view paste/paste.19598 @ 12493:885661512b17 draft

<int-e> le//rn schwartzian//In 1987, Yogurt introduced a better way to rank Schwartz users: Rather than holding an annual tournament, users would take a series of standardized tests adminstered by official Schwartz centers, and would then be ranked according to the results. This lead to the Schwartzian transform because it allowed many more users to be ranked.
author HackEso <>
date Fri, 12 Jan 2024 07:24:55 +0000
parents d7754e0e4259
line wrap: on
line source

2003-07-06.txt:16:17:27: <Andreou> RPN? then /j #nop3 :)))))
2004-06-11.txt:20:34:19: <lament> :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2005-05-18.txt:20:34:31: <kipple> then they give you a page full of ))))))))))))))))))
2005-05-28.txt:23:21:17: <lament> gopher would be even better than ftp :))))))
2005-06-14.txt:23:12:24: <GregorR> Oh, btw, about Lisp, lament: hear hear))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2005-06-14.txt:23:12:24: <GregorR> ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2005-08-05.txt:19:04:27: <int-e> S = lxyz.xz(yz) is an abbreviation for (lx.(ly.(lz.((xz)(yz)))))
2005-08-05.txt:19:06:31: <int-e> Sabc = (((Sa)b)c) = ((((lx.(ly.(lz.((xz)(yz)))))a)b)c) = (((ly.(lz.((az)(yz))))b)c) = ((lz.((az)(bz)))c) = ((ac)(bc))
2005-08-05.txt:20:34:55: <calamari> ((((lx.(ly.(lz.((xz)(yz)))))a)b)c) = (((ly.(lz.((az)(yz))))b)c), why is lx removed and not lz?  that's what's confusing me
2005-08-05.txt:20:35:32: <int-e> I reduce the subterm ((lx.(ly.(lz.((xz)(yz)))))a)
2005-08-05.txt:23:24:34: <int-e> I was somehow thinking of numbers as fffffffx instead of f(f(f(f(fx))))) ...
2005-08-06.txt:01:15:52: <int-e> --> (?f.f (?x y.x) (?x y.x (x y)) (?x y.x (x (x (x (x (x y)))))))
2005-08-06.txt:01:57:22: <int-e> new lsub: (\a b.\g x.(a <pow> I (b <pow> (K x))) ((\x.x x) (\f x.g (x (f f)))))
2005-08-10.txt:00:40:11: <jix> did ?z x y.x (z x y) => (S (K (S (S (K S) (S (K K) I))))) (S (S (K S) (S (K (S (K S))) (S (K (S (K K))) (S (S (K S) (S (K K) I)) (K I))))) (K (K I)))
2005-08-10.txt:00:55:08: <jix> did (?x y z.x z y) => (S (S (K S) (S (K K) (S (K S) (S (S (K S) (S (K K) I)) (K I))))) (K (S (K K) I))) in 10 mins
2005-09-18.txt:01:45:16: <Keymaker> like for example ((((()))))
2005-10-20.txt:17:17:49: <graue> jix: nowhere :)))))))))
2005-10-30.txt:00:05:50: <GregorR> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  TURN AWAY, BEFORE THE POWER OF LISP ENTANGLES YOU)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2005-10-30.txt:00:14:10: <GregorR> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2005-10-30.txt:00:15:42: <GregorR> )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) is always a problem.
2005-10-30.txt:00:37:12: <fizzie> And I only have a ")))))))))))" in the Glass compiler thing, no longer strings of parens.
2005-11-05.txt:16:01:00: <jix> GregorR_: ... target)))))))) ;)
2005-11-05.txt:17:17:08: <jix> use lisp!)))))) ;)
2005-11-06.txt:16:10:58: <int-e> (defun curry3 (f) (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) (funcall f x y z)))))
2005-11-26.txt:21:08:25: <ihope> So far, I have ack 3 (ack 1 (ack 1 (ack 1 (ack 0 (ack 1 4))))).
2005-11-27.txt:19:12:56: <fizzie> 3.80 seconds to calculate the value of (letrec ((fib (lambda (n) (if (= n 1) 0 (if (= n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))))))) (fib 8)) -- this must be one of the slowest scheme systems ever built.
2006-01-01.txt:18:36:30: <SimonRC> heh: ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2006-01-15.txt:02:34:44: <lament> ((((((((((()))))))))))
2006-02-25.txt:00:53:27: <ihope> \a b c d e f g -> a g (f g) (e g (f g)) (d g (f g) (e g (f g))) (c g (f g) (e g (f g)) (d g (f g) (e g (f g)))) (b g (f g) (e g (f g)) (d g (f g) (e g (f g))) (c g (f g) (e g (f g)) (d g (f g) (e g (f g)))))
2006-03-10.txt:21:32:47: <jix> RoboGregorR: pha just because you arn't used to the lisp syntax))))))))))
2006-03-20.txt:16:02:41: <ihope> B(1,1,1) = B(0,B(1,0,1),B(1,1,0)) = B(0,B(0,1,1),B(1,0,1)) = B(0,A(1,1),B(0,1,1)) = B(0,A(0,A(1,0)),A(1,1)) = B(0,A(0,A(0,1)),A(0,A(1,0))) = B(0,A(0,2),A(0,A(0,1))) = B(0,3,A(0,2)) = B(0,3,3) = A(3,3) = A(2,A(3,2)) = A(2,A(2,A(3,1))) = A(2,A(2,A(2,A(3,0)))) = A(2,A(2,A(2,A(2,1)))) = A(2,A(2,A(2,A(1,A(2,0))))) = A(2,A(2,A(2,A(1,A(2,0)))))
2006-04-27.txt:01:24:57: <calamari> consider a loop ((((([...)))))]  if I have a negative number and jump to the (((( then I still have to climb out of the negs, I don't start at zero like I did the first time
2006-05-30.txt:01:37:23: <ihope> Hmm, aleph(aleph(aleph(aleph(aleph(aleph(aleph(...)))))))
