19.txt:19:19:42: <Feuermonster> .oO(I dont know how to write anything in C++)
2007-05-19.txt:19:21:06: <Feuermonster> OIIEFAVGEL = one instruction is enough for a very good esoteric language
2007-05-19.txt:19:31:13: <Feuermonster> Thats just the source of the parsing
2007-05-19.txt:19:31:56: <Feuermonster> ToParse = TextBox.Text
2007-05-19.txt:19:34:24: <Feuermonster> But, then, you can write mor than just 0.
2007-05-19.txt:19:34:56: <Feuermonster> in OIIEFAVGEL there is only one valid character: 0
2007-05-19.txt:19:37:24: <Feuermonster> It's just a "joke language". You cant make any "good" Programms with OIIEFAVGEL.
2007-05-19.txt:19:38:12: <Feuermonster> paste the code with
2007-05-19.txt:19:38:34: <bsmntbombdood> Feuermonster: it was only one line
2007-05-19.txt:19:39:47: <Feuermonster> But, that doesnt make anything.
2007-05-19.txt:19:39:58: <Feuermonster> And what?
2007-05-19.txt:19:40:05: <Feuermonster> It cant print out anything.
2007-05-19.txt:21:24:41: -!- Feuermonster has quit ().
2007-05-29.txt:23:42:16: <SimonRC> ehird`: oh gods I have created you as a monster in my own image
2007-07-21.txt:05:22:04: <RodgerTheGreat> on an unrelated note, I've come up with a bunch of monsters and things for the player and fluffy, his faithful genetically engineered pencil-sharpener, to face in my RPG:
2007-08-02.txt:19:59:51: <oerjan> ehird` is clearly related to norwegian "uhyre", monster.
2007-08-03.txt:15:16:50: <ehird`> It's a flood monster.
2007-08-07.txt:09:32:31: -!- Feuermonster has joined #esoteric.
2007-08-07.txt:10:12:02: <Feuermonster> !++++++++++[>++++++<-]>+++++.
2007-08-07.txt:10:35:31: <Feuermonster> Exists a source of a bf compiler?
2007-08-07.txt:10:45:22: <Feuermonster> I thought, I could translate it to C++ and compile it (extern) with a very small C++ Compiler.
2007-08-07.txt:10:45:37: <Feuermonster> But til now, i did not find a small c++ compiler.
2007-08-07.txt:10:47:05: <Feuermonster> In the best way, it should be one .exe.
2007-08-07.txt:10:47:38: <Feuermonster> (And can be started with command lines.)
2007-08-07.txt:10:47:42: <Feuermonster> Like gcc foo.c
2007-08-07.txt:10:48:40: <Feuermonster> But gcc is not very comfortable for my use.
2007-08-07.txt:16:26:40: -!- Feuermonster has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2007-08-19.txt:21:45:33: <Eidolos> GregorR: you've created a monster!
2007-08-19.txt:22:43:54: <Gurami> How does fit in?
2007-08-19.txt:22:44:24: <relix> the marshmallows are the desert after the meal that is the flying spaghetti monster?
2007-10-18.txt:00:13:27: <oklopol> i haven't actually seen a hentai *movie* with tentacle monsters, i might enjoy that, dunno
2007-11-04.txt:01:04:35: <oerjan> a monster hiding in your code, growing..
2007-12-17.txt:23:15:48: <Slereah> Maybe you could include that gravirrific monster from... Final Fantasy?
2008-01-05.txt:22:02:36: <Slereah> A loop could be casting a spell on a monster with n health point, until he's dead! :o
2008-01-05.txt:22:04:11: <Slereah> You have this monster.
2008-01-05.txt:22:05:22: <Hiato> and summon a monster
2008-01-05.txt:22:05:56: <Slereah> He summons input monsters, and random number monster encounter!
2008-01-05.txt:22:09:29: <Slereah> But it's true that it would be better to include NPC's, instead of just monster grinding.
2008-01-05.txt:22:10:44: <Slereah> Monster and object variables from the DM, and actions from the hero
2008-01-05.txt:22:11:29: <Slereah> The general words "monster" and "object" would be a cue for input
2008-01-05.txt:22:11:38: <Slereah> "A monster appear!"
