view paste/paste.10068 @ 3135:b013b05fdb58

<oerjan> rm raw.php?i=uwbmWGSz
author HackBot
date Sun, 16 Jun 2013 21:25:55 +0000
parents 18a6d1eca2e1
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line source

2008-03-09.txt:00:47:11: <ehird>
2008-03-17.txt:20:31:07: <ehird_> AnMaster:
2009-01-21.txt:16:50:30: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-01-21.txt:16:51:50: <impomatic> I've just implemented RSSB in Redcode and I'm looking for a new project
2009-01-21.txt:17:01:05: <impomatic> Any suggestions. I'd prefer stack or cell based, minimal instruction set and relative addressing!
2009-01-21.txt:17:06:46: <impomatic> Someone already did bf in redcode
2009-01-21.txt:17:08:39: <impomatic> I want one of these for esoteric programming langs :-)
2009-01-21.txt:17:11:10: <impomatic> The interpreter will be written in Redcode
2009-01-21.txt:17:49:11: <MizardX> impomatic: Pick and choose ->
2009-01-21.txt:17:51:00: <impomatic> Too many to choose from!
2009-01-21.txt:17:52:37: <ais523> hmm... so who's impomatic, then?
2009-01-21.txt:17:52:44: <oerjan> impomatic: there's also the random page button
2009-01-21.txt:17:53:09: <impomatic> For now I've looked through the Hello World implementations for a language I like the look of
2009-01-21.txt:17:54:09: <impomatic> ais523: new here. I'm a redcode programmer
2009-01-21.txt:17:56:15: <oerjan> impomatic: if you're interested in redcode might i suggest FuckYourBrane (iirc)?
2009-01-21.txt:18:00:13: <impomatic> oerjan: thanks, I'll take a look shortly
2009-01-21.txt:18:29:00: -!- impomatic has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2009-01-24.txt:22:00:25: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-01-24.txt:22:03:45: <impomatic> Does anyone know what the smallest Brainfuck hello world is?
2009-01-24.txt:22:03:52: <ehird> impomatic: yes, iirc egobot generated it
2009-01-24.txt:22:04:26: <impomatic> The one on the wiki is 143
2009-01-24.txt:22:04:53: <ehird> impomatic: I could try and grep the logs for egobot's I think it was 113 or sth
2009-01-24.txt:22:05:38: <impomatic> Ehird: thanks, that would be a big help. Google didn't show up much
2009-01-24.txt:22:05:54: <impomatic> Is 113 the best? Was that generated by a GA or something?
2009-01-24.txt:22:06:59: <ehird> impomatic:
2009-01-24.txt:22:07:32: <impomatic> Thanks :-)
2009-01-24.txt:22:32:25: <impomatic> My first attempt to write a brainfuck hello world by hand - 122 instructions :-(
2009-01-24.txt:23:19:03: <impomatic> New brainfuck Hello World = 115. That's 3 instructions shorter
2009-01-24.txt:23:19:45: <ehird> but impomatic's beaten that
2009-01-24.txt:23:21:01: <impomatic> I was hoping to reach 88 so my interpretter and Hello World fit in 100 instructions, but I don't think there's any chance
2009-01-24.txt:23:21:10: <impomatic> +++++++++++[>+++++++>+++++++++>++++>+++>++++++++<<<<<-]>-----.>++.+++++++..+++.>.>-.>-.<<<.+++.------.--------.>>+.
2009-01-24.txt:23:21:16: <ehird> impomatic: you have a 22 char bf interp?
2009-01-24.txt:23:21:40: <impomatic> No, 12 instruction interpretter :-)
2009-01-24.txt:23:22:26: <ehird> impomatic: show this interp! :)
2009-01-24.txt:23:22:55: <impomatic> And it's not slow.  When it starts execution, it converts all [ and ] to relative jumps
2009-01-24.txt:23:23:17: <oklopol> impomatic: can you show it?
2009-01-24.txt:23:23:24: <impomatic> The interpretter is more of a compiler, and it's in redcode
2009-01-24.txt:23:24:33: <impomatic> Okay, wait!
