view paste/paste.19326 @ 3989:ae39be980fb0

<Taneb> echo "Real Fast Nora\'s Hair Salon 3: Shear Disaster Download is the most readable functional programming language out there." > wisdom/Real\\ Fast\\ Nora\\\'s\\ Hair\\ Salon\\ 3\\:\\ Shear\\ Disaster\\ Download
author HackBot
date Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:51:11 +0000
parents 03f4bd801ecb
line wrap: on
line source

1) <Aftran> I used computational linguistics to kill her.
2) <Slereah> EgoBot just opened a chat session with me to say "bork bork bork"
3) <Quas_NaArt> Hmmm... My fingers and tongue seem to be as quick as ever, but my lips have definitely weakened...  <Quas_NaArt> More practice is in order.
4) <AnMaster> that's where I got it  <AnMaster> rocket launch facility gift shop
5) <Warrigal> GKennethR: he should be told that you should always ask someone before killing them.
6) <Quas_NaArt> His body should be given to science.  <GKennethR> He's alive :P  <GreenReaper> Even so.
7) <oerjan> what, you mean that wasn't your real name?  <Warrigal> Gosh, I guess it is. I never realized that.
8) <SimonRC> TODO: sex life
9) <Madelon> Lil`Cube: you had cavity searches?  <Lil`Cube> not yet  <Lil`Cube> trying to thou, just so I can check it off on my list of things to expirence
10) <reddit user "othermatt"> So what you're saying is that I shouldn't lick my iPhone but instead I should rub it on my eyes first and then lick my eyeballs?
11) <fungot> GregorR-L: i bet only you can prevent forest fires. basically, you know.
12) <pikhq> First, invent the direct mind-computer interface.  <pikhq> Second, you know the rest.
13) IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE: <pikhq> First, invent the direct mind-computer interface.  <pikhq> Second, learn the rest with your NEW MIND-COMPUTER INTERFACE.
14) <fizzie after embedding some of his department research into fungot> Finally I have found some actually useful purpose for it.
15) <fungot> oerjan: are you a man, if there weren't evil in this kingdom to you! you shall find bekkler! executing program. please let me go... put me out! he's really a tricycle! pass him!
16) <bsmntbombdood> there is plenty of room to have two heads
17) IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE: <bsmntbombdood> there is plenty of room to get head twice at once
18) <oerjan> In an alternate universe, ehird has taste
19) IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE: <oerjan> In an alternate universe, I would say "In an alternate universe, ehird has taste"
20) <ehird> so i can only conclude that it is flawed, or the world is utterly bonkers
21) IN EINEM ALTERNATIVEN UNIVERSUM (WO DIE NAZIS WON): <ehird> So kann ich nur schliessen, dass es falsch ist, oder die Welt ist vollig BONKERS. Gegrusset seist du der Fuhrer Hitler!
22) SUPLENTES EN UN UNIVERSO (MUSSOLINI CUANDO CONQUISTO EL MUNDO): <ehird> i tan solo puede concluir que es defectuoso, o el mundo esta absolutamente loco. Todos a la gloria Il Duce!
23) PA ET ANNET UNIVERSET DER DE ENESTE PERSONEN OERJAN: <oerjan> sa jeg kan bare konkludere med at det er feil, eller er verden helt bonkers
24) <Deewiant> ehird: There is no h in "honour"
25) <ais523> after all, what are DVD players for?
26) <ehird> pikhq: A lunar nation is totally pointless.  <fungebob> ehird: consider low-gravity porn  <ehird> fungebob: OK. Now I'm convinced.
27) <zzo38> I am not on the moon.
28) <oklopol> i can get an erection out of a plank, you can quote me on that.
29) <ehird> is there a problem with it being carbonized :D  <augur> yes: carbonized coffee bean is known more commonly as "charcoal"
30) <oklopol> anyway, torture would be fun to experience, true  <oklopol> should put that on my todo list
31) <lacota> I guess when you're immortal, mapping your fonts isn't necessary
32) <oklopol> i'm my dad's unborn sister
33) <ehird> `translatefromto hu en Hogy hogy hogy ami kemeny  <HackEgo> How hard is that
34) <mycroftiv> [...] sometimes i cant get out of bed becasue the geometry of the sheet tangle is too fascinating from a topological perspective
35) <Dylan> actually, I pretended to be a hobo to get directions
36) <fizzie> Seconds. 30 of them. Did I forget the word?
37) <ehird> With enough crappiness a display can show you invisible pink unicorns.
38) <Deewiant> I spent the last minute or so killing myself repeatedly
39) <Aftran> It looks like my hairs are too fat.  Can you help me split them?
40) <Deewiant> Reality isn't a part of physics
41) <Octalnet> oklofok: I'm a tad over-apologetic. I apologize.
42) <GregorR-L> If I ever made a game where you jabbed bears ...  <GregorR-L> I'd call it jabbear.
43) <oklopol> GregorR: are you talking about ehird's virginity or your soda beer?
44) <ehird> no Deewiant  <Deewiant> No?!  <Deewiant> I've been living a lie  <ehird> yep.  <Deewiant> Excuse me while I jump out of the window ->
45) <GregorR> ???  <GregorR> Are the cocks actually just implanted dildos?  <GregorR> Or are there monster dildos and cocks?  <GregorR> Or are both the dildos and cocks monster?
46) <apollo> Maternal instincts?  <apollo> Don't you just leave the thing in a box until it starts crying, and then shake it until it stops?
47) <Warrigal> I think hamsters cannot be inert.
48) <Madelon> yay fire!   * Madelon combusts spontaneously.
49) <Warrigal> Porn.  <Warrigal> There, see?
50) <apollo> So... copyright doesn't really apply to God.
51) <Madelon> both of you, quit it with the f-bombs.  <Madelon> kaelis: what's the matter? something censoring stuff you're interested in?
52) <Sgeo> What else is there to vim besides editing commands?
53) <oklopol> hmm, this is hard
54) <oklopol> actually just ate some of the dog food because i didn't have any human food... after a while they start tasting like porridge
55) <oklopol> if a girl is that cute, i don't care how many penises she has
56) <Oranjer> oohhh  <Oranjer> ha  <Oranjer> heh  <madbrain> and what are your other characteristics?  <Oranjer> oh, many, madbrain  <Oranjer> but it's hardly worth it to go on with listing that list here
57) * oerjan swats FireFly since he's easier to hit -----###  <FireFly> Meh  * FireFly dies
58) <fax> im the worst person in the world
59) <fungot> i am sad ( of course by analogy) :) smileys)
60) <fungot> ehird: every set can be well-ordered. corollary: every set s has the same diagram used from famous program talisman with fnord windows to cascade, someone i would never capitalize " i"
61) <oklopol> Warrigal: what do you mean by 21?
62) <oklofok> i use dynamic indentation, i indent lines k times, if they are used O(n^k) times during a run of the program
63) <AnMaster> I'm 100% of what sort of magic was involved in it
64) <ehird> Gracenotes: No I said it does 54-bit
65) <Warrigal> Invalid! Kill! Kill!  <Aftran> I get that feeling too.
66) <Sgeo|web> Where's the link to the log?  <lament> THERE'S NO LOG. YOUR REQUEST IS SUSPICIOUS AND HAS BEEN LOGGED.
67) <fedoragirl> My mascot is a tree of broccoli.
68) Note that quote number 124 is not actually true.
69) <Warrigal> Ah, vulva.  <Warrigal> What is that, anyway?
70) <Slereah> I can do everything a Turing machine can do, except love
71) <Warrigal> So, I'm inside a bottle which is being carried by a robot.
72) <scarf> and an AMICED literal would presumably /add/ info to the source  <scarf> whatever info gets added, that's the value that the AMICED doesn't contain  <scarf> it's all falling into place
73) <ais523> so might be self-relative, but always means
74) <ais523> let's put that in the HackEgo quotes files, just to completely mystify anyone who looks back along them in the future
75) <fax> oklopol geez what are you doing here  <oklokok> ...i don't know :<  <oklokok> i actually ate until now, although i guess i also did other things...
76) <songhead95> think of all the starving kids in china who don't have rotting sea life to eat
77) <Warrigal> Making a small shrine to Lawlabee in my basement is something I should get around to at some point.
78) <Warrigal> I seem to think of coaxial cables as being omnipotent somehow.
79) <vadim> it can be a good fursuit, but the good thing is that nobody can complain a fox doesn't have the right skin tone
80) <Gregor> I don't know that I've ever heard apocalypi described in terms of depth ...
81) <ais523> (still, whatever possessed anyone to invent the N-Gage?)
82) <ais523> theory: some amused deity is making the laws of physics up as they go along
83) <Miya> I perceived it so hard I actually went away :O
84) <AnMaster>  fungot!*@* added to ignore list.  <fungot> AnMaster: i'd find that a bit annoying to wait for an ack.
85) <fax> sekuoir: that's just gay sex  <sekuoir> I am learning though!
86) <Gregor> Well yeah, but furthermore unlike, oh, say, an Apple product, you don't have to sign their "we own your sperm" license agreement to GET that SDK and the requisite libraries. ...  <Gregor> pikhq: Sure, but it's the only way Apple could get a first-born-son clause into a modern licensing agreement without infringing child or slave labor laws.
87) <fax> okay I see it now, quines do exist
88) <Warrigal> Darn, now I can't acknowledge the reference you were making.
89) <soupdragon> if you claim that the universe is more than 3D the burden of proof is on you to produce a klien bottle that doesn't self intersect  <soupdragon>  ^ I learned that trick from atheists
90) <oerjan> insufficient time dilation.  try running faster.
91) <fungot> alise: why internet is like wtf
92) <DoctorDog> I am an inherently pornographic being.
93) <Quas_NaArt> Hooray!  <Quas_NaArt> I'm an idiot.
94) <oklopol> you move on the tape and shit
95) <alise> like, just like I'd mark "Bob knob hobs deathly poop violation EXCREMENT unto;" as English  <ais523> alise: that's great filler  <alise> ais523: well it contains all the important words in the english language...
96) <pikhq> And... WTF is it doing.  <pikhq> :(  <Sgeo_> Is it sexing?
97) <fungot> pikhq: from csh type ' exit', is a simple protocol which provides an interface to c. [...]
98) <fungot> alise: nobody is allowed to fnord me in soviet russia
99) <fungot> AnMaster: intercal-72 c-intercal clc-intercal j-intercal yes all versions all versions
100) <fungot> AnMaster: to any airbus plane. 3 passengers sadly died the most awesome thing ever.
101) <fungot> [...] i'm a law student so i am loving my bread machine
102) <AnMaster> alise, marble  <AnMaster> marbelus
103) <alise> cmake is a nuclear powered waffle iron powered by a burning-hot testicle attachment  <alise> and it burns one of the waffles and doesn't touch the other.
104) <oerjan> alise: mainly it's the fact it blows so hard i cannot avoid hitting the walls of the thing, which completely goes against my basic public toilet hygiene principles
105) <coppro> what's the data of? [...] <Sgeo> Locations in a now deceased game called Mutation  <coppro> I have no problems with you being interested in online games  <coppro> but the necrophilia is disturbing
106) <Mathnerd314> Gregor-P: I don't think lambda calculus is powerful enough
107) <Quas_NaArt> Because you're a Mac user.  <lacota> I am! and proud of it to  <lacota> My mouse has *no* buttons.
108) * Phantom_Hoover wonders where the size of the compiled Linux kernel comes from.  <cpressey> To comply with the GFDL, there's a copy of Wikipedia in there.
109) <oklopol> but yeah i'm not exactly comfortable with this stuff, to me it seems like if you can unscrew lightbulbs, why couldn't you see into the future, or through walls as well
110) <AnMaster> oerjan, can you ever get any number higher than 3 at the start of "ordinary" [look-and-say sequences]?  <ais523> it's not clear from the RFCs
111) <ais523> reading playboy for the articles actually seems plausible nowadays  <ais523> after all, there's porn all over the internet, why would you /pay/ for it
112) <CakeProphet> how does a "DNA computer" work.  <CakeProphet> von neumann machines?  <Phantom_Hoover> CakeProphet, that's boring in the context of DNA.  <Phantom_Hoover> It's just stealing the universe's work and passing it off as our own.
113) <fungot> CakeProphet: reading herbert might be enlightening in one hand he held a long worm can be greased. twice i got it nearly there, and the protector of cattle. mars is also mentioned as a rainbow. as a seated baboon sometimes with its head.
114) <fungot> ais523: killer bunnies can be harmed by domesticated canines only.
115) <fungot> ais523: elf corpses are not considered expensive health food. but the most expensive.
116) <zzo38> Some people are reasonable, some people who are not reasonable insist on changing things so therefore progress depends on not reasonablepeple
117) <ais523> cpressey: I have actually done a waterfall-model project that almost worked  <cpressey> That's where you have a flexible kayak that bobs and weaves between the rocks as it plummets off the cliff
118) <ivancastillo75> Oh I get it you guys just use this space to do nothing ?
119) <Sgeo> Why shouldn't I just do everything in non-Microsoft-specific C#?  <ais523> it's like trying to write non-IE-specific JavaScript with only Microsoft documentation and only IE to test on
120) (in #irp) <Sgeo> Flonk, ask on #esoteric?  <Flonk> Sgeo: yeah well its C++, so not that esoteric :P
121) <Gregor> <badgood> GOODBAD! Your watered down brand of evil conflicts with my botched attempts at dogoodery!
122) <Phantom_Hoover> OK, so is conspiring to conspire to commit a crime a crime?  <cpressey> Let's all get together and talk about defacing public property sometime
123) <pikhq> INTERNET  <coppro> YAY  <cpressey> Said like a once-drowning man, rescued, taking a breath.
124) <AnMaster> cpressey, oh go to zzo's website. He is NIH  <Phantom_Hoover> AnMaster, really? I was strongly under the impression that zzo was invented here.
125) <nooga> i think of languages as tools, there is no holy grail of languages  <olsner> even if there's no holy grail, that doesn't mean cups of crap is ok
126) <fungot> pikhq: it was fragrant with the scent of abomination. hear a speech declaring a holy war, is the man insane? some idiot missionary gets himself killed, some man writes some gibberish about the shape of a dragon, wonse?"
127) <cpressey> Never ever use a quote which contains both the words "aloofness" and "gel" (verb).
128) <alise> I love logic, especially the part where it makes no sense.
129) <oklopol> pigeons are very smart. all the known ways to show a language is not regular are based on pigeons.
130) <Gregor-W> You people. You people are so stupid. I'm making a SOCIOLOGICAL statement here.
131) <fungot> Sgeo: hahaah, and i love when they announced it i dare u to press alt f4 and your house ( acts 16:31 your bible)
132) <fungot> alise: so parrot was based around gcc?
133) <fungot> Vonlebio: well, i'm only back in denmark because my work visa expired. please insert token to continue.
134) <alise> Phantom_Hoover: Don't be nasty; he's a lunatic, not a murderer.
135) <cpressey> < ais523> then running repeatedly until you get the right sequence of random numbers < ais523> and just completely ignoring the input <-- some people live their entire lives this way, i reckon
136) <alise> "Europe is the national anthem of the Republic of Kosovo."  <cpressey> alise: I  <cpressey> I was going to say something then your last line floored me
137) <alise> Why do you use random acronyms you know we don't know the expansions of?  <pikhq> alise: TLAAW
138) <fizzie> It's like mathematicians, where the next step up from "trivial" is "open research question".  <fizzie> "Nope... No...This problem can't be done AT ALL. This one--maybe, but only with two yaks and a sherpa. ..."
