view share/lua/5.2/luarocks/search.lua @ 7946:8ecffca9813d

<moon__> mkx bin/hfs//erro \'You have discovered an eerie cavern. The air aboe the dark stone floor is alive ith vortices of purple light and dark, boiling clouds. Seemingly bottemless pits mark the surface. "$1" stand below\'
author HackBot
date Sat, 07 May 2016 18:36:18 +0000
parents d137f631bad5
line wrap: on
line source

--- Module implementing the LuaRocks "search" command.
-- Queries LuaRocks servers.
module("", package.seeall)

local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
local path = require("luarocks.path")
local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
local util = require("luarocks.util")

help_summary = "Query the LuaRocks servers."
help_arguments = "[--source] [--binary] { <name> [<version>] | --all }"
help = [[
--source  Return only rockspecs and source rocks,
          to be used with the "build" command.
--binary  Return only pure Lua and binary rocks (rocks that can be used
          with the "install" command without requiring a C toolchain).
--all     List all contents of the server that are suitable to
          this platform, do not filter by name.

--- Convert the arch field of a query table to table format.
-- @param query table: A query table.
local function query_arch_as_table(query)
   local format = type(query.arch)
   if format == "table" then
   elseif format == "nil" then
      local accept = {}
      accept["src"] = true
      accept["all"] = true
      accept["rockspec"] = true
      accept["installed"] = true
      accept[cfg.arch] = true
      query.arch = accept
   elseif format == "string" then
      local accept = {}
      for a in query.arch:gmatch("[%w_-]+") do
         accept[a] = true
      query.arch = accept

--- Store a search result (a rock or rockspec) in the results table.
-- @param results table: The results table, where keys are package names and
-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
-- @param name string: Package name.
-- @param version string: Package version.
-- @param arch string: Architecture of rock ("all", "src" or platform
-- identifier), "rockspec" or "installed"
-- @param repo string: Pathname of a local repository of URL of
-- rocks server.
local function store_result(results, name, version, arch, repo)
   assert(type(results) == "table")
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string")
   assert(type(arch) == "string")
   assert(type(repo) == "string")
   if not results[name] then results[name] = {} end
   if not results[name][version] then results[name][version] = {} end
   table.insert(results[name][version], {
      arch = arch,
      repo = repo

--- Test the name field of a query.
-- If query has a boolean field exact_name set to false,
-- then substring match is performed; otherwise, exact string
-- comparison is done.
-- @param query table: A query in dependency table format.
-- @param name string: A package name.
-- @return boolean: True if names match, false otherwise.
local function match_name(query, name)
   assert(type(query) == "table")
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   if query.exact_name == false then
      return name:find(, 0, true) and true or false
      return name ==

--- Store a match in a results table if version matches query.
-- Name, version, arch and repository path are stored in a given
-- table, optionally checking if version and arch (if given) match
-- a query.
-- @param results table: The results table, where keys are package names and
-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
-- @param repo string: URL or pathname of the repository.
-- @param name string: The name of the package being tested.
-- @param version string: The version of the package being tested.
-- @param arch string: The arch of the package being tested.
-- @param query table: A table describing the query in dependency
-- format (for example, {name = "filesystem", exact_name = false,
-- constraints = {op = "~>", version = {1,0}}}, arch = "rockspec").
-- If the arch field is omitted, the local architecture (cfg.arch)
-- is used. The special value "any" is also recognized, returning all
-- matches regardless of architecture.
local function store_if_match(results, repo, name, version, arch, query)
   if match_name(query, name) then
      if query.arch[arch] or query.arch["any"] then
         if deps.match_constraints(deps.parse_version(version), query.constraints) then
            store_result(results, name, version, arch, repo)

--- Perform search on a local repository.
-- @param repo string: The pathname of the local repository.
-- @param query table: A table describing the query in dependency
-- format (for example, {name = "filesystem", exact_name = false,
-- constraints = {op = "~>", version = {1,0}}}, arch = "rockspec").
-- If the arch field is omitted, the local architecture (cfg.arch)
-- is used. The special value "any" is also recognized, returning all
-- matches regardless of architecture.
-- @param results table or nil: If given, this table will store the
-- results; if not given, a new table will be created.
-- @param table: The results table, where keys are package names and
-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
-- If a table was given in the "results" parameter, that is the result value.
function disk_search(repo, query, results)
   assert(type(repo) == "string")
   assert(type(query) == "table")
   assert(type(results) == "table" or not results)
   local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
   if not results then
      results = {}
   for _, name in pairs(fs.list_dir(repo)) do
      local pathname = dir.path(repo, name)
      local rname, rversion, rarch = path.parse_name(name)
      if fs.is_dir(pathname) then
         for _, version in pairs(fs.list_dir(pathname)) do
            if version:match("-%d+$") then
               store_if_match(results, repo, name, version, "installed", query)
      elseif rname then
         store_if_match(results, repo, rname, rversion, rarch, query)
   return results

--- Perform search on a rocks server.
-- @param results table: The results table, where keys are package names and
-- versions are tables matching version strings to an array of servers.
-- @param repo string: The URL of the rocks server.
-- @param query table: A table describing the query in dependency
-- format (for example, {name = "filesystem", exact_name = false,
-- constraints = {op = "~>", version = {1,0}}}, arch = "rockspec").
-- If the arch field is omitted, the local architecture (cfg.arch)
-- is used. The special value "any" is also recognized, returning all
-- matches regardless of architecture.
-- @return true or, in case of errors, nil and an error message.
function manifest_search(results, repo, query)
   assert(type(results) == "table")
   assert(type(repo) == "string")
   assert(type(query) == "table")
   local manifest, err = manif.load_manifest(repo)
   if not manifest then
      return nil, "Failed loading manifest: "..err
   for name, versions in pairs(manifest.repository) do
      for version, items in pairs(versions) do
         for _, item in ipairs(items) do
            store_if_match(results, repo, name, version, item.arch, query)
   return true

