view perl-5.22.2/regen/ @ 8045:a16537d2fe07

<xfix> tar xf perl-5.22.2.tar.gz # Ah, whatever, I\'m doing it anyway
author HackBot
date Sat, 14 May 2016 14:54:38 +0000
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Regenerate (overwriting only if changed):
#    opcode.h
#    opnames.h
#    pp_proto.h
#    lib/B/
# from:
#  * information stored in regen/opcodes;
#  * information stored in regen/op_private (which is actually perl code);
#  * the values hardcoded into this script in @raw_alias.
# Accepts the standard regen_lib -q and -v args.
# This script is normally invoked from

use strict;

    # Get function prototypes
    require 'regen/';

my $oc = open_new('opcode.h', '>',
		  {by => 'regen/', from => 'its data',
		   file => 'opcode.h', style => '*',
		   copyright => [1993 .. 2007]});

my $on = open_new('opnames.h', '>',
		  { by => 'regen/', from => 'its data', style => '*',
		    file => 'opnames.h', copyright => [1999 .. 2008] });

my $oprivpm = open_new('lib/B/', '>',
		  { by => 'regen/',
                    from => "data in\nregen/op_private "
                           ."and pod embedded in regen/",
                    style => '#',
		    file => 'lib/B/',
                    copyright => [2014 .. 2014] });

# Read 'opcodes' data.

my %seen;
my (@ops, %desc, %check, %ckname, %flags, %args, %opnum);

open OPS, 'regen/opcodes' or die $!;

while (<OPS>) {
    next unless $_;
    next if /^#/;
    my ($key, $desc, $check, $flags, $args) = split(/\t+/, $_, 5);
    $args = '' unless defined $args;

    warn qq[Description "$desc" duplicates $seen{$desc}\n]
     if $seen{$desc} and $key !~ "transr|(?:intro|clone)cv|lvref";
    die qq[Opcode "$key" duplicates $seen{$key}\n] if $seen{$key};
    die qq[Opcode "freed" is reserved for the slab allocator\n]
	if $key eq 'freed';
    $seen{$desc} = qq[description of opcode "$key"];
    $seen{$key} = qq[opcode "$key"];

    push(@ops, $key);
    $opnum{$key} = $#ops;
    $desc{$key} = $desc;
    $check{$key} = $check;
    $flags{$key} = $flags;
    $args{$key} = $args;

# Set up aliases

my %alias;

# Format is "this function" => "does these op names"
my @raw_alias = (
		 Perl_do_kv => [qw( keys values )],
		 Perl_unimplemented_op => [qw(padany custom)],
		 # All the ops with a body of { return NORMAL; }
		 Perl_pp_null => [qw(scalar regcmaybe lineseq scope)],

		 Perl_pp_goto => ['dump'],
		 Perl_pp_require => ['dofile'],
		 Perl_pp_untie => ['dbmclose'],
		 Perl_pp_sysread => {read => '', recv => '#ifdef HAS_SOCKET'},
		 Perl_pp_sysseek => ['seek'],
		 Perl_pp_ioctl => ['fcntl'],
		 Perl_pp_ssockopt => {gsockopt => '#ifdef HAS_SOCKET'},
		 Perl_pp_getpeername => {getsockname => '#ifdef HAS_SOCKET'},
		 Perl_pp_stat => ['lstat'],
		 Perl_pp_ftrowned => [qw(fteowned ftzero ftsock ftchr ftblk
					 ftfile ftdir ftpipe ftsuid ftsgid
		 Perl_pp_fttext => ['ftbinary'],
		 Perl_pp_gmtime => ['localtime'],
		 Perl_pp_semget => [qw(shmget msgget)],
		 Perl_pp_semctl => [qw(shmctl msgctl)],
		 Perl_pp_ghostent => [qw(ghbyname ghbyaddr)],
		 Perl_pp_gnetent => [qw(gnbyname gnbyaddr)],
		 Perl_pp_gprotoent => [qw(gpbyname gpbynumber)],
		 Perl_pp_gservent => [qw(gsbyname gsbyport)],
		 Perl_pp_gpwent => [qw(gpwnam gpwuid)],
		 Perl_pp_ggrent => [qw(ggrnam ggrgid)],
		 Perl_pp_ftis => [qw(ftsize ftmtime ftatime ftctime)],
		 Perl_pp_chown => [qw(unlink chmod utime kill)],
		 Perl_pp_link => ['symlink'],
		 Perl_pp_ftrread => [qw(ftrwrite ftrexec fteread ftewrite
		 Perl_pp_shmwrite => [qw(shmread msgsnd msgrcv semop)],
		 Perl_pp_syswrite => {send => '#ifdef HAS_SOCKET'},
		 Perl_pp_defined => [qw(dor dorassign)],
                 Perl_pp_and => ['andassign'],
		 Perl_pp_or => ['orassign'],
		 Perl_pp_ucfirst => ['lcfirst'],
		 Perl_pp_sle => [qw(slt sgt sge)],
		 Perl_pp_print => ['say'],
		 Perl_pp_index => ['rindex'],
		 Perl_pp_oct => ['hex'],
		 Perl_pp_shift => ['pop'],
		 Perl_pp_sin => [qw(cos exp log sqrt)],
		 Perl_pp_bit_or => ['bit_xor'],
		 Perl_pp_nbit_or => ['nbit_xor'],
		 Perl_pp_sbit_or => ['sbit_xor'],
		 Perl_pp_rv2av => ['rv2hv'],
		 Perl_pp_akeys => ['avalues'],
		 Perl_pp_rkeys => [qw(rvalues reach)],
		 Perl_pp_trans => [qw(trans transr)],
		 Perl_pp_chop => [qw(chop chomp)],
		 Perl_pp_schop => [qw(schop schomp)],
		 Perl_pp_bind => {connect => '#ifdef HAS_SOCKET'},
		 Perl_pp_preinc => ['i_preinc', 'predec', 'i_predec'],
		 Perl_pp_postinc => ['i_postinc', 'postdec', 'i_postdec'],
		 Perl_pp_ehostent => [qw(enetent eprotoent eservent
					 spwent epwent sgrent egrent)],
		 Perl_pp_shostent => [qw(snetent sprotoent sservent)],
		 Perl_pp_aelemfast => ['aelemfast_lex'],
		 Perl_pp_grepstart => ['mapstart'],