2008-01-05.txt:22:12:02: <Slereah> While specific monsters would be values without requiring input
2008-01-05.txt:22:12:26: <Hiato> each monster is the value of it's XP
2008-01-16.txt:22:09:55: <ehird`> but anyway this is all wrong, because the flying spaghetti monster is real
2008-01-27.txt:21:22:02: <GregorR> Flying SPAGhetti Monster?
2008-01-27.txt:21:24:58: <Asztal> Hmm, apparently "the Flying Spaghetti Monster is often used by atheists, agnostics (known by Pastafarians as "spagnostics"), and others as a modern version of Russell's teapot"
2008-01-27.txt:21:38:14: <Asztal> soon my Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster shall arrive... :)
2008-03-08.txt:20:23:38: <SimonRC> hehehe  "Indeed, if we look at transcripts of Sesame Monsters speech, it is remarkable how transparent it is.   Sesame Monsters are almost obsessively focused on the sorts of tasks or skill sets that a frugivore needs to find food - They are fascinated with the difference between one thing and another, with distinguishing objects from groups, they're obsessed with timing, with location, with finding, with counting."
2008-03-29.txt:16:07:41: <ehird> and if you think svn's user interface is nice I don't know what kind of monster you are
2008-04-28.txt:00:02:34: <Sgeo> You reawoke the PSOX monster!
2008-04-28.txt:13:51:35: <ehird_> it's like frankenstein's monster
2008-04-28.txt:13:51:52: <ais523> ehird_: no, frankenstein's monster is a Nomic rule
2008-04-29.txt:18:09:51: <Slereah> YOU MONSTER
2008-05-01.txt:23:59:07: <sauxdado> Slereah_: consider a Quake clone where you have a list of options of which monster to kill.
2008-05-03.txt:14:03:09: <ehird> olsner: i don't think the flying spaghetti monster really cares all that much
2008-05-23.txt:04:36:08: <RodgerTheGreat> this is an awesome idea. Children's drawings interpreted realistically:
2008-05-26.txt:18:35:28: <ehird> get the monster rule to power 2!!!
2008-05-26.txt:18:48:02: <ehird> We asked the oracle, “What would life be like without THE MONSTER?”  ...and the oracle responded: “asdf”
2008-06-06.txt:21:30:32: <Hiato> it's a monster...
2008-06-08.txt:21:26:12: <tusho> 97=FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER
2008-06-08.txt:21:26:30: <tusho> if c == 'a': # c = flying spaghetti monster
2008-06-17.txt:17:05:07: <tusho> you should totally monsterify the winning rule next
2008-06-17.txt:17:05:09: <tusho> so that we can win by monster
2008-06-17.txt:17:05:20: <ais523> tusho: I have to monsterify rules at random
2008-06-18.txt:01:52:26: <Dewi> oklofok: hmm... in guild wars there are a few things you can find out in the middle of nowhere, with no advantage to finding them - strange fortresses with tough monsters guarding nothing at all, the corpses of a beast and a carriage lying in the snow...
2008-06-24.txt:15:54:12: <AnMaster> iirc there is one, some quad-core monster from intel or amd
2008-06-25.txt:00:39:44: <Phenax> if u dont send dis mesage to 40 ppl be4 u go to bed a monster will eat u when u sleep i am not jking
2008-06-25.txt:00:40:57: <oerjan> That's it, if I get eaten by a monster tonight YOU WILL HEAR FROM MY LAWYER
2008-06-29.txt:00:39:28: <oerjan> no! evil subversive monster felines!
2008-07-04.txt:19:37:44: <tusho> I HAVE CREATED A MONSTER
2008-07-14.txt:22:11:24: <tusho> ais523: I am basing this on the psychological theory "sleep deprivation makes you an awesome monster of amazing"
2008-08-08.txt:18:25:17: <optbot> tusho: Plot Outline: In the middle of her family's move to the suburbs, a sullen 10-year-old girl wanders into a world ruled by witches and monsters, where humans are changed into animals.
2008-08-12.txt:19:11:49: <oklopol> well, there's this monster that eats a town full of people about every 10000 years.
2008-08-12.txt:19:12:25: <oklopol> cuz, the monster has decided to eat them ofc
2008-08-12.txt:19:12:48: <oklopol> the monster looks kinda like a butterfly, and can shoot massive fireballs, apparently.
2008-08-12.txt:19:15:02: <Deewiant> oklopol: maybe one of ?
