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<itidus20> pastelogs dream
author HackBot
date Sat, 12 May 2012 08:25:03 +0000
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2003-07-28.txt:01:49:13: <andreou> good. just woke up after N hours of dreamful sleep.
2004-05-29.txt:07:28:22: <Keymaker> writing something 24/7 you don't like isn't a dream job
2004-05-31.txt:21:39:06: <fizzie> maybe it was a dream? 
2004-05-31.txt:21:57:08: <mooz-> do androids dream of electric sheep?
2004-05-31.txt:22:02:32: <mooz-> for good less-known scifi, read rupert goodwins' "weird dreams"
2004-05-31.txt:22:03:00: <mooz-> weird dreams is available online only
2004-06-07.txt:22:00:40: <fizzie> and keen dreams wasn't really much fun.
2004-06-07.txt:22:00:54: <Keymaker> yeah, many don't like keen dreams that much
2004-06-28.txt:02:33:46: <WildHalcyon_> maybe you'll have freaky iguana dreams
2004-12-01.txt:17:37:27: <Keymaker> have i been dreaming,
2005-03-24.txt:23:01:08: <Keymaker> i can't even dream what kind of solutions the brainfuck pros will offer to this competition..
2005-05-06.txt:21:17:41: <fizzie> Didn't I write a web server in funge98, or was that just a dream? 
2005-05-10.txt:17:49:43: <GregorR-L> Keymaker: You're living in a dream world ;)
2005-05-11.txt:16:05:47: <GregorR> Synonyms:  	ad-lib, author, bear, coin, come upon, compose, conceive, contrive, cook up, design, devise, discover, dream up, envision, execute, fake, fashion, find, forge, form, formulate, frame, hatch, imagine, improve, improvise, inaugurate, initiate, jam, knock off, make, make up, mint, originate, plan, produce, project, shuck, think up, toss off, turn out, wing it
2005-05-11.txt:16:10:01: <GregorR> Synonyms:   author, compose, conceive, contrive, cook up, design, devise, dream up, envision, fashion, forge, form, formulate, initiate, make, make up, originate, plan, produce, think up, turn out
2005-05-12.txt:05:18:24: <Keymaker> i saw wonderful dream where i realized how Thue works.
2005-05-16.txt:17:12:20: <Keymaker> mmh.. this new opera is a dreambrowser..
2005-05-16.txt:17:13:06: <fizzie> What, so instead of the Internet it browses dreams?
2005-06-30.txt:19:50:30: <jimbo0000> i had a real good time homebrewing on the dreamcast, too bad it was a dead system
2005-06-30.txt:19:52:16: <{^Raven^}> jimbo0000: dreamcast homebrew is still going strong
2005-08-04.txt:01:59:13: <Gs30ng> Damn i feel like i've once saw something like that in my dream but cannot remember what was that
2005-08-21.txt:08:19:15: <calamari> nope.. I was curious what it would take for my dream portable computer project 
2005-09-04.txt:19:29:44: <wildhalcyon> or trit. I have a dream of someday implementing a balanced ternary international character code
2005-09-28.txt:13:54:20: <Wildhalcyon> Can't afford the new pda you've been dreaming of?
2005-09-28.txt:14:21:36: <Keymaker> dream or didn't you get to sleep?
2005-09-28.txt:14:24:05: <Keymaker> in better english: "did you invent them in a dream or didn't you get any sleep and invented them on that time?"
2005-10-03.txt:05:47:38: <Gs30ng> first time i heard it i thought it's no more but ridiculous, but nowadays i feel like i really write some Malbolge code in my dream...
2006-02-02.txt:01:05:47: <GregorR> Just because I have a dream doesn't mean it'll ever come true.
2006-02-04.txt:20:55:49: <calamari> just daydreaming tho hehe
2006-05-24.txt:11:46:36: <Keymaker> i don't know whether i have dreamed or not
2006-05-29.txt:04:56:45: <wildhalcyon> In my four years of esolangin' I still haven't managed to write the language of my dreams. Im not sure that I ever will *sigh*
2006-06-04.txt:06:22:30: <wildhalcyon> alright, off to bed with dreams of esolangs
2006-07-28.txt:17:31:45: <Razor-X> Let him have his deluded dreams, pikhq.
2006-07-28.txt:17:32:57: <Razor-X> I'll let you have your deluded dreams too then :P.
2006-07-31.txt:17:46:54: <Razor-X> Midsummer Night's Dream says I.
2006-07-31.txt:17:50:50: <ihope> I seems like an odd thing for Midsummer Night's Dream to say.
