view paste/paste.30862 @ 127:b0a1cdc919aa

<RocketJSquirrel> addquote IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE: <elliott> `addquote IN AN ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE: <elliott> `addquote IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE: <elliott> `addquote IN A DETACHED PLANE: <elliott> I'm hungry, I think I'll eat a pizza.
author HackBot
date Fri, 23 Mar 2012 13:06:47 +0000
parents e037173e0012
line wrap: on
line source

2007-02-17.txt:02:05:15: * ihope logreads
2007-02-18.txt:03:34:06: <bsmntbombdood> oerjan.logread_amount > 100
2007-03-07.txt:01:24:57: <bsmntbombdood> dirty little logreader
2007-04-01.txt:16:13:15: <ais523> I've changed it now anyway, just in case a logreader decides to impersonate me
2007-04-08.txt:17:00:14: <ais523> (I'm having Internet access problems at the moment, so can't come online as often as I'd like and have resorted to logreading (which I do anyway))
2007-06-18.txt:04:10:17: <bsmntbombdood> the logreading alphabet
2007-06-25.txt:13:39:22: <ais523> (I was logreading and saw how someone managed to get it to part by mistake, but I've got it back to normal over the normal IRC channels.)
2007-10-15.txt:18:57:51: <bsmntbombdood> /logreads
2007-10-19.txt:12:07:41: * ais523 is the sort of logreader who suddenly continues conversations that ended days ago with no warning
2007-10-25.txt:15:51:11: * ais523 was logreading and saw people discussing their discovery
2007-11-04.txt:01:11:48: * oklopol is a fanatic logreader
2008-03-21.txt:18:03:43: <ais523> were you logreading, or was that just good timing?
2008-04-02.txt:22:50:40: <ais523|busy> ehird_: I'm busy with something else at the moment, I don't have time to go logreading
2008-04-03.txt:10:09:16: <ais523> sorry, I was logreading and that just jumped out at me
2008-04-03.txt:11:09:21: <ais523> (ehird: I know you're not in the channel right now but I'm assuming you logread)
2008-04-05.txt:22:24:27: <ehird_> oh, and ais523, I do logread
2008-04-26.txt:09:41:08: <oklopol> but ais prolly doesn't logread
2008-04-26.txt:14:15:06: <ehird> <oklopol>	but ais prolly doesn't logread	09:41:08
2008-04-26.txt:14:19:21: <ehird> oh, and if ais523 is logreading, it seems got put up for realz
2008-04-26.txt:14:33:22: <ehird> oklofok: time to logread
2008-04-26.txt:14:33:26: <ehird> i replied to your logreads
2008-05-01.txt:17:12:08: <ehird> if you've been logreading you will soon banish me
2008-05-01.txt:17:12:18: <ais523> hi, and I haven't been logreading
2008-05-07.txt:21:08:13: * oklopol needs to do some logreading
2008-06-11.txt:09:20:17: <oklopol> yay i like it when people shut up while i'm logreading
2008-06-12.txt:22:02:37: <tusho> AIS523 IF YOU ARE LOGREADING
2008-06-13.txt:16:12:34: <tusho> i was just clearing up any confusion for logreaders
2008-06-15.txt:00:52:12: <tusho> augur: you fail at logreading!
2008-06-15.txt:18:52:08: * ais523 wonders if ehird's logreading
2008-06-15.txt:19:04:36: <ais523> and apparently logreading, so I was wrong
2008-06-16.txt:15:55:03: <tusho> Hiato: he logreads
2008-06-16.txt:20:55:37: <oklopol> sry, logreading took a sec :<
2008-06-18.txt:15:07:40: * ais523 logreads
2008-06-24.txt:22:39:06: <tusho> come back, logreadais523
2008-07-02.txt:16:19:23: <tusho> but yes, ais, if you're logreading, do come
2008-08-10.txt:23:35:29: <tusho> AnMaster-logread-note:
2008-08-16.txt:00:24:15: <oklopol> also you fuckers talked so fast logs went past the screen and i have to open logreader again
2008-08-18.txt:20:42:54: <ais523> TUSHO LOGREAD NOTICE: You fail at setting Anagolf Brainfuck problems.
