view share/lua/5.2/luarocks/fetch/git.lua @ 3026:c8ea00fb641d

<shachaf> addquote <mnoqy> the theory\'s probably not bad, but calculus is one of those things that\'s so dang applicable that everyone only ever talks about how to apply it and compute with it and uuuuurgh(barf) <mnoqy> so i stay away from it
author HackBot
date Sun, 02 Jun 2013 04:42:47 +0000
parents d137f631bad5
line wrap: on
line source

--- Fetch back-end for retrieving sources from GIT.
module("luarocks.fetch.git", package.seeall)

local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
local util = require("luarocks.util")

--- Git >= 1.7.10 can clone a branch **or tag**, < 1.7.10 by branch only. We
-- need to know this in order to build the appropriate command; if we can't
-- clone by tag then we'll have to issue a subsequent command to check out the
-- given tag.
-- @return boolean: Whether Git can clone by tag.
local function git_can_clone_by_tag()
   local version_string = io.popen('git --version'):read()
   local major, minor, tiny = version_string:match('(%d-)%.(%d+)%.?(%d*)')
   major, minor, tiny = tonumber(major), tonumber(minor), tonumber(tiny) or 0
   local value = major > 1 or (major == 1 and (minor > 7 or (minor == 7 and tiny >= 10)))
   git_can_clone_by_tag = function() return value end
   return git_can_clone_by_tag()

--- Download sources for building a rock, using git.
-- @param rockspec table: The rockspec table
-- @param extract boolean: Unused in this module (required for API purposes.)
-- @param dest_dir string or nil: If set, will extract to the given directory.
-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string): The absolute pathname of
-- the fetched source tarball and the temporary directory created to
-- store it; or nil and an error message.
function get_sources(rockspec, extract, dest_dir)
   assert(type(rockspec) == "table")
   assert(type(dest_dir) == "string" or not dest_dir)

   local git_cmd = rockspec.variables.GIT
   local name_version = .. "-" .. rockspec.version
   local module = dir.base_name(rockspec.source.url)
   -- Strip off .git from base name if present
   module = module:gsub("%.git$", "")

   local store_dir
   if not dest_dir then
      store_dir = fs.make_temp_dir(name_version)
      if not store_dir then
         return nil, "Failed creating temporary directory."
      util.schedule_function(fs.delete, store_dir)
      store_dir = dest_dir
   store_dir = fs.absolute_name(store_dir)

   local command = {git_cmd, "clone", "--depth=1", rockspec.source.url, module}
   local tag_or_branch = rockspec.source.tag or rockspec.source.branch
   -- If the tag or branch is explicitly set to "master" in the rockspec, then
   -- we can avoid passing it to Git since it's the default.
   if tag_or_branch == "master" then tag_or_branch = nil end
   if tag_or_branch then
      if git_can_clone_by_tag() then
         -- The argument to `--branch` can actually be a branch or a tag as of
         -- Git 1.7.10.
         table.insert(command, 4, "--branch=" .. tag_or_branch)
   if not fs.execute(unpack(command)) then
      return nil, "Failed cloning git repository."
   if tag_or_branch and not git_can_clone_by_tag() then
      local checkout_command = {git_cmd, "checkout", tag_or_branch}
      if not fs.execute(unpack(checkout_command)) then
         return nil, 'Failed to check out the "' .. tag_or_branch ..'" tag or branch.'

   fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, ".git"))
   fs.delete(dir.path(store_dir, module, ".gitignore"))
   return module, store_dir