2008-09-03.txt:14:02:11: <fizzie> The paper path in that monster of a copier is probably several miles long. Well, not really, but it's still an imposing thing. At least printers are smaller than I am, I don't feel quite so threatened by them.
2008-09-06.txt:21:09:44: <GreyKnight> OkloThePol: "oklob plants" are a dastardly and widely-feared monster from the game Crawl (see ##crawl)
2008-09-08.txt:19:45:03: <ais523> also different monsters have different speeds
2008-09-08.txt:19:45:23: <tusho> i am just calling the period where the 1-turn-moving monsters are still a 'turn'
2008-09-12.txt:01:00:57: <tusho> ead. After quenching his bloodthirst, something truly special happened. Jibbedybob so the Loch Ness Monster decided to rape everyone. But Jibbedybob reveal himself to the man - the hot, sweaty man - SUDDENLY - all the sex was used up. So Jibbedybob bought some more at a convenience store. THE END
2008-09-21.txt:12:45:57: <Slereah_> Is Korea often invaded by furry monsters?
2008-09-21.txt:12:56:07: <tusho> HanDongSeong: so wait, was it furries or furry monsters
2008-09-24.txt:21:13:34: <tusho> "*creates hideous monster*"
2008-10-19.txt:16:13:54: <ehird> Globby, goey, like... a gloopy
2008-10-23.txt:15:04:18: <ehird> and that an ascii art picture of the cookie monster is the word "Monster"
2008-10-23.txt:15:06:47: <ehird> AnMaster: mad scientist is an agora office that every week publishes a proposal to add to the Monster rule, a few sentences from a randomly selected rule with a certain noun replaced with Monster throughout
2008-10-23.txt:15:07:10: <ehird> i replaced the whale with an ascii art cookie monster
2008-10-29.txt:22:43:42: <fungot> fizzie: not bad. i think i should just sell or give away all the monsters and hit points and other silliness
2008-11-11.txt:17:20:35: <ais523> does that include Flying Spaghetti Monsterism?
2008-12-18.txt:22:16:41: <oerjan> it's the bathtub monster from Rose is Rose
2008-12-21.txt:22:30:09: <Slereah_> Happy like a frankenstein monster
2008-12-23.txt:16:37:03: <Slereah_> You're a monster
2008-12-28.txt:16:54:17: <mib_ub9ay1> "A Rare Blend of Monster Raving Egomania and Utter Batshit Insanity" -- on Wolfram-ANewKindofScience,
2009-01-25.txt:19:15:14: <AnMaster> ... maybe the flying spaghetti monster?
2009-02-17.txt:21:14:50: * AnMaster invites oklopol to ##flyingspaghettimonster
2009-02-21.txt:02:39:26: <shapr> I just had a monster fried steak sub, so I am sated.
2009-02-23.txt:01:41:07: * oerjan realizes he has created a monster
2009-02-28.txt:16:37:08: <ehird> oh god. I just created a monster.
2009-02-28.txt:17:12:17: <ehird> nobody wants to inquire about my monster i see ;P
2009-02-28.txt:17:14:17: <ehird> oh, not that monster.
2009-02-28.txt:21:44:30: <oerjan> in countries older than the USA the tunnels have evolved assorted monsters and stuff so it's not safe to go into them.  iirc.
2009-02-28.txt:21:45:55: <oklopol> because i never see any monsters here in the sewers.
2009-03-16.txt:18:42:32: <AnMaster> Qsztql <-- looks like a monster in nethack?
2009-03-16.txt:18:46:14: <fizzie> But that's a god, not a monster.
2009-03-16.txt:18:47:45: <fizzie> Quetzalcoatl is the feathered snake. And couatl is a D&D monster that refers to that, and has the A symbol. So it's probably that.
2009-03-16.txt:18:48:04: <AnMaster> fizzie, what about "couatl" <Rodney> a[4]: Monster: 'A'  angelic beings: couatl, Aleax, Angel, ki-rin, Archon
2009-03-17.txt:19:48:50: <AnMaster> Monsterous Regiment (paper back): 494 pages
2009-03-21.txt:19:11:58: <ehird>
2009-03-23.txt:22:35:07: <AnMaster> monsters*
2009-03-23.txt:23:59:24: <AnMaster> lament, where did fantasy monsters enter into it?