2008-08-24.txt:00:03:05: <tusho> logread.
2008-08-27.txt:22:04:01: <ais523> oerjan might be logreading
2008-08-27.txt:23:05:25: <ais523> oerjan: were you logreading?
2008-08-27.txt:23:05:51: <oerjan> <ais523> oerjan might be logreading
2008-09-01.txt:18:51:53: <tusho> i was just logreading and saw that
2008-09-01.txt:18:52:14: <fizzie> tusho: What's the point of the /ignore if you logread the stuff still?
2008-09-01.txt:18:54:56: <tusho> psygnis__: logread.
2008-09-01.txt:20:01:07: <ais523> I might logread it later
2008-09-01.txt:20:12:51: <tusho> i'll logread
2008-09-01.txt:20:21:52: <tusho> well i was just logreading
2008-09-04.txt:13:39:36: <tusho> @logreading prudes: now playing wolfgang amadeus mozart - leck mich im arsch
2008-09-04.txt:16:43:30: <ohsut> actually, probably the real tusho is logreading and tweaking things just to annoy us
2008-09-12.txt:23:02:36: <ais523> you can still logread...
2008-09-20.txt:20:03:45: <ais523> wow, I haven't logread for months
2008-09-20.txt:20:03:47: <ais523> I used to logread all the time...
2008-10-15.txt:16:34:06: <ais523> as #esoteric has lots of logreaderes
2008-10-15.txt:16:34:09: <ais523> *logreaders
2008-10-17.txt:09:31:21: <ais523> and I was planning to logread it later
2008-10-27.txt:10:41:35: <fizzie> Were you one of those logreading people? Tried out 1200 transcribed Penny Arcade comics, and Agora rules, yesterday. Both of those weren't too bad.
2008-10-27.txt:10:47:23: <ais523> I don't exactly logread
2008-10-27.txt:10:47:45: <ais523> so it's like I've been here all the time, and I read scrollback rather than logreading
2008-10-27.txt:10:48:11: <fizzie> Well, logreading, scrollback-reading; same thing.
2008-10-30.txt:22:25:16: <ais523> ah yes, I remember from logreading now
2008-11-25.txt:17:35:02: <fizzie> Logreading: it's not just a good idea - it's the law!
2008-12-05.txt:18:09:20: <ais523> oerjan: been logreading?
2009-01-03.txt:22:12:38: <ais523> I know you aren't here, but IIRC you logread
2009-01-12.txt:23:40:51: <ehird> kerlo first entered here when he was 12, I know this because as an obsessive logreader I have to keep track of these things
2009-01-22.txt:13:14:46: <ehird> you were a logreader before you ever came in
2009-02-07.txt:19:37:14: <ais523> yep, ehird left ##nomic in a huff and hasn't rejoined since, but apparently logreads it anyway
2009-02-07.txt:19:47:26: <oklopol> AnMaster: i try my best not to consider logreaders.
2009-02-07.txt:20:12:30: <ais523> probably ehird doesn't even ened to logread
2009-02-09.txt:15:34:34: <ehird> ais523 logreader: thoughts?
2009-02-14.txt:14:57:11: <ehird> sorry, I've been away for a whoooole day so I'm megalogreading.
2009-03-02.txt:16:00:19: <oerjan> and that concludes my logreading.  you should now be safe for a while, at least unless you say anything.
2009-03-03.txt:16:01:18: <ais523> actually, I'll logread it, I haven't done that in a while
2009-03-05.txt:15:57:52: <ais523> ehird: that CSS expires, think of the logreaders!
2009-03-05.txt:16:01:57: <AnMaster> THINK OF THE LOGREADERS!
2009-03-05.txt:16:02:50: <AnMaster> and THINK OF THE LOGREADERS!!
2009-03-05.txt:16:07:42: <ehird> probably because of my logreading tendencies
2009-03-06.txt:20:41:17: <oerjan> i note that i tend to do that sometimes when logreading
2009-03-08.txt:16:42:04: <ais523> so it's utterly useless for any logreader
2009-03-12.txt:00:07:38: <ais523> so much for ehird's permanent pastes for helping logreaders things
2009-03-12.txt:16:02:17: <ehird> no, I'm logreading
2009-03-15.txt:19:10:02: <fizzie> I also linked to the google-groups URL three days ago; someone hasn't been diligently logreading!
