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<oerjan> le/rn this//This is something people on the channel like to talk about. We\'re often unsure what this is, though.
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date Sat, 09 Dec 2017 11:45:42 +0000
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2006-07-25.txt:04:36:51: <pikhq> !bf_txtgen Cxu vi parolas Esperanton?
2006-07-25.txt:04:37:23: <Razor-X> It's Esperanto generation is HORRIBLE!
2006-07-28.txt:22:01:12: <Razor-X> pikhq: Bonvolu vidus .
2006-07-28.txt:22:02:15: <pikhq> Mia Esperanto estas malbona. :'(
2006-07-28.txt:22:04:37: <lament> Esperanto is for doofii
2006-07-28.txt:22:06:50: <nooga> esperanto?
2006-07-28.txt:22:08:16: <nooga> Polish is 180 degrees from Esperanto ;p
2006-07-28.txt:22:08:58: <lament> esperanto is really ugly :(
2006-07-28.txt:22:24:57: <lament> Razor-X: TP has several words taken from English, and several from Esperanto, so should be even easier
2006-08-06.txt:03:59:34: <Razor-X> I speak Esperanto, Bengali, and French too, if you consider French a language.
2006-08-06.txt:04:01:25: <RodgerTheGreat> I don't consider french a language worth knowing- I can't imagine it would grant me entrance to anything worthwhile. Japanese is quite useful on the internet, and I imagine that Esperanto might come in handy if you ever choose to create a "utopian society" or something.
2006-08-06.txt:04:02:15: <Razor-X> The nifty thing about Esperanto is that, there's always a speaker of some small language or another who can also speak Esperanto, which often means you'll get Esperanto translations.
2006-08-06.txt:04:02:53: <pikhq> Esperanto is also nice for stifling boredom (just like Esolangs)
2006-08-06.txt:04:03:12: <RodgerTheGreat> one could also argue that learning Esperanto could make the languages it was based on more accessible, but if similarity to other languages is key, English is king.
2006-08-06.txt:04:03:39: <RodgerTheGreat> Esperanto is one of the closest things to a human esolang.
2006-08-06.txt:04:06:31: <pikhq> A: Any noun. Ba: Any verb. Ca: Any adjective. Da: Any adverb. Ga: Any punctuation. Gxa: any curse word (all pronounced as though in Esperanto)
2006-08-06.txt:04:12:41: <Razor-X> What does that have to do with Esperanto? It's structure is more variable than English's structure, and also, you got cut off after ``doesn't play well to n'' .
2006-08-06.txt:04:13:28: <Razor-X> When I speak in Esperanto, I omit explicit the subject, which is something I've picked up from Japanese and Bengali.
2006-08-06.txt:04:14:26: <Razor-X> That's what I love about Esperanto. It's very free in its sentence structure.
2006-08-06.txt:04:15:05: <Razor-X> When did we say Esperanto doesen't change?
2006-08-06.txt:04:16:17: <Razor-X> In the days of Esperanto's inception, people would call an American ``Usonanto'' now they're called ``Usono'' because of change in the use of suffixes. A verb common in Esperanto in the beginning was ``opinii'' -- to opine (to have an opinion about), that word has since dropped in favor of ``pensi'' -- to think.
2006-08-06.txt:04:17:30: <Razor-X> Another one is, in the inception of Esperanto, ĉi tie was used to mean ``here''. It's been superseded by ``tie ĉi'', but I still prefer ``ĉi tie''.
2006-08-06.txt:04:25:34: <Razor-X> There's also been shifts in the language because of the feminist movement. Male conjugations of occupations (like proffesor, and such, which are Esperanto's default forms) would mean specifically male. It's come to mean a person of both genders now.
2006-08-09.txt:17:45:52: <pikhq> Woohoo! I understood Razor's Esperanto!
2006-08-11.txt:03:53:13: <Razor-X> Esperanto, French, Japanese, Bengali, English -- I can survive pretty much in most places of the world.
