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date Sun, 16 Jun 2013 21:25:55 +0000
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2012-08-18.txt:04:53:10: <Sgeo> <Bike> if you really feel like doing bizarre things, try looking up cltl2.  e.g., sbcl has some nonstandard functions that let you mess with environments more.
2012-10-12.txt:05:22:10: <Bike> that's weird?
2012-10-12.txt:05:24:33: <Bike> it's just platonism.
2012-10-12.txt:05:26:16: <Bike> or "spirits", here.
2012-10-12.txt:05:30:45: <Bike> oh, go for it.  I just meant that it's old and venerable
2012-10-12.txt:05:31:11: <Bike> quite.
2012-10-24.txt:00:50:11: <Bike> I suppose I must be.
2012-10-24.txt:00:50:55: <Bike> Yo.
2012-10-24.txt:00:54:34: <Bike> «Surface is the disposition of woman: a mobile, stormy film over shallow water.» ergh.
2012-10-24.txt:00:54:45: <Bike> Don't be like that, Billy.
2012-10-24.txt:04:50:09: <Bike> anything like update-instance-for-redefined-class?
2012-10-24.txt:04:50:54: <Bike> ah.
2012-10-24.txt:05:16:09: <Bike> "uniquely"?
2012-10-24.txt:05:19:23: <Bike> before you keep going, can I just ask if "uniquely" was actually important to what you said?
2012-10-24.txt:05:20:25: <Bike> ok, just checking.
2012-10-24.txt:05:32:21: <Bike> but can you sell a book with that premise
2012-10-24.txt:05:41:09: <Bike> 'seems', how tricky
2012-10-24.txt:05:41:50: <Bike> doesn't that just move the definition to 'collection'?
2012-10-24.txt:05:48:56: <Bike> Sorry, what did I say to prompt this?
2012-10-24.txt:05:57:27: <Bike> Oh, why?
2012-10-24.txt:05:58:38: <Bike> What's global choice?
2012-10-24.txt:06:01:39: <Bike> Oh.
2012-10-24.txt:06:01:52: <Bike> That is pretty cool.
2012-10-24.txt:06:20:53: <Bike> sgeo was responding to me about another channel, sorry
2012-10-25.txt:04:48:40: <Bike> I thought most everything in Japanese was a pun.
2012-10-25.txt:06:24:26: <Bike> what's to understand?
2012-10-25.txt:06:25:23: <Bike> backslashes.  ruined
2012-10-25.txt:06:26:56: <Bike> «(#1=(lambda (x) `(,x ',x)) '#1#)» i hope this has been enlightening
2012-10-25.txt:19:59:08: <Bike> fast growing function, then.
2012-10-26.txt:01:26:33: <Bike> Sgeo: "this is a bad idea.  but how do we do it?"
2012-10-26.txt:01:28:06: <Bike> #phpteric?
2012-10-26.txt:01:39:23: <Bike> perhaps you could indicate your questions with some kind of specialized marker.  just put "question" after every sentence
2012-10-26.txt:01:40:34: <Bike> yes, and I'm not sure of the distinction.
2012-10-26.txt:01:41:52: <Bike> that's quite some capitalization; nowhere; no
2012-10-26.txt:01:42:00: <Bike> I browse the wiki sometimes and decided I may as well drop by.
2012-10-26.txt:01:42:12: <Bike> and then I stayed because people were talking about math I don't understand.
2012-10-26.txt:01:42:58: <Bike> I taked with sgeo about clojure a bit yesterday.
2012-10-26.txt:01:43:36: <Bike> talked*.  we moved it to #clojure because it wasn't wanted here.
2012-10-26.txt:01:44:09: <Bike> I don't think I've ever pronounced it out loud.  do as you please
2012-10-26.txt:01:44:56: <Bike> I didn't know there was a bug by this name.
2012-10-26.txt:01:46:09: <Bike> picture a bike constructed out of bees.  there you go
2012-10-26.txt:01:46:46: <Bike> Only one way to find out.