2009-03-24.txt:00:03:53: <AnMaster> btw what is "lich" in Swedish? I mean, when talking about the fantasy monster
2009-03-24.txt:19:25:52: <zzo38> I am in the process of writing IRC bot as well, called pocket monster IRC. It allows you to play pocket monster IRC
2009-03-24.txt:19:47:22: <zzo38> I want to know if anyone is interested in pocket monster IRC and if you have requests
2009-03-24.txt:19:48:14: <ais523_> more worrying for me is the fact that pocket monster correctly abbreviates to pokémon in both English and Japanese
2009-03-24.txt:19:48:41: <zzo38> Yes, "pokemon" is a abbreviation of the Japanese words "poketto monsutaa" which means "pocket monster"
2009-03-25.txt:01:03:27: <ehird> 12) Although it is entirely possible to use SCPs currently under control of the Foundation to create tentacle monsters, no.
2009-03-27.txt:18:04:08: <zzo38> I just want to try some of the features of PocketMonsterIRC. Send a message to it with a command that you want. Only some command support so far: + - * / rnd
2009-03-27.txt:18:04:47: <zzo38> ais523: PocketMonsterIRC
2009-03-27.txt:18:05:30: <zzo38> For example: PRIVMSG PocketMonsterIRC :rnd 2d6+1
2009-03-27.txt:18:09:38: <zzo38> There are reasons I don't. But when you tell the bot what channel you want it will automatically join any channels that any users have told PocketMonsterIRC to join (for public dice rolls or for watching a pocket monster game going on between two users)
2009-03-27.txt:18:11:33: <ais523> ehird: PocketMonsterIRC already replies with NOTICE
2009-03-27.txt:18:16:15: -!- zzo38 has quit ("I told PocketMonsterIRC to also quit.").
2009-03-27.txt:18:33:53: -!- PocketMonsterIRC has joined #esoteric.
2009-03-27.txt:18:35:27: <zzo38> Now I implemented "join" in PocketMonsterIRC so you can roll publicly. Once I finished implement pocket monster game it will be you can watch the game also, but only the things that are allowed to be public (for example, percentage of HP but not the exact value, unless the option tells you that both players are allowed to know the exact value)
2009-03-27.txt:18:36:07: <zzo38> Just try PRIVMSG PocketMonsterIRC :join #esoteric
2009-03-27.txt:18:36:16: <zzo38> And then PRIVMSG PocketMonsterIRC :ro 2d6+1
2009-03-27.txt:18:36:31: <ais523> <-> PocketMonsterIRC> join #esoteric
2009-03-27.txt:18:37:45: <ais523> so people on non-telnet clients don't have to type out /msg PocketMonsterIRC every time they say something
2009-03-27.txt:18:38:42: <zzo38> And PocketMonsterIRC will tell the type of dice to the channel if you do public roll dice
2009-03-27.txt:18:39:01: <ehird> you have to type /msg PocketMonsterIRC all the time
2009-03-27.txt:18:42:47: <zzo38> Just send something like "join channel" and "prefix ,," to PocketMonsterIRC, and then any message you send to that channel if it starts with two commas it will remove the two comma and handle it as a message from you.
2009-03-27.txt:18:49:02: <ais523> [17:34] [Notice] -PocketMonsterIRC to #esoteric- zzo38:ro 2d6+1 3 = 6; 4; 7
2009-03-27.txt:18:59:01: -!- PocketMonsterIRC has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
2009-03-27.txt:18:59:09: -!- zzo38 has quit ("OK I will work on PocketMonsterIRC more").
2009-03-28.txt:23:17:57: <fizzie> That wikia-nethack-thing has some very "practical" methods for troll removal: "Completely fill the level with monsters so that the troll has nowhere to revive."
2009-04-07.txt:21:12:42: <oklopol_> Deewiant: you heartless monster
2009-04-09.txt:17:51:54: <ehird>
2009-04-20.txt:17:02:34: <oerjan> ehird:
2009-04-21.txt:20:38:28: <ehird> it'd just be nice to have apps start up without bothering the noisy, slow (yet big) mechanical monster
2009-04-22.txt:19:07:59: <ehird> MONSTER CABLE FOR YOUR KEYBOARD
2009-04-22.txt:19:08:34: <ehird> Deewiant: You're not srsly saying you think highly of Monster Cable?
2009-04-22.txt:19:08:43: <Deewiant> Monster Cable is a company?
2009-04-22.txt:19:09:06: <ehird> Also, sue people for using the name "Monster".