2006-07-27.txt:05:37:56: <thematrixeatsyou> (((((((((())))))))))(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()())((()()()()())((())(())(())(())(())(())(())(()))(()()()()()()()))((()()()()()()()()())(())()()()()()()())
2006-07-27.txt:06:04:18: <thematrixeatsyou> then again, the (((((((((())))))))))(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()())((()()()()())((())(())(())(())(())(())(())(()))(()()()()()()()))((()()()()()()()()())(())()()()()()()()) would ring a wtf
2006-08-29.txt:00:44:14: <ihope> #do eval ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2006-08-29.txt:00:44:15: <GreyKnight> #do eval ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2006-08-29.txt:00:44:17: <GreyKnight> #> '((LAMBDA (X) (LIST X (LIST (QUOTE QUOTE) X))) (QUOTE (LAMBDA (X) (LIST X (LIST (QUOTE QUOTE) X)))))
2006-08-29.txt:08:28:06: <GreyKnight> We were using (defun ackermann (a b) (if (= a 0) (1+ b) (if (< a 0) 0 (if (= b 0) (ackermann (1- a) 1) (ackermann (1- a) (ackermann a (1- b)))))))
2006-08-29.txt:19:11:00: <ihope> lamentLikes x = length x == 6 && head x == 'P' && head (tail x) == 'y' && head (tail (tail x)) == 't' && head (tail (tail (tail x))) = 'h' && head (tail (tail (tail (tail x)))) = 'o' && head (tail (tail (tail (tail (tail x))))) = 'n'
2006-09-06.txt:01:07:10: <ihope> (defun foldr (f b l) (cond ((null l) b) (something (f (car l) (foldr f b (cdr l)))))) <- my little foldr function
2006-09-06.txt:01:09:40: <ihope> (defun foldr (f b l) (if (null l) b (f (car l) (foldr f b (cdr l)))))?
2006-09-06.txt:01:18:01: <Razor-X> (define (fold-right function initial list) (if (null? list) (function initial initial) (if (null? (cdr list)) (function initial (car list)) (fold-right function (function initial (car list)) (cdr list)))))
2006-11-05.txt:03:08:13: <SevenInchBread> ha":"values").values()))))()].__dict__.[lambda: "__class__"()].__dict__[lambda "".join(list("".join(list("__len__"))))()].__call__.__call__.__call__.__call__())
2006-11-22.txt:05:00:11: <SimonRC> PLUS = (LAMBDA (X Y) (X (LAMBDA () Y) (LAMBDA (N) (SUCC (PLUS N Y)))))
2006-11-22.txt:05:02:55: <SimonRC> plus = (lambda (x y)  (x           (lambda ()    y) (lambda (n)   (succ (plus n y)))))
2006-11-22.txt:05:08:37: <SimonRC> NAT-TO-CHURCH = (LAMBDA (N) (LAMBDA (F) (LAMBDA (X) (N (LAMBDA () X) (LAMBDA (M) (F (NAT-TO-CHURCH M))))))
2006-11-22.txt:05:11:16: <SimonRC> NAT-TO-CHURCH = (LAMBDA (N) (LAMBDA (F X) (N (LAMBDA () X) (LAMBDA (M) F (NAT-TO-CHURCH M))))))
2006-12-22.txt:02:15:05: <bsmntbombdood> given (defun a (m n) (cond ((= m 0) (+ n 1)) ((and (> m 0) (= n 0)) (a (- m 1) 1)) ((and (> m 0) (> n 0)) (a (- m 1) (a m (- n 1)))))), does (a 10 13) terminate?
2006-12-22.txt:02:16:11: <bsmntbombdood> given (defun a (m n) (cond ((= m 0) (+ n 1)) ((and (> m 0) (= n 0)) (a (- m 1) 1)) ((and (> m 0) (> n 0)) (a (- m 1) (a m (- n 1)))))), compute (a 4 3) please
2006-12-22.txt:02:37:12: <bsmntbombdood> given that (defun f (x y) (cond ((> x y) (f y x) (t (f (+ x y) y))))), does (f 2 1) terminate? does (f 1 2) terminate?