2009-04-01.txt:22:31:11: <ais523> admittedly, he wasn't in the channel when we were talking to him, but he was obviously logreading
2009-04-04.txt:21:56:20: <fizzie> Deewiant: No, I mean, it's been the topic on the channel several times. You should be logreading.
2009-04-04.txt:21:56:31: <ehird> everyone should logread
2009-04-08.txt:20:24:55: <ais523> asie[Virus]: even if AnMaster did, oerjan or someone could logread it
2009-04-09.txt:19:12:06: <ehird> you spammed my inner logreader.
2009-04-10.txt:22:09:19: <ehird> ais523: Sure they do; I'm an avid logreader, I do it for interest and fun.
2009-04-16.txt:22:14:49: <ais523> oklopol: been logreading?
2009-04-17.txt:20:58:44: <oklopol> in case you left in the 2 minutes i spent logreading after that
2009-05-09.txt:23:32:41: <oerjan> although that may be because i had already changed to logreading, and so saw the preceding part immediately
2009-05-22.txt:16:46:49: <ehird> while logreading
2009-05-22.txt:17:03:19: <ehird> finally my logreading is over
2009-05-22.txt:20:13:45: <oerjan> <ehird> finally my logreading is over
2009-05-26.txt:17:47:42: <ais523> oerjan: been logreading, or just an out-of-content reply?
2009-05-29.txt:21:22:21: <ehird> i logread this way, psygnisfive, so phooey :)
2009-05-29.txt:21:26:09: <AnMaster> <ehird> i logread this way, psygnisfive, so phooey :) <-- I completely understand why psygnisfive is irritated. The same way of your "respond before you read it all" have irritated me too.
2009-05-29.txt:21:27:56: <ehird> AnMaster: thankfully I don't care what you think about my logreading responses.
2009-05-29.txt:21:29:36: <ehird> AnMaster: Also, me responding to logreads doesn't affect anyone else. Cluttering the hill with mututally-drawing does.
2009-05-29.txt:21:29:55: <AnMaster> <ehird> AnMaster: Also, me responding to logreads doesn't affect anyone else. Cluttering the hill with mututally-drawing does. <-- yes it does, for whoever got highlighted
2009-06-02.txt:23:22:16: <ehird_> okay now i've logread
2009-06-02.txt:23:22:19: <ehird_> and read the responses to my logreading
2009-06-18.txt:21:19:46: <pikhq> ehird, logreader extraordinare.
2009-06-19.txt:18:33:13: <ehird_> ais523: now i have to logread, BAH!
2009-06-19.txt:18:48:22: <ehird_> logreading over.
2009-06-21.txt:19:44:20: <ehird> LOGREADING
2009-06-21.txt:19:44:40: <ehird> yay logreading over
2009-06-21.txt:19:44:42: <GregorR> ehird is totally the kind of guy to have a logread script that PREVENTS him from reading new messages :P
2009-06-21.txt:19:44:44: <ehird> now to read the logs that appeared while logreading
2009-06-21.txt:19:46:04: <ehird> 19:44 GregorR: ehird is totally the kind of guy to have a logread script that PREVENTS him from reading new messages :P
2009-06-21.txt:19:50:48: <Deewiant> ehird: 19:33, a few lines up, my message. You fail at logreading.
2009-07-07.txt:19:50:31: <ehird> I wish ais523 logread.
2009-07-08.txt:10:53:07: <fizzie> If you logread, you'd know it was the original source for what led to the "national park" discussion.
2009-07-08.txt:10:53:26: <ais523> no, I don't normally have the focus to logread
2009-07-08.txt:19:37:32: <ehird> 02:53:26 <ais523> no, I don't normally have the focus to logread
2009-07-08.txt:19:37:40: <ehird> that i directed at you if you logread
2009-07-08.txt:19:37:50: <ehird> 11:50:31 <ehird> I wish ais523 logread.