2006-08-24.txt:22:23:45: <Razor-X> Esperanto.
2006-08-24.txt:22:42:37: <Razor-X> Esperanto, not Espanol.
2006-08-24.txt:22:46:37: <Razor-X> I know only enough French to translate Wikipedia articles to English, Esperanto, and Japanese though, not that I'm too sad.
2006-08-26.txt:01:32:32: <pikhq> ihope: Ne. Esperanto.
2006-08-26.txt:01:33:02: <pikhq> Zamenhoff is the guy *responsible* for Esperanto. . . -_-
2006-08-26.txt:01:40:15: <Razor-X> But seriously, Zamenhoff's Torah translation uses pretty basic Esperanto.
2006-08-26.txt:01:41:09: <pikhq> Well, I'd hope his early stuff used basic Esperanto. . .
2006-08-26.txt:01:41:41: <Razor-X> Well, he needn't have restricted himself to *such* basic Esperanto.
2006-08-26.txt:01:41:55: <Razor-X> He had already used more poetic Esperanto for his novel translations.
2006-08-26.txt:01:50:18: <Razor-X> A lot of the early novel translations sound weird in Esperanto too, which is pathetic :P
2006-10-04.txt:00:57:51: <pikhq> Cxu vi parolas Esperanton?
2006-10-05.txt:23:53:28: * SimonRC finds out what happens if you write sentances by committee:  "Voracious vexillologists believe that the Camelidophobic Esperanto International Association,which is obviously somewhat clever, but technically not very ethical or even subject to the Olympic games of all major holomorphic non-Euclidian institutions of value that are familiar to obsessive ZBBers and recalcitrant anthropomorphic grasshoppers, is concomitantly elucidated, although techni
2006-10-23.txt:19:24:57: <GregorR-L> Like Esperanto and Ebonics :P
2007-03-14.txt:00:31:01: <lament> sounds esperantoish
2007-03-27.txt:02:25:35: <oklopol> that'd be like saying you have to breed your own population of people to be able to create a new esperanto
2007-04-05.txt:04:45:58: <Pikhq> En esperanto: Mi estas japana lingva komencanto.
2007-04-20.txt:04:44:44: * pikhq does Japanese and Esperanto (to varying degrees of ability)
2007-04-20.txt:04:45:58: <Figs> what is the past tense of 'eat' in esperanto?
2007-04-20.txt:05:33:10: <pikhq> Kaj mia esperanto ne bonas.
2007-04-20.txt:05:35:17: <Figs> "I'm an esperanto newbie, and my esperanto isn't good."?
2007-05-31.txt:20:28:35: <Pikhq> Ne, ne, ne! Lernu Esperanton.
2007-05-31.txt:20:38:04: <Pikhq> Esperanto bonas por poezio, mi pensas.
2007-05-31.txt:20:38:26: <lament> esperanto is terrible simply because of the suffixes :)
2007-05-31.txt:20:49:34: <Pikhq> Consider Esperanto. . . And the *class* of languages that have formed around it, the Esperantidons.
2007-05-31.txt:20:54:36: <lament> Pikhq: say you have esperanto, it's nice and regular
2007-06-18.txt:04:55:49: <pikhq> bsmntbombdood: Esperanto-style grammer, perhaps?
2007-06-18.txt:05:40:54: <Sukoshi> Esperanto estas plej bona.
2007-06-18.txt:05:41:31: <bsmntbombdood> toki pona has a completely different purpose than esperanto
2007-06-18.txt:06:08:03: <pikhq> Sukoshi: Esperanto estas plej bona, sed Toki Pona estas tre simpla lingvon.
2007-07-09.txt:03:11:39: <Sukoshi> pikhq: Sed, mi amas lerni Esperanto plej.
