view share/lua/5.2/luarocks/manif.lua @ 3026:c8ea00fb641d

<shachaf> addquote <mnoqy> the theory\'s probably not bad, but calculus is one of those things that\'s so dang applicable that everyone only ever talks about how to apply it and compute with it and uuuuurgh(barf) <mnoqy> so i stay away from it
author HackBot
date Sun, 02 Jun 2013 04:42:47 +0000
parents d137f631bad5
line wrap: on
line source

--- Module for handling manifest files and tables.
-- Manifest files describe the contents of a LuaRocks tree or server.
-- They are loaded into manifest tables, which are then used for
-- performing searches, matching dependencies, etc.
module("luarocks.manif", package.seeall)

local manif_core = require("luarocks.manif_core")
local persist = require("luarocks.persist")
local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
local search = require("")
local util = require("luarocks.util")
local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
local path = require("luarocks.path")
local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
local deps = require("luarocks.deps")

rock_manifest_cache = {}

--- Commit a table to disk in given local path.
-- @param where string: The directory where the table should be saved.
-- @param name string: The filename.
-- @param tbl table: The table to be saved.
-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true if successful, or nil and a
-- message in case of errors.
local function save_table(where, name, tbl)
   assert(type(where) == "string")
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(tbl) == "table")

   local filename = dir.path(where, name)
   local ok, err = persist.save_from_table(filename..".tmp", tbl)
   if ok then
      ok, err = fs.replace_file(filename, filename..".tmp")
   return ok, err

function load_rock_manifest(name, version, root)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")

   local name_version = name.."/"..version
   if rock_manifest_cache[name_version] then
      return rock_manifest_cache[name_version].rock_manifest
   local pathname = path.rock_manifest_file(name, version, root)
   local rock_manifest = persist.load_into_table(pathname)
   if not rock_manifest then return nil end
   rock_manifest_cache[name_version] = rock_manifest
   return rock_manifest.rock_manifest

function make_rock_manifest(name, version)
   local install_dir = path.install_dir(name, version)
   local rock_manifest = path.rock_manifest_file(name, version)
   local tree = {}
   for _, file in ipairs(fs.find(install_dir)) do
      local full_path = dir.path(install_dir, file)
      local walk = tree
      local last
      local last_name
      for name in file:gmatch("[^/]+") do
         local next = walk[name]
         if not next then
            next = {}
            walk[name] = next
         last = walk
         last_name = name
         walk = next
      if fs.is_file(full_path) then
         last[last_name] = fs.get_md5(full_path)
   local rock_manifest = { rock_manifest=tree }
   rock_manifest_cache[name.."/"..version] = rock_manifest
   save_table(install_dir, "rock_manifest", rock_manifest )

--- Load a local or remote manifest describing a repository.
-- All functions that use manifest tables assume they were obtained
-- through either this function or load_local_manifest.
-- @param repo_url string: URL or pathname for the repository.
-- @return table or (nil, string, [string]): A table representing the manifest,
-- or nil followed by an error message and an optional error code.
function load_manifest(repo_url)
   assert(type(repo_url) == "string")

   if manif_core.manifest_cache[repo_url] then
      return manif_core.manifest_cache[repo_url]

   local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(repo_url)
   if protocol == "file" then
      pathname = dir.path(pathname, "manifest")
      local url = dir.path(repo_url, "manifest")
      local name = repo_url:gsub("[/:]","_")
      local file, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_url_at_temp_dir(url, "luarocks-manifest-"
      if not file then
         return nil, "Failed fetching manifest for "..repo_url..(err and " - "..err or ""), errcode
      pathname = file
   return manif_core.manifest_loader(pathname, repo_url)