2009-07-14.txt:22:23:48: <GregorR> AnMaster: ehird's been logreading.
2009-07-14.txt:22:25:54: <AnMaster> ehird, I don't logread
2009-07-15.txt:11:46:34: <ehird> okay now i will logread oklokok's questions
2009-07-15.txt:13:26:49: <oerjan> oklokok: i was logreading
2009-07-15.txt:13:30:05: <oerjan> if i had been, i would not be logreading it, would i?
2009-07-15.txt:22:07:28: <ehird> Don't you hate it when I logread and reply before reading on?
2009-08-06.txt:14:45:09: <oerjan> a run-by logreading
2009-08-06.txt:14:46:12: <ehird> we have a culture of blocked logreading/responding
2009-08-08.txt:14:01:45: <ehird> my logreading has not yet seen you
2009-08-10.txt:15:25:00: <ehird> so I still haven't finished logreading yet!
2009-08-19.txt:23:19:24: <ehird> oerjan: Logread :P
2009-08-20.txt:17:35:11: <ehird> everyone logreads
2009-08-29.txt:12:15:42: <oklofok> let's see context, i've been skipping on logreading
2009-09-15.txt:04:52:58: <ehird> ... oldest ... logreading ... ever
2009-09-18.txt:23:43:27: <ehird> I'm logreading the things I missed.
2009-09-20.txt:00:55:49: <ehird> (I'm skipping logreading the middle day...)
2009-09-20.txt:20:32:32: <ehird> I must quit my bad habit of logreading, but please do note, later down:
2009-09-26.txt:20:02:38: <AnMaster> I don't generally logread
2009-09-29.txt:01:59:15: <ehird> and so i finish logreading.
2009-09-29.txt:15:27:15: <ehird> i can't wait to logread
2009-09-29.txt:15:28:39: <ehird> ais523: anyway, summary of the few-line logreading if your browser is now nc(1) or something: "you're wrong! no, wait, whoever that is is wrong. correction, you're wrong!"
2009-10-08.txt:09:26:03: <fizzie> I don't really know what the music discussion was about, wasn't here when it started and I don't really bother with logreading.
2009-10-10.txt:08:46:00: <fizzie> Well, I *would*, but I need to be in a bus in something like 10 minutes, so this is not really the time. But if you want to blab it here, I can logread it later. :p
2009-10-20.txt:00:04:40: <ehird> Oh yeah, I didn't finish logreading
2009-10-28.txt:00:49:21: <ehird> Stupid being disconnected while logreading
2009-11-07.txt:20:00:45: <ehird> Sgeo: I logread.
2009-11-07.txt:20:01:20: <Sgeo> When you logread, I can't see your reaction
2009-11-07.txt:20:02:03: <ehird> Sgeo: You can see my reaction if you logread too.
2009-11-07.txt:23:10:37: <ehird> and so i am going to have to flight by which i mean /ignore goodbye temporarily please do not take it personally thank you i will probably logread because i have no self control bye
2009-11-07.txt:23:10:51: <ehird> okay logreading now./
2009-11-10.txt:00:08:56: <ehird> 1. you fail at grammar 2. you don't logread
2009-11-10.txt:07:51:03: <{}_> <ehird> 1. you fail at grammar 2. you don't logread <-- actually I do look for highlights. Apart from that I don't usually log read
2009-11-15.txt:15:56:59: <AnMaster> ehird, yes but ais doesn't logread
2009-11-15.txt:16:59:49: <ehird_> Already logread.
2009-11-15.txt:17:10:44: <ehird_> STILL FUCKING LOGREADING BITCH :|||||||||
2009-11-16.txt:13:50:24: <ais523> wow, I need to logread more often
2009-11-16.txt:20:44:40: <ehird> but I won't bother replying to any arguments ais523 makes when i say my responses, unless the ones I logread are logical
2009-12-01.txt:16:56:16: <ais523> (and you know he logreads, right?)