2007-07-09.txt:03:11:51: <Sukoshi> s/Esperanto/Japanon/
2007-07-13.txt:21:25:38: <pikhq> oklokok: Jes; tia lingvo estos Esperanton, mi pensas. ;)
2007-07-13.txt:21:27:58: <oklokok> pikhq: esperanto isn't that good, judging by what i've read about it
2007-07-16.txt:09:11:40: <pikhq> That wasn't Lojban, that was Esperanto.
2007-07-22.txt:04:00:00: <Sukoshi> I'm gonna have to resume Esperanto studies before college, so I can Esperanto-localize everything before I leave, so that nobody can understand my desktop in the off-chance it's unlocked when they are there.
2007-07-27.txt:05:32:16: <pikhq> Vi kaj via esperanto. :p
2007-08-01.txt:18:00:28: <ihope> Esperanto?
2007-08-01.txt:18:01:37: <asiekierka> Ne esperanto, ne esperanto!
2007-08-01.txt:18:03:14: <pikhq> asiekierka: Ne. Esperanto bonas.
2007-08-07.txt:18:35:20: * pikhq knows English, some Japanese, and some Esperanto
2007-08-07.txt:18:36:51: <pikhq> Pretty much, I discovered my grammar was superficially similar to Esperanto, and dropped it at that point.
2007-08-19.txt:02:22:05: <Figs> ESPERANTO!
2007-08-19.txt:02:22:28: <oklokok> i don't know esperanto, but i don't think it's as good as lojban
2007-08-19.txt:02:23:23: <Figs>
2007-08-19.txt:02:26:07: <oklokok> owns esperanto by a long shot
2007-08-19.txt:23:47:48: <oklokok> pikhq: was that esperanto?
2007-08-19.txt:23:48:06: <oklokok> esperanto x == lojban x?
2007-08-19.txt:23:48:33: <lament> esperanto and lojban are basically the same language!
2007-08-19.txt:23:49:20: <pikhq> Basically, a way of ASCIIing the Esperanto circumflexes.
2007-08-19.txt:23:52:17: <oklokok> i need to learn esperanto
2007-09-10.txt:12:26:09: <Figs> conlangs like esperanto?
2007-09-10.txt:12:29:26: <Figs> oklopol: esperanto
2007-12-01.txt:07:27:14: <adp10390> Someone please translate this request into Esperanto.
2007-12-01.txt:07:32:14: <oerjan> something something cxi tiun something in Esperanton
2007-12-01.txt:07:33:03: <oerjan> i _have_ seen esperanto used in here, btw
2008-01-27.txt:06:18:14: <pikhq> Esperanto for 'good'.
2008-04-04.txt:16:56:38: <ais523> J-INTERCAL supports Esperanto, and CLC-INTERCAL supports Scottish Gaelic, in addition to that list
2008-04-04.txt:16:56:59: <ais523> Volapuk was all the rage before Esperanto came along
2008-04-19.txt:23:00:35: <UnrelatedToQaz> so Haskell was basically the Esperanto of functional programming languages?
2008-04-24.txt:22:59:55: <lament> woohoo, esperanto dictionary lookup
2008-04-24.txt:23:44:17: <lament> ehird: i just wanted an esperanto dictionary lookup program. I don't need to write it again. :)
2008-04-24.txt:23:51:31: <lament> eo is esperanto
2008-04-24.txt:23:52:31: <lament> "eo" is not an esperanto word, so /eo eo is "eo : Not found"
2008-04-26.txt:00:39:26: <lament> "Esperanto conferences average 2000 to 3000 participants every year whereas Ido conferences have had anywhere from 13 to 25 participants over the last decade. Each language also has a number of regional conferences during the year on a much less formal basis, and with smaller numbers."
2008-04-26.txt:00:41:36: <pikhq> Whereas Esperanto may be averaging a few hundred per smaller conference.
2008-04-26.txt:00:44:43: <ehird> Esperanto is lame. I like lojban.
2008-04-26.txt:00:44:44: <pikhq> (Esperantido being the family of languages related to Esperanto; the term comes from Esperanto: "Esperantido".)