2009-01-24.txt:23:26:25: <impomatic> Not so impressive:
2009-01-24.txt:23:27:01: <impomatic> When the redcode is compiled, it uses macros to compile brainfuck to redcode
2009-01-24.txt:23:27:29: <impomatic> There are 12 instructions to fix the [ and ] jump addresses
2009-01-24.txt:23:27:49: <impomatic> Macros at the top
2009-01-24.txt:23:28:22: <impomatic> Thanks
2009-01-24.txt:23:28:24: <ehird> impomatic: how much would it take to add a parser?
2009-01-24.txt:23:29:22: <impomatic> Not much, but first I need to recompile the redcode interpretter. Haven't got a C compiler on this Windoze machine
2009-01-24.txt:23:30:16: <impomatic> I will add a parser to read in Brainfuck from a file.
2009-01-24.txt:23:30:16: <impomatic> And possibly add a table based optimizer
2009-01-24.txt:23:30:32: <impomatic> Often 2 brainfuck instructions could be reduced to 1 redcode instruction
2009-01-24.txt:23:40:03: <impomatic> The Hello World from Wikipedia outputs a different string.  No comma, but a newline
2009-01-25.txt:00:04:17: <impomatic> RSSB is less complex. One instruction and only one operand
2009-01-25.txt:00:04:24: <ehird> impomatic: link?
2009-01-25.txt:00:06:20: <impomatic> See the RSSB page I made the other day
2009-01-25.txt:00:07:19: <ehird> impomatic: can't IP/ACC be in memory?
2009-01-25.txt:00:08:48: <ehird> impomatic: ?
2009-01-25.txt:00:09:09: <impomatic> ehird: I'm not sure why the spec said both
2009-01-25.txt:00:09:47: <ehird> impomatic: define below 0
2009-01-25.txt:00:10:13: <impomatic> below 0: if the subtraction causes a borrow
2009-01-25.txt:00:10:47: <impomatic> There's a redcode implementation at
2009-01-25.txt:00:10:51: <ehird> impomatic: i don't follow
2009-01-25.txt:00:11:14: <impomatic> Yes
2009-01-25.txt:00:11:46: <impomatic> Basically if prior to the subtraction, acc > contents of memory location, skip the next instruction
2009-01-25.txt:00:12:36: <ehird> impomatic: so is there a reason it has to be stored in both?
2009-01-25.txt:00:12:59: <impomatic> There is an implementation of RSSB by David Tanguay, but I can't find a copy online
2009-01-25.txt:00:13:11: <ehird> impomatic: ?
2009-01-25.txt:00:13:23: <impomatic> ehird: I just implemented as per David Tanguay's spec
2009-01-25.txt:00:15:23: <impomatic> ehird: if it only stores in acc, there's no way to modify memory.  if it only stores in memory, then the only thing you can do with acc is set it to zero
2009-01-25.txt:00:16:47: <ehird> impomatic:
2009-01-25.txt:00:23:27: <ehird> impomatic: how do you jump backwards with rssb?
2009-01-25.txt:00:25:16: <ehird> impomatic: how do you jump backwards with rssb?
2009-01-25.txt:00:25:32: <impomatic> ehird: subtract something from ip
2009-01-25.txt:00:27:16: <impomatic> Jump requires 4 lines of RSSB:
2009-01-25.txt:00:27:16: <impomatic>         rssb   acc       ; set acc to 0
2009-01-25.txt:00:27:17: <impomatic>         rssb   $+2       ; set acc to loop offset
2009-01-25.txt:00:27:17: <impomatic>         rssb   ip        ; subtract acc from ip
2009-01-25.txt:00:27:17: <impomatic>         rssb   $-loop    ; the loop offset
2009-01-25.txt:00:30:36: <impomatic> Is there a brainfuck variant which adds a stack?
2009-01-25.txt:00:32:00: <ehird> impomatic: any thoughts?
2009-01-25.txt:00:33:07: <impomatic> Back tomorrow :-)
2009-01-25.txt:00:33:11: -!- impomatic has quit ("mov.i #1,1").
2009-01-25.txt:13:42:45: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-01-25.txt:13:49:05: <impomatic> 112 Hello, World!   ++++++++++++++[>+++++>+++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+++.+++++++..+++.>++.>[<-<<+>>>-]<++.<<+.>.+++.------.--------.>+.
2009-01-25.txt:14:00:42: <ehird> <impomatic> 112 Hello, World!   ++++++++++++++[>+++++>+++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+++.+++++++..+++.>++.>[<-<<+>>>-]<++.<<+.>.+++.------.--------.>+.