2007-01-07.txt:01:30:02: <ihope> ~pexec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~list (.*)", lambda x,y : bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, list(
2007-01-18.txt:05:22:46: <oklopol> :)))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:40:24: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(random.randint(1,int(y.groups("d")))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:40:50: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(str(random.randint(1,int(y.groups("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:41:32: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(str(random.randint(1,int("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:42:25: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(str(__import__("random").randint(1,int(y.groups("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:44:32: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout.write(str(__import__("random").randint(1,int(y.groups("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:46:04: <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout.write(str(__import__("random").randint(1,int("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:47:44: <CakeProphet> ~exec globals()["random"] = __import__("random");self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout.write(str(random.randint(1,int("d"))))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:56:33: <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?:(?: (.*?) ))* *", lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*ha.groups()))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:57:13: <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?:(?: (.*?) ))* *" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*ha.groups()))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:58:33: <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?P<inp>.*)$" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*"inp")))))
2007-01-21.txt:07:59:25: <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda self, x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?P<inp>.*)$" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*"inp")))))
2007-01-21.txt:08:01:27: <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda self, x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?P<inp>.*)$" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f("inp")))))
2007-01-27.txt:13:19:03: <LeaLeaLea> :)))))
2007-01-27.txt:13:19:10: <LeaLeaLea> :)))))))))))))))))))))
2007-01-29.txt:23:58:27: <bsmntbombdood> (define (curry f . x) (lambda (a . rest) (apply f (append x (cons a rest)))))
2007-02-01.txt:00:54:25: <bsmntbombdood> (define fibs (cons-stream 0 (cons-stream 1 (stream-add fibs (stream-cdr fibs)))))
2007-02-10.txt:23:59:51: <oerjan> (define (f n) (cond ((perfect n) 1) (else (f (+ n 2))))) (f 3)
2007-02-22.txt:16:59:35: <EgoBot> ((((((((((((((((Hello, world!))))))))))))))))
2007-02-24.txt:18:51:51: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:18:52:29: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:18:53:11: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:18:54:19: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:19:21:54: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:19:27:09: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-24.txt:19:28:49: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-25.txt:00:51:10: <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~ski (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (, ski_repl.unparse(ski_repl.simp(ski_repl.parse(
2007-02-26.txt:16:11:03: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-02-26.txt:16:11:29: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-02-26.txt:16:11:53: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-02-26.txt:16:15:30: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-02-26.txt:16:18:00: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-02-26.txt:16:25:08: <oerjan> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :>>>(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(repr(eval(
2007-03-04.txt:00:37:52: <SevenInchBread> (cons (cons (cons (cons (cons nil)))))      ...5, and then use the properties of lists to do arithmetic.
2007-03-16.txt:00:16:41: <oerjan> ((Y (lambda (f) (lambda (l) (f (cons 'bitch l))))) '())
2007-03-16.txt:00:21:10: <bsmntbombdood> ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (f) (cons 'bitch (f f)))))
2007-03-16.txt:00:24:25: <bsmntbombdood> (cons 'bitch ((lambda (f) (cons 'bitch (f f))) (lambda (f) (cons 'bitch (f f)))))
2007-03-16.txt:00:30:35: <bsmntbombdood> ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (f) (cons-stream 'bitch (f f)))))
2007-03-18.txt:09:57:12: <Sgeo> Someone please find number of digits of 2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^0))))))
2007-03-18.txt:09:59:39: <Sgeo> (2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^0))))) has over 19 thousand digits
2007-03-18.txt:10:00:22: <GreaseMonkey> 2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^0)))))) -> 2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^1))))) -> 2^(2^(2^(2^(2^2))))
2007-03-18.txt:10:01:01: <Sgeo> length $ show $ (2^(2^(2^(2^(2^(2^0))))))
2007-03-27.txt:16:18:30: <Figs> (d(d(d(d(d(d(d(d(4)))))))-s(4))*d(4)-d(4)
2007-03-27.txt:18:42:37: <SimonRC> ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2007-04-07.txt:23:39:51: <bsmntbombdood> (display ((lambda (x) (list (quote display) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))) (quote (lambda (x) (list (quote display) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))))
2007-04-07.txt:23:50:20: <oerjan> shorter: ((lambda (x) (display (list x (list (quote quote) x)))) (quote (lambda (x) (display (list x (list (quote quote) x))))))
2007-06-16.txt:00:46:24: <bsmntbombdood> ((lambda 3 1 ((closure-ref (get-num-arg 1) 0) (get-num-arg 1) (closure (lambda 2 3 ((lambda 1 1 ((closure-ref (get-num-arg 1) 0) (get-num-arg 1) (get-num-arg 3))) (get-num-arg 2)))))) (closure (lambda 4 2 (%halt (get-num-arg 2)))))
2007-06-25.txt:18:45:27: <Arrogant> ((y-lambda (self) (λ (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (self (- n 1)))))) 5) ; 120
2007-06-25.txt:18:52:31: <Arrogant> (define y-combinator (λ (x) ((λ (p) (x (λ (n) ((p p) n)))) (λ (p) (x (λ (n) ((p p) n)))))))
2007-06-25.txt:18:52:35: <Arrogant>       `(y-combinator (λ (,self-symbol) ,proc)))))
2007-07-08.txt:05:54:46: <RodgerTheGreat> (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("lisp sucks too, if you're fucking ridiculous about it.")))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2007-07-23.txt:22:36:04: <oklofok> (define (div a b) ((church-less-than a b) nil) (else (+ 1 (div (sub a b) b)))))