2009-04-22.txt:19:09:15: <ehird> Because they invented the word monster, see.
2009-04-22.txt:19:10:37: <fizzie> Yes, well, Monster Cable sells "faster" HDMI cables too.
2009-04-25.txt:18:41:19: <nooga> i just thought maybe since vanlig = animal and ovanling = monster? then oflicka would mean monster too ;d
2009-04-25.txt:22:58:53: <ehird> It's completely useless, it has a silly name, and it's given equal prominence to the only useful button. The day it goes is the day Google finally becomes an unfun corporate monster.
2009-04-29.txt:22:23:24: <fizzie> My iBook! You're saying it's dead! You monster!
2009-05-11.txt:20:45:11: <ehird> It depends on using Monster(TM) Cable(R)s.
2009-05-14.txt:18:56:56: <GregorR> I remember a "management utility" that represented all of your processes as monsters in IIRC the Doom engine.
2009-05-14.txt:18:58:44: <ehird> 18:56 GregorR: I remember a "management utility" that represented all of your processes as monsters in IIRC the Doom engine.
2009-05-15.txt:23:07:37: <AnMaster> A new noble seeks to clear a patch of wilderness of all monsters.  <-- sounds like most computer RPGs/adventure games
2009-05-15.txt:23:08:38: <zzo38> You are right. But now I added a second one. <A new noble seeks to stop another new noble from clearing a patch of wilderness of all monsters> in addition to keeping the other one also
2009-05-15.txt:23:16:42: <zzo38> Many people want to play you have to kill everyone and steal their stuff but D&D is not a computer game! If you want to kill some monsters or whatever and steal their stuff, you should hire murderers and thieves, not adventureres
2009-05-20.txt:21:11:19: <fizzie> The heatpipes get bonus points for looking like some sort of tentacle monster.
2009-05-21.txt:23:40:58: <ehird> AnMaster: Did you also know: the flying spaghetti monster doesn't really exist?
2009-05-23.txt:22:53:31: <zzo38> I can send messages to PocketMonsterIRC on Freenode and also multiple widnows I have connected is that because of the same address or something like that?
2009-05-24.txt:12:05:14: -!- Feuermonster has joined #esoteric.
2009-05-24.txt:12:08:43: -!- Feuermonster has quit ("Lost terminal").
2009-05-28.txt:07:24:26: <zzo38> It isn't intended to be pokemon. (For pokemon games I have PocketMonsterIRC)
2009-05-31.txt:20:54:46: <AnMaster> ehird, are you still getting that speed monster too
2009-05-31.txt:20:55:17: <ehird> AnMaster: The speed monster is what I'm watercooling w/ that gigantic passive radiator.
2009-06-02.txt:11:38:10: <AnMaster> I'm not suggesting "monstercable" style here. Just good shielded cable
2009-06-02.txt:21:14:45: <jix> and maybe do something that allows monster programs to be "compiled" faster
2009-06-07.txt:01:29:36: <ehird>
2009-06-12.txt:00:38:39: <zzo38> POCKET MONSTER  PHILOSOPHICAL LEVEL  111
2009-06-16.txt:08:37:08: <fungot> immibis: all monsters are created evil, thieves' guilds, syndicates and similar organisations. this feline predator ( _panthera onca_) is the power of wading through the depths of the dead, air and wind, odin rides through the air. according to zarathustra, is described in snorri's _edda_ as being " pleasing and handsome in appearance, they fly from us. we've got brains. we are fools" ( aesop's fables)
2009-06-29.txt:17:48:03: <zzo38> There is a command to make PocketMonsterIRC appear in whatever channel you want.
2009-06-29.txt:17:48:48: <GregorR-L> If anybody uses that command to bring PocketMonsterIRC here, they will suffer the wrath of many angry esoers :P
2009-06-29.txt:17:51:07: <zzo38> Well, it won't work now anyways, because PocketMonsterIRC is not connected
2009-06-30.txt:20:58:17: <Zuu> AnMaster, apparently its a monster called Zuu (from some game)
2009-06-30.txt:20:58:39: <zid> any using monsters from mythology
2009-06-30.txt:21:00:27: <Zuu> GregorR is a monster from.... erhm, real life!
2009-07-12.txt:00:16:58: <ehird> We swear off such Foul demons as that monster "G-H-C-I".
2009-07-14.txt:16:01:34: <ehird> GregorR-L: have you ever been a monster?