2006-07-31.txt:17:52:39: <Razor-X> Nope. Midsummer Night's Dream likes saying odd things so it's perfectly normal.
2006-07-31.txt:17:59:02: <ihope> Midsummer Night's Dream says both odd things and normal things.
2006-08-02.txt:08:26:23: <asiekierka> created by 9-year old kid which dreams about own OS.
2006-08-10.txt:02:00:13: <CakeProphet> I have a dream... a vision of sorts...
2006-08-14.txt:16:15:40: <ihope> Get back in bed, wait to enter a dream, then wake up. ;-)
2006-08-20.txt:15:49:43: <ihope> "My first dream that I can remember was a nightmare. I was about 3 years old. I dreamed that my eyes popped out of my head and they were flying away from me and I tried to catch them, I never did"
2006-08-22.txt:02:41:25: <Razor-X> I didn't really get into Esolangs 'till I learned Verilog and thought of the Dream OISC machine.
2006-08-23.txt:00:45:03: <Razor-X> I love learning languages, finding grammar rules, programming, creating new languages, dreaming up stories, etc, etc.
2006-08-29.txt:03:49:19: <Razor-X> You dash my hopes and dreams and then tell me you're a LIAR?!
2006-09-06.txt:22:02:25: * GreyKnight dreams up a nomiki language
2006-10-09.txt:01:21:07: <oerjan> instead of vainly trying to satisfy my curiosity i could have followed my true dream and become a fire constable
2006-10-23.txt:19:44:27: <Asztal> I have a dream?
2006-10-23.txt:19:45:48: <Asztal> (on second thought, looks nowhere nearĂ–
2006-10-25.txt:01:48:29: <twobitsprite> hey... I was just reading some guys rant about Table Oriented Programming, and I was wondering if anyone knows of such a language? (he didn't mention anything, I guess he was just dreaming out loud, or something)
2006-11-26.txt:07:55:28: <GreaseMonkey> it's the lyrics of a dream theater (sic) song
2006-12-02.txt:13:03:17: <Aardwolf> always nice if an esolang comes out of a dream ;)
2006-12-21.txt:02:02:29: <bsmntbombdood> I'm looking through the course book for the local community college : "Intro to Computer Science: Learn Excel, Powerpoint and basic webdesign with dreamweaver"
2007-01-21.txt:12:50:56: -!- oerjan has quit ("Dream").
2007-02-19.txt:01:35:59: <oerjan> sweet dreams
2007-03-16.txt:20:49:59: <RodgerTheGreat> fortunately, the iPod seems to be slowly aiming in that direction, so I may see my dream device in a couple of years
2007-04-03.txt:18:56:07: <lament> or, one thing i always dreamt of doing: a Flatland FPS
2007-04-21.txt:04:16:30: <bsmntbombdood> wow, we all have the same dream
2007-04-28.txt:04:47:12: <GregorR> fax: It haunts my dreams.
2007-05-06.txt:00:43:05: -!- Dreamdancer has joined #esoteric.
2007-05-06.txt:00:43:13: <Dreamdancer> hi
2007-05-06.txt:00:50:34: -!- Dreamdancer has parted #esoteric (?).
2007-05-26.txt:12:25:58: <oklopol> i had a lucid dream i did some serious flooding on this channel
2007-05-26.txt:16:17:05: <Pikhq> I have a dream. . . A dream of a day where BFM has a test suite, so that I can actually figure out which language-specific macros are failing. . .
2007-05-26.txt:21:27:24: <bsmntbombdood> oklopol: a lucid dream and the best you can do is irc?
2007-05-26.txt:21:32:27: <oklopol> once i had this lucid dream that just kept on going for hours, or so it seemed, every time i woke up, something came and killed me, and i couldn't wake up for real
2007-05-26.txt:21:33:24: <oklopol> i could write a book about my dreams
2007-05-26.txt:21:34:24: <oerjan> i used to have dreams about trying to wake up but not so much nowadays
2007-05-26.txt:21:35:01: <bsmntbombdood> the other night i had a dream with at least 5 levels of recursion
2007-05-26.txt:21:35:49: <Pikhq> var dream = :{dream();}
2007-05-26.txt:21:36:06: <bsmntbombdood> falling asleep inside the dream and having another dream
2007-05-26.txt:22:11:10: <SimonRC> you have lucid dreams
2007-05-26.txt:22:11:47: <SimonRC> with lucid dreaming you can fly
2007-05-26.txt:22:13:05: <bsmntbombdood> i've flown in dreams, not lucid ones though
2007-05-26.txt:22:14:02: <bsmntbombdood> i've had one lucid dream, but i got woken up about 2 seconds into it
2007-05-26.txt:22:14:08: <oklopol> SimonRC: i usually wake up as well, once i realize it's a dream
2007-05-26.txt:22:15:51: <SimonRC> oklopol: nah, I just get weird dreams then
2007-05-26.txt:22:16:23: <oklopol> guess it varies... there are many ways ppl say you get lucid dreams for sure
2007-05-29.txt:13:33:47: <bsmntbombdood> "Between the 120 ~ 150 hours mark vivid hallucinations, similar, but more lucid than those of a psilocybin experience tend to begin, and by the seventh day (160+ hours) the participants are reported to be both awake and lucidly dreaming continuously."