2007-07-23.txt:22:37:40: <oklofok> (define (div a b) ((church-less-than a b) nil) (else (inc (div (sub a b) b)))))
2007-07-26.txt:23:55:55: <bsmntbombdood> (call/cc (lambda (cont) (let ((foo (lambda () (cont #f)))) (print (begin (foo) 1)))))
2007-08-26.txt:09:51:00: <oklopol> >>> sch (define factorial (lambda (a) (if (= a 0) 1 (if (= a 1) 1 (* a (factorial (- a 1)))))))(factorial 6)
2007-08-26.txt:09:52:45: <oklopol> >>> sch (define (factorial a) (cond ((= a 0) 1) ((= a 1) 1) (1 (* a (factorial (- a 1)))))) (factorial 6)
2007-08-27.txt:20:44:18: <oklopol> >>> sch (define s (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))))
2007-08-27.txt:20:45:49: <oerjan> sch (define fib (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1) (- n 2))))))
2007-08-27.txt:20:45:54: <oerjan> >>> sch (define fib (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1) (- n 2))))))
2007-08-27.txt:20:46:52: <oerjan> >>> sch (define fib (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))))
2007-08-27.txt:20:48:35: <oklopol> >>> sch (define s (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:09:45: <oklopol> >>> sch (define s (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:11:51: <bsmntbombdood_> >>> sch ((lamdba (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lamdba (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:13:21: <bsmntbombdood_> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:15:15: <bsmntbombdood_> >> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:15:25: <bsmntbombdood_> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:35:25: <oklopol> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:43:34: <oklopol> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:45:00: <oklopol> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:46:21: <oklopol> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-27.txt:21:46:50: <oklopol> ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))))) <<< this is output if i run from command line
2007-08-27.txt:21:48:03: <bsmntbombdood_> >>> sch (((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (self) (lambda (a b) (if (= b 0) a ((self self) (+ a 1) (- b 1)))))) 4 5)
2007-08-27.txt:21:57:05: <oklopol> >>> sch ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))
2007-08-27.txt:21:57:06: <ololobot> ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ())))) (quote (lambda (x) (cons x (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons x (quote ()))) (quote ()))))))
2007-08-29.txt:00:10:15: <xor> ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (self) (lambda (f) (f (lambda args (apply ((self self) f) args))))))
2007-09-13.txt:18:55:19: <ehird`> ~exec time.sleep((lambda x: 1 - x - __import__("math").floor(x))(time.time())); while True: sys.stdout(__import__("math").floor(time.time())))))))
2007-10-30.txt:17:41:00: <ololobot>  -> ('s', ('s', ('k', 's'), 'k'), ('s', ('s', ('k', 's'), 'k'), ('s', ('s', ('k', 's'), 'k'), ('s', ('s', ('k', 's'), 'k'), ('s', ('s', ('k', 's'), 'k'), ('k', 'i'))))))
2007-11-03.txt:20:24:50: <oklopol> >>> sch (define s (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))))
2007-11-03.txt:20:49:44: <oklopol> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-03.txt:23:51:23: <oklopol> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-03.txt:23:52:10: <oklopol> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-03.txt:23:53:41: <oklopol> > ((((lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (lambda (a) (lambda (b) a))) (lambda (a) (lambda (b) a))) 8)
2007-11-04.txt:00:15:24: <oklopol> > ((((lambda (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (lambda (a) (lambda (b) a))) (lambda (a) (lambda (b) a))) 8)
2007-11-04.txt:00:17:05: <oklopol> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:17:58: <ehird`> (def s (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:17:59: <ehird`> > (def s (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:20:33: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def k (a) (lambda (b) a))
2007-11-04.txt:00:23:02: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def k (a) (lambda (b) a)) (((s k) k) 3)
2007-11-04.txt:00:24:45: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def k (a) (lambda (b) a)) (((s k) k) 3)
2007-11-04.txt:00:26:05: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def k (a) (lambda (b) a)) (((s k) k) 3)
2007-11-04.txt:00:27:16: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def k (a) (lambda (b) a)) (((s k) k) 3)
2007-11-04.txt:00:37:21: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:39:15: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:40:06: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:48:26: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:48:58: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:06: <ehird`> > (def k (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:12: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:16: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:23: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:24: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:26: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:27: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c))))) (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:49:58: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:50:56: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:01: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:05: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:06: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:09: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:12: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:51:14: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:58:12: <ehird`> > > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:58:15: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:00:58:20: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:01:06:50: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:01:06:51: <ehird`> > (def s (a) (lambda (b) (lambda (c) ((a c) (b c)))))
2007-11-04.txt:17:26:44: <ehird`> > (def fact (n) (if (eq n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
2007-11-04.txt:17:27:47: <ehird`> > (def fact (n) (if (eq n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
2007-11-04.txt:17:30:08: <ehird`> > (def fact (n) (if (eq n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
2007-11-04.txt:17:31:08: <ehird`> > (def fact (n) (if (eq n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
2007-11-04.txt:17:33:27: <ehird`> > (def fact (n) (if (eq n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
2007-11-30.txt:16:43:07: <ihope> A(0,A(1,139)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).