139) <Vorpal> alise, it works fine for irc but interactive stuff? no.
140) <oerjan> it's not obvious from quantum mechanics that you can destroy a universe arbitrarily.
141) <Phantom_Hoover> It's only been 2 months since anyone last made a commit!  <alise> WRONG 8 WEEKS
142) <Vorpal> dc -e '[a=]P?[b=]P?[dSarLa%d0<a]dsax+[GCD:]Pp' # easier-to-read version
143) <Vorpal> ais523, what is "MS Publisher"?  <Phantom_Hoover> Vorpal, you don't want to know.  <ais523> Vorpal: be glad that you don't know the answer  <alise> Vorpal: "horrible"
144) <alise> i like to imagine their mangled limbs.
145) <catseye> i like the feeling of freedom you get driving a bus
146) <oklopol> comex: what?  <oklopol> *vorpal  <oklopol> comex: hi, tab-complete completed c to comex instead of Vorpal, dunno why
147) <fungot> Vorpal: you can't plant spiders, duh!
148) <fungot> elliott: i like scsh's mechanism best: it's most transparent and doesn't really serve a very useful feature.
149) <fungot> ais523: my nose feels like a bad heuristic
150) <zzo38> catseye: Please wake up. Not recorded for this timezone. The big spider is not your dream
151) <fungot> elliott: it's hard to debug havoc on your mirror if you accidentally hit r, then a character could be multiple words long, depending on the task.
152) <ais523> syntax is the least important part of a programming language  <ais523> other than Python
153) * Gregor bashes his head into the wall that is Sgeo.
154) [spam] Any flavored hell can pee on the pig pen, but it takes a real football team to throw a slyly optimal formless void at a hole puncher.
155) <oklopol> there's a rather clear separation into the 99% of esolangs that are fun syntax ideas, and the 3% that someone actually put some thought into.
156) <fizzie> I don't trust ducks. They always look like they're planning something. I'm not sure it's a good idea to give them language capabilities.
157) <cpressey> fizzie: I can never tell with OpenBSD!  <cpressey> everything looks like an error anyway
159) <Sgeo> How much do mainframes cost these days? I mean, they're obsoleteish, right? My notebook's much more powerful? So surely, they're cheap?
160) <Gregor> elliott: My university has two Poultry Science buildings.  <Gregor> Two!
161) <olsner> DAMN YOU, I'm leaving  <Vorpal> olsner, FINALLY NOTHING BETWEEN ME AND WORLD DOMINATION!
162) <oklopol> well i just ate some stuff and watched family guy  <oklopol> and i own a piano  <oklopol> and i'm not wearing socks
163) <ais523> fizzie: 50kB is quite a lot
164) <Sgeo> Hmm. I want to try vanilla extract now, but I don't want the alcohol
165) Thanks to nooga for constructive criticism, his ideas and being a constant annoyance. --
166) <elliott> Vorpal loves the sodomy.  <Vorpal> elliott, sure why not
167) <elliott> So it's not exactly trivial. [Later about same thing] <elliott> It's a trivial C program :P
168) <Gregor> "* There is no scientifically-justifiable reason to exclude pornography, which is a vital part of the web ecosystem. However, bear in mind that we're tracing JavaScript, not MPEG and JPEG decoding."  <Gregor> ^^^ This bullet-point is my crowning achievement as as a scientist.
169) <tswett> That is the mark of Gregor right there.  <ais523> tswett: except that Gregor didn't write that  <tswett> It's still the mark of Gregor.
170) <Phantom_Hoover> For instance, Jesus' Y chromosome was clearly GOD'S.
171) <Phantom_Hoover> OK, let's reduce the human genome to 4 chromosomes, in 2 homologous pairs.
172) <Vorpal> (had real world issues)  <Vorpal> (to deal with)  <ehird> Vorpal's pregnant.  <Vorpal> yes
173) <tswett> elliott: just to bring you up to speed, you are now my baby nephew.  <olsner> wtf, elliott is a nephew and his uncle is here?  <nooga> what  <tswett> Heck yes I'm elliott's uncle.
174) <pikhq> zzo38: A better definition would probably fix Avogadro's number.  <Sgeo> It's broken?
175) <Sgeo> Oh. Stuff that uses actual physical numbers stemming from science. Bleh *gets bored*
176) <elliott> quintopia: that's offensive, i was in a mirror accident and now my second half is a permanent mirror  <elliott> typing is kind of difficult
177) <Sgeo> My quotes are boring
178) <elliott> oerjan: What, can girls aim their penises better?
179) <ais523> I love the way zzo38's comment was cut off after the f of brainfuck  <ais523> that's just the most hilarious place to cut it off in a discussion about censorshi
180) "Every physicist wants to violate Einstein, but thus far the great man has remained pretty chaste." --Kode Vicious
181) <fizzie> The Perl script is probably slower than the Befunge code.
182) <zzo38> Maybe they should just get rid of Minecraft. If more people want it someone can make using GNU GPL v3 or later version, with different people, might improve slightly.
183) <oerjan> elliott: i think i wrote a proof of 0*x = 0 on this channel once
184) * oerjan considered buying lutefisk, but apparently it cannot be prepared in microwave </bachelor frog>
185) <zzo38> Invent the game called "Sandwich - The Card Game" and "Professional Octopus of the World" (these names are just generated by randomly)
186) <zzo38> I have plans to make the computer and one day I will do it!! (I have access to barter some people might help with these things) It is many difference from other computer.
187) <elliott> </pedant> ... come to think of it, <pedant>
188) <Sgeo> Is there a name for something where I'm more attracted to someone if I know they've had a rough past?  <variable> Sgeo, "Little Shop of Horrors"
189) <fizzie> And to think: if only we wouldn't celebrate birthdays, there would be no birthday paradox, and we could get by with half as long hash functions. (What do you mean it doesn't work that way?)
190) <elliott> clue is a language for beauty, not usefulness  <elliott> or ability to run at all  <oklopol> ability to run at all is not even close to a design goal, no
191) <Phatom__Hovver> LoTR actually compresses pretty well into a film; the large amount of description becomes unnecessary. <pikh> LotR would compress pretty well into a book; the large amount of description *is* unnecessary.
192) <j-invariant> 22:55 < qfr> How am I supposed to develop software in Haskell if I can't even  prepare my projects in UML?! It seems like an impossible task.  <j-invariant> HAHA [...] <j-invariant> this is amazing, like meeting a Mormon or something
193) <Dylan> as long as the first dozen pages don't contain the word "panties" it is probably a good story.
194) <quintopia> vorpal: a lot of people in AK fly  <Vorpal> quintopia, well getting a pilot cert is a lot more complex than a driving license :P  <quintopia> being an AK resident is a lot more complex than a driver's license too
195) <asiekierka> GCC: -Os -O2 -O3 gives a 4x improvment
196) <elliott> Getting bad programmers to like something is a failure.
197) [CTCP] Received CTCP-ERRMSG reply from clog: unknown CTCP: ERRMSG.
198) <elliott> i thought you said it was meant to be more useful in practice :D  <ais523> elliott: well, it /is/, for sufficient values of useful in practice  <ais523> umm, sufficiently small
199) <oklopol> oerjan: also actually A(4, 4) is larger than any other integer, i learned this the other day when i was reading about this algo, it had complexity O(n a^-1(n)) = O(n a^-1(4))
200) <oklopol> hey speaking of young, some kinds asked me to buy some tobacco for them and i did, and then they were all likd "wow that guy's coool" when i told them i don't need their money
201) <oklopol> ah yes, indeed, alan turing was gay and stupid
202) <nddrylliog> are you always careful to have a small enough margin so that it can't contain the proof?  <oklofok> nddrylliog: i usually use latex, and make sure my hd is almost full
203) [on Walter Bright] <nddrylliog> I went to chat with him after his talk at the ELC and he was like "hum, right - humans. How do they work again... oh, hi!"
204) <nddrylliog> Sgeo: re "hm?": at the emerging languages conf., after the talks we went out for a drinks and all the Factor team was on heavy liquor
205) <elliott> mtve, now he's an expert idler.  <nddrylliog> mtve: kitty kitty kitty
206) <Vorpal> ooh I want to see ehird pole dancing  <ehird> I think that would be illegal.  <Vorpal> oh you are right  <Vorpal> damn :/
207) <j-invariant> I need a new desktop background  <Gregor> j-invariant: Try (tiled)  <j-invariant> uhrghoaudp
208) * quintopia sits on gregor
209) <Phantom_Hoover> [...] reyouthismootherate [...]
210) <fizzie> Deewiant: Did you take the course at some point and/or were you taking it now and/or did you actually already graduate and/or are you still in Otaniemi anyway?
211) <locks> who's walter bright and why is he so bright  <nddrylliog> locks: he's to D what I'm to ooc  <nddrylliog> locks: guilty
212) <A. Gelman and G. Romero> We originally wrote this article in Word, but then we converted it to Latex to make it look more like science.
213) <Phantom_Hoover> This is good if you are a wheat plant but bad if you like eating wheat seeds.
214) <zzo38> ais523: Maybe it is better, because I don't think the octopus will live very well in the tree. But the difference is that the Internet is lying and you cannot see such things; you could make modified picture, though, in order to lie more clearly, at least.
215) <ais523> gah, why does lose keep winning?
216) <oerjan> (the former is a very deep theorem, i'd have had to read the whole book to understand it, so i didn't.)
217) <quintopia> who is guido van rossum  <olsner> you could say he's a man who grew a beard but acquired none of the associated good properties
218) <olsner> actually, I think vorpal is the "retarded team member" to the left
219) <Vorpal> !bfjoust test (-)*10000  <EgoBot> Score for Vorpal_test: 12.9  <Vorpal> yay
220) <Vorpal> !bfjoust test (++-)*1000000  <Vorpal> probably will suck  <EgoBot> Score for Vorpal_test: 30.4  <Vorpal> what
221) <ineiros> HELLWORLD!  <fizzie> It's like HELLO WORLD, except not *quite*.  <ineiros> There is more agony.
222) <Deewiant> My STRN.G detects runoff strings that haven't been terminated but would hit a zero after wrapping and tries to allocate the 16+-gigabyte-stack required
223) <xplat> so you have legacy software in befunge that needs supported?
224) <oerjan> <Gregor> oerjan: Tell us what (a(b{c}d)*2e)%2 expands to <-- ababcdbcdedbabcdbcdede, i think  <Gregor> oerjan: What - the - fuck
225) [on egojoust] <elliott> The fact is that EgoBot's % handling is O(slow) and O(big), and mine isn't.
226) <ais523> OK, I give up, logging into Wikia is harder than writing a Firefox extension
227) <Deewiant> !bfjoust sm3 <  <EgoBot> Score for Deewiant_sm3: 43.4
228) <fizzie> $ perl -e '/? <-- HERE/'     Quantifier follows nothing in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/? <-- HERE  <-- HERE/ at -e line 1.
229) <Gregor> !bfjoust furry_furry_strapon_pegging_girls  * Sgeo had no idea that Gregor was hetero
230) <zzo38> If you want to use TeX formats invented by Christians, use Plain TeX. However, I do not think the religion of its author is a good way to decide what to use. I decide to use Plain TeX for its own reasons.
231) <elliott> lol @ closed character set standard  <elliott> "What does this codepoint represent?" "Nobody knows."
232) [on DNA Maze] <ais523> it requires more thought than Vorpal seems to be capable of
233) <nddrylliog> back to legal tender, that expression really makes me daydream. Like, there'd be black-market tender. Out-of-town hug shops where people exchange tenderness you've NEVER SEEN BEFORE.
234) <fizzie> Phantom_Hoover: I have just one tvtropes page open in elinks, but my tvtropes.txt "queue" has 38 URLs waiting for processing.
235) <zzo38> Lymia: I put big spider in my bed already. So if you have no more left you do not have to worry about it anymore. You can just take a cold shower or hot acid or whatever you want to, instead.
236) <ais523> gah, who'd have thought removing concurrency from algol could be so difficult
237) <elliott> 320 quotes and still not a funny one yet!
238) <oklopol> zzo38: you missed the point. the point was way stupider than that.
239) <elliott> just because i'm homosexual  <elliott> doesn't mean i have sex with men.  <elliott> ...i'm also a paedophile [...] <elliott> see if i'm a gay paedophile  <elliott> i don't have sex with men  <elliott> i have sex with BOYS
240) <oklopol> actually the first joke i thought elliott was making was that he's so small masturbation is gay pedophilia
241) <zzo38> Why do you want to have sex in everything? I don't want.
242) <oklopol> okay see in my head it went, you send from your other number smth like "i'd certainly like to see you in those pink panties again" and she's like "WHAT?!? Sgeo took a pic?!?!?! that FUCKING PIG"
243) <Phantom__Hoover> Gregor, yeah, but Purdue has poultry science facilities beyond the dreams of avarice.
244) <zzo38> However is probably better to have both queen/king and government in case one does bad thing, the other side can argue to them
245) <treederwright> enjoy being locked in your matrix of solidity
246) <oklopol> shit would make great currency, because everyone would have it and you could literally be filthy rich
247) <fungot> elliott: there go my minutes of research!!
248) <tswett> There are white Africans out there, but, you know.  A black swan in the hand does not imply causation.
249) <fungot> Phantom_Hoover: if the list is in random order, like poor ehird here
250) <Phantom_Hoover> elliott, incidentally, I started my explorations again after getting bored of the Himalayas.
251) * Received a CTCP VERSION from nyuszika7h   * VERSION Microsoft IRC# 2011 64-bit (Windows 8 Beta, x64, 2GB RAM)  <nyuszika7h> Gregor: Windows 8 Beta? o_O  <Gregor> A small benefit of my brief time as an intern at MS.
252) <cpressey> addquoting yourself?  isn't that like commenting on your own facebook status?  <Gregor> Yup, but I'm JUST THAT AWESOME.
253) <fungot> Phantom_Hoover: mutation is often considerably harder for both humans and compilers can analyze it much more difficult' part that induces bloody vomit... huh....intriguing
254) <fungot> oerjan: are you in an aware state when the only hammer you have is for variable assignation and blocks
255) <oklopol> quintopia: no i'm not laughing at you, i'm laughing because *you're stupid*  <oklopol> i mean  <oklopol> with you
256) 00:07 Sgeo has quit (IRC is taking up too much of my time. I need time to study the Bible and find Christ.)  00:12 Sgeo has joined #esoteric.
257) <zzo38> Is anyone in here who knows cricket rules and has experience?  <Slereah> What if I told you the baseball rules in a british accent?
258) <zzo38> I also do not like that it should be disallow just because of too weird. They haveto make up more name so that not everyone has the same name!!!
259) <catseye> wow, thinkgeek really makes me hate being alive
260) <olsner> it is from 2002 though, I was younger then
261) <elliott> ais523: quick, say something funny  <oklopol> something funny hagrea:D  <oklopol> can'tä sopt laughitn
262) <ais523> elliott: hey, thinking's easier than using the Internet
263) <ZOMGMODULES> elliott: parents who put just "Chris" on a birth certificate are... like parents who put just "Bob" on a birth certificate.
264) <Phantom_Hoover> ZOMGMODULES, St. Christopher, saint and werewolf.
265) <olsner> django is named after a person?  <olsner> thought it would be a giraffe or something
266) <Gregor> Ohheywait, I can make it a raytracer instead of a photon tracer so long as I run time backwards.
268) <tswett> Of course, "b" is clearly just "pv".  <tswett> Say "pvottle".  It will sound... similar to exactly the same as "bottle".