2008-04-26.txt:00:45:25: <lament> i think lojban is far more lame than esperanto.
2008-04-26.txt:00:45:50: <lament> esperanto has the goal of allowing people to communicate.
2008-04-26.txt:00:46:29: <pikhq> lament: Esperanto is meant as a practical interesting language. Lojban is meant as *just* an interesting language.
2008-04-26.txt:01:22:20: <pikhq> Shatner speaks Esperanto with a French accent, for God's sake.
2008-04-26.txt:01:23:46: <pikhq> I speak some Esperanto, yes.
2008-04-26.txt:01:26:37: * pikhq wonders how the Esperanto in "Red Dwarf" is. . .
2008-04-26.txt:01:29:25: <lament> oddly, the (English) wikipedia article on Red Dwarf doesn't mention esperanto at all :)
2008-04-26.txt:01:29:35: <lament> (but the esperanto one does)
2008-04-26.txt:01:30:25: <pikhq> The Wikipedia page on Esperanto culture, IIRC, mentioned it.
2008-04-26.txt:01:31:18: <ehird> pikhq: how about Esperanto and British English, you dork
2008-04-26.txt:01:34:06: * pikhq looks at the Japanese article on Esperanto. :p
2008-04-26.txt:01:34:45: <lament> Esperanto kaj Brita anglo :)
2008-04-26.txt:01:37:12: <pikhq> 4 years, *but* I've only really studied intensively for a few weeks. Do, mia Esperanto ne bonegas.
2008-04-26.txt:01:40:56: <pikhq> Amusing; the Japanese Esperanto article has a section on words Esperanto borrows from Japanese.
2008-04-28.txt:02:22:34: <lament> one of the example sentences in this online Esperanto course is "to share a wife with your neighbour". Wtf?
2008-04-28.txt:02:37:47: <calamari>
2008-04-28.txt:23:45:02: <sauxdado> ehird_: it's a cool esperanto word. I'm learning esperanto.
2008-04-28.txt:23:47:32: <pikhq> Vi parolas Esperanton...
2008-05-12.txt:03:09:43: <pikhq> It ain't Esperanto.
2008-05-12.txt:03:10:18: <lament> but perhaps it's Old Esperanto.
2008-05-12.txt:03:10:49: <pikhq> Zamenhof's early Esperanto was actually pretty close to the modern language.
2008-06-02.txt:15:01:16: <Sgeo> Cxu vi parolas esperanton?
2008-06-02.txt:15:01:30: <Sgeo> Kiu parolas esperanton?
2008-06-02.txt:15:02:29: <Sgeo> oklopol, cxu vi parolas esperanton?
2008-06-02.txt:15:02:48: <Sgeo> In Soviet Russia, vin parolas esperanto!
2008-06-02.txt:15:04:40: <oklopol> i thought esperanto would parola me in soviet russia
2008-06-02.txt:15:05:44: <Sgeo> That's what vin parolas esperanto means
2008-06-02.txt:15:07:01: <Sgeo> so vi parolas esperanton means you speak Esperanto, and vin parolas esperanto means Esperanto speaks you
2008-06-02.txt:15:07:59: <pikhq> Mi parolas esperanton, sed mia esperanto estas malbone. . .
2008-06-02.txt:15:08:16: <pikhq> I'd tend to say "Esperanto parolas vin", BTW.
2008-06-22.txt:18:54:16: <tusho> *esperanto
2008-07-20.txt:04:21:44: <pikhq> (It's also fairly natural in Esperanto, FWIW)
2008-10-08.txt:06:19:40: <oerjan> ^totallyevil Esperanto
2008-10-30.txt:18:20:25: <lament> sounds like esperanto
2008-12-22.txt:03:34:20: <CakeProphet> Well, I suppose we could design other types of languages as well. Let's design esperanto... oh wait.