2007-12-19.txt:20:12:52: <faxathisia> the last 5 pages of the universe is alll ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2007-12-21.txt:18:15:50: <Slereah-> I get ((S((S((S(KS))((S(KS))((S((S(KS))((S(KK))(KS))))((S((S(KS))((S(KK))(KK))))((S(KK))I))))))(KI))((S(KK))(KI)))
2007-12-21.txt:18:21:37: <SimonRC> e.g. it turns 5,4,x into  (5 4) x == (\y. 4 (4 (4 (4 (4 y))))) x = 4(4(4(4(4x))))
2007-12-21.txt:21:34:42: <faxathisia> e.g. context = new Context(Symbol.intern("succ"), new Lambda(new Cons(Symbol.intern("n"), new Nil()), new Lambda(new Cons(Symbol.intern("f"), new Cons(Symbol.intern("x"), new Nil())), new Cons(Symbol.intern("n"), new Cons(Symbol.intern("f"), new Cons(new Cons(Symbol.intern("f"), new Cons(Symbol.intern("x"), new Nil())), new Nil()))))), context);
2007-12-22.txt:02:56:07: <faxathisia> s = ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) ((s (k s)) ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))) (k ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i))))
2007-12-22.txt:02:59:06: <faxathisia> \x y z w -> ((x y) (z w)) = ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k (s (k s)))) ((s (k (s (k k)))) ((s (k (s (k s)))) ((s (k (s (k k)))) ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))))) (k (k ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))
2007-12-22.txt:14:27:12: <faxathisia> e.g. when you see a branch with ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) ((s (k s)) ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))) (k ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))) in it -- which has type (a -> b -> c) -> (a  -> b) -> a -> c, just replace it with s
2008-01-05.txt:21:10:06: <timotiis>       (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))
2008-01-05.txt:21:11:16: <timotiis>    (else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))
2008-01-05.txt:21:13:30: <timotiis>     (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
2008-01-15.txt:00:28:17: <faxlore>                      (first lists)))))
2008-01-15.txt:01:40:26: <ehird`> (def silly (lst) (extract (((first rest... last)) lst)) (cons last (append rest (list first)))))
2008-01-21.txt:21:30:16: <oklopol> ;)))))))))))))))))))
2008-01-22.txt:16:13:03: <ehird> (LET ((#:G2102 1) (#:G2103 1))   (LET ((#:G2104 (EQUAL #:G2102 #:G2103)))   (IF #:G2104 #:G2104       (OR        (ERROR         (FORMAT NIL "Test failed, expected ~S but got ~S" #:G2102 #:G2103))))))
2008-01-22.txt:22:44:27: <ehird>     (else (apply (elt commands (car p)) (cdr p)))))
2008-01-23.txt:19:49:03: <ehird> (defmacro times (n &body body) (if (= n 1) body `(progn ,body (times ,(- n 1) ,@(cdr body)))))
2008-01-23.txt:19:49:35: <ehird> (defmacro times (n &body body) (if (= n 1) body `(progn ,@body (times ,(- n 1) ,@(cdr body)))))
2008-01-23.txt:19:58:57: <ehird>       `((progn ,@body) ,@(macroexpand `(times-helper ,(- n 1) ,@body)))))
2008-01-24.txt:21:01:48: <faxathisia> ((lambda (m) ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (y) (m (y y)))))) ;; Should work in a lazy lisp
2008-01-28.txt:01:12:28: <adu> makeCounter = (\name = (count = 0, tick = (\name = (\name.count = (\name.count + 1)))))
2008-02-08.txt:22:13:56: -!- ehird__ changed the topic of #esoteric to: ((lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (lambda () (x x)))) (lambda (x) (f (lambda () (x x))))) (lambda (f) (display "THE TOPIC IS NOT ") (write (f))))
2008-02-10.txt:20:42:23: <ehird`> (a (b (c) (d))) -> (c (lambda (x) (d (lambda (y) (b x y (lambda (z) (a z))))))
2008-02-15.txt:13:13:05: <slereah_> Or ^f^x.f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(x))))))) in lambdas.
