view paste/paste.19489 @ 10267:a63e04458b89

<b_jonas> slashlearn `hello//`hello prints variants of hello, world. To control format, pass a single letter as command-line argument. "@"=>"hello, world", "H"=>"hello, world.", P=>"hello, world!", "X"=>"hello, world,", take 1 letter later to s/h/H/, 2 letter later to s/d,/d/, 4 letter later to s/w/W/, lowercase to remove newline.
author HackBot
date Wed, 15 Feb 2017 02:13:17 +0000
parents dbcabbf98d4c
line wrap: on
line source

2009-06-24.txt:19:35:35: <oerjan> @check \a f -> (repeat a `zbind` f) === (f (a :: Int) :: Int)
2009-06-24.txt:19:44:29: <oerjan> @check (==)
2009-06-26.txt:00:43:12: <oerjan> @check let 42 = 6*9 in (\_ -> 42 == 6*9)
2009-07-14.txt:03:15:13: <oerjan> @check \n -> n >= 0 ==> sum [1..n] == (n*(n+1))`div`2
2011-01-20.txt:18:27:53: <oerjan> @check x < 1.1
2011-01-20.txt:18:32:53: <oerjan> @check x < 100.0
2011-01-20.txt:18:33:18: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 1.1
2011-01-20.txt:18:39:10: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 100.1
2011-01-20.txt:18:39:23: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 1e10
2011-01-20.txt:18:39:41: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 1000.0
2011-01-20.txt:18:39:48: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 300.0
2011-01-20.txt:18:39:55: <oerjan> @check \x -> x < 300.0
2011-01-31.txt:04:25:45: <oerjan> @check \l -> foldr (liftM2 (++)) [mempty] == map mconcat (sequence l)
2011-01-31.txt:04:26:09: <oerjan> @check \l -> foldr (liftM2 (++)) [mempty] l == map mconcat (sequence l)
2011-05-16.txt:20:40:15: <oerjan> @check \x -> (x+y)^2 == x^2+2*x*y+y^2
2011-05-16.txt:20:40:27: <oerjan> @check \x y -> (x+y)^2 == x^2+2*x*y+y^2
2011-05-16.txt:20:41:08: <oerjan> @check \x y -> (x+y)^2 == (x^2+2*x*y+y^2 :: Double)
2011-09-20.txt:03:26:44: <oerjan> @check (x >>+ f >>+ g) == ((x :: [Int]) >>+ \t -> (f t :: [Int]) >>+ g :: [Int])
2011-09-20.txt:03:27:54: <oerjan> @check let infixl 1 >>+; l >>+ f = diag . scanl1 (zipWith (const id)) $ map f l where diag ((x:xs):xss) = x:diag (map (drop 1) xss); diag _ = [] in (x >>+ f >>+ g) == ((x :: [Int]) >>+ \t -> (f t :: [Int]) >>+ g :: [Int])
2011-09-20.txt:03:29:10: <oerjan> @check let infixl 1 >>+; l >>+ f = diag . scanl1 (zipWith (const id)) $ map f l where diag ((x:xs):xss) = x:diag (map (drop 1) xss); diag _ = [] in \x f g -> (x >>+ f >>+ g) == ((x :: [Int]) >>+ \t -> (f t :: [Int]) >>+ g :: [Int])
2011-10-02.txt:21:16:48: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x <= y ==> (((+1) . on subtract fromEnum x) y == length [x..y :: Double]
2011-10-02.txt:21:17:03: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x <= y ==> (((+1) . on subtract fromEnum x) y == length [x..y :: Double])
2011-10-02.txt:21:17:34: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x > y || (((+1) . on subtract fromEnum x) y == length [x..y :: Double])
2011-10-02.txt:21:18:16: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x > y || (((+1) . on subtract fromEnum x) y == length [x..y :: Rational])
2011-10-02.txt:21:18:54: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x > y || x < 0 || (((+1) . on subtract fromEnum x) y == length [x..y :: Rational])
2011-12-18.txt:00:51:05: <oerjan> @check True
2011-12-20.txt:04:00:36: <oerjan> @check is this thing on?
2011-12-20.txt:04:04:00: <oerjan> @check let tjoin = concat . transpose . scanl1 (zipWith (flip const)) in \lll -> tjoin $ tjoin (lll :: [[[Int]]]) == tjoin $ map tjoin lll
2012-01-10.txt:03:07:32: <oerjan> @check True
2012-01-10.txt:03:10:22: <oerjan> @check \ll -> zjoin (zjoin (ll :: [[Int]])) == zjoin (map zjoin ll)
2012-01-10.txt:03:11:17: <oerjan> @check \ll -> zjoin (zjoin (ll :: [[[Int]]])) == zjoin (map zjoin ll)
2012-01-10.txt:03:29:31: <oerjan> @check \ll -> (not . null . drop 1 . group $ map length ll) || zjoin (zjoin (ll :: [[[Int]]])) == zjoin (map zjoin ll)
2012-01-10.txt:03:29:51: <oerjan> @check \ll -> (not . null . drop 1 . group $ map length ll) || zjoin (zjoin (ll :: [[[Int]]])) == zjoin (map zjoin ll)
2012-08-06.txt:19:32:14: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x < 0 || y <= 0 | (x-1)`div`y+1 == ceiling (fromIntegral x / fromIntegral y)
2012-08-06.txt:19:32:25: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x < 0 || y <= 0 || (x-1)`div`y+1 == ceiling (fromIntegral x / fromIntegral y)
2012-08-06.txt:19:32:45: <oerjan> @check \x y -> x < 0 || y <= 0 || (x-1)`div`y+1 == -(-x)`div`y
2012-08-06.txt:19:34:33: <oerjan> @check \x y -> y <= 0 || (x-1)`div`y+1 == -(-x)`div`y
2012-08-06.txt:19:34:50: <oerjan> @check \x y -> y <= 0 || (x-1)`div`y+1 == ceiling (fromIntegral x / fromIntegral y)
2012-10-07.txt:21:36:39: <oerjan> @check let (_, c) . (a, _) = (a, c); (.) :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) in \x y z -> x . (y . z) == (x . y) . z
2012-12-10.txt:05:56:54: <oerjan> @check \u v -> ((u+v)-u)+((u+v)-((u+v)-u)) == u+(v::Double)
2012-12-14.txt:21:02:55: <oerjan> @check 2 == 2
2013-06-04.txt:23:17:57: <oerjan> `pastelogs oerjan> @check.*