269) [After a long monologue] <oklopol> i think i have to escape this heated discussion before it becomes a flamewar
270) <Gregor> That's for $literals in the parser. It should maybe be atol too, but probably you shouldn't have nonterminals with more than two billion children.
271) <zzo38> elliott: I doubt water memory can last for even one second in a gravitational field (or even outside of a gravitational field), but other people think they can make water memory with telephones.
272) <lament> elliott: well what i would do if i were omniscient and omnipotent would be to create an immortal woman with perfect tits and bang her for the rest of eternity
273) <Gregor> I use LiGNUXFCE+apps  <Gregor> That's pronounced by saying "Linux" and then vomiting, btw.
274) <monqy> I've only watched bad movies about video game. I enjoyed every second of it.
275) <oklopol> and then there's the slightly annoying one where suddenly, i start rolling forward and i can't stop  <oklopol> like i can be having some great sex dream or whatever and then suddenly "oh god not this again"  <oklopol> (i go "not this again" but not necessarily realize it's a dream)
276) <Vorpal> elliott, it was an artful robbery!  <Vorpal> wait, murder
277) <zzo38> I think I managed to make Stack Overflow work on gopher, now.
278) <oklopol> haha, god made one helluva blunder there :DS  <oklopol> "WHOOPS HE AIN'T DEAD YET!"  <oklopol> "luckily no one will believe him because christians are such annoying retards"
279) <elliott> A priori one cannot say that post hoc ergo propter hoc the diminishing returns would give; yet under quid pro quo one can agglutinate fabula and sujet into vagrancies untold.  <elliott> See? I'm intellectual.
280) <Sgeo_> I think she either likes me, is neutral towards me, or dislikes me
282) <Phantom_Hoover> Oh, Hitler! You and your wacky antics!
283) <crystal-cola> anyway I've stopped ``trolling''  <crystal-cola> since apparently you guys don't like me claiming obviously false and absurd claims
284) <oklopol> i actually do like sucking
285) <zzo38> [...] you cannot always sanity, please. I can sometimes sanity, please.
286) <oklopol> i understand that people had to use twitter and facebook before irc was invented, but now they just feel like ancient history
287) <pikhq> o.O  <pikhq> There's a birth defect which results in the formation of a cloaca.  <Gregor> It's called "not being a mammal" :P
288) <ais523> the big issue with category theory is that pretty much everything forms a category
289) <oklopol> esperanto is just spanish with a diarrhea
290) <elliott> ais523: YOU WILL HAVE YOUR QUOTE SOON
291) <crystal-cola> I just thought you might have meant the Ramanujan tau and I was WOAH he weilds heavy weapons
292) <crystal-cola>  <crystal-cola> worlds biggest thumb
293) <crystal-cola> what telnets are there [...] <crystal-cola> where are a list of telnets?
294) <crystal-cola> (im not a lawyer)  <crystal-cola> (im just making stuff up
295) <olsner> boston cream pie? sounds related to a cleveland steamer
296) <crystal-cola> here's a good multiplication algorithm  <crystal-cola> 1010101 x 110  <crystal-cola> well  <crystal-cola> I don't know how to do it but it starts like that
297) <crystal-cola> 3 = 7/2
298) <zzo38>    <elliott>    <quintopia> i know it's unusual, but i agree with you both to some extent
299) <elliott> Nationalism is no more (probably less) logical than consumerism, after all, as stupid as the word "logical" is as a system to rank things
300) <Gregor> Write-only IRC: best idea  <coppro> Gregor: we have that. It's called Twitter
301) <elliott> AV is better than first-past-the-post, like every voting system apart from the Random Elephant Stomping method
302) <Phantom_Hoover> Scotland turns from red and yellow to A DIFFERENT SHADE OF YELLOW
303) [on Sgeo's karaoke] <not_nddrylliog> Sgeo: awesome  <not_nddrylliog> sounds like a japan anime sound track
304) [on Sgeo's karaoke] <Phantom_Hoover> That is the thing that made me into a gay vampire.
305) <Phantom_Hoover> Yeah, I went through a whole series of existential crises when I was 8 or so.
306) <elliott> Top universities now employ people to watch infomercials all day to find the latest mysteries.
307) <augur> oerjan you're swedish, right?
308) <monqy> my most fresh dream is one where I'm at a soup contest and a chicken really wants to participate but he's disqualified so he becomes the judge.  when all the soups are done and he's ready to taste them he just stares at the soup and then I become the chicken and I really want to make soup
309) <Gregor> Google Maps has options for "avoid highways" and "avoid tolls", but no "avoid Chicago"
310) <cpressey> `quote django  <HackEgo> ​352) <olsner> django is named after a person?  <olsner> thought it would be a giraffe or something  <cpressey> thankfully only one
311) <monqy> `quote django  <HackEgo> ​352) <olsner> django is named after a person?  <olsner> thought it would be a giraffe or something \ 407) <cpressey> `quote django  <HackEgo> ​352) <olsner> django is named after a person?  <olsner> thought it would be a giraffe or something  <cpressey> thankfully only one  <monqy> thankfully only two
312) <Sgeo> I was more of a pervert in Metaplace than Utherverse  <Sgeo> I invented Metaplace sex >.>
313) <elliott> sgeo do you actually know what sex looks like i am just checking here  <Sgeo> I think so
314) <ZOMGMODULES> I can trust elliott_ to have an opinion on anything and everything  <elliott_> Yes.  <elliott_> And the best thing is: it is the correct opinion.
315) <ZOMGMODULES> Vorpal: it's actually called Happy  <ZOMGMODULES> Vorpal: Do not use it.  Use Parsec.  This is the wisdom of ZOMGMODULES.
316) <oklofok> i hope that isn't child pornography  <oklofok> whew  <oklofok> equally cute tho, have to admit
317) <ZOMGMODULES> Felix's home page and Falcon's home page are actually the same page
318) <ZOMGMODULES> scripting language.  whole program analysis.  together at last
319) <zzo38> I figured out something about C program. If you use ? : a lot then you don't need as much parentheses but it makes it more difficult to understand.
320) <zzo38> Finally I found the wand of electric lightning now we can destroy any large object if it needs to be destroyed and is required to use a such a wand for that purpose.
321) <olsner> two quotes about quotes about django  <olsner> I guess the worst part is that I appear in all three hackego quotes about django
322) <elliott_> `addquote <olsner> two quotes about quotes about django  <olsner> I guess the worst part is that I appear in all three hackego quotes about django  <olsner> elliott_: another quote? you're not helping :/
323) <Vorpal> CakeProphet, the X support is fairly recent. Not more than a few decades old
324) <elliott> oerjan: but hypothetically, assume a Christian spontaneously materialised during the apocalypse
325) <pikhq_> And if they wanted to go for "true" security, they'd just do "Warning: your computer has not been turned into a plasma. This may cause some of your personal data to be stolen. Click here to turn your computer into a ball of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace."
326) <fizzie> [...] So it'll be a while before the boob will touch you back.
327) <fizzie> You make a fist, shake it at the sky, and shout "why, GNU, why?!" -- that is the standard reportig practice.
328) <Phantom_Hoover> The system I kind of have in mind makes a flying train a natural consequence.
329) <EgoBot> hey fhet's zeees OouooH SNEP IT'S A FOooCKING TIGER
330) <zzo38> Learn to be Chinese and kill yourself
331) <Sgeo> Hmm. I guess it's nearby GRBs that would be problematic?  <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo, if by 'problematic' you mean 'what's that in the AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH'.
332) <oklopol> yes i use the services of a psychic, but i'm considering getting a live one since stuff like "hello $name, your first name $first_name has |$first_name| letters, so by using numerology we can tell ..." is getting kind of boring
333) <zzo38> Fiddle. It makes a big difference, you know.
334) <oklopol> but touchscreens should feel like poking a boob
335) <oklopol> are there boobs you wack and squeeze around to move the mouse? [...] <oklopol> like those little nipples in laptop keyboards, but they'd be full-blown boobies
336) [after a long string of Lymia getting lambdabot to spit out huge, meaningless type signatures] <Lymia> I need to learn more Haskell...  <CakeProphet> ..I need to get op privs.
337) <ais523> I think I managed something like a one-expression increment that was only a few hundred characters long
338) <monqy> Sgeo: also do you know how to write a parser  <Sgeo> monqy, how hard could it be?
339) <Sgeo> I hope type inference isn't difficult
340) <Gregor> You have no idea how desperately I want to avoid being a GC guy :P  <Gregor> Every year I go to ISMM and Doug Lea gives me a bizarrely-cheery "Hello!" and I'm like "awww shit I'm in memory management"
341) <oklopol> anyway i have to get going, first lecture at 9 and i need to do a few iterations on my article, and do some unmentionable things which also take hours  <oklopol> and masturbate as well
342) <Phantom_Hoover> The eigenratio of reality has to be enormous, though.
343) <oklopol> so about jacuzzis, do they usually have a way to make it it not heat but freeze the water?
344) [on spiking] <CakeProphet> drugs are expensive. It would be a waste to use them on a random stranger.
345) <oklofok> what would you ever need petrol for  <oklofok> newsflash: it doesn't actually taste that good
346) [on petrol] <ais523> oklofok: it's actually poisonous, so I advise against drinking it  <Phantom_Hoover> ais523, also contains benzene, my carcinogen of choice.
347) <oklofok> "<pikhq> elliott: Americans also have 20 mile one-way commutes." <<< one-way commutes? you have like disposable jobs?
348) <elliott> It's a Toy Story character, you uncultured fuck.
349) <elliott> HAHAHAHA NO FNARF QUOTES EVER  <Gregor> Oh noooooooooooooooooose!  <elliott> Gregor: lol nose geddit
350) <olsner> you should know better than making þs out of wedlock
351) <elliott_> I'm not even going to try and understand what you're proposing.  <oerjan> i understand it perfectly.  it's completely nuts.
352) <Sgeo> I used to be more irritated by alcohol  <olsner> Sgeo: you're not supposed to put it in your eyes
353) * perlmonkey is pursuing the line of reasoning that eating raw foods can improve cognitive function  <Phantom_Hoover> perlmonkey, well, it certainly makes you think about what you'd rather be eating.
354) <Gregor> You just went from "no sexualized ads" to "we have ads for dildos, but they're different for ads for Orangina" X-D
355) <coppro> elliott: actually, it's worse right now, I'm in the USA  <coppro> where the solution to counterfeiting problems is "add more ink"  <coppro> eventually all US bills will just be solid green
356) <ais523_> meanwhile, I've been running a program for over 24 hours (getting close to 48 now) which is calculating digits of pi, in binary  <ais523_> so far, it has found four digits  <ais523_> I hope it will find the fifth some time this week
357) <Phantom_Hoover> The wickedest man of all.  <Phantom_Hoover> Surpassed only in wickedness by the wicked witches of the west and east.  <copumpkin> you talking about me again?  <Phantom_Hoover> Yes.  <copumpkin> k
358) <Sgeo_> "system is fairly sane  <Sgeo_> <elliott> imagine if the roomba was called the Robotic Magic Vacuum  <Sgeo_> <elliott> would you object to that being trademarked  <Sgeo_> <monqy> I mean  <Sgeo_> <monqy> phrase trade"  <Sgeo_> oops
359) <Sgeo_> Something about faiing a asanity check  <Sgeo_> sanity  <Sgeo_> faliling  <Sgeo_> failing
360) <zzo38> Sanity is insufficient by itself. Many other things are also important.
361) <olsner> as always in sweden everything goes to a fixed pattern: thursday is queueing at systembolaget to get beer and schnaps, friday is pickled herring, schnaps and dancing the frog dance around the phallos, saturday is dedicated to being hung over
362) <oerjan> i never meta turing.  he died before i was born.
363) <elliott> oerjan: can you delete that and the meta turing completeness page  <elliott> thanks  <oerjan> elliott: IN UNIVERSO ALTERNATIVO, OERJAN PAGINAS DELET
364) <Gregor> decrypt 'illustrates the "can do" approach of conservatism in a patriotic way'
365) <elliott> im going to resurrect rutian  <elliott> with vitamin pills  <elliott> and book sales
366) <oerjan> adding quotes by yourself is strictly prohibited and will lead to you being banned
367) <oerjan> as i was filled with zzo38 mystery at the moment i saw  <zzo38> quintopia: I am at Canada.
368) <NihilistDandy> elliott: His mouse obeys the law of the excluded middle :/
369) <Phantom_Hoover> I go to clean up the shrapnel from a teabag and you're discussing the definition of god out of nowhere.
370) <d1ffe7e45e interpreter> The interpreter uses an unbounded tape size, but due to technical limitations will stop being unbounded if the tap size reaches 2^63 cells.
371) <Sgeo> Will anyone be irritated if I tend to disconnect and reconnect a lot? [...] <oerjan> we _almost_ have an established policy that bots will be banned it they do that.  which means we might have to administer a turing test to sgeo, and that could get ugly.
372) <Phantom_Hoover> oerjan, little do you realise that everything you say and do is part of that great monad tutorial we call life.
373) <ais523> Phantom_Hoover: nope, I removed . from the current directory
374) <oklopol> [...] only the hamster's nervous system was tortured. although probably torturing a large logical gate constitutes a horrible thing to do if it comes in a cute container.
375) <Phantom_Hoover> pikhq, living in the future sucks.  <Phantom_Hoover> The past just keeps coming up to us and trying to make us feel guilty.
376) <Gregor> oklopol: Why do you have so much experience with hoop-and-stick? :P  <oklopol> Gregor: my fetish: learning pointless skills
377) <oklopol> such a famous bisexual  <Phantom_Hoover> Yeah, like Marlon Brando.  <Phantom_Hoover> And Caligula.  <Phantom_Hoover> And... Keeley Hawes?  <Phantom_Hoover> I feel cheated by Ashes to Ashes now.
378) <tswett> elliott: by the way, you're now almost capable of crawling.
379) <monqy> it was a wonderful dream  <monqy> i died in it  <monqy> that's how it started
380) * Sgeo mutters about broken toilets  <Sgeo> #toilet is useless  <monqy> is #toilet even a thing  <Sgeo> I'm looking for help with toilets
381) <Sgeo> Dear eHow: Please don't assume that my toilet works like that  <Sgeo> Or, at least, my toilet looks different
382) <oklofok> mixing drinks together is like taking all of mozart's works and listening to all of them at once  <oklofok> and in general a drink - and most foods - are kind like taking a song and then just taking the average of the notes and listening to it for three minutes.  <oklofok> olsner: the point is you don't have to be the composer yourself  <oklofok> not everyone knows what sequences of drinks taste the best
383) <oklofok> drinks should come in long long pipes that drip liquid at varying speeds, and you shouldn't just casually taste to them, you should really try to understand what the artist (the canposer?) was trying to convey when making the drink  <oklofok> olsner: well you know i'm a genius. anyway i like how food works tho, because it has both the element of composing and choice, it's kind of like an rpg really
384) <Madk> #%%:]__t�#  <Madk> do you see that  <Madk> that is great progress taking place
385) <oklopol> well you know because i could've used my "wtf, you have multiple identity elements smiley" o=oO=O  <oklopol> yeah, i have a smiley for everything.
386) <fungot> elliott: i have yet to demonstrate that the sml community has less productive power than the real chunk of meat.
387) <fizzie> elliott: You have become the very thing you fought for!
388) <fizzie> Deewiant: Well, I guess you could argue so. But to me a it's not a real clobbering if you can still tell there was something that got clobbered.