--- Search on all configured rocks servers.
-- @param query table: A dependency query.
-- @return table: A table where keys are package names
-- and values are tables matching version strings to an array of
-- rocks servers; if no results are found, an empty table is returned.
function search_repos(query)
   assert(type(query) == "table")

   local results = {}
   for _, repo in ipairs(cfg.rocks_servers) do
      if type(repo) == "string" then
         repo = { repo }
      for _, mirror in ipairs(repo) do
         local protocol, pathname = dir.split_url(mirror)
         if protocol == "file" then
            mirror = pathname
         local ok, err = manifest_search(results, mirror, query)
         if ok then
            util.warning("Failed searching manifest: "..err)
   return results

--- Prepare a query in dependency table format.
-- @param name string: The query name.
-- @param version string or nil: 
-- @return table: A query in table format
function make_query(name, version)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
   local query = {
      name = name,
      constraints = {}
   if version then
      table.insert(query.constraints, { op = "==", version = deps.parse_version(version)})
   return query

--- Get the URL for the latest in a set of versions.
-- @param name string: The package name to be used in the URL.
-- @param versions table: An array of version informations, as stored
-- in search results tables.
-- @return string or nil: the URL for the latest version if one could
-- be picked, or nil.
local function pick_latest_version(name, versions)
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(versions) == "table")

   local vtables = {}
   for v, _ in pairs(versions) do
      table.insert(vtables, deps.parse_version(v))
   local version = vtables[#vtables].string
   local items = versions[version]
   if items then
      local pick = 1
      for i, item in ipairs(items) do
         if (item.arch == 'src' and items[pick].arch == 'rockspec')
         or (item.arch ~= 'src' and item.arch ~= 'rockspec') then
            pick = i
      return path.make_url(items[pick].repo, name, version, items[pick].arch)
   return nil

--- Attempt to get a single URL for a given search.
-- @param query table: A dependency query.
-- @return string or table or (nil, string): URL for matching rock if
-- a single one was found, a table of candidates if it could not narrow to
-- a single result, or nil followed by an error message.
function find_suitable_rock(query)
   assert(type(query) == "table")
   local results = search_repos(query)
   local first = next(results)
   if not first then
      return nil, "No results matching query were found."
   elseif not next(results, first) then
      return pick_latest_version(, results[first])
      return results

--- Print a list of rocks/rockspecs on standard output.
-- @param results table: A table where keys are package names and versions
-- are tables matching version strings to an array of rocks servers.
-- @param porcelain boolean or nil: A flag to force machine-friendly output.
function print_results(results, porcelain)
   assert(type(results) == "table")
   assert(type(porcelain) == "boolean" or not porcelain)
   for package, versions in util.sortedpairs(results) do
      if not porcelain then
      for version, repos in util.sortedpairs(versions, deps.compare_versions) do
         for _, repo in ipairs(repos) do
            if porcelain then
               util.printout(package, version, repo.arch, repo.repo)
               util.printout("   "..version.." ("..repo.arch..") - "..repo.repo)
      if not porcelain then

--- Splits a list of search results into two lists, one for "source" results
-- to be used with the "build" command, and one for "binary" results to be
-- used with the "install" command.
-- @param results table: A search results table.
-- @return (table, table): Two tables, one for source and one for binary
-- results.
local function split_source_and_binary_results(results)
   local sources, binaries = {}, {}
   for name, versions in pairs(results) do
      for version, repositories in pairs(versions) do
         for _, repo in ipairs(repositories) do
            local where = sources
            if repo.arch == "all" or repo.arch == cfg.arch then
               where = binaries
            store_result(where, name, version, repo.arch, repo.repo)
   return sources, binaries

--- Given a name and optionally a version, try to find in the rocks
-- servers a single .src.rock or .rockspec file that satisfies
-- the request, and run the given function on it; or display to the
-- user possibilities if it couldn't narrow down a single match.
-- @param action function: A function that takes a .src.rock or
-- .rockspec URL as a parameter.
-- @param name string: A rock name
-- @param version string or nil: A version number may also be given.
-- @return The result of the action function, or nil and an error message. 
function act_on_src_or_rockspec(action, name, version, ...)
   assert(type(action) == "function")
   assert(type(name) == "string")
   assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)

   local query = make_query(name, version)
   query.arch = "src|rockspec"
   local results, err = find_suitable_rock(query)
   if type(results) == "string" then
      return action(results, ...)
      return nil, "Could not find a result named " and " "..version or "").."."

--- Driver function for "search" command.
-- @param name string: A substring of a rock name to search.
-- @param version string or nil: a version may also be passed.
-- @return boolean or (nil, string): True if build was successful; nil and an
-- error message otherwise.
function run(...)
   local flags, name, version = util.parse_flags(...)
   if flags["all"] then
      name, version = "", nil

   if type(name) ~= "string" and not flags["all"] then
      return nil, "Enter name and version or use --all; see help."
   local query = make_query(name:lower(), version)
   query.exact_name = false
   local results, err = search_repos(query)
   local porcelain = flags["porcelain"]
   util.title("Search results:", porcelain, "=")
   local sources, binaries = split_source_and_binary_results(results)
   if next(sources) and not flags["binary"] then
      util.title("Rockspecs and source rocks:", porcelain)
      print_results(sources, porcelain)
   if next(binaries) and not flags["source"] then    
      util.title("Binary and pure-Lua rocks:", porcelain)
      print_results(binaries, porcelain)
   return true