2009-01-25.txt:14:02:44: <impomatic> Hi Ehird. 1 instruction longer than Wikipedia, but it includes the comma.
2009-01-25.txt:14:03:00: <impomatic> No
2009-01-25.txt:14:03:28: <impomatic> Some of the other examples didn't have newline
2009-01-25.txt:14:41:06: <impomatic> Lol at censoring brainfuck to b****fuck :-)
2009-01-25.txt:14:48:57: <impomatic> Anyone want to implement Redcode++?
2009-01-25.txt:15:14:58: -!- impomatic has quit ("").
2009-01-25.txt:16:38:12: -!- Metcalf is now known as impomatic.
2009-01-25.txt:17:01:06: <impomatic> Does anyone know what the smallest bf quine is?
2009-01-25.txt:17:01:37: <ais523> impomatic: the null string
2009-01-25.txt:17:06:15: <impomatic> Thanks :-)
2009-01-25.txt:17:33:06: <impomatic> Revised bf interpreter in Redcode
2009-01-25.txt:17:34:50: <ais523> impomatic: probably not very useful for actual CoreWars games, but it's always nice to have esolang-in-esolang implementations
2009-01-25.txt:17:37:42: <impomatic> I'd have to check, I think there's a problem with the Redcode interpreter. When it reaches EOF, I think it continues to wait for a character.
2009-01-25.txt:21:36:02: -!- impomatic has quit ("").
2009-01-26.txt:17:12:25: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-01-26.txt:17:13:26: <impomatic> ^bf ++++++++++++++[>>+>++>+++>++>+++<<[++++<]<-]>>>>>[+++<]>-.>>.+++++++..+++.>>++.<+.<<.>.+++.------.--------.>+.
2009-01-26.txt:17:13:38: <impomatic> 106 :-)
2009-01-26.txt:17:16:50: <ehird> impomatic: i think that's longer than it could be
2009-01-26.txt:17:18:30: <impomatic> Hi Ehird
2009-01-26.txt:17:21:47: <impomatic> It's 12 bit, I wrote code to read files from it about 15 years ago
2009-01-26.txt:17:22:06: <impomatic> But I wouldn't be much help.  I only read it, never tried to manipulate it
2009-01-26.txt:19:55:21: <impomatic> ^bf +++++[>+++[>>+>++>+++>+++>++>+++<<[++++<]<-]<-]>>>---.>>----.>+++..+++.>>-.<++.<<<---.>>.+++.------.<-.>>+.
2009-01-26.txt:19:57:01: <impomatic> Yeah, shame it's 107 instructions and not <106
2009-01-26.txt:19:57:16: <impomatic> oklopol: go ahead :-)
2009-01-26.txt:19:57:42: <impomatic> ehird: okay, show me how :-P
2009-01-26.txt:19:59:45: <impomatic> I've seen "Hello, World!", "Hello World!
" and "Hello, world!"
2009-01-26.txt:20:00:16: <impomatic> I'm working on "Hello, World!" because that's the example someone showed me
2009-01-26.txt:20:01:28: <impomatic> HI Psygnisfive_
2009-01-26.txt:20:02:33: <psygnisfive_> impomatic, you new, ey?
2009-01-26.txt:20:38:17: <impomatic> psygnisfive_: new here, not new to esoteric languages :-)
2009-01-26.txt:20:44:56: <impomatic> I started playing with esolangs in 1993.
2009-01-26.txt:20:44:56: <impomatic> Unless Redcode counts :-)
2009-01-26.txt:20:45:04: <ehird> redcode counts, impomatic
2009-01-26.txt:20:48:39: <impomatic> 1991 if Redcode counts
2009-01-26.txt:20:49:25: <impomatic> My modem is apparently not connected?
2009-01-26.txt:20:49:30: <impomatic> Trying to connect now
2009-01-26.txt:20:49:31: <ehird> impomatic: i hear you
2009-01-26.txt:20:50:34: <impomatic> oklopol: You're making me feel old!
2009-01-26.txt:20:51:21: <impomatic> :-/
2009-01-26.txt:21:12:18: <impomatic> Anyone here got a programming blog?
2009-01-26.txt:21:16:31: <impomatic> Judofyr: where? :-)
2009-01-26.txt:21:22:52: <Judofyr> impomatic:
2009-01-26.txt:22:02:33: -!- impomatic has quit ("").