389) <Taneb> Turned out he got recursion, he just didn't get the return statement
390) <SgeoN1> No nasty sounds for a while now. Going to turn off and on and see if the numbers get worse.
391) * Sgeo is risking massive forest fires  <Sgeo> The bacon is worth it
392) <augur> ive been in #haskell and #agda primarily, recently  <Phantom_Hoover> So is #agda now full of dependently-typed gay sex?
393) <oklopol> you know that thing in the movies where they put a pillow on someone's face and try to suffocate them  <oklopol> that doesn't work.  <oklopol> we tried that with my ex once, but we just couldn't kill each other that way
394) <fizzie> The zipWith Camel, a famous World War 1 era airplane.
395) <Taneb> Cut to February  <Taneb> War were declared  <Taneb> A galaxy in turmoil  <Taneb> Anyway, Febuary '10
396) <Taneb> I can't afford one of those!  <Taneb> A grandchild, not a laser printer
397) <oklopol> doctor who. i saw part of one episode of that and it reminded me of buffy the vampire slayer.
398) <NihilistDandy> MY CONTINUITY  <NihilistDandy> MY FANFICTION  <NihilistDandy> RUINED
399) <itidus20> to assume that someone can be described by a rule without exception... is to assume they are omnipotent  <oklopol> for instance stones are omnipotent, as they don't do anything, without exception
400) <oklofok> god created the natural numbers, the rationals were done by man and the work was finally completed (topologically) by satan himself
401) <Gregor> I have a WRT120N  <fizzie> Gregor: The WRT160NL has 40 units more of... stuff. Plus an L.
402) <fizzie> There's that saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [...] <Taneb> You've just gave me a different result [...] <fizzie> It's always insane to expect different results, even when it's likely to occur.
403) <Taneb> Someone with that sort of grasp of logic shouldn't be allowed anything more computationally powerful than a plastic spoon
404) <oklopol> interestingly enough, go is a second player win  <oklopol> chess is also first player win  <oklopol> tennis, interestingly enough, is always a draw.
405) <Taneb> Look, I often walk my dog through a field with cows in it. And I punched myself in the face once.
406) <Sgeo> I'm having nostalgia for when we could see the glass from the floor
407) <NihilistDandy> The Russian's emblem was the hammer and sickle, not the fist and other fist
408) <fizzie> Deewiant: So you... reverse the byte order manually, but then call ntohl too?  <Deewiant> fizzie: The host might be big-endian!
409) <elliott> God, I sure do hate Apple and their header files that only include the functions they're specified to.
410) <elliott> Do one better! Pretend to be an idiot until YOU DIE.
411) <Taneb> So... God has jizzed on everything?  <oklopol> have you even READ the bible?
412) <elliott_> Vorpal: Won't be slower than Python ;-)  <Vorpal> elliott_, yeah but that is like saying a T-Ford going down a hill won't be slower than a bicycle uphill on a bumpy road :P
413) <Taneb> This staircase is very good for correcting people's opininons about communism
414) <monqy> rest in peace lambdabot????  <ais523> monqy: it'll probably be back later  <monqy> nap in peace
415) <Vorpal> ais523, how are we supposed to guess before you tell us unless you give us more hints?
416) <ais523> 99% OF USES OF STRDUP ARE ILLEGAL!
417) <NihilistDandy> Non sequitur is my forte  <NihilistDandy> On-topic discussion is my piano  <Taneb> Bowls of sugary breakfast cereal is my mezzoforte  <Taneb> Full fat milk is my pianissimo  <Taneb> On which note, I'm hungry
418) <elliott> in the title of the page it says "Well-Typed - The Haskell Consultants" but i want to know who are the haskell conraisins?
419) <zzo38> If in some day, I publish some book, that might include some of the programs I have written too, but also some other books, possibly. However I never yet publish any book.
420) <itidus20> monqy: last night in my dreams I saw a false photo album of my childhood... looking ghostly
421) <monqy> itidus20: i saw a dancing cgi skeleton named malaria. i danced and played with him.
422) <itidus20> It's ok guys.  I am doing what I can to keep my psyche and ego surviving. All the while the threat of ww3 looms, the mortality of family and friends(loved ones?) and sooner or llater my own mortality.
423) <NihilistDandy> Capitalism is a cancer. But I'm a smoker, anyway, so...
424) <itidus20> Game theory is not a perfect tool for analyzing video games.  <itidus20> Nash failed to create a "video game theory"
425) <itidus20> australia kicks ass  <itidus20> we have kangaroos and DMM and isn't afraid of anything
426) <Sgeo> My memory passed  <monqy> rest in peace sgeos memory
427) <monqy> cigaretes and drunking "lame highs for lame people"  <oerjan> yeah if it doesn't make you go crazy and shoot at people, it's not worth it.  take it from a norwegian.
428) <fungot> tswett: last argument must be a cub scout!! have you made your money-drop today??
429) [2008] <nooga> i'm testing Haiku  <nooga> and it appears that it is a major shit  <oerjan> 5+7+5, not 5+11, nooga
430) <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo_, the origin of suffering is desire for e-book readers.
431) <zzo38> elliott_: No it isn't a game, it is a computer game
432) <ais523> it actually worked, and faster than using Excel for rendering
433) <monqy> beautiful summer / fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck / fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
434) <pikhq> I actually had a Neopets account. I later gained a second digit in my age.
435) <Taneb> So it's like... Rummy mixed with... breakout?
436) <oerjan> i try to be a hermit but it's hard with all these housemates.
437) <Taneb> Well, I'm now experimenting with clients  <fizzie> It doesn't sound like good PR to say that out loud.
438) <Taneb> I combined the wholegrain breakfast and chocolatey breakfast for maximum breakfast efficiency
439) <fungot> fizzie: i, myself, will bring an end to all.
440) <MDude> Tooth or Bear: Each turn, either take out your own tooth, or wrestle a bear.
441) <fungot> elliott: an old colonel lost, but a new brother gained. together they will ascend, each time you must be adventurin'.
442) <fungot> Phantom_Hoover: it is a hate so pure and... pumpkin seeds?
443) <Phantom_Hoover> Oh look, Dax has brought TWO glowy science sticks.  <Phantom_Hoover> SHIT JUST GOT REAL
444) <Phantom_Hoover> OK, Taneb's been taken by a mood and he needs raw emeralds.  <Phantom_Hoover> It's been fun knowing him.
445) <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb's been hit by melancholy.  <Phantom_Hoover> He didn't have any friends, fortunatel.y
446) <Phantom_Hoover> You realise the micromanagement it took to make quintopia encrust my silver throne with emeralds rather than a jug?
447) <NihilistDandy> Having only been Catholic in the sense of being baptized that way, I still really like all their silly arcana  <NihilistDandy> Judaism has them beat, of course  <NihilistDandy> I almost converted just so I could look at my roommate's books
448) <ais523> it's probably the same people who were trying to organise gangs of shoplifters as some sort of complex protest against the government's economic policy
449) <itidus20> anyway, notational systems are a function of the euclidean plane
450) <ais523> oerjan: I'm not imaginative enough to write truly great slash fiction
451) <oerjan> sllide: @ is an OS made out of only the finest vapour
452) <Phantom_Hoover> Riots in Glasgow would probably be reported as a sudden drop in crime.
453) <monqy> the classic "souls have mass" hypothesis
454) <Phantom_Hoover> What is it with Cardassians, they're all really nice and then they hit you with a rock.
455) <Patashu> it's the pain of the gaps argument  <Patashu> no matter how good your robot is at feeling pain  <Patashu> it's never close enough
456) <zzo38> Pythagoras was running away and he reached a field of beans, but he didn't want to step on them so he let those guys chasing him to kill him instead.
457) <elliott> What does "life" actually mean, anyway; it seems to mean "this thing that's infinitely greater than all my actual hobbies that I do all the time because I rule"
458) <itidus20> well, you have bested me  <zzo38> itidus20: Yes.
459) <itidus20> now theodore seuss is dead... so screw him
460) <zzo38> What is miff-muffered moof?  <itidus20> that's a tough question
461) <itidus20> software patents strike again  <ais523_> that's got to be at least three times, now  <ais523_> are they out yet?
462) <itidus20> like i could ask how many "petals" are there on each of the "flowers" on this coffee mug i just made a drink with  <itidus20> but that would be NP hard I think
463) <itidus20> combinatronics seems to be the mathematics chasing buddha's tail  <itidus20> yeah.. he was a smart monkey that buddha
464) <elliott> I MIGHT BECOME GHOST
465) <Phantom_Hoover> I gave her the Noblesse Oblige rooms.  <Phantom_Hoover> She was happy with them even when they were behind 2 locked doors and a floodgate and full of water.
466) <Phantom_Hoover> On further reflection, I think I did manage to miss winter and spring altogether.  <Phantom_Hoover> This does explain the goblin siege I had in autumn.
468) <ais523> (Enigma is two games; one is solving Enigma puzzles, the other is working out how to represent things as Enigma puzzles, preferably with the minimal amount of lua and player-hidden information possible)
469) <itidus20> that shit adds up. have you ever dropped a math problem in the toilet and got an answer back? yeah... it adds up
470) <elliott_> I hope in the future people curse me for creating such a shitty protocol.
471) <Taneb> Maybe if you try diplomacy.  <Taneb> Pointy steel diplomacy
472) <oklopol> i started running and smoking  <oklopol> i love my lungs the way they are so trying to balance them out
473) <Phantom_Hoover> I didn't realise nickel apparently can't be shaped into a screw because of some fundamental feature of dwarven physics.
474) <evincar> elliott_: I don't see a difference between a function taking a function as an argument, and some composition of those functions.
475) <monqy> this reminds me of a time where this guy made up a pretend language that was in his fantasy world and then roleplayed as someone from his fantasy world who used the language and then tried to talk to me about the language
476) <Taneb> I think it's fizzie against everyone atm  <Taneb> AND EVERYONE IS WINNING  <Taneb> EXCEPT FIZZIE
477) <itidus20> lets not wander around the mulberry bush beating our heads
478) <fizzie> That's the stupidest thing I've heard all morning. (Though I did wake up five minutes ago, so I haven't had a chance to hear very much.)  <fizzie> The "Why are you still asleep? I told the cat to wake you up." comment does come pretty close, though.
479) <monqy> mmm these music samples are still so tasteful
480) <monqy> im sampling ultra hip holiday  <monqy> hes the boogie woogie santa clause  <monqy> switching to oktoberfest  <monqy> yes i would love to shop to this
481) <monqy> im hungary too...but cnnot eat until hours
482) <monqy> i am out of all the fame loops  <monqy> and the australien soap opera loops  <monqy> so much loop / s omcuh
483) <Vorpal> elliott_, oh they are people known in the ruby community?  <elliott_> Vorpal: Uh... you mean Hannah Montana?  <Vorpal> elliott_, yeah. And Zed Shaw. Either they are that or they come from popular culture.
484) <Vorpal> ais523, how can TAEB take too long? It is turn based. As long as it isn't taking like several minutes per move it is acceptable!  <ais523> Vorpal: it gets boring waiting for it
485) <fungot> elliott__: my fnord into normal life was a painful and difficult process. [...]
486) <fizzie> They're (according to current plans/rumours) going to release a grand total of approximately 1.1 MeeGo devices; the N9, plus the N950 "developers only" phone, which I'm counting as 0.1 because (even though it is a MeeGo device) it's not going to actually be released.
487) <monqy> game where you flip a coin but it's really really big
488) <elliott> we need more films aimed at the lucrative irc nerd demographic
489) <Phantom_Hoover> I keep asking random people for "friendship <thing>" and it's crippling
490) <zzo38> I think Perl is a programming language too. [...]
491) <elliott> Deewiant: How do you go through life without seeing at least one gaping anus, that's what I want to know
492) <Sgeo> Maybe I should try to learn Scala instead of Ruby  <elliott> I will boil your veins.  <Sgeo> Which is less bad?  <elliott> Probably Scala, but I don't want you learning languages.
493) <fizzie> I tend to debase64 with perl -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print decode_base64("...");', because at least PERL stands for "PERL ein't-no ruddy-poo lol-GNU".
494) <Phantom_Hoover> FFS, building a perpetual motion machine should not be this hard.
495) <Phantom_Hoover> Intake flooded with magma.  <Phantom_Hoover> Reactor connected.  <Phantom_Hoover> Pumps active.  <Phantom_Hoover> YES IT'S WORKING
496) <fizzie> "Do a sea monster while whatever."
497) <Patashu> But I mean, why fix it if it ain't broke? Except now it is
498) <Phantom_Hoover> The fact that the elves will be happy with this will hopefully be counteracted by the fact that I plan to drop them into the magma cistern.
499) <Phantom_Hoover> I'm sacrificing the animals, then I'm going to bed.
500) <Phantom_Hoover> Yeah, Bashir, just sit there drinking, rather than diagnosing the carpenter mauled in that tragic bonobo accident.
501) <CakeProphet> monqy: help how do I use lambdabot to send messages to people. [...around half an hour later...] <CakeProphet> @messages  <lambdabot> quicksilver said 1y 2m 18d 19h 54m 29s ago: you use @tell
502) <oerjan> theorem prover yada yada halting problem.
503) <Vorpal> elliott, it is typical of you  <elliott> Vorpal: so are most things I say
504) <fungot> elliott_: it's a machine that looks like you!
505) <elliott_> now that we've cleared that up let us hug fungot =  <fungot> elliott_: let's not start that again."
506) <Phantom_Hoover> You mean it'd be Tau Zero but without the spaceship?
507) <Phantom_Hoover> OK, making myself emergency doctor on the advice of IRC.
508) <elliott> help me i am so alone :(  <monqy> new computer good enough to simulate real parents
509) <fungot> elliott: ppl should vote clinton because obama is biracial every1 knows that dood, look at him he has been on something lately.
510) <itidus20> indirect addressing is a facile and inebrious kind of instruction which should be whomped away by languages
511) <fungot> elliott: mr president, commissioner, i fully accept that description when it comes to human rights. yes, with an average fat content of chocolate, and we are using double standards! we all know that under present legislation and also in relation to standardization bodies. if i do not want.
512) <fizzie> Isn't "strip nomic" just another word for all dating, though?
513) <ais523> this strikes me as probably better than a singularity, because you can't trust a random AI, but you can probably trust olsner
514) <Phantom_Hoover> It is like the Holocaust but with Nazis.
515) <ais523> oh no, I think we've managed to mix three metaphors in a way that actually makes sense
516) <Patashu> dangit I need someone who knows the answers to my problems instantly and is always around for me!  <Patashu> I adult ;_;
517) <Phantom_Hoover> We have no leather.  <Phantom_Hoover> Time to use that most venerable of resources, the puppy.
518) <itidus20> according to physics and maths can we theoretically have a box with infinite cookies inside?
519) <Gregor> Phantom_Hoover: Sort of a monadic human centipede.
520) <elliott> When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a monad.
521) <monqy> one time I tried cpp programming ​  <monqy> it was hellish ​  <monqy> maybe I should try again
522) <fungot> CakeProphet: mr president, in the best egyptian judicial traditions has now been put off to friday. but i want my money back'. we know it generally deals with major infrastructure projects which could form part of the emergency package for korea, on christmas eve, in the interests of consumers and the environment of gmos.
523) <oklopol> king is something women are better at than men
524) <Taneb> Just goes to show, the Beatles are more interesting than green vegetables.
525) <elliott> Vorpal: who needs cars when you can walk to latvia
526) [from 2009] <fizzie> That's confusing. I have been indoctrinated to believe W|A, but on the other hand it's hard to unbelieve a book with such a ridiculously impressive name as "Handbook of physical testing of paper, Volume 2".