2008-12-22.txt:03:36:06: <Warrigal> "Esperanto has already been designed."
2009-04-11.txt:19:42:42: <Gracenotes> ESPERANTO IS THE ONLY WAY, MAN
2009-04-12.txt:02:12:23: <kerlo> Pronounce the s-with-circumflex as in Esperanto, the e-with-acute as in French, and the e-with-macron as in Wiktionary's enPR.
2009-04-30.txt:01:08:22: <psygnisfive> OH GOD ESPERANTO
2009-05-01.txt:02:32:13: <kerlo> Wow, someone said a sentence in Esperanto I can understand.
2009-05-01.txt:02:32:37: <oklofog> and oh that was esperanto
2009-05-01.txt:02:33:44: <pikhq> Also, I need to study my Esperanto. ;)
2009-05-05.txt:23:24:26: <kerlo> Hmm, I wonder if I can find an Esperanto keyboard layout.
2009-05-05.txt:23:26:26: <kerlo> Too bad Esperanto is something like the only language with those characters.
2009-05-05.txt:23:27:03: <ais523> kerlo: look at the Esperanto Wikipedia, they have their own format for writing Esperanto in
2009-05-05.txt:23:31:19: <ais523> I don't know Esperanto, so I've never bothered to learn how to write in the Esperanto Wikipedia
2009-05-23.txt:18:06:09: <Nenie> it's esperanto for never, since it would never win a game
2009-06-01.txt:20:58:36: <pikhq> ehird: Easy, compared to some Esperanto tonguetwisters.
2009-06-01.txt:21:11:06: <pikhq> ehird: So, Esperanto phoneme-grapheme mapping.
2009-06-09.txt:01:17:40: * warrie looks at Sgeo's Esperanto game.
2009-06-09.txt:01:17:46: <Sgeo> It's not Esperanto
2009-06-17.txt:19:25:09: * Kial vi ne parolas Esperanton?
2009-07-17.txt:22:01:32: <oklopol> esperanto, i presume?
2009-07-17.txt:22:02:49: <oklopol> you can also translate the esperanto in case there were subtle errors
2009-07-17.txt:22:03:24: <oklopol> for the esperanto
2009-07-17.txt:22:04:15: <oklopol> do realize i don't know even one word of esperanto
2009-07-26.txt:02:02:18: <pikhq> What, no Esperanto?
2009-09-10.txt:07:28:35: <Rugxulo> in (drum roll please) Esperanto, an artificial spoken language older than all of us combined (1887)
2009-09-10.txt:07:30:05: <ais523> esperanto!
2009-09-10.txt:07:30:08: <Rugxulo> (good ol' "esperanto-postfix" in Emacs, heh)
2009-09-10.txt:07:30:28: <ehird> esperanto is boring :|
2009-09-10.txt:07:31:34: <Rugxulo> why is Esperanto boring?
2009-09-10.txt:09:39:14: <Rugxulo> "Because Esperanto is not compatible with Electronic devices, most Esperantists have gotten by using the letters h, x, ^, and 卐. So the sentence 'good morning' becomes 'hxx^卐h^ 卐xh^x'."
2009-09-22.txt:23:35:31: <ErroneousDonk> NO ESPERANTO IN THIS CHANNEL
2009-10-22.txt:07:22:45: <madbrain> kinda like esperanto or lojban?
2009-10-22.txt:07:23:34: <madbrain> dunno for lojban but esperanto is afaik basically a romance language
2009-12-09.txt:01:08:43: <pikhq> uorygl: Mi pensas ke vi bezonas studadi Esperanton.
2009-12-09.txt:01:09:30: <uorygl> It would be nice if I knew how to ask how to say stuff in Esperanto in Esperanto.
2009-12-09.txt:01:11:23: <pikhq> La vorto "foo" en Esperanto estas kion?
2009-12-09.txt:01:11:40: <pikhq> (... I think; my Esperanto isn't *that* good.)