2009-01-27.txt:17:55:58: -!- Metcalf is now known as impomatic.
2009-01-27.txt:18:17:41: <impomatic> Is there a term for mainstream languages that are rarely used / hear of? E.g. Oberon
2009-01-27.txt:18:27:43: <MizardX> impomatic:
2009-01-27.txt:18:28:27: <impomatic> Hi ehird, and thanks MizardX
2009-01-27.txt:18:28:54: <ehird> impomatic: I saw a reddit submission of yours earlier today :-)
2009-01-27.txt:18:30:59: <ehird> impomatic: what's a reverse call? I'm not sure I understand
2009-01-27.txt:18:31:59: <impomatic> I use impomatic in most places, twitter, stumbleupon, delicious, blogger, reddit
2009-01-27.txt:18:33:20: <impomatic> Each redcode opcode has two operands (though sometimes they're omited)
2009-01-27.txt:18:33:20: <impomatic> equ defines a macro
2009-01-27.txt:18:34:01: <impomatic> so: call equ mov #2-return, <stack ; defines call to be a mov #2-return, <stack
2009-01-27.txt:18:34:03: <impomatic> :-)
2009-01-27.txt:18:40:41: <impomatic> There are a couple of solutions to that problem on my blog, but they're both a bit messy
2009-01-27.txt:18:40:41: <impomatic> There's a redcode specific IRC channel, #corewars on
2009-01-27.txt:18:40:41: <impomatic> If the subroutine is above the call in the source listing, the calculated addresses are incorrect
2009-01-27.txt:18:40:41: <impomatic> Due to wierd behaviour in the macro pre-processor
2009-01-27.txt:20:54:49: <impomatic> ^bf ++++[>++++<-]>+[>>++>+>+>++<[+++++<]<-]>>>++.>-.-<++++..+++.>>--.+<<<.----->.---<[.>]
2009-01-27.txt:21:41:03: <ehird> impomatic: no output?
2009-01-27.txt:21:48:32: <impomatic> No, is the bot broken?
2009-01-27.txt:21:48:54: <ehird> impomatic: er, three is no bot
2009-01-27.txt:21:50:29: <impomatic> notepad k
2009-01-27.txt:21:50:39: <impomatic> Wrong window!
2009-01-27.txt:21:59:29: * impomatic has an 8 cpu mini-computer :-P
2009-01-27.txt:21:59:45: <ehird> impomatic: heh
2009-01-27.txt:21:59:50: <AnMaster> impomatic, hm? What sort?
2009-01-27.txt:22:00:12: <impomatic> Unfortunately it's from something like 1990, so not very impressive.
2009-01-27.txt:22:01:01: <impomatic> AnMaster: 19" MVME boards, with a "Cray" logo on the front
2009-01-27.txt:22:01:08: <AnMaster> impomatic, CRAY!!!!!!!!
2009-01-27.txt:22:01:16: <AnMaster> impomatic, picture?
2009-01-27.txt:22:01:24: <AnMaster> impomatic, also what is 19" in metric?
2009-01-27.txt:22:02:16: <ehird> impomatic: does it run an infinite loop in 6 seconds?
2009-01-27.txt:22:04:17: <impomatic> About 47cm, haven't got a photo - looks like a washing machine without the door. Never tried the infinite loop!
2009-01-27.txt:22:04:54: <impomatic> Is lovecraft a esolang? That'd be cool :-)
2009-01-27.txt:22:09:45: <impomatic> I've got one in 84 now!
2009-01-27.txt:22:13:00: <AnMaster> impomatic, oh?
2009-01-27.txt:22:15:01: <impomatic> ^bf ++++[>++++<-]>+[>>++>+>+>++<[+++++<]<-]>>>++.>-.<++++..+++.>>--.++<<<.---->.--<[-.>]
2009-01-27.txt:22:19:42: <impomatic> We're also talking about bf in #corewars on
2009-01-27.txt:22:21:43: * ehird tries to work out impomatic's name in #corewars
2009-01-27.txt:22:22:32: <olsner> it couldn't be just "impomatic"?
2009-01-27.txt:22:22:46: <ehird> there is no impomatic in there.