while (my ($func, $names) = splice @raw_alias, 0, 2) {
    if (ref $names eq 'ARRAY') {
	foreach (@$names) {
	    $alias{$_} = [$func, ''];
    } else {
	while (my ($opname, $cond) = each %$names) {
	    $alias{$opname} = [$func, $cond];

foreach my $sock_func (qw(socket bind listen accept shutdown
			  ssockopt getpeername)) {
    $alias{$sock_func} = ["Perl_pp_$sock_func", '#ifdef HAS_SOCKET'],

# =================================================================
# Functions for processing regen/op_private data.
# Put them in a separate package so that croak() does the right thing

package OP_PRIVATE;

use Carp;

# the vars holding the global state built up by all the calls to addbits()


# the numeric values of flags - what will get output as a #define

# %BITFIELDS: the various bit field types. The key is the concatenation of
# all the field values that make up a bit field hash; the values are bit
# field hash refs.  This allows us to de-dup identical bit field defs
# across different ops, and thus make the output tables more compact (esp
# important for the C version)

# %FLAGS: the main data structure. Indexed by op name, then bit index:
# single bit flag:
#   $FLAGS{rv2av}{2} = 'OPpSLICEWARNING';
# bit field (bits 5 and 6):
#   $FLAGS{rv2av}{5} = $FLAGS{rv2av}{6} = { .... };
my %FLAGS;

# do, with checking, $LABELS{$name} = $label

sub add_label {
    my ($name, $label) = @_;
    if (exists $LABELS{$name} and $LABELS{$name} ne $label) {
        croak "addbits(): label for flag '$name' redefined:\n"
        .  "  was '$LABELS{$name}', now '$label'";
    $LABELS{$name} = $label;

# do, with checking, $DEFINES{$name} = $val

sub add_define {
    my ($name, $val) = @_;
    if (exists $DEFINES{$name} && $DEFINES{$name} != $val) {
        croak "addbits(): value for flag '$name' redefined:\n"
        .  "  was $DEFINES{$name}, now $val";
    $DEFINES{$name} = $val;

# intended to be called from regen/op_private; see that file for details

sub ::addbits {
    my @args = @_;

    croak "too few arguments for addbits()" unless @args >= 3;
    my $op = shift @args;
    croak "invalid op name: '$op'" unless exists $opnum{$op};

    while (@args) {
        my $bits = shift @args;
        if ($bits =~ /^[0-7]$/) {
            # single bit
            croak "addbits(): too few arguments for single bit flag"
                unless @args >= 2;
            my $flag_name   = shift @args;
            my $flag_label  = shift @args;
            add_label($flag_name, $flag_label);
            croak "addbits(): bit $bits of $op already specified"
                if defined $FLAGS{$op}{$bits};
            $FLAGS{$op}{$bits} = $flag_name;
            add_define($flag_name, (1 << $bits));
        elsif ($bits =~ /^([0-7])\.\.([0-7])$/) {
            # bit range
            my ($bitmin, $bitmax) = ($1,$2);

            croak "addbits(): min bit > max bit in bit range '$bits'"
                unless $bitmin <= $bitmax;
            croak "addbits(): bit field argument missing"
                unless @args >= 1;