2012-10-26.txt:01:49:07: <Bike> what does anything mean, truly
2012-10-26.txt:02:07:03: <Bike> how about macroexpand-all sucking ass
2012-10-26.txt:02:15:34: <Bike> that doesn't matter, the same problem would come up any time you tried to get the false value.
2012-10-26.txt:02:16:25: <Bike> how does static typing help?
2012-10-26.txt:02:18:16: <Bike> is (None,) not distinguished from None?
2012-10-26.txt:02:18:57: <Bike> ah, yes.  but that's not really a dynamic typing thing, yeah.
2012-10-26.txt:02:19:41: <Bike> Couldn't they?
2012-10-26.txt:02:20:34: <Bike> I just mean hypothetically.
2012-10-26.txt:02:21:58: <Bike> can't you just establish a union type...?
2012-10-26.txt:02:22:19: <Bike> other than unboxed values not being Objects I guess.
2012-10-26.txt:02:22:44: <Bike> oh, as long as I'm asking dumb questions about types.  is TAPL the thing to read?
2012-10-26.txt:02:23:01: <Bike> cool.
2012-10-26.txt:02:29:12: <Bike> what does that name mean
2012-10-26.txt:02:43:12: <Bike> you don't want to see how they're made, or something like that
2012-10-26.txt:02:44:36: <Bike> is this an in-joke
2012-10-26.txt:02:45:36: <Bike> gosh, I don't know what to do with all this conflicting information.
2012-10-26.txt:02:46:34: <Bike> are you sure your mother isn't a console cowboy?
2012-10-26.txt:02:47:56: <Bike> It's a thing people who don't really exist said in the 90s (80s?).
2012-10-26.txt:02:48:38: <Bike> are you implying puredata isn't the most beautiful interface you've ever seen
2012-10-26.txt:02:50:09: <Bike> max has more library code, far as I know
2012-10-26.txt:02:51:45: <Bike> they just cat to /dev/dsp, no doubt.
2012-10-26.txt:02:52:53: <Bike> Sgeo: like typed racket, or
2012-10-26.txt:02:53:44: <Bike> kmc: gosh, I was starting to be afraid I was the only one who'd seen ghostwriter
2012-10-26.txt:02:57:49: <Bike> bash: sudo: command not found <-- work of art
2012-10-26.txt:03:03:12: <Bike> so what does the middle space represent
2012-10-26.txt:03:03:17: <Bike> why is there gravity
2012-10-26.txt:03:03:53: <Bike> yeah it does seem pretty serious, I mean look at all those honeypots.
2012-10-26.txt:04:40:24: <Bike> bonus: NIL is also in the symbol type.
2012-10-26.txt:04:43:59: <Bike> so you have union(symbol,sequence)>nil, I suppose
2012-10-26.txt:05:58:10: <Bike> that's at least double welsh
2012-10-26.txt:22:21:51: <Bike> what does that mean
2012-10-26.txt:22:22:54: <Bike> like a turing machine
2012-10-26.txt:22:40:52: <Bike> well, stack languages look like rpn, in that 4 6 + usually ends up with 10?
2012-10-26.txt:22:45:57: <Bike> you could do like Joy and just not have variables at all :)
2012-10-26.txt:22:46:30: <Bike> that works too
2012-10-26.txt:23:53:52: <Bike> i feel so illiterate, for thinking of "position independent code"
2012-10-26.txt:23:57:37: <Bike> is that like some strange proto-prototype OO system
2012-10-26.txt:23:59:38: <Bike> 9 = decimal digit?
2012-10-27.txt:00:00:10: <Bike> but how do I specify an unsigned four-digit quater-imaginary number
2012-10-27.txt:00:01:16: <Bike> clear deficiency.
2012-10-27.txt:00:04:47: <Bike> what's wrong with farming, eh?
2012-10-27.txt:00:05:16: <Bike> haha.
2012-10-27.txt:00:21:36: <Bike> wait, like, you have :x as a key in the hash, so you can do (:x hashtable) to get the value?