2009-12-01.txt:16:57:04: <oklofok> and yes, i know he logreads
2009-12-01.txt:16:57:36: <oklofok> "oklofok: thank god ehird isn't here" was targeted to logreading ehird most of all
2009-12-05.txt:07:55:19: <ehird> NECROLOGREAD
2009-12-08.txt:12:15:19: <ais523> (ehird logread: I've started using xmonad again for some things; once I found out it supported multiple desktops, it fits my workflow much better, as I can ensure there's exactly two windows on a desktop when I want to tile two)
2009-12-30.txt:11:08:12: <ehirdiphone> oerjan: Good luck logreading
2009-12-31.txt:06:03:04: <coppro> he's a logreader
2009-12-31.txt:06:28:50: <ehirdiphone> coppro: I logread on my iPhone.
2010-01-10.txt:16:24:09: <ais523> ehird: did you logread before coming online, by the way?
2010-01-25.txt:00:57:37: <bsmntbombdood> logread
2010-02-12.txt:22:07:28: <alise> AnMaster: i'm logreading an entire week
2010-02-13.txt:14:25:52: <alise> logreading
2010-02-14.txt:17:23:51: <oklopol> Wareya: sorry i'm so excited about my own thing i mostly ignore boat and logread it every few minutes :|
2010-02-18.txt:02:46:22: * pikhq logreads
2010-02-19.txt:14:18:29: <alise> cpressey's ring language sounds awesome! (Logreading while mother visits by using Opera Mini on her cheap-ass phone? Why ever not.)
2010-02-19.txt:14:29:59: <AnMaster> <alise> cpressey's ring language sounds awesome! (Logreading while mother visits by using Opera Mini on her cheap-ass phone? Why ever not.) <-- since my phone has opera mini... wouldn't it be truly horrible for that purpose?
2010-03-04.txt:12:36:13: <alise> I do logread, you know
2010-03-27.txt:19:42:22: <ais523> I should logread more often
2010-04-13.txt:23:03:04: <ais523> you sometimes get logreaders responding to you months later
2010-04-14.txt:09:58:04: <Deewiant> In case Rugxulo logreads...
2010-04-18.txt:01:18:40: <fizzie> Rugxulo: in case you logread; strange about that; ccbi's trace of it has numbers like 7398752256 in stack. It might be depending on some particular wraparound; I get a differently broken output with -DSTACK_TYPE='unsigned int' (or signed/unsigned long) from ff3 than with the default 'int'.
2010-04-25.txt:19:32:04: <fizzie> Ah, you logread thoroughly.
2010-04-29.txt:00:17:56: <ais523> which would be a pity, because it means I'd miss half the conversation here; maybe I'd logread
2010-05-01.txt:20:17:11: <ais523> hmm, time to go home, I'll have to discover what alise's great idea is later, or else logread
2010-05-02.txt:09:09:39: <fizzie> Rugxulo: I don't logread, but I usually notice mentions of my name; in any case, yes, I'm not terribly surprised that's the case. I'll see if I can make a better one one of these days.
2010-05-02.txt:21:17:26: <alise__> I do believe you just logread.
2010-05-03.txt:10:57:22: * Rugxulo is sorry, logreading
2010-05-03.txt:17:16:10: * alise logreads to find out what fax's response to his ignoring her was; decides not to logread for such purposes any more
2010-05-04.txt:22:15:16: * Rugxulo is logreading again
2010-05-04.txt:22:17:34: <Phantom_Hoover> Yes, I realised that when logreading.
2010-05-10.txt:23:30:58: * oerjan hopes Phantom_Hoover logreads
2010-05-11.txt:14:46:59: <Rugxulo> two links for alise (assuming he logreads):
2010-05-15.txt:17:47:11: <alise> Usually I logread every day.
2010-05-18.txt:20:56:32: <Phantom_Hoover> Without quite a lot of explanation which you can just logread for.
2010-05-22.txt:10:53:00: <alise> No, I just logread because I can't be here Monday-to-Friday.
2010-05-29.txt:01:59:08: <alise> I love slow logreading.
2010-06-04.txt:23:46:48: <alise> Phantom_Hoover: You know, entering to say something after logreading is a technique I used to use and is widely regarded as extremely immature here.
2010-06-08.txt:22:34:19: <Phantom_Hoover> I need to go, but I'll logread tomorrow.