            my $arg_hash = shift @args;
            croak "addbits(): arg to $bits must be a hash ref"
                unless defined $arg_hash and ref($arg_hash) =~ /HASH/;

            my %valid_keys;
            @valid_keys{qw(baseshift_def bitcount_def mask_def label enum)} = ();
            for (keys %$arg_hash) {
                croak "addbits(): unrecognised bifield key: '$_'"
                    unless exists $valid_keys{$_};

            my $bitmask = 0;
            $bitmask += (1 << $_) for $bitmin..$bitmax;

            my $enum_id ='';

            if (defined $arg_hash->{enum}) {
                my $enum = $arg_hash->{enum};
                croak "addbits(): arg to enum must be an array ref"
                    unless defined $enum and ref($enum) =~ /ARRAY/;
                croak "addbits(): enum list must be in triplets"
                    unless @$enum % 3 == 0;

                my $max_id = (1 << ($bitmax - $bitmin + 1)) - 1;

                my @e = @$enum;
                while (@e) {
                    my $enum_ix     = shift @e;
                    my $enum_name   = shift @e;
                    my $enum_label  = shift @e;
                    croak "addbits(): enum index must be a number: '$enum_ix'"
                        unless $enum_ix =~ /^\d+$/;
                    croak "addbits(): enum index too big: '$enum_ix'"
                        unless $enum_ix  <= $max_id;
                    add_label($enum_name, $enum_label);
                    add_define($enum_name, $enum_ix << $bitmin);
                    $enum_id .= "($enum_ix:$enum_name:$enum_label)";

            # id is a fingerprint of all the content of the bit field hash
            my $id = join ':', map defined() ? $_ : "-undef-",
                $bitmin, $bitmax,

            unless (defined $BITFIELDS{$id}) {

                if (defined $arg_hash->{mask_def}) {
                    add_define($arg_hash->{mask_def}, $bitmask);

                if (defined $arg_hash->{baseshift_def}) {
                    add_define($arg_hash->{baseshift_def}, $bitmin);

                if (defined $arg_hash->{bitcount_def}) {
                    add_define($arg_hash->{bitcount_def}, $bitmax-$bitmin+1);

                # create deep copy

                my $copy = {};
                for (qw(baseshift_def  bitcount_def mask_def label)) {
                    $copy->{$_} = $arg_hash->{$_} if defined $arg_hash->{$_};
                if (defined $arg_hash->{enum}) {
                    $copy->{enum} = [ @{$arg_hash->{enum}} ];

                # and add some extra fields

                $copy->{bitmask} = $bitmask;
                $copy->{bitmin} = $bitmin;
                $copy->{bitmax} = $bitmax;

                $BITFIELDS{$id} = $copy;

            for my $bit ($bitmin..$bitmax) {
                croak "addbits(): bit $bit of $op already specified"
                    if defined $FLAGS{$op}{$bit};
                $FLAGS{$op}{$bit} = $BITFIELDS{$id};
        else {
            croak "addbits(): invalid bit specifier '$bits'";

# intended to be called from regen/op_private; see that file for details

sub ::ops_with_flag {
    my $flag = shift;
    return grep $flags{$_} =~ /\Q$flag/, sort keys %flags;

# intended to be called from regen/op_private; see that file for details

sub ::ops_with_check {
    my $c = shift;
    return grep $check{$_} eq $c, sort keys %check;

# intended to be called from regen/op_private; see that file for details

sub ::ops_with_arg {
    my ($i, $arg_type) = @_;
    my @ops;
    for my $op (sort keys %args) {
        my @args = split(' ',$args{$op});
        push @ops, $op if defined $args[$i] and $args[$i] eq $arg_type;

# output '#define OPpLVAL_INTRO 0x80' etc

sub print_defines {
    my $fh = shift;

    for (sort { $DEFINES{$a} <=> $DEFINES{$b} || $a cmp $b } keys %DEFINES) {
        printf $fh "#define %-23s 0x%02x\n", $_, $DEFINES{$_};

# Generate the content of B::Op_private

sub print_B_Op_private {
    my $fh = shift;