2009-01-27.txt:22:23:07: <impomatic> OoS
2009-01-27.txt:22:23:47: <impomatic> It's OoS. I already mentioned #esoteric
2009-01-27.txt:22:26:29: <impomatic> ehird: it was busy before you arrived
2009-01-27.txt:22:26:50: <impomatic> We're a bit shy around strangers ;-)
2009-01-27.txt:22:27:43: <ehird> impomatic: if you can get BF hello world in a standard 80-char line I'll be amazed
2009-01-27.txt:22:29:18: <impomatic> ehird: I don't think I can knock off the last 4 instructions
2009-01-27.txt:22:29:24: <ehird> impomatic: aw
2009-01-27.txt:22:37:24: <ehird> impomatic's beaten it by far.
2009-01-27.txt:22:43:57: <impomatic> Hmmm... sounds a long time
2009-01-27.txt:22:44:11: <impomatic> It requires 12 . only two of which are next to each other
2009-01-27.txt:22:44:47: <impomatic> If the 1st . doesn't output a 'h' it can terminate
2009-01-27.txt:22:44:47: <impomatic> Forget that, . could be in a loop :-/
2009-01-27.txt:22:48:53: <impomatic> ghostview?
2009-01-27.txt:23:03:33: <AnMaster> impomatic, yep
2009-01-27.txt:23:04:45: <impomatic> Does anarchy golf use 0 for EOF?
2009-01-27.txt:23:05:48: <ehird> impomatic: yes
2009-01-27.txt:23:09:46: <MizardX> impomatic: Heh. Right after your program has printed out "hell" in "hello world!", exactly 666 operations has been executed. :P
2009-01-27.txt:23:11:02: <impomatic> Nice, I wish I'd planned that!
2009-01-27.txt:23:11:18: <impomatic> Is that the 84 instruction version?
2009-01-28.txt:00:00:14: <impomatic> When does the fungot bf interpreter terminate? E.g. if I put it in an infinite loop printing something?
2009-01-28.txt:00:00:15: <fungot> impomatic: you could ask him to move two seats from mine. it's just werid that it never returned in the first place
2009-01-28.txt:00:00:40: <oerjan> impomatic: iirc it's pretty robust
2009-01-28.txt:00:00:44: <oklopol> impomatic: after $lot instructions?
2009-01-28.txt:00:01:18: <ehird> impomatic: fungot is written in befunge
2009-01-28.txt:00:01:21: <oerjan> impomatic: well i think it also stops after a number of characters
2009-01-28.txt:00:01:28: <ehird> impomatic:
2009-01-28.txt:00:24:01: -!- impomatic has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2009-01-28.txt:07:00:26: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-01-28.txt:09:51:44: <impomatic> Finally I'm in first place on something :-)
2009-01-28.txt:09:52:03: <ais523> impomatic: ah, I remember anagold
2009-01-28.txt:15:12:15: <oklopol> ais523: impomatic: ah, I remember anagold <<< lul i did the same typo
2009-01-28.txt:15:15:18: <impomatic> I think I'm going to implement Underload
2009-01-29.txt:13:14:11: <impomatic> Corewar will be 25 years old later this year :-)
2009-01-29.txt:20:11:43: <impomatic> Hmmm...
2009-01-29.txt:20:13:09: <impomatic> Borland C++ Builder 5.0's license doesn't allow the user freedom of use for compiled files :-(
2009-01-29.txt:20:15:18: <bsmntbombdood> impomatic: use a real compiler?
2009-01-29.txt:20:52:45: <impomatic> Okay, I give up with C++ Builder.  Is GCC a big download?
2009-01-29.txt:20:53:21: <impomatic> Binary
2009-01-29.txt:20:54:53: <impomatic> I only want to compile one thing, then I'll probably never use it again
2009-01-29.txt:20:54:53: <impomatic> I don't like C
2009-01-29.txt:20:54:53: <impomatic> Yes
2009-01-29.txt:20:57:02: <Deewiant> impomatic: but VC++ might be easier to get working
2009-01-29.txt:20:57:45: <impomatic> Thanks, I'll download next month :-)
2009-01-29.txt:20:57:45: <impomatic> My bandwidth limit is close!
2009-01-29.txt:22:25:05: <impomatic> Hi yoR :-)
2009-01-29.txt:22:41:19: <impomatic> I made another bf interpreter last night in 8086 asm
2009-01-29.txt:22:44:48: <impomatic> No, not enough time!
2009-01-29.txt:23:56:53: <impomatic> I'm 34, so I guess I'm with the few really old people!