2008-03-22.txt:19:00:10: <marshmallows> #0=(begin #@(((source-file . "console") (line-number . 1) (column-number . 11) . #1=((source-kind . user))) . (write #@(((source-file . "console") (line-number . 1) (column-number . 18) . #1#) . (quote #@(((source-file . "console") (line-number . 1) (column-number . 4) . #1#) . #0#))))) #@(((source-file . "console") (line-number . 1) (column-number . 31) . #1#) . (newline)))
2008-03-29.txt:00:47:05: <marshmallows> (a b c d) = (a . (b . (c . (d . ()))))
2008-03-29.txt:00:49:17: <marshmallows> (a . (lambda () (b (lambda () (c (lambda () (d . ()))))))) = (stream a b c d)
2008-03-29.txt:00:56:41: <ehird> (define (read-file f) (let ((c (read-char f))) (if (eof-object? c) '() (cons c (read-file f)))))
2008-03-29.txt:01:08:20: <ehird>                  (apply amb (cdr args)))))))
2008-03-31.txt:21:51:21: <ehird> (languages (applicative (in (backwards (is (composition (function))))))) -- Slava Pestov, creator of Factor
2008-04-03.txt:17:25:47: <oklopol> current factorial (= fact {(-> 1 1) (-> n (* n (out (' (- n 1)))))}) (fact 4)
2008-04-03.txt:17:55:38: <oklopol> (= fact {(-> 1 (outn 1)) (-> n (outn (* n (' (- n 1)))))}) (fact 4)
2008-04-09.txt:16:46:39: <ehird> :: (= qs {    (-> [] [])    (-> (: h t)       (+ (qs (\ {(< _ h)} t))          (+ [h]             (qs (\ {(>= _ h)} t)))))})
2008-04-10.txt:01:37:32: <oklofok> :: (= qs {(-> [] []) (-> (: h t) (+ (qs (\ {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (\ {(>= _ h)} t)))))})
2008-04-10.txt:01:38:33: <oklofok> :: (= qs {(-> [] []) (-> (: h t) (+ (qs (ftr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (ftr {(>= _ h)} t)))))})
2008-04-10.txt:02:19:25: <oklopol> :: (= list (cons 6 (cons 1 (cons 9 (cons 2 (cons 4 (cons 0 nil)))))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:19:59: <oklopol> :: (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:02:26:35: <oklopol> :: (= list (cons 6 (cons 1 (cons 9 (cons 2 (cons 4 (cons 0 nil))))))) (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []}) (qs list)
2008-04-10.txt:02:27:20: <adu> :: (qs (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 nil))))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:28:30: <oklopol> :: (qs (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 nil)))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:28:54: <oklopol> :: (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:02:29:43: <oklopol> :: (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (\ {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (\ {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:02:29:55: <adu> :: (qs (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 nil))))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:30:26: <adu> :: (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 nil)))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:47:00: <oklopol> :: (= list (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:47:10: <oklopol> :: (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:02:48:26: <oklopol> :: (= list (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))))))
2008-04-10.txt:02:48:31: <oklopol> :: (= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:02:55:05: <oklopol> :: (= list (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))))))
2008-04-10.txt:03:04:14: <adu> :: (= qsort {(-> (: h t) (+ (qsort (filter {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qsort p(filter {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:03:04:33: <adu> (= qsort {(-> (: h t) (+ (qsort (filter {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qsort (filter {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:03:04:38: <adu> :: (= qsort {(-> (: h t) (+ (qsort (filter {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qsort (filter {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})
2008-04-10.txt:03:15:27: <oklopol> :: (= cons {(-> [h t] {(-> [$pb :] [h t]) (-> $car h) (-> $cdr t) (-> [$setcar h] h) (-> [$setcdr t] t) (-> [$! 0] h) (-> [$! n] (! t (- n 1))) (-> $length (+ 1 (length t)))})})(= list (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))))))(= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})(qs list)
2008-04-10.txt:03:16:12: <oklopol> :: (= cons {(-> [h t] {(-> [$pb :] [h t]) (-> $car h) (-> $cdr t) (-> [$setcar h] h) (-> [$setcdr t] t) (-> [$! 0] h) (-> [$! n] (! t (- n 1))) (-> $length (+ 1 (length t)))})})(= list [6 5 4 3 2 1 0])(= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})(qs list)
2008-04-17.txt:18:38:09: <oklopol> i want >...< to be the neglist syntax :)))))
2008-04-24.txt:20:35:40: <oklofok> :))))))
2008-04-28.txt:16:38:16: <ehird_> fix f arg = f (f (f ... (f arg)))))
2008-05-06.txt:22:21:22: <ehird> or do oko-style :)))))))))))))))))))))))
2008-05-06.txt:22:21:33: <ehird> but i have never said :-)))))) before coming in here
2008-05-08.txt:22:17:54: <ehird> (define (tc expr) (cond ((eq? (car expr) 'lambda) (lambda (x) (replace (cadr expr) x (cddr expr)))) (else (apply (eval (car expr)) (map eval (cdr expr)))))
2008-06-05.txt:00:44:44: <tusho> (define (N n) (if (zero? n) N0 (S (N (- 1 n)))))
2008-06-05.txt:01:07:54: <tusho> (define (mu' f n) (if (zero? (f n)) 0 (+ 1 (mu f (+ n 1)))))
2008-06-05.txt:18:52:49: <Slereah> [19:51:17] <Slereah> Would µ with one variable be (define (µ f y) (cond ((= (f y) 0) y) ( #t ( µ f (+ y 1))))) ?