2007-05-29.txt:22:59:29: <ehird`> ........ threading...... DO THESE PEOPLE REALISE THEY'RE DREAMING FAR TOO FAR AHEAD?!!!!!!
2007-06-06.txt:11:44:25: <SimonRC> These dream-messages don't seem quite as profound when you tell them to someone.
2007-06-07.txt:15:36:42: <SimonRC> Oh, BTW people, I managed a lucid dream.
2007-06-10.txt:19:11:17: <RodgerTheGreat> that's pretty much the dream
2007-06-22.txt:17:51:18: * ihope plays either "Sweet Dreams" or They Might Be Giants
2007-06-23.txt:08:19:44: <oklopol> I had this dream I was in the Idols auditions.
2007-06-23.txt:08:20:26: <oerjan> That was no dream.  I saw it on TV.
2007-06-23.txt:08:21:49: <oklopol> I also had a dream where I was a ghost of some sort... and killed people by going inside them.
2007-06-23.txt:08:23:44: <oklopol> Also, in one dream I put a bottle of ED (an energy drink) into a freezer... turned out the freezer was set to cold enough to kill anyone going near it... so I had to take it out using long kitchen forks
2007-06-23.txt:08:24:55: <oklopol> Heh, last night me and a friend decided to walk 40 km... started at midnight... by the end of the trip I was actually having short dreams while walking :DD
2007-06-24.txt:16:59:45: <RodgerTheGreat> the ultra10s are not running. They're sleeping....perhaps dreaming...
2007-06-24.txt:16:59:59: <RodgerTheGreat> dreaming of protein folding and packet routing
2007-07-10.txt:22:58:32: <oklokok> let the boy have his dreams!
2007-07-15.txt:07:54:28: <bsmntbombdood> lol.
2007-07-15.txt:08:09:13: <Figs> no dreams? :(
2007-07-15.txt:08:09:27: <Sukoshi> I don't get dreams ever anyways.
2007-07-15.txt:08:09:45: <Figs> I always get dreams, even if I forget them :)
2007-07-15.txt:08:10:12: <Sukoshi> Well true. I don't remember my dreams, so it is quite pointless.
2007-07-15.txt:08:10:24: <Figs> Sukoshi -- why not try to remember your dreams?
2007-07-15.txt:08:10:37: <Figs> Lucid dreaming
2007-07-15.txt:08:11:42: <Sukoshi> Lucid dreaming won't teach me about RF ;)
2007-07-15.txt:10:22:23: <oerjan> sweet dreams
2007-07-15.txt:16:09:56: <SimonRC> Sukoshi: I am trying to do Lucid dreaming but not getting anywhere
2007-07-15.txt:16:12:33: <oklopol> you want hints from Sukoshi, who does not have dreams, ever?
2007-07-15.txt:16:22:11: <ihope> Also, did somebody say never dreams ever?
2007-07-15.txt:16:22:46: <SimonRC> IIRC dreams occur mostly in the later sleep, so if you don't sleep much you will dream disproprotionately less
2007-07-15.txt:16:24:29: <oklopol> SimonRC: dreams occur in rem
2007-07-15.txt:16:25:06: <ihope> Well, people do dream during naps.
2007-07-15.txt:16:25:48: <ihope> Uberman is related to dreaming?
2007-07-15.txt:16:25:59: <oklopol> ihope: rem is when you dream
2007-07-15.txt:16:28:10: <ihope> "A 'dream' is the experience of a sequence of images, sounds, ideas, emotions, or other sensations during sleep, especially REM sleep."
2007-07-15.txt:16:29:22: <ihope> So what's this saying Sukoshi doesn't dream, again?
2007-07-15.txt:16:29:27: <oklopol> well, that's the actual "dreaming phase"
2007-07-15.txt:16:30:05: <oklopol> ihope: Sukoshi said she doesn't have dreams.
