view paste/paste.4030 @ 11148:c3351169a617

<fizzie> ` sed -i -e \'s/multicode/singlecode/g\' bin/unidecode
author HackBot
date Tue, 08 Aug 2017 23:03:14 +0000
parents f77a0ba2879b
line wrap: on
line source

597) <shachaf> VMS Mosaic?  <shachaf> I hope that's not Mosaic ported to VMS.  <shachaf> Hmm. It's Mosaic ported to VMS.
607) * Sgeo|web wants to see elliott be wrong about something  <elliott> Sgeo|web: That literally never happens.  <shachaf> Sgeo|web: There you go. A great example.
611) <shachaf> You should get kmc in this channel. kmc has good quotes.  <shachaf> `quote kmc  <HackEgo> 686) <kmc> COCKS [...] <kmc> truly cocks  <shachaf> Well, in theory.
619) <oerjan> shachaf: wait, _you_ are in northumberland?  <shachaf> No.  <oerjan> whew  <oerjan> we don't have room for more esolangers there.  <shachaf> oerjan: Wait, *you* are in Northumberland?  <oerjan> no  <shachaf> Whew.  <shachaf> We don't have room for more esolangers there.
655) <shachaf> fizzie: What kind of speech recognition do you do?  <shachaf> If you only need to recognize famous speeches, like Churchill or something, it should be pretty easy.
679) <shachaf> elliott: Anyway, if you wrote a Haskell book, I would read it and possibly provide classical criticism.  <shachaf> That is to say, non-constructive.
699) <shachaf> Lent is a bad habit that people find very difficult to give up.
708) <shachaf> Free as in unregistered, not free as in lunch or speech.
718) <shachaf> elliott: Apparently Rowan Williams is Primate of All England.  <shachaf> CHECKMATE CREATIONISTS
739) <shachaf> U+2205 [∅] NO LETTER O ALLOWED
830) <shachaf> Bike: Your client colours people?  <Bike> it would be pretty boring to see everyone as white, i get that enough in real life
831) <shachaf> Do physicists have half-life crises?
841) <sgeo> GreyKnight, shachaf is like a high-level Forth
864) <olsner> shachaf: contrary to common belief, #esoteric is not really "a channel for crazy people", but has (ostensibly) a topic... is beaky from finland?
875) <shachaf> When you're a logreader, everything is a quote.
892) <shachaf> Taneb: STOP TRYING TO GET LENS INTO EVERYTHING  <shachaf> Bike: You should use lens!  <Taneb> NEVER  <Bike> shachaf: i'm getting mixed messages here 
917) <kmc> shachaf: LC_ALL=de_DE.utf-8 errno -l  <kmc> Veraltete NFS-Dateizugriffsnummer  <kmc> Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler  <kmc> "Unterbrechung während des Betriebssystemaufrufs"  i think that was in the Ring Cycle
919) <shachaf> what are some good concurrency primitives  <ais523> shachaf: how primitive do you want?
921) <shachaf> oerjan: What's cosubtyping?  <Phantom_Hoover> some sort of fusion of cosplay and type theory?
980) <shachaf> Bike: I think you're ready to learn about lens.  <Bike> oh god  <Bike> fiora help somebody help  <Bike> anybody
998) <shachaf> oerjan is spreading the tired rumour that if you play Nietzsche backwards you hear Jewish messages.
1003) <shachaf> "would be a good name for a band when preceded by its quotation" would be a good name for a band when preceded by its quotation
1010) <Fiora> shachaf: make friends.  help people.  find ways to help people be happy.  hug people.  have fun.  make the world a little bit better.
1013) <shachaf> i would visit elliott but i'm vegetarian
1037) <shachaf> shadowing, more like shadowing
1038) <shachaf> your first mistake was making your second mistake
1042) <shachaf> kmc: you gotta tell me if you're an op
1054) <shachaf> Hmm, is an Electronic Signature in a PDF file a thing?  <shachaf> How do they work?  <zzo38> [1] Yes. [2] It doesn't.
1061) <@elliott> well, I think if you don't think figuring out who the opposite of shachaf is requires thought, then you don't know shachaf very well
1085) <Bike> a dark day for all of humankind  <zzo38> Bike: Wrong. Not all of humankind lives in the same timezone.  <shachaf> a dark day for some of humankind  <zzo38> OK
1101) <shachaf> "Well, that was fun" -- Taneb "atriq" Ngevd
1118) <shachaf> sometimes i think fizzie twiddling fungot's knobs behind the scenes  <fungot> shachaf: because he is in the way of eventual development of ai on par with e.g. ( sqrt square double), and the
1134) <shachaf> A Swede who was in #esoteric / Thought his rhymes were a little generic. / "I might use, in my prose, / ꙮs, / But my poetry's alphanumeric."
1136) <shachaf> i'm from space.........chu space
1171) <shachaf> pippi långstrump's name is translated as "gilgi" or "bilbi" usually  <ion> Does she have a ring of power?
1200) <shachaf> you open the third door and behind it is an argument about the monty hall problem
1246) <fungot> tswett: stop being an associative list. [...] <shachaf> is tswett being an associative list again  <tswett> I'm: sorry; I: can't help it;
1253) <shachaf> What is an esolang?  <hppavilion[1]> shachaf: It's an archaic term for an Esolang
1267) <b_jonas> shachaf: different notation. -o is logical or in find, but it's linear implication in linear logic
1268) <shachaf> pikhq: The Google way isn't exactly NIH. They have their own variant of it.
1278) <Taneb> Morning  <shachaf> G'daneb  <shachaf> invent anything good overnight?  <Taneb> I don't know yet, I haven't read the logs