2012-10-27.txt:00:22:10: <Bike> weird
2012-10-27.txt:00:43:48: <Bike> i also find that weird, but I'm already used to it.
2012-10-27.txt:01:10:02: <Bike> FreeFull: judging by @list, not really?
2012-10-27.txt:01:11:20: <Bike> man you can't use single quotes like that in lisp, you'll break something
2012-10-27.txt:01:11:49: <Bike> D:
2012-10-27.txt:01:15:17: <Bike> wait, haskell strings are linked lists, really?
2012-10-27.txt:01:15:35: <Bike> why?
2012-10-27.txt:01:15:51: <Bike> snerk
2012-10-27.txt:01:16:33: <Bike> is that really "in retrospect"
2012-10-27.txt:01:16:44: <Bike> in lisp 1.5 you could use lists as functions!
2012-10-27.txt:01:16:55: <Bike> processing lists with lists, the way of the future.
2012-10-27.txt:01:17:13: <Bike> yeah that's what I was going to say
2012-10-27.txt:01:17:20: <Bike> is there not a type for vectors/arrays/whatever
2012-10-27.txt:01:17:36: <Bike> sweet.
2012-10-27.txt:01:17:46: <Bike> elliott: that strings are lists?
2012-10-27.txt:01:18:01: <Bike> that's quite the accident
2012-10-27.txt:01:18:24: <Bike> elliott: made sense in 1992?  but lisps that existed in '92 used arrays for strings
2012-10-27.txt:01:18:49: <Bike> strange, strange, very strange
2012-10-27.txt:01:18:52: <Bike> oh I suppose that's true though.
2012-10-27.txt:01:19:16: <Bike> how very strange to consider
2012-10-27.txt:01:21:06: <Bike> what is wrong with #haskell?
2012-10-27.txt:01:22:02: <Bike> wait, are you telling me not every speech about programming is like that
2012-10-27.txt:01:23:14: <Bike> groan.
2012-10-27.txt:01:26:08: <Bike> it what.
2012-10-27.txt:01:26:28: <Bike> i seem to have opened up a terrifying line of information here
2012-10-27.txt:01:27:07: <Bike> hello #esoteric
2012-10-27.txt:01:27:19: <Bike> Sgeo: is the same as sin 0 + cos 0, or what
2012-10-27.txt:01:27:38: <Bike> that's kinda cool actually.
2012-10-27.txt:01:28:12: <Bike> so I gathered
2012-10-27.txt:01:28:28: <Bike> yes I've gotten that impression, shachaf
2012-10-27.txt:01:32:50: <Bike> it knows about monads but not functors?
2012-10-27.txt:01:33:26: <Bike> i'm pretty dumb at haskell but I thought monads were functors?
2012-10-27.txt:01:33:39: <Bike> *haskell, math, life
2012-10-27.txt:01:34:00: <Bike> very strange
2012-10-27.txt:01:53:05: <Bike> can the language describe itself
2012-10-27.txt:02:47:53: <Bike> charles barkley: shut up and jam: gaiden
2012-10-27.txt:20:03:15: <Bike> they're also made of clouds, are you stockpiling clouds?
2012-10-28.txt:02:42:43: <Bike> how's it compare to The Joy of Sex?
2012-10-28.txt:04:40:29: <Bike> samsa?
2012-10-28.txt:04:51:29: <Bike> i thought it was augustus and julius being arrogant, or is that an urban legend
2012-10-28.txt:04:53:10: <Bike> Huh.  I didn't know that.
2012-10-28.txt:04:58:42: <Bike> zzo38: a life-death-rebirth deity, often linked to farming.
2012-10-28.txt:21:40:17: <Bike> how many brainfuck derivatives are there?  as a power of two.  possibly using knuth arrows
2012-10-28.txt:21:44:03: <Bike> get the cubecode people to make a language such that the execution always sounds like "urf"
2012-10-28.txt:21:44:32: <Bike> Sgeo: i thought that was usually denoted binomial[number_of_underscores, 8] in linear text
2012-10-28.txt:21:45:13: <Bike> how bothersome
2012-10-28.txt:22:09:02: <Bike> exponential how?