2009-12-09.txt:01:11:55: <uorygl> Also to ask the meaning of an Esperanto thing.
2009-12-09.txt:01:24:22: <ais523> I don't know about Esperanto
2009-12-09.txt:01:31:31: <pikhq> ais523: It's roughly the same phoneme in Esperanto.
2010-01-06.txt:06:22:43: * uorygl seaborgiates Esperanto.
2010-01-26.txt:02:09:42: <pikhq> Sgeo: Ne; mi nun studadas Esperanton.
2010-01-26.txt:02:10:04: <Sgeo> "No, I <something> study Esperanto"
2010-01-26.txt:02:10:40: <pikhq> "No, I'm studying Esperanto"
2010-02-28.txt:19:00:12: <pikhq> "M' sxat' vid' l' lingv'.", I say in horrifically butchered Esperanto.
2010-02-28.txt:22:36:50: <oerjan> <pikhq> "M' sxat' vid' l' lingv'.", I say in horrifically butchered Esperanto.
2010-02-28.txt:22:37:25: <zzo38> I don't know Esperanto language very well what does that mean please?
2010-03-30.txt:19:57:15: <uorygl> Unfortunately, I don't know enough Esperanto to construct a meaningful response.
2010-04-01.txt:04:26:14: <Sgeo> (I don't know how to say yes in Lojban, so I said it in Esperanto)
2010-04-23.txt:21:07:55: <alise> Ixnay on the Esperanto. Ay.
2010-04-29.txt:04:22:23: <pikhq> And his crimes against Esperanto.
2010-04-29.txt:15:01:41: <AnMaster> <pikhq> And his crimes against Esperanto. <-- that I haven't heard about
2010-05-10.txt:03:27:52: <Sgeo> Cxu vi parolas Esperanton?
2010-05-10.txt:03:34:26: <trap15> esperanto sux
2010-05-10.txt:03:34:52: <lament> esperanto is great, IF YOU WANNA GET BANNED
2010-05-10.txt:03:35:41: <Sgeo> Why is Esperanto bad?
2010-05-10.txt:03:38:24: <Sgeo> Mi malbone parolas Esperanton.
2010-05-10.txt:03:39:05: <Sgeo> Esperanton parolas malbone mi.
2010-05-11.txt:22:30:52: <Rugxulo> (sees topic) "Esperanto is still bannable!" ... huh??
2010-05-11.txt:22:40:14: <Rugxulo> Esperanto
2010-05-12.txt:01:44:03: <Sgeo_> Is Esperanto considered a foreign language?
2010-05-12.txt:14:36:52: <Rugxulo> <Sgeo_> Is Esperanto considered a foreign language?
2010-07-08.txt:00:09:30: <pikhq> "KIAL" be ESPERANTO for WHY
2010-07-08.txt:00:09:52: <pikhq> (where ESPERANTO is an all-caps variant of Esperanto. :P)
2010-08-13.txt:02:18:17: <DeannaTroi> Cxu iu parolas Esperanton?
2010-08-13.txt:02:18:47: <Warrigal> Mi esperanto es aún peor que mi italiano.
2010-08-13.txt:02:19:38: <Warrigal> Mi sueco es aún peor que mi esperanto.
2010-08-21.txt:23:43:14: * Sgeo is just being an Esperanto nut
2010-09-12.txt:06:31:10: <pikhq> No, no, no. Esperanto written with kanji should be the official language of nomics. :P
2010-09-18.txt:01:52:53: <EOF> i was talking in a channel about constructed languages, and somebody mentioned the esotericity of Esperanto
2010-09-19.txt:02:34:03: <EOF> in Esperanto
2010-09-19.txt:02:34:42: <pikhq> EOF: Mia Esperanto malbonas. Japanalingvo?