--- Output a table listing items of a package.
-- @param itemsfn function: a function for obtaining items of a package.
-- pkg and version will be passed to it; it should return a table with
-- items as keys.
-- @param pkg string: package name
-- @param version string: package version
-- @param tbl table: the package matching table: keys should be item names
-- and values arrays of strings with packages names in "name/version" format.
local function store_package_items(itemsfn, pkg, version, tbl)
   assert(type(itemsfn) == "function")
   assert(type(pkg) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   assert(type(tbl) == "table")

   local pkg_version = pkg.."/"..version
   local result = {}

   for item, path in pairs(itemsfn(pkg, version)) do
      result[item] = path
      if not tbl[item] then
         tbl[item] = {}
      table.insert(tbl[item], pkg_version)
   return result

--- Sort function for ordering rock identifiers in a manifest's
-- modules table. Rocks are ordered alphabetically by name, and then
-- by version which greater first.
-- @param a string: Version to compare.
-- @param b string: Version to compare.
-- @return boolean: The comparison result, according to the
-- rule outlined above.
local function sort_pkgs(a, b)
   assert(type(a) == "string")
   assert(type(b) == "string")

   local na, va = a:match("(.*)/(.*)$")
   local nb, vb = b:match("(.*)/(.*)$")

   return (na == nb) and deps.compare_versions(va, vb) or na < nb

--- Sort items of a package matching table by version number (higher versions first).
-- @param tbl table: the package matching table: keys should be strings
-- and values arrays of strings with packages names in "name/version" format.
local function sort_package_matching_table(tbl)
   assert(type(tbl) == "table")

   if next(tbl) then
      for item, pkgs in pairs(tbl) do
         if #pkgs > 1 then
            table.sort(pkgs, sort_pkgs)
            -- Remove duplicates from the sorted array.
            local prev = nil
            local i = 1
            while pkgs[i] do
               local curr = pkgs[i]
               if curr == prev then
                  table.remove(pkgs, i)
                  prev = curr
                  i = i + 1

--- Process the dependencies of a manifest table to determine its dependency
-- chains for loading modules. The manifest dependencies information is filled
-- and any dependency inconsistencies or missing dependencies are reported to
-- standard error.
-- @param manifest table: a manifest table.
local function update_dependencies(manifest, deps_mode)
   assert(type(manifest) == "table")
   assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")

   for pkg, versions in pairs(manifest.repository) do
      for version, repositories in pairs(versions) do
         local current = pkg.." "..version
         for _, repo in ipairs(repositories) do
            if repo.arch == "installed" then
               local missing
               repo.dependencies, missing = deps.scan_deps({}, {}, manifest, pkg, version, deps_mode)
               repo.dependencies[pkg] = nil
               if missing then
                  for miss, err in pairs(missing) do
                     if miss == current then
                        util.printerr("Tree inconsistency detected: "..current.." has no rockspec. "..err)
                        util.printerr("Missing dependency for "..pkg.." "..version..": "..miss)

--- Store search results in a manifest table.
-- @param results table: The search results as returned by search.disk_search.
-- @param manifest table: A manifest table (must contain repository, modules, commands tables).
-- It will be altered to include the search results.
-- @return boolean or (nil, string): true in case of success, or nil followed by an error message.
local function store_results(results, manifest, deps_mode)
   assert(type(results) == "table")
   assert(type(manifest) == "table")
   assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")

   for name, versions in pairs(results) do
      local pkgtable = manifest.repository[name] or {}
      for version, entries in pairs(versions) do
         local versiontable = {}
         for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do
            local entrytable = {}
            entrytable.arch = entry.arch
            if entry.arch == "installed" then
               local rock_manifest = load_rock_manifest(name, version)
               if not rock_manifest then
                  return nil, "rock_manifest file not found for "" "..version.." - not a LuaRocks 2 tree?"
               entrytable.modules = store_package_items(repos.package_modules, name, version, manifest.modules)
               entrytable.commands = store_package_items(repos.package_commands, name, version, manifest.commands)
            table.insert(versiontable, entrytable)
         pkgtable[version] = versiontable
      manifest.repository[name] = pkgtable
   update_dependencies(manifest, deps_mode)
   return true