2012-10-28.txt:22:15:03: <Bike> don't suppose you're aware of computational complexity theory
2012-10-28.txt:22:15:57: <Bike> wait, got the name wrong.  kolmogorov and so on.
2012-10-28.txt:22:47:16: <Bike> didn't they do that twice, even
2012-10-28.txt:23:16:52: <Bike> the first season finale was about fighting off the goa-uld ship, right?
2012-10-28.txt:23:17:19: <Bike> they were pretty big.
2012-10-28.txt:23:17:36: <Bike> Phantom__Hoover: the earth gate had a thingie in front of it that could stop anybody from coming.
2012-10-28.txt:23:18:36: <Bike> they did, like a billion times, but the earthanoids fought 'em off with their protagonist powers
2012-10-28.txt:23:20:22: <Bike> actually wasn't belgium specifically threatened, I think I remember that
2012-10-28.txt:23:26:06: <Bike> you sure you haven't seen this show
2012-10-28.txt:23:27:16: <Bike> they're all ripoffs of each other
2012-10-28.txt:23:31:08: <Bike> well for what it's worth, the ancients aren't actually all dead, some of them are ghost angels
2012-10-28.txt:23:40:42: <Bike> because it's weird and empty (supposedly!!)
2012-10-29.txt:02:52:07: <Bike> there's a reason after a while they just call them lisp-n
2012-10-29.txt:02:53:40: <Bike> first-class special forms are a recipe for hilarity
2012-10-30.txt:05:41:12: <Bike> it's hard
2012-10-31.txt:01:27:13: <Bike> that is a fantastic feature
2012-11-01.txt:03:09:24: <Bike> hi, tsett.
2012-11-01.txt:03:16:21: <Bike> dumb question time: a model is computable if it's a recursive set?
2012-11-01.txt:03:19:59: <Bike> cool
2012-11-01.txt:03:24:58: <Bike> I still don't understand "uniquely", is this something with ordinals
2012-11-01.txt:03:26:27: <Bike> Other things like what?
2012-11-01.txt:03:28:15: <Bike> oh, those things that I don't understand... thanks.
2012-11-01.txt:03:28:32: <Bike> probably I should just read more boolos or somefin
2012-11-01.txt:03:47:08: <Bike> couldn't it only be inconsistent if peano was inconsistent?
2012-11-01.txt:03:47:38: <Bike> or that...
2012-11-01.txt:04:02:41: <Bike> guess that proves that.
2012-11-01.txt:04:03:06: <Bike> I have to ask what the time limit is...
2012-11-01.txt:20:30:15: <Bike> don't anger the nerds
2012-11-01.txt:20:30:28: <Bike> "rational drug design" being a distinct thing is pretty funny, though.
2012-11-02.txt:02:02:43: <Bike> do they have an "evaluate polynomial" instruction?
2012-11-02.txt:02:16:16: <Bike> but it's still "reduced" from the vax, so it's all good
2012-11-02.txt:02:21:00: <Bike> increment immediate, really?   is it self-modifying, then?
2012-11-02.txt:02:24:43: <Bike> dang.
2012-11-02.txt:04:54:15: <Bike> so, how are exact values (for BB on really simple machines) known?
2012-11-02.txt:04:54:28: <Bike> or are those just lower bounds?
2012-11-02.txt:04:55:23: <Bike> isn't that a procedure, then?
2012-11-02.txt:04:57:21: <Bike> well, that's a bit clearer.  The whole thing always sort of confused me.
2012-11-02.txt:04:57:46: <Bike> of course I have a book with a graph of the kolmogorov complexity of numbers as a function, maybe I should focus on that confusingness first.
2012-11-02.txt:05:10:47: <Bike> so any r.e. axiomatic system has turing machine halting proofs independent of it?
2012-11-02.txt:05:13:41: <Bike> maybe this is what I'm thinking of
2012-11-02.txt:05:34:51: <Bike> ikea has a boat?