527) <monqy> in the past few minutes I tried remembering what my dream last night was, but instead remembered I didn't sleep
528) <itidus20> what is nice about a pebble is that you can process it with your brain as a number by simply looking at it
529) <Taneb> I think this has taught us one thing. We can't teach itidus20 lambda calculus by comittee
530) <Sgeo> Can you build the ... why wouldn't you be able to, just and all the computables
531) <shachaf> elliott: GHC bug? Come on, it's the parentheses.  <shachaf> The more parentheses you add, the closer it is to LISP, and therefore the more dynamically-typed.
532) <Gregor> You know how the arrow pierces your skin, rearranging and randomizing vital internal structure?  <Gregor> Monads are like that, only worse.
533) <Taneb> Mayor says we need to make aluminum items  <Phantom_Hoover> Taneb, PH says you need to make lava items.
534) <elliott> Dear god stop staring at me.  <monqy> no never  <Phantom_Hoover> monqy is always staring at everyone.  <monqy> it takes many eyes to do this but I manage  <Phantom_Hoover> He is an inspiration to us all.
535) <elliott> Second Life is like... real life, modelled by people who've READ about real life, you know, in books.
536) <fizzie> One reasonable approach for the image->color case could be to take the mean (possibly in the RGB space, it doesn't have the hue discontinuity problem) of the most likely Gaussian distribution to have yielded the image pixels, considering each pixel as an independent sample.  <fizzie> Wait, that'd just be the mean. Never mind.
537) <Gregor> Hulu's movie selection is like MST3K without the MST3K characters.
538) <Gregor> Let us discuss the correct procedure for converting LP -> FLAC  <fizzie> The correct procedure is: you put the LP into a flatbed scanner, scan it as a Windows .bmp file, and then rename that file to .flac.
539) <tswett> Come to think of it, I've praised you a little too effusively.  I'm not *that* pleased.  If you'll permit me to compensate slightly...  <tswett> elliott: fuck you.  <tswett> There.  Perfect.  Carry on.
540) <myndzi> lol :(
541) <Gregor> But whereas the Zune UI makes one think "I want to kill myself", the Windows CE UI makes one think "I want to kill myself, but first kill my parents as punishment for bringing into this world someone who would one day own a Windows CE device."
542) <hagb4rd> jesus, yes.. he was human  <hagb4rd> and that is fantastic  <hagb4rd> more than beeing able to speak with fish.. like seaman does
543) <Phantom_Hoover> I mean, any organisation called the Scottish Defence League should be beating up English people, what other point would there be?
544) <ais523> if all my Facebook friends were to visit a page, it wouldn't make any difference at all
545) <Phantom_Hoover> OMG  <Phantom_Hoover> What if  <Phantom_Hoover> we shoot Hitler with neutrinos
546) <Phantom_Hoover> It's like Pygmalion and Galatea but more weeaboo.  <Phantom_Hoover> Also lesbian.
547) <monqy> did you know: gravity was inspired by apples
548) <ais523> isn't a neutrino detector just a large vat of washing-up liquid with a bit of machinery attached?
549) <fungot> fizzie: it doesn't *use* raw cgi. to my deep fnord i'm only fnord of the job description. it's badly fnord also.
550) <fizzie> It's just electricity, how dangerous could it be?
551) <fungot> sadhu: it's been said that boole is the crowning jewel perched precariously upon the perfect peak of programmer prowess, casting its limitless limpid light over the loathesome lands of those who scuff and wallow in the dreary dust of digital depravity and unbounded wilful ignorance of the testament of our lord jesus christ into your life.
552) <ais523> elliott: so what are the two issues with xfce?  <elliott> they're very unlikely to fuck up Xfce, and it can be made to work basically exactly like gnome two
553) <Phantom_Hoover> Guys no don't fly a Jem Hadar ship into Cardassian space to shoot things I played that mission in FreeSpace and it never works.
554) <itidus20> my old 2d game is named either runch or turbo fight.... and its hard
555) <fizzie> I prefer the N64 controller, it's the only one that has place for my third hand.
556) <zzo38> The fighting game I prefer is the card game Yomi
557) <oerjan> i am sorry to disappoint you, but my musical taste is on the side abba, verdi, and celine dion.  i know this may not be popular and that you would have preferred me to be a satanist.
558) <Ngevd> Dammit, Gregor, this is not the time to fall in love
559) <oklopol> but i guess (x + y)^n = (x^2 + 2xy + y^2)(x^2 + 2xy + y^2)...(x^2 + 2xy + y^2) if n is even, (x + y)^n = (x^2 + 2xy + y^2)(x^2 + 2xy + y^2)...(x^2 + 2xy + y^2)(x + y) is as good a fundamental theorem as any
560) <oklopol> so you are doing for compilers what imperative programming did for functional programming
561) <fizzie> Spacegoat is the network-operations-optimized-for-latency-of-minutes-or-hours-due-to-light-speed-limits variant of scapegoat, to be used when you need to check out some code from the Mars colony.  <fizzie> (I'm pretty sure we'll have established a Mars colony by the time scapegoat rolls out.)
562) <fizzie> [...] It's like the future was already here (in all its headache-inducing flickery glory) in the mid-1990s, and then it just... went away.
563) <fizzie dictionary> An 'ad hobbitem' fallacy is when you try to undermine someone's credibility by referring to how hairy his/her feets are.
564) <Ngevd> "Unlike other operating systems, Linux operating systems use Linux"
565) <CakeProphet> l;le;ler;le;lr;e;ler;ler;le;lerr;le;le;erle;e;rler;lere;er;lerrelrrerererlanggt
566) <monqy> never ever do bacon floats or i will hunt you down and kill you augh my leg
567) <fungot> Ngevd:. i'm so kind, even to assholes! anmaster no not markov anmaster no not markov anmaster no not markov anmaster no not markov anmaster no not markov
568) <Gregor> When my registrar is emailing me that is available, that's a problem.
569) <Phantom__Hoover> Also you steal Berwick from us and then say you don't want it?  <Ngevd> You stole it from us first!
570) <monqy> bad people have feelings too  <monqy> but they're bad  <monqy> so it's okay
571) <fizzie> It's a bit like a regular monowheel, except when you brake too hard, instead of you going around and around inside the wheel, the (1100lb) wheel rolls over you.
572) <shachaf> Real Tar is GNU tar.  <shachaf> You just ignore whichever features don't make you feel superior enough.
573) <oerjan> <Patashu> But wait what if I'm using a quantum computer <-- there is "quantum entropy".  it's the same except no one understands it.
574) <Patashu> that's trippy. how does such a thing evolve? what biological niche is it filling? we need to film a mockumentary on this
575) <elliott> fizzie: It's like a JIT, if JITs were... strings.
576) (Of Minecraft:) <elliott> So basically I didn't understand what it was at all, I thought maybe you were meant to be like a worm and just sort of wriggle about underground.
577) <Phantom_Hoover> oh god oh god  <Phantom_Hoover> what if I become  <Phantom_Hoover> attracted  <Phantom_Hoover> to birds
578) <Ngevd> "Facekicker" Hird is a member of the Hird family  <Phantom_Hoover> Ngevd, world-renowned detective.
579) <HackEgo> 678) <Ngevd> Dammit, Gregor, this is not the time to fall in love  <HackEgo> 187) <alise> Gregor: You should never have got her pregnant.  <Gregor> what whaaaaaaaaaaaat
580) <elliott> ais523: those suck  <elliott> hmm, those are all pretty good
581) <Phantom_Hoover> You know what annoys me about Deep Space 9.  <Phantom_Hoover> It wasn't in deep space.  <Phantom_Hoover> It was orbiting Bajor.
582) <fizzie> If you jump a car from a ramp and hit the wall of a building, in midair, you tend to get ejected up and fly to the sky-ceiling, then slowly slide at that height to one corner of the world; then you land, make a complicated spinning-around thing for a while, and then explode.  <fizzie> Also probably works in real life?
583) <Phantom_Hoover> I think the worst part of growing up is that it isn't retroactive.
584) <Phantom_Hoover>  <Phantom_Hoover> WELCOME TO FUCKING STEELROMANCED
585) <Pavitra> That was me being *nice*. I could have made the request by word of mouth to my My Little Pony toys and it would count.
586) <yrlnry> I personally use while ("Cogito, ergo sum") { ... } because since that is a priori true, it is true in all possible universes, and therefore ensures maximum portability.
587) <ais523> it's not a list of /all/ interesting esolangs, btw; otherwise you can take the first command from the first esolang, the second from the second, the third from the third, etc, then add 1 to all of them  <ais523> and you get a new interesting esolang  <ais523> diagonal principle…
588) <oklopol> i did applied fisheries research when i was little  <oklopol> got some results too but i ate them before i could publish them
589) <oklopol> that's crazy, it almost seems like you have to tell the program how you want it to manipulate the data and not just give it the relevant commands in a random sequence
590) <kmc> COCKS [...] <kmc> truly cocks
591) <monqy> where is this going. why is this going.
592) <Vorpal> anyway fungot is the only esolang irc bot I know of that doesn't depend on nethack or a similar helper
593) <fungot> fizzie: these kids today, with their long hair, dope, and silly abbreviations...) and how it works.
594) <Phantom_Hoover> I'd insult you behind your back, but I don't care which side of your back I insult you on.
595) <zzo38> I am just saying something that I think I once saw some idea somewhere, I forget, was it on television?
596) <zzo38> Can you file for univorce if you are unmarried and don't like yourself anymore?
597) <Ngevd> I'm neither Norwegian nor Finnish  <Ngevd> I don't fit in your quaint little categories
598) <ais523\unfoog> Vorpal: your ability to randomly make obvious comments in IRC as if they were profound is not a particularly useful one
599) <Phantom_Hoover> Life expectancy now is a function of whether you go berserk or not.
600) <Ngevd> Somehow I managed to read Haskell as Befunge
601) <ais523> Vorpal: I was paying too much attention to elliott and not enough to my HP
602) <oerjan> elliott: it occurs to me that `? welcome is atypical:  its information is actually true.
603) <Vorpal> oh my god  <Vorpal> that is one ugly solution  <elliott> beautiful
604) <ais523> Just about all females often feel that exactly why all Hollywood stars common maintain its brightness as Tom in spite of frantic operate routine and large operate pressure from the skin. What do you think that they have got sufficient time to observe all attractiveness strategies and tips that his grandmother utilized to abide by?
605) <Phantom__Hoover> (I'm not really sure what that explains but nor am I sure what I'm explaining, so it cancels out.)
606) <shachaf> VMS Mosaic?  <shachaf> I hope that's not Mosaic ported to VMS.  <shachaf> Hmm. It's Mosaic ported to VMS.
607) <fungot> elliott: young john soon afterward receives as a visitor a fnord spaniard, fnord de moncada, who has escaped from fnord fnord dissolved in the absolute.
608) <Phantom_Hoover> No you can't fight crime in Glasgow.  <Phantom_Hoover> It's like trying to get rid of the space-time continuum.
609) <Ngevd> It's like single player Hackiki in a way(?)  <tswett> Ngevd: yes, but with multiple players.
610) <twice11> Yeah, statistics with 2 data points is science. Statistics with one data point is crap.  <twice11> You measure a third point if you need an error estimate.
611) <Darth_Cliche> There's British KFC? Kent Fried Chicken?
612) <Vorpal> elliott: well how will you represent "The dog jumped over the lazy dog" then?
613) <Phantom__Hoover> elliott, cars aren't perfectly spherical.
614) <Phantom__Hoover> Minecraft has made me view all trees as ridiculously slender.
615) <ais523> also, why isn't monqy from Hexham? his name sounds like he should be
616) * Sgeo|web wants to see elliott be wrong about something  <elliott> Sgeo|web: That literally never happens.  <shachaf> Sgeo|web: There you go. A great example.
617) <elliott> ais523: You might want to downgrade to a sock to be safe
618) <elliott> ais523: I pronounce "xor" by punching myself in the face and then "or"
619) <ais523> the parser would be even simpler if I didn't try to do type inference in it
620) <shachaf> You should get kmc in this channel. kmc has good quotes.  <shachaf> `quote kmc  <HackEgo> 686) <kmc> COCKS [...] <kmc> truly cocks  <shachaf> Well, in theory.
621) <olsner> characters in tv series should learn to check the timestamp before they get their hopes up... *no chance* this will work at 10 minutes into the episode
622) <CakeProphet> but yeah the caliphates expanded their empire by conquering people and then forcing them to either convert to Islam or die. [...] <oerjan> i thought it was sort of, convert to islam or pay extra taxes, but i guess it varied a lot.
623) * oerjan concludes that unsafeCoerce has no effect on strictness
624) <fungot> Ngevd: again in a fresh memo later be sent you a copy of knitting for assholes
625) <Phantom_Hoover> The reason the cute animals collection includes pictures of intestines is that cute animals have to have intestines.
626) <Sgeo> I guess only gay people fuck?
627) <oklopol> also who it a tome, a small one
628) <oerjan> shachaf: wait, _you_ are in northumberland?  <shachaf> No.  <oerjan> whew  <oerjan> we don't have room for more esolangers there.  <shachaf> oerjan: Wait, *you* are in Northumberland?  <oerjan> no  <shachaf> Whew.  <shachaf> We don't have room for more esolangers there.
629) <fizzie> Do you want me to live dangerously and just stick it in the bot without testing it?  <elliott> fizzie: Yes.  <elliott> There is pretty much no way it won't be amazing.
630) <oklopol> the point of a university is research and training new researchers. the point of the world is to enable this.
631) <copumpkin> it's not even about strictness actually  <copumpkin> not strictly about strictness, anyway
632) <ais523\unfoog> Phantom__Hoover: is the processor hot?  <ais523\unfoog> also, does it smell of burnt silicon? [...] <ais523\unfoog> you can figure out if the processor is hot by touching it
633) <oerjan> wolfram armageddon, the genius overlord game
634) <Ngevd> This is not the time for science!  <Phantom_Hoover> ALL TIMES ARE TIME FOR SCIENCE
635) <monqy> i cnat eve begin to understand what you meant with that "one"
636) <itidus22> if the halting problem was solved, as a placebo.. would it benefit people?
637) <oklopol> i don't lie, i tell stories  <oklopol> there's no difference  <oklopol> *a
638) <itidus21> myndzi\: ok so one of the nastiest puzzles i suppose is... you're on death row.. you don't want to die.
639) <Ngevd> BOXBOT IS TERRIBLE  <Ngevd> NOBODY LIKES BOXBOT  <Ngevd> He's just a box with arms  <monqy> i love boxbot already
640) <kallisti> interestingly enough it takes about as much time for a person to produce cfunge as it does to create a baby.
641) <elliott> right: you didn't find out you were wrong, just right in a way we failed to consider.  <elliott> if only every wrong person could be so lucky
642) <Phantom_Hoover> Dinner? At two?  <fizzie> It's four here already. See, UTC+2. You need to add a couple of hours. Or was that subtract? I can never get those straight.
643) <kallisti> man, I love pseudo-random decision making  <Gregor> kallisti: Man, I base most of my life on pseudo-random decision making.  <oklopol> i usually just ask my dick and i then rarely even bother to listen
644) <oerjan> well, i have to assume if i'm going to make any asses
645) <itidus20> if only alonzo church would have anticipated the computer terminal...  <zzo38> itidus20: What do you think it would be if he did so?  <itidus20> i just plucked his name at random [...] <oerjan> if only the marquis de sade would have anticipated hospital romance novels
646) <oklopol> why not just give the gays their own state so people could finally pray in peace
647) <fungot> fizzie: is a 98% reduction in the waterpark intensity, right, so i'd imagine!