2009-01-30.txt:00:04:42: <impomatic> ^bf +++++++[>+++++++<-]>++.+.
2009-01-30.txt:09:38:04: -!- impomatic has quit ("programming @").
2009-01-30.txt:18:49:37: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-01-30.txt:18:59:50: <impomatic> I've created a new page for Redcode on the Esoteric Languages Wiki,
2009-01-30.txt:19:06:13: <impomatic> No :-(
2009-01-30.txt:19:06:43: <impomatic> It was on the language list, but no page. I've added some basics to begin with
2009-01-30.txt:19:06:48: <lament> impomatic: you play corewars?
2009-01-30.txt:19:07:23: <impomatic> Yes, and also do some programming in redcode
2009-01-30.txt:19:08:19: <lament> impomatic: is it fun? Has the state-of-the-art progressed since the 80s?
2009-01-30.txt:19:08:35: <impomatic> About that :-)
2009-01-30.txt:19:09:37: <impomatic> It's fun, but slow at the moment. There's a history at which give brief details of what's happened each year
2009-01-30.txt:19:10:39: <impomatic> Basically, there's been a new standard, there's now various online tournaments with instantaneous results, and new techniques keep getting invented.
2009-01-30.txt:19:11:49: <impomatic> There are several irregular newsletters too,
2009-01-30.txt:19:33:27: <Deewiant> impomatic: a new standard? When was that?
2009-01-30.txt:20:16:06: <impomatic> Deewiant cw standards = 1986, 1988 and 1994
2009-01-30.txt:20:19:43: <Deewiant> impomatic: yep, I was hoping for something after 94 :-)
2009-01-30.txt:20:20:41: <impomatic> No need for a new standard
2009-01-30.txt:20:20:46: <impomatic> Although opcodes for character input / output have been added
2009-01-30.txt:22:24:22: <impomatic> Has anyone got any really old corewar stuff?  I'm building a big online archive
2009-01-30.txt:22:25:06: <impomatic> Unfortunately there's lots of stuff that used to be online, but has now disappeared.
2009-01-30.txt:22:25:29: <impomatic> The same seems to go for some other Esolang stuff :-(
2009-01-30.txt:22:26:56: <Deewiant> impomatic: I might, somewhere, but I think it's all from anyway
2009-01-30.txt:22:26:58: <impomatic> Thanks, looking
2009-01-30.txt:22:27:05: <ehird> Deewiant: isn't that impomatic's site? :P
2009-01-30.txt:22:27:21: <impomatic> Deewiant, I should have all of the stuff! :-)
2009-01-30.txt:22:27:31: <Deewiant> impomatic: :-)
2009-01-30.txt:22:30:34: <impomatic> The Minus webpages have disappeared, hopefully I'll find them in the archive
2009-01-30.txt:22:30:49: <impomatic> There was something else too which I noticed had gone.  Not ever in the internet archive :-(
2009-01-30.txt:22:46:25: <impomatic> Anyone heard of TWINC, TWo INstruction Computer? :-)
2009-01-30.txt:23:08:02: * impomatic checks he's still in #esolang
2009-01-30.txt:23:08:52: <oerjan> impomatic: everything is on topic here except esolangs.  the # is logical negation.
2009-01-30.txt:23:09:23: <impomatic> Hmmm... let me try something :-(
2009-01-30.txt:23:09:29: <impomatic> ehird: am I here now?
2009-01-30.txt:23:11:39: <impomatic> While we're talking comics,
2009-01-30.txt:23:14:06: <oklopol> so, impomatic, i hate you; and now let me elaborate on that, it's less insulting than you think.
2009-01-30.txt:23:15:19: <impomatic> Yay :-)
2009-01-30.txt:23:15:34: <impomatic> I think they're both going to be around a while, no hurry
2009-01-30.txt:23:16:04: <impomatic> If they'd add redcode to code golfing, you could kill two birds with one stone
2009-01-30.txt:23:42:40: -!- impomatic has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2009-01-31.txt:13:51:26: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-01-31.txt:13:56:11: <impomatic> Has moved, or just disappeared?