2008-06-10.txt:01:07:02: <Slereah> (define (A m n) (cond ((= m 0) (+ 1 n))((> m 0)(cond ((= n 0) (A (- m 1) 1)) (> n 0) (A (- m 1) (A m (- n 1)))))))
2008-06-10.txt:01:12:42: <Slereah> (define (A m n) (if (= m 0) (+ 1 n) (if (= n 0) (A (- m 1) 1) (A (- m 1) (A m (- n 1))))))
2008-06-10.txt:01:47:19: <tusho> ((/ a b) . (modulo . (a . (b . ()))))
2008-06-13.txt:01:15:31: <Slereah> I use (define (M n) (if (> n 100) (- n 10) (M (M (+ n 11)))))
2008-06-13.txt:03:21:02: <Slereah> (define (list->number x n) (if (null? (cdr x)) (*(power 10 n) (car x)) (+ (* (last x) (power 10 n)) (list->number (cdr (reverse x)) (+ 1 n)))))
2008-06-13.txt:03:35:04: <oklofok> (define (power a b) (if (= b 0) 1 (* a (power a (- b 1))))) this can be done logarithmically
2008-06-23.txt:13:42:14: <oklopol> so fixed-point of (f n) is (f (f (f (... (f(f n)))))
2008-07-14.txt:20:24:52: <tusho>       (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
2008-07-18.txt:01:45:27: <oklopol> but anyway, i think augur just sucks ass, as he's gay ;)))))
2008-07-19.txt:03:43:01: <adu> (every(thing (in (lisp (uses (parent))))))
2008-07-27.txt:22:04:54: <psygnisfive> (define (cons a b) (lambda (op) (cond ((= op 'car) a) ((= op 'cdr) b) (else (error)))))
2008-08-02.txt:07:35:57: <oklopol> :))))))
2008-08-09.txt:14:29:33: <optbot> tusho: (= cons {(-> [h t] {(-> [$pb :] [h t]) (-> $car h) (-> $cdr t) (-> [$setcar h] h) (-> [$setcdr t] t) (-> [$! 0] h) (-> [$! n] (! t (- n 1))) (-> $length (+ 1 (length t)))})})(= list (cons 5 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))))))(= qs {(-> (: h t) (+ (qs (flr {(< _ h)} t)) (+ [h] (qs (flr {(>= _ h)} t))))) []})(qs list)
2008-08-14.txt:08:21:40: <oklopol> lucky us! :))))))
2008-10-01.txt:17:03:05: <tusho> ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
2008-10-01.txt:17:20:21: <fizzie> (for-each display (append (map (lambda (i) (string-ref "Hello, world!" i)) (letrec ((iota (lambda (from to) (if (= from to) (cons from '()) (cons from (iota (+ from 1) to)))))) (iota 0 12))) (list #\newline)))
2008-10-01.txt:17:49:41: <AnMaster> While I can certainly see some very very good things with scheme, I have so far two issues with it: 1) you end up with too many ))))) at the end of many expressions for it to be readable. 2) apart from really trivial things it is rather ugly languages, and then I don't mean only macros, but also code with no macros
2008-10-10.txt:22:27:52: <optbot> oepy: ((lambda 3 1 ((closure-ref (get-num-arg 1) 0) (get-num-arg 1) (closure (lambda 2 3 ((lambda 1 1 ((closure-ref (get-num-arg 1) 0) (get-num-arg 1) (get-num-arg 3))) (get-num-arg 2)))))) (closure (lambda 4 2 (%halt (get-num-arg 2)))))
2008-10-15.txt:19:40:00: <fizzie> |: (+ 1 (call/cc (lambda (k) (+ 2 (k 3)))))
2008-10-24.txt:00:04:31: <thutubot> (((((~())))))
2008-10-24.txt:03:57:49: <thutubot> 01(1)(0)((1)(0))((0)(1))(((1)(0))((0)(1)))(((0)(1))((1)(0)))((((1)(0))((0)(1)))(((0)(1))((1)(0))))((((0)(1))((1)(0)))(((1)(0))((0)(1))))(((((1)(0))((0)(1)))(((0)(1))((1)(0))))((((0)(1))((1)(0)))(((1)(0))((0)(1)))))(((((0)(1))((1)(0)))(((1)(0))((0)(1))))((((1)(0))((0)(1)))(((0)(1))((1)(0))))) ...too much output!
2008-10-28.txt:02:05:26: <thutubot> (((((!())))))(((((!())))))(((((!())))))(((((!())))))((!()))((!()))!() ...S out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:03:30:53: <thutubot> (((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))((!!))((!!))!! ...S out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:03:31:24: <thutubot> ()((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))(((!!)))(((!!)))(!!) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:03:39:51: <thutubot> ~:(*a(a(:^)*(*a)~*a(~:)~*(~^)*):^)~^(((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))(((((!!)))))((!!))((!!))!! ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:03:40:27: <thutubot> (~:(*a(a(:^)*(*a)~*a(~:)~*(~^)*):^)~^)()((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))((((((!!))))))(((!!)))(((!!)))(!!) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:03:46:09: <thutubot> (((((((((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))((!!()())))((!!()())))
2008-10-28.txt:03:46:35: <thutubot> ((((((((((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))((!!()())))((!!()())))) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:04:02:12: <thutubot> ((((!!()()))(((!!()()))((((((!!()())))))((((((!!()())))))((((((!!()())))))((((((!!()())))))))))))) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:04:30:40: <thutubot> (~a*^((^)((:)S)(!(A)S(^)*())())!^^(^):^)(~:a(((:)S)(!(A)S(^)*())())*(^)~a*(~a*)~*(!^^)*~a*(:^)*)((((((((((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))((!!()())))((!!()())))) ...too much output!