    my $header = <<'EOF';
@=head1 NAME
@B::Op_private -  OP op_private flag definitions
@=head1 SYNOPSIS
@    use B::Op_private;
@    # flag details for bit 7 of OP_AELEM's op_private:
@    my $name  = $B::Op_private::bits{aelem}{7}; # OPpLVAL_INTRO
@    my $value = $B::Op_private::defines{$name}; # 128
@    my $label = $B::Op_private::labels{$name};  # LVINTRO
@    # the bit field at bits 5..6 of OP_AELEM's op_private:
@    my $bf  = $B::Op_private::bits{aelem}{6};
@    my $mask = $bf->{bitmask}; # etc
@This module provides four global hashes:
@    %B::Op_private::bits
@    %B::Op_private::defines
@    %B::Op_private::labels
@    %B::Op_private::ops_using
@which contain information about the per-op meanings of the bits in the
@op_private field.
@=head2 C<%bits>
@This is indexed by op name and then bit number (0..7). For single bit flags,
@it returns the name of the define (if any) for that bit:
@   $B::Op_private::bits{aelem}{7} eq 'OPpLVAL_INTRO';
@For bit fields, it returns a hash ref containing details about the field.
@The same reference will be returned for all bit positions that make
@up the bit field; so for example these both return the same hash ref:
@    $bitfield = $B::Op_private::bits{aelem}{5};
@    $bitfield = $B::Op_private::bits{aelem}{6};
@The general format of this hash ref is
@    {
@        # The bit range and mask; these are always present.
@        bitmin        => 5,
@        bitmax        => 6,
@        bitmask       => 0x60,
@        # (The remaining keys are optional)
@        # The names of any defines that were requested:
@        mask_def      => 'OPpFOO_MASK',
@        baseshift_def => 'OPpFOO_SHIFT',
@        bitcount_def  => 'OPpFOO_BITS',
@        # If present, Concise etc will display the value with a 'FOO='
@        # prefix. If it equals '-', then Concise will treat the bit
@        # field as raw bits and not try to interpret it.
@        label         => 'FOO',
@        # If present, specifies the names of some defines and the
@        # display labels that are used to assign meaning to particu-
@        # lar integer values within the bit field; e.g. 3 is dis-
@        # played as 'C'.
@        enum          => [ qw(
@                             1   OPpFOO_A  A
@                             2   OPpFOO_B  B
@                             3   OPpFOO_C  C
@                         )],
@    };
@=head2 C<%defines>
@This gives the value of every C<OPp> define, e.g.
@    $B::Op_private::defines{OPpLVAL_INTRO} == 128;
@=head2 C<%labels>
@This gives the short display label for each define, as used by C<B::Concise>
@and C<perl -Dx>, e.g.
@    $B::Op_private::labels{OPpLVAL_INTRO} eq 'LVINTRO';
@If the label equals '-', then Concise will treat the bit as a raw bit and
@not try to display it symbolically.
@=head2 C<%ops_using>
@For each define, this gives a reference to an array of op names that use
@the flag.
@    @ops_using_lvintro = @{ $B::Op_private::ops_using{OPp_LVAL_INTRO} };

package B::Op_private;

our %bits;

    # remove podcheck.t-defeating leading char
    $header =~ s/^\@//gm;
    print $fh $header;
    my $v = (::perl_version())[3];
    print $fh qq{\nour \$VERSION = "$v";\n\n};

    my %ops_using;

    # for each flag/bit combination, find the ops which use it
    my %combos;
    for my $op (sort keys %FLAGS) {
        my $entry = $FLAGS{$op};
        for my $bit (0..7) {
            my $e = $entry->{$bit};
            next unless defined $e;
            next if ref $e; # bit field, not flag
            push @{$combos{$e}{$bit}}, $op;
            push @{$ops_using{$e}}, $op;

    # dump flags used by multiple ops
    for my $flag (sort keys %combos) {
        for my $bit (sort keys %{$combos{$flag}}) {
            my $ops = $combos{$flag}{$bit};
            next unless @$ops > 1;
            my @o = sort @$ops;
            print $fh "\$bits{\$_}{$bit} = '$flag' for qw(@o);\n";

    # dump bit field definitions

    my %bitfield_ix;
        my %bitfields;
        # stringified-ref to ref mapping
        $bitfields{$_} = $_ for values %BITFIELDS;
        my $ix = -1;
        my $s = "\nmy \@bf = (\n";
        for my $bitfield_key (sort keys %BITFIELDS) {
            my $bitfield = $BITFIELDS{$bitfield_key};
            $bitfield_ix{$bitfield} = $ix;

            $s .= "    {\n";
            for (qw(label mask_def baseshift_def bitcount_def)) {
                next unless defined $bitfield->{$_};
                $s .= sprintf "        %-9s => '%s',\n",
                            $_,  $bitfield->{$_};
            for (qw(bitmin bitmax bitmask)) {
                croak "panic" unless defined $bitfield->{$_};
                $s .= sprintf "        %-9s => %d,\n",
                            $_,  $bitfield->{$_};
            if (defined $bitfield->{enum}) {
                $s .= "        enum      => [\n";
                my @enum = @{$bitfield->{enum}};
                while (@enum) {
                    my $i     = shift @enum;
                    my $name  = shift @enum;
                    my $label = shift @enum;
                    $s .= sprintf "            %d, %-10s, %s,\n",
                            $i, "'$name'", "'$label'";
                $s .= "        ],\n";
            $s .= "    },\n";