2009-01-31.txt:13:57:53: <impomatic> Sorry :-/
2009-01-31.txt:15:40:57: <impomatic> Hi X-Scale :-)
2009-01-31.txt:15:42:26: <impomatic> X-Scale: I think I've seen you in #corewars ;-)
2009-01-31.txt:16:06:03: <X-Scale> Hello there, impomatic & ehird :)
2009-01-31.txt:18:59:49: -!- impomatic has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2009-02-01.txt:07:02:46: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-02-01.txt:11:32:17: <impomatic> Why are <> and [] reserved in Underload?
2009-02-01.txt:12:10:26: -!- impomatic has quit ("mov.i #1,1").
2009-02-01.txt:13:54:42: <ehird> <impomatic> Why are <> and [] reserved in Underload?
2009-02-04.txt:07:44:10: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-02-04.txt:10:07:32: <impomatic> I've implemented an interpreter for Underload in Redcode,
2009-02-04.txt:11:22:27: <whoppix> impomatic, what would be the default policy for an underload interpreter if the execution pointer encounters any letter that is not valid underload?
2009-02-04.txt:12:07:53: <impomatic> whoppix: fizzie: the program terminates when it reaches the invalid input
2009-02-04.txt:12:08:34: <impomatic> And it expects the program to be valid. It will do a swap on an empty stack
2009-02-04.txt:12:09:05: <impomatic> (comment)!
2009-02-04.txt:12:10:20: <impomatic> I'm looking for another language to implement
2009-02-04.txt:12:10:30: <impomatic> Maybe Aura
2009-02-04.txt:17:25:26: -!- impomatic has quit ("infinite loops @ :-)").
2009-02-04.txt:17:47:22: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-02-04.txt:17:56:00: <impomatic> Hmmm... there's probably more Haskell on reddit than any other language!
2009-02-04.txt:17:57:10: <ehird> impomatic: Indeed, it's quite popular over there. Was even more so in 2007 - early 2008 before the enterprisey folks arrived.
2009-02-04.txt:18:07:36: <impomatic> AnMaster: about 2 inches of snow, I live half way up
2009-02-04.txt:18:08:08: <AnMaster> impomatic, 2 inches in SI units?
2009-02-04.txt:18:09:01: <AnMaster> impomatic, well that isn't very much
2009-02-04.txt:18:11:04: <impomatic> It doesn't need much to bring the U.K. to a standstill :-)
2009-02-04.txt:18:12:50: <impomatic> The news reports have been talking about the big freeze and arctic conditions.  In reality it's just been a few cm of snow and -2C overnight
2009-02-04.txt:18:16:03: <AnMaster> impomatic, -2C? Bah, that is warm
2009-02-04.txt:18:19:40: <impomatic> Hmmm... it's 25.4C indoors at the moment :-)
2009-02-04.txt:18:39:38: <impomatic> Since we're talking about osdev, how do I get two processes to agree on a channel to communicate by?
2009-02-04.txt:18:39:53: <AnMaster> impomatic, that is very vague
2009-02-04.txt:18:40:35: * AnMaster waits for a clarification of what impomatic meant. IPC? TCP? shared memory?
2009-02-04.txt:18:41:58: <impomatic> I can implement the IPC primatives easily. But how would program A and B that need to communicate with each other allocate a channel?
2009-02-04.txt:18:43:40: <AnMaster> impomatic, well, you could implement some sort of named pipe facility for example to allow different user space processes to open the same named pipe
2009-02-04.txt:18:44:01: <ehird> impomatic: do something like:
2009-02-04.txt:18:47:39: <impomatic> Hmmm...
2009-02-04.txt:18:48:10: <AnMaster> impomatic, take a look at the posix apis for shared memory and such maybe?
2009-02-04.txt:18:52:45: <impomatic> Okay, I'll google them
2009-02-04.txt:18:54:23: <AnMaster> impomatic, what "them"?
2009-02-04.txt:18:55:45: <impomatic> Posix apis
2009-02-04.txt:19:23:09: <impomatic> I have a simple OS - bootloader, kernel with memory management, scheduling, etc written in asm
2009-02-04.txt:19:43:30: -!- impomatic has quit ("cw for newbies :-)").
2009-02-04.txt:21:44:09: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.
2009-02-04.txt:21:44:50: <impomatic> Has anyone got the spec for Hanoi Love?
2009-02-04.txt:21:45:27: <impomatic> The link on the wiki is broken, nothing in the web archive :-/
2009-02-04.txt:23:10:26: -!- impomatic has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
2009-02-05.txt:06:47:49: -!- impomatic has joined #esoteric.