648) <zzo38> Astrological ages don't work. Instead, say what you mean.
649) <Gregor> pikhq: And of course Rick Perry, saying that there's something wrong with a country where gays can serve in the military but we don't elect a douchebag as president.
650) <elliott> monqy: it's only... ascii porn... the unicode bits stay covered
651) <Phantom__Hoover> WTF is it with people with Irish names and logic?
652) <Phantom_Hoover> The only way you could do better would be to implement Monopoly with chocolate.
653) <Phantom_Hoover> Just because you can't design a reliable Monopoly machine out of chocolate doesn't mean nobody else can.
654) <Phantom_Hoover> Here in Scotland we have a rigorous and well-tested theory of brothels.
655) <elliott> I'm not biased towards humanity over sentient .txt files.
656) <tswett> Hey, I found Gregor on Spokeo.  He's a married black male in his late 50s who lives in an apartment worth about $37,000.  He did not go to college and works in sales.  <tswett> He lives in Detroit.  <tswett> I... think we might have found the wrong one.
657) <MDude> A quick look as WIikipedia ways that Wicca is a specific form of paganism related to witchcraft.  <MDude> That agrees with what I know from that Scoobie Doo movie with the wiccans in it.
658) <Gregor> elliott: Back in my day, I didn't have to walk with a cane, but I couldn't shake it at kids on my lawn either!
659) <coppro> ... goddamit I'm having a discussion about the literary qualities of a Pokemon game
660) <Phantom_Hoover> (I vehemently oppose the SNP because they want closer ties with Sweden.)
661) <oklopol> in one case, someone is hurting themselves, in the other, they are only hurting (all) norwegians (to death)
662) <zzo38> I have a program to tell you how far away Jupiter is. It is 4.33 units far.
663) <zzo38> Even the Spanish Inquisition is in this game.  <ais523> zzo38: was it unexpected?  <zzo38> Kind of...
664) <shachaf> fizzie: What kind of speech recognition do you do?  <shachaf> If you only need to recognize famous speeches, like Churchill or something, it should be pretty easy.
665) <Phantom_Hoover> Incest, the enemy of graph theorists everywhere.
666) <oklopol> i think i'll just take the usual route and go do post doc research somewhere far away and never come back and become a drug lord and kill myself
667) <zzo38> When you die in Canada, you die in real life.
668) <ais523> is there any evidence that Jesus knew the rules of tic-tac-toe?
669) [...] <fizzie> So if someone tells you "you're worth your weight in Ethernet", it's likely they think your worth is less than $2k.
670) <ais523> `delquote 419  * HackEgo has quit (Remote host closed the connection)  * EgoBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)  * glogbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
671) <fungot> fizzie: it's just so stupid that ' stty erase h' has more bizarre results. it was, that he was overcome with the vastness, profundity, and fnord
672) <fizzie> oerjan: Hey, what's your country code for telephonistic dialling from the outside world?  <oerjan> fizzie: +47  <fizzie> oerjan: Ooh, you're, like, right next to Sweden there.  <fizzie> I... guess you are geographically, too.
673) Note that the previous quote is, in fact, correctly spaced.
674) <NihilistDandy> Benchmarks are only a good measure of surprise
675) <zzo38> Yes, it is true; I don't really like PHP either.
676) <monqy> kallisti: by ordered multiset did you mean: list??????
677) <Phantom_Hoover> I had a dream last night where I got hit by a van but the van had a brain uploader in it and I was uploaded and I angsted because I was stuck spending eternity with singularitarians?
678) <oerjan> fizzie: wait the germans burned lapland?  they also burned finnmark.  <fizzie> oerjan: It's a bit of what they do. This was the time when we no longer were such good friends any more, and told them to go away.
679) <Phantom_Hoover> "Category 4 ("professional") fireworks are for sale only to fireworks professionals. They have no restrictions,"  <Phantom_Hoover> OK I need to become a pyrotechnician.  <ais523> Phantom_Hoover: that's like wanting to become a locksmith  <ais523> so that you can legally own lockpicks  <Phantom_Hoover> Did I mention when I wanted to become a locksmith?
680) <Vorpal> <ais523> northern ireland is quite a way to drag someone from scotland <-- not really. I just checked in google earth  <ais523> Vorpal: but dragging people across water's a bit tricky
681) <oklopol> speaking of math, i watched an episode of numb3rs today  <oklopol> the first episode was more like 57471571c5
682) <olsner> I think I know less about rhotic accents now than I have ever known before
683) <ais523> oh right: Frooxius, you wouldn't happen to live in Hexham, would you?  <Frooxius> No, sorry.  <ais523> phew  <Ngevd> How about Finland?  <Frooxius> Why would I live there?  <fizzie> That's a *very* good question.  <fizzie> Why would anyone?
684) <fungot> elliott: but, there are imps around, the pad. it's hard to remember though your cross-hairs would never settle on an innocent little girl. chokes up now imagine she's white.
685) <Phantom_Hoover> There.... is a box of Gardasil next to the butter in my fridge.  <Phantom_Hoover> At least my sandwich will be immune to cervical cancer *and* genital warts, I suppose.
686) <fungot> elliott: to be honest, it doesn't exist in a state of almost perpetual stalemate, and expands to a larger board and more exotic collection of what he refers to as a thermal hull, instead of some kind of clock pun. no, dammit, will this breakfast injure his shrill, bearded, scraggly old men in space. jade's radioactive, omnipotent, space-warping dog named...
687) <itidus21> the possession of diamonds by the bourgeois is more about establishing their bourgeoisness more than wanting a malleable metal  <itidus21> oops i forgot i said diamonds instead of gold
688) * Phantom_Hoover moves 0.5 Phantom_Hoover into the Atlantic, and captures fizzie's upper body with 0.5 Phantom_Hoover.  <fizzie> Glurk.
689) <shachaf> elliott: Anyway, if you wrote a Haskell book, I would read it and possibly provide classical criticism.  <shachaf> That is to say, non-constructive.
690) <fizzie> [...] and then you just shuffle the integral signs around a bit and hope no mathematicians notice.
691) <kmc> damn i should make a quasiquoter for inline FORTRAN
692) <fizzie> I saw a MythBusters show about that. (Or I guess it maybe was a tree.)
693) <elliott> @more  <elliott> @more  <elliott> @more  <elliott> @more  <elliott> @more  <elliott> @more  <elliott> @more  <elliott> :(
694) <kmc> has there been any work towards designing programming languages specifically for stoned people
695) <fizzie> Stupid W|A doesn't even understand "Vatican papal density". (As far as countries go, they've got a quite high one.)
696) <fizzie> Quinary computers replace the cache with a quiche.
697) <itidus21> ok in other words, its a lot easier to reason about 2^43112609-1 apples by using the text "2^43112609-1" than it is to actually produce 2^43112609-1 apples
698) <fizzie> fungot: Yeah, "fungott" would [...] remind people of elliott.  <fungot> fizzie: now that could be nice for a simple language can be used
699) <Phantom_Hoover> BF derivatives are a cancer running throughout the fringes of the esolang community, and as the fringes vastly outweigh the core, we're screwed.
700) <olsner> the allocation is done by the "Dynamic" in DRAM  <olsner> before that we used SRAM where everything was preallocated in the factory  <fizzie> olsner: So what's this SDRAM then?  <olsner> fizzie: synchronized, it's for multithreading
701) <olsner> what a world it would be if you could actually *steal* code so that the other project has to rewrite it or infiltrate your project to steal it back
702) <Taneb> I swear my dreams are becoming increasingly rave + computer science oriented
703) <elliott> aaaaah my scherzo is unmeasurable
704) <fizzie> elliott: I'm not going to even bother with the recursive "I'm not going to dignify that" stuff. [...] <fizzie> *LAA LAA LAA NOT DIGNIFYING LAA LAA*
705) <fizzie> fungot: Feeling scrambled after all that?  <fungot> fizzie: but it's much like new zealand, in my stone-age country, we still like you even if you're only using the new fnord
706) <fungot> elliott_: how usable is borges in the real world
707) <itidus21> to think that i could accidently catch the bus with the person who wrote "###b#ott#les#of#b#eer o#n t#he #w#all#, ###lovely ###[[Esme]]ralda ###o#n ###t#h#e  #b#ee#r..."
708) <fungot> elliott: the new fnord  <fungot> elliott: what is the point? nothing changed.
709) <shachaf> Lent is a bad habit that people find very difficult to give up.
710) <Sgeo> "Sgeo: how refreshing to see you talk about something other than whatever the heck homestuck is"
711) <ais523> bleh, why doesn't tab-complete work in mkdir for the name of the new directory
712) <Sgeo_> Why does CL get called functional?  <oerjan> it's sort of like how you call ancient greece democratic.
713) <fungot> Phantom_Hoover: gsi-ffs.scm just has a tendency to give procedures meaningful, spelled out, names, unlike " fnord)"
714) <oklofok> you tell us you're making a lisp interpreter, but you don't mention its polterchrist is c++ templates?  <oklofok> isn't that like telling us you're taking a bath and not mentioning you're bathing in a WORLD FULL OF SNAKES
715) <zzo38> I think we are sort of this insane, and also sort of not as much as insane, and also sort of a bit more insane than that, and also somewhat more various other thing at various times whatever you are discussing at that time
716) <fungot> elliott: fibonacci heaps, trinomial heaps, fat heaps, thin heaps, fat heaps, thin heaps, fat heaps, relaxed heaps, and maybe even specifically optimized by the implementation
717) <elliott> then they edited their own talk page comments after someone replied to it, and edited /the replier's comment/ so that it made sense in context
718) <shachaf> Free as in unregistered, not free as in lunch or speech.
719) <monqy> Sgeo: I used to have strict requirements for when I said hi but then everyone started saying hi and it all got weird
720) <Ngevd> I don't know which version of Linux kernel I'm using atm  <Ngevd> Hang on  <Ngevd> I'm on Windows
721) <Taneb> I saw a Finnair plane today  <ion> In a smoking rubble?  <Taneb> Close.  <Taneb> Heathrow Airport
722) <Edwin Brady> Just seen this comment on reddit: "Parallel programming has been a solved problem for decades." I might have to stop reading the internet.
724) <kmc> the problem with PHP is that anyone halfway competent gives up on it and switches to something, anything else  <Sato0x> fact  <Sato0x> I don't see how that's bad
725) <kmc> haters gonna make som valid points
726) <kmc> aim hecker (n): when ur dronk and u pee so bad all over the toilet that ppl make fun of u  <kmc> (corruption of "aim heckler")
727) <ais523> and then I spent much of the rest of the time trying to work out how to implement 3D Hashlife efficiently when at least one of the colors has free will
728) <shachaf> elliott: Apparently Rowan Williams is Primate of All England.  <shachaf> CHECKMATE CREATIONISTS
729) <Taneb> hang on I have bright idea  <Taneb> navajo to f me 1 in 3 people
730) <Taneb> profanity specialities
731) <Taneb> thank you verse I'm not quite innocent
732) <tswett> ais523: well, Dylan said "hahaha, Lawlabee is running windows", and then Lawlabee said "'cuz it's pretty awesome."  <tswett> Except that by "it", Lawlabee was referring to something entirely different.  <tswett> So when I added that quote, Lawlabee emotifrowned.
733) <olsner> is tswett Warrigal?
734) <itidus21> ais523: thats very zen really  <ais523> no, it's more or less the opposite of zen
735) * elliott is back not for killing purposes but here to kill people.
736) <calamari> there was a time when I liked wearing a tie too.. I was a mormon. not claiming one has to be a religious nutcase to wear a tie, of course
737) <zzo38> A lot of things happened; not only me, but also you
738) <oklopol> nortti: fizzie has done some impressive stuff in befunge, which is essentially the two-dimensional version of finnish politics.
739) <elliott> It's... not really links2-optimised.  <nortti> elliott: I don't think that any page is links2 optimised
740) <elliott_> (help why are german)  <monqy> i play the german version of crawl  <elliott_> i
741) <fungot> itidus21: hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, h
742) <Sgeo> hack and back?  <Patashu> works on anything much slower than you  <monqy> at the cost of: guilt, hating yourself, me sending you the message "hi"  <Patashu> am I also forbidden to cast mephitic cloud and cblink  <monqy> i will also send you "hi" if you: kite excessively, use mephitic cloud, -yes
743) <elliott> gah  <elliott> this language is of the devil  <elliott> oklopol: you're meant to use your powers for _good_
744) <Gregor> Very much like "cen" is Latin for "horse", "yak" is Latin for "yak".
745) <kmc> i saw Godspeed You! Black Emperor live  <kmc> it is hard to tell when the soundcheck ends and the set begins
746) <olsner> they call finnish human-readable?
747) <monqy> 200 and 20 are the same  <monqy> different notations for the same thing
748) <Ngevd> And I may soon lack both a head and a wall
749) <shachaf> U+2205 [∅] NO LETTER O ALLOWED
750) <ion> 99 bugs in the bug tracker, 99 reports of bugs. Take one down and commit a fix, 106 bugs in the bug tracker.
751) <Lumpio-> STOP CAPITALIZING  <Lumpio-> It's making me feel weird  <shubshub> the I has to be capitilized its proper grammer
752) <monqy> moral of the story with enough peer pressure nything is possible
753) <ais523> coppro: I'm researching compiling high-level languages to hardware, which involves inventing new ones  <ais523> because there were no modern variants of algol specialised for hardware, oddly enough
754) <monqy> imagine hitting a brick wall really really hard but you don't do anything to it. instead you explode.  <monqy> that's what it's like for people who hit you
755) <oklopol> Gregor: i watched the first episode of MLP [...] <oklopol> Gregor: it wasn't bad, but there was very little sex and violence
756) <pikhq> The world would be a much classier place if the world was full of Gregors.  <Phantom_Hoover> True, but how many of them are on fire?
757) <Phantom_Hoover> i once had a dream when i was told to look after some kittens but they were made of chocolate and i ate them :(
758) <pikhq> I vastly prefer "a blind idiot god".  <quintopia> pikhq: to what?  <pikhq> To the idea of someone actually intentionally designing a mouse.
759) <monqy> ophanim: omee~
760) <monqy> if i had a time machine i would clone old monqy and make friends with him  <monqy> i would also need a clone machine
761) <itidus21> you are like the linux torvalds of quiz engines
762) <Gregor> `log [o]klopol wasn't usually nude
763) <monqy> you've constructed a situation in which i have no choice but to die in 10 days  <monqy> well done  <monqy> that's murder
764) <itidus21> . o O ( (watches on from a distance) I just can't think that abstractly... or I don't want to.  I'm more, there are 2 trains heading in opposite directions: what year were they built? How many windows do they have? Is anyone train surfing on them? Is Ringo Starr narrating this problem? ) [...] <itidus21> Do they serve french toast in the dining carriage?
765) <olsner> This quote is boring
766) <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <elliott> ha  <zzo38> Stop repeating yourself so much all at once
767) <itidus21> i have a simple view of reality that goes something like this.. once your sufficiently well tied up.. it doesn't make a difference if your enemy has a knife or a gun.. you're equally screwed
768) <zzo38> Is mathematics a lifeform?  <itidus20> zzo38: i'm looking into something interesting(debatable) which might be up your alley(debatable). warioware diy ... being a proprietry game about making games i know it's not extremely relevant here(debatable), but it's <insert gibberish term>  <zzo38> itidus20: I don't know.