2007-07-15.txt:16:31:24: <oklopol> (assuming everyone *knows* she of course actually has dream)
2007-07-15.txt:16:31:27: <oklopol> *dreams
2007-07-15.txt:16:31:39: <ihope> With practice, dream recall can be "learned".
2007-07-15.txt:16:32:24: <oklopol> it's just my dreams are rarely worth mentioning
2007-07-15.txt:16:34:02: <oklopol> for example, i've had a dream where i'd just walk home from school
2007-07-19.txt:12:11:40: <oklokok> i had this dream my friend's mind was stuck in my brain and we took turns controlling my body
2007-08-02.txt:19:49:12: <asiebot> ehird`: Asiebot is a tree native to australia where it is the basic living substance of all the judges i've had the strangest dream... I dreamed i killed you again.
2007-08-06.txt:17:16:44: <SimonRC> I just did lucid dreaming.
2007-08-06.txt:17:25:24: <ehird`> lucid dreaming is fun
2007-08-06.txt:17:26:31: <oklofok> i often find it hard to move around even when lucid dreaming
2007-08-06.txt:17:28:29: <oklofok> i meant usually when people lucid dream, they can just do what they could in real life, except they might be a bit superhuman
2007-08-06.txt:17:28:41: <SimonRC> Oddly, a few days ago I was dreaming and I was changin stuff by concentrating (like that kid out of the Twilight Zone), but I didn't realise I was dreaming.
2007-08-06.txt:17:29:05: <ehird`> i once had a dream which consisted of me performing reality checks
2007-08-06.txt:17:29:11: <ehird`> and that was actually the topic of the dream
2007-08-06.txt:17:29:18: <ehird`> but that's what the dream was about
2007-08-06.txt:17:29:42: <SimonRC> did they tell you you were dreaming?
2007-08-06.txt:17:30:02: <ehird`> thanks, dream :p
2007-08-06.txt:17:30:05: <ihope> We need better terminology than "say you were dreaming" and "say you were not necessarily dreaming".
2007-08-06.txt:17:30:19: <ihope> How about "test reality" and "test dream"?
2007-08-06.txt:17:30:22: <ehird`> simple: you can't read in dreams
2007-08-06.txt:17:30:37: <ihope> "I did 500 RCs in my dream last night, but they all tested reality."
2007-08-06.txt:17:31:18: <ehird`> because in dreams you can breathe while holding your nose.
2007-08-06.txt:17:31:25: <SimonRC> ehird`: unless you are actually seeing the real world in your dream
2007-08-06.txt:17:31:58: <ehird`> also, you can't see your nose out the corner of your eye with one eye shut in a dream
2007-08-06.txt:17:38:29: <oklofok> (usually when i fall asleep reading a book, i just have a dream where i'm reading it)
2007-08-12.txt:05:44:18: <pikhq> Let me dream, at least.
2007-08-12.txt:05:45:18: <pikhq> Is when I'm dreaming.
2007-08-12.txt:19:58:06: <ihope> Would the interface be intuitive as that for lucid dreaming?
2007-08-12.txt:20:13:04: <ehird`> but overriding behaviour for single objects is *exactly* what happens in lucid dreams
2007-08-12.txt:20:14:28: <ehird`> wait until you have a dream whose plot is you doing various reality checks
2007-08-12.txt:20:14:58: <ehird`> after you have done about 10, you will think "wait... i am doing reality checks... and they are returning that i am in a dream... yet what i am doing in the dream, for some reason, is reality checking! wait a minu-"
2007-08-12.txt:20:15:15: <ehird`> i don't know why i dreamed about doing reality checks
2007-08-12.txt:20:15:50: <ehird`> you have to suddenly happen to have a dream about RCs
2007-08-12.txt:20:16:34: <ehird`> but anyway, i think Lucid might be even better than a lucid dream
2007-08-12.txt:20:16:42: <ehird`> i mean, there's some things that would be very hard to do in a lucid dream
2007-08-12.txt:20:17:57: <ehird`> >now< do it when lucid dreaming and make the universe do that.
2007-08-12.txt:20:19:27: <SimonRC> actually dreams are very hard to draw
2007-08-12.txt:20:20:04: <ehird`> i've never had a dream that has an object sans colour
2007-08-12.txt:20:20:08: <SimonRC> people don't dream in B&W, they mostly dream in *no colour*
2007-08-12.txt:20:20:16: <ehird`> i dream in colour
2007-08-12.txt:20:20:24: <lament> I dream in color, and i suspect that everybody does.
2007-08-12.txt:20:20:39: <ehird`> although my dream recall isn't spectacular - everything is a little blurred and hazy
2007-08-12.txt:20:21:09: <lament> SimonRC: dreams are very realistic
2007-08-12.txt:20:22:46: <lament> SimonRC: you are wrong, just wait till you get a lucid dream and look around.
2007-08-12.txt:20:22:58: <ehird`> if you didn't dream in full realism you would be lucid every time
2007-08-12.txt:20:24:24: <ehird`> but perception is excellent in dreams
2007-08-12.txt:20:25:28: <lament> SimonRC: presumably because the dream-world is constructed at a level of consciousness which is capable of analyzing and modeling the physical world, but not of doing logic checks such as "but does this make sense"
2007-08-12.txt:20:26:02: <ehird`> my lucid dreams so far have not been very convincing
2007-08-12.txt:20:27:11: <ehird`> my lucid dreams are always right before i would normally wake up
2007-08-12.txt:20:27:21: <ehird`> like, i'll stop lucid dreaming half an hour before my alarm would go off
2007-08-12.txt:20:27:35: <ehird`> and i'm only lucid for one dream - the short dream before that
2007-08-12.txt:20:29:07: <SimonRC> Actually, there are *some* unrealistic sensations in dreams.  when I read, I can really feel the strain of my brin inventing the text.
2007-08-12.txt:20:29:18: <ehird`> yes you can't read in lucid dreams
2007-08-12.txt:20:29:20: <ehird`> or any kind of dream
2007-08-12.txt:20:44:36: <SimonRC> (I just remembered the most irritating one though: I was using the power of my mind to change reality, and I failed to notice I was dreaming!  Gah!)
2007-08-12.txt:21:05:25: <RodgerTheGreat> the most striking aspect of my dreams, to me, is the dialogue. It's particularly interesting whenever someone starts to explain things (which happens quite often in my dreams.)
2007-08-12.txt:21:06:25: <RodgerTheGreat> visually, my dreams are usually either strikingly realistic or highly abstract (I can recall 2d dreams).
2007-08-12.txt:21:06:59: <ehird`> i barely have any dialog in my dreams
2007-08-12.txt:21:07:26: <ehird`> 2d dreams... what was it like?
2007-08-12.txt:21:08:31: <ehird`> third-person dreams
2007-08-12.txt:21:08:40: <ehird`> i wonder what a lucid third-person dream would be like
2007-08-13.txt:15:51:39: <SimonRC_> ehird`: BTW, the lucid dreaming stuff worked last night.
2007-08-13.txt:15:53:05: <ehird`> i take it you didn't use my infallable "DREAM ABOUT REALITY CHECKS" method :)
2007-08-13.txt:15:53:45: <SimonRC> Then I realised I was dreaming
2007-08-13.txt:15:54:12: <ehird`> i'm dumb in dreams
2007-08-13.txt:15:54:25: <ihope_> People generally are dumb in dreams.
2007-08-13.txt:15:54:51: <ehird`> which is why i rarely have lucid dreams
2007-08-13.txt:15:55:45: <ihope_> I like to think that the reason I don't have lucid dreams because I don't have a morning schedule that I can fit writing stuff down into.
2007-08-13.txt:15:56:27: <ehird`> you don't have to keep a dream journal to lucid dream
2007-08-13.txt:15:58:50: <ehird`> i never dream about using the computer, damnit
2007-08-13.txt:15:58:55: <SimonRC> An important thing I read is to *look forward* to what you are *going to do* in your dreams, rather than just wanting lucid dreaming
2007-08-13.txt:15:59:35: <ihope_> Eh, maybe I don't really want a lucid dream.
2007-08-13.txt:16:02:49: <ehird`> maybe THE SECRET TO REPROGRAMMING THE BRAIN is cracking open your skull in a lucid dream and wiring it up to a computer.
2007-08-13.txt:16:06:03: <SimonRC> actually, I think lack of exercies and an early bed-time could help lucidity, as they cause lots of REM and high dream-recall
2007-08-13.txt:16:10:34: <SimonRC> That makes me sleep less easily, and go into a wake-sleep cycle after about 5 hours.  Excellent for dream recall and fgetting thinking time in-between
2007-08-13.txt:16:11:18: <SimonRC> I shall have to make myself just stand and watch in a dream, to make sure I am capable of thinking properly.
2007-08-13.txt:16:15:08: <SimonRC> welcome to the esoteric programming channel that aspirations to be the lucd dream channel
2007-08-13.txt:17:43:12: <ehird`> On the subject of lucid dreaming - what's the name of that light thing that detects REM sleep and flashes when it does? That supposedly makes lucidity really easy?
2007-08-13.txt:17:56:17: <lament> ehird`: i think you'll have to make one yourself; wikipedia says nova dreamer is no longer manufactured
2007-08-13.txt:17:57:30: <ehird`> "New NovaDreamer coming soon! Please join mailing list to be notified about details." i wonder how long that has been up
2007-08-13.txt:18:00:05: <ehird`> i think i'll go with trying to pick up a novadreamer
2007-08-13.txt:18:00:24: <ehird`> and being able to push a button to make the horrid flashing stop in a dream would be doubleplusgood
2007-08-13.txt:18:08:28: <ehird`> seriously getting a novadreamer would be far less hassle and also wouldn't consistently flash at 6:30 all the time :p
2007-08-14.txt:02:03:22: <oklokok> you sure this isn't my dream?
2007-08-14.txt:02:03:34: <Figs> dream chats...
2007-08-14.txt:02:03:41: <Figs> I'm pretty sure this isn't your dream though
2007-08-14.txt:02:03:49: <oklokok> sounds like a dream to me
2007-08-14.txt:02:04:02: <oklokok> i often irc in my dreams
2007-08-18.txt:18:58:48: <SimonRC> BTW, my lucid dreaming expreiments are going well
2007-08-18.txt:18:59:23: <SimonRC> Once again, it was by the supposedly-rare method of spotting a stupid thing in my dream:
2007-08-18.txt:19:00:12: <SimonRC> me: "WTF?!  I must be dreaming."
2007-08-18.txt:19:10:55: <oklokok> you've misunderstood the idea of lucid dreaming
2007-08-18.txt:19:12:01: <SimonRC> as opposed to a dream mess
2007-08-18.txt:19:15:19: <ehird`> i have never once heard that having sex in a lucid dream causes real-life ejaculation
2007-08-18.txt:19:15:28: <ehird`> if you jump off a cliff in a lucid dream, do you die?
2007-08-18.txt:19:15:37: <ehird`> if you take off your head in a lucid dream, do you die?
2007-08-18.txt:19:15:46: <ehird`> if you walk forwards in a lucid dream, do you walk forwards IRL?
2007-08-18.txt:19:15:50: <ehird`> [daydreaming excluded]
2007-08-18.txt:19:15:53: <oerjan> ehird`: what, you never had a wet dream?
2007-08-18.txt:19:16:03: <ehird`> oerjan: we're talking lucid dreams, though
2007-08-18.txt:19:16:13: <ehird`> which are distinct from regular dreams
2007-08-18.txt:19:16:26: <SimonRC> I would think that the mind-body connection is the same in lucid and real dreaming
2007-08-24.txt:06:23:23: <bsmntbombdood> well, i'm going to go to sleep and dream of anal stretching and how its depictions relate to obscenity laws
2007-09-02.txt:22:23:11: <oklopol> i hope the os movement just dies, i'm a dreamer, you see.
2007-09-02.txt:22:23:34: <pikhq> And free software doesn't involve dreaming?
2007-09-06.txt:22:48:26: * SimonRC wonders why he is such an idiot in dreams.
2007-09-06.txt:22:48:50: <SimonRC> ok, so I figure out that I am dreaming, then I decide, "oh, I'll talk to my sister"
2007-09-06.txt:22:52:56: <bsmntbombdood> i had a sweet dream last night
2007-09-07.txt:07:23:03: <oklokok> i woke up at 6, went back to sleep, immediately started another dream where i walked about 10 meters and jumped over this little stream, then woke up
2007-09-07.txt:07:23:58: <oklokok> guess my mind is trying to answer me wondering whether dreams go the same speed as irl
2007-09-10.txt:21:14:39: <ehird`> itd make testing a dream
2007-09-22.txt:16:57:53: <oklokok> i'm sure we have, it's just my current dream :)
2007-10-25.txt:19:51:31: <Arrogant> Doesn't change my dreams
2007-10-25.txt:22:51:51: <oklopol> but... i like dreams
2007-10-25.txt:22:53:59: <oklopol> but quality dreams anyway
2007-10-25.txt:22:56:01: <ehird`> my dreams are so naive
2007-10-25.txt:22:56:35: <oklopol> i did too, but i woke up in another dream
2007-10-25.txt:22:56:50: <bsmntbombdood> the half-dreams where you fall and then when you hit the ground and jerk irl are cool
2007-10-25.txt:22:57:43: <oklopol> yeah, but i've had dreams where i fall from a mountain top, and through concrete, and i can't breath
2007-10-25.txt:22:58:02: <bsmntbombdood> i hardly ever remember my dreams :(
2007-10-25.txt:22:58:33: <oklopol> one time i had a dream my hand was carved empty, and when i woke up, for a moment i actually hallucinated it really was
2007-10-25.txt:22:59:04: <oklopol> almost all these great dreams occurred about 2 years ago when i didn't sleep nearly at all
2007-10-26.txt:04:01:45: <RodgerTheGreat> I've had some really odd dreams
2007-10-26.txt:04:02:11: <pikhq> I've had a Volkswagen Bug try to eat my in one of my dreams.
2007-10-26.txt:04:03:37: <RodgerTheGreat> in retrospect, dreams are rarely if ever anatomically correct, but it doesn't make it any less creepy
2007-10-26.txt:04:15:13: <bsmntbombdood> i wish i remembered my dreams
2007-10-26.txt:04:31:40: <RodgerTheGreat> I'd say I recall dreams about 30% of the time
2007-10-26.txt:04:33:05: <pikhq> That dream was from when I was about 5. . . And it's the last dream I remember, I think.
2007-10-26.txt:04:34:16: <bsmntbombdood> i used to have recurring dreams when i was little
2007-10-26.txt:04:34:31: <bsmntbombdood> the other day i had a dream in one of the old recurring settigns!
2007-10-26.txt:04:35:57: <RodgerTheGreat> I've thought about dream interpretation from time to time, but I've found I can generally explain my dreams when taking into account the events of the past few days and what was on my mind when I went to sleep
2007-10-26.txt:04:37:33: <RodgerTheGreat> Another thought has occurred to me- are dreams just an artifact of our brain's natural garbage-collection and memory storage processes, or do dreams themselves have an evolutionary benefit?
2007-10-26.txt:04:38:56: <bsmntbombdood> i don't think dreams would be an artifact of garbage collection
2007-10-26.txt:04:39:32: <bsmntbombdood> so many people don't remember their dreams i would say they have no purpose
2007-10-26.txt:04:45:34: <RodgerTheGreat> Maybe it's more difficult to defrag recent memories *without* causing dreams as a side-effect, so the mechanisms that usually cause people to forget dreams act as some kind of patch to that behavior?
2007-11-04.txt:01:12:23: <jix> the last nights were horrible... i was soldering stuff the last whole days and then i started to dream of soldering SOIC chips and made one solder bridge next to the other :(
2007-11-14.txt:00:34:09: <oklokok> you could just be a character in my dream
2007-11-14.txt:00:34:48: <ehird`> Also: You can't read in dreams.,
2007-11-14.txt:00:35:00: <oklokok> often i have characters in my dreams i have known for ages, like, i have memories of past incidents with them etc.
2007-11-14.txt:00:35:13: <ehird`> It is, in fact, completely impossible to read in dreams. So unless you're using text to speech...
2007-11-14.txt:00:35:17: <oklokok> i actually often irc in my dreams.
2007-11-14.txt:00:35:42: <oklokok> i've had normal boring conversations in my dreams :|
2007-11-14.txt:00:36:12: <ehird`> Your dream couldn't remmeber THAT :p
2007-11-14.txt:00:37:19: <ehird`> I'm pretty sure your dream would not remember your ident
2007-11-14.txt:00:38:58: <oklokok> the boring conversation is usually the type, "i had the weirdest dream just now", "boring" was just something to characterize non programming related
2007-11-14.txt:00:39:15: <oklokok> often when i have a weird dream, i also have a few dreams where i tell everyone about it
2007-11-14.txt:00:41:25: <oklokok> speaking of dreams, last night i had a dream laurel and hardy were having sex while running towards a shelf full of plates, which then fell on top of them killing them both
2007-11-17.txt:19:50:07: <ehird`> ... Yeah, it'll never happen, but one can dream.
2007-11-20.txt:23:28:40: <ehird`> its a cloud dream I know :-)
2007-11-24.txt:20:17:40: <ehird`_> oerjan's dreams of sensible haskell syntax are shattered!
2007-12-05.txt:17:07:47: <bsmntbombdood> dreams are cool
2007-12-05.txt:17:49:18: <RodgerTheGreat> what have you dreamed recently, bsmntbombdood?
2007-12-05.txt:19:18:08: <bsmntbombdood> RodgerTheGreat: last night i dreamed about some guys collecting some vials of perfume from some plants, then swam in a river until i got to a dam, climbed up and on this huuuuuge structure of pipes, talked to a girl outside a weird gothy nightclub sort of thing
2007-12-05.txt:19:31:56: <oerjan> oh that wasn't dreaming, just sleepwalking.
2007-12-05.txt:19:37:23: <bsmntbombdood> RodgerTheGreat: i dreamed about a jew harp. it was eating you
2007-12-05.txt:19:48:25: <bsmntbombdood> i wish i remembered more dreams
2007-12-11.txt:07:49:33: <faxathisia> ELIZA: Do you believe that dreams have something to do with your problems?
2007-12-11.txt:07:49:34: <ELIZA> What does that dream suggest to you ?
2007-12-11.txt:07:49:59: <immibis> ELIZA: What dream?
2007-12-11.txt:07:49:59: <ELIZA> Do you dream often ?
2007-12-16.txt:20:38:36: <Slereah_> His dreams, and aspirations.
2007-12-31.txt:03:04:19: <Slereah> In your dream?
2008-01-02.txt:01:40:34: <Slereah> In your dreams?
2008-01-02.txt:01:40:46: <oklofok> dreams?
2008-01-02.txt:12:12:08: <Sgeo> I think I dreamed about PSOX last night :/
2008-01-06.txt:14:58:50: <oklopol> i've actually been wanting to make a language with a type system for a long time... could have my dream of having a language where args are given in arbitrary order come true
2008-01-07.txt:14:43:47: <Hiato> Oh yeah, my childgood dream come true
2008-01-12.txt:05:37:18: <RodgerTheGreat> I've had way too many dreams/nightmares of coding
2008-01-12.txt:05:38:56: <RodgerTheGreat> I've determined that if i do anything for about 6 hours straight before I go to sleep, I dream about that activity. This has happened with starcraft, tetris, chess, drawing comics, various TV shows and movies and coding.
2008-01-12.txt:05:42:20: <RodgerTheGreat> starcraft was indeed awesome. One of my dreams about Quake 2 was pretty fun as well. The tetris one was exhausting.
2008-01-12.txt:14:53:12: <RodgerTheGreat> I had another one of those videogame dreams last night. I was playing a game I *knew* was a sequel to gears of war, but it was exactly like Outpost 2 (an RTS) except in a jungle setting. I did this really tough "escort 150 people" mission, and then when I came back to my base it was largely destroyed by an earthquake or something. Then I realized I never had any ConVecs or Earthworkers, and I didn't have a vehicle factory so I was completely screw
2008-01-12.txt:14:55:57: <RodgerTheGreat> It was still better than dreaming about tetris for 8 hours.
2008-01-12.txt:17:15:19: <SimonRC> RodgerTheGreat: you dreamt about tetris fo r8 housr?
2008-01-12.txt:17:17:43: <RodgerTheGreat> I dunno if I dreamt for 8 hours, but I slept for 8 hours and woke up tired as hell. It seemed to go on forever
2008-01-12.txt:17:18:07: <oklopol> they say it's physically impossible to dream for that long
2008-01-12.txt:17:18:29: <oklopol> but i've had dreams where i remember incidents from a whole week just from one night's sleep.-
2008-01-17.txt:18:26:41: <oklopol> but you know, "so... irc... or continue fucking chicks in my dreams"
2008-01-17.txt:18:30:01: <SimonRC> oklopol: bah, you and your dreams
2008-01-17.txt:20:25:06: <oklopol> SimonRC: not all my dreams are fun and joy though, just remembered another dream when in the basement: so, these two gay guys were having sex in my living room, and i told them to leave, because i had guests coming... they did start to leave, but i noticed the other one had dropped his glans, so i told him to take it with him... well, suddenly it disappeared, and i started looking for it, terrified that i'd not find it and a guest would
2008-01-17.txt:20:26:15: <Slereah> Let's try to interpret that dream!
2008-01-23.txt:04:10:04: <oklopol> ever woken up from a dream to continue it for a while while awake? i just woke up, and actually felt someone hit their teeth deep inside my skull, and actually started fighting back, at least for about 10 sec before i realized there was no one there
2008-01-23.txt:15:46:48: <ais523> I'm beginning to dream of making a portable-to-as-many-OSs as possible uudecode suite
2008-02-04.txt:02:59:25: <adu> I just found two languages which are nearly Identical to my dream language
2008-02-14.txt:21:41:48: <es0n00b> (fuzzy on details) though relativity was a pipe-dream explaining xperiment
2008-02-15.txt:03:25:02: <ihope__> It reminds me of lucid dreaming, and the second to last panel reminds me of... something else.
2008-02-15.txt:04:17:08: <ihope> You know it's surreal when you pull stuff right out of your dreams. That's where the landscape with holes comes from.
2008-02-29.txt:19:53:12: * Sgeo wnats to have Lucid dreams
[too many lines; stopping]