2012-11-02.txt:05:35:30: <Bike> rad
2012-11-02.txt:05:37:29: <Bike> clever
2012-11-02.txt:05:37:38: <Bike> good to have cheap furniture during the apocalypse
2012-11-02.txt:20:21:23: <Bike> does hgWorld("False") print "Goodbye World !"?
2012-11-02.txt:21:52:47: <Bike> however much it takes to bribe browser developers
2012-11-03.txt:00:03:40: <Bike> so now somebody should quote you?
2012-11-03.txt:04:43:29: <Bike> the hell is that?
2012-11-03.txt:04:44:54: <Bike> do you support rainbows?
2012-11-03.txt:04:45:23: <Bike> you know what you must do
2012-11-03.txt:04:45:53: <Bike> that's right: vote for a version of yourself that has been blessed by the prism gods
2012-11-03.txt:06:00:16: <Bike> having not paid attention in several minutes: what about the 50 move draw?
2012-11-03.txt:06:03:20: <Bike> ah.
2012-11-03.txt:06:38:52: <Bike> I know of it, barely.
2012-11-03.txt:06:39:17: <Bike> Er, wait, Chinese chess more than Japanese chess, yes.  If Chinese chesss is the one on a star of david looking thing.
2012-11-03.txt:06:41:36: <Bike> oh, dammit.
2012-11-03.txt:06:42:10: <Bike> ok, that makes sense.
2012-11-04.txt:02:39:13: <Bike> hey be fair.  the sun is pretty big!
2012-11-04.txt:02:52:59: <Bike> haha, why the fuck?
2012-11-04.txt:03:14:45: <Bike> it's actually a beatles reference
2012-11-04.txt:03:17:20: <Bike> i for one support giving our electoral process over to srizbi
2012-11-05.txt:03:00:40: <Bike> you sure you don't want to try smoking?
2012-11-05.txt:06:16:10: <Bike> is this funroll-loops
2012-11-05.txt:07:07:28: <Bike> @yhjulwwiefzojcbxybbruweejw
2012-11-05.txt:07:07:48: <Bike> well, that was enlightening.
2012-11-05.txt:19:13:44: <Bike> smalltalk was, I think the things before it weren't so much
2012-11-05.txt:22:46:15: <Bike> if you can do that with solomonoff's that would be a hell of a thing
2012-11-05.txt:22:47:17: <Bike> huh, php has bc in it.  why?
2012-11-05.txt:22:48:12: <Bike> right.  I supose that explains that "get gz header and strip html out of it" function too.
2012-11-06.txt:07:15:20: <Bike> how many did the crude drawing of a vagina garner?
2012-11-06.txt:07:15:37: <Bike> Dang.
2012-11-06.txt:21:09:14: <Bike> run ed, obviously
2012-11-06.txt:21:44:48: <Bike> if only we had some more scientific means to figure out their relative popularity
2012-11-06.txt:22:06:10: <Bike> it's going through japan?
2012-11-06.txt:22:06:42: <Bike> oh yeah, same here.
2012-11-06.txt:22:06:52: <Bike> (US)
2012-11-07.txt:02:13:00: <Bike> That sounds pretty amazing, are there any examples on youtube?
2012-11-07.txt:03:00:39: <Bike> what's the electoral pull of the BNP?
2012-11-07.txt:03:01:07: <Bike> plus there's that whole nastiness in hungary.  eugh.
2012-11-07.txt:03:01:50: <Bike> but I mean, how much support do they have?
2012-11-07.txt:03:02:12: <Bike> I keep hearing about them, but I don't know if they're just on par with the Prohibition Party or what
2012-11-07.txt:03:32:54: <Bike> how does that interact with it still being schedule I federally, exactly
2012-11-07.txt:03:53:26: <Bike> is that different from not voting
2012-11-07.txt:04:36:43: <Bike> shit, really?
2012-11-07.txt:04:37:45: <Bike> what?
2012-11-07.txt:04:41:31: <Bike> coppro: you happen to have a link for the marriage thing?