--- Scan a LuaRocks repository and output a manifest file.
-- A file called 'manifest' will be written in the root of the given
-- repository directory.
-- @param repo A local repository directory.
-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if manifest was generated,
-- or nil and an error message.
function make_manifest(repo, deps_mode)
   assert(type(repo) == "string")
   assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")

   if deps_mode == "none" then deps_mode = cfg.deps_mode end

   if not fs.is_dir(repo) then
      return nil, "Cannot access repository at "..repo

   local query = search.make_query("")
   query.exact_name = false
   query.arch = "any"
   local results = search.disk_search(repo, query)
   local manifest = { repository = {}, modules = {}, commands = {} }
   manif_core.manifest_cache[repo] = manifest

   local ok, err = store_results(results, manifest, deps_mode)
   if not ok then return nil, err end

   return save_table(repo, "manifest", manifest)

--- Load a manifest file from a local repository and add to the repository
-- information with regard to the given name and version.
-- A file called 'manifest' will be written in the root of the given
-- repository directory.
-- @param name string: Name of a package from the repository.
-- @param version string: Version of a package from the repository.
-- @param repo string or nil: Pathname of a local repository. If not given,
-- the default local repository configured as cfg.rocks_dir is used.
-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if manifest was generated,
-- or nil and an error message.
function update_manifest(name, version, repo, deps_mode)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   repo = path.rocks_dir(repo or cfg.root_dir)
   assert(type(deps_mode) == "string")
   if deps_mode == "none" then deps_mode = cfg.deps_mode end

   util.printout("Updating manifest for "..repo)

   local manifest, err = load_manifest(repo)
   if not manifest then
      util.printerr("No existing manifest. Attempting to rebuild...")
      local ok, err = make_manifest(repo, deps_mode)
      if not ok then
         return nil, err
      manifest, err = load_manifest(repo)
      if not manifest then
         return nil, err

   local results = {[name] = {[version] = {{arch = "installed", repo = repo}}}}

   local ok, err = store_results(results, manifest, deps_mode)
   if not ok then return nil, err end

   return save_table(repo, "manifest", manifest)

local function find_providers(file, root)
   assert(type(file) == "string")
   root = root or cfg.root_dir

   local manifest, err = manif_core.load_local_manifest(path.rocks_dir(root))
   if not manifest then
      return nil, err .. " -- corrupted local rocks tree?"
   local deploy_bin = path.deploy_bin_dir(root)
   local deploy_lua = path.deploy_lua_dir(root)
   local deploy_lib = path.deploy_lib_dir(root)
   local key, manifest_tbl

   if util.starts_with(file, deploy_lua) then
      manifest_tbl = manifest.modules
      key = path.path_to_module(file:sub(#deploy_lua+1):gsub("\\", "/"))
   elseif util.starts_with(file, deploy_lib) then
      manifest_tbl = manifest.modules
      key = path.path_to_module(file:sub(#deploy_lib+1):gsub("\\", "/"))
   elseif util.starts_with(file, deploy_bin) then
      manifest_tbl = manifest.commands
      key = file:sub(#deploy_bin+1):gsub("^[\\/]*", "")
      assert(false, "Assertion failed: '"..file.."' is not a deployed file.")

   local providers = manifest_tbl[key]
   if not providers then
      return nil, "untracked"
   return providers

--- Given a path of a deployed file, figure out which rock name and version
-- correspond to it in the tree manifest.
-- @param file string: The full path of a deployed file.
-- @param root string or nil: A local root dir for a rocks tree. If not given, the default is used.
-- @return string, string: name and version of the provider rock.
function find_current_provider(file, root)
   local providers, err = find_providers(file, root)
   if not providers then return nil, err end
   return providers[1]:match("([^/]*)/([^/]*)")

function find_next_provider(file, root)
   local providers, err = find_providers(file, root)
   if not providers then return nil, err end
   if providers[2] then
      return providers[2]:match("([^/]*)/([^/]*)")
      return nil