2010-06-11.txt:07:38:55: * Rugxulo still isn't quite sure he understands what SCP is (logreading)
2010-06-16.txt:04:05:58: <Sgeo_> Does ais523 logread?
2010-06-23.txt:22:09:15: <ais523> ah, I rarely logread nowadays
2010-06-26.txt:19:08:55: <augur> i remember sending a link for you when you logread
2010-06-29.txt:20:54:29: <AnMaster> Phantom_Hoover, was logreading at the same time
2010-07-16.txt:00:09:26: <aliseiphone> Yeah. I logread.
2010-08-01.txt:22:51:33: <alise> He doesn't logread.
2010-08-04.txt:21:25:52: <Sgeo> Since when did you stop logreading?
2010-08-08.txt:00:59:20: <Sgeo> You could always logread to see what alise is saying
2010-09-14.txt:16:36:40: <Phantom_Hoover> alise, I know you're logreading this, so please don't take offence.
2010-09-14.txt:19:25:50: <alise> 08:36:40 <Phantom_Hoover> alise, I know you're logreading this, so please don't take offence.
2010-09-15.txt:18:36:40: <SgeoN2> I guess I should logread
2010-09-16.txt:19:21:24: <fizzie> Vorpal: Well, yes, but I can't bother logreading when there's lot of stuff.
2010-09-16.txt:21:46:54: <ais523> hmm, now I'm lost in logreading
2010-09-17.txt:18:00:56: <alise> oerjan logreads too
2010-09-18.txt:23:04:45: <alise> are you just randomly logreading?
2010-09-19.txt:02:06:21: <Sgeo|FsckPuppy> zzo38, are you a logreader?
2010-09-26.txt:16:54:03: <oerjan> <alise> this channel has no such law <-- frequent logreaders instead wish for a ban of iso-8859-1
2010-09-29.txt:01:20:49: <alise> Phantom_Hoover logreading: ^ work that into the "real-physics" CA :P
2010-09-29.txt:01:23:44: <alise> for logreading :P
2010-09-29.txt:15:45:36: <alise> 17:20:49 <alise> Phantom_Hoover logreading: ^ work that into the "real-physics" CA :P
2010-10-04.txt:20:04:28: <alise> no way -- logreading is our national pastime
2010-10-07.txt:17:18:10: <alise> ais523: shut up i can logread as far back as I want :D
2010-10-19.txt:16:03:52: <elliott> oerjan: for logreading reference, the company wine/debian/ubuntu were referring to is Blizzard
2010-10-19.txt:21:47:32: <oerjan> <elliott> oerjan: for logreading reference, the company wine/debian/ubuntu were referring to is Blizzard
2010-10-19.txt:21:47:58: * oerjan thinks grepping for his nick will be enough logreading today.
2010-10-28.txt:17:07:31: <ais523_> elliott: did you logread my post about Jeff Atwood and reddit, btw?
2010-10-29.txt:17:43:18: <elliott> (Logreading from February? WHY NOT)
2010-10-31.txt:07:13:08: <elliott> [[LOGREADING ELLIOTT]] Write a VCS, foo.
2010-11-03.txt:15:53:53: <ais523> elliott: I might logread it, then
2010-11-03.txt:15:54:12: <ais523> I'm sorry, I've been really lax with the logreading over the past couple of years
2010-11-03.txt:15:54:36: <elliott> ais523: also, logreading is hardly a duty :)
2010-11-04.txt:02:35:26: <elliott> [LOGREADING ME] play nationstates since you can't resist, nation is called Battletoadia
2010-11-09.txt:20:52:34: <elliott> Phantom_Hoover: I brought this up after me and ais523 collectively whinged about the idiocy earlier. ais523 logreads.
2010-11-09.txt:20:54:22: <elliott> Phantom_Hoover: I did not address it to you, I addressed it implicitly to ais523-logreading.
2010-11-20.txt:04:10:26: <elliott_> Vorpal-logread: Yellow: "Scientific!"
2010-11-27.txt:01:42:11: <elliott> ==Phantom_Hoover logreading== I have struck diamond. I WILL NOW ACCOUNT FOR EVERY SINGLE DIAMOND BLOCK I MINE SO THAT IT CAN BE SPLIT 50/50.