        $s .= ");\n";
        print $fh "$s\n";

    # dump bitfields and remaining labels

    for my $op (sort keys %FLAGS) {
        my @indices;
        my @vals;
        my $entry = $FLAGS{$op};
        my $bit;

        for ($bit = 7; $bit >= 0; $bit--) {
            next unless defined $entry->{$bit};
            my $e = $entry->{$bit};
            if (ref $e) {
                my $ix = $bitfield_ix{$e};
                for (reverse $e->{bitmin}..$e->{bitmax}) {
                    push @indices,  $_;
                    push @vals, "\$bf[$ix]";
                $bit = $e->{bitmin};
            else {
                next if @{$combos{$e}{$bit}} > 1;  # already output
                push @indices, $bit;
                push @vals, "'$e'";
        if (@indices) {
            my $s = '';
            $s = '@{' if @indices > 1;
            $s .= "\$bits{$op}";
            $s .= '}' if @indices > 1;
            $s .= '{' . join(',', @indices) . '} = ';
            $s .= '(' if @indices > 1;
            $s .= join ', ', @vals;
            $s .= ')' if @indices > 1;
            print $fh "$s;\n";

    # populate %defines and %labels

    print  $fh "\n\nour %defines = (\n";
    printf $fh "    %-23s  => %3d,\n", $_ , $DEFINES{$_} for sort keys %DEFINES;
    print  $fh ");\n\nour %labels = (\n";
    printf $fh "    %-23s  => '%s',\n", $_ , $LABELS{$_}  for sort keys %LABELS;
    print  $fh ");\n";

    # %ops_using
    print  $fh "\n\nour %ops_using = (\n";
    # Save memory by using the same array wherever possible.
    my %flag_by_op_list;
    my $pending = '';
    for my $flag (sort keys %ops_using) {
        my $op_list = $ops_using{$flag} = "@{$ops_using{$flag}}";
        if (!exists $flag_by_op_list{$op_list}) {
            $flag_by_op_list{$op_list} = $flag;
            printf $fh "    %-23s  => %s,\n", $flag , "[qw($op_list)]"
        else {
            $pending .= "\$ops_using{$flag} = "
                      . "\$ops_using{$flag_by_op_list{$op_list}};\n";
    print  $fh ");\n\n$pending";


# output the contents of the assorted PL_op_private_*[] tables

sub print_PL_op_private_tables {
    my $fh = shift;

    my $PL_op_private_labels     = '';
    my $PL_op_private_valid      = '';
    my $PL_op_private_bitdef_ix  = '';
    my $PL_op_private_bitdefs    = '';
    my $PL_op_private_bitfields  = '';

    my %label_ix;
    my %bitfield_ix;

    # generate $PL_op_private_labels

        my %labs;
        $labs{$_} = 1 for values %LABELS; # de-duplicate labels
        # add in bit field labels
        for (values %BITFIELDS) {
            next unless defined $_->{label};
            $labs{$_->{label}} = 1;

        my $labels = '';
        for my $lab (sort keys %labs) {
            $label_ix{$lab} = length $labels;
            $labels .= "$lab\0";
            $PL_op_private_labels .=
                  "    "
                . join(',', map("'$_'", split //, $lab))
                . ",'\\0',\n";

    # generate PL_op_private_bitfields

        my %bitfields;
        # stringified-ref to ref mapping
        $bitfields{$_} = $_ for values %BITFIELDS;

        my $ix = 0;
        for my $bitfield_key (sort keys %BITFIELDS) {
            my $bf = $BITFIELDS{$bitfield_key};
            $bitfield_ix{$bf} = $ix;

            my @b;
            push @b, $bf->{bitmin},
                defined $bf->{label} ? $label_ix{$bf->{label}} : -1;
            my $enum = $bf->{enum};
            if (defined $enum) {
                my @enum = @$enum;
                while (@enum) {
                    my $i     = shift @enum;
                    my $name  = shift @enum;
                    my $label = shift @enum;
                    push @b, $i, $label_ix{$label};
            push @b, -1; # terminate enum list

            $PL_op_private_bitfields .= "    " .  join(', ', @b) .",\n";
            $ix += @b;