2012-11-07.txt:04:41:46: <Bike> thanks
2012-11-07.txt:05:11:27: <Bike> that makes the last five minutes make a /lot/ more sense
2012-11-07.txt:05:18:08: <Bike> "The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." yes good
2012-11-07.txt:06:06:08: <Bike> I've heard better autotuning...
2012-11-07.txt:06:08:36: <Bike> gay weed is law in washington.  sp
2012-11-07.txt:06:08:52: <Bike> *so's charter schools and university not investing in stocks, but nobody cares probably
2012-11-07.txt:06:11:55: <Bike> sure, why not
2012-11-07.txt:06:15:04: <Bike> ah
2012-11-07.txt:07:27:30: <Bike> pff.
2012-11-07.txt:07:34:51: <Bike> bialetheism
2012-11-07.txt:07:42:53: <Bike>
2012-11-07.txt:07:46:39: <Bike> I'm still not clear on how that works.  Is it like, I'll walk by a marijuana store, and then they spot some ATF agents and run for it?
2012-11-07.txt:07:50:17: <Bike> more likely nothing will actually change until the feds do, I suppose
2012-11-07.txt:08:28:52: <Bike> haha, you rebel
2012-11-07.txt:08:30:16: <Bike> do you like about your age to get senior discounts?
2012-11-07.txt:22:17:22: <Bike> are you referring to mccain being porn in panama, or...
2012-11-07.txt:22:18:06: <Bike> born*.  being born in a military base is fine.
2012-11-08.txt:05:55:14: <Bike> glad to have contributed to the demise of conservagod, then!
2012-11-08.txt:05:57:34: <Bike> not even clicking something with that url
2012-11-08.txt:07:23:10: <Bike> gotta be careful of the threat of invasion from haiti.
2012-11-08.txt:07:27:51: <Bike> it's not like territories haven't become independent before.
2012-11-08.txt:07:31:03: <Bike> of course, the philippines had previously had a few wars about becoming independent, which I don't think is true of puerto rico
2012-11-08.txt:20:56:05: <Bike> is that... a regex?
2012-11-08.txt:20:56:15: <Bike> or some kind of dance?
2012-11-08.txt:20:56:36: <Bike> maybe you should figure out how it worked
2012-11-08.txt:21:16:51: <Bike> i'm sure there are plenty of places that would berate you for not using utf-ebcdic instead, too
2012-11-08.txt:21:41:39: <Bike> that sounds hard
2012-11-08.txt:23:22:33: <Bike> «0x20: "escape"; has no defined meaning» nice.
2012-11-08.txt:23:25:12: <Bike> hepburn romanization, obviously
2012-11-08.txt:23:25:29: <Bike> have it support lots of languages, but only with outmoded romanization styles
2012-11-08.txt:23:26:33: <Bike> pikhq_: only seal script, then
2012-11-08.txt:23:32:03: <Bike> elliott: japan has race problems, how about that
2012-11-08.txt:23:32:22: <Bike> or, the racism inherent in hepburn's romanizing stuffs
2012-11-08.txt:23:32:34: <Bike> or perhaps romanization in general!
2012-11-08.txt:23:35:41: <Bike> see, there you go.
2012-11-08.txt:23:35:55: <Bike> what about the other indigenous groups?  are they annihilated yet
2012-11-08.txt:23:36:44: <Bike> in japan
2012-11-08.txt:23:36:58: <Bike> or, to go back to the language thing, ryukyuan language suppression?
2012-11-08.txt:23:37:31: <Bike> oh geez, I didn't think it was that bad :(
2012-11-08.txt:23:38:33: <Bike> Phantom_Hoover: the right of passage is a natural right of all citizens!
2012-11-08.txt:23:38:52: <Bike> or, what do you mean, like, do I have to write a brainfuck variant
2012-11-08.txt:23:39:00: <Bike> shit
2012-11-08.txt:23:39:12: <Bike> haha.
2012-11-08.txt:23:39:43: <Bike> but I have this great idea, it's like brainfuck plus befunge and intercal!