2008-10-28.txt:04:45:58: <thutubot> ()(!!()())(((((((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))()(!(A)S(^)*())((:)S)(^) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-28.txt:04:48:31: <thutubot> (~:a(((:)S)(!(A)S(^)*())())*(^)~a*(~a*^)*~*(!^^)*~a*()*^)(!!()())(((((((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()()))))))(((((!!()())))))) ...too much output!
2008-10-28.txt:04:54:54: <thutubot> (((((((!!()()))))(((!!()()))))((!!()())))) ...a out of stack!
2008-10-29.txt:03:57:26: <thutubot> ((((((^))))))(((((^)))))(((((^)))))(((^)))((^))((^))(^) ...a out of stack!
2008-11-04.txt:20:22:01: <thutubot> ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ...too much output!
2008-11-11.txt:15:09:24: <fizzie> I usually just use the named-let for that sort of functions:  (define (mu f) (let loop ((n 0)) (if (= 0 (f n)) n (loop (s n))))) -- but that's of course a matter of style.
2008-11-11.txt:17:01:42: <Slereah>                                (apply (g append(list( (- n 1) (apply (rec (append (list f g (- n 1))args)))) args)))))
2008-11-22.txt:00:35:45: <oklopol> ;))))))
2008-11-22.txt:14:00:09: <oklopol> "as long as it's not pop pop culture, it's okay, and it's not not okay if i *don't* know." (forall X)(okay(pop_pop_culture(X) ^ know(X))), then emphasis on (not (not (okay(pop ... know(X)))))
2008-11-22.txt:14:03:52: <oklopol> "as long as it's not pop pop culture, it's okay, and it's not not okay if i *don't* know." (forall X)(okay((((not pop_culture(X)) ^ (pop_pop_culture(X))) ^ (know(X)))))
2008-12-25.txt:18:59:56: <ais523|direct> because they don't stack as well as ))))) or }}}
2009-01-07.txt:12:58:51: <fizzie> "int x=3;" is an instance of the 'declaration' syntax; It's something like (declaration (declaration-specifiers (type-specifier "int")) (init-declarator-list (init-declarator (declarator "x") "=" (initializer "3"))))))))))))))))))))))))))) in tree form.
2009-01-17.txt:17:08:57: <ehird> ~exec self.register_raw(r':[^ ]+ TOPIC #esoteric :(.*)', lambda m: self.raw('TOPIC #esoteric :%s |' % (,)))))
2009-01-18.txt:02:15:29: <kerlo> mbda x (lambda y (lambda z ((x z) (y z))))))"
2009-01-18.txt:02:48:49: <MizardX> ((\s ((\k s) (\x (\y x)))) (\x (\y (\z ((x z) (y z))))))
2009-01-18.txt:15:21:39: <ais523> #eval ((l (y z) (y (y (y (y (y z))))) (l (x) (f a x x)) (y))
2009-01-18.txt:15:21:42: <ehird> #eval (l (f) ((l (x) (f (x x))) (l (x) (f (x x)))))
2009-01-18.txt:15:21:56: <ais523> #eval ((l (y z) (y (y (y (y (y z)))))) (l (x) (f a x x)) (y))
2009-01-18.txt:15:22:36: <AnMaster> #eval ((l (y z) (y (y (y (y (y z)))))) (l (x) (f a x x)) (l (f) ((l (x) (f (x x))) (l (x) (f (x x))))))
2009-01-18.txt:15:22:42: <ais523> #eval ((l (y z) (y (y (y (y (y z)))))) (l (x) (f a x x)) (q))
2009-01-18.txt:15:22:53: <ehird> #eval (l (f) ((l (x) (f (x x))) (l (x) (f (x x)))))
2009-01-19.txt:23:11:11: <kerlo> %eval ((((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k) foo)
2009-01-19.txt:23:11:36: <kerlo> %eval (((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k)
2009-01-19.txt:23:12:37: <kerlo> %eval (((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k))
2009-01-19.txt:23:12:38: <kerlobot> [l (z) ((((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k) z) ((k ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)) z))]
2009-01-19.txt:23:12:47: <kerlo> %eval ((((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k)) foo)
2009-01-19.txt:23:12:48: <kerlobot> (foo (((s ((s s) k)) (k foo)) ((k ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)) foo)))
2009-01-19.txt:23:13:00: <kerlo> %eval (((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k))
2009-01-19.txt:23:13:00: <kerlobot> [l (z) ((((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k) z) ((k ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)) z))]
2009-01-19.txt:23:13:11: <kerlo> %eval (hold (((s s)k)((s(k((s s)(s((s s)k)))))k)))
2009-01-19.txt:23:13:11: <kerlobot> (hold (((s s) k) ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)))
2009-01-19.txt:23:16:48: <kerlo> %temp ((lambda (fix) input) (((s s) k) ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)))
2009-01-19.txt:23:17:24: <kerlo> %temp ((l (fix) input) (((s s) k) ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)))
2009-01-19.txt:23:18:21: <kerlobot> [l (z) ((((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k) z) ((k ((s (k ((s s) (s ((s s) k))))) k)) z))]
[too many lines; stopping]