    # generate PL_op_private_bitdefs, PL_op_private_bitdef_ix

        my $bitdef_count = 0;

        my %not_seen = %FLAGS;
        my @seen_bitdefs;
        my %seen_bitdefs;

        my $opnum = -1;
        for my $op (sort { $opnum{$a} <=> $opnum{$b} } keys %opnum) {
            die "panic: opnum misorder: opnum=$opnum opnum{op}=$opnum{$op}"
                unless $opnum == $opnum{$op};
            delete $not_seen{$op};

            my @bitdefs;
            my $entry = $FLAGS{$op};
            my $bit;
            my $index;

            for ($bit = 7; $bit >= 0; $bit--) {
                my $e = $entry->{$bit};
                next unless defined $e;

                my $ix;
                if (ref $e) {
                    $ix = $bitfield_ix{$e};
                    die "panic: \$bit =\= $e->{bitmax}"
                        unless $bit == $e->{bitmax};

                    push @bitdefs, ( ($ix << 5) | ($bit << 2) | 2 );
                    $bit = $e->{bitmin};
                else {
                    $ix = $label_ix{$LABELS{$e}};
                    die "panic: no label ix for '$e'" unless defined $ix;
                    push @bitdefs, ( ($ix << 5) | ($bit << 2));
                if ($ix > 2047) {
                    die "Too many labels or bitfields (ix=$ix): "
                    . "maybe the type of PL_op_private_bitdefs needs "
                    . "expanding from U16 to U32???";
            if (@bitdefs) {
                $bitdefs[-1] |= 1; # stop bit
                my $key = join(', ', map(sprintf("0x%04x", $_), @bitdefs));
                if (!$seen_bitdefs{$key}) {
                    $index = $bitdef_count;
                    $bitdef_count += @bitdefs;
                    push @seen_bitdefs,
                         $seen_bitdefs{$key} = [$index, $key];
                else {
                    $index = $seen_bitdefs{$key}[0];
                push @{$seen_bitdefs{$key}}, $op;
            else {
                $index = -1;
            $PL_op_private_bitdef_ix .= sprintf "    %4d, /* %s */\n", $index, $op;
        if (%not_seen) {
            die "panic: unprocessed ops: ". join(',', keys %not_seen);
        for (@seen_bitdefs) {
            local $" = ", ";
            $PL_op_private_bitdefs .= "    $$_[1], /* @$_[2..$#$_] */\n";

    # generate PL_op_private_valid

    for my $op (@ops) {
        my $last;
        my @flags;
        for my $bit (0..7) {
            next unless exists $FLAGS{$op};
            my $entry = $FLAGS{$op}{$bit};
            next unless defined $entry;
            if (ref $entry) {
                # skip later entries for the same bit field
                next if defined $last and $last == $entry;
                $last = $entry;
                push @flags,
                    defined $entry->{mask_def}
                        ? $entry->{mask_def}
                        : $entry->{bitmask};
            else {
                push @flags, $entry;

        # all bets are off
        @flags = '0xff' if $op eq 'null' or $op eq 'custom';

        $PL_op_private_valid .= sprintf "    /* %-10s */ (%s),\n", uc($op),
                                    @flags ? join('|', @flags): '0';

    print $fh <<EOF;


#  ifndef DOINIT

/* data about the flags in op_private */

EXTCONST I16  PL_op_private_bitdef_ix[];
EXTCONST U16  PL_op_private_bitdefs[];
EXTCONST char PL_op_private_labels[];
EXTCONST I16  PL_op_private_bitfields[];
EXTCONST U8   PL_op_private_valid[];

#  else

/* PL_op_private_labels[]: the short descriptions of private flags.
 * All labels are concatenated into a single char array
 * (separated by \\0's) for compactness.

EXTCONST char PL_op_private_labels[] = {

/* PL_op_private_bitfields[]: details about each bit field type.
 * Each definition consists of the following list of words:
 *    bitmin
 *    label (index into PL_op_private_labels[]; -1 if no label)
 *    repeat for each enum entry (if any):
 *       enum value
 *       enum label (index into PL_op_private_labels[])
 *    -1

EXTCONST I16 PL_op_private_bitfields[] = {

/* PL_op_private_bitdef_ix[]: map an op number to a starting position
 * in PL_op_private_bitdefs.  If -1, the op has no bits defined */

EXTCONST I16  PL_op_private_bitdef_ix[] = {

/* PL_op_private_bitdefs[]: given a starting position in this array (as
 * supplied by PL_op_private_bitdef_ix[]), each word (until a stop bit is
 * seen) defines the meaning of a particular op_private bit for a
 * particular op. Each word consists of:
 *  bit  0:     stop bit: this is the last bit def for the current op
 *  bit  1:     bitfield: if set, this defines a bit field rather than a flag
 *  bits 2..4:  unsigned number in the range 0..7 which is the bit number
 *  bits 5..15: unsigned number in the range 0..2047 which is an index
 *              into PL_op_private_labels[]    (for a flag), or
 *              into PL_op_private_bitfields[] (for a bit field)

EXTCONST U16  PL_op_private_bitdefs[] = {

/* PL_op_private_valid: for each op, indexed by op_type, indicate which
 * flags bits in op_private are legal */