2012-11-08.txt:23:40:17: <Bike> spec? I think you mean download link
2012-11-08.txt:23:41:14: <Bike> oh, that reminds me though, the other month a guy I know said that in school he learned that ainu were white
2012-11-08.txt:23:41:32: <Bike> apparently he learned about race from 19th-century quality textbooks, three races and all
2012-11-08.txt:23:46:31: <Bike> have you read the handbook
2012-11-08.txt:23:48:24: <Bike> Phantom_Hoover: so, if the state graph is abc and the match subgraph of a command is b, the interpreter could run that command, in which case the one node would be "open"?
2012-11-08.txt:23:49:54: <Bike> Phantom_Hoover: oh, yes, duh.  silly me.
2012-11-08.txt:23:50:11: <Bike> Phantom_Hoover: I thought it said that it used the same letter in the state graph and the match subgraph, oops.
2012-11-08.txt:23:51:44: <Bike> Phantom_Hoover: right.  but clearly having a single interpreter step be an np complete problem is what makes it worthwhile
2012-11-08.txt:23:53:38: <Bike> seems convenient enough
2012-11-08.txt:23:54:17: <Bike> nope
2012-11-08.txt:23:54:21: <Bike> am I going to go insane or something
2012-11-08.txt:23:54:33: <Bike> isn't there an angry birds theme park?
2012-11-08.txt:23:54:58: <Bike> haha, really?
2012-11-08.txt:23:55:08: <Bike> well shit, how can I turn this down now
2012-11-08.txt:23:55:45: <Bike> i'm not sure how exactly this would ever be not hideously slow
2012-11-08.txt:23:56:11: <Bike> cool
2012-11-08.txt:23:56:24: <Bike> i'm trying to grab the ullman paper from my amazing piracy network
2012-11-08.txt:23:58:12: <Bike> oh, this is the same designer who did underload, and I already implemented that, so obviously this will be just as simple
2012-11-08.txt:23:58:43: <Bike> haha amazing
2012-11-08.txt:23:59:38: <Bike> elliott: well that doesn't seem hard either, by virtue of my knowing nothing about it, see?
2012-11-09.txt:00:00:49: <Bike> how excitingly exotic
2012-11-09.txt:01:21:50: <Bike> i thought the tollan died at some point
2012-11-09.txt:01:23:27: <Bike> i thought they died then though...
2012-11-09.txt:01:23:38: <Bike> well, let me consult the inevitable wiki
2012-11-09.txt:01:24:18: <Bike> «Anubis found a way to make his fleet impervious to the Tollan Ion cannons, their only defense, they met their eventual destruction» oh that douche
2012-11-09.txt:01:25:30: <Bike> they were jerks, weren't they
2012-11-09.txt:06:30:13: <Bike> oh,wow.
2012-11-09.txt:07:05:16: <Bike> but would they have phones?  (use your prior distribution of daylight in your answer)
2012-11-09.txt:07:15:58: <Bike> most of it doesn't hit the earth, for one
2012-11-09.txt:07:22:10: <Bike> Sgeo: most autotrophs are solar.  the few exceptions are things that rely on geothermal vents and chemosynthesis, not exactly enough to keep humanity alive
2012-11-09.txt:18:26:26: <Bike> yeah, that was a sad episode
2012-11-09.txt:18:26:32: <Bike> and then it didn't go off.  boring.
2012-11-09.txt:18:27:01: <Bike> yeah.
2012-11-09.txt:18:27:13: <Bike> atriq: multiple deaths has about the same dramatic effect as none.
2012-11-09.txt:23:12:42: <Bike> so what sort of things do you have in 123 terabytes?
2012-11-09.txt:23:14:40: <Bike> of course, of course
2012-11-09.txt:23:17:01: <Bike> you could get a couple terabytes of bioinformatics data from the 'net to make yourself feel sciency
2012-11-09.txt:23:19:25: <Bike> would you like some lotto numbers?
[too many lines; stopping]