769) <oklopol> oh god another crazy haskell understander  <oklopol> i have to leave
770) <elliott> I couldn't survive an apocalypse. I don't even have any bitcoins.
771) <zzo38> (Some astrologers say all horoscopes that include objects other than the Sun are 3D, but they don't know what 3D means, that is why they are astrologers.)
772) <Taneb> Phantom_Hoover, like Glasgow but nicer  <Taneb> So, not like Glasgow at all
773) <oklopol> i don't get how people are afraid of parachute jumping but they routinely drive a car in fucking traffic
774) <elliott> oh, "legal" as in legal
775) <olsner> when everyone else was busy going "ewwww, comic sans!" I was reading the text and learned everything
776) <mroman> You can't quote me.
777) <zzo38> Sleep on the ceiling next Sunday.
778) <oerjan> Gregor: hey no fair doing ungoogleable citations
779) <fizzie> Also, UCS-4096 has the advantage that each codepoint handily matches the page size of many architectures, so you can deal with them in memory easily.
780) <itidus21> ubuntu is the solaris of the cola world
781) <itidus21> elliott___: we have been calling a book new for 2000 years and it took einstein to figure out relativity
782) <zzo38> Do you think " `addquote [with no context] < zzo38> Do you think psychology is worse, or not?" is worse, or not?
783) <elliott__> i just hit enter b/c its easier than ctrl+a del
784) <itidus21> world peace is for fascists
785) <ais523> rogues using maces is traditional [...] <ais523> not D&D tradition, people coshing people in back alleys tradition
786) <fungot> olsner: over the undertow! under the overpass! around the future and not just fnord for example. it's just the syntax
787) <zzo38> But I still sign by my pens and use extra dots and shapes and so on so that I can claim I was threatened to sign it and put those dots there to warn you, or whatever
788) * oerjan makes a brainfuck derivative for quoting xkcds
789) <zzo38> There is no rule in poker that says you have to try hard to win.
790) <zzo38> Yes you are correct you must be mad or you wouldn't have come here. No escape either, sorry.
791) <itidus21> i think in general it's against nature for an animal to be a boat
792) <kmc> but i mean i don't like jogging so i wouldn't like jogging while jerking off either
793) <kmc> yeah well, petty theft > federal obstruction of justice
794) <zzo38> Because, if it is all wrong, then I should fix it please
795) <madbr> I like the tactile response of actually hitting real balls :D
796) <oklopol> zzo38: i only like games whose names start with "mine"
797) <oklopol> my best guess is 4 years ago but possibly also yesterday
798) <kmc> the other day I bought a recycling can from amazon  <kmc> it came in a cardboard box  <kmc> i took the can out of the box, broke down the box, and put it in the can  <kmc> it was amazing
799) <itidus21> and all this time I thought we were talking about postmodern analysis of junk mail delivery methods and simulations of elephant breeding patterns
800) <Phantom__Hoover> the scene: it is a warm summer's day in scotland, although one obscured by cloud and the fact that it is september
801) <elliott> this sounds sort of like @ kmc  <kmc> well @ is the least upper bound of all ideas in computer science
802) <Gregor> My latest FB post: The worst part of floating point math is not the fact that 0.1 + 0.2 yields 0.30000000000000004, but trying to explain to people why their language is horribly broken if 0.1 + 0.2 does NOT yield 0.30000000000000004.
803) <oklopol> t  <oklopol> y  <oklopol> also i didn't say t\ny on purpose, i just accidentally hit the keyboard with my head
804) <fizzie> Backups are so like one of those circus guys walking on a wire except with a safety rope.
805) <Gregor> !rot13 Fluttershy  Rainbow Dash  Rarity  Applejack  Twilight  Sparkle  Pinkie Pie  <EgoBot> Syhggreful  Envaobj Qnfu  Enevgl  Nccyrwnpx  Gjvyvtug Fcnexyr  Cvaxvr Cvr  <olsner> oh, they're all named after rot13'd welsh words
806) <olsner> it's not completely obvious since the displayed nick lengths are rounded to the closest integer
807) <zzo38> Confucius say too much. -- Recent Chinese Proverb
808) <tswett> You know what, I'm really sleepy and I should go to bed *right now*.  I'm not even going to bo
809) <kmc> typed racket: anyone using a model m keyboard
810) <tswett> But let's ignore the fact that i doesn't exist.  Is it even or odd?
811) <HackEgo> 499) <zzo38> What is miff-muffered moof?  <itidus20> that's a tough question [...] <Sgeo> miff-muffered moof sounds like a setup to something, but itidus screws it up.
812) <zzo38> Can you vote for just the green party or rainbow party instead of both?  <kmc> nope, it is the same party  <zzo38> That is the problem with political parties.
813) <Jafet> I wonder if Red Alert 4 will use MMIX
814) <Phantom_Hoover> unfortunately df is not yet able to simulate norway
815) <Phantom_Hoover> shachaf, your a fucking piece of shit, die and kill your family
816) <Sgeo> Turns out the apartment had cheese and I just didn't know where it was
817) <HackEgo> 88) <ais523> (still, whatever possessed anyone to invent the N-Gage?) [...] <Sgeo_> Is there supposed to be a joke in 88?  <Sgeo_> Unless "N-Gage" is some pseudoscientific spiritual mumbo-jumbo, I don't get it.  <Sgeo_> Oh, it's a cell phone gaming thing apparently
818) <Phantom_Hoover> I think the only lesson I can really take away from this experience is "don't fuck around with vampires".
819) <oerjan> `welcome Rawlie  * zzo38 has joined #esoteric  <Rawlie> thank you  <zzo38> You're welcome.
820) <elliott> seriously q is the best fucking letter in the alphabet
821) <kmc> colemak is for people who think dvorak is too mainstream
822) <Fiora> omg  <Fiora> that JIT is really amazing [...] <Gregor> I hear if you listen carefully to the rustling wind on a warm night with a full moon, you can hear the sound of the JIT building ARM functions.
823) <kmc> i love how allegedly wine can run all of these different programs but the only one i can actually run is starcraft  <kmc> i think wine may secretly be a cleanroom reimplementation of starcraft
824) <fizzie> I am a train. There's a wireless network in the train!
825) <fizzie> I was hoping I could be like other people and listen to signals while in a public transport vehicle.
826) <olsner> fungot: what's your view on angels and other otherworldly beings?  <fungot> olsner: well i'm mentioning theoretical image to be dumped in rain forests of laukaa.
827) <zzo38> The reason it isn't more popular is because I wrote it today.
828) <ais523> OK, I'll use roman numerals to reduce confusion
829) <GreyKnight> fungot, sing me to sleep  <fungot> GreyKnight: 53. file://localhost/ mnt/ space/ media/ books/ 1000+sci-fi%20books/%5bebooks%5d%201000+%20sciencefiction%20%26%20fantasy%20novels%20%28.lit%20forma/ pratchett%2c%20terry/ text/ 14/ fnord  <GreyKnight> This is not a very good song
830) [after a quote deletion session] <fungot> ais523: i just checked, and the whole purpose of this is not necessary....
831) <monqy> what does it mean for a pencil to be turing complete....  <ais523> monqy: it's the same concept as USB sushi, really
832) <Fiora> usb sushi is dangerous.  I think I would try to eat it
833) <olsner> we have PR?  <oerjan> the good news is we have PR.  the bad news is we borrowed haskell's motto for it. [...] <oerjan> [...] "avoid success at all costs"
834) <Gregor> Apparently now exists.  <Gregor> Oh, that's 2008. I'm sure I would've found it and rejected it for some reason before then X-D [...] <Gregor> Right, yeah. “Can't get the damned thing working.”
835) <kmc> my current laptop basically works though  <kmc> it can even play 8 year old video games as long as it is not raining in the game
836) <elliott> i wrote a better version once but it was broken
837) <Taneb> Gordon Moore's expected lifespan doubles every 18 months
838) <Jafet> The world needs better healthcare, social justice and wealth distribution, but a monads library for clojure surely won't hurt
839) <GreyKnight> headache + train with screeching brakes = headache^2  <hagb4rd> hm..headache + train with no screeching brakes = no head  <GreyKnight> On the plus side, no headache anymore
840) <kmc> no christmas without christ, no thursday without thor
841) <elliott> I kept telling my therapist I wanted more conventional, non-hip-hop-oriented treatment, but it was no use. my shrinkwrapped.  <elliott> okay i hate myself for making a pun that bad  <elliott> please kill me  <elliott> :(
842) <shachaf> Bike: Your client colours people?  <Bike> it would be pretty boring to see everyone as white, i get that enough in real life
843) <shachaf> Do physicists have half-life crises?
844) <olsner> FireFly: oh, did you see ion's police reindeer? that was ... at least as on-topic as this discussion
845) <Bike> "damn, my port of ghc to php isn't properly taking javascript booleans into account"
846) <kmc> i would subscribe to @zzo38_ebooks  <zzo38> kmc: I have no ebooks which can subscribe to
847) <Vorpal> elliott, mostly I want something that takes zero effort to maintain and update once the initial setup is done.  <elliott> okay well that is called not linux
848) <kmc> i was going to say that the complexity of a demo grows exponentially with size, but it's not so much "exponential" as "faster than any computable function"
849) <elliott> Deewiant: um???? You've forgotten axiom 1 of everything: everything sucks
850) <kmc> so i guess my root of trust for Arch Linux is...typedef int f(float);
851) <fungot> elliott: sorry, i don't know, some more booze and now, if you eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat! contains exactly the items!
852) <zzo38> If you write in the text using Unicode then how are you supposed to know if you mean seraphim have seven eyes or do they have ten?
853) <sgeo> GreyKnight, shachaf is like a high-level Forth
854) <zzo38> What is portable way of load/save floating points in files, using a C code?  <kmc> #ifndef __STDC_IEC_559__  #error Here's a nickel, kid.  Buy a real computer.  #endif
855) <kmc> i think sand will actually do a poor job of absorbing water inside the large intestine
856) <oerjan> i think the problem is you're trying to interpret finnish as logic.
857) <pikhq> Conext coyou'll cotell come cothat coyou cocan't coprefix coeverything cowith co"co".  <oerjan> pikhq: coof urse conot!
858) <kmc> it's kind of the multiocular O of countries, if you will
859) <Phantom_Hoover> it's weird hanging around people for whom the northernmost point in the world is nottingham
860) <c00kiemon5ter> so up is down too
861) <zzo38> The winter solstice is in approx. 13 hours from now  <kmc> the mayans warned us  <zzo38> Warned you of what? The solstice?  <kmc> yes
862) <zzo38> Yes I am native English speaker, but it is Canadian English, not British English.
863) <zzo38> Did you agree with what my idea was?  <elliott> absolutely  <monqy> what was your idea ?  <elliott> that was my next question
864) <GreyKnight> also if a GNU tar feature doesn't make you feel superior to others then you should file a bug report, it was probably unintentional
865) <kmc> i bet a blog post complaining about ");});});" syntax in JavaScript and comparing it unfavorably to Lisp would get approximately one billion comments on hacker news  <Bike> but at what cost?  your very soul, kmc!
866) <zzo38> There is Haskell program "pandoc" to convert formats, so I make "panchess" which is the similar thing but for chess.
867) <fizzie> Have you eaten in one of the restaurants of the PECTOPAH chain? Those are like EVERYWHERE there.
868) <kmc> ok i lied when i said i read this article
869) <kmc> i like the idea that if you name your country a Soviet Republic you automatically get the right to call up Lenin on the telephone and complain about bathroom pranks
870) [on Diplomacy] <Bike> man, that doesn't even mention greece at all [...] <Bike> oh, this is about a game, not world war i.
871) <kmc> yes Windows 98 installer, please perform a bad blocks scan of your virtual emulated hard drive  <kmc> you have no idea how completely i control your so-called reality
872) <kmc> i'm looking for a haskell-like programming language, meaning that it supports nesting multi-line comments
873) <kmc> obviously you just write a TRIVIAL raytracer as a bash script
874) -!- ais523 has parted #esoteric ("someone is going to mention Feather, I know it").
875) <Bike> i don't even know anything about feather and i'm getting sick of the time travel jokes
876) <olsner> shachaf: contrary to common belief, #esoteric is not really "a channel for crazy people", but has (ostensibly) a topic... is beaky from finland?
877) <fizzie> fungot: Are you the previous version of zzo38?  <fungot> fizzie: i run some interactive tex programs
878) <elliott> Phantom_Hoover: I like how the Victorians hadn't quite figured out you were meant to name books something shorter than their contents.
879) <GreyKnight> Taneb: The other day on the channel I came up with BRAINLISPCODE, a LOLCODE-style LISP with an embedded bf derivative.  I thought you should know. :-I
880) <kmc> i can only hope that the 55 year old nuclear reactor 2 blocks away from my house is too old to have SCADA
881) <kmc> what is the linux equivalent of the magical purple light which makes things glow if they have been involved in a crime  <elliott> kmc: nmap??
882) <GreyKnight> This might be the lack of sleep talking, but coproduct injections are pretty funny
883) <Bike> so, i'm readng chaitin's book on the diophantine thing, and he uses lisp with single-character variable names, in APL's character set.  is there a reliable test to see if i'm actually in some caricatured hell?
884) <Taneb> That's the problem with Tumblr <Taneb> All the porn titles are taken by non-porn people
885) <fizzie> GreyKnight: And Gregor itself is kind of a probability distribution spread all over the globe.
886) <hagb4rd> what is this set? sounds like shakespear  <fizzie> Yes, that's what people often say about Chrono Trigger.
887) <shachaf> When you're a logreader, everything is a quote.
888) <fungot> ais523: intercal-72 c-intercal clc-intercal j-intercal yes all versions all versions
889) <ais523> btw, I finally discovered what a burrito was, recently  <ais523> they're kind of nice to eat  <ais523> but don't really resemble monads
890) <coppro> GreyKnight: for instance, you can form a poset category from a bunch of tiles <GreyKnight> oh, that's why somebody was conflating category theory with bathroom interior design the other day :-D
891) <Bike> the idea is that you can get the information you need from reading the other players, isn't it [...] <Bike> and of course, reading isn't limited to facial expressions [...] <fizzie> That's true, you can read e.g. books.
892) * GreyKnight puts some cookies inside a forcefield ⌇⌇ o o o ⌇⌇  <GreyKnight> what now c00kiemon5ter?!?  * c00kiemon5ter omnomnomnomnomnomnomnom  <GreyKnight> but how did he get through the forcefield?!? @u@  <c00kiemon5ter> I did not! the cookielicious force within me grew outside the forcefield absording the crumbles  <GreyKnight> darn cookie physics
893) <oerjan> `pastequotes django  <HackEgo>  <olsner> I'm still in all of them :(  <olsner> someone else get quoted saying django please
894) <zzo38> What is your opinion on the Catholic doctrine and tradition and so on?  <Bike> i give it 7/10.
895) <fizzie> What I learned on the Prolog course is that it's a good language if you need a thing that can say "No" a lot.
896) <kmc> i fell in love with the first gimmick twitter account that i met who could appreciate georges bataille
897) <kmc> maybe i like pigeons too much
898) <Bike> I've heard the manga of Das Kapital is actually pretty good.
899) <oerjan> fungot knows all.  <fungot> oerjan: you are correct. there's no freedom for free.
900) <quintopia> is there a way to tag things on wikipedia as "wtf this makes no sense"?  <elliott> quintopia: {{featured article}}
902) <Bike> Usually I'd use Rankine, but the fucking weather doesn't support it.