2010-10-10.txt:03:32:43: <Rugxulo> pikhq, Esperanto? (yeah, I knew you'd hate that) ... just saying, Unicode is fine in moderately reasonable doses   ;-)
2010-10-14.txt:00:29:55: <Sgeo> Is it "Yes" and I forgot to type the accent? Is it if? Is it actually Esperanto, and "one"
2010-10-14.txt:00:33:04: <Sgeo> Gregor, Spanish and Esperanto, unless my memory fails
2010-10-27.txt:03:29:23: <Sasha> There was a period there where I was fluent in /ESPERANTO/
2010-10-27.txt:03:29:38: <elliott> a few people here know esperanto
2010-10-27.txt:03:29:57: <pikhq> elliott: Jes, sed mia Esperanto malbonas.
2010-10-27.txt:03:32:56: <Mathnerd314> so what has everyone who knew Esperanto switched to instead? Lojban?
2010-10-27.txt:03:33:21: <pikhq> Mathnerd314: Esperanto is still the most viable auxlang.
2010-10-27.txt:03:36:14: <pikhq> Mathnerd314: At the time, a very large number of Esperanto speakers were in Poland. And Jewish.
2010-10-27.txt:03:37:48: <elliott> Is it Esperanto policy to uppercase SURNAMES?
2010-10-27.txt:03:39:33: <pikhq> elliott: The uppercasing of surnames is somewhat more common in Esperanto than elsewhere. It's actually a convention in Latin-script-using languages where the surname might be ambiguous.
2010-11-06.txt:04:59:47: <elliott> pikhq: Hey, what languages do you know apart from English, Japanese and Esperanto? I want to give you Dashernonsense for you tot ranslate :P
2010-11-07.txt:03:56:54: <elliott> pikhq: Esperanto for "win"?
2010-11-30.txt:00:00:09: <Sasha> Esperanto
2010-11-30.txt:00:02:10: <Sasha> What's the Esperanto of the computer world?
2010-11-30.txt:00:02:51: <quintopia> and the opposite of esperanto, whatever that is, is INTERCAL
2010-12-19.txt:02:00:27: <oerjan> olsner: _maybe_ esperanto?
2011-01-30.txt:02:10:54: <Sgeo> I should learn Coq. And Standard ML. And Erlang. And Esperanto.
2011-02-05.txt:01:28:34: <elliott> Terminus Font is a clean, fixed width bitmap font, designed for long (8 and more hours per day) work with computers. Version 4.32 contains 850 characters, covers about 120 language sets and supports ISO8859-1/2/5/7/9/13/15/16, Paratype-PT154/PT254, KOI8-R/U/E/F, Esperanto, many IBM, Windows and Macintosh code pages, as well as the IBM VGA, vt100 and xterm pseudographic characters.
2011-08-20.txt:07:44:27: <NihilistDandy> pikhq_: That's because Esperanto's such a trainwreck
2011-08-29.txt:20:01:50: <itidus20> the problem with conlangs such as lojban and esperanto is they cheapen the value of language developing naturally
2011-09-15.txt:00:10:02: <itidus20> `log esperanto
2011-09-15.txt:00:10:05: <HackEgo> 2007-07-13.txt:21:27:58: <oklokok> pikhq: esperanto isn't that good, judging by what i've read about it
2011-09-15.txt:00:10:56: <itidus20> `log esperanto
2011-09-15.txt:00:10:59: <HackEgo> 2007-05-31.txt:20:28:35: <Pikhq> Ne, ne, ne! Lernu Esperanton.
2011-09-15.txt:00:11:07: <itidus20> `log esperanto
2011-09-15.txt:00:11:10: <HackEgo> 2006-08-26.txt:01:32:32: <pikhq> ihope: Ne. Esperanto.
2011-09-15.txt:00:11:30: <itidus20> `log esperanto
2011-09-15.txt:00:11:34: <HackEgo> 2008-06-02.txt:15:08:16: <pikhq> I'd tend to say "Esperanto parolas vin", BTW.
2011-09-15.txt:02:03:02: <itidus20> `pastelogs esperanto