2009-07-18.txt:15:55:32: <ehird> ← "Here we go: corporate brand design, the Pokémon edition."
2009-07-20.txt:20:02:33: <ehird> lol@bottomright bit about the loch ness monster
2009-07-24.txt:23:40:22: <ehird> I'm just saying that $2,000 gets you a nice high-end rig; it doesn't get you a gigantic monster of computing rampage.
2009-08-02.txt:05:37:18: <pikhq> You just got one-upped.
2009-08-02.txt:19:21:30: <ais523> I think that's how NetBattle (presumably the 'pocket monster IRC' that zzo38 used) works
2009-08-05.txt:20:38:26: <ehird> i.e. optimise for paths that avoid interacting with monsters
2009-08-11.txt:21:40:12: <ais523> assuming no monsters have a potion of acid on them, which is very unlikely, you can destroy the whole castle like that more or less
2009-08-11.txt:21:40:29: <ais523> and you don't need to elbereth your square, apart from monsters in the moat none of them will get near yo
2009-08-11.txt:22:03:18: <ais523> as a valk, going beyond 14 is inadvisable because it helps the monsters more than it helps you
2009-08-11.txt:22:03:23: <ais523> (harder monsters spawn the more powerful you are)
2009-08-16.txt:01:35:50: <ehird> Flying Spaghetti Monster is a NWO Illuminati conspiracy !
2009-08-19.txt:23:49:25: <ehird> "It's the other kind of VM: Vomiting Monsters"
2009-08-20.txt:21:45:03: <Sgeo_> Come to think of it, it would be on the same level as fighting monsters that guard the information you want. It's extending entertainment in such a way that it blocks productive use.
2009-08-22.txt:16:11:06: <ais523> and NetHack AIs are rarely pacifist, although Planar's more cautious of monsters than most
2009-08-25.txt:12:55:30: <ehird> "I started the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. AMA"
2009-08-26.txt:19:19:57: <ehird2> hideous monster beetle on trial for ... something to do with amerika
2009-08-29.txt:17:31:30: <ehird> "Monster.Dildo.Cocks.XXX.DVDrip.XviD-GraceNotes" —reddit
2009-08-29.txt:17:44:03: <GregorR> "Monster dildo cocks"
2009-08-29.txt:17:44:23: <GregorR> Or are there monster dildos and cocks?
2009-08-29.txt:17:44:29: <GregorR> Or are both the dildos and cocks monster?
2009-08-29.txt:17:44:50: <ehird> They are monster dildo cocks.
2009-08-29.txt:17:45:38: <ehird> `addquote <GregorR> ??? <GregorR> Are the cocks actually just implanted dildos? <GregorR> Or are there monster dildos and cocks? <GregorR> Or are both the dildos and cocks monster?
2009-08-29.txt:17:45:39: <HackEgo> 78|<GregorR> ??? <GregorR> Are the cocks actually just implanted dildos? <GregorR> Or are there monster dildos and cocks? <GregorR> Or are both the dildos and cocks monster?
2009-08-30.txt:12:22:09: <AnMaster> "Lenovo's W700ds is a monster machine for sure; a freakish implementation of a power-user's wishlist created with little regard for practical concerns like portability or cost." <-- nice summary.
2009-09-05.txt:22:34:57: <fungot> ais523: see? i like marle better than " princess,' the chosen time has come! he's strong and he's gonna thrash those monsters! yea! is it?
2009-09-06.txt:16:25:49: <ehird> Flying Spaghetti Monster
2009-09-10.txt:02:03:20: <ehird> OTOH, my dad at least used to have a once-a-monster Pentium 4 really-tall workstation tower thingy, which he did audio editing on using some old version of Pro Tools (so quite a heavy workload), and it had Me and never crashed
2009-09-14.txt:22:19:52: <ais523> no, it's an approximation for monster routing
2009-09-14.txt:22:20:17: <ais523> as in, we're trying to predict where enemy monsters will go
2009-09-14.txt:22:20:36: <ais523> and it's better to guess wrong in a way that gives the monsters more places to move to, than one that doesn't
2009-09-15.txt:04:52:43: <GregorR> Aug 29 12:31:30 <ehird> "Monster.Dildo.Cocks.XXX.DVDrip.XviD-GraceNotes" —reddit <-- I thought this was a confusing name for a porn vid!