EXTCONST U8 PL_op_private_valid[] = {

#  endif /* !DOINIT */




# =================================================================

package main;

# read regen/op_private data
# This file contains Perl code that builds up some data structures
# which define what bits in op_private have what meanings for each op.

require 'regen/op_private';

#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper \%LABELS, \%DEFINES, \%FLAGS, \%BITFIELDS;

# Emit defines.

print $oc    "#ifndef PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT_INIT\n\n";

    my $last_cond = '';
    my @unimplemented;

    sub unimplemented {
	if (@unimplemented) {
	    print $oc "#else\n";
	    foreach (@unimplemented) {
		print $oc "#define $_ Perl_unimplemented_op\n";
	    print $oc "#endif\n";
	    @unimplemented = ();


    for (@ops) {
	my ($impl, $cond) = @{$alias{$_} || ["Perl_pp_$_", '']};
	my $op_func = "Perl_pp_$_";

	if ($cond ne $last_cond) {
	    # A change in condition. (including to or from no condition)
	    $last_cond = $cond;
	    if ($last_cond) {
		print $oc "$last_cond\n";
	push @unimplemented, $op_func if $last_cond;
	print $oc "#define $op_func $impl\n" if $impl ne $op_func;
    # If the last op was conditional, we need to close it out:

print $on "typedef enum opcode {\n";

my $i = 0;
for (@ops) {
      print $on "\t", tab(3,"OP_\U$_"), " = ", $i++, ",\n";
print $on "\t", tab(3,"OP_max"), "\n";
print $on "} opcode;\n";
print $on "\n#define MAXO ", scalar @ops, "\n";
print $on "#define OP_FREED MAXO\n";

# Emit op names and descriptions.

print $oc <<'END';

#ifndef DOINIT
EXTCONST char* const PL_op_name[];
EXTCONST char* const PL_op_name[] = {

for (@ops) {
    print $oc qq(\t"$_",\n);

print $oc <<'END';

#ifndef DOINIT
EXTCONST char* const PL_op_desc[];
EXTCONST char* const PL_op_desc[] = {

for (@ops) {
    my($safe_desc) = $desc{$_};

    # Have to escape double quotes and escape characters.
    $safe_desc =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/g;

    print $oc qq(\t"$safe_desc",\n);

print $oc <<'END';
	"freed op",



# Emit ppcode switch array.

print $oc <<'END';


static const Perl_ppaddr_t Gppaddr[]
EXT Perl_ppaddr_t PL_ppaddr[] /* or perlvars.h */
#  endif
#if (defined(DOINIT) && !defined(PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT)) || defined(PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT_INIT)
= {

for (@ops) {
    my $op_func = "Perl_pp_$_";
    my $name = $alias{$_};
    if ($name && $name->[0] ne $op_func) {
	print $oc "\t$op_func,\t/* implemented by $name->[0] */\n";
    else {
	print $oc "\t$op_func,\n";

print $oc <<'END';

static const Perl_check_t Gcheck[]
EXT Perl_check_t PL_check[] /* or perlvars.h */
#  endif
#if (defined(DOINIT) && !defined(PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT)) || defined(PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT_INIT)
= {

for (@ops) {
    print $oc "\t", tab(3, "Perl_$check{$_},"), "\t/* $_ */\n";

print $oc <<'END';
#endif /* #ifdef PERL_CHECK_INITED */


#ifndef DOINIT
EXTCONST U32 PL_opargs[];
EXTCONST U32 PL_opargs[] = {

# Emit allowed argument types.

my $ARGBITS = 32;

my %argnum = (
    'S',  1,		# scalar
    'L',  2,		# list
    'A',  3,		# array value
    'H',  4,		# hash value
    'C',  5,		# code value
    'F',  6,		# file value
    'R',  7,		# scalar reference

my %opclass = (
    '0',  0,		# baseop
    '1',  1,		# unop
    '2',  2,		# binop
    '|',  3,		# logop
    '@',  4,		# listop
    '/',  5,		# pmop
    '$',  6,		# svop_or_padop
    '#',  7,		# padop
    '"',  8,		# pvop_or_svop
    '{',  9,		# loop
    ';',  10,		# cop
    '%',  11,		# baseop_or_unop
    '-',  12,		# filestatop
    '}',  13,		# loopexop
    '.',  14,		# methop
    '+',  15,		# unop_aux

my %opflags = (
    'm' =>   1,		# needs stack mark
    'f' =>   2,		# fold constants
    's' =>   4,		# always produces scalar
    't' =>   8,		# needs target scalar
    'T' =>   8 | 16,	# ... which may be lexical
    'i' =>   0,		# always produces integer (unused since e7311069)
    'I' =>  32,		# has corresponding int op
    'd' =>  64,		# danger, make temp copy in list assignment
    'u' => 128,		# defaults to $_