2010-12-11.txt:05:32:57: <elliott> ais523logread: does this still suffice for using c-intercal on os/2?
2010-12-18.txt:00:03:10: <elliott> oerjan-logread: ^
2010-12-18.txt:11:53:02: <fizzie> (Though it's not like I'm going to forget the -3 thing, just in general it could be easier to report there, since I don't really logread #esoteric, sometimes even not when I'm highlighted.)
2010-12-21.txt:03:42:34: <elliott> especially considering how popular logreading is
2011-01-03.txt:14:05:03: <elliott> j-invariant: lemme logread first
2011-01-04.txt:01:08:15: <elliott> I know you've been logreading all this time.
2011-01-08.txt:06:22:13: <Sgeo> Phantom_Hoover: If you logread, I think I accidentally left Station V3 [and sister comics on occasion] off the list
2011-01-11.txt:01:47:05: <ehurd> j-invariant: btw here's a link, mostly for my logreading benefit since i had to find it again before:
2011-01-11.txt:17:11:17: <elliott> anyway, /me continues logreading
2011-01-12.txt:00:19:39: <elliott> ...nobody should ever analogise wi- i give up i'm just going to go back to logreading
2011-01-12.txt:05:04:06: <Sgeo> elliott, when you logread this, your bot tells me to shut up about sex
2011-01-14.txt:23:56:22: <elliott> Phantom_Hoover logreading: Bad thing about skybase: Respawning often offsets you enough that you fall to your death.
2011-01-15.txt:23:27:39: * Phantom__Hoover logreads
2011-01-18.txt:02:40:36: <elliott> TO MY LOGREADING SELF: ^^^^ DO THAT
2011-01-18.txt:02:40:42: <elliott> Sgeo: You get to remind me if I don't logread.
2011-01-22.txt:20:42:47: <elliott> once I get this interface up and running, I'm going to start the Chronological Logreading Effort
2011-01-23.txt:18:16:02: <ais523> elliott: assuming you're still logreading, did you come across my regex yet?
2011-01-24.txt:00:40:19: <elliott> Logreaders rely on being able to paste logs into the channel to respond to them, so I have to get that working properly.
2011-01-26.txt:17:01:53: <coppro> I won't be logreading
2011-01-31.txt:03:36:49: <elliott> kfr: hey i'll have you know that logreading is a respected tradition here.
2011-01-31.txt:18:18:10: <elliott> (logreading in action!)
2011-01-31.txt:23:36:36: <Sgeo> (I just want the docs but am too lazy to logread
2011-02-01.txt:19:17:32: <elliott> Lymia: it's called logreading :)
2011-02-03.txt:22:10:42: <elliott> I'm logreading.
2011-02-03.txt:23:57:58: <Phantom_Hoover> ELLIOTT DO NOT LOGREAD THIS
2011-02-04.txt:01:42:22: <elliott> ais523-logreading: btw my compiler now supports "[, "], "<, ">, and "", making it the first compliant Underload parser ever... I'll probably remove it due to it being a pain, though :P
2011-02-04.txt:03:09:37: <elliott> I am but a humble logreader.
2011-02-04.txt:18:27:52: <elliott> ok, logreading was a mistake, why can't I learn to trust my past self to make the right ignores...
2011-02-04.txt:22:16:23: <Gregor> elliott: Mainly "<elliott> from the talk page: [[Can We take down all the Gay Shippings like palletShipping, Even with the warning, It just isn't right.--Quick Man 21:18, 14 May 2008 (UTC)]]", taken entirely out of context because I'm not willing to logread
2011-02-08.txt:15:43:20: <ais523> I was `addquoting from logreading
2011-02-09.txt:02:34:22: <elliott> Note-to-logreading-self-to-ask-Deewiant: Does ) ever reflect? When?
2011-02-10.txt:17:04:55: <elliott> Filthy logreader.