2009-09-15.txt:04:53:21: <HackEgo> 78|<GregorR> ??? <GregorR> Are the cocks actually just implanted dildos? <GregorR> Or are there monster dildos and cocks? <GregorR> Or are both the dildos and cocks monster?
2009-09-15.txt:04:54:17: <GregorR> Monster.Dildo.Cocks.XXX.DVDrip.XviD-GraceNotes
2009-09-15.txt:04:54:47: <coppro> Monster
2009-09-15.txt:04:55:26: <ehird> That still doesn't explain Monster. :P
2009-09-15.txt:04:55:49: <GregorR> I assume the dildos are monster.
2009-09-15.txt:04:56:11: <ehird> Like, shaped like the penis of a monster?
2009-09-15.txt:04:56:14: <ehird> Define "monster"!
2009-09-15.txt:04:56:21: <GregorR> `define monster
2009-09-15.txt:08:32:30: <AnMaster> ais523, does TAEB track info about currently out of sight monsters? Like, it just went up stairs and below there is a black dragon next to the stairs, it will calculate with that if it decides to go down again?
2009-09-15.txt:08:38:22: <AnMaster> ais523, I have been thinking about that myself, one one hand it is better to save it, until you run into a bad monster (since you can't know which one you will run into first), on the other hand, messages like "one of your scrolls of genocide catch fire" really sucks
2009-09-17.txt:00:51:28: <zzo38> On Sunday, I played D&D. My character, and a monster, teleported into the exact center of a building, and there was a kitchen there, with a fire elemental cooking something. Now my question is, how would *you* act in this situation? (I have some idea but maybe you are different?)
2009-09-28.txt:21:52:08: <fungot> ehird: but, we are far outnumbered!!! the monster who kidnapped the princess to the castle!
2009-10-05.txt:03:29:25: <ehird> What language? I'm happy to run it on this 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo... not exactly a monster machine, but presumably rather faster.
2009-10-15.txt:11:41:17: <ais523> one thing I'm wondering about is a list of ambiguous monsters
2009-10-15.txt:11:46:07: <ais523> it seems that AngBand has a mechanic like this, where , could indicate a door, a mushroom (item), or a mushroom (monster)
2009-10-16.txt:16:10:17: <ehird> Mönster?! What monster?
2009-10-16.txt:17:01:20: <AnMaster> <ehird> Mönster?! What monster?
2009-10-18.txt:17:14:18: <oerjan> the monster!
2009-10-23.txt:22:32:02: <fungot> Oranjer: see? i like marle better than " princess,' the chosen time has come! he's strong and he's gonna thrash those monsters! yea! is it?
2009-10-26.txt:04:56:49: <HackEgo> 78|<GregorR> ??? <GregorR> Are the cocks actually just implanted dildos? <GregorR> Or are there monster dildos and cocks? <GregorR> Or are both the dildos and cocks monster?
2009-10-26.txt:05:10:03: <HackEgo> 78|<GregorR> ??? <GregorR> Are the cocks actually just implanted dildos? <GregorR> Or are there monster dildos and cocks? <GregorR> Or are both the dildos and cocks monster?
2009-10-28.txt:18:31:07: <fungot> Oranjer1: we are looking, but well behaved! crono!!! the monster who kidnapped the princess to the castle! and letting these...hoodlums in here? traitors like you deserve from heckran! ha!! gotcha!
2009-10-28.txt:18:56:14: <fungot> fizzie: we are looking, but well behaved! crono!!! the monster who kidnapped the princess to the castle!
2009-10-28.txt:22:05:56: <fungot> fax: we are looking, but well behaved! crono!!! the monster who kidnapped the princess to the castle!
2009-10-29.txt:04:16:44: <fungot> fax: we must do it to save you! who the heck are you?! c'mon!!! the monster who kidnapped the princess to the castle! and letting these...hoodlums in here? traitors like you deserve from heckran! ha!
2009-10-29.txt:22:20:49: <fungot> Oranjer: we are looking, but well behaved! crono!!! the monster who kidnapped the princess to the castle!
2009-10-29.txt:22:20:49: <fungot> Oranjer: but, we are far outnumbered!!! the monster who kidnapped the princess to the castle! and letting these...hoodlums in here? traitors like you deserve from heckran! ha!
2009-11-11.txt:16:13:56: <ais523> zzo38's a big pocket monsters IRC fan
[too many lines; stopping]