903) <elliott> okay so  <elliott> i went to wikimapia per Bike  <elliott> and found a tiny little nowhere that looked like it might be it  <elliott> zoomed in  <elliott> thought aw yeah this looks remote maybe it's it  <elliott> turns out it's hawaii  <elliott> i am not very good at this 
904) <shachaf> Taneb: STOP TRYING TO GET LENS INTO EVERYTHING  <shachaf> Bike: You should use lens!  <Taneb> NEVER  <Bike> shachaf: i'm getting mixed messages here 
905) <ais523> in Smalltalk, as in Feather, in order to do I/O, you must first create the universe  <Sgeo> ais523, it seems quite capable of I/O... GUI is a form of I/O  <ais523> Sgeo: yeah exactly  <ais523> where does the GUI come from?  <ais523> it's written in Smalltalk, clearly  <ais523> and how does the GUI do its I/O?  <ais523> if you think about the issue for too long, you end up inventing Feather
906) <ais523> you can define Feather as "Smalltalk done right" if you want to confuse people into wondering why that would involve time travel stuff and all that
907) <olsner> Gregor: are you in the brony documentary?
908) <Bike> back in high school a guy printed out the entire script of portal 1 and was reading it out during a field trip.  it's possible i'm mentally scarred
909) <zzo38> Eat people who are in the "food jail".
910) <ais523> oerjan: humans are very hard to anthropomorphise
911) <evincar> okay so like  <evincar> do  <fizzie> Or do not?  <evincar> no no  <evincar> do  <evincar> There is no do not.  
912) <ais523> if you mentioned you'd rewritten textutils (or is cat coreutils?), I might have guessed what was wrong with the program
913) <kmc> most things i hear about 'startup culture' set off the poe's law detector
914) <kmc> a social network for household appliances  <kmc> like, it's one thing to have a washing machine that tweets at you when your laundry is done  <kmc> but another to have a washing machine that posts to its own wall and can become friends with the toaster  <kmc> "Toaster and Bathtub are now: It's Complicated"
915) <zzo38> I do study philosophy of much.
916) <Sgeo> I searched for newspeak sgeo  <Sgeo> "Did you mean: newspeak good "
917) <Phantom_Hoover> why the fuc  <oerjan> i was very annoyed.  <Phantom_Hoover> k  <Phantom_Hoover> are my socks  <Phantom_Hoover> in the wastebin
918) <Sgeo> Actually, just as a guess, J might be worse than APL because it's restricted to normal (ascii?) characters, I guess
919) <kmc> the pokémon theme is very similar to eye of the tiger and not as good
920) <Bike> well he could register the new tld for just a few thousand fucks
921) <fungot> Bike: the best acid? where is it?
922) <elliott> well what is time  <elliott> imo: an illusion [...] <Taneb> elliott, I think it's more like a burrito  <Taneb> If you have too much of time you get ill  <Taneb> But damn it felt good  <Taneb> You only get out what you put in, unless your time was made by someone else, which isn't as fun  <ais523> burritos don't work like that!  
923) <RodgerTheGreat> an ieee-754 double does not have enough granular precision to express how little I care
924) <Sgeo> If that sexy_goats had some sort of namespace, so other things could add their own sexy_goats method to Object or whatever to do something different, I would have no complaint
925) <Sgeo> I feel like (A.~[:i.[:!#) is verbose
926) <olsner> as long as you're in company where no-one knows both, you can always say either "that's just like welsh ll" or "that's just like klingon tlh"
927) <olsner> boily: the man eating chicken is just a normal man, it's quite common to eat chicken in some parts of the world
928) <elliott> ~eval 1+2  <cuttlefish> Error (127):  <elliott> this is a great bot boily i love it
929) <kmc> shachaf: LC_ALL=de_DE.utf-8 errno -l  <kmc> Veraltete NFS-Dateizugriffsnummer  <kmc> Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler  <kmc> "Unterbrechung während des Betriebssystemaufrufs"  i think that was in the Ring Cycle
930) <augur> DIE  <augur> oh hey elliott
931) <shachaf> what are some good concurrency primitives  <ais523> shachaf: how primitive do you want?
932) <oerjan> maybe i was violated by a pole once
933) <shachaf> oerjan: What's cosubtyping?  <Phantom_Hoover> some sort of fusion of cosplay and type theory?
934) <jconn> fungot: |open quote  <jconn> fungot: |   just to help an fnord archive)" [...]  <fungot> jconn: i am just as confused. you know, that thing which you might want is broken
935) <fungot> kmc: that is just a value of type " airbus is a big fan of avril....but this song " there
936) <fungot> but when she saw him fnord and fnord. and then there's the fnord, as well as fnord reading sauce with fish, or fnord, that alice quite fnord for it hadn't spoken before.
937) <boily> not only there is no God, but try to find an APL keyboard on Sunday.
938) <fungot> Áis523ÎkËÇÏ52Í¿ÉnÐffjliated/ais523: ever tried reading while confused?
939) <Bike> if you say "java" three times to a dark mirror does steele come out and lecture you about operator overloading
940) <boily> ais523: I'm not sure my grasp of the English language is getting better by visiting this channel..
941) <Sgeo> This position is asking for "- Extensive experience with API"  <Jafet> You're just not qualified, kid.
942) <boily> had a fit of a stroke of genius, and google mapped hexham.  <boily> it's in the friggin middle of nowhere!
943) <lexande> sometimes i am confronted with a problem and i think "I know, I'll use Banach-Tarski"
944) <fizzie> The other day (well, the other week) my wife was annoyed with me because she had a dream where I had gotten us plane tickets into a #esoteric meet somewhere in the middle of Greenland in the winter, without asking her first. Plus she wasn't really interested in a #esoteric meet at all, let alone one in Greenland, let alone one in Greenland in wintertime. (I think it's kind of cold there?)
945) <oklopol> my university spam filter thinks it's okay for someone i have never met to discuss "usd 2,142,728.00 dollars" with me and "NEED MY HELP" etc. however, inviting me to a conference? such a nigerian thing to do.  
946) <Taneb> I'm a story about the prohibition of chocolate
947) <ais523> did you know that likes follow you around the internet and steal your browser?  <Taneb> I thought that was Phantom_Hoover
948) <boily> oerjan: on those days, I'm sure this channel becomes some kind of SCP.
949) <esomimic> fungot: begrudging pat
950) <Bike> Are you sure this isn't the Sims  <kallisti> can you get married to your variables?  <kallisti> this is a feature I find lacking in most languages
951) <Sgeo> I was practically raised by Dilbert.
952) <doesthiswork> a comathmatician is a device for turning cotheorems into ffee 
953) <kmc> it's almost like Haskell is a programming language and not some kind of mathematical rhetorical arguing device
954) * fungot has joined #esoteric  <boily> woohoo! the one and only fungot is back!  <fungot> boily: damn your mother!  <boily> ok. never saw that one coming.
955) <groily> I stand by the argument that fungot is the one making the most sense in this channel.
956) <tswett> Hey, what VPN software should I use?  <boily> tswett: openvpn. the one, the only, the open, the other qualifiers that begin with "o".
957) <ais523> Phantom_Hoover: my department teaches prolog, to second years I think  <ais523> some people choose it because it isn't ocaml, and then are disappointed to find it has lists
958) * ais523 challenges the americans here to remember who lost in the most recent UK general election  <Phantom_Hoover> ais523, the lib dems
959) <Bike> i've always wanted to xor swap transfinite ordinals
960) <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo_, are you just trying to post kmcbait...  * Fiora imagines a cardboard box propped up by a stick with a pile of monads inside.  <elliott> Fiora: that is actually what Haskell is.
961) <zzo38> I happen to have bash even on this computer
962) <zzo38> I have no problem if you want to use these drugs and make yourself dead and whatever, but making them legal might ruin the economy.
963) <Phantom_Hoover> As Brainfuck derivatives go, it's not all that bad, really.
964) <Bike> kmc: ok i gotta admit i fully support the use of ultrafilters in social sciences
965) <Bike> When I imagine x86 I imagine a Swiss Family Robinson style treehouse, with parts continually bursting into flame underneath as they build higher and higher on the broken remnants of what they slapped together last week.
966) <elliott> also did you learn Haskell yet  <Bike> i think i've got most of it now what are these "type" things
967) <boily> it's raining in newcastle, therefore the elliotts are distinct.  <tswett> boily's Newcastle Theorem.
968) <ais523> there's more evidence that scammers exist, than that, say, the average Nigerian exists
969) <ais523> is it March 3?  <olsner> on some dates, yes
970) <zzo38> Two eggs costs less than one egg, but if you buy two eggs, you must eat both. Does linear logic do this?
971) <Sgeo> o.O OS/2 is what became NT? I didn't really know what OS/2 was
972) <Phantom_Hoover> i don't think hitler made any bf derivatives
973) <Phantom_Hoover>  <Phantom_Hoover> finally, a solution to the problem of wales
974) <kmc> living in the middle ages sounds a lot better once you realize that deep frying had already been invented
975) <Sgeo> I think pastaquote should just quote me
976) <zzo38> Papal infallibility means that the pope is allowed to be infallible by himself if he wants to, without requiring a council.
977) <zzo38> I don't think there are any pope with fractional numbers (except something I made up for the Dungeons&Dragons game)
978) <zzo38> If you cannot type, then you should learn to type if you want to operate your computer
979) <kmc> error: cuttlefish not synced to vblank <fiora> maybe it's a power phase issue <fiora> it's like, a european cuttlefish but it's using american water
980) <Bike> so speaking of something more interesting than whatever that is, [...]
981) <kmc> i don't know what that is so i'm going to assume it's a flavor of pocky
982) <boily> symbian still exists?  <fizzie> boily: That is not dead which can eternal lie.  <boily> fizzie: and with strange aeons symbian will have >50% market share on mobile devices.
983) <Bike> elliott: atlas shrugged is basically about wacking galt repeatedly with a giant platonic solid
984) <elliott> it's such a shame the inventor of lisp was um  <elliott> ok i give up
985) <zzo38> In this timezone is Good Friday today.  <zzo38> (It is good because you don't have to go to work)
986) <kmc> ok im sober now and DNS makes sense again [...] <kmc> Domain Name System [...] <kmc> ♫ domain name system ♫
987) <oerjan> `quote 1000
988) <kmc> i'm not actually competent at hacking things  <elliott> ummmm kmc dont u mean `cracking' [tiny glider symbol with "hacker pride" written next to it in silkscreen] [head of a gnu] [tux penguin]  <kmc> [face shoved in toilet]
989) <Gregor> Sgeo: That fact is so fun I can feel my pancreas kicking into overdrive.
990) <kmc> the innovation of the iPhone was... just that it had a web browser that wasn't awful  <Bike> i believe that's how the bolsheviks took over russia as well  <Bike> the kulaks mainly stuck with IE and so were rightfully put to death by the cheka
991) <Bike> i feel like i should say "sexual dimorphism" winkingly and then transmute myself into a horrid fleshbeast
992) <elliott> prediction: kmc never comes back  * kmc has joined #esoteric
993) <shachaf> Bike: I think you're ready to learn about lens.  <Bike> oh god  <Bike> fiora help somebody help  <Bike> anybody
994) <kmc> and then one day you find, ten years have got behind you, no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun  <kmc> ♫  <kmc> ♫ ♫ ♫  <kmc> (Unicode needs a character specifically for "Pink Floyd guitar solo")
995) <kmc> hm hitler probably did one thing that I like too  <kmc> he banned tubas, I guess I am neutral on tubas  <Fiora> oh!  he killed hitler  <kmc> oh yeah, there we go  <kmc> thanks Fiora  <Bike> he also killed the guy who killed hitler
996) <elliott> Bike: oh huh. addition is really easy.
997) <Bike> W A R N I N G. This source code follows transcomplex computational paths, even where more accurate, real, computational paths exist.  <Bike> Y O U  H A V E  B E E N  W A R N E D.  <Bike> It literally says that
998) <olsner> metar lead to canada, more metar and cows
999) <olsner> in category theory, category theory is a theory in the category of theories
1000) <zzo38> It appears magenta in my computer only because it is programmed to display bold text as magenta.
1001) <Bike> It's like narnia only with dicks
1002) <zzo38> My opinion is that you are all wrong, as far as I can tell.
1003) <kmc> healthy immune system is a wonderful thing, you gotta take advantage  <kmc> sometimes i eat food off the ground just to keep mine on its toes
1004) <Bike> man at least job applications in biosciences are just like "you are willing to put your arms through a cow"  <kmc> Bike: please send us a link to your CowHub profile of cows you have previously put your arms through on your own time for fun  <Bike> please provide at least two zebrafish you have modified to glow in the dark
1005) <boily> I hate telecom abbreviations I hate telecom abbreviations good morning all I hate telecom abbreviations.
1006) <kmc> in the time it takes light to travel from Hexham to Finland, I can generate almost 20 new topics for #esoteric
1007) <Taneb> I've also pretended to be Queen Elizabeth the first, but that was a desperate plea for attention
1008) <itidus21> :D :D oh man.. i wonder if they ever made chess variants based off of animes
1009) <ThatOtherPerson> Do you have a girlfriend, fungot?  <fungot> ThatOtherPerson: there's two.
1010) <fizzie> "May you live in INVISIBLE TIMES." --Old Chinese proverb. (It can look confusing when written with the proper Unicode.)
1011) <shachaf> oerjan is spreading the tired rumour that if you play Nietzsche backwards you hear Jewish messages.
1012) <FreeFull> So a monoid is something like a mon, so for example pikachu is a monoid
1013) <kmc> i had a dream just now where i was in a gymnasium and they had fire alarm pull stations but they also had a similarly shaped "call/cc alarm" which I think you were supposed to pull if you found a way to write call/cc (it was expected that people in this gymnasium would be doing a lot of programming in total dependently-typed languages)
1014) <olsner> I've seen horses jump on tv, they can probably jump in scotland too
1015) <elliott> that is better than any made up story i was about to tell
1016) <shachaf> "would be a good name for a band when preceded by its quotation" would be a good name for a band when preceded by its quotation
1017) <fizzie> "Compact fluorescent light bulbs are often criticized for being dim --"  that's kind of rude!
1018) <ais523> in soviet russia, what sees you is what gets you
1019) <kmc> LIST OF ACRONYMS: List Integrating Some Terminology Of Fine Authentic Credibility Relating to Our New Year Media System
1020) <kmc> if you make pickles with strange salts then you can't eat them, but you can electrocute them and they glow different colors
1021) <Bike> ◊_______________________◊  <elliott> help.  <Phantom_Hoover> jesus christ elliott  <Phantom_Hoover> apply pressure evenly when jamming eyes open
1022) <fizzie> ...  <fizzie> I was thinking maybe octave's fact() function is the factorial.  <fizzie> octave:1> fact(20)  <fizzie> Richad Stallman's pinky finger is really a USB memory stick.  <fizzie> I don't think that's 20!.
1023) <Fiora> shachaf: make friends.  help people.  find ways to help people be happy.  hug people.  have fun.  make the world a little bit better.
1024) <fungot> ThatOtherPerson: undefined variable ' annoy'. you can't infer a static semantic for the language
1025) <elliott> sometimes i wake up and my name has grown more consonants
1026) <shachaf> i would visit elliott but i'm vegetarian
1027) <Bike> whenever you feel bad about projecting just think: "at least i'm not freud"
1028) <Phantom_Hoover> you'd almost think somalian domain-name management is a bit sloppy