2011-02-16.txt:18:24:58: <elliott> I logread in order
2011-02-16.txt:18:26:25: <Gregor> elliott: Just logread durf :P
2011-02-16.txt:21:14:41: <elliott> (oerjan: don't logread from my links any more)
2011-02-16.txt:21:18:18: <oerjan> <elliott> (oerjan: don't logread from my links any more) <-- what? :(
2011-02-17.txt:19:39:53: <elliott> Deewiant: well I'm logreading :P
2011-02-19.txt:18:28:55: <elliott> i wish the other logreaders were here so i didn't seem like so much of a spammer :D
2011-02-19.txt:19:06:19: <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo_, incidentally, I stumbled upon your AW esolang idea while logreading.
2011-02-19.txt:19:09:50: <elliott> <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo_, incidentally, I stumbled upon your AW esolang idea while logreading.
2011-02-19.txt:19:22:38: <oerjan> <elliott> i wish the other logreaders were here so i didn't seem like so much of a spammer :D <-- i didn't bother to logread more than searching for my nick today.  as a general rule, the longer the logs the less likely i browse all of them.
2011-02-21.txt:05:44:38: <Sgeo> He logreads. Mostly.
2011-02-21.txt:17:04:23: <fizzie> Gregor: So I fixed those {}s, in case you didn't logread.
2011-02-21.txt:20:31:04: <Gregor> elliott: Upon logreading (which I don't usually do), I see that in a message to ais.
2011-02-21.txt:20:31:22: <elliott> Gregor: I was under the impression that you did not logread, so I hardly see the point.
2011-02-21.txt:20:31:33: <elliott> (Not everybody who logreads checks pings.)
2011-02-26.txt:01:48:40: <elliott_> [PH-logreading:] (Block log); 01:55 . . Conficker (Talk | contribs) blocked Gooniepunk2010 (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 3 seconds (about right) (account creation disabled) (Member of a website supporting internet terrorism)
2011-02-26.txt:19:21:21: <elliott> wait, have you been logreading?
2011-03-01.txt:14:35:32: <elliott> Deewiant: I logread, what more do you want!
2011-03-03.txt:15:32:37: <Sgeo_> lrn2logread
2011-03-10.txt:06:41:21: <elliott> i picked that up by logreading
2011-03-10.txt:12:22:51: <elliott> from logreading
2011-03-11.txt:20:12:59: <elliott> or logread
2011-03-12.txt:09:38:53: <elliott> oklopol: logreading, i am also logreading
2011-03-12.txt:21:41:28: <ais523> well, you're an avid logreader :)
2011-03-13.txt:15:49:16: <cpressey> oh yes, that logread was quite enjoyable
2011-03-14.txt:14:04:49: <elliott_> but a true logreader never abandons his log.
2011-03-21.txt:20:08:17: <Phantom_Hoover> SUCK ON THAT, LOGREADERS
2011-03-22.txt:22:45:17: <Phantom_Hoover> Oh, he's logreading.
2011-03-22.txt:22:53:38: <Gregor> Then why logread :P
2011-03-22.txt:23:01:38: <Phantom_Hoover> 22:53:38: <Gregor> Then why logread :P ← pikhq messaged him.
2011-03-22.txt:23:31:30: <Gregor> It's for people who want to actively logread the channel without actually being in it :P
2011-03-30.txt:19:43:48: <elliott> ais523: I don't logread Agora :)
2011-04-01.txt:11:41:42: <elliott> oerjan: i'm logreading :D
2011-04-05.txt:14:40:19: <elliott> also i logreaded a shitload yesterday for no real reason
2011-04-07.txt:19:54:15: <elliott> cpressey: watchoo do to, i'm logreading and broken links totally destroy my flow
2011-04-21.txt:18:47:07: <oklopol> oerjan: for your logreading pleasure: a single step of the algorithm splits all the intervals in two, which means that in a polynomial amount of steps w.r.t. |x| (because strings are of length p(|x|)), we have that every interval is of size 1. of course, i haven't really told you why we're writing an algorithm, maybe i'll do that later.
2011-04-24.txt:15:41:59: <oerjan> cheater99: i know i'm just assuming he logreads
2011-04-29.txt:19:31:51: <elliott> sometimes i regret logreading
2011-04-29.txt:19:49:11: <elliott> i logread
[too many lines; stopping]