my %OP_IS_SOCKET;	# /Fs/
my %OP_IS_FILETEST;	# /F-/
my %OP_IS_FT_ACCESS;	# /F-+/
my %OP_IS_DIRHOP;	# /Fd/
my %OP_IS_INFIX_BIT;	# /S\|/

my $OCSHIFT = 8;
my $OASHIFT = 12;

for my $op (@ops) {
    my $argsum = 0;
    my $flags = $flags{$op};
    for my $flag (keys %opflags) {
	if ($flags =~ s/$flag//) {
	    die "Flag collision for '$op' ($flags{$op}, $flag)\n"
		if $argsum & $opflags{$flag};
	    $argsum |= $opflags{$flag};
    die qq[Opcode '$op' has no class indicator ($flags{$op} => $flags)\n]
	unless exists $opclass{$flags};
    $argsum |= $opclass{$flags} << $OCSHIFT;
    my $argshift = $OASHIFT;
    for my $arg (split(' ',$args{$op})) {
	if ($arg =~ s/^D//) {
	    # handle 1st, just to put D 1st.
	    $OP_IS_DIRHOP{$op}   = $opnum{$op};
	if ($arg =~ /^F/) {
	    # record opnums of these opnames
	    $OP_IS_SOCKET{$op}   = $opnum{$op} if $arg =~ s/s//;
	    $OP_IS_FILETEST{$op} = $opnum{$op} if $arg =~ s/-//;
	    $OP_IS_FT_ACCESS{$op} = $opnum{$op} if $arg =~ s/\+//;
	elsif ($arg =~ /^S./) {
	    $OP_IS_NUMCOMPARE{$op} = $opnum{$op} if $arg =~ s/<//;
	    $OP_IS_INFIX_BIT {$op} = $opnum{$op} if $arg =~ s/\|//;
	my $argnum = ($arg =~ s/\?//) ? 8 : 0;
        die "op = $op, arg = $arg\n"
	    unless exists $argnum{$arg};
	$argnum += $argnum{$arg};
	die "Argument overflow for '$op'\n"
	    if $argshift >= $ARGBITS ||
	       $argnum > ((1 << ($ARGBITS - $argshift)) - 1);
	$argsum += $argnum << $argshift;
	$argshift += 4;
    $argsum = sprintf("0x%08x", $argsum);
    print $oc "\t", tab(3, "$argsum,"), "/* $op */\n";

print $oc <<'END';



# Emit OP_IS_* macros

print $on <<'EO_OP_IS_COMMENT';

/* the OP_IS_* macros are optimized to a simple range check because
    all the member OPs are contiguous in regen/opcodes table. verifies the range contiguity, or generates an OR-equals
    expression */

gen_op_is_macro( \%OP_IS_SOCKET, 'OP_IS_SOCKET');
gen_op_is_macro( \%OP_IS_FILETEST, 'OP_IS_FILETEST');
gen_op_is_macro( \%OP_IS_FT_ACCESS, 'OP_IS_FILETEST_ACCESS');
gen_op_is_macro( \%OP_IS_NUMCOMPARE, 'OP_IS_NUMCOMPARE');
gen_op_is_macro( \%OP_IS_DIRHOP, 'OP_IS_DIRHOP');
gen_op_is_macro( \%OP_IS_INFIX_BIT, 'OP_IS_INFIX_BIT');

sub gen_op_is_macro {
    my ($op_is, $macname) = @_;
    if (keys %$op_is) {
	# get opnames whose numbers are lowest and highest
	my ($first, @rest) = sort {
	    $op_is->{$a} <=> $op_is->{$b}
	} keys %$op_is;
	my $last = pop @rest;	# @rest slurped, get its last
	die "Invalid range of ops: $first .. $last\n" unless $last;

	print $on "\n#define $macname(op)	\\\n\t(";

	# verify that op-ct matches 1st..last range (and fencepost)
	# (we know there are no dups)
	if ( $op_is->{$last} - $op_is->{$first} == scalar @rest + 1) {
	    # contiguous ops -> optimized version
	    print $on "(op) >= OP_" . uc($first)
		. " && (op) <= OP_" . uc($last);
	else {
	    print $on join(" || \\\n\t ",
			   map { "(op) == OP_" . uc() } sort keys %$op_is);
	print $on ")\n";

my $pp = open_new('pp_proto.h', '>',
		  { by => '', from => 'its data' });

    my %funcs;
    for (@ops) {
	my $name = $alias{$_} ? $alias{$_}[0] : "Perl_pp_$_";
    print $pp "PERL_CALLCONV OP *$_(pTHX);\n" foreach sort keys %funcs;

print $oc "\n\n";


foreach ($oc, $on